Sussex County Woman - Summer 2020

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Summer 2020


A Quarterly Educational Resource for the Women of Sussex, Wicomico and Worcester Counties. Dr. Robert Masone A New and Improved Medication Assisted Treatment Program Page 10

Terri Pippin The Medicine Woman School of Holistic Studies and Wellness Center Page 13

Ryan Grube Benchmark Physical Therapy Offers Free Fall-Risk Screenings Page 16


Photo taken by CM Baker Photography, in front of the beautiful mural at Delaware Pediatric Dentistry, Milford,DE.

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P.O. Box 1267 Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930 email: Call Us At: 1.800.993.3822 or 302.539.2612 Fax: 302.539.2722 Elizabeth Kapke Publisher

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We have just been through a rough 6 months, We have seen all of our lives and priorities change before our eyes. However, we now have experienced something totally new for many of us. There is actually a family living in our same home. Our dinner tables are now full of family members with real life conversations. We are sharing happiness and frustrations. For many of us, we are spending more time together than ever before. We have turned this chaos into a very positive experience; “It’s called Quality Time”. Cherish this time of turmoil and need. For even this is fleeting, after all love is what we need. God Bless, enjoy the summer issue and support your local businesses. Don’t forget to thank them for making life normal again! The Publisher

Alexandra Gallagher Editor & Contributor

Barbara Steele Sales Manager

Carole Lingo Brenda Morris Sherri Ayres Special Sales

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2 I Summer 2020

Gerardo Martinez, D.M.D., Bryant Greene, Erin Willis, David A Delgado, D.M.D. We are Proud Members of the Following Chambers: Bethany, Fenwick, Delmar, DE Small Business, Georgetown, Laurel, Lewes, Milford, Milton, Millsboro, Rehoboth, Dewey, Salisbury, Seaford

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness


Little Teeth Big Problems!

By Gerardo Martinez, DMD For some people just the thought of going to the dentist can be stressful. This is not an irrational fear. After all, dentistry is very much in your face type of deal, literally! Dentists are usually well inside the boundaries of personal space. We also like to have our patients reclined back in a vulnerable position with a bright light pointing right at their face and that is before any of the less enjoyable stuff begins! The wonderful tastes, the yummy smells, the delightful numbness and the occasional gagging! My first experience at the dentist was when I was around 8 years old. I can vividly remember when the assistant called my name and asked me to follow her to the dental chair. I did so without hesitation, my head held high. But it was not long before my bravery started to wane, by the time I made it to the chair

my head was still held high but merely to be on the lookout and prepared to fight or flight! Within a few minutes of being sat down the dental assistant starts to head toward my chair with a Stainlesssteel tray on hand and metal instruments making an ominous sound as they roll around on the tray. I see my opportunity to escape vanishing with every step she takes and before she could even put the tray down, I bolted out of the chair and I was out of there! The visit was not successful, and the experience gave me valuable insight into the fears and anxieties children can experience. Pediatric dentistry is a dynamic field with a wide range of treatment options, philosophies and objectives. Just like the toothpaste isle at your local supermarket the options can sometimes be overwhelming and difficult for parents to clearly understand. Our focus when proposing treatment recommendations revolves around what is in the best interest of the child and their health. This often means less invasive options that can be handled better by young children without the need for numbing or drilling. The use of silver

The County Woman’s Journal

diamine fluoride (SDF) a liquid medication that helps inactivate tooth decay has dramatically reduced the number of children requiring extensive treatment. SDF works by allowing the tooth the opportunity to heal itself by forming a protective layer that functions similarly to a scab on a scraped knee. At Delaware Pediatric Dentistry we are committed to providing child centered dental care in a friendly environment for all children. It is our goal to empower patients and families with the tools and knowledge to fight against dental decay. Dental caries or “cavities” commonly known as tooth decay is the most common preventable chronic disease in children. It was called a “silent epidemic” in the 2000 surgeons general report on oral health. Most children will experience dental caries by the time they reach kindergarten, and many suffer from chronic pain that impacts their quality

the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend all children establish a dental home by their first birthday.

Infant exams are the perfect time to review prevention and evaluate for any possible tongue or lip ties and other growth and development issues.


Keeping Little Teeth Healthy SERVICES Dental Exams Dental Cleanings Dental Crowns Dental Sealants Extractions Sedation Options White Fillings X-Rays and more! WHO WE ARE

Led by Board Certified Pediatric Dentists, Dr. Gerardo Martinez and Dr. David A. Delgado, Delaware Pediatric Dentistry (DPD) is the first and only Milford full service dental practice devoted to the health of your child’s smile, and to ensuring a happy, positive dental experience for both patients and parents.

WHY WE ARE DIFFERENT Minimally Invasive Treatments Comprehensive child focus from toddler to teen! Committed to ensuring a positive experience. Walk-ins / Emergencies Welcome Offer Sedation and Hospital Dentistry

CALL US OR VISIT US ONLINE of life and school performance. Dental decay can often grow undetected by parents until symptoms develop. Therefore,

(302) 315-2019 | 625 N DuPont Blvd. Milford, DE 19663

Summer 2020 I 3

Health & Wellness

Joseph Wendolowski, DPM, FACFAS Joseph Wendolowski, DPM, is a board-certified in foot surgery. He currently sees patients at his private practice, Delaware Total Foot and Ankle Center in Lewes, DE, and is on staff at Beebe Hospital. He graduated from Temple School of Podiatric Medicine in 1997 and continued his surgical training at North Philadelphia Health Systems- St. Joe’s Hospital and Tenet Health Systems- Parkview Hospital. He practiced in Red Bank, Freehold, and Monroe New Jersey for 18 years before opening his new practice in Lewes, DE, in 2019. Learn more at

FOOT HEALTH FOR THE BEACH As we start to come out of our homes and attempt to get back to a semblance of normalcy following the Covid-19 pandemic, many will begin to hit the beach. With the excitement of being able to get outside, the last thing on your mind is probably your foot health. However, you might not realize how quickly the beach can do a number on your feet. Whether your feet are getting sunburned or you get a puncture wound, there are ways to prevent these issues. Puncture wounds and cuts: Wear shoes to protect your feet from puncture wounds and cuts caused by seashells, broken glass, and other sharp objects. Don’t go in the water if your skin gets cut – bacteria in oceans and lakes can cause infection. To avoid complications from a puncture wound, be seen in the office for treatment within 24 hours. Jellyfish stings: Remember that a jellyfish washed up on the beach can still sting if you step on it. If their tentacles stick to the foot or ankle, remove them, but protect your hands from getting stung too. Vinegar, meat tenderizer or baking soda reduce pain and swelling. Most jellyfish stings heal within days, but if they don’t, medical treatment is required. Sunburns: Feet get sunburn too. Many people do not realize skin cancer can occur on the feet from unprotected sun exposure and they overlook applying sunscreen to the area. While all types of skin cancer, including squamous cell and basal cell carcinoma, can be found on the foot, the most common is the most serious form, melanoma. Symptoms can be as subtle as an abnormal looking mole or freckle found anywhere on the foot, and often go unnoticed without routine foot exams. Early diagnosis is key to effective treatment for the condition. Do not forget to apply sunscreen to the tops and bottoms of your feet! Burns: Sand, sidewalks and paved surfaces get hot in the summer sun. Wear shoes to protect your soles from getting burned, especially if you have diabetes. Ankle injuries, arch and heel pain: Walking, jogging and playing sports on soft, uneven surfaces like sand frequently leads to arch pain, heel pain, ankle sprains and other injuries. Athletic shoes provide the heel cushioning and arch support that flip-flops and sandals lack. If injuries occur, use rest, ice, compression and elevation

4 I Summer 2020

to ease pain and swelling. Any injury that does not resolve within a few days should be examined. Diabetes risks: The 20 million Americans with diabetes face serious foot safety risks at the beach. The disease causes poor blood circulation and numbness in the feet. A diabetic may not feel pain from a cut, puncture wound or burn. Any type of skin break on a diabetic foot has the potential to get infected and ulcerate if it is not noticed right away. Diabetics should always wear shoes to the beach and remove them regularly to check for foreign objects such as sand and shells that can cause sores, ulcers and infections. For treatment of beach-related foot injuries, contact Dr. Joe at 302-297-8431. Testimonial “I want to thank Dr. Joe and his experienced staff for supporting my foot needs in a comfortable way, with simple procedures, solutions, education, patience, and tools to reduce pain and enable me to lead the active life I love despite my age. My feet are what keeps my body stable. I would recommend his experience and caring methods to any one in need.” Barbara Steele

17425 Ocean One Plz Unit 1 Lewes, DE 19958


The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

Get Gym Results without going to the Gym -

Introducing TruSculpt flex – the solution to tone ab, thighs, and buttock muscles Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Aesthetic Medicine. Has circumstances kept you from doing the things you normally enjoy doing, such as being active either at the gym or outdoors? Have you been one of the many who spent way more time at home than you usually do, and now it shows a bit, and this contributed to being less than fit than you could have been otherwise? Well, it’s not your fault, this has happened to a lot of us. But we, at Renove Medical Spa, are here to help! We can help you get your fitness level back to where you were before and beyond that, with our TruSculpt flex program. What Is TruSculpt flex? TruSculpt flex is an innovative device that builds and strengthens muscles with dramatic and long lasting results. TruSculpt flex was developed by a California company for chiropractic use to enhance muscle tone, especially for the core or abdominal and back muscles. TruSculpt flex is now part of the Cutera family of medical devices, an American company with a long track record for innovative medical devices and has been available at Renove Medical Spa since December 2019. You can visit Cutera’s website at What muscle areas can be treated with TruSculpt flex? The nice thing about TruSculpt flex is that it is a very versatile and flexible system and can be used to treat many muscle areas of concern. The most common areas that we tend to target with the TruSculpt flex are the core abdominal and back muscles. This

is an area that so many people lose strength, which can begin to affect posture, lead to back pain and weak abdominal muscles which can bow out and make the abdomen look larger. People who have this weak core, often have a difficult time correcting this weakness, as it is difficult to do typical core strengthening exercises, such as sit ups, pushups, and planks. But with the Trusculpt flex, patients can lie in comfort and have the abdominal and back muscles exercised for them. For example, in a 45 minute treatment session, the TruSculpt flex will perform the equivalent of 54,000 crunches! Other areas typically treated by TruSculpt flex are the thighs, calves, shoulders, biceps and triceps. The TruSculpt flex can also treat the buttock area for a non-surgical buttock lift. Multiple areas can be treated at once. How does the TruSculpt flex work? The TruSculpt flex utilizes direct muscle stimulation, administered through small pads that are placed over the muscles to be treated. The direct stimulation causes the muscles to contract involuntarily, much faster and harder than can be accomplished through normal exercise. Multiple body areas are typically treated at the same time, for example, the abdomen and low back are treated at the same time, both arms, both legs, are treated at the same time. Simultaneous areas treated can be tailored to each individual patient.

The County Woman’s Journal

Since this direct muscle stimulation is so much greater than can be accomplished through normal exercise, muscle builds up quickly and also lasts a long time; and it also avoids injury that can happen from lifting heavy weights. A typical treatment plan would include 4 to 6 treatments spaced about a week apart. You will feel the muscles getting firmer and stronger right away, and the muscle development will peak 6 weeks after the last treatment, and lasts 4-6 months after the last treatment. Some patients

use this as an ongoing membership and maintain their results with a once monthly treatment. For more information on TruSculpt flex visit our website at https://www.renovemedspa. org/trusculpt-flex. If you would like to see if you are a candidate for direct muscle stimulation with TruSculpt flex please call the office for a telemedicine consult, or in person, for a complimentary consultation. Mention this ad for special discounted pricing.

Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue • Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call


Summer 2020 I 5

Health & Wellness

A PERS Device Can Promote Safety, Independent Living And Peace Of Mind For Seniors SeaCure Solutions is owned and operated by Dennis & Gayle Jones, local residents of Milton, DE. Gayle is a licensed Independent Family Nurse Practitioner with more than 35 years’ experience as an RN. Dennis is an independent security consultant with 30 years’ experience in law enforcement. Their credentials, combined experience and focus on others make them uniquely qualified to address the safety and security needs of vulnerable populations in the state of Delaware.

ABOUT THE COMPANY SeaCure Solutions derives its name from our coastal surroundings and commitment to peace of mind through safety and security initiatives. SeaCure specializes in Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and other risk management strategies to support senior populations, lone workers such as realtors, children and those with special needs. SeaCure Solutions provides in-home service to its clients and customers, ensuring that each PERS unit is functional on delivery and clients understand features and operation. SO, WHAT IS A PERS DEVICE? A personal emergency response system or PERS is a mobile or stationary alarm system designed to summon help in the event of a medical emergency or critical event. A typical PERS unit is worn as a pendent or wristband by the client and has a transmitter that can be activated in an emergency. A PERS unit is monitored by care specialists with knowledge of the client’s name, location, medical history, family contacts and additional details such as pets and how to access the residence. Emergency medical services are immediately dispatched to the client’s location when they need help.

Additional features of PERS can include: • Fall-detection • Location monitoring through GPS • Household conditions & vital signs monitored through bluetooth technology • Smart phone App – Enables family and/or caregivers to monitor client activities/status If you’re like many seniors today, you’re familiar with the advertisements warning of the consequences from a sudden fall or medical emergency rendering you injured, immobile and unable to call for help. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) underscore this reality: • Falls are the number one cause of injuries and deaths from injury among older Americans (age 65+) • Every second of every day in the U.S. an older adult falls • Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall • Every 19 minutes, an older adult dies from a fall • A full 80% of falls among seniors occur in the bathroom • The average cost for treating a fall exceeds $30,000

Frequent objections to PERS among older adults relate to the image or stigma associated with a PERS device. Some seniors struggle with the fact they are getting older; others don’t believe they will fall or require help in the event of a medical emergency, and still others won’t wear a PERS device because it doesn’t seem flattering. Right, wrong or indifferent, we are all growing older and denying that reality does not prevent aging, illness or accidents. To promote safety, independent living and peace of mind for clients and family members alike, a PERS device should be a welcome addition in senior households to improve overall quality of life.

“... promote safety, independent living and peace of mind ...”

Specializing in Senior Safety & Security Locally Owned & Operated by Seniors for Seniors

(302) 567-8500


After my dad passed away, I didn’t want to worry about my mom being alone in her home. TV commercials and magazine ads for medical alert devices left me confused and overwhelmed. I wanted the peace of mind knowing that medical assistance would be available for my mom 24/7 and that a monitoring center would assure her that help was on the way. After our initial meeting, I knew that Dennis Jones and his team at SeaCure Solutions would be the right decision for my mom & our family. Many thanks ~ Kim T. H.

6 I Summer 2020 The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

Invisalign Is Perfect For Adults Dr. Richard J. McCann, D.M.D., P.A. Dr. McCann grew up in Northeastern Pennsylvania and attended King’s College where he earned a B.S. degree in Biology. He went on to graduate from Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. McCann is Northeast Regional Board Certified. Dr. McCann and his wife, Nina have lived in Salisbury, Maryland since 1989. His outside interests include, golf, fly fishing, skiing and traveling. Invisalign offers a much better way than the old mouth-full-of-metal braces. It is perfect for adults who want to straighten their teeth without all the embarrassment. If you’re an adult who wants to straighten your teeth, the old metal braces just aren’t going to do the trick. Invisalign offers a solution that’s much better and more effective. Straightening teeth has always been something that you either did in childhood or didn’t do. Invisalign gives you another option as a child and as an adult. Let’s look at the reasons why braces for adults have never been cool. The Stigma Let’s face it; have a mouth full of metal when you’re 35 just isn’t right. There’s a stigma for kids who are wearing braces and it’s ten times worse for adults. It just doesn’t look right on an adult somehow, like acne or hip-hop clothes. Invisalign helps by removing the stigma. The Invisalign aligners are almost invisible. You have to look really close to see them. This means that nobody in your office or circle of friends has to know that you’re getting your teeth straightened. Cleaning And Other Annoyances The cleaning that you have to do with braces is another reason adults don’t get them. Who has time for all of that? It’s tough enough to deal with all of the other daily annoyances. Invisalign treatment doesn’t require any additional cleaning you just take the set of aligners out and brush and floss as normal. The aligners are changed every two weeks or as often as the doctor prescribes. It’s just like soft contact lenses. And you can also take them out anytime you want to but should be worn as close to 24/7 as you can. Braces Can Hurt More Than They Help Braces can actually cause more damage to your teeth. The reason is that there are certain areas that you just can’t get to with your toothbrush while they’re in, therefore the risk of tooth decay increases. With Invisalign aligners, you can slip them off any time you need to brush your teeth and there is no risk whatsoever to your perfect smile. And They Work Finally, there are failures as well as success stories when it comes to braces. This is not the case with

The County Woman’s Journal

Invisalign technology. It’s highly effective because it uses computer imaging to custom-design your aligners. You can even see a computer image of what you’ll look like when your Invisalign treatment is completed and your smile is straight! Finding A Good Dentist Unfortunately, at the present time not every dentist offers Invisalign. If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth with this state-of-the-art treatment you need not look any further than Dr. Richard McCann’s office. As a designated 2017 Preferred Provider of Invisalign he has knowledge and expertise to help you achieve your goals of a beautiful smile. Invisalign can straighten your teeth for you no matter what age you are. And you don’t have to worry about everybody knowing about it. Finally there’s a way to perfect your smile without cramming your mouth full of metal braces.

Dr. McCann will be providing courtesy consultations to answer your questions about Invisalign treatment, the clear way to straighten teeth. If you have wondered if Invisalign is right for you, make an appointment. • Complimentary Consultation. • No charge for records to see if you are a candidate. • Complimentary whitening with Invisalign treatment. • 4 vivera retainers included with treatment at the end of treatment.

Call Today for More Information!


RICHARD J McCANN, D.M.D., P.A. I Committed to Excellence

31413 Winterplace Parkway • Salisbury, MD 21804


Summer 2020 I 7

Health & Wellness

Looking for a rewarding career?

Do you enjoy helping people? Do you like working with seniors? Come join us in a rewarding career. With the senior population growing rapidly, we are looking for someone just like you. Our care providers can work from 2 hours a day to 24-hours live-in assignments. Requirements: • Minimum of 2 years of in-home care experience • High School Diploma or G.E.D. equivalent • Excellent communicatin skills • Must be able to pass a background check

• Ability to work independently in the field • Three references required • Doctor’s physical and 2 step PPD test

Always Best Care of Delaware Non-medical in-home care Assisted living services Skilled home health care (select markets) Dedicated to exceeding you expectations always

Independently owned and operated offices throughout the United States and Canada


8 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

R. Alberto Rosa, M.D., FACC Dr. Ramon Alberto Rosa is a graduate of the University of Santo Domingo in his native Dominican Republic. He completed his post-graduate medical education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Hospital in Philadelphia with a residency in internal medicine (1991-1994), Chief Medical Resident (19941995), and cardiology fellowship (1995-1998). Dr. Rosa has practiced cardiology in Sussex County since July 1998. He has served as Medical Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory and as Chief of the Department of Cardiology at Beebe Medical Center in Lewes, DE. Dr. Rosa is trained in non-invasive cardiology, Nuclear Transesopageal Echocardiograms, as well as invasive diagnostic procedures and pacemaker implantations. Dr. Rosa is board certified by the American Boards of Internal Medicine and Cardiology. He is also a Certified Aviation Medical Examiner and is Board Certified in Nuclear Medicine.

COVID- 19 and Cardiovascular Disease, what we know so far….. 2020 has brought us a new decade and along with it the first pandemic in 100 years. This global health crisis has taken most countries and their governments utterly unprepared and searching for effective containment plans and treatments. Among the most at risk and affected patients are those with chronic illnesses, particularly hypertension, heart failure and lung disease, 65 years of age or older. What was initially considered a viral pneumonia has turned out to be a far more complex process characterized by systemic inflammation, microvascular injury from disseminated blood clotting in small vessels and multiorgan involvement, affecting lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and even the brain. From a cardiovascular perspective, long standing heart disease, coronary artery disease, prior heart attacks, heart failure, high blood pressure have been identified as conditions that confer higher risks of complications in patients affected by the

COVID-19 infection. This makes a priority to follow the recommended personal distancing and protective use of face masks and strict hygienic measures, but also to seek early medical attention if any reasonable suspicious symptoms of the infection are noted: Fever, sore throat, respiratory difficulty, lack of sense of smell, etc. At this point in time, most patients that present early to a medical facility with this infection, have a very reasonable chance of being treated and discharged home.

would have dialed 911 under normal circumstances.

been at the forefront of this new wave.

Many healthcare professionals have embraced telemedicine platforms of care for their patients, under the current circumstances. Most patients have adopted this modality, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and capabilities. We believe this modality of healthcare delivery have played a very important role and it is anticipated that will continue in the future. Cardiac care has

There is much more we are still learning about this virus. We have learned it can induced high blood pressure, myocarditis, heart attacks (or myocardial injury), heart failure and vascular injury in the lungs, heart, kidneys, and it is the systemic inflammatory response the body develops to deal with the virus that appears to cause the major body damage. The most effective treatments

are those that either fight the virus directly (antivirals), or control the inflammation (steroids, tolizucimab), and blood thinners to avoid the microvascular thrombosisblood clotting (heparin type medications). We are learning to live with the new health reality of this new decade. Adaptation remains the most effective natural tool we all have to survive, as a species. And we need to use it, once again.

As in many medical conditions, early diagnosis and management is essential here, as well. On the other hand, cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death and disability for most elderly adults in the US, regardless of the pandemic. This means that patients should not ignore or delay medical care by fear of contracting this infection. This can prove fatal. We know of multiple reports of persons dying at home, that

The County Woman’s Journal

Dr. Kenneth Sunnergren, MD • Dr. R. Alberto Rosa, MD Dr. Barry Denenberg, MD • Dr. G. Robert Myers, MD Dr. Ajith Kumar, MD • Penny Johnson, DNO, CRNP Samantha Ecrote, CRNP • Compassionate and Comprehensive Cardiac Care • Most Advanced Systems and Technology in Delaware

302.645.1233 • Offices in Lewes and Millville

Summer 2020 I 9

Health & Wellness LIFE SPRING RECOVERY: BUPRENORPHINE VS. METHADONE Which Path to Recovery Is For Me? Both Buprenorphine and Methadone will help you in your recovery. Our health care professionals at Life Spring Recovery will help you choose the best path for you and your life needs.



Patients who are prescribed Buprenorphine may receive

Patients who are prescribed Methadone receive their

prescriptions weekly, bi-weekly or monthly

dose every day in office

Buprenorphine can be taken every other day and its

Methadone must be taken every day and its effects don’t

effects last longer

last as long

Less of a tolerance is developed for patients taking

More of a tolerance is developed for patients taking



It is easier to taper patients off Buprenorphine

It is more difficult to taper patients off Methadone

Buprenorphine has mild withdrawal symptoms

Methadone has more severe withdrawal symptoms

Buprenorphine is less prone to abuse and diversion, it

Methadone can cause drowsiness, GI distress and

has a ceiling effect that limits overdose risk, it is safe to

constipation, sexual impotence, seizures, respiratory

take during pregnancy and it is an overall safer

depression and an irregular heartbeat which can be fatal

medication At Life Spring Recovery, we offer medication assisted treatment which is a method combining the use of medication and counseling to treat substance use disorders. Various forms of Buprenorphine including Suboxone, Zubsolv and Sublocade are used to treat withdrawal symptoms. Patients in our program come in for weekly appointments to start, but all patients have the opportunity to progress to bi-weekly or even monthly visits. What does this mean? Patients do not have to come to the office every day! Our desire is for our patients to lead successful and productive lives and our program allows patients to achieve the normalcy they are looking for. We welcome individuals who are currently on Methadone to join our program and reap the benefits that our methods can bring. Our health care providers are able to transition Methadone patients to Buprenorphine. We look forward to seeing you at Life Spring Recovery today!

