Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine, March/April 2021

Page 35


Easter Eggs

Have you ever searched for colored or plastic eggs in spring? Why? Eggs have represented the onset of spring, new life, and hope to people throughout history. Some humans have worshipped parts of nature and taken part in spring rites while others have spoken of eggs as symbols of God’s oneness or the resurrection of Christ. Regardless of one’s religious views, Easter egg hunts have been used by parents and instructors to teach observation, color theory, and social skills. These eggs may appear in our homes as engaging art tools which also encourage healthy eating habits.

Easter Egg Hunts for Dogs?

Have you ever let your dog(s) join in the fun? Not all dogs are hunters or diggers, but most will rise to take part in a hunt. Searching for treats can inspire observation, patience, and focus if you’re training your pet. Amusement, laughter, and bonding are bonuses! Remember to count treats before hiding them in easy to find places. Keep counting as they are found so scavengers don’t mistake left-overs for an invitation.


Kitties May Hunt… Not Likely Colored Eggs Positioned in the center window, cats remind us of their historic heritage; seen by humans for their “true value as gods”. Well, that’s what we think from their attitudes.

While a few felines may join the chase with their canine counterparts, most cats will give condescending sneers which endear them in our hearts!

Seasonal Fun

With some creativity, your family and pet(s) can enjoy seasonal activities. Easter egg hunts are just one suggestion. Summer brings outdoor possibilities with fragrances of fresh fruits. Autumn inspires harvest hunts with or without leaves and winter romps are also traditional. Whichever season and whatever you choose to do, remember to have your camera.

Ready? Set…Selfie!

• Chocolate and other Easter candies are harmful to your pet! • Avoid anything your pet may choke on, like plastic eggs. • Do not exceed the recommended limit written on treat packages. • Hide treats on ground to avoid jumping, climbing, or other unwanted behaviors. • There are pet-friendly container/toys and safety advice at your pet store.

C.A. Ritz

~ Author & Illustrator

Las Vegas Pet Scene Magazine • March/April 2021


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