May - June Issue 2023

Page 20

Designing an Outdoor Kitchen

Planting an Indigenous Species Garden

Modular Versus Standard Construction

THE MAGAZINE OF ARCHITECTURE / HOME & INTERIOR DESIGN / WEST COAST LIVING • 604 989-8184 Laneway Homes / Cabins / Residences Stop by the Pender Harbour Resort and see what the new generation of affordable and energy efficient modular homes look like up close. Now offering deluxe family accommodations in these new 3 bedroom waterfront bungalows by EcoFab Modular Homes Ltd. @Home on the Coast | 2


No other outdoor cooker can match the quality and versatility of a Big Green Egg –it truly is The Ultimate Cooking Experience! ®

@Home on the Coast | 3

Dear Readers, Happy Birthday to Us !

is issue of @ Home on the Coast marks the 5th anniversary of our magazine. e rst issue rolled o the presses in May of 2018 and over a quarter million copies have been distributed on the coast since. I think this relative longevity in a somewhat tumultuous industry is a testament to not only the quality of our magazine but it also demonstrates the interests of the people in our community. Apparently there are many of us who still appreciate and enjoy reading a quality publication that focuses on local journalism, architectural design and coast lifestyle features from a coastal perspective.

As we embark on another year of publishing, I would like to extend a big warm Sunshine Coast thank you to our loyal readers and to the many local businesses that have partnered with us and supported the magazine over the years.

We are fortunate to have such a diverse pool of talented architects, builders, tradesmen, artists, landscapers, designers & decorators here on the coast and we are grateful to them for sharing their stories, knowledge and expertise which make up much of the material for the articles and editorial pieces that we share with our readers. We look forward to many more years of collaboration.

Happy Spring / Summer 2023

Copyright 2022 by Campaign Media. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph, or artwork without express written permission of the publisher is forbidden. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials.


Brad Ferguson,


Bryan Brasco

Russ Qureshi

Karin Taylor

James Tuer

Angela Koop


Darren Griffin



Matt Preus

For Marketing and Advertising contact

Printed in Canada on recyclable paper.

@Home on the Coast | 4
@Home on the Coast | 5
MAY/JUNE 2023 TALBOT Insurance Services Ltd. Peace of Mind, One Policy at a Time Talbot Insurance... for all your insurance needs on the Coast. Gibsons/IGA Park Plaza 112-1100 Sunshine Coast HWY, Gibsons Tel: 604-886-2555 Fax: 604-886-2563 Mon to Sat: 8:30am - 6:00pm Sun: Closed Email: ContactUs@TalbotInsurance.CA Homes Under Cons truction or Renovation • Completed Homes, Owner or Tenant Occupied Vacation Rentals Proper ty in Storage, Shor t or Long Term AutoPlan , Private Auto, Collector & Recreational Veh icles Business & Commercial Insurance Pleasure & Commercial Marine • Events & Specialty Lines Discounts & Payment Plans Tiny Homes – Stationar y or Transit • Completed Homes, Owner or Tenant Occupied • Vacation Rentals • Property in Storage, Short or Long Term • AutoPlan , Private Auto, Collector & Recreational • Vehicles Business & Commercial Insurance • Pleasure & Commercial Marine • Events & Specialty Lines • Discounts & Payment Plans • Tiny Homes –Stationary or Transit • Pedal Power – Special Insurance for High Valued Bicycles/e-bikes • Glass Polices with Nil/low Deductibles CONTENTS 9 Tips for Designing Your Outdoor Kitchen 14 Planting an Indigenous Species Garden 19 What to expect when hiring a home organizing professional this spring 20 Modular vs Standard Construction 24 Local Artist Bears All 27 Living on the Coast for Better Mental Health 28 e Magic of Drywall A Common Material for a Stunning Design 30 Russ and Jon’s 5 of 10 Tips To Buying a Home @Home on the Coast | 6
@Home on the Coast | 7
buy tickets online at: 18th june 2,3,4 2023 Terminal Station Paul Pigat Johnny Ferreira Murray Porter Marcus Mosely Harris&Debray The Grand Koolios Tim Hearsey Joe Rotundo Peter Van Deursen Trevor Sully Antonyk Joe Stanton Jim Foster Steve Hinton Band Simon Paradis + more! MADEIRA PARK Lynda
Thomas Lacko MARINA PHARMACY @Home on the Coast | 8