Call us today to make an appointment 302.803.4433 501 W Market Street, Georgetown, DE 19947

10 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

Doctors, Clinicians, Specialists and a New Kind of House Call

Transforming mental health care through telehealth services Erin Willis Director of Business Development, SUN Behavioral Delaware Erin Willis is the Director of Business Development for SUN Delaware headquartered in Georgetown, Delaware. Bringing with her nearly a decade of experience, she was drawn to the behavioral health system’s mission and values having joined in May 2018. She works every day to further SUN’s mission and cultivate positive change in Sussex County by helping the region’s most vulnerable neighbors suffering from mental illness.

“Thank you for helping me work towards my treatment goals. This program has made me a better educator and a better person overall, and I look forward to seeing where my future takes me.” — SUN Behavioral Adult PHP patient Most doctors may not make house calls like they did in the “good old days,” but as Americans’ needs evolve so must how we provide mental health care. With technological development and in the wake of COVID-19, those needs are changing faster than ever. Most of us know that millions of Americans struggle with mental health every year. Struggles that have now been exacerbated by coronavirus complications, which have brought with them significant issues like: job loss, isolation, mourning the unexpected deaths of loved ones, and extreme trauma for front-line workers — compounding new problems on top of pre-existing ones. As quarantine prevents direct, critical connections to the outside world, the ability to manage and cope with mental health struggles is further impeded. We know from studying the previous effects of quarantine during the SARS outbreak of 2003 that it can cause a high prevalence of psychological distress symptoms. In that study, 29% of participants reported symptoms of posttraumatic stress and 31% of respondents reported symptoms of depression.

That’s where telehealth services come in. Barriers that previously prevented telehealth adoption have been eclipsed by the urgent demand created by today’s environment. It’s projected by year’s end that more than a billion people around the world could be using these kinds of services (Forrester Research, Inc.), which is why those in the medical profession are tirelessly working to establish telehealth services for their patients. SUN Behavioral is no exception. For those who aren’t familiar with telehealth, a service provided by SUN, it provides patients with the ability to have virtual consultations and visits with doctors and specialists from anywhere through video calls. Those who are searching for help can schedule no-cost telehealth consultations with a SUN clinician for an assessment of their situation. From there, we work with them to identify a plan for their continuum of care based on their unique needs. That may include treatment in an inpatient, partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient program. If it’s one of the latter two options, they can now participate in those programs through our telehealth services or in-person — whichever they’re most comfortable with.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions of Americans to isolate themselves at home, which protects physical health, but it can put increased pressure on our mental and emotional health and intensify existing conditions. With that in mind and when you’re suffering from a disorder like debilitating depression, getting dressed and leaving the house simply to get the mail can feel impossible— let alone getting out to seek help in a setting like a therapist’s office or behavioral health facility. At SUN, we

know if we can connect with you through a simple video call, getting you back on a path of wellness becomes possible. No matter what is keeping you from leaving your house — from quarantine to anxiety or more — mental health help is evolving to meet you wherever you are. Telehealth services can virtually and safely bring the doctor to you where you’re most comfortable. Your home. Just visit to get started.

No-Cost Telehealth Consultations are Here Accessible care during this anxious time. Do you struggle with mental illness? Has COVID-19 made your struggles more difficult or created new ones? The pandemic can make us feel disconnected from the world — and help. In response, we have created telehealth services to safely and securely help you. Visit to schedule a no-cost telehealth consultation. Simply click “Schedule a Telehealth Consultation” and fill out the form to start.

When Leaving Home Isn’t Possible, SUN Telehealth Services Can Help. Our team of experts is available 24 hours a day, seven days of week. Call SUN first. 302-604-5600 21655 Biden Ave., Georgetown, DE 19947 |

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 11

Health & Wellness

Hospice Equals “Hope” for Parents of Medically Complex Child And ironically, it wasn’t until they met their hospice team that they felt they were allowed to hope. Patty remembers first meeting Nurse Colleen, who gave Patty her “first genuine smile”— not one of sympathy, but of hope. Patty explains it was as if Colleen were saying, “These people have hope for this baby’s life. No matter how short. It doesn’t matter. Hope in the time that’s given.”

Hospice can seem like a frightening word to a family with a medically complex child. But not for Patty and Zach. To them, “hospice” equals “hope”—hope for the freedom to embrace every joy-filled moment with their baby boy. When Patty and Zach brought four-day-old Leo home, they were greeted by balloons at the door, two excited big brothers, adoring grandparents… and their Katybug team from Delaware Hospice. It was a joyous occasion; Patty and Zach had been told not to even bother bringing a car seat to the hospital. Thirteen weeks into her pregnancy, Patty had gotten the phone call with the frightening news: her baby had Trisomy 18— a genetic condition with a high rate of miscarriage, stillbirth, and fatality before the age of one. They were encouraged to terminate the pregnancy. The family was faced with one difficult decision after another. Ultimately, they decided to enjoy and love Leo for as long as he was able to live. They determined that if the baby was born alive, they wanted him to have “comfort care” rather than significant medical intervention. As baby Leo defied one odd after another in his first few days of life, the family focused on enjoying each tiny moment and milestone. But at every turn, they were reminded of how serious Leo’s condition was and not to let their hopes get too high. When it became clear there was a possibility Leo would leave the hospital, the hospital’s palliative team set the family up with Delaware Hospice’s Katybug pediatric program to support them in their home.

12 I Summer 2020

A year later, the family’s Katybug Nurse Lynn was at Leo’s first birthday party. Lynn had become part of the family, and Leo was thriving. Only about 10% of babies born with his condition make it to their first birthday. He was the family’s little miracle. Once Lynn has helped the family through one more cold and flu season, Leo will “graduate” from Katybug. Even though the step should be a happy milestone, Zach wishes they could keep Katybug forever. Getting in-home services and having someone to call at a moment’s notice—even in the

middle of the night—has been an enormous help to the family, especially since the children’s hospital where Leo is seen is a 2-hour drive. Zach explains, “If we can use the hospice resources it’s amazing… We don’t want to graduate!” Children at any stage of any serious illness, whether they’re receiving curative treatment or not, can benefit from the expertise of pediatric palliative and hospice care specialists like the caring team members in Delaware Hospice’s Katybug pediatric program. In addition to caring for children from birth through age 21, Katybug also offers prenatal support to families awaiting the birth of a baby diagnosed with a serious condition. Katybug is the only program of its kind in Delaware with Certified Hospice and Palliative Pediatric Nurses on staff. Katybug’s pediatric specialists are experienced in walking alongside children and their families during these tough times, so the family can focus on the joys of life instead the child’s illness. If you know a family who may benefit from our services of: • transitioning from hospital to home • in-patient care and/or respite care • education, assistance, or companionship • symptom management support • coordination with physician • emotional and spiritual support Please visit or call 800.838.9800 to learn more about Katybug.

Because every moment counts. With our help, you can still see new things together. At Katybug, we believe in making time for life’s special moments. We work to make each day the best it can be, so that you can focus on connecting with the people that matter most. • 800.838.9800

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

The Medicine Woman

School of Holistic Studies and Wellness Center Who is The Medicine Woman? Terri Pippin, founder of The Medicine Woman, is trained in both Celtic and Native American Shamanism and has been a shamanic healer since 1998. CMT, Reiki master, and shaman, Terri started her spiritual journey of healing over thirty years ago when she was first introduced to meditation. Terri has been certified in massage since 1996. Her journey has also included the achievement of Reiki Master Level in 2007 and the development of several energy healing techniques. Terri has also developed many self-healing classes and continuing education courses.

2020 Live and Online Classes Coming to a Computer near you……The Medicine Woman’s First Online Course • The Art of Tarot Card Reading for Fun and Profit. Please contact The Medicine Woman for additional information regarding this class. Live Classes offered at the Medicine Woman. • Reiki Level 1 & 2 • TMW Total Spectrum Healing • Polarity Chakra Balance • The Art of Tarot Card Reading for Fun and Profit. • The Shaman Class – 4 months Extensive course on Shamanism. (Illumination & Extraction Therapy and Soul Retrieval taught in the class.) On the Horizon – Something for the future • Distant Healing • Quantum Healing Course – Created and Taught by Terri Pippin and Tommy Gibson. For more information on all our classes listed above please go to Healing Services Offered by The Medicine Woman Healing by Appointment Only

For each year of imbalance in your life it takes a month of Holistic Healing to heal the negative events from that year. The Medicine Woman has many different Energy and Shamanic Services to offer you. We look forward to being part of your healing plan. Energy Work: • Reiki • Reflexology • Chakra Balance • Access BARS • Energy Trio Shamanic Healing: • Soul Retrieval • Past Life Journey • TMW Total Spectrum Healing • Illumination and Extraction Therapy • Intuitive Readings Please go to TerriPippinTheMedicineWoman. com for Prices, Service Description and Hours of Operation.

The Medicine Woman, LLC A Center for Healing and Education


As Always Healings by Appointment Only

36666 King Street Row, Unit B - Lewes, De. 19958 • The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 13

Health & Wellness

Tips for A Healthy Summer! Dr. Tracy Hudson Dr. Hudson is a ’95 Cape Henlopen High School graduate and continued her educational career at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education. While attending UNCW, Dr. Hudson suffered an injury playing softball and she sought treatment with a local chiropractor. After a few adjustments, Dr. Hudson was back on the field. Now being a true believer, she decided to further her education in the natural healing art. She attended Life University in Atlanta, Ga. for 3 years, and then transferred to Texas Chiropractic College in Houston. After graduating in 2004, she moved to Clearwater, Fla., where she was in private practice for 8 years. During that time, she also became a Fellow of the International Academy of Medical Acupuncture. She has now moved back to her home town to share her love of chiropractic with our community.

Summer is here and that means an increase in outdoor activities...and an increase in injuries! Many of us are getting back outside: playing sports, gardening, and starting up an exercise plan. The stress and fatigue increased activity puts on your body can lead to issues and injuries. Regular chiropractic care can help prevent injuries and speed recovery, and our health and wellness tips can help you have a healthier summer! Summertime Tips Tip #1: Get your daily dose of vitamin D. By spending 15-20 minutes in direct sunlight, you can increase your vitamin D levels. The optimal amount of vitamin D can improve your mood, decrease fatigue, boost your immune system, help to regulate bone strength, prevent osteoporosis, and give you more energy! Tip # 2: After you’ve spent your 15-20 minutes in the sun, apply sunscreen liberally on your entire body. Don’t forget your lips, ears, and even the backs of your hands! Be sure to use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply every 80 minutes. We also suggest you

14 I Summer 2020

read the label to make sure your sunscreen is free of harmful ingredients like OMC, PABA, and 4-MBC, benzophenone-3 and homosalate. These ingredients have been linked to an increased risk for skin cancer. The safest sunscreens are zinc and/or titanium oxide based. Some of our favorite brands include: Badger, Babo Botanicals, and Babyganics. Remember to apply sunscreen on both cloudy and sunny days!

Dr. Sheila Burek Dr. Sheila Burek is a Buffalo, N.Y. native, who received her Bachelors of Science degree in Biology at D’youville College. She then worked as a medical research assistant in Cardiology at the University Of Buffalo School Of Medicine. It was at that time that Dr. Burek suffered an injury at the gym, for which she sought chiropractic care. It was through this experience that Dr. Burek became interested in furthering her healthcare career in alternative medicine. She attended Palmer College of Chiropractic, graduating in 1995. After 18 years of private practice in Pennsylvania, working in a multi-disciplinary setting, including orthopedic surgeons and physiatrists, she relocated to our beautiful beach town.

of fresh fruits and vegetables, you can count on 30% of your water intake coming from your diet. So, this means, a 150 lb. person that eats a good diet should drink 52.5 ounces/ day. It is easier to suffer from dehydration in the hot summer months, particularly if you are playing sports or exercising outside. Drink water before you head outside to prevent dehydration. If you’re already thirsty, you might already be dehydrated!

Tip # 5: Get adjusted regularly! Keeping your body aligned leads to optimum function to allow you to have the healthiest summer yet! We can help you achieve your wellness goals, and it’s important to make healthy choices in your everyday life. To learn more health and wellness tips, check the Sussex County Women’s journal archives for our previous articles. Have a safe and joyful summer!

Tip # 3: One thing we love about summer is farmer’s markets! There are a number of fresh fruits and vegetables that are locally available, so get out and take advantage of them! The tomato festival at Lewes Farmer’s Market is one of our favorite days to go. There are so many goodies made with our delicious locally grown tomatoes! Pro-tip: Go early, it gets very crowded! Or try growing your own organic herbs, berries, and vegetables.


Tip # 4: Staying hydrated is always important, but especially in the summer heat. Current guidelines recommend half of your body weight in ounces. If you are eating a good diet full

Having back and neck issues from previous car accidents and being very physically active driving, lifting, and distributing Journals, I rely on the experienced, and effective methods that Dr. Tracy uses to help keep me pain free. She cares very much about all her patients and treats them like family. I would recommend Henlopen Chiropractic as the best in their field. - Barbara Steele

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

CoolSculpting Non-Surgical Fat Removal non-surgical treatment for removal of fat from localized pockets of excess fat. This non-invasive procedure represents an alternative to surgical liposuction by using a novel cooling technology that permanently removes fat cells from treated areas.

Michelle Parsons, MD

is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in BioIdentical Hormone Therapy and treatment of Thyroid disorders as well as Aesthetic Medicine and Laser Medicine. The biggest trend in cosmetic surgery is the expansion of non-invasive body countouring technology, the best of which is CoolSculpting, which is now available at ReNove Medical in Rehoboth Beach. CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved, non-surgical device that uses precisely controlled cooling to destroy fat cells, thereby eliminating unwanted love handles, bra rolls, and stomach fat. Arms and legs can be treated as well. Unlike some other non-surgical technologies that release fat from fat cells, such as Vasershape and I-Lipo, Coolsculpting destroys the fat cells thereby eliminating treated fat permanently, as our body does not make new fat cells. Coolsculpting is a unique

How does CoolSculpting Work? The technology behind CoolSculpting was developed by Harvard scientists who noted that fat was destroyed by cold under certain conditions. CoolSculpting is a result of their efforts to harness and refine this application of cold to selectively remove unwanted fat deposits in a safe manner. During a treatment, your unwanted fatty area will be pressed and chilled to a temperature 12 degrees above freezing. At this temperature the fat within fat cells crystallizes. When the fat within the cells crystallizes, it damages and kills the fat cell. Skin and other tissue is not damaged as the water in other cells is not crystallized, only fat. The body will then eliminate the killed fat cells over time. The best news is that we do not make new fat cells. Fat cells merely get bigger or smaller as they store more fat or lose fat. So in essence the fat removal from CoolSculpting is permanent. And we have seen instances of patients who if they gain weight, the weight will not return to the treated areas. What are the most common areas to be treated? Many people on a weight loss program continue to have stubborn hard to lose areas, no matter how much dieting, sit ups or weight they lose. Such stubborn areas are typically around the abdomen, the love handles and inner thighs. Once you are over forty, losing fat in these areas is extremely difficult. These are

the areas that CoolSculpt can address. Basically if there is an area you can pinch several inches, that area can be treated and eliminated by CoolSculpt. Most of our patients are interested in losing fatty areas in the upper and lower abdomen, the muffin top, waist, brat fat, back fat, love handles, and “mommy pooches.” We can also treat arms, thighs and saddle bags.



Are there any side effects from CoolSculpting? The side effects from a CoolSculpting treatment are minimal. It is possible to have bruising after the treatment, which resolves in a week. It is common to have numbness or decreased sensitivity in the treated area lasting 1 to 2 weeks. In some instances patients will develop a burning tingling sensation 5 days after the treatment which can be controlled with a Lidoderm patch. There are virtually no long term negative side effects.

we have Netflix available so you can watch a movie or catch up on your favorite television program. Busy moms find this time to themselves a real treat! We also have Wi-Fi.

What does CoolSculpting feel like? Our treatment room is very comfortable where you will relax on a padded recliner. When the CoolSculpting is applied to the fatty area to be treated there is a sensation of pulling that feels slightly uncomfortable for the first 5 to 10 minutes. Gradually this sensation lessens to the point during the treatment any uncomfortable sensation is minimal. There seems to be a natural endorphin release during the treatment so patients are very relaxed during the treatment, which takes an hour. Some people have fallen asleep during the treatment! A typical treatment session lasts between 1 and 3 hours, depending on how many areas are treated. During the treatment,

How long to results last? Once the fat cells are frozen, killed and naturally eliminated by your body, the results are permanent. You can still gain weight in other areas if you over eat and don’t continue to try to remain fit. If you are interested in learning more about CoolSculpting and would like to see if you are a good candidate for this effective treatment to lose unwanted fatty areas, please call us today to set up an appointment to meet with Dr. Michelle Parsons at ReNove Medical, Health Rejuvenating Spa, in Rehoboth Beach, 302-227-1079. We will be offering an introductory Special this season, so please inquire.

How quickly do people see results? After a CoolSculpting treatment, the fat cells are actually killed and will be eliminated by the body over time. Many report seeing changes in as little as 3 to 4 weeks. The full benefit will take as long as 60 to 90 days.

Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call


The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 15

Health & Wellness

Benchmark Physical Therapy Offers Free Fall-Risk Screenings For its first outpatient clinic in The First State, BenchMark Physical Therapy chose Millsboro.

Ryan Grube, Ryan Tezak and Tom Gottstein

Whether you’ve lived here for a long time or only chosen it in retirement, Sussex County will make you feel right at home with a wide range of activities to keep you busy and active. Summer in Sussex County is perfect for enjoying time with friends and family, relaxing at the beach, boating on the bay, playing in a charitable golf tournament, riding a bike on the boardwalk, exploring the beautiful wilderness of state parks and nature trails. As beneficial as these activities are, however, they come with a warning sign: You will find yourself navigating uneven or difficult terrain that will challenge your balance. Each year, one in four adults 65 and older will fall, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After

your first fall, you are 50 percent more likely to fall again. While some falls may not cause physical harm, they may make you more fearful of falling again. What’s more, this fear is one of the leading causes of future falls. Other factors include muscle weakness, poor vision, vestibular (balance) deficits, slow or abnormal gait, and walking on uneven or unfamiliar terrain. Balance requires input from three separate systems of the body. As the human body ages, these three systems can experience inefficiencies that lead to falls. Vision: Physical therapists are not vision experts, but we can educate and recommend home modifications to help you avoid tripping over objects outside of your visual field.

“After many failed attempts at successful physical therapy, l decided to give Benchmark Physical Therapy a try. Like some folks, I have had several spine issues only to be complicated by treatment. I’m so grateful I’ve found Benchmark Physical Therapist, Ryan Tezak! Ryan tailored my physical therapy and he also did a ton of research to clarify my injury and treatment. I also took advantage of the “Telehealth” option which is “virtual” at home physical therapy sessions. My recovery is heading towards better health and Ryan Tezak and Benchmark Physical Therapy are giving me confidence about my future. I would absolutely recommend Benchmark Physical Therapy to everyone. I was treated at Benchmark’s Millsboro Delaware office, which is new, clean, spacious and professional. With his help, I’m totally confident about my future.” - Steve T.

16 I Summer 2020

Proprioception: This feedback from muscles, tendons and joints helps your body know where it is in space. In simpler terms, gymnasts rely heavily on proprioceptive input to prepare them for landing after completing flips in the air. Through muscular strengthening, manual therapy and balance training, physical therapists can retrain your vestibular system to prepare for sudden corrective movements to maintain balance. Vestibular: This system controls your equilibrium and spatial awareness. Physical therapists use a number of techniques to restore and retrain the vestibular system to function normally. . In Sussex County, BenchMark is committed to reducing falls and keeping the community active.

Who are physical therapists? Licensed healthcare professionals, physical therapists can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility, often without surgery and while reducing the need for the long-term use of prescription medications. They also can help prevent mobility loss by developing fitness and wellness programs to encourage healthier, more active lifestyles.

