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電影提案技巧工作坊 Film Project Pitching Workshop
To assist Hong Kong’s new film talents with their pitching skills, this workshop invites film professionals to advise on film proposals. Participants will meet their instructors in person or virtually to discuss their projects and attend “mock presentations”. Questions from participants will be answered by the professionals. This workshop aims at improving the participants’ pitching skills to boost their possibility of drawing investment and funding for their film projects.
主辨方將與每位參加者商討三節即時視訊工作坊的確定日期與時間,詳盡為每位參加者 提供意見。 第一、二節工作坊約45 - 60分鐘;第三節工作坊約3 - 5個小時。 工作坊將於2021年12月9日至2022年1月期間進行。 The organiser will arrange the exact dates and times of the three sessions of live virtual workshop individually with each participant. Each participant will be given tailor-made advice on the proposed project by the instructors. The first two sessions are around 45 to 60 minutes; the third session is around three to five hours.
The workshop will take place between 9 December 2021 and January 2022.
香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre
粵語/普通話主講 Conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin
導師 Instructors
黃茂昌 Patrick Huang (前景娛樂創辦人、電影監製 Founder of Flash Forward Entertainment, Film Producer) Maggie Lee(影評人及電影策展人 Film Critic and Curator) 鄺珮詩 Teresa Kwong(香港藝術中心節目總監、電影監製 Programme Director of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Film Producer)
對象Target 18 - 45歲、熱愛電影、有志從事電影工業及提交電影提案人士,須持香港永久性居民身份證。 Cinephiles and those who truly aspire to pursue a career in the film industry and are prepared to pitch a film project, aged between 18 and 45 years old, and with a permanent Hong Kong identity card.
報名須知 Application Rules & Regulations:
參加者必須同時出席「座談會:新銳導演的宣傳推廣」(門票將由香港藝術中心提供),並以中文提 交電影提案作申請。
工作坊費用全免,獲取錄者須先繳付按金港幣$600,作留位之用,完成工作坊的參加者將獲退還全 數按金。如參加者獲取錄後未能如期出席,已繳交之 $600按金,恕將不獲退款。
Participants MUST attend the talk on Industry Toolkit for Emerging Filmmakers (Tickets will be provided by the Hong Kong Arts Centre) and submit film proposals in Chinese to apply.
Workshops are free of charge. A deposit of HK$600 is required for reservation. The deposit will be refunded ONLY to applicants who attend the corresponding workshops. The deposit will not be reimbursed if the applicants is absented from any arranged session.
For application details, please refer to the HKAC website and our social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram).
For any programme changes, please refer to the HKAC's latest announcement.