Tips for Designing Your Outdoor Kitchen

Finding the Perfect Grill

Cooking outdoors adds great natural avours to any meal and is also good fun. e rst thing to consider before buying a grill is how you plan to use it before choosing the size, style and other features. “Will you be doing the basic grilling, smoking, slow roasting or something else.? We recommend purchasing a good-quality grill with versatility which is important in terms of functionality, lifespan, and aesthetics. One of the highest-rated products on the market today is the “Big Green Egg” which checks all these boxes and with its iconic cool looks will be sure to add a unique aesthetic to your outdoor dining experience for years to come. (available at Coast Home & Patio Solutions in Sechelt)

An outdoor kitchen is more than just a place to set up your grill and cook a meal, It should also act as a focal point for outdoor social gatherings for entertaining family, friends, and neighbours while creating some memorable alfresco dining experiences. Here then are a few great ideas on how to create the perfect outdoor kitchen. Not only for grilling but for year-round enjoyment of your outdoor space.

Countertops & Cabinets

Counters can help de ne an outdoor kitchen’s character. Be sure to include plenty of countertop area around the grill. No matter the size or scope of your outdoor kitchen, it needs to have adequate counter and storage space. Be sure to plan for enough room for utensils and dishes as well as cooked and uncooked food

Also, be sure to make good use of the cabinetry the counters sit on. is is a prime space for storage as well as other amenities, such as maybe an undercounter refrigerator or composting system.

Outdoor Refrigerator

Don’t forget to plan for a space to store drinks and to keep food chilled before grilling. A small under-the-counter refrigerator can be a great addition to your new outdoor kitchen and by including an ice machine you’ll save time and e ort running back to the kitchen to keep those tall cool drinks topped up and cooled.

Sub-Zero DEU2450ROL 24” Outdoor Undercounter Refrigerator >

@Home on the Coast | 9

A Dedicated Pizza Oven

If you like real authentic pizzeria-style pizza you should consider adding a pizza oven. is can be a great fun addition to your new outdoor kitchen and new modern versions of a traditional pizza oven are now available as a stand-alone appliance without the extensive construction required for a cement and masonry structure. ese new breed ovens aren’t just for pizzas — you can roast or bake anything from appetizers to desserts and can be conveniently placed on a granite or stone countertop within easy reach. (check out Coast Home & Patio Solutions for details)

Outdoor lighting


Great lighting should be high on your list. Task lighting over the grill and work areas, along with ambient light for both atmosphere and safety, should always be incorporated into your design.

@Home on the Coast | 10
Your local window factory years of making windows in Powell River BC 35 Improve your home this year with Modern windows and doors Get your quote today 604.989.0341 Pre-Fabricated Build Kits ■ No Welding ■ No Concrete Foundations @Home on the Coast | 11

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Having an adjacent seating arrangement makes serving outdoor meals easier and more convenient. You should also consider a conveniently placed countertop with seating so the cook can participate in the conversation as well. A comfortable lounge area in the vicinity will allow guests to stretch out and relax after indulging in the grill fest. For a splash of colour and to create some outdoor ambiance, consider adding a few Adirondack chairs. e newer ecofriendly version of these backyard classics are available in an array of colours and options including swivel and rocker features and are made with 100% recycled plastic. Check out Coast Home & Patio for a great selection.