GEORGETOWN 10 Georgetown Plaza • 302-858-4528 MILLSBORO 30166 Commerce Drive • 302-858-4528 MILFORD COMING SOON 28263 Lexus Dr Unit 12 Visit

Now Offering Telehealth Physical Therapy

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

A New ERA In Lens Choice For Cataract Surgery diopters of the goal) results improved by 40 years. Our surgeons here at Delaware of meeting the patients’ goals for visual about 50%. function after surgery. Eye were among the first in Delaware to pioneer modern small-incision, noIn addition to the improvement in lens Traditionally, surgeons have relied on stitch surgery with foldable intraocular educate. enrich. empower. power selection, the ORA provides measurements made prior to surgery lens implants. This took us from a time valuable information for dealing with by instruments measuring through the where cataract surgery was routinely an astigmatism. Astigmatism is a natural cataract of the patient to determine inpatient surgery requiring sandbags to irregularity of the shape of the front best lens choice. While this method immobilize the head for several days of the eye that disease leads to a ifdistortion of of measurement has been effective postoperatively and a healing process others are easily picked clearly, hit and field ages 65 and 74. Early manageable images both near and far without glasses and accurate for a good of stretchedeye over several months,better to up duringthat a routine a baseball and detection of portion macular caught early. correction. Traditional intraocular patients, there is an inherent flaw to a point of outpatient surgery typically examination. improve their lacrosse degeneration allows your If no signs measuringdoctor councilthat you on kDiabetes: lenses used at the time of cataract throughtoa cataract lasting 10-20 minutesgame. with rapid Let’s start with the or symptoms I skew these preventative measures Diabetic surgery areretinopathy incapable of correcting measurements, which results, oftentimes showing significantexist,can children. improvement One out of in visualrecommend a routine eye and create awareness is responsible for 8% astigmatism, confining the patient with must be very precise to attain the best function within a Charles Curry, MDevery four children has exam at the age of four, of vision changes that of legal blindness and significant astigmatism to constant results. The ORA works by making few days of surgery. We have also been aoffered visual impairment. another before school need to be the leading cause of patient‘s faceaddressed and eye will be patients will be asked to wash at the Delaware Eye physician’s pre-op of instructions. outcomes. glasses wear, even after cataract surgery, the calculations lens power while in among the leaders intelevision the useface ofthen premium their and hands. Ittwo is not prepped and draped for surgery¡ feel any discomfort. closed-circuit system Patients are generally inModern cataractCenter surgery Surgery ishas more efficient When you consider starts, every immediately. Research The anesthetist administers I.V. sedation and new cases of blindness Patient comfort is an important goal at the necessary to disrobe for most and the eye. connected This During surgery, most patients foradults all distances. ORA measures the operating room after the surgeon lenses that enable more Following surgery, patients to the surgeon’s structed to refrain from eating undergone a gentle revolution in the that 80%onintraocular of learning years thereafter. has shown that a diet in ages The 20-74. the eye is anesthetized to guarantee patient surgery center. Certified anesthetists are on procedures, but shoes will efficiency tofor more patient remain aware ofto their surround- astigmatism while in the operating room, Cataract surgery is, by far,past thedecade. most are moved our recovery ˜› Â?›’—”’—Â? ŠĞŽ›be –’Â?—’Â?‘Â? Today, leads cataract operating has removed the cataract. This permits glasses-independence for those with staff each case. microscope. Our nurses are experts in comfort. When thein time for surgery arrives, is delivered through rich green leafy Each year 12,000 to comfort, lesskeeping inflammation, more removed. Dentures, prosthetics, ings. They canoperating hear voices and area where, again, their before procedure. Howsurgery by is invasive than arrival, patients will patients comfortable and safe during patients arevegetables, wheeled tomeasurement the room. frequently performed procedure a less child’s eyes, it is Upon Of course, asa we no once smoking 24,000 people lose strategies sight for permitting two useful much more reliable that significance astigmatism and for those rapidprocedures. recovery and better visual and hearing aids (except forblood the music, but don’t feel any dis their visit. Patient family members are invited to vital signs will be monitored. ever, heart and pressure check-in with our receptionist. many dental The There is no need (or patients to transfer to an- because of uncontrolled imperative that they start age, the chance for and taking vitamin the general ophthalmologist. This, outcomes. surgical side ear) may remain in. comfort. reducing astigmatism postoperatively in typically, only aoperating couple of who desire lesspatient need glasses formedications near remain with during their stay in pre- requires, other in the Â’•• room shouldstretcher. usually beOnce ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‹Ž ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? “ž’ŒŽ At the that time, thefor receptionnewest-generation offPatient withequipment a foundation eye increases. supplements tailored for are blood sugar. 1)Annual eyepremium Vitaldisease signs willwith be monitored and comfort an Following surgery, patients of course, makes it imperative that op andis recovery. Familyand members may, the vital signs will again be monitored and the pathese patients: specialized extra minutes of time while inŒ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•Žǰ the vision activities. —ŒŽ taken. All patients must make ˜›  ÂŠÂ?Ž›ǯ ist will review help the ˜ěŽ›ŽÂ? ŠÂ?of Â?‘Ž Ž•Š ÂŠÂ›ÂŽ ¢ÂŽ the operative eye dilated. Once important goal at the surgery moved to our recovery area clear vision so they Routine eye care is the disease can inhibit exams are used to detect permission, observe the procedure tient‘s face and eyeItwill be prepped and join draped the surgeon hones his or her skills family member may sure they understand their Surgery Center isCertified morepatient’s ef- anesthetists patient complete theirpatient admislens implants called toric lenses can room. does not require any leaking the is comfortably center. are where,aonce again, their vitals can concentrate instrumental in theoperating blood vessels, through aon c1osed-circuit television forsettled, surgery¡progression. Jaythe Taylor, M.D.ꌒŽ—Â? Š—Â? them. Post-op instructions are be chosen and accurately positioned physician’s pre-op instructions. Â?Ž—Â?•Ž ˜— Â?‘Ž ÂŽ¢ÂŽÇŻare sion paperwork. Patients aresystem and By: utilizes most advantageous they may have a family member on staff for each case. Our nurses signs will be monitored. Patients repositioning of the patient in the midst We excited to, most recently, be the the material they to are detection, monitoringDuring surgery, most patients remain aware retinal swelling (macular connected the surgeon’s operating microand hear copy given to The anesthetist adminis-will bereviewed ‘’œ ŽĜŒ’Ž—Œ¢ •ŽŠÂ?Âœ Â?˜inscope. –˜›Ž then invited to our pre-op join them. are experts keeping patients offered juice water. technology to attain repeatable and of surgery their surroundings. They can voices and edema) in the eyeand to maximize reduction of of because the ORA isorattached first practice in Delaware to offer ORA learning, not wasting and treatment of many kGlaucoma: The lipid mportance of routine, the patient forause at home. ters I.V. sedation thedon’t eye ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â? Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Ç° •Žœœ ’—ĚŠ––Šarea for the administration of are generally in- andbut comfortable and safearrival, duringpatients their will Patients Once comfortable family music, feel any discomfort. Upon check-in with our exceptional results ateye this most visit. energy struggling to see ocular and systemic second leading cause deposits in the retina – implants astigmatism, 2) standard lens to the operating microscope that is Wavefront Aberrometry to our cataract comprehensive structed to refrain or Patient family aretime, member may join are them. Post-op Patients must be released into is anesthetized toFollowing guarantee anyAt necessary medications. tion, more rapid recovery and members surgery, patients to receptionist. that the receptionist willfrom eating clearly. Some children’s diseases including: ofthroughout blindness in themoved U.S. all of which are signs of with common important drinking after midnight before a invited to remain with the patient exams. and, Too arguably, often I most instructions are reviewed and can be used, but supplemented being used the procedure. patients to improve their results, i.e. the care of a responsible adult. patient comfort. When the time While entering pre-op pa‹ŽĴŽ› Â&#x;’œžŠ• ˜žÂ?ÂŒÂ˜Â–ÂŽÂœÇŻ review and help the patient complete their our recovery area where, once again, their vitals David Robinson, M.D. eye diseases, such asand found mostly in to the bloodguided vessels. procedure. However, heart and during their stay in pre-op copy given todothe for use damaged have seen patients surgical procedure. Here at Delaware Please notpatient plan on for surgery patients tients willtheir be asked to wash Patient comfort is anpossibly imporsigns will beis monitored. Patients will bedrivoffered admission paperwork. Patients areglasses then invited By: David Robinson, M.D. corneal incisions by the ORA to Itarrives, does not require a second trip the reduce need for medications blood pressure members may, recovery. Family atOnce home. Patients must be reamblyopia and infantile kMacular over 40 crowd. It isGenerally, suffer permanent vision juice oroperating water. comfortable a family memto our pre-op area for the administration of any ing yourself home. their face and hands. It is not are wheeled to the tant goal at the surgery center. Eye Institute, all of our surgeons help reduce astigmatism. These strategies operating suite for lens implantation, for some activities after surgery. Each With the experience of 16,000 surgical proceshould usually be taken. All with the patient’s permission, the care of a responsileased into glaucoma, need to be to disrobe Degeneration: Theber characterized by kCataracts: If you may join them. Post-op instructions are renecessary medications. While ŃŽŃŁŃ–Ń‘ ÇŻ ÇŻhave loss that could With ŃœŃ?Ń–Ń›Ń ŃœŃ›Ç° the experience of 16,000 patients will wearhigh an eye patch necessary forentering most pre-op room. There is no need for Ž›Â?’ęŽÂ? Š—ŽœÂ?‘ŽÂ?Â’ÂœÂ?Âœ Š›Ž ˜— dures, Delawareto Eye Surgery Center combines are dedicated doing justEye that. Our patients must make sure they and observe the procedure through a to leading bleconsignment adult. Please do notfor plan on can reduce or eliminate astigmatic because a full of lens of our cataract surgeons now has about viewed copy given to the patient use at patients will be asked wash their face and cataract surgeries, Delaware picked up as early as cause of pressure in the eye that live long enough you been prevented if the for a short time following the patients to transferpreto another procedures, but shoes will be their ÂœÂ?Šě Â?˜› c1osed-circuit ŽŠŒ‘and ÂŒÂŠÂœÂŽÇŻ ž› —ž›œŽœ the most modern eye surgery technology understand physician’s television system driving yourself home. Generally, surgeons bring years of dedicated home.and Patients mustare be kept released into the hands. It is not necessary tofrequently disrobe for most Surgery Center combines the glasses need after surgery. types powers on hand incare two years of experience possible to prevent problem had only been blindness inusing the U.S. damages the optic nerve. have cataracts. ™›˜ŒŽÂ?ž›Žǯ —ŒŽ ™ŠÂ?’Ž—Â?Âœ ‘ŠÂ&#x;ÂŽof will ÂœÂ?›ŽÂ?ÂŒÂ‘ÂŽÂ›ÇŻ —ŒŽ ’— Â?‘Ž ˜™Ž›ŠÂ?removed. Dentures, prosthetare experts in keeping patients he Delaware Eye Surtechnique with a warm and friendly atmosop instructions. connected to the surgeon’s patients will wear an eye patch a responsible adult. Please do not plan on drivprocedures, but shoes will be removed. Denmost modern eye surgery technolservice learning their craft andpatients have detected earlier. Accurate permanent vision loss. is athe result ofingthe isatypically afollowing slow, A cataract is any our surgical suite. For the patient and this exciting new tool in surgical phere. This combination promises ansafemicroscope. recovered and received their room vital signs will It again ics, and hearing aids (except comfortable and durgery Center combines The anesthetist administers operating for short time the proing yourself home. Generally, patients will wear tures, prosthetics, and hearing aids (except for ogy and technique with a warm spectacle prescriptions unparalleled surgical experience. demonstrated a commitment openness Amblyopia, in particular, deterioration of progressive process that or clouding post-op instructions, they be signs monitored patient’s forrevolutionary the side ear) may ing to their visit. Patient family the most modern I.V. sedation and thecertain eye isand cedure. Once patients have Upon arrival, patients willsurgical It is always important to keep in mind surgeon the process istime seamless, while suite. This system the an eyethe patch for a short following the pro- opacification the surgical side ear) may remain in. is Vital and friendly atmosphere. This Modern cataract surgery has undergone a are commonly a is much more difficult wheeled to their car and face and eye will be prepped remain in. Vital signs will be members are invited to remain cells in the macula, has noaresymptoms until the lens in theoreye. anesthetized to guarantee patient check-in with our receptionist. At recovered anddramatic. received their post- of eye surgery technology and to the newest technologies toanimprove cedure. Once patients have recovered and rewill be monitored and the operative eye dilated. the combination promises patients that no technology surgical procedure improved results are first of its kind to gather information revolution in the past for decade. cataract simple with solution 40 Today, comfort. the time for time, the receptionist op instructions, are wheeled released. 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Often athe detailed retina in themost istofunctional and the Modern cataract surgery has equipment dures. The newest-generation offeredtheir to the operating room. There notheir most patients the entire experiAberrometer is one more tool that of theisthe ORA versus with traditional lens procedure which helps guide complete admission headaches andpatients fatigue at members tients entire experience at the center takes but Patients arepapergenerally instructed to refrain only takes about 90 minutes. tients remain aware of Family may, cataract with the Œ˜–Â?˜›Â?Š‹•¢ œŽĴ•ŽÂ?Ç° Â?‘Ž¢ –Š¢the undergone apromises revolution 1n the combination refraction glasses back of eye necessary patient has permanent can seriously impair at the Delaware Eye Surgery Center iswork. more Patientsfor need (or patients toatransfer to90 ence at the center takes about 90 improves our results after cataract are then invited tochoice Technology has been especially kind to about minutes. from eating orin drinking after midnight before work and children doing past decade. Today, cataract measurements find that the number the surgeon the of lens power For an appoinment otr more surroundings. They can hear patient’s permission, observe have a family member join an unparalleled surgical expecan be found to improve for sharp vision. This vision loss. Treated your vision. Many efficient and gentle on the eye. This efficiency another stretcher. Once in the minutes. or more information call our pre-op area the adminisForbut andon’t appointment procedure. heart and blood pressure poorly in These surgery less invasive than the field of school. ophthalmology over the last voices and of music, the procedure throughvision a for information call 302-645-2300. rience. leads toismore patient comfort, less inflammasurgery.will No machine withFor excellent (within 0.5 and type toHowever, be used todisease improve our odds a child’s sothem. they affects 11% ofpatients predominately with eye struggleor surgeon can operating room vital signs will tration of any necessary medicaan appointment or more people 302-645-2300. medications should usually be taken. All pamany dental procedures. The problems and many tion, more rapid recovery and better visual see the board at school Caucasians between drops; glaucoma is a very to get enough light to glassesagain be monitored guarantee a patient perfect tions. While entering pre-op information call 302-645-2300. tients must make sure they understand their and the newest-generation equipment read and stop driving free eyesight after surgery.atAlmost all night because of their patients, regardless of technology used, cataracts. The visual will find they require glasses for near symptoms progressively vision activities after cataract surgery. worsen and are Almost all patients will find their sometimes accompanied by a shift in the glasses distance vision could be improved, at prescription. least slightly, by a mild pair of glasses for the distance after surgery. The Fortunately, many ORA and other technologies we use at ocular diseases are Delaware Eye treatable andInstitute vision permit a larger number patients to function more loss canofbe prevented ifcomfortably caught infor a timely more activities without manner. rely onWe are committed the use of We spectacles. our vision for so many to continued advances that facilitate things, eye health is too continued improvement in these results.





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important to overlook. I strongly recommend The mosta ringing endorsement I can adding comprehensive, give is toeye echo Dr. Robinson’s statement dilated exam to your regular that “If I, or myhealth family care members, were regimen. having cataract surgery I would insist

on my surgeon use the ORA System Dr. Jay Taylor, at intraoperatively�. The Delaware Eye Institute, has been

phone 302.645.2300 April/May 2011

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web D e l aw a r e E y e . c o m 2

For more information about serving the eye care needs of patients in surgery, ORA technology, cataract Sussex lens County for 14 premium implants, and To make ancenter please ouryears. ambulatory surgery appointment call visit (302) 645-2300.

Summer 2020 I 17

Health & Wellness

Lose Pandemic Pounds with Intermittent Fasting Michelle Parsons, MD is a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia and received her residency training from the State University of New York in General Surgery, and Christiana Medical Center in Emergency Medicine. She also served as a Flight Surgeon in the Air Force. Dr. Parsons specializes in Aesthetic Medicine. Has the coronavirus put you in close proximity to a lot of stored, less than healthy, food for a period of weeks with some stress eating going along to boot? Have you put on a few pandemic pounds during quarantine? Are you planning on wearing a poncho over your bathing suit? Well, you are not alone that is for sure! Coronavirus and quarantine has placed all of us under some form of stress, whether it is working during the quarantine, staying home during the quarantine or attempting to do both maybe. Coronavirus has taken away a lot of things from just about everyone in some way. But one thing is for sure, coronavirus has also given us at least one good thing in return, in some way, because when something bad happens, God always ensures that something good happens too. So I hope you can all find at least one blessing in disguise that has been personally delivered to you. And perhaps that one blessing, is that you would like to take control of your weight and your health now, because waiting for it to be completely over is just not an option any more. So, if this is you, let me introduce you to some methods of recharging your body’s health and jumpstarting your weight loss that are tried and true and have been around since Jesus fasted for 40 days. Welcome to fasting. What is Intermittent Fasting You may believe that there is only one type of fasting, which may mean to you not eating for a prolonged period of time, maybe as long as a week. But there are actually several types of fasting and there is a whole science as to which kinds of fasting are best, for ease of following and which deliver the best results, for weight loss and overall health. For these reasons, we recommend intermittent fasting for most of our patients, which is an easy and intuitive way to control eating habits based on the time of day, as opposed to just not eating anything for days on end, which most people cannot tolerate.

18 I Summer 2019

The intermittent fasting we most commonly recommend is the 16:8 method. Meaning that you will eat in between designated 8 hours during the day, and fast for the rest of the day for 16 hours. And this is not as bad as it might sound initially, because you will be sleeping for a lot of that fasting time. For most people this means that the hours that you will eat will be between 11am and 7pm. And for most people this will mean just skipping breakfast and not eating too late before going to bed. Intermittent fasting follows our circadian rhythm, or our sleep/ wake cycle, balances periods of food intake with periods of no food intake so that the body spends or burns the calories it ingested rather than storing those ingested calories as fat, which can lead to obesity. This discovery was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2017. Well we all knew this, but 3 American scientists proved it! Alternate Day Fasting In addition to intermittent fasting, we may also recommend alternate day fasting. This fasting entails dropping your caloric intake to 500 calories for the day on two days during the week, in addition to the intermittent fasting. This is not usually 2 consecutive days. There are other varieties of fasting, that are healthy, effective and promote even more health benefits in addition to weight loss, such as prolonged fasting which causes autophagy, which is the body’s process for breaking down and eliminating cellular debris that can be initiated by fasting. What is Autophagy a Japanese cell biologist, Dr. Ohsumi, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discoveries on how cells recycle their content, a process known as autophagy, a Greek term for “self-eating.”It is a crucial process. During starvation, cells break down proteins and nonessential components and reuse them for energy. Cells also use autophagy to destroy invading viruses and bacteria, sending them off for recycling. And cells use autophagy to get rid of damaged

structures. The process is thought to go awry in cancer, infectious diseases, immunological diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. Disruptions in autophagy are also thought to play a role in aging. It takes 7 days of fasting to reach autophagy.

fasting mimicking diet. You can visit our website for more information on our weight loss program at https://www.renovemedspa. org/weightloss.

What kinds of food can I eat to help with weight loss? You can actually eat any kind of food and still lose weight as it is the quantity of calories that you eat during the day that will determine how much weight you lose. That said, if you were to eat a small amount of calories, but unhealthy calories devoid of essential vitamins and minerals, you are not helping your body’s health long term. Dr. Parsons will recommend a diet that is mostly vegetables, the green crunchy variety, not starchy vegetables such as potatoes or rice, and lean meats such as skinless chicken and fish. How can Dr. Parsons help with weight loss program? Here at Renove Medical Spa, we will help you understand intermittent fasting and help keep you accountable to your weight loss program. We meet with you once a month, check your weight and your food log and we will also administer B12 to aid with weight loss. The B complex vitamins help convert the food you eat into fuel for your body to use instead of storing that food as fat. Since it is very difficult for most people to decrease calories that they normally eat let alone fast for more than 1 day, Dr. Parsons may also write a prescription for an appetite suppressant. This will depend on your health, any other medical conditions you may have if this would be suitable for you. Dr.Parsons sees and evaluates each patient for each visit and currently Telemedicine appointments are available for weight loss. Instead of a true fasting diet, to stimulate weight loss and autophagy, Dr. Parsons may recommend a

Fasting Mimicking Diet Fasting for 4 or 5 days is very difficult to observe. To overcome these challenges, Prof. Longo, under the sponsorship of the National Institutes of Health, developed the Fasting Mimicking Diet or FMD, a plant-based nutritional program which uses a special nutrition program to orchestrate the metabolic pathways responsible for cellular support and rejuvenation, such as autophagy. The formulation of the fasting mimicking diet (FMD) was developed over a decade of research & discovery at the Longevity Institute of the University of Southern California. Because several days of fasting can be difficult, Prof. Valter Longo developed The Fasting Mimicking Diet to nourish the body while keeping its cells in fasting mode. The ProLon formulation contains more than 73 plant-based proteins, fiber-rich source of carbs and healthy fats, in addition to minerals and vitamins (micronutrients). It has successfully gone through animal and human trials and was awarded several patents for its uniqueness. For these discoveries, TIME named ProLon discoverer, Prof. Valter Longo, among the top 50 most influential people in Health. With the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet, you can get the benefits of prolonged fasting, while eating food. If you would like to try this method enter this website, michelle-parsons, create and account and search ProLon. If you would like to come in for an appointment or visit us by telemedicine appointment to see if you are candidate for our weight loss program, please reach out to us by calling us at 302-227-1079 or emailing us at

Michelle Parsons, MD ReNove Med Spa 416 Rehoboth Avenue • Rehoboth, Delaware For appointments please call


The County Woman’s Journal

health&wellness Health & Wellness

educate. enrich. empower.

Functional Medicine: Leaky Gut & Immunity may contain bacteria, molds, fungus, yeast, viruses, etc. For genetically predisposed individuals, a single dose of gluten may cause increased intestinal permeability. This is only one example, and continued insults will ultimately lead to INFLAMMATION.

By Dr. Cynthia Crosser


re you experiencing bloating or gas? Do you suffer from recurrent viral or bacterial infections, or worse yet, have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? With or without symptoms, the vast majority of the population are living with a compromised gut lining called intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” syndrome. For over 2000 years and going back to the time of Hippocrates, we were taught that “bad digestion is the root of all evil.” We also heard that death begins in the colon. We understand this so much better these days. The lining of the gut is only one cell layer thick and called the epithelium. This is the largest interface between the external environment and our bodies. Here is where there is a transport of nutrients. The lining’s very vital role is to provide a solid barrier between all that makes its way to the intestines by way of massive amounts of materials and microbes through consumption. This amounts to 3-7 tons of food in a lifetime. This food

This scenario can lead to local and systemic inflammation with the target tissue damage being largely determined by genetics and environmental factors and leading to conditions including gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease), autoimmune diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Type I Diabetes), neurological conditions, (Multiple Sclerosis), and cognitive dysfunction (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia) and others.

I recommend through Cyrex Laboratory to assess this most foundational component of the body to address and to prevent chronic health conditions. When we consider that the gut “talks” to the brain and to the lungs by way of messengers, why treat the symptoms? In order to address the vast majority of health conditions we experience, the integrity of the lining of the gut should be a first step to regaining and rebuilding health. When there is permeability, the causative factors need to be handled and the gut repaired. Then the body can start to become healthy again. If you are experiencing health challenges and need guidance to become well again, please don’t wait. A simple test could greatly benefit the outcome!!! Call 302-994-1010 or go to my website at www.

When the gut lining becomes thin and the immunoglobulins decrease in the gut, we may see tight junction proteins called occludin and zonulin in the blood. Or we might see actomysin (gastrointestinal microfilaments) within the cells, in the blood. Traumas such as surgery, stress, strenuous exercise and medications will induce permeability of the gut. Chemotherapy, NSAIDS, antibiotics, low fiber diets, alcohol and too much caffeine consumption can also induce permeability.

“Dr Crosser has knowledge, background, experience and sincere passion for her work, coupled with a true commitment to help her patients. In my opinion, it is not comparable to any medical professional I have worked with throughout a very serious medical journey the last several years. I had the pleasure of beginning treatment with her a few months ago and can truly say that her ability to recognize, diagnose and understand some of the serious challenges I am facing are quite remarkable. I am in the early diagnostic stages with her of what I know is a long journey ahead back to a state of full wellness. However, I can comment sincerely on what capable and committed hands I know I am in and what a partnership we have in tackling the issues I am facing. I am truly blessed to have met her.” ~ Cynthia E.

Crosser Natural Health . . . wellness within reach Cynthia Crosser, D.C., F.I.A.M.A. 3101 Limestone Road, Suite B Wilmington, DE 19808 302-994-1010

/CrosserNaturalHealth /CrosserNaturalHealth

Antigenic Intestinal Permeability is a blood test that

The County Woman’s Journal



Summer 2020 I 19

Health & Wellness health&wellness

educate. enrich. empower.

Diet & Breast Health Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These essential fats appear to reduce breast cancer risk. You can find them in foods such as flaxseeds (including oil), soybean oil and canola oil. Salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines are particularly high in these fatty acids. Fish oils have higher fatty acid concentrations than fish flesh.

Soy By Renée L. Quarterman, MD, FACS


verywhere we look, there’s information about how what we eat affects our bodies. What do we know about diet and breast health? Actually, quite a lot!


