Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, March/April 2021

Page 12

Surprising Ways


Cats are sometimes thought to be aloof, incapable of feeling or expressing affection. It is true that their behaviors are often difficult to interpret; their inscrutable faces show no hint of their true feelings. Though they don’t wag their tails or wiggle their butts, or jump with exuberance as their canine friends do, felines have their own ways of communicating their affection. The signs are more subtle and if we’re not observant we’ll miss them or even dismiss the signs as aloofness. Dogs shout out their affection while cats whisper their affection.


When a cat approaches you with their tail in an upright position it is a sign of affection. Probably you’ve experienced the “elevator butt” pose when you’re petting or scratching them at the base of their tail. The most surprising tail posture showing affection and respect is sticking their rear end in your face. It’s a leftover behavior from the kitten stage. Kittens greet their mothers with tails held high out of respect. Adult cats continue this behavior with their favorite people. I’m excited to share this with my Zoom group; they’ll be happy to know that when he sticks his butt in their faces it is a sign of his respect for them.


When your cat does this it means they are excited to see you. Often it means they want a tubby rub. This is a very vulnerable position for a cat and the gesture shows complete trust in you; they feel loved and protected. It’s one of the highest compliments your cat can bestow on you.


Does your cat wrap its body around your legs? Does it rub its body against your leg or arm? It is marking you. Their pheromones or scent marks are being rubbed off on you. They are claiming you. Their Valentine candy says “You are mine” instead of “Be Mine”. They may even “mark” other people as theirs. For example, when my daughter visits my cat claims her as “his” by wrapping his body around her leg. 12

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • March/April 2021


If a friend head butts you it probably hints at a major problem in your relationship. However, when your cat bunts or head butts you it is a normal cat social behavior showing affection. They either rub their cheeks on you or butt you with their heads. Felines have scent glands on their chin, cheeks, forehead and lips – they are leaving their scent on you.


When your cat stares at you, blinks and opens their eyes and then slowly blinks again it shows affection and trust. Some cat experts call it a “Kitty Kiss”. These kisses can be returned by slowly blinking your eyes as you look into your cat’s eyes

Your cat is showing you love and affection in so many surprising ways. Observe the many ways, listen to the whispers of love and be fully open to receiving their affection. It is very exciting when we realize how much our felines love us and recognize the many ways they show that love to us.

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