@Home on the Coast | 13

Planting an Indigenous Species Garden

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner, which means it’s the perfect time to make additions to your garden. If you’re fortunate enough to be living here on the Sunshine Coast, why not consider planting some indigenous plants? Not only are they beautiful and unique, but they also support the local ecosystem and can be a source of food for wildlife. Here are some plants to consider:

1Red owering currant (Ribes sanguineum): is deciduous shrub produces bright pinkishred owers in early spring, which are a valuable source of nectar for hummingbirds and bees. e berries are also edible and can be used in jams and syrups.s.

2Paci c ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus): is shrub is known for its attractive bark, which peels o in layers to reveal a reddishbrown underlayer. It produces clusters of small white owers in early summer and small, applelike fruits in late summer, which are a food source for birds and small mammals.

@Home on
Coast | 14
Proud Supplier to the Sunshine Coast Botanical Society and 40+ Contractors CALL US TODAY! 604.740.7715 Our soil is made of recycled green waste. No dead diseased farm h is in our soil. No biosolids. Garden Mix | Turf Blend Mushroom Manure | Fir Bar k Mulch Proud Supplier to the Sunshine Coast Botanical Society and 40+ Contractors CALL US TODAY! 604.740.7715 Our soil meets BC Landscape Specs TOPQUALITY TOP SOIL Simply The Best Custom Blended Soils Since 1988 soil starting at $28a yard Our soil is made of recycled green waste. No dead diseased farm h is in our soil. No biosolids. VEGGIE MIX a blend of compost and manure. GARDEN MIX TURF BLEND /YARD $ 00 /YARD $ 00 /YARD $ 00 $30 60 50 47 VEGGIE MIX a blend of compost and manure. $6000 /YARD $5000 /YARD $6000 /YARD $3500 /YARD GARDEN MIX $4700 /YARD TURF BLEND DOUGLAS FIR BARK MULCH ECONO MULCH @Home on the Coast | 15
We are, licensed, insured & all employees are bonded. Scoka Gardens * design * hardscape/softscape installation * hedges - installation & maintenance * lawn installation, renovation & lawn cutting * artificial turf * redesign & revitalizing gardens * pruning - perennials, fruit & specimen trees * fences, pergolas * Allan Block certified * ICPI certified - pavers & flagstone * retaining walls & drainage * year round property maintenance • 604-740-7770 • from installation to year round maintenance. WE ARE dedicated to the highest level of customer service and satisfaction. @Home on the Coast | 16


Oregon grape (Mahonia nervosa): is evergreen shrub produces bright yellow owers in late winter and early spring, which our resident hummingbirds use as a food source in the winter months. Flowers are followed by clusters of blue-black berries in the summer. e berries are edible, but are quite tart, so they are o en used in jams and jellies.


Sword fern (Polystichum munitum): is large evergreen fern is a common sight in West Coast forests. It can grow up to four feet tall and produces fronds that are dark green and glossy. It is an important food source for deer and elk.

5Salal (Gaultheria shallon): is evergreen shrub produces small white or pink flowers in late spring, which are followed by dark blue berries in the summer. The berries are edible and have a slightly sweet flavor. They are often used in jams and baked goods.

When planting indigenous plants, it’s important to choose a location that mimics their natural habitat. Most West Coast plants prefer a moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. Upon establishment they also require less watering and fertilizer than non-native plants, which makes them a low-maintenance option for your garden.

By planting indigenous plants in your garden, you are helping to support the local ecosystem and preserve the natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast. So why not try including some in your garden plans this spring and summer? You may be surprised at how easy and rewarding it can be.