Eating too much sugar can lead to excess calories and fat deposition. Increased body fat increases the risks of some types of breast cancer. Additionally, sugar may have a direct link to breast cancer by promoting the growth of breast cells. Moderating sugar intake is a good idea for breast health.


An antioxidant is a substance that keeps your cells healthy and functioning properly. It protects against damage and promotes cellular repair when damage is done. Beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are the major sources of antioxidants. They’re abundant in fruits and vegetable (the brighter the color, the better). Antioxidants have protective effects against breast cancer. Eating about 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day is recommended. (Don’t think that food has to be fresh in order for it to be healthy. Many fruits and veggies are fresh-frozen. This means that their nutrients are locked in, and you can keep them for a long time without concern that they’ll go bad. Frozen fruits and veggies are often more economical than fresh!)

20 I Summer 2020

Soy contains phytoestrogens – plant-based forms of estrogen that, in some cases, can alleviate hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause. Soy products can actually be protective against breast cancer. It’s a nice alternative to meat products and is high in several nutrients. It’s important to know that soy may increase the risk of recurrence of some types of breast cancer. So, if you have a personal history of the disease or are at high risk for breast cancer, this is a substance that you should avoid (unless approved by your doctor).

it may reduce breast cancer risk or improve outcomes for women with breast cancer. But if you can’t get organic options, don’t worry. Fresh produce, regardless of how it was raised, is always a healthy option!


Beef and pork are notoriously high in fat, and fat is linked to increased breast cancer risk. So, when looking for a protein source, go for lean cuts. Also, remember that poultry and fish are hearty, filling foods with breast health benefits!


Studies show us that the char on grilled meat is linked to increased breast cancer risk. The char on grilled poultry and vegetables may have the same effect. So, as delicious as it is, try to get your food off the grill before it burns. You can also simply wrap your food in foil or place it on foil on the grilling rack.


Many people buy vitamin, mineral and fatty acid supplements to take daily. Sometimes, these products aren’t adequately absorbed into the bloodstream and you’re not getting the health benefits that you think you are. Consult with your doctor or nutritionist first. Finally, remember that fruits and vegetables contain sugar; meat, fish and poultry contain fat. Overzealous efforts to eat healthy may backfire if you eat too much of anything. Remember to keep your dietary choices in moderation! If you’d like to know more, please call 302.386.8686 or visit us at


Dr. Quarterman is a boardcertified surgeon dedicated to promoting and preserving breast health. Raised in Wilmington, Delaware, she attended Brown and Duke Universities.

The Mediterranean Diet

This incorporates daily ingredients of fish, poultry, nuts, fruits and vegetables. The dishes are commonly cooked in olive oil. Red meat, sugar and dairy products are kept at a minimum. The combination of nutrients (with the heat of cooking as a catalyst) promotes health in many ways. Recently, the diet has been linked to reduction of breast cancer risk. Moreover, for women with breast cancer, adopting the Mediterranean diet led to a reduction in cancer recurrence.


Drinking as few as two alcoholic beverages a week increases breast cancer risk.

Organic Food

Organic food options may be healthier for breast tissue. Studies are underway, but it makes sense to many doctors that, since organic food is produced with fewer chemicals, 10

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness health&wellness

educate. enrich. empower.

Hearing & Your Health Falls

By Jessica M. Bell, Au.D. Director, Riddle Audiology


revention and wellness are vital factors in today’s outlook on healthcare. A variety of well-known health conditions show a strong connection to hearing loss. Treatment options for hearing loss, such as hearing aids, have shown to benefit overall health. Conditions that have shown to have a link to hearing loss include (but are not limited to):

Diabetes The National Institutes of Health News showed in a 2008 study that hearing loss is two times more common in adults with Type 2 diabetes compared to those without diabetes. The nerves and blood vessels of the inner ear can become damaged due to pathological changes that are commonly seen in diabetes patients, resulting in hearing loss.

Cardiovascular Poor cardiovascular health can cause decreased blood flow to the inner ear which, ultimately, can result in hearing loss particularly in the low frequency range. Therefore, if a hearing loss is determined in the low frequency range (think, the bass on a piano), this could be an early predictor for a potential cardiovascular event.

Falls, particularly in the elderly, can be attributed to a variety of factors – one, less commonly discussed, is untreated hearing loss. A study completed by US News found that people with a mild, 25 decibel hearing loss, are 3 times more likely to sustain a fall and for every additional 10 decibels of hearing loss, the risk increased by 1.4 times for falling. Dr. Frank Lin indicates that “people who can’t hear well might not have good awareness of their overall environment, increasing the potential to trip and fall.”

Cognitive Decline Many research studies have shown that hearing loss may be linked to the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. People who have untreated hearing loss increase the amount of effort needed to understand speech which contends with normal cognition and could result in withdraw from social situations. By withdrawing from social situations, the brain is no longer exposed to typical daily communication which can decrease the amount of grey matter in the brain.

When a person’s ability to communicate effectively decreases with hearing loss, the likelihood of withdrawing from social interaction increases. By slowly withdrawing from social events a person once loved to participate in, the more isolated they become. Eliminating social activities is a red flag for depression. The National Council on Aging found that 36% of patients who begin to wear hearing aids experienced improved overall mental health while 34% increased social engagement. Understanding the link between hearing loss and other medical conditions is important to a person’s overall health. It is important for patients to have open communication with their physicians if they suspect hearing loss so that appropriate recommendations and referrals can be made to an audiologist for testing and treatment options.

The Riddle Experience The audiologists at Riddle Hospital share the same goals that you do – to improve hearing health as well as increase your ability to understand and participate in your most difficult listening environments. A comprehensive audiological evaluation followed by a listening needs assessment and live hearing aid demonstration will allow the audiologist to make the best recommendations for a hearing treatment plan tailored to your listening needs.

Jessica M. Bell, Au.D. Director/Doctor of Audiology Alexa R. Lynch, Au.D Doctor of Audiology Lisa C. Mackenzie, M.S. Clinical Audiologist For an appointment with a Riddle Hospital Audiologist, call 484.227.3200 or visit www.mainlinehealth. org/riddleaudiology

Cancer Treatments Some chemotherapy and radiation treatments can cause ototoxicity which means the drugs can cause chemical damage to the inner ear or tiny hair cells in the cochlea. The damage can be temporary or permanent depending on the type of medication used. Additionally, ototoxic medications can also cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears) with or without the presence of hearing loss.

Human care sees options when you’ve run out of them. A U D I O L O G Y AT M A I N L I N E H E A LT H Hearing loss can leave you feeling vulnerable. At the Riddle Hospital Audiology and Hearing Aid Center, part of Main Line Health, we provide clinical evaluation and cutting-edge treatment that not only improves patient outcomes, but improves our neighbors’ lives. Because what is specialty care if it’s not human?



Depression has been linked to untreated hearing loss for a variety of reasons. One example is social isolation.

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Be seen. 17

Summer 2020 I 21

Health & Wellness

ITN Southern Delaware – Volunteers Go the Extra Mile Submitted by: Janis P. Hanwell. Ed. D., ITN Southern Delaware Board Member

Seniors need transportation in Southern Delaware Just think about all the places you drive to regularly… to work, doctor’s appointments, the bank, grocery store or to meet friends for coffee, to church, family events, maybe even to a gallery opening or a movie. If you turned in your car keys today, wouldn’t you still want to be able to do all these things and more? Could you count on family or friends to drive you, or would you feel like you were imposing? While everyone ages differently, many adults between the ages of 65 and 72 begin to limit their driving or stop altogether due to age related conditions such as low vision, slowed response time, or an extended or severe illness. While public transportation companies work to expand and improve services for this “boom”ing population, many older adults still have limited or no access

Mable Granke, of Rehoboth Beach was one of ITN’s very first members. She used ITN to go to and from the Community Resource Center where she volunteered at least once a week for many years

22 I Summer 2020

to them. That is why ITN is so committed to providing a reliable and affordable solution that helps keep our roads safer, aids in improving quality of life for older adults, and gives family members peace of mind. Amazing volunteers make ITN second to none To help as many older adults as possible, ITN relies on dedicated and compassionate volunteers. ITN’s outstanding drivers, dispatchers, and support staff are all devoted, caring individuals with a commitment to give back to their community. ITN volunteers always “Go the Extra Mile” by providing arm-through-arm, doorthrough-door services and making riders feel safe, comfortable, and cared for. From scheduling rides, to assigning drivers, to working with riders who may need scholarship funds to pay for rides, you will not find an ITN volunteer who is less than a G.E.M.

Volunteer Spotlights

Joseph Savona, Volunteer Driver When Joe arrived to pick up John and his wife, John had just taken a spill in the grocery store parking lot when his cart hit a crack in the pavement. Joe immediately made sure John was safe, called 9-1-1, loaded the groceries in the car and drove John’s wife behind the ambulance to the hospital. He went into the hospital waiting area and helped John’s wife call her son who lived about an hour away to let him know what had happened. Once Joe knew their son

was on the way, he took the groceries back to the couple’s home and put the cold items away. If that wasn’t enough, he then drove back to the hospital and stayed until their son arrived. When Joe received recognition for going above and beyond, he said, “I just did what anybody else would do!” Joseph Feichtl, Volunteer Driver and ITN Board Member Joe was recently recognized as ITN Southern Delaware’s 2019 Volunteer of the Year and went on to receive ITN America’s 2020 national award because of his tireless efforts, extraordinary customer relations, and continued dedication to ITN’s mission. He is genuinely interested in each individual he drives, keeping in touch with many and helping with errands like picking up

mail, dropping off glasses to be repaired, or fixing a door knob. Riders love his friendly interaction and caring nature and they often call the office to sing his praises and request him as their driver. In 4½ years, Joe has provided nearly 2000 rides, led new driver orientations, and served hundreds of riders; having had an enormous effect on the lives of each one. He voluntarily looks after the ITN fleet cars, often paying for regular maintenance out of pocket and declining reimbursement. Joe also donates many hundreds of his own mileage credits back to ITN each year to help members who have difficulty paying for rides. Joe says he feels that service to others is a blessing to himself. But rest assured, Joe is the real blessing!

Janis Hanwell, ITN Board Member, presents Joe Feichtl with ITN America’s 2020 national Max Israelite Volunteer of the Year Award, Be a G.E.M. Volunteering with ITN only requires time around your own schedule and a desire to do something meaningful in your community. You select the rides you want to take, the radius you want to travel, and the time you want to give. It is good for your mind and body, and brings fun and fulfillment to your life. Improve quality of life for others and you will surely improve your own by Going the Extra Mile!

“Many seniors are isolated in our rural community without access to activities and services, with no opportunities to socialize. I’d get depressed if I couldn’t do those things, so while I’m still able, I want to help!” Transportation you can TRUST


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The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

B wanted to have her own home that would provide care for the Beverly June Gray- Mears a Seaford graduate has always

Join us on facebook! ParadiseSeniorLiving Pictures courtesy of Cape Gazette. Sign was designed by Penuel Signs of Georgetown.

elderly. Paradise Senior Living has made that dream come true. Beverly is a registered nurse who has over 20 years of experience in long term care. “I see the residents as family,” “I look at them as they were my grandparent, aunts or uncles. It is so important to make each day special, and remind them how amazing they are. Care giving has been my passion since I was a young child.” Paradise Senior Living is a welcoming, one-story home on Paradise Road, in Georgetown, a road named by her husband Rodney’s father James Brooks Mears. Designed as a long-term assisted senior living care facility, the space can also serve as a respite care center where caregivers can take a short break. Paradise is the perfect size to ensure that everyone who comes to stay there can get the individualized care they deserve.

Paradise provides housekeeping, home-style dining, laundry service, personal care, medication assistance Beverly June Gray- Mears and activities. A live-in caregiver provides companionship and care and is on-site 24 hours a day. In addition, a nurse is on-call 24 hours a day. Services such as transportation, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy can be scheduled using outside companies. With three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and common areas such as a dining room, living room, enclosed porch and a fenced back yard, Paradise can accept up to three residents.

Let’s see what Paradise can do for you!

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2 Lee Avenue I Georgetown, DE 19947 I 12001 Old Vine Blvd. I Suite 102 Lewes, DE I 19958 The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 23

Health & Wellness

24 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness M. Lisa Attebery, DO, FACOS, is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in breast surgery oncology.

She is driven by the connections she builds with patients and the intellectual challenge that comes with treating cancer. Meeting people at what are often the most vulnerable and fearful times of their lives, Dr. Attebery’s caring style and ability to provide the most advanced treatment tailored to the individual helps patients feel comfortable, safe and confident in her care. She had a private practice in Pennsylvania and was an associate professor at two medical colleges. She was proud to have been the first surgeon in the Philadelphia area to perform a nipple-sparing mastectomy, which has now become the norm. Recognizing the growing population and need for breast care in her neighboring state, she relocated here in Delaware and is the only fellowship trained breast surgeon in Delaware. Her clinical interests include molecular mapping and treating breast cancers at the gene level, which means no one-size-fits-all method. Her approach is to determine individualized cancer treatments based on the unique qualities of each cancer and a person’s genetic makeup. In her spare time, Dr. Attebery volunteers with the Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition locally and serves as an examiner for the General Surgery oral and written boards for fellow surgeons hoping to become board-certified. She is an avid runner and triathlete, as well as an art enthusiast with a love of drawing.

Dr. Attebery Brings Advanced Breast Cancer Care and Surgery To Delaware By M. Lisa Attebery, DO, FACOS Breast Surgical Oncologist Board Certified General Surgeon As the only fellowship trained breast surgeon in Delaware and a breast surgical oncologist, I am always asked, “What should I do if I find a lump? How is cancer diagnosed? What is new in the treatment of breast cancer? What kind of surgery will I need?” The diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is always evolving. There are many new advances, and more are coming. It is a very exciting time in the field. STATISTICS Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women. In 2019, there will be an estimated 3.5 million breast cancer survivors. 268,600 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 2930 men will be diagnosed. Of these, 42,260 women and 500 men will die from the disease. Here in Delaware, breast cancer ranks as the leading cancer diagnosis in women. Thankfully, the cancer death rates have decreased with advances in diagnosis, treatment and education. GENETICS & RISKS 60-80% of breast cancers are sporadic or random. 10-15% are familial, meaning some family history is present and only 5-10% involve genetic abnormalities. So, who should be tested? Anyone diagnosed with breast cancer that is less than 50 years of age, if you are diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer (in both breasts), if you are a male with breast cancer and anyone diagnosed who has an Ashkenazi Jewish background. Multiple risk factors have been identified, such as

being female, increasing age and race. Caucasians have the highest risk of developing breast cancer. Next is African American, Asian and then Hispanic. Estrogen exposure whether from medicine, bio-identical hormones or foods (soy), obesity, excessive alcohol use, personal history of breast cancer and radiation exposure on the chest also increase your risk. DETECTION Women should start having a 2D or 3D mammogram at the age of forty. If you have a family history, you should have a baseline mammogram at 35 years of age. An Ultrasound is a used for palpable masses and to aid in identifying lesions on a mammogram. An MRI is indicated for certain types of dense breasts, a new breast cancer diagnosis and to evaluate implants or lesions not well seen on mammograms. A breast MRI or Ultrasound are not generally used as screening tests. BIOPSIES Biopsies are usually performed at the hospital but can sometimes be performed in the doctor’s office. An ultrasound, mammogram or MRI can be used to assist obtaining the tissue. It depends on what test clearly identifies the lesion. The average time from abnormal mammogram to a biopsy should be 48-72 hours. SURGERY There are two options for surgery. One is breast conserving, called a lumpectomy. A lumpectomy is just what it sounds like. The doctor removes a lump or the cancer from the breast while preserving the majority of the breast. The second is a mastectomy, which removes

The County Woman’s Journal

anywhere between 92-98% of the breast tissue. A lumpectomy is most often followed by radiation which helps prevent the cancer from returning. In fact, a lumpectomy with radiation is EQUAL to a mastectomy in terms of survival. The real benefit for a mastectomy is risk reduction and personal choice. Most mastectomies can be completed with the preservation of the nipple and reconstruction can be started immediately. NEW TECHNOLOGY Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are happening quickly. Ultrasound guided breast biopsies can be performed right in the office with a new tool called the Mammotome. This probe device can extract tissue samples that are then sent to the lab for testing. After the tissue is removed, a Magseed is placed at the site of the biopsy. The Magseed is a tiny, radiation-free magnetic seed that is detected by the Sentimag. The Sentimag then uses magnetic signals to accurately pinpoint the Magseed, showing the doctor where the lump or cancer is located. The Sentimag is used in the operating room when the patient is asleep. The placement of the Magseed avoids the uncomfortable and painful placement of a wire in the breast prior to surgery while the patient is still awake and shortens the time needed at the hospital for the surgery. Prior to surgery, Magtrace is injected into the breast so the lymph nodes can be identified. Magtrace is a dark brown liquid of organically coated iron oxide particles. It avoids the need for nuclear medicine and the subsequent unnecessary exposure to

radioactive material to the patient and staff. Dr. Attebery is the first surgeon on the East Coast to use this advanced technology. YOUR CANCER DIAGNOSIS An important tool in diagnosing and treating breast cancer is doing a tumor genomic assay or test. These tests analyze a sample of the cancer tumor to see how active certain genes are. This activity affects the behavior of the cancer. The Oncotype DX test is used to estimate a person’s risk of

recurrence and/or the risk of cancer developing again in the same breast. Depending on what type of cancer it is, this test can also tell how likely a patient is to benefit from radiation or chemotherapy. Of the genomic tests used on breast cancer, the Oncotype DX test has the most thorough data supporting its use to make treatment decisions. Because of this strong research, the Oncotype DX test is the most common test used in the United States to make treatment decisions.

Bringing State-of-the-Art Breast & Surgical Care to Delaware

Female & Male Comprehensive Breast Care Benign & Malignant Oncoplastics | Ultrasound Procedures Sentimag | Magseed | Magtracer Botox & Juvéderm M. Lisa Attebery, DO, FACOS

Breast Surgical Oncologist & General Surgeon

19409 Plantation Road | 2nd Floor, Suite 3 | Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 (302) 444-0194 |

Summer 2020 I 25

Health & Wellness

Dental Implant Services at Peninsula Total Dental Care and allowing it to fuse to your existing jawbone structure. Once this has happened, we will load the implant with your new replacement crown. This crown will be designed to your specification and will blend in naturally with your remaining teeth.

Dr Stewart Perim D.M.D., M.S. Dental implants are the most reliable, realistic tooth replacement option on the market today. Our Salisbury, MD dental office offers a variety of implants including Allon-4, implant-secured dentures and partials, magnetic options, and minimally invasive options. No matter what your situation, we can help you get the dental implant solution you need. Talk to Dr. Perim and our staff about which of these options might work best for you.

Traditional Single Dental Implants Traditional single implants are used to replace just one natural tooth that is missing. We do this by inserting a small titanium prosthetic tooth root into your gum

designed to be as strong or last as long as normally sized dental implants. Talk to Dr. Perim about which option is best for you.

The 5 Top Benefits of Dental Implants 1. They are strong. Dental implants restore almost 100 percent of your natural chewing All-on-4 Dental power. While traditional Implants removable dentures do All-on-4 implants are restore much of your designed to replace an functionality, they do entire arch of teeth. If you not offer the strength are missing all of your required to eat all of your natural teeth, this may favorite foods. With dental be a solution for you. implants, a juicy steak We use four strategically or a crisp apple is not a placed dental implants to problem! support an entire denture, 2. They are long-lasting. restoring your smile to Dental implants are its former function and designed to last decades. beauty.

Mini Dental Implants Mini implants are implants with a smaller diameter. This smaller size allows them to be more easily placed and heal faster. They are more affordable than traditional implants! However, they are not


If you want a reliable, permanent solution to your missing teeth, dental implants are for you. 3. They are realistic. We design all of our replacement teeth to appear as natural as possible. Our goal is to create such realisticlooking teeth that no one will be able to tell that they are false! 4. They promote good oral health. Living without teeth can pose many oral

health issues including jawbone deterioration, shifting teeth, and more. Removable dentures solve only some of these issues. To ensure that you stay as healthy as possible, consider dental implants. 5. They will improve your self-confidence and change your life. With dental implants, you will look your best and feel great about yourself! With the improved confidence they offer, you will be able to eat, laugh, and live your life without worry. Simply put, dental implants will increase your overall quality of life.

Schedule Your Free Consultation If you would like to know

more about our dental implant services, please contact Peninsula Total Dental Care in Salisbury, MD to schedule an appointment. We offer free consultations to any patient seeking dental implant information. Call us at 410-742-8686!! We will be happy to help you find a date and time that works well with your personal schedule.

Don’t hesitate to contact our team. Let us help you get the quality replacement teeth you deserve! We can’t wait to hear from you!

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Call for an appointment today …. 410-742-8686 26 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness

Love (And Easterseals) Can Keep Us Together By Natalie Scott Love is not just words said on your wedding day, but how one lives those words out each day. Love is shown in health, but especially in sickness. Emory and Otisia “Tish” did not know 37 years ago when they said those words “in sickness and in health” that sickness would come sooner than they thought. Though caregiving for Tish, who had her first stroke at 45, has not come without trials, it is Emory’s great attitude, support from family and a team of caring professionals at an Easterseals Adult Day program, that has really made a huge impact in how they continue to live their lives. “I don’t think I knew what love was until Tish got sick. I had no idea I could handle it. I have to help her with everything,” Emory says. “Easterseals has been a lifesaver. The staff takes great care of her. I know it’s their job but they don’t treat it like a job. You can see they really care. I am so overwhelmingly grateful. She is well taken care of and safe. I know all of her needs will be addressed.” Easterseals adult day services enable Emory to continue to care for Tish at home. It gives him the break he needs to re-energize, take care of his needs, and run errands. Tish attends the program five days a week and enjoys painting, ball toss and parachute exercises. She also enjoys the camaraderie felt amongst the participants and staff in the program.

arranging appointments. The nurse acts as a liaison between participant families, case managers and other health care providers. If needed, physical, occupational and speech therapies also are available on site through Easterseals, and can be added to the individual’s personal care plan. In addition, trained staff are able to help all participants with activities of daily living and personal needs. “A great attitude goes a long way and that is what Emory has. He has a saying he uses often, “If that’s the worst thing that is going to happen today, it is going to be a great day.” Like all Easterseals services, adult day care services are comprehensive and individualized to meet each client’s needs, family-focused to meet each family member’s concerns and have the goal of enhanced independence. The adult day care program offers a break for family caregivers responsible for a relative who is unable to function independently, but does not require 24-hour nursing care. For more information about Easterseals Adult Day Care Services contact Kate Antisavage at 302-253-1111 or Easterseals Tunnell Center is located at 22317 DuPont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947. Please visit their website and see all of the local services for people of all ages and abilities:

“As long as I can take care of her, I will take care of her here at home and thanks to Easterseals I can do that. Our life is not stress free but it is peaceful,” Emory says. “While she is at Easterseals I don’t have to be on guard. I can relax, take a nap to catch up on sleep, go shopping or make dinner. I know Easterseals is great for her and truly great for me.” A full-time nurse provides medical support including monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar, coordinating with physician offices and

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 27

educate. enrich. empower. Health & Wellness


Medical Technology & Diabetic Retinopathy By Paula Ko, MD


edical Device Technology these days is booming. In my field of retinal diseases, diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in the United States in middleaged Americans. The best way to decrease blindness for diabetes is to control blood sugars. In this article I am going to list two devices which I believe have and will continue to improve the treatment, lives and outcomes of diabetic patients. 1. Continuous glucose monitor (CGM) 2. Insulin pump The continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump are technological devices that have been around for a while, but each year they get better, smarter, and more reliable. I have many patients who tried these devices early on and gave up on them due to inadequacies, and years later tried them again and found them much more sophisticated and user friendly. It is like all other technology that starts out “clunky” but ends up sleek and sophisticated as time goes on and improvements occur. The CGM (continuous glucose monitor) reads a patient’s blood sugars “real time” which alleviates the need for frequent finger sticks other than when a patient is calibrating the device. Some devices can connect to your/someone else’s iPhone for a constant graphic read on blood sugars. This device picks up trends before a patient’s blood sugar goes too high or too low. It inherently helps a patient control their diabetes by alleviating these large swings. It also lets a patient know how their blood sugars react to the foods they eat, stress, sleep, temperature, dehydration, time of day, insulin dosages, etc. There are many factors that go into someone’s blood sugar level. The CGM enlightens a patient

28 I Summer 2020

and promotes better habits when they can immediately see the impact on their blood sugar. Some diabetic doctors advocate printing out the results of the CGM over a period of time to pick up trends in blood sugars and find what causes those trends. Post prandial blood sugar readings (BS readings after eating) are more important than ever as they give a more full picture of diabetic control. The insulin pump continuously delivers insulin at a basal rate. This rate of insulin delivery can be automatically adjusted to the time of day. Before a patient eats, they give themselves a bolus of insulin without having to use a needle for injection. The insulin pump delivers insulin to the patient in a more “natural” way continuously, and also allows boluses when a meal is eaten. The pump also helps alleviate the highs and lows that lead to complications from diabetes. It helps the patient live a life less encumbered by constraints of scheduled eating after an insulin shot is given, as a bolus from the pump is much easier to do. More recently the pump and CGM can communicate in a closed-loop fashion so that the pump will suggest what doses of insulin to give, based on the CGM reading.

elected Chief Resident. After residency, Dr. GlazerHockstein completed a two years medical retina fellowship at the Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania. She has published multiple articles in peer-review journals and has lectured on a variety of retinal disease subjects. Her specialization includes but is not limited to: macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, and diabetic retinopathy. Dr. Ko graduated Cum Laude from the Ohio State University College of Engineering and received her M.D. degree from the Ohio State University College of Medicine, with honors. Following her residency in Ophthalmology at Temple,

Dr. Ko served a prestigious fellowship at Georgetown University in diseases of the retina and vitreous and is Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology. Dr. Ko’s area of expertise is in retinal problems, especially diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment. She lectures extensively and has published many papers on these topics. Dr. Ko is active in resident training and is on staff at Temple University, as well as at the Medical Center of DE. She is at the forefront of ophthalmic technology, and utilizes the most advanced procedures, including laser treatment, suture-less surgery and intraocular injections, in the care of her patients.


Dr. Ko and Dr. Glazer-Hockstein are Board Certified retina specialists who are committed to treating all retinal diseases such as AMD, Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinal Detachment by utilizing the most advanced procedures, including laser treatment, intraocular injections and sutureless surgery.

Both of these devices lead to much better diabetic control and therefore less blindness from diabetic retinopathy. For more information call 302-652-3353 or visit


Dr. Glazer-Hockstein graduated Cum Laude from Jefferson Medical College. She was a member of the Hobart Armory Hare Honor Medical Society and was elected to the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society. She also received the Carol R. Mullen prize in ophthalmology. She completed her residency at the Scheie Eye Institute, University of Pennsylvania. During that time she was 21

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness health&wellness

educate. enrich. empower.

Is It ADHD? How To Get Answers

By Liz Brown


f you are wondering if you or your child have ADHD (commonly called ADD), you are not alone. Each week I receive several calls from people asking me this question. People wonder whether their trouble focusing, getting organized, starting and finishing a project or feeling distracted are because they might have ADHD. Sometimes the symptoms are caused by issues other than ADHD. For example, many people might have trouble focusing or feel distracted at times due to a busy lifestyle. But for 10-12% of the population, ADHD might be the diagnosis.

Diagnosis is first ADHD is classified into 3 types: inattentive type, hyperactive-impulsive type and combined. This is important because many think you need to be hyperactive to have ADHD. Adult hyperactivity is often seen more in fidgeting behavior. Diagnosis can be tricky. One way to get started is to do a quick screening to see how many symptoms you have and to what level of severity. For ADHD to be present, symptoms need to be present for a least 6 months, have a negative impact on the person’s ability to function in two or more environments including home, social, school or at work. The symptoms fall

There are basic checklists that will provide a quick screen. For a thorough evaluation, a neurologist, psychiatrist, or psychologist who does testing, or a pediatrician is necessary. These professionals will do an interview, administer testing and get feedback from family and/or teachers. If medication is needed, a medical doctor must prescribe and monitor. Your doctor will also be able to determine whether your symptoms are from ADHD or caused by something else.

Education is critical ADHD education is critical before, during and after diagnosis. This is important for both the person with ADHD and parents, partners and teachers. Understanding the brain science involved with ADHD and learning strategies that will help, will take away many of the misconceptions that often come with symptoms. ADHD is not caused by lack of discipline or by laziness. Education is also important to help mitigate the shame or blame that often go along with undiagnosed ADHD.

education, strategies, support and accountability. Family members can provide support and encouragement once they are educated in how best to help. There are numerous technology-based resources as well. If you have questions about resources, coaching or need more information on where to find help, please email me liz@bewelllifecoaching. com or schedule a complimentary session www. in person or by phone 302-5845521.

Testimonial “Liz is amazing with all ages whether they have trouble with ADHD, need help sorting their life out, or need guidance with unpredictable situations. She is very personable and professional, which makes it easy to open up. I highly recommend Liz Brown as a life coach.” ~ Client in Newark, DE


Liz Brown PCC is a Professional Certified Life Coach and Owner of Be Well Life Coaching. She is one of 1000 coaches internationally with the National Board SPECIAL OFFER FOR NEW CLIENTS

into the three categories of impulsiveness, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity (for ADHD Hyperactive type). For children, the symptoms must be not be regular age appropriate behavior like fidgeting. To be diagnosed with ADHD, you generally must have 6 or more symptoms in one or more of the 3 categories.

Certification in Health and Wellness Coaching. In addition, she holds national certifications in ADHD Coaching, Recovery Coaching for Teens and Adults and is a Certified Career Direct Coach. At Be Well, Liz helps clients turn their personal and professional dreams, goals and visions into reality.

Common Adult ADHD Symptoms Inattention • • • • •

Trouble paying attention Difficulty sustaining attention Easily distracted Forgetful Trouble following through on a task • Losing important items • Avoid tasks requiring prolonged mental effort • Trouble estimating time or running late

Hyperactivity or Impulsivity

• Fidgets or squirms • Unable to sit or engage in activities silently • Always on the go • Overly talkative • Trouble waiting • Frequently interrupting and talking over others

To schedule a complimentary half-hour session, please call me at (302)584-5521 or email Mention Women’s Journal (offer expires 6/30/20)

Support and Strategies Newly diagnosed people may feel relieved to have found an answer but also fearful that the symptoms have no solution. The good news is that there are many effective strategies to help manage struggles caused by ADHD. Schools can help students by creating accommodations that will work best for the student. As an ADHD coach, I help with

The County Woman’s Journal


Summer 2020 I 29

Health & Wellness An Advanced Placement honor student and national scholar, Alexandra has been a straight A student since kindergarten. Alexandra is a member of the National Honor Society, a Duke TIP Scholar, received honorable mention two years in a row at Canterbury School’s Science Fair, Regional First Place at HOSA for Nutrition and a Science Olympian member with regional awards. Alexandra aspires to be a surgeon specializing in female cancer research and helping children with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a condition that affects the development of bones and other tissues of the face. Alexandra was diagnosed by Dr. Robert Wood, of the John Hopkins, at the age of 4 with a most severe peanut allergy after she went anaphylaxis after eating a peanut product. Alexandra feels the best way to prevent a severe reaction is education on food labeling, and fellow student education on this deadly condition. You or your child can correspond with Alexandra by email, and she will help with any suggestions and experiences.

For Children With Peanut Allergies, F.D.A. Experts Recommend A New Treatment Presented By: Alexandra Elizabeth Gallagher By Roni Caryn Rabin, Published in the The New Times Published Sept. 13, 2019 Updated Sept. 23, 2019 About 1.2 million American children have peanut allergies. A new drug, Palforzia, does not cure the condition, but it can blunt lifethreatening reactions. A Food and Drug Administration panel on Friday recommended approval of the first-ever drug to treat life-threatening peanut allergies in children, a condition that confounds and frightens families across the country. The recommendation all but assures the agency will approve the drug, called Palforzia and made by Aimmune Therapeutics. The F.D.A. typically follows the advice of its expert advisory committees. Some panel members expressed reservations about the safety of the drug, since patients receiving treatment experienced more allergic reactions than those given a placebo. There is also little longterm safety data about a treatment that may be lifelong, the critics noted. The drug’s goal is not to cure the allergy, but to reduce the risk that an accidental exposure to small amounts of peanut will set off a lifethreatening reaction. It might also relieve some of the fear and anxiety many families experience as they struggle to cope with a child’s severe peanut allergy. “This is one of the most important unmet needs of medicine,” Dr. James R. Baker Jr., director of the Mary H. Weiser Food Allergy Center at University of Michigan, told the agency’s advisory committee. He was paid by Aimmune.

30 I Summer 2020

The demand for treatment among patients and their families is enormous, Dr. Baker noted. “Right now the only approved approach to this allergy is to avoid peanuts, and the amount of effort and cost involved in making sure everything your child is exposed to is peanutfree is overwhelming to most families,” he said, adding that even scrupulous efforts to prevent exposures fail, resulting in lifethreatening medical emergencies.

agree to carry epinephrine with them at all times to treat sudden allergic reactions. The agency also will require that the initial doses and increased doses be given at a medical facility capable of treating allergic reactions.

“The quality of life of patients and their caregivers is adversely affected due to fear and anxiety about accidental ingestions,” he added.

The regimen begins with trace amounts of the protein, which are carefully measured and increased incrementally under medical supervision as tolerance develops.

Allergists who treat children with peanut allergies applauded the decision, though they acknowledged the treatment regimen was demanding and not appropriate for everyone. “Until now, patients with lifethreatening peanut allergies had no options but avoidance,” said Dr. Sandra Hong, an allergist at the Cleveland Clinic. Still, “it is an exciting step for patients and their families who live in constant worry about coming in contact with even the slightest amount of peanut.” The new drug is an oral immunotherapy regimen that aims to reduce sensitivity to peanut allergens. It gradually exposes children to small amounts of peanut protein over the course of six months, until they can safely eat the equivalent of two peanuts. The treatment is not always effective and it is accompanied by side effects, including severe allergic reactions to the peanut exposure. One in five children who were treated stopped because of side effects; 14 percent experienced severe allergic reactions, double the percentage in a comparison group receiving a placebo. The F.D.A. will require Aimmune to restrict the drug to patients who

There will be a black-box warning on the package calling attention to the risks of peanut exposure, and Aimmune must warn patients that they still must avoid peanuts.

About 1.2 million American children have a peanut allergy. The allergies are believed to cause more deaths from anaphylaxis — an acute physiological response that includes lowered blood pressure, shock and constriction of the airways — than any other food allergy, though the precise number is not known. Because children generally do not outgrow peanut allergies, they must avoid peanuts, peanut oil and foods contaminated with traces of peanuts for their entire lives. Tessa Grosso, 16, a high school junior from Menlo Park, Calif., told the panel she was allergic to peanuts, dairy and many other foods until she was 10, when she was treated with an early form of oral immunotherapy at Stanford University. Now, she said, she eats just about anything and has peanut butter every morning before school. “Before I was treated, my life was like navigating a minefield,” Ms. Grosso said in an interview. “I couldn’t go to anyone’s house, and a crumb of something on my hands could have killed me. At one point, a glass of milk spilled on my hand and

I went into anaphylactic shock and almost died.” Now, she said, her diet is unremarkable. Though she still avoids shellfish and carries epinephrine to treat an unexpected reaction, “My life changed forever.” She appealed to the committee to recommend approval of the drug. “Every child deserves this therapy that provides freedom, safety and the ability to live without fear of food,” Ms. Grosso said. But several experts at the hearing raised questions about the drug’s long-term safety and effectiveness. Nina Zeldes, a senior fellow at the National Center for Health Research in Washington, pointed out that only one study had examined the drug’s effectiveness. The participants were mostly white, she also noted, so little is known about how children of other backgrounds may respond to treatment. Long-term consequences of exposure to the drug are unknown. “This is the first treatment for peanut allergies, and if this drug is approved despite the unanswered questions, it will set a precedent for future drugs to treat food allergies,” Ms. Zeldes said.

Only 4 percent of the 124 children who had been given a placebo powder were able to consume that amount without a response. Most of the participants were aged 4 to 17, and when they enrolled, all of them suffered from severe peanut allergies triggered by the equivalent of one-third of a peanut or less. The trial, carried out at multiple medical centers, was designed and sponsored by Aimmune, the drug’s developer. The drug itself consists of peanut flour. It is carefully measured and packed into capsules or foil sachets of varying doses that can be easily opened and mixed with food. The starting dose is three milligrams, which is gradually increased to 300 milligrams, the equivalent of one peanut, over a six-month period, followed by six months of maintenance therapy of the same amount. In order to retain their tolerance, patients would need to continue taking the maintenance dose, possibly indefinitely. Several of the treated children developed eosinophilic esophagitis, an inflammatory disease of the esophagus that is triggered by exposure to an allergen.

The group urged the F.D.A. to require additional research data about risks before approving the drug, “because it will be difficult if not impossible to obtain it afterward,” Ms. Zeldes said.

Company officials say that over 1,100 patients have enrolled in the clinical trials, and they continue to follow patients to evaluate the longterm safety and effectiveness of the therapy.

A trial of the new drug published last year in The New England Journal of Medicine found that after a year, two-thirds of the 372 children who received the treatment were able to tolerate at least 600 milligrams of peanut protein — the equivalent of two peanuts — without having an allergic reaction.

In July, the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, a nonprofit research organization in Boston that evaluates medical evidence, concluded in a report that there was inadequate evidence to justify the immunotherapy treatment over simply avoiding peanuts.

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Summer 2020 I 31


Dr. David A. Delgado

Dr. Gerardo Martinez

Delaware Pediatric Dentistry

Delaware Pediatric Dentistry

Dr. David A. Delgado is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. He is originally from Los Angeles, California and he graduated from Whittier College with a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry. He then completed his DMD degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. It was during his time at Tufts that his interest in Pediatric Dentistry were sparked, he would volunteer his time in the pediatric department and realized he loved working with children and knew he could truly make a difference in their day to day habits that will last a lifetime. After dental school, he immediately continued his academic career by completing a 2-year postdoctoral residency program in Pediatric Dentistry at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

Dr. Gerardo Martinez is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist. He graduated from the University of South Florida (USF) where he completed a B.A. in History and B.S. in Bio Medical Sciences in 2005. He completed his dental training at Nova Southeastern University, College of Dental Medicine where he obtained his D.M.D. degree in 2009. Upon graduation he completed a one year residency program in Advance Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) from the University of Florida (UF). During his AEGD program Dr. Martinez found pediatric patients to be the funnest yet challenging to treat. He began volunteering on Saturdays at a free community pediatric dental office serving low income and uninsured children.

Dr Delgado is specialty trained to provide comprehensive dental care to all children and adolescents, including children with special needs using traditional behavior management, nitrous oxide as well as in the hospital under general anesthesia.

Dr. Martinez continued his education by completing a 2-year residency program in Pediatric Dentistry from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). After completing his pediatric dentistry training in 2012 practiced in Texas and Florida.

As a parent of a special needs child he understands how hard it can be for parents to find a trusting and caring dental provider in a kid friendly environment. This is why Dr. Delgado is committed to education, prevention and helping all his patients and parents have a positive dental experience. Dr. Delgado strongly believes in preventing dental issues before they occur through patient and parent education and implementing healthy habits at a young age to help establish a healthy future. Becoming cavity free through education, prevention and early checkups in a caring and safe environment is Dr. Delgado’s primary goal.

Dr. Martinez, his wife Mily and their son Milan moved to Delaware the summer of 2016 and by the fall the Martinez household had their own Delawarean with the birth of their daughter Victoria.

When he is not in the office, Dr. Delgado loves to spend time with his family (wife, two boys and two dogs) cooking or being outdoors with his boys at the park or at the beach.

32 I Summer 2020

Dr. Martinez’s training, life and work experience has prepared him to confidently care for the dental health needs of children of all ages, as well as actively engaging and educating parents about children’s dental health. Dr. Martinez seeks to improve the health of his patients by focusing on education and prevention. He enjoys working with young patients and strives to make their dental visit a pleasant experience. The professional goal of Dr. Martinez is to help patients embrace positive attitudes and behaviors toward oral health to achieve a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Bryant M. Greene

Always Best Care Senior Services Bryant M. Greene is the founder, owner/ administrator of Always Best Care Senior Services of Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware Counties and the Main Line and founder and owner of Always Best Care Delaware. Always Best Care Senior Services is a leader in home care and free assisted living placement. Greene is president of the BMG Circle of Life, LLC which owns the multi-franchise unit of Always Best Care Senior Services. He was previously twice honored as the Franchisee of the Year in 2015 and 2019 by the Always Best Care Senior Services national franchisor in Roseville, CA. He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards from educational, business, civic and cultural groups and is active on several business, professional and non-profit boards of directors. A graduate of Central High School in Philadelphia, he received his bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from Virginia State University. He also received a master’s degree in business administration with a focus on international and global business from the Philadelphia College of Textiles & Sciences, now Thomas Jefferson University. He additionally hosts his own Did You Know public affairs radio talk program in Philadelphia on WURD 900 AM and 96.1 FM and has now expanded the show to television in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. Greene has been active in a host of communal and philanthropic endeavors including serving as team captain for the top corporate fundraising team for the 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Walks To End Alzheimer’s. He has established endowments for college scholarships for business students at Jefferson University and Virginia State. He is a resident of Southern New Jersey where he owns and operates an animal rescue farm.

The County Woman’s Journal


Erin Willis

SUN Behavioral Delaware Erin Willis is the Director of Business Development for SUN Delaware headquartered in Georgetown, Delaware. Bringing with her nearly a decade of experience, she was drawn to the behavioral health system’s mission and values having joined in May 2018. She works every day to further SUN’s mission to “partner with communities to solve the unmet needs of those who suffer from mental illness and substance use disorders.” Before coming to SUN Delaware, Erin served as the Director of Business Development for Dublin Springs Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Her experience also includes working for Springwoods Behavioral Health and Universal Health Services (UHS) in Fayetteville, Arkansas as a community liaison. During her time in those roles, she developed and grew untouched markets and established new key relationships to further enhance the reach and impact of those organizations. Marking two years with SUN Delaware, Erin looks forward to continuing to further the mission of SUN and cultivating positive change in Sussex County by helping the region’s most vulnerable neighbors suffering from mental illness. Part of those efforts include becoming an active partner in Project Purple, which is an awareness campaign urging the community to stand up against substance abuse, and establishing the behavioral health facility as an official Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) take-back site. As a member of this program, they can accept unwanted and unused medications and drugs from the community to keep them out of the wrong hands. Erin relocated to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware for her role with SUN with her husband and two children to fulfill her dream of helping to launch a new hospital. As a graduate of The University of Toledo, Erin holds a bachelor’s degree in communications with a focus in public relations and a minor in Spanish.

The County Woman’s Journal

Ryan Grube MS, MSPT, SFMA, FMS BenchMark Physical Therapy

Ryan, Area Director, has been with the company since its inception in 2003. He joined the company because of a deep connection with the leadership team and their mission for the organization. “To inspire and empower the lives we touch, to serve our communities, and to lead with purpose driven passion!” Ryan truly believes the reason the company has been so successful is because of the culture they have created within the organization and therefore all of our individual centers. “Our success is truly a result of who and how we hire and investing in them to create a culture where our associates and patients know that we care! “ People commonly ask what is the magic sauce in our success and that’s an easy answer, our people! It may sound cliché but if you hire individuals that align with a strong Mission, Vision, and Values, you create a culture that permeates throughout all levels of the organization. We want to make sure that we hire highly motivated, talented, accountable, service oriented, humble individuals that have a passion to grow and excel. If we are going to strive to be the best in customer service and clinical outcomes, it is essential that our clinicians to understand the company expectations to live these qualities daily. I am confident that the culture in our centers is best in class! We truly care about serving each other, our communities, and of course our patients. Ryan could not be more excited about the team in Southern Delaware and their ability to build lasting relationships with their patients, providers, and communities they serve!

Dr. Robert Masone Life Spring Recovery

Dr Robert Masone was born and raised in New York City. His father was a New York City fireman. He attended Iona College in New Rochelle, NY and then went on to earn his medical degree from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City as well. After he completed his internship at St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center in New York City, he went on to complete his residency in Anesthesiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. He took a position teaching at the University of Pittsburgh and served as Chief of Neuroanesthesia. In 1987, he decided to leave university life and joined the staff at Fairfield Medical Center in Lancaster, Ohio to help build their anesthesiology department. He served as Chief of Anesthesiology and helped the department grow from three anesthesiologist doing 3,000 surgical cases to fifteen anesthesiologists doing 9,000 cases a year. During this time, Dr. Masone also sub-specialized in Interventional Pain Management to help meet the community needs. For many years he was the medical director of Spinal Technology and Pain Management Center in Lancaster,Ohio. In 2004, Dr. Masone began studying and then sub specialized in Addiction Medicine. Because Ohio became the epicenter of the Opioid Epidemic about 2007, he limited his practice to Addiction Medicine. He is now the President and Chief Medical Officer of Life Spring Recovery and uses a multidisciplinary approach to helping patients work toward achieving sober, healthy, peaceful and productive lives. Dr. Masone believes that individuals suffering from opioid addiction have the chance to recover with a combined method of counseling and medication, a method known as medication assisted treatment, or MAT. Because he has many family members who have lived in Delaware for over 25 years, Dr. Masone now has home and an office in Sussex County and hopes to bring his extensive knowledge and experience to help the great people of Delaware fight and win the battle with this opioid epidemic. He will be joined by his brother Dr. Anthony Masone and his sister, Rosemarie Masone, RN. His family is looking forward to helping YOUR family!

Summer 2020 I 33

educate. enrich. empower. Health & Wellness


Tackling Constipation

By Dr. Bianca-Alexis Ferrante PT, DPT


bdominal pain and bloating are common symptoms associated with food allergies and sensitivities, stress, the flu, irritable bowel syndrome, overeating, carbonated beverages, indigestion, and pregnancy. These symptoms though can also be associated with one of the most common GI complaints: Constipation. After eating, food moves through the colon, which absorbs water from the food, and waste (stool) is produced. Muscle contractions then push the stool through the colon to the rectum. If the muscle contractions are too sluggish or the colon absorbs too much water in this process, the stool can become hard and dry, resulting in it moving too slowly through the colon and getting stuck. Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement less than three (3) times per week. More than 4 million Americans, including women of all ages, are affected. Millions of dollars are spent each year on laxatives and over two million physician visits are made per year. Causes of constipation include dehydration, abuse of laxatives, constantly ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, change in lifestyle and/or routine, lack of movement, too little or not the appropriate fiber, and medications.