@Home on the Coast | 17
Professional Home Organizing • Vacation Rental Systems • Real Estate Prep www.editand • connie@editand Visit our highlights to view recent organizing projects editand ow Serving the Sunshine Coast since 2019  KITCHENS  PANTRIES  PLAYROOMS  MUDROOMS  CLOSETS  BEDROOMS  KIDS’ SPACES AND MORE Sunshine Coast Community Services is raising much-needed funds to develop a long-term and sustainable solution to help address poverty, homelessness, hunger and crime. The Building Together development will include 34 units of affordable housing, crisis response, support and prevention programs - all in one location. These resources will be accessible to all Sunshine Coast community members and will play a critical role in the health and wellbeing of our entire community. Please donate. Your donation today will help us build a healthy and thriving Coast for all. CRIME. POVERTY HUNGER. HOMELESSNESS. Together we make change. @Home on the Coast | 18

to expect when


hiring a home organizing professional this spring

Spring is here and with it comes the perennial desire to tidy up our homes, edit our belongings, and generally feel on top of things. For many of us, our ambition for home projects can sometimes outweigh our skill and perseverance - so what’s a person to do? One option is to hire an organization expert so you can spend less time stressing about your to-do list and more time enjoying your home. But what does that entail? We reached out to a local company to find out what you can expect when calling in the pros.

Consultation & getting the ball rolling

Many companies will offer complimentary consultations, during which you can discuss your goals for your home, be it reducing clutter, organizing your household inventory or creating better home systems. Typically this happens in person, but often there’s an online component that might begin by reaching out through a website, followed by some back and forth communication, and maybe even sharing videos or photos of your space.

Flexibility - working around your schedule

Professionals usually won’t need you every step of the way and can often be taking care of home tasks while you’re working, or, even better, while you are on vacation. Coming home to a completed to do list - what could be better?

One-on-one sessions - sometimes we all need a coach

Not sure how to edit your belongings

or how to set up your space? Home organizing professionals regularly work one-on-one with clients to help them identify clutter and pare down. Decluttering a space alone can be extremely frustrating and it’s not uncommon for people to quit after hitting emotional roadblocks. Having an organizing expert by your side offers the opportunity to learn the tricks of the

trade, ensures expediency and can make the tasks at hand feel far less daunting.

Systems made specifically for you - no cookie cutter solutions

Professionals can create personalized solutions that fit your lifestyle and daily demands, assigning zones within your home that help with the general flow and make for easy maintenance. A family of four will have very different needs (and zones) than the single professional or empty nesters. To help the clients learn their new systems labels can be implemented to make the transition an easy one. In each case, getting to know the client will inform the organizing solutions.

Solid Recommendations - trust the people who use the product

Professionals work in many different homes and usually come with a wealth of knowledge on storage solutionstrust them to recommend items that will suit your organizing needs. They will also be able to advise on best practices for moving items along, be it via consignment, freecycling, donation locations, recycling, upcycling or responsible disposal.

Accountability & Follow-up - giving you the gentle nudge to stay the course Sometimes just knowing that someone will be following up on your progress

provides that little bit of motivation that we all occasionally need to tackle projects that might otherwise fall to the bottom of our to-do list. Expect a little bit of homework in between sessions: this could range from trying on clothes that aren’t getting enough wear to identifying which cookbooks you actually use. If you have a follow-up session with your home organizer it’s likely that you will be keen to complete the tasks before they return.

Savings - keep your money in your pocket Expect to save time and money. People spend precious hours each year looking for items they own, only to end up buying it again down the road when it can’t be located. By investing in home organizing you might also find that you start to make more conscientious purchases and slow down on impulse buys as your relationship with stuff evolves.

Spring organizing can feel overwhelming at times, especially when the sun comes out and we would rather be at the beach. For many of us there just aren’t enough hours in the day to conquer our most challenging home projects, while still maintaining our sanity and sleep. If you have a spring goal to tidy-up and live a more unencumbered life, breathe easy knowing there’s options out there and expert hands ready to help bring a streamlined and simplified life into focus.

@Home on the Coast | 19

Modular vs Standard Construction

In recent years, modular homes have become an increasingly popular alternative to traditional stick-built construction. While many people still associate modular homes with low-quality, cheaply made structures, the truth is that factory-built homes o er a number of advantages over stick-built construction.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the advantages of factory-built modular homes and why they might be the right choice for you.