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Abdominal pain and bloating, and difficulty with emptying your bowels are common symptoms of constipation. Anyone who has experienced constipation knows exactly how frustrating and uncomfortable it feels. However, some simple lifestyle changes and pelvic floor physical therapy can definitely help! The pelvic floor is a group of muscles, tendons, and ligaments that act as a sling to your organs in your pelvic region, and play an important part in urination, bowel movements, and sexual intercourse. Restrictions (caused from adhesions, tight musculature, and inflammation) in the diaphragm, intestines, and pelvic floor muscles can contribute to symptoms of constipation. When having a bowel movement, the pelvic floor muscles are supposed to relax, however many times they contract instead (due to neurological or musculoskeletal conditions), stopping the process of emptying one’s bowels and causing constipation. Adequate hydration is one of the key solutions. The recommended amount of water is half one’s body weight in ounces. It is important to note that other fluids such as juice, milk, coffee, and soda are not included in this recommendation, as they can add to dehydration. Also, abuse of laxatives can lead to the body’s dependence on them, giving one the illusion of needing them in order to eliminate stool. In addition, constantly ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement can retrain the body into holding onto the stool, causing constipation. Movement is another key solution, as it promotes circulation, muscle contraction, and peristalsis (muscle contractions creating wave-like movements to push food through the intestines).

low back pain. Positioning though is especially important with constipation as well. Most toilets provide a 90-90 sitting position, so your hips and knees are each at 90-degree angles. This specific positioning blocks the rectum and prevents the elimination of stool, causing you to strain. In a squatting position (with 35 degrees of hip flexion), the intestines and rectum are properly aligned to allow elimination of stool with decreased physical effort. A squat can be easily achieved by placing a stool under your feet, allowing the knees to be higher than the hips. Many times, the lifestyle tips addressed above are not sufficient enough on their own in addressing constipation. At Revive Health & Wellness, patients are given specific exercises and stretches to address tight or weak pelvic floor musculature. Abdominal massage, including cupping and myofascial release, are also incorporated in treatment sessions. Patients can also learn to selfmassage at home. Relaxation and breathing techniques, which are extremely important as well, are taught. There are many different approaches that you can take to initiate relaxation of the pelvic floor

muscles and in getting one step closer in helping empty your bowels. For more informantion please contact Revive Health & Wellness at 302-482-2237 or email “Constipation.” National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases National Institutes of Health, NIH Publication No. 06–2754, February 2006. https://hermanwallace. com/download/NIDDK_Constipation.pdf.


Dr. Bianca-Alexis Ferrante is the owner & founder of Revive Health & Wellness. A graduate of the University of Hartford, she treats women with pelvic floor dysfunction. After graduation, Dr. Ferrante worked in various physical therapy settings (skilled nursing facility, outpatient, acute care hospital, and home health care). While treating rehab patients, Dr. Ferrante saw the correlation between aligning the body and successful treatment of incontinence and pelvic discomfort. The Herman and Wallace Pelvic Floor courses provided her with the knowledge to properly treat these patients. Seeing how women were limiting themselves and not living life to their potential, instilled the desire within her to create an environment that would empower women to heal.

Dr. Bianca-Alexis Ferrante, PT, DPT 2502 Silverside Road, Suite 4B Wilmington, DE 19810 (302) 482-2237

Another important factor is positioning, which is often discussed with regard to improving your sitting or standing posture, to prevent 19

The County Woman’s Journal

educate. empower. Healthenrich. & Wellness


Vein Disease, How Does It Affect You? Gender: Varicose veins do impact women more due to the hormonal changes in their body during their lifetime. Obesity: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a weight to height ratio. There are many BMI calculators available. Being overweight (BMI between 25.0 and 29.9) and especially obese (BMI > 30.0) can cause varicose veins due to the added pressure in the vein system of your legs. By Anthony Alfieri, DO, FACC


aricose veins are not just a cosmetic concern. They can lead to discoloration, bleeding, ulcers, and a “heavy leg” sensation that may hinder daily activity. Varicose veins occur when your vein isn’t functioning properly. Veins have one-way valves that prevent blood from flowing backwards. When the veins valves fail, blood begins to collect in the vein rather than continuing to the heart. It is important to talk to your doctor if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.

Who is at risk for varicose veins? Most people believe that varicose veins are just cosmetic and inflict women more than men. However, there are many factors that can lead to the painful varicose veins. Below are some of those indicators: Family History: If varicose veins run in your family, you may have up to a 50% chance of having them yourself. Just because they run in your family, does not necessarily mean you are destined to be afflicted. There are other factors that can cause them. Age: As you get older, the valves may start wearing out over time. Even if you take care of yourself, you still may get varicose veins.

Inactivity: Sitting more during the day or crossing your legs may make your veins work harder to pump the blood up to the heart. This may prematurely wear out the valves. Other risk factors may include smoking, taking birth control pills or a hormone replacement therapy, and leg injury.

Is there prevention for varicose veins? If you already have varicose veins, prevention can only help the varicose veins from getting worse, but it will not make them go away. Here are some things you can do to help your legs.

Before Treatment: At the Delaware Advanced Vein Center, Dr. Alfieri uses radiofrequency to treat the vein. A thin catheter is inserted into the vein under local anesthetic. The slender catheter delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy to the catheter, which heats the vein wall. As the vein wall is heated and the catheter is withdrawn, the collagen in the wall shrinks and the vein closes. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is re-routed to other healthy veins. If you are experiencing pain, swelling or other symptoms of varicose veins, call today at (302) 7310001 to schedule a free vein screening. We can walk you through the process and get you on your way to healthier legs!

Get Active: Moving around during the day instead of sitting can help your legs. It is recommended that if you have a desk job, you should move for 2 minutes for every 20 minutes seated. Being athletic does not mean you can’t get varicose veins. There are other factors involved if you are at risk to get them.


Anthony Alfieri, DO, FACC is a board-certified interventional cardiologist, who has been practicing in the New Castle County area for over 25 years. His efforts to improve the quality of life for all individuals – both men and women alike who suffer from the effects of venous insufficiencies continues with the formation of Delaware Advanced Vein Center. Dr. Alfieri has found that for many people, having varicose veins is needlessly limiting and it is a common misconception that the treatment of varicose veins is painful and not worth the effort. To provide better care for his patients, Dr. Alfieri is now performing radiofrequency ablations.

Free vein Screening

Elevate Legs: To help with circulation, try elevating your legs to assist the veins to get the blood to your heart.

Thursday, February 18th 4:00-6:00 PM

Lose Weight: Losing weight can prevent the varicose veins from getting worse, as well as help with preventing many other chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, gout and some cancers to name a few.

The County Woman’s Journal



Call (302) 690-0933 Call 302-731-0001

To schedule your free screening

Your First Step to Beautiful Legs!

painless procedures painless typically covered proCedures by most major 302-737-0857 302-731-0001 insurances 40 Omega Drive, Building G | Newark, DE 19713

Summer 2020 I 35

Health & Wellness fitness&lifestyle

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Get To The “Root” Of Your Pilates Practice So, in effect, they should be called “mind muscles” since recruiting them demands focus and concentration. This ability to engage lies at the heart of the study of Pilates.

By Nancy Hawkins Rigg Founder and Owner, Forever Fit Foundation


Terms such as Root, Core, Powerhouse and Corset Muscles are all synonymous in Pilates terminology when referring to the internal support system in the center of the body. These muscles provide support for the spine (just like a corset), and are comprised of the abdominals, back extensors, pelvic floor, and diaphragm. Muscles that are often added to this group are the psoas and gluteals. Within the abdominal and back extensor groups are the transverse abdominus and the multifidus - two muscles that have been identified as very important when it comes to stabilization. Some of the typical cueing you will hear is “pulling in,” “hollowing,” “scooping,” and “zipping up;” all of which refer to a narrowing of the midsection. The word “bracing” elicits an image of holding firm and supporting. To a certain extent, the support is provided by the intra-abdominal pressure, which is created by these muscles. That is why the “corset” image works well. The “powerhouse” is the most authentic term when talking about Pilates since Joseph Pilates was known to use this term in his sessions. Realistically, it adds the dimension of the mind, which is crucial when working with this general group of muscles.

36 I Summer 2020

The multifidi are an integral part of the deep core that also includes the diaphragm, the pelvic floor and the transverse abdominus muscle. They run from the base of the spine or sacrum, to the top of the spine and connect to the axis of the skull. They lie deep to the other back muscles, closest to the spine. They fill the groove at the sides of the spinous processes of the vertebrae. They are also the only muscle on the posterior side of the lumbosacral joint. From their location, it’s apparent how important they are to spinal support and core stability. Research has shown that strengthening these back muscles is key to improving posture and preventing injuries. It has also been demonstrated that exercising the multifidi can increase spinal bone mass; relieve back pain previously believed to be caused by disc degeneration, herniation, or bulging; and relieve pressure on pinched nerves. Pilates is one of the best ways to strengthen the multifidi, which is on the list of reasons the method helps alleviate back pain, makes us taller, improves osteoporosis and makes us move more functionally. Yes, all of these benefits can come from one muscle group!

of beautiful posture and for fully integrated “Root” strengthening. Call us today for your free consultation and let us get to the “Root” of your Pilates practice! 302-698-5201 or


neutral is imperative to working the multifidi and preventing other more superficial muscles from taking over. Also, because these muscles are postural support muscles, it is important to focus on endurance as much as strength. They need to be strong to brace and support us against load, but they also need to be able to support our bodies in a continual, tonic way for long periods of time without fatigue. Multifidi work needs to be done throughout your life for prevention of injury and osteoporosis, for maintenance

Incorporating multifidi strengthening into your Pilates routine is as easy as maintaining neutral spine. Neutral spine is found by maintaining the natural curves of the spine, including the curve forward of the neck (cervical spine), the slight curve back of the midback (thoracic spine) and the curve forward of the low back (lumbar spine). Working in

Nancy Hawkins Rigg is the Founder and Owner of Forever Fit Foundation, a personal training business specializing in Pilates, Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, Yamuna Body Rolling and sport specific training. Forever Fit Foundation accepts clients at three sites: Dover and Rehoboth, Del., and Mendenhall Station, Pa., just over the Delaware line. A certified athletic trainer, she earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware and her master’s degree in exercise science and sports medicine from Miami University in Ohio. Please call (302) 423-1816 or (302) 698-5201 to schedule an appointment or for more information. 1510 E. Lebanon Rd. Dover, DE 302-698-5201


328 Kennett Pike (Rt 52) Chadds Ford, PA 302-423-1816

(Inside Rise Fitness) 35770 Airport Road Rehoboth Beach, DE 302-698-5201

The County Woman’s Journal

Health & Wellness Andrea E. Goldstein, M.D.

Dr. Goldstein is a board-certified gastroenterologist who graduated from Georgetown University for her medical degree and then went on to complete her Internal Medicine residency at North Shore University Hospital and did her Gastroenterology fellowship training at the University of Buffalo. Dr. Goldstein is at the forefront of the pelvic floor field, performing Interstim Peripheral Nerve Evaluation (PNE) for fecal incontinence. “Gastroenterology allows me to stay on the leading edge of medicine, bringing the newest, most effective treatments to patients with serious conditions. As your doctor, I strive to give you the best possible medical care you can receive and also an environment where you can feel comfortable. This starts with talking and listening closely to ensure that I get a complete picture of your medical history and symptoms, and also that you understand what you need to know to follow your treatment plan and return for the follow-up testing you need to protect your health. Giving you my time, compassion and full attention is as important as any test or procedure I perform.”

HEMORRHOIDAL TREATMENT Over half the population will experience some type of hemorrhoidal problem in their lifetime. You may be suffering in silence because you are too embarrassed to discuss the problem, or worry that the cure will be more painful than the problem itself. Now, advances in medicine have made hemorrhoid treatment fast and virtually painless. Your only challenge is finding a doctor who offers the right treatment and makes you feel comfortable receiving it. How do hemorrhoids develop? Hemorrhoids are simply swollen and engorged veins in the anal and rectal region. They are most commonly caused by changes in frequency of bowel movements, pressure of straining and hormonal changes or pressure during pregnancy. The veins swell and stretch and gradually lose the support of surrounding connective tissue. Hemorrhoids can cause the following symptoms: Itching/Burning Bleeding Protrusion during Bowel Movements Pain Hygiene Concerns Are all hemorrhoids the same? Hemorrhoids are actually classified into four stages

based upon severity. This helps determine which treatment is most appropriate for you. 1) Stage I: The hemorrhoids remain inside at all times. They do not protrude from the anus. 2) Stage II: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but reduce spontaneously. 3) Stage III: The hemorrhoids protrude with a bowel movement, but require manual insertion. 4) Stage IV: Fourth degree hemorrhoids: The most severe hemorrhoids always protrude and cannot be pushed back inside.

a variety of minimally invasive procedures that cut off blood flow to the hemorrhoid and cause it to shrink. In some cases your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to remove excess tissue.

What are the treatment options for removing hemorrhoids? Effective hemorrhoid treatment depends on your specific medical condition. No doctor should recommend a solution without first doing an exam to rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding.

During the 60 SECOND procedure, the physician uses a gentle suction device to place a small rubber band around the tissue, just above the hemorrhoid. There are very few nerve endings in this area to cause any pain. The hemorrhoid shrinks and falls off within a day or two. Research has shown that 99.8% of patients treated with the CRH O’Regan System ™ have no post-procedure pain and require no pain medication before, during, or after the procedure. There is no bowel prep, and you can drive yourself home afterwards. Another advantage, external hemorrhoids may also improve with this option.

Once you have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, you will have different options to choose from, depending on the severity of your case. You may get adequate relief from increasing fiber in your diet, taking warm sitz baths and using topical creams. Treatment options include

The County Woman’s Journal

What is the most painless method for treatment? An even less invasive and pain-free solution has recently been approved for internal hemorrhoids. This new banding option, the CRH O’Regan System ™ is considered the “gold standard” in treatment and almost eliminates the discomfort and recovery time associated with other hemorrhoid removal options.

Make an appointment with a specialist If you or a family member is ready to get permanent relief from hemorrhoids, you should make an appointment with a digest specialist for an accurate diagnosis and the most appropriate treatments

available. Only doctors who have been specially trained by CRH O’Regan System ™ trainers/doctors are licensed to provide this state-of-the-art banding treatment. Locally, it is performed at Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates (HGA).

Please call 908-483-2047 to make an appointment. HEMORRHOID

“I can’t believe I

suffered needlessly with hemorrhoid pain for over 3 years!” – SHELLY R.

We don’t want you to suffer in silence. At Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates, you’ll find a physician who is easy to talk to without embarrassment. You’ll have an exam to check for hemorrhoids and rule out other potential causes of rectal pain or bleeding. If we do detect hemorrhoids, you’ll get all the information you need to understand your condition and treatment options.

HGA offers the most effective hemorrhoid treatments available for immediate and long lasting relief. • The newest non-surgical and painless band ligation procedure that lasts under 60 seconds, called the CRH O’Regan System. HGA doctors have been specially trained to offer this virtually pain-free, drug-free solution for internal hemorrhoids. • Infrared coagulation • HET bipolar coagulation Your HGA specialist will provide the treatment that’s right for your individual needs so you can enjoy life free from the pain and irritation of hemorrhoids.

Call today for an appointment.


Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Medical Experts in the Treatment of Digestive Diseases

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

Flemington Office Hunterdon Doctors Office Building 1100 Wescott Drive Suite 206 / 207 Flemington, NJ 08822

Somerville Office 135 West End Avenue Somerville, NJ 08876

Name & photo have been changed to protect the privacy of the patient.


Summer 2020 I 37

Hunterdon Gastroenterology Associates

HCW_HGA_Hemorrhoid.Final.indd 1


2/5/15 2:55 PM

Veterinary Services

Testimonials Great veterinary practice. Appreciate the great relationship between Dr. Reid and staff. Dr. Reid takes all my concerns seriously and is always available to talk to in person and via text. - Julie S

Everyone was great from the second we walked in. Very helpful and attentive. Won’t go anywhere else, so much better than any other place also not over-priced. - Willliam S

I really love how Dr. Reid, her staff and even other clients are so caring and personable when we visit. The atmosphere gives us a feeling of comfort. Dr. Reid is a wonderful person and very responsive to my questions, email and even small talk. - Marty V

The office was friendly and thorough. I appreciated the fact they are not pushy salespeople-they want to take care of your pet, not perform unnecessary tests and sell you one of everything. Those things are available if needed, but it was a good, laid-back experience. - Ellen S

I have been overly pleased with services, we are new to the area. Not only is the office clean and pleasant, I appreciate the way the practice is run. Doctor is efficient and thorough and does not over test or treat. If anyone asks, I tell people they are the best! - Ann R We love Dr. Reid and the staff is friendly, helpful and professional. Beautiful offices and really appreciate the calm and kind care for our unruly critter. - Alexandra B Love Dr. Reid and staff. They truly care about my dog. - Katherine B Dr. Reid and staff are kind and delightful people. Dr. Reid makes sure to educate us about the services and medical options for our animals so we are making the best informed decisions possible. And…she uses an inclusive approach to our animals care so we make a team. Slam dunk for animal care! - Valerie M

I love Peninsula Veterinary Services. The vet is so knowledgeable and they are so friendly and caring. I would strongly recommend them to anyone with an animal who needs veterinary care. - Cindy D

Love, love love this veterinary office! The staff and vet are outstanding! - Deb S The staff and Dr. Reid are so kind and caring. They have gone out of their way to help us out with our rescue dog who came with so many health issues. I would recommend this service to anyone with dogs and cats. - Adrienne M Always enjoy bringing Jenny in to get her what she needs. Dr. Reid and the staff is always so nice. - Nancy M I have been very impressed with the care Beth has received . I would highly recommend the practice. - Debbie Z Very personable staff. The wait time was short, cost reasonable and friendly atomosphere. - Sandra H I was very pleased with the staff and Dr. Reid. All were very friendly and professional. The facility was very neat and clean. I explored other options but they came highly recommended. I would refer others here without any reservations. - Robin B

38 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Veterinary Services Peninsula Veterinary Services is a full-service, AAHA-accredited hospital located in Millsboro, Delaware. Owner Dr. April Reid moved from Brooklyn, New York in 2015 to start a practice in this area after spending summers in Rehoboth as a child. Dr. Reid is a graduate of Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. She previously owned a thoroughbred racetrack practice for 14 years before making a change to small animal practice. Dr. Reid works closely with several local rescue organizations and is currently serving as the vice president of the Delaware Veterinary Medical Association. In addition, she is working towards board certification in veterinary practice. In her spare time, Dr. Reid enjoys spending time with her two Great Danes, Ambrose and Amelia, and her three cats.

ZOONOTIC DISEASES While the world is in the midst of the pandemic of the Covid 19 virus, zoonotic diseases have become a popular topic of conversation. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually target mammal’s respiratory systems. Only certain types of the virus can be spread to humans and bats are often the common carrier but they are intermediate carriers meaning they do not directly infect humans. The definition of a zoonotic disease is an infection spread from an animal (specifically an animal with a backbone) to a human. There are over 100 zoonotic diseases, but most are rare in the United States.

Rabies is the most well known zoonotic disease. It can be spread by bats, but is more commonly acquired from skunks, fox and raccoons in this part of the country. Rabies is invariably fatal if not treated. Because of the gravity of the disease, states require pets to be vaccinated. If a human is bitten or a pet’s vaccine status can’t be determined, humans will be required to endure a series of injections against the disease. Even if your dog or cat is vaccinated, it is important to take them to a veterinarian immediately for a booster shot of the vaccine and often they must be quarantined as well. Other zoonotic diseases are viruses and bacteria which cause gastrointestinal disease. Examples are Salmonella, Campylobacter and Clostridium difficile (often called C.diff). Humans with zoonotic gastrointestinal disease

are just as likely to pass these gastrointestinal diseases to our pets if basic sanitation and hygiene isn’t followed. Other parasites such as round worms and Giardia can also be transmitted from pet’s feces which is why it is necessary to have your pet tested at least yearly for internal parasites. Dermatologic disease such as ringworm (which is a fungus found on animal’s skin and not actually a worm) can also be transmitted to humans. Humans tend to acquire ringworm more from outdoor cats vs. dogs. Another serious disease from cats is “Cat Scratch Fever” which is not just a Ted Nugent song, but a disease from cat bites or scratches from cat’s infected with Bartonella henselae bacteria.

Toxoplasmosis gondii is a disease caused by a single celled parasite which can be especially dangerous for pregnant women and immunodeficient individuals. Women exposed during pregnancy may not show symptoms themselves but can effect their children later in life with loss of vision, hearing, mental retardation and in some cases, death. Pregnant women and immunocompromised persons should never be responsible for cleaning litter boxes or engage in activities such as gardening without gloves. To protect ourselves from zoonotic disease, it is important to use common hygiene (washing hands), bathing and grooming our pets regularly, give our dogs and cats

The County Woman’s Journal

broad spectrum antibiotics on a regular basis, applying flea and tick medicine on a regular basis, use separate dishes for feeding pets and people, wash pet beds regularly and don’t place the litter box near pet’s food. Also it is important when cleaning the litter box to dump it carefully so nothing is aerosolized with the dust from the litter. Finally, a question that often comes up is whether people give pets diseases such as colds,

etc. Yes, it has been found that humans can give pets sore throats, Tuberculosis, and fleas as well as the gastroenteritis diseases mentioned above. There have been reports of a few cases of humans infecting pet dogs and cats (as well as tigers) with Covid 19. Luckily, the virus does not seem to effect our pets in the same way it does us. At the time of this article’s publication, there have no reported cases of pets infecting humans with the Covid 19 virus.