One of the primary advantages of modular homes is the speed of construction. Because modular homes are built in a factory, the construction process is not subject to weather delays or other unforeseen events that can slow down traditional stick-built construction. is means that modular homes can be built in a fraction of the time it takes to build a traditional home. In some cases, a modular home can be built in as little as a few weeks. is speed of construction is particularly advantageous for people who need a home quickly or who want to avoid the stress of a prolonged construction process.

Another advantage of modular homes is their a ordability. Because modular homes are built in a factory, they can be produced

on a larger scale than traditional stick-built homes. is means that the cost of building a modular home is considerably lower than the cost of building a traditional home. Additionally, because modular homes are built in a controlled environment, there is less waste, which can further reduce the overall cost.

Modular homes are also highly customizable. While many people still associate modular homes with cookie-cutter designs, the truth is that modular homes can be customized to meet the unique needs of each homeowner. From the number of bedrooms and bathrooms to the layout of the living spaces, modular homes can be designed to t your lifestyle perfectly.

In addition to their speed of construction, a ordability, and customization options,modern day modular homes are also highly energy-e cient. Because they are built in a factory, modular homes can be designed to

@Home on the Coast | 20
®University Sprinklers and are registered trademarks of University Sprinkler Systems Inc. GOLF Your Game in 2023? IS 604.885.2700 PHOTO CREDIT: MAY 1ST DISCOUNTED MEMBERSHIP PRICING OFFERED 2 WEEKS EARLY ON APRIL 15TH • $2400 - 18 Hole • $2300 - 18 Hole Couple (ea). • $1600 - 9 hole • $1450 - Twilight after 1pm • $170 - Junior 18 & under • $725 - $1575 Intermediate 19-34 • $175 - Advantage Club • or... Save with 5 Round Passes Pre-tax. Payment Plans available Prices above begin April 15th Blue Ocean Bar and Grill Reopens Wednesday March 15 @Home on the Coast | 21
Monday - Saturday 9-5, Sundays & Holidays 10-4 5534 Sechelt Inlet Cresent, Sechelt SHOP ONLINE 24-7 CURBSIDE PICK-UP AVAILABLE 604 885 9070 Open Thursday ThrOugh MOnday, 11aM - 4pM Free adMissiOn and parking 431 Marine drive, gibsOns arT is FOr everyOne! JOin us. Inspiring exhibitions and local artisan gift shop. Fun volunteer opportunities and GPAG member benefits. @Home on the Coast | 22

be extremely energy-e cient, with high-quality insulation and e cient heating and cooling systems. is means that modular homes can save homeowners a signi cant amount of money on their energy bills each month.

Finally, modular homes are also environmentally friendly. Because they are built in a factory, there is less waste generated during the construction process. Additionally, because modular homes are designed to be energy-e cient, they can help homeowners reduce their carbon footprint and live a more sustainable lifestyle. For people who are concerned about the environment, modular homes can be an excellent choice.

Modular homes o er a number of advantages over their traditional counterparts. From their speed of construction and a ordability to their customization options and energy e ciency, modular homes can be an excellent choice for people who are looking for a new home.

As with any major purchase, it is important to do your research and consider all of your options before making a decision. But if you are looking for a fast, a ordable, and customizable home that is also environmentally friendly, a modular home may be just what you’re looking for. For more information about a ordable modular homes on the coast go to

@Home on the Coast | 23
“Modular homes can be built in a fraction of the time it takes to build a traditional home. In some cases, a modular home can be built in as little as a few weeks”.

Local Artist Bears All

The Sunshine Coast is well recognized both here and abroad as home to a vibrant arts community consisting of painters, sculptors, musicians and writers from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. Many who originally came as visitors, have chosen to relocate and now call this special place home.

One common attraction and a great inspiration for many of these artists is its rugged natural landscapes contrasted with the laid-back charm of its small seaside communities. Its seemingly infi nite diversity of fl ora and fauna is unmatched perhaps anywhere on the planet and is a never-ending source of inspiration for wildlife artists of all genres who gravitate here from all parts of the world.

@Home on the Coast | 24

The Coast is also blessed with the presence of a robust and thriving black bear population. These beautiful animals are an integral part of the local ecosystem and most residents here have learned to coexist with them respectfully and responsibly.

Gibsons’ artist Karin Taylor is one of the local wildlife artists who continue to be inspired by these incredible creatures. Karin has been creating her own unique vision of yoga bear statues for over 10 years now. Her most recent creation, ‘Boat Pose Bear’ is now a permanent local landmark in Gibsons. The whimsical bronze statue can be found at the bottom of the Inglis trail on Stewart Road as part of the ‘Gibsons’ Art Path’ which connects upper and lower Gibsons.

Karin is also an active member of the ‘Sunshine Coast Bear Alliance’ and has a special affi nity and appreciation for these lovable but often misunderstood creatures. She is always willing to help spread the word to educate locals on best Bear Awareness practices.

You can also support the local arts community by visiting one (or several) of the open-house studios of the many wildlife artists here on the coast. For more information on the annual three-day Art Crawl event beginning on October 20th. see,

The goal of the SCBA is to bring awareness to the local community of how we can coexist and learn to live harmoniously with these magnificent animals and to minimize potential human-bear conflicts. The group welcomes interested volunteers and encourages you to participate by contacting them at

Karin Taylor’s work can be found in select galleries across Canada.
@Home on the Coast | 25

Living on the Coast for Better Mental Health

Did you know that the town of Gibsons was named the best place in the world to live, among communities with fewer than 20,000 residents, by the International Awards for Liveable Communities which was endorsed by the United Nations.

And did you also know that living in a small seaside community can have several mental and emotional advantages, including:

1 Reduced stress: Being close to the water can have a calming e ect on the mind and body. e sound of the waves, the fresh sea air, and the beautiful scenery can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

2 Sense of community: e Sunshine Coast has a strong sense of community. People tend to know each other and are more likely to help one another. is sense of community can lead to a greater sense of belonging and connection.

3 Outdoor activities: Living near the beach provides access to a wide range of outdoor activities such as swimming, sur ng, and kayaking. ese activities are proven to help boost mental and physical health.

4 Improved mood: Exposure to natural light and fresh air can help boost mood and energy levels. e abundance of natural beauty in a seaside community can help increase feelings of happiness and well-being.

5 Reduced isolation: Small seaside communities can o er a close-knit social environment that can help reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.

6 Opportunities for re ection: e tranquil environment of a seaside community can o er opportunities for introspection and re ection, which can help improve mental and emotional wellbeing.

Overall, living in a small seaside community like the Sunshine Coast o ers a range of mental and emotional bene ts that can improve the overall quality of life and lead to a longer and happier life.

@Home on the Coast | 27

e Magic of Drywall

A Common Material for a Stunning Design

Drywall, sometimes known as gyp rock or sheet rock is an everyday material that is capable of making a clever design pop. It can also create an interesting contrast when used in conjunction with timber frame elements.

Careful planning and a good drywall contractor can give amazing minimalist results.   ere are specialty metals suppliers that o er extruded aluminium pro les that will allow the drywall installer to create nished drywall edges next to “shadow reveals”.  Typically 1/2” reviews can terminate the drywall against a ush baseboard, a wood window jamb extension or a wood doorway eliminating the need for casing that sits proud of the drywall.  Sometimes a cost savings can even be achieved since the typical Douglas Fir commonly used for windows and doors casing has recently become quite expensive.

Careful “Backframing for both ceiling drops as well as ceiling “step-ups” can make for very interesting three dimension designs which will catch the light di erently depending on which way the drywall plane will face. is can create an interesting element in an otherwise unremarkable space.

In conclusion, Drywall is an inexpensive interior nishing material that has the added bene t of an excellent sound bu er as well as a good re rating.  It can also be doubled or tripled to further dampen sound transmission.