32038 Long Neck Road • Millsboro Delaware 19966

302-947-0719 phone 302-947-0707 fax

Summer 2020 I 39


Pineapple Princess Testimonials “My sister took me to this wonderful shop on 6/21. If you can’t find a bathing suit in there then there’s something wrong. What a great bathing suit shopping experience. Everyone was so friendly and helpful and we laughed about the Southern Charm TV show. I could have easily bought more than one suit, there were so many to choose from. My sister and I ended up buying the same pattern but in different styles. Can’t wait to wear mine to the water park here at home. I will make sure I stop in the next time I’m down there. Thanks for all of your help!!!” “The owner and her daughter worked with me to find the perfect suit! They were so helpful and friendly.... There is so much to choose from I definitely needed help!! I will definitely to go back and shop there again!” “My daughter and I stopped in Pineapple Princess to shop for a bathing suit. The owner was so friendly, knowledgeable & helpful. She took the time to show us many different styles and colors of different bathing suits until we found the perfect one. I would highly suggest you stop in sometime soon.” Kim Lytle Hastings “Service was amazing- I walked out with THREE swimsuits I love and coverup! I spent hours and hours in malls and other shops last week without success... I’ll be back!” - Kim, Bethany Beach “The owner and daughter worked with me to find the perfect suit! They were so helpful and friendly!” - Stephanie, Maryland “I will never buy another swimsuit from anywhere else but the Pineapple Princess.” - Angelica, upstate New York “I found my bathing suit mecca!!” - Nancy, Towson, MD “The ladies in Pineapple Princess are very knowledgeable and take their time working with your body type. I highly recommend using this business.” - Jen, Lancaster, PA “Awesome customer service and the best selection of suits around. Fell in love With this shop!” - Mary, Fenwick Ian’s, DE “Amazing selection and first class service!” - Lauri, Maryland

40 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal


2020 Pineapple Princess Summer Wear O

Oh sweet summertime, how we have missed you. Summer 2020 is fast approaching which means sun and fun and swimwear time. We, at the Pineapple Princess, are gearing up for a fabulous summer season with lines of swimwear and apparel arriving daily starting in April for the summer season. It is looking like it will be a great summer ahead so let our gals at the Pineapple Princess help fit you in the perfect swimwear when it comes time to tackle the lovely task. We carry a wide variety of sizes ranging from XS-XXL (4-24) and we specialize in cup sizes A-G in one pieces, tankinis and two piece bikinis in name brands that include Tommy Bahama, Sea Folly, Sea Waves, Sunsets, Swim Systems, Betsey Johnson, William Rast, Becca, Maxine, Penbrooke, Gottex and many more. Match any swimsuit with a beautiful coverup and/or dress for the perfect beach day or cruising around town in brands such as Dream Dance, JValdi, Dotti, Tommy Bahama, Alison Sheri and more. Accessories are always a must at the beach to doll up an outfit and we love to hand pick our accessories such as jewelry and sun hats for you to highlight any outfit or swimsuit. For that even more perfect fit, we offer alterations and adjustments on swimwear right on store premise which makes the choices endless with one of the largest swimwear selections at the beach! Let our staff make you feel like a princess and assist in making the daunting task of swimsuit shopping into a pleasant one as we handpick selections for gals to help flatter any shape. Open daily through Spring 10am-6pm and starting memorial day weekend 9am-10pm daily. Hope to see everyone at the beach this summer and have blessed 2020 beach season!

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 41



Guiding You Home “In a few days we’ll be moving into our new home in Lewes, DE. We’re so excited to get to live in Sussex County and to enjoy the allure of this enchanting area. All of this was made possible as a result of our good fortune in finding an outstanding realtor like Terry O’Brien. She listened carefully and quickly assessed our home buying goals. The outcome was a fabulously positive search and a great interaction with the seller. Terry was the catalyst throughout this entire experience. We recommend her highly to anyone searching for a home in Delaware.” - The Downeys “As the listing agent for our property, Terry did an outstanding job when helping to stage the house. She was honest with the appearance of our house and we made suggested improvements. We settled on a realistic asking price and again her honesty was greatly appreciated and very accurate. She never dropped the ball at any time during the process and went above and beyond by being present during the inspection and when work needed to be done due to us living out of town. The result was a great buyer and easy closing. Our experience with Terry was excellent. While Terry started out as our Realtor, we now consider her our friend. We have recommended her to others and will continue to do so in the future.” - The Handlins “We liked our neighbors and neighborhood in Sussex County, DE so much that we decided to sell our vacation home and purchase a larger one to which we could eventually retire permanently. We first engaged the services of a major regional realtor and after two and a half years without even an offer we ended our contract with them and discovered Terry O’Brien. Terry gave us specific advice as to how to stage our home for sale. We followed her advice and she proceeded to do her work. The house

then sold in two and a half weeks! As a bonus, she also introduced us to the property in the same community which was exactly what we were seeking. Settlement on the sale of our first home and the purchase of the new one occurred shortly thereafter. We will gladly recommend Terry to anyone who is seeking to sell or purchase a home.” - The Regars “My husband Glen and I were looking to purchase a condo/house in Delaware to eventually retire to part of the year and we were very fortunately introduced to Terry O’Brien through a colleague of hers who happens to be a close friend of mine. I knew I would be in great hands, however, I had no idea the wonderful experience that we were in for! Terry really does her homework! She is thorough beyond words, making sure that her client sees every last opportunity. She dedicates as much time as needed to give the client a full, well rounded experience. Not only did we look at condos in various neighborhoods, we were given a guided tour of Lewes and Rehoboth, etc. and shown all of the important historical, culinary, etc. spots to ensure we did not miss anything! I cannot thank Terry enough for all that she did for us and, not only is she our Realtor (I would send her to anyone who was looking), but, mostly, she is our friend.” - Sincerely, Rosanna Hill “If you’re looking to buy or sell a home, Terry is your agent! She listens deeply to what you want in a home, provides expert guidance and is one of the most patient agents I’ve worked with. Terry is committed to helping you find a home that’s best for you. She helps you to consider all aspects of buying and selling. Additionally, Terry has a fantastic eye for architecture and design. She is dedicated to her clients and extremely conscientious. We couldn’t have been more pleased to have been able to work with Terry during an important time in our lives.” - Melissa Tihinen

Photo courtesy John Witt. Delaware Bay, Lewes, DE.

42 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Realty Terry O’Brien, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Terry O’Brien earned her first real estate license in 1988 and has been active in the world of real estate and construction for more than 30 years. She is dedicated to furthering the meaningful involvement of women in both real estate and construction. Terry has served on numerous executive boards to benefit the homeless and local historical societies and volunteered for the Montclair Film Festival in New Jersey as it was just getting off the ground. She is an active member of P.E.O. International. Terry lives in Lewes with her husband John and their two Borzoi, Boomer & Violet.

646.620.4900 (cell) I 302.539.1777 (office) I

You Need a Realtor. Here’s Why

Whether you’re buying, selling, or just curious - real estate fascinates most of us. What other investment keeps our families safe, happy and together?

Looking out for your best interests is my highest priority.

If you’re a buyer, a good realtor will help you to discover all that Sussex County has to offer and help you to find the home of your dreams whether it’s new construction or a re-sale. As with sellers, there are many points of success or failure along the route to a successful closing. We’re here for you!

If you own a home, you want to know what it’s worth – even if you’re not planning to sell anytime soon. Knowing if you’ve made a good investment gives you certainty and options. If you’re looking to buy, you want to know what kind of home you can afford and where you’ll best be able to live your life.

We work with trusted professional partners: inspectors, attorneys, lenders, etc., who also keep your best interests in mind and help the buying and selling process move smoothly.

A real estate agent’s single biggest responsibility is to represent you – to be your go-to ally and expert. The right agent will give you the confidence to sail through the waters of Delaware real estate. When my husband John and I first moved to Southern Delaware, we were surprised to learn that the charming young man in the community sales office was not a licensed real estate agent. Honestly, as I work with my buyer clients looking for new construction, I’m still shocked. When I bought homes in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and beyond, I always had a skilled realtor who was looking out for my best interests. Many of the salespeople in Sussex County’s new home sales offices are not licensed agents – they’re employees of the new community developers and represent the best interests of their employer. As a REALTOR, I am held to the National Association of Realtors Code of Ethics.

their agents, which are far more involved than offer price alone. We help you to navigate the potential bumps in the road on the way to closing.

Guiding You Home As a REALTOR, I work diligently for my clients. In addition, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage is equally committed to my clients’ well-being. If you are considering selling your home, we offer guidance as you prepare your property to present it in its best light – often referred to as staging. We provide information and guidance to determine the best listing price to produce the most qualified buyers and we market your property in creative ways that have proven to be successful. We assist in evaluating all aspects of offers from buyers and

“... As a REALTOR, I work diligently for my clients ...” Most local builders and developers are happy to work with realtors because we bring qualified buyers to their communities. Having your own agent representing you during the new building process should not cost you anything extra. If you’d like my decades of experience in your corner, please give me a call. As your real estate agent, I promise to make your well-being my top priority!

89 Atlantic Avenue I Ocean View, DEBROKERAGE 19970 I 302.539.1777 RESIDENTIAL The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 43


Wage Benefits for Delaware Car Accidents and Work InjuriesShow Me the Money! Heather Long is proud to be the first female Partner in the Newark office of Kimmel, Carter, Roman, Peltz & O’Neill, P.A., a Delaware personal injury and workers’ compensation firm. As the first female Partner in the law firm’s history, Heather has advanced diversity, which enables her to better serve her clients and injured workers in the State of Delaware. Licensed since 2005, Ms. Long’s practice is focused on assisting plaintiffs with workers’ compensation, personal injury, nursing home negligence, medical malpractice, and premises liability claims. For more information, or to schedule a free consultation, please call her directly at 302-565-6132 or e mail Heather at

By Heather A. Long, Esquire Work injuries and car accidents have a devastating impact on your ability to earn a living. Oftentimes, people are faced with the difficult decision of whether to return to work against their doctors’ orders in order to put food on the table and pay their bills, or remain out of work to recover and rehabilitate from their injuries. This is not a situation that anyone ever plans for. Swift action, early and consistent reporting and an understanding of the insurance requirements and benefits are key to minimizing the financial squeeze of delayed wage payments.

coverage, you can ask for a price quote from your current insurance company to increase this coverage amount. Lost wage benefits for both car accidents and work injuries need to be reported right away, and followed up on regularly for timely payment. In my office, I do not typically charge a fee to recover these benefits as a companion benefit to an injury claim, and also offer free consultations. Let me tell the insurance company to show YOU the money!

In Delaware, an injured worker is entitled to wage benefits if their doctor restricts them from working and, as a result, they earn less money. They may qualify for either total disability benefits- meaning they can’t work at all, or partial disability benefits- meaning they work with limitations and earn less money than they used to before their injury. These are only two of the seven basic benefits available to them under Workers’ Compensation laws. In work injury cases, an injured employee is typically paid 66.67% of their pre-injury average weekly wage, up to a maximum amount of $725.89, if they cannot work at all. This maximum amount is typically reviewed and adjusted every year, in July. For those injured employees that can work, but earn less money because of their limitations imposed by their doctor, the injured worker is paid 66.67% of the difference between their pre-injury average weekly wage and their current actual earnings while working with restrictions. This supplemental partial disability pay is available to the injured worker for a maximum of 300 weeks over the life of their claim. In car accident cases, injured parties are typically paid 80% of their lost wages. This payment comes from the insurance company of the vehicle they were occupying at the time of the injury, called Personal Injury Protection insurance or PIP for short. This benefit is limited by the amount of insurance in the policy and also by the Statute of Limitations. In Delaware, the minimum amount of PIP insurance required by law is $15,000.00, and the Statute of Limitations is two years from the date of the accident. It is important to be aware that PIP insurance also covers your medical expenses so that $15,000.00 will be depleted faster than you think. Ideally, you should carry enough PIP insurance to pay for two years’ salary plus medical expenses. If you do not currently have that much

44 I Summer 2020

(302) 565-6132

The County Woman’s Journal


What Can Investors Learn from Cyclists? “We help serious, long-term individual investors achieve their financial goals by understanding their needs and implementing tailored solutions.” Of course, millions of Americans enjoy biking. But even if you’re not much of a rider, you can apply some of the lessons of bicycling to other areas of your life – such as investing. Karen M. Wearden, AAMS,® CRPC ® Financial Advisor Edward Jones Investments

For starters, just as bikers tune up their bikes, you need to tune up your investment portfolio periodically. If you own some investments that are no longer suitable for your needs, you may need to replace them. Bikers also know when to move into higher or lower gears to adjust to changes in road conditions and elevations.

As an investor, you, too, may need to shift gears – that is, adjust your investment strategy – when circumstances in your life change. Finally, smart bikers always wear helmets to protect themselves against unforeseen bumps in the road. And since you don’t always know what’s coming in life, either, you need protection in the form of adequate life insurance. This month, you might be taking a few rides yourself. But in any case, making these cycling-inspired moves can help you keep rolling along toward your financial goals.

Let’s Talk.

302-200-9821 17723 Coastal Hwy. Unit 4 I Lewes, DE 19958

Connect with us:

Member SIPC. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency of Massachusetts, L.L.C.


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Summer 2020 I 45


46 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal


Women Publishing Entrepreneurs Wanted Pamela J. Rizzo Thirteen years ago I had never even heard of the Women’s Journal, and today I can honestly say the Women’s Journal most definitely changed my life. I had always made good money with my different business ventures, but the Women’s Journal has given me the freedom to control my own financial life, and also have the freedom to enjoy my family. I took a concept and gave it my own touch, and with hard work and consistently following the concept that I was trained in I have built an extremely successful paper.

Robin Coppinger I have been the owner of the Bucks County Women’s Journal for 7 years. It has been a pleasure to be part of the National Women’s Journal family. I have enjoyed publishing the paper, and have had a rewarding and successful career. I also appreciate the continued help and support I have received from both Bob Kapke and other owners over the years. I look forward to working with Bob for many years to come.

Celeste Kline Purchasing the Women’s Journal has been the best decision I have ever made. Not only giving me financial freedom, but allowing me to make my own schedule and my own business decisions. I only wish I had done it sooner.

Christie Cook The Women’s Journal has been an incredibly rewarding business venture for me. As the publisher for the Chesterfield Women’s Journal, I contribute to the growth of my Contributor’s businesses, and help women, in my Journal community, make wiser choices. I have found a new love in the Women’s Journal, building something that will both impact businesses and educate women, while creating a legacy for my daughter. The support and mentoring, that I have been blessed to have, from some of the most successful publishers in the Journal syndicate, has helped me grow and develop my business. The support and guidance has been consistent from the moment I made the decision to become a publisher. I love what I do, and I will continue to build and grow my business as a publisher of the Women’s Journal.

Lynn K. Wolf With the experience of publishing nine different County Woman publications, I can confidently inform you that this is one of the most exciting, rewarding, and successful business ventures for women entrepreneurs in any part of the nation. I originally born and raised in Minnesota and I have lived on the West Coast and the East Coast and many states in between. Some of my past careers include being a National Insurance Account Executive, Retail Operations Manager, Certified New Jersey Teacher and Teacher of the Year, but of these, I have being a County Woman Publisher to be the most gratifying on many levels. I guarantee that you will meet many incredible business owners and community leaders. Your publication will be the critical component in helping to launch a new business and/or successfully grown an existing business. The personal rewards are endless.

Linda Hunsicker Publishing three Women’s Journals is very rewarding and fits with my high energy lifestyle. It allows me to be my own boss, be creative and work with the public. Recently, I opened the Finger Lakes Woman and it has been very well received. Now, I can go to my vacation home in upstate NY, make money and be respected and recognized as a local business woman with a great educational publication.

Dorri C. Scott Becoming a Publisher has been a dream come true for me. Always a writer, I am an educator and continue teaching as a college Professor. Every two months, I “Give birth and deliver a new child” – my magazines in 2 counties. YES! I love what I do and am growing. The opportunity has been lucrative - though the learning curve has been keen, the support from Bob Kapke has been priceless. Passionate about what I do, over the past 18 months I have met, connected and helped so many people. The powerful resource is one that I highly recommend if you want to work hard, stay focused and make money too. Have the heart and work ethic to do something for both you and others? I highly recommend that you take the step and join a phenomenal group of publisher/owners who are happy going to work every day. Do it and don’t look back!

Tara Pannell Being a part of the Women’s newspaper business has changed my life. I’ve always wanted to own a magazine and The Women’s Journal helped my dream come to life.

Change Your Life in 2020! Call 1-800-993-3822 • •

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 47


Part Time Sales Help

Life insurance from a real-life person.

Average $20/hour

The Woman’s Newspapers are looking! Jeanine O’Donnell, Agent 16583 Coastal Hwy Lewes, DE 19958 Bus: 302-644-3276

Get life insurance that comes with someone local (me). I’m here to help you protect your family’s financial future. LET’S TALK TODAY.

You must be bright, funny, creative, well read, looking for part time work (15-20 hours/week). Able to communicate and have an honest desire to do a good job.


Contact the County Woman’s Newspapers at



State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI) Bloomington, IL

Change your life now!

The Leading Woman’s Educational Newspaper Publisher in the U.S.

Why Whole Life Insurance with a Long Term Care Rider? policy is there when you and your family need it.

By Debbie Crawford Why Whole Life Insurance? You want to make sure your

Whole life insurance is permanent insurance. You pay a level premium each year which is applied to the cost of insurance and to cash value. This asset called whole life insurance with it’s “pool of money” is available for a life event (if necessary) and gives

you permission to spend down your retirement assets while still leaving a financial legacy to your family. Why a Long Term Care Rider? It’s the most cost effective way of having Long Term Care (LTC) coverage available if and when you need it. Long term care costs can financially ruin you and your family

or can’t afford the care. The cost of a pure LTC policy is high. Insurance companies can’t guarantee level premiums each year because they are paying claims at a high rate. So, even if you get a pure LTC policy, you don’t know how much or how often the premiums will increase, and if you can’t afford the increase, they can decrease your benefits.

Monthly long term care costs can be in excess of $5,000 a month. These costs vary from state to state. A pure LTC policy is a “use it or lose it” policy meaning that you can only use it if you have a claim. As a rider on a whole life policy, the premium is much less and you have a permanent insurance policy with the ability to have LTC coverage.

Please allow me the opportunity to discuss these options with you and help you create a financial plan that will continue to work for you for years to come.

Debbie Crawford DC Financial & Consulting Services, Inc. (302) 858 2606 debbie@

DC Financial & Consulting Services, Inc. (302) 858 2606 •

48 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Home & Garden

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 49


ONE STOP AUTO - A COMMITMENT TO SERVICE DON’T TAKE A CHANCE WITH YOUR AUTO! CALL ONE STOP AND HERE IS WHY: “We have used one stop for Fifteen years. “ONE STOP AAA Trucks got me out of a Being a female and truly not knowing anything jam when I needed it. I was on the way to a about mechanics always made me feel woman’s network meeting and I ran out of gas. vulnerable until I started using Joe from ONE Called AAA and Joe was there in 15 minutes. I STOP! I guarantee as a woman that you will was not even late for my meeting.” not be taken advantage of. Barbara S. They are fair, they fix the problems and never Milford, Delaware ever do work that is not needed. With five business vehicles, they have provided me peace of mind.” Elizabeth Kapke, The Publisher “I used one of ONE STOP coupons for an oil change and now I give them all my work on my husband’s car and mine.” Joyce W. Seaford, Delaware ONE STOP was recommended to me by a female V.P. of a local bank. Her exact words were, “Don’t get ripped off ever again, you can trust Joe and Bobby at ONE STOP.” Kathy M Bethany Beach, Delaware



“I bought a used Chevy from a Dealer. They said it was mechanically perfect. I drove it to ONE STOP. They found 2 leaks that were not disclosed by the Dealer. The Dealer adjusted the price.” Betty Lou G. Georgetown, Delaware

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50 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal



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Summer 2020 I 51


52 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Owner Testimonials

Pamela J. Rizzo

Nineteen years ago I had never even heard of the Women’s Journal, and today I can honestly say the Women’s Journal most definitely changed my life. I had always made good money with my different business ventures, but the Women’s Journal has given me the freedom to control my own financial life, and also have the freedom to enjoy my family. I took a concept and gave it my own touch, and with hard work and consistently following the concept that I was trained in I have built an extremely successful paper.

Lynn K. Wolf

With the experience of publishing nine different County Woman publications, I can confidently inform you that this is one of the most exciting, rewarding, and successful business ventures for women entrepreneurs in any part of the nation. I originally born and raised in Minnesota and I have lived on the West Coast and the East Coast and many states in between. Some of my past careers include being a National Insurance Account Executive, Retail Operations Manager, Certified New Jersey Teacher and Teacher of the Year, but of these, I have being a County Woman Publisher to be the most gratifying on many levels. I guarantee that you will meet many incredible business owners and community leaders. Your publication will be the critical component in helping to launch a new business and/or successfully grown an existing business. The personal rewards are endless.

Change Your Life In 2020! CALL 1-800-993-3822


The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 53

Home & Garden

Tales of Blue By Connie Marshall

I’ll never forget the first time I saw an Eastern Bluebird. My friend and I were driving down a back road not far from my home, when a sudden flash of brilliant blue flew across the road and perched in a tree along the ditch bank. It was the most mesmerizing shade of blue I had ever seen and I knew I needed to learn all I could about this incredibly beautiful bird. I was amused and intrigued with what I read about my new friend. For starters, there are three different types of bluebirds: The Western Bluebird, the Mountain Bluebird and the Eastern Bluebird, which is the one I encountered. They are members of the Thrush family and live only in North America. The male is the most colorful. He has a red-brown throat and chin, and his back has the richest shade of blue. The female also has a red-brown front, only her back and body is predominately bluish gray. This explains why the early settlers often called them the “ Blue Robin”. These beautiful birds have survived through the decades, but not without hardship. Their populations have been dangerously low in past years, and much effort is helping boost the numbers to safe levels again. The North American Bluebird Society has been a leader in the cause of reestablishing the populations of bluebirds. As you will see, you too can play a vital role in the effort by following a few easy guidelines. One of the simplest things to do is to erect a nesting box. There are many styles of houses/boxes on the market, but make sure you check for a few basic standards. They are : • Round entrance hole 1 ½ inch diameter • Entrance hole 6” above the bottom of the box • 4” square bottom • proper ventilation and drainage • roof with overhang (will help against some predators) • no perch • easy access ( for cleaning and monitoring) Mount the house 3 to 5 feet high on a pole or fence post, away from the prevailing wind ( generally facing South, East or anywhere in between ) , with enough flyway for the birds to swoop into the box. I have mine facing East and this seems to work well. I’ve been fortunate enough to have a nesting pair for the past 10 years, and many pairs will next 2 to 3 times per season !!!

54 I Summer 2020

With some luck, anyone following the guidelines will attract a pair to their yard too! As insect and worm eaters, bluebirds generally will not visit your conventional tube feeders, however, I have had luck with platform style feeders with specific blends of mealworms, sunflower hearts, cracked corn and raisins. There are several other styles offered, but this is a preferred favorite at my house. Although live mealworms are a favored feast they can become costly over time, so the freeze dried ones work well, and I recommend hydrating them for more substance. Recently, a new type of freeze dried worm has been marketed, these are the whole worm ( guts included)., not just the outer casing. Myself and others have been able to cue these beauties when its feeding time. Being consistant each day and making a call, whistle or sound of your choosing when you are offering the worms, will prompt the bluebirds to feeding time…and often may even be feeding before you make it back to your home. Another way to attract bluebirds to your yard is to supply a good water source. Offering fresh water is a must in general for drinking as well as bathing, and boy do they like a pool party..try to place the bath close to an area with branches, they will need to perch and preen afterwards. I feel so privileged to have these incredible little birds visit my yard. How sad it would be if they no longer existed. Statistics show that only 50% of all bluebird fledglings survive the first 3 months of their lives. Harsh winters, predators and constant nesting competitors make it essential that we help to their survival. Placement and monitoring of nest boxes is crucial, and by following the necessary guidelines and practicing a little patience not only can we all enjoy these glorious little birds, but we can help to guarantee that future generations can also celebrate their beauty.