It can also be hung on what is known in architecture’s terms as a reliant channel or rez bar. is method helps to isolate and dampen noises created by impact or vibrations. Once the metal bar is screwed into the jousts or studs, the drywall is then attached to the bar itself and is now

@Home on the Coast | 28
Contac t your Emerald Forest consultant for details, or call: (604) 989 818 4
W I DT H : 86 f t | D E P T H : 42 f t | M A I N FLO O R : 2002 | TOTA L L I V I N G A R E A : 2002 | COV E R E D P O R C H : 79 | COV E R E D E N T RY: 88 | TOTA L A R E A : 2169 Planning to build? V iew the hundre ds of plans and designs on our website to get s tar te d. emeraldfores M AI N FLO O R ' ! "#$%%&'%()*+,%(-.*/ 0 023 4 4 4 3 5 67 3877 9 @Home on the Coast | 29
The Discover y

Russ and Jon’s 5 of 10 Tips To Buying a Home


Get pre-approved before you start looking. Get Pre-approved with a lender - One of the most important parts of the home buying process is making sure you know what you can a ord comfortably. Having your pre-approval done prior to looking for a home will give you an accurate guide for what you can a ord, and what price range to begin looking in.

2. A er Preappoval – Don’t buy that car. Keep your money where it is, and don’t buy that car, or start a big lease, or start moving your money around all over the place. It might seem like a pretty straight forward and common sense tip but a lender will look again just prior to completion and if you’ve changed things up this can cause problems at the closing table.

3. Try to Avoid your maximum budget - Stay mindful of your budget, because you likely won’t want to be eating mac&cheese for the next decade because you chose to

max out the highest amount of mortgage that the lender would give you so that you could buy the biggest house on the block.

4. Don’t Forget Closing Costs - During the pre-approval process the mortgage broker will want to see that you have money to pay closing costs such as lawyer fees, property tax adjustments, maintenance fee adjustments, and property transfer tax.

5. Have Your Deposit Ready - Your deposit will typically be due within 24 hours of or upon subject removal. If your money is in a RRSP, make sure to submit the accepted o er to your bank right away as it can take up to 5 business days to get the money out. It is best to have the money liquid so that you can have the deposit ready without any hassle or complications when you waive subjects.

1043 Goddard Road - Gibsons Brand New Build 1445 sqft w/ 3 beds and 2 baths 2-5-10 Home Warranty Ready for late summer 2023 Asking $979,900 including GST More at 1105 Celia Cresent W D 23' x 20' GARAGE 8'-2" x 6'-8" LAUNDRY UTL. 14' x 11'- 8" MASTER 15'-6" x 14'-8" LIVING 5' x 16'- 4" FOYER 10' x 5' ENSUITE 6'-8" x 5' W.I.C. PANTRY VAULT VAULT GAS F.P. RANCHER LOT 22 PARKLAND | PHASE 4 | GIBSONS, BC RANCHER C | 1105 CELIA CRESCENT 3 BED | 2 BATH FLOOR AREA: 1,445 sqft. GARAGE AREA: 494 sqft. ENTRY AREA: 51 sqft. PATIO: 100 sqft. C SOLD SOLD SOLD 101 - 93 8 Gibson s Way, Gibson s BC V0 N 1V 9 Fa c e bo o k: Coa s t L i fe s t yl e s N e t wo rk o f f i c e 6 0 4 - 8 8 6 -2670 R u s s Q u re s h i Jon McRae PREC 604-741-7119 604-740-6263
@Home on the Coast | 30
@Home on the Coast | 31
Elkhorn 308 SQFT $97,995 Baker 364 SQFT Robson 448 SQFT $106,995 $121,995 Fairmont 532 SQFT Blackcomb 532 SQFT $125,995 $125,995 Garibaldi 308 SQFT $99,995 Cabins Residences Laneway Homes • 604 989-8184 ecofabmodular Price includes delivery and basic set up on the Sunshine Coast

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