302.537.7180 19 Atlantic Avenue Ocean View, DE 19970 Open Year Round The County Woman’s Journal

Home & Garden

The Great Outdoors

Sunesta Retractable Awnings

We are proud to offer the full line of Sunesta retractable awnings, solar screens, and patio canopies. Every Sunesta shade product is custom made, so we can help design a shade solution that is specifically tailored to your home. We understand that Delaware’s coastal climate is unique, and requires unique products that can stand up to the intense summer heat, harmful UV rays, corrosive salt air, and persistent winds. Sunesta’s Teflon coated acrylic fabrics and powder-coated framework are the perfect solution. With multiple frame colors and more than 180 different fabric options, we are sure to have a design option that will fit your home so you can make the best of your outdoor space!

Porch Conversions, Sunrooms & Trex Decks Have a Trex deck or Trex covered porch that you’d like to be able to get more use out of? We can help. Styline’s EZ-Vue 4-track vinyl window system will transform your outdoor space into a hybrid 3-season room. With the unbreakable memory-vinyl windows closed, you have full protection from wind, rain, dust, and pollen. You can even enjoy extended use in early Spring and late Fall with their surprising insulating qualities. When open you can enjoy the outdoors with full screens and up to 75% ventilation. Every window and door is custom made to size, and comes in 9 different colors and 4 different tints. Enjoy the feel of being outdoors with complete climate control All Year Round with Living Space Sunrooms.

32239 Nassau Road Lewes, Delaware The County Woman’s Journal

(302) 313-4329

Summer 2020 I 55

Home & Business

“The Best Little Boat Dealer In Delaware” Lingo Marine is your full-service boat dealer, representing manufacturers such as Xpress Boats, Veranda Pontoons, Mercury and Suzuki outboards, and LoadRite trailers. Our 10-person service department is led by factory-trained techs with over 40-years combined experience, specializing in Mercury, Mercruiser, Suzuki, and Yamaha outboard motor repairs. Marine services include boat bottom painting, fiberglass repair, pontoon repair, custom canvas work, rigging, and boat storage, including hauling and launching. We maintain an inventory of the parts most often needed by our customers, along with accessories to compliment everyday boating activities. Our new and used boats inventory varies with the season. If you’re looking for a bass boat, deck boat, or pontoon - aluminum or fiberglass - hunting boat or for fishing - check with us often. And, we regularly accept consignments. Lingo Marine is a third generation business serving local boating needs since 1961.

121 Delaware Avenue • Millsboro, DE 19966 “Tax Free Delaware” 302-934-9877 •

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Please go to our Events Calendar at 56 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Home & Garden

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Our neighborhood has had a termite scare, with several infestations. After reading all the great reviews for Bennett, we chose them to inspect for peace of mind. Robert came out within two days, was very nice and very professional, and inspected for free (!!!). Luckily we don't have any termites, but Robert showed me exactly what to look for, and I will definitely call Bennett if any issues every arise. Highly recommend, a company that seems to pride themselves on honesty and customer service.

We use Bennett Termite and Pest Control for our routine pest control and for inspections. However, we had an emergency this past week. Bennett arrived quickly and evaluated my problem. They provided a Heat Treatment and arranged for a special certification. As always Dean and his staff were courteous, explained things well, and provided great service. We highly recommend Bennett Termite and Pest Control for all your pest control problems.

Had a really bad ant problem, talked to dean about it and he didnt hesitate to have me put on the schedule and have a guy out to my house ON TIME and when scheduled, the guy was very nice, explained everything he was doing and it wasnt expensive at all. Definitely recommend Bennett Pest Solutions, honest and affordable! Thanks!!!!

Bennett is known for their termite & pest control but their crawl space encapsulation programs are the top of the line. You can not get better prices. Very professional and timely. Local guy Dean Bennett and Bruce very easy to talk with no pressure!

The County Woman’s Journal

I highly recommend Bennett Termite and Pest. They are professional , prompt , and do an excellent job . I am in property management in OCMD. and I count on Bennett often. I have never been dissapointed in there work. Special shout out to Jennifer and Bruce. Thank you !!!

Summer 2020 I 59


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Summer 2020 I 61



62 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Fabulous Foods

Fabulous Foods

PUBLISHER’S RESTAURANT POLICY Our criteria said it all! First and foremost, the food has to be of the highest quality and freshness. Second, the staff must be courteous and friendly. Third, is the consistency. Knowing that each and every time you dine at that restaurant, it will always live up to its reputation.

R O O t th SS

This is the most controversial category in all our newspapers. So, we thought we would answer honestly and objectively the most frequently asked questions by our friends and readers.

“Why do you have so few restaurants in your newspapers?” Simple! The following restaurants in this Women’s newspaper are the only restaurants we HAVE INVITED to join our list of restaurants, and that we could absolutely guarantee met our criteria.

Try any of the restaurants listed in this paper and if you don’t agree opening pen pen for with us, call us at 1-800-993-3822 or if you have other restaurants that you would recommend, please let us know. We will review them. This he 2013 he 2014 We unconditionally guarantee the foods reviews in all our newspapers. They have been prepared by the restaurants that have been personally Spring! Season invited to be with us.”


The restaurants that you see on the following pages are not advertisers. We are presenting them to you as hand selected skillful artists who take pride in preparing the best meals possible. No other newspaper syndicate turns down advertising from restaurants. WE DO! In fact 95% of all restaurants that contact us are not invited to be with us, after we try them. We take the time to go through our criteria and only select the best for your enjoyment.

Serving Dinner starting at 6pm Lunch and Sunday Brunch 11 to 3 Après Surf menu is served 3:00 to 5:30

(302) 227-3674 • ww “ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese Restaurant Cumin Beef or Kung Pao Shrimp. If you like fish, Salmon with Black Bean Sauce, Steamed Halibut or Crispy educate. enrich. empower. Whole Black Sea Bass are all excellent choices. If Cumin Beef or you are a first ilmington Avenue in downtown Wilmington. My wife and I came to Kung Pao Confucius time cusRehoboth Beach has long been Rehoboth because we want to have Shrimp. If you everybody Restaurant was opened in destination. the a food lover’s Popular a restaurant that wewho areitexcited tomer, we entown, allows me to take zines.We had aAnd chance to talkknows eateries have called Wilmington about. We want to have exciting like fish, you to tell our server Confucius is.folspring of 2004 in downtown fast food restaurant COMcourage some time away from work with Shawn XIong and the Ave. their home for a long time. food for people who are looking for a with Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Located on is the the second block of the of good dining experience. Wefeeling only put guilty about it. BINED ). While this has made Salmon or what you do or do not like, without lowing summary our avenue is a small building on our menu fooddecide that we ourselves Q:housing What made you to Xiong, the owner, Confucius had previChinese food popular in this Black and Bean we will offer the right recconversation. Restaurant, the only fine love or we think our customers will relocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese dining Chinese restaurant in the enjoy.” country, it has made Chinese Sauce, Q: What was your ommendation for you. I beRehoboth – Lewes area. Steamed HalX: When had my previous restaurant in Wilmington food a stereotype ( think Q: Why do you callI your lieve every customer deserves biggest challenge comShawn’s philosophy is best one of exemplified in his menu selections. ibut or Crispy restaurant in Wilmington, I prior to relocating restaurant toChinese the food has been “$5.99 eat all you can eat”, special attention at my “Confucius”? ing to Rehoboth? the most popular ethnic foods People who enjoy a good seafood Black If they order was working 360 a year, beach area. Sincein then, Con“free deliveries” for example). I Whole X: When I started Confucius, X: There were restaurant. America, as evidenced in the meal can finddays such popular items plenty of chalnumerousthe take-out and12 Salt & Pepper Shrimp, Bass are they don’t quite athat day. After I had fucius has been named have to explain to people whatSea I wanted to offerbuffet ahours menuas lenges I Halibut have faced. The something restaurants in pretty much every with Ginger & Scallions, or Panexcellent I seared decided that I of best Chinese restaurant in the shopping center or stripmy mall.son, But Salmon with black bean all was not knowing we do, but once people give usalllike, most “generic” Chinese biggest they are welcome to send unfortunatelyand for real Chinese sauce. Anyone who loves hot & wanted tospicy spend more time Delaware Today magazine a try, they keep coming back. choices. market restaurants Wherever it back Iffor exchange AT NO food lovers, most of offer. these places food willthe be very happy to when I first you are a Ifirst with more time with his favorably mentioned varioffer more oryou less the same kindhim, entrees such as Hot Pepper opened. The other challenge youin go, probably willfind find COST. want customer to of menus. In order to enjoy a good Chicken, Cumin Beef or Fivecuseducation. Coming to a( up resort ous newspaper and magaQ: What are your most time and a Chinese eatery everyspiced have a pleasant dining experiChinese meal, you will havein to take Duck. was Growing in continues to be estomer, en- place. town, itoffers allows mepecially toof take zines.We had a chance talk a trip to to a nearby big city to satisfy Hunan Province China, Shawn popular dishes? during the summer shopping center that ence we at my craving. Xiong has a particular affection fast food COMcourage youtoto tell our server some time away from work with Shawn XIongyour and the fol- the X:effort This is a hard question )tofood. convince people that Chipretty much same items Therefore, herestaurant has made every for hot and spicy As a to ensure that Confucius kitchen Established seven years ago, Confucius Restaurant result, any spicy food lover will ). While this has made or what you isdo or Q: do not like,are your hours without feeling guilty about BINED lowing is the summary of our answer. There are different What nese restaurant IS INDEED such as lo meins & chow staff be as accommodating as Confucius was designed to provide located at 57 Wilmington happy to learn that Confucius is Chinese food popular in this and we will offer the right recconversation. possible. Rice You want to request gluten popular dishes tothedifferent an alternative to a take-out more and meins. Our menuoris more fo- stocked and Specials? regularly with than all kindsjust Fried Avenue on second block free meal? Not a problem. You are buffet style menu. According to hot ingredients ranging from it than has made Chinese What your ommendation I befrom the beach. Iton is now customers depending theirfor you. X: Confucius is open year Eggrolls. Therecountry, are more cused on itemsQ: you don’tofwas usua vegan or vegetarian? We are going Shawn Xiong, owner of Confucius, Habernera, Jalapeno, to Szechaun open forlieve Summer day (own think Q: Why do youhis call your every customer deserves biggest challenge comto try a ourstereotype best. don’t like whatpersonal taste. goalfind is to provide quality food Ifevery you like round. 7 days a week in sea40000 Chinesefood eateries inYou this ally in those places. SoredI peppers. dry at 5pm for dinner. For other you ordered? Weall canyou replace it. Noeat”, and quality service. “ I used to can “$5.99 eat special attention at myand currently is open for restaurant “Confucius”? ingnot to name Rehoboth? spicy we offer dishes reservations/information, call son country ( more than McDondecided that will reasonable request is ever denied at food, own a restaurant in aI typical Shawn Xiong is fully aware that 302-227-3848. example). X: When I startedshopping Confucius, X:or There plenty of chalrestaurant. If theydinner order everyday except TuesConfucius. mall setting when I was in were every customer’s taste is different. as HotI Pepper Chicken, alds’, Pizza Hut“free anddeliveries” all other forsuch my place “ wok” “great wall” have to explain to people what something they don’t I wanted to offer a menu that lenges I have faced. The dayquite beginning at 5:00pm. We most “generic” Chinese biggest of all was not knowing we do, but once people give us like, they are welcome opento forsend lunch and dinner a try, they keep coming back. the market when I first restaurants offer. Wherever it back for exchange AT Sunday NO every starting at Voted by the National Women’s Newspaper opened. The other challenge you go, you probably will find COST. I want customer to Every Monday, ALL 11:00am. Q: What are your most was ( and continues to be esa Chinese eatery in every have a pleasant dining FISH experientrees are on special popular dishes? pecially during the summer shopping center that offers ence at my place. while supplies last. Next FebX: This is a hard question to )to convince people that Chipretty much the same items ruary around President’s Day, answer. There are different Q: What are your hours nese restaurant IS INDEED such as lo meins & chow we will hold our annual CHImore than just Fried Rice and popular dishes to different meins. Our menu is more foand Specials? NESE NEW YEAR BUFFET. cused on items you don’t usu- Eggrolls. There are more than customers depending on their X: Confucius is open Foryear a fixed amount, you will 40000 Chinese eateries in this own personal taste. If you like round. 7 days a week ally find in those places. So I haveinaseachance to enjoy about spicy food, we offer dishes son and currently 30 is open for dishes, most of country ( more than McDondecided that I will not name different such as Hot Pepper Chicken, dinner everyday except my place “ wok” or “great wall” alds’, Pizza Hut and all other which Tuesare seafood. day beginning at 5:00pm. For moreWe information, you can open for lunch andcall dinner Confucius at 302-227every Sunday starting 3848ator visit us online at ConVoted by the National Women’s Newspaper 11:00am. Every Monday, ALL FISH entrees are on special is located at 57 Confucius while supplies last. Next Feb- Avenue, Rehoboth Wilmington ruary around President’s Beach. Day, we will hold our annual CHIYEAR BUFFET. June/July 2012 The County NESE Woman NEW Newspaper 48 For a fixed amount, you will have a chance to enjoy about 30 different dishes, most of which are seafood. For more information, you can call Confucius at 302-2273848 or visit us online at Confucius is located at 57 Wilmington Avenue, Rehoboth Beach. or “palace”, yet I want people know it is Chinese. Confucius Chinese Restaurant was opened in the And everybody knows who Confucius is. spring of 2004 in downtown Rehoboth Beach. Shawn Q: What made you decide to Xiong, the owner, had previrelocate to Rehoboth? ously owned a Chinese X: When I had my previous restaurant in Wilmington restaurant in Wilmington, I prior to relocating to the beach area. Since then, Con- was working 360 days a year, 12 hours a day. After I had fucius has been named the best Chinese restaurant in the my son, I decided that I thand wanted to spend more time Delaware Today magazine or “palace”, yet I want with people him, more time with his favorably mentioned in variit is Coming to a resort Chinese ous newspaperknow and maga-

“ Give us one try, and you will keep coming back ” A conversation with Shawn Xiong of Confucius Chinese fabulousfoods Restaurant

Confucius 8 Season At The Beach W Fabulous Foods

Fabulous Foods

ehoboth Beach, Delaware udy 40th Anniversary

A 5-Star Restaurant

A 5-Star Restaurant

Summer Spring 2013 Rehoboth Beach, Delaware The County Woman’s Journal


Fabulous Foods

Reopening Open for Open This the 2013 the 2014 Spring! Season Season

Serving Dinner starting at 6pm

Summer 2014

Voted 59 Rehoboth Avenue •Ru R Best Dining CelebratingFineOur in Bethany

5 59 Rehoboth Avenue • Call for Hou

The County Woman Newspaper

302.537.7500 • w

The County Woman Newspaper

The Cafe on 26

114 Garfield Pa

The County Woman Newspaper

Summer 2020 I 63

Fabulous Foods

“Quietly cooking slow food for over 47 years”

Open for the 2020 Season

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.”

George Bernard Shaw

64 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Fabulous Foods

Voted the Only 5 Star Restaurant in Bethany Beach THE SUSSEX COUNTY TM

Traditional Fine Dining

Steaks, Crabcakes & Seafood • Full Bar • Catering Childrens’ Menu • Lite Fare Menu In-House Private Parties

Perfect Dining Room for:

Rehearsal Dinners • Birthday Celebrations Family Reunions • Anniversaries • Wedding Receptions 114 Garfield Parkway • Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930

(302) 537-7500

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 65

Fabulous Foods

Your palate will truly be satisfied.

“The food here is beautiful. The setting is elegant. The drinks are fine. It is a nice change from the seafood staples of this beach town. I always over order. It is worth it.” - Badhoh G., Rehoboth, Delaware

Confucius menu is focused on delicate, refined gourmet dining not found in any other restaurant. Created for the diner’s individual personal taste!


Voted #1 Chinese Restaurant in Delaware and Best at the Beach! 66 I Summer 2020

57 Wilmington Avenue Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971

302.227.3848 The County Woman’s Journal

Fabulous Foods

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 67

Fabulous Foods

EXPERIENCED UNIQUE AFFORDABLE • Exclusive Venue that accommodates 25-350 • Now Booking Harrington Fire Company Community Center • Two Rooms available Conference Room up to 35, Large Ballroom up to 350 • Corporate • All Day Training Seminars • Award Dinners • Weddings • Anniversarys • Birthdays • Reunions • Fundraisers of all Kinds • Business Breakfast & Lunches

We cater all of Delaware & Eastern Shore

Call Paul Today: 302-542-4086

OR Visit our website

Everything you need for a cocktail or beach party, plus great gifts! 98 Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach, Delaware 19930


OPEN EVERY DAY 10AM-9PM • OFF SEASON HOURS VARY In the Blue Surf Building on the Boardwalk

68 I Summer 2020

The County Woman’s Journal

Fabulous Foods

Hocker’s Supermarket at salt pond plaza

Hocker’s Super Center G&E Hardware

Visit us at and subscribe to our weekly mailer! We are a full service grocery supermarket featuring Fresh Cut Meats, USDA Choice and Certified Angus Beef, Full Service Delicatessen featuring Boars Head Brand, Fresh Seafood, Fresh Baked Goods Daily, Full Line of Gourmet Foods and Cheeses, Natural and Organic Foods, and Fresh Produce. We purchase locally grown produce when in season. Also, we offer a Hardware Store and Gas Pumps at both locations. Debit and all major credit cards accepted. ATM in stores • EARN FREE GAS WITH “GAS CASH REWARDS” G&E/Hocker’s Supermarket and Hocker’s Super Center have been family owned and operated for over 60 years. Gerald Hocker, president of G&E and Hocker’s, purchased the business from his Uncle Jake in 1971. We are committed to providing our loyal customers with the highest level of customer service and the highest quality of products. We have continued to grow to meet the growing demands of our customers, and have recently opened Hocker’s Supermarket at Salt Pond Plaza in Bethany Beach, Delaware. Our meats are unsurpassed!!! Great weekly specials---weekly Best Buys!


Fabulous Food

Be sure to stop in and try some of our newly added smoked specialty meats.

Our smoked meat facility makes store-made products that the National chain can not do, and never will do! Try the following products and see the difference. Once you try them you will be a customer forever! • store-made Sausage (Ital., Sweet Ital., Hot, Country, and G&E special Blend) • store-made Hotdogs (100% Beef, 100% Pork, and 100% Pork with Jalapeno & cheese) • store-made Smoked Kielbasa • Hickory Smoked Pulled Pork • Hickory Smoked BBQ Ribs • Smoked Beef Brisket (when avail. or by special order) • Apple Smoked Pit Beef (when avail. or by special order) • Maple Cured Ham (sliced to order in the deli) • Brown Sugar Turkey Breast (sliced to order in the deli) • Maple Cured Bacon (sliced to order in the deli)

All of our specialty meat items contain no fillers and are made with our unsurpassed meats!!!

Hocker’s Supermarket at Salt Pond Plaza

Hocker’s Super Center

G & E Hardware

G&E Supermar etneC repuS s’rekcoH dna tekr G&EH 695 Bethany Loop Bethany Beach, DE 19930 302-539-9662 • 302-539-5255 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day

34960 Atlantic Avenue Clarksville, DE 19970 302-537-1788 302-537-1877 Open 7am - 11pm Every Day

30264 Cedar Neck Road Ocean View, Delaware 19970 302-539-1448 Open 7am - 8pm Every Day, except Sunday 7am - 7pm

8441-935-203 erawdra

We are a full service grocery Summer 2020 superma I 69 eeB sugnA deifitreC dna eciohC ADSU ,staFull eM Service tuC hsDelicatessen erF gnirutafeaturing ef tekra B Gourmet Foods and Cheeses, Natura The County Woman’s Journal


Picture This… C.M.Baker Photography Photography may have changed over the decades, but sharing photos is still something we do daily in our business and personal lives, and no matter how we’re using photos these days, they continue to bring smiles to our faces and help educate & inform us. We may not always remember everything that happened at an event; however we don’t have to worry about that because photos will always be a way to remind us about our life experiences, good times and cherished moments. The best and least stressful way to use photography at one of your events is to contact Mike Baker, with C.M. Baker Photography. When planning events there is already a lot to do, so you can take one thing off your list by letting Mike handle one of the most important parts of your celebration. This will take that stress off you, and allow you to focus on other things. By hiring Mike, you have several choices. You can use an indoor photo booth that

doesn’t take up a lot of space, but brings a lot of joy to any event. The black photo booth is only 5 feet by 5 feet being compact to fit any space, especially for smaller venues where space is a commodity. Mike also offers a white inflatable photo booth. This is decked out with lights and gives a more colorful flare to the classic photo booth. Or you could use the outdoor Shasta Shutterbug Photo Booths. The Shasta Shutterbugs are mostly used outside and can be used for an outdoor or indoor event (only if you have an 8ft x 8ft doorway). With much of the Sussex County and Eastern Shore Maryland having many wedding barns, it has become quite a wedding barn venue. The original Shasta I was a 1969 Compact Shasta Camper converted into a white decorative photo booth on wheels. The Shasta II is barn themed with a white barnwood interior. The Shasta II was a 1964 Shasta Compact Camper. Both Shasta’s provide added fun to your outdoor space, and will keep your guests coming back. All the booths print keepsake photo strips, provide customized props and are a wonderful opportunity for your guests to have a lot of fun and take photos home with them to share for many years to come. Plus, all photo strips are in color, and have customized text and designs to suit your event needs, and print in just a few

seconds. C.M. Baker Photography covers most of the Delmarva Peninsula going south and up to southern PA going north. In addition to the photo booths and Shasta’s taking the photos, Mike has been doing weddings for almost 30 years, and is one of the few wedding photographers that print out 8x10s at the wedding for all to view, and for the bride and groom to take home with them. Mike is also certified by the FAA for commercial license Part 107, and is able to do aerial images of homes for real estate companies, or anything else, and is now using a drone. With his extensive experience for close to 30 years, Mike is equipped to do onsite printing at events, and can do headshots for promotional purposes including news articles, social media, brochures and business cards. It doesn’t matter whether you have a corporate event, father-daughter dance, wedding, graduation, birthday, anniversary, or special needs. C.M. Baker has something for you to keep your memories alive, and keep you smiling for decades to come!

C. M. Baker Photography

We Specialize in: Weddings • Reunions • Proms • Engagements Corporate and Private Parties and Gala Events Father-Daughter Dances • Aerials w/Drones (FAA Certified)

70 I Summer 2020

Let CM Baker Photography capture the Memories on your special day. (302) 335-1500 •

The County Woman’s Journal

Testimonials Why Should You Advertise Your Business or Profession in the Sussex, Wicomico, Worcester County Woman Newspapers?

185,000 Readers in Delaware and Maryland! Rated the #1 Educational Newspaper in the U.S.

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Chad, Proworks

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Jim Hostelley, Owner, Clean Ducts Clean Air Co., Inc.

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“A Group of Women’s Newspapers that has opened a whole new market for us.”

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“A review of your restaurant in the Women’s Newspapers can mean a 30% increase in your business.”

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1-800-993-3822 • P.O. Box 1267 • Bethany Beach, DE 19930

The County Woman’s Journal

Summer 2020 I 71

Celebrating Our 10 Year Anniversary!


Voted The Only 5 Star Restaurant on Route 26 -


Voted Best Down State Restaurant at the Beach -

2017 Best American Restaurant, Southern DE


The Cafe on 26 84 ATLANTIC AVE • OCEAN VIEW, DE • (302) 539 CAFE • THECAFEON26.COM

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