Uexplore 2017 Summer Issue

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Uexplore – Travel without boundaries

Summer 2017

與布吉的二次進行曲 Rediscover the Charm of Phuket 夏日戀愛奏鳴曲 The Sweet Scent of Summer

鹿兒島南的極上體驗 Top-notch Experiences in Ibusuki

意想不到的高棉文化 Pick up a bit of Khmer History and Culture

Summer 2017



天總帶有不能言喻的魅力,風光明媚的天氣使人褪去慵懶,並情不自禁地打開大門,奔往熱情的 海島!今個夏日,跟着HK Express到訪石垣島、芽莊及塞班島等城市,置身當地迷人海灘中,沐浴於耀眼 陽光下。來吧,盡情地揮灑汗水,去一趟夏天專屬的冒險吧!

Cover Photo | Phuket, Thailand

除了這些引人入勝的航點外,我們還有更多令您興奮的好消息!於 2017年,我們以驕人成績作開端,憑 着領先的航班準時率以及一流的服務品質,接載客量節節上升,成功於本年首季度保持高達 90%的載客 量,並於3月時達到了接載7百萬客次的里程碑。因為有您們的支持,HK Express才有這樣優秀的成績, 我們為此感到自豪。 另外,我們所推出的 reward-U獎賞計劃亦在本年首季度帶來了顯著的表現,計劃推出不足一年時間已有 高達50萬的會員人數。如您尚未成為會員,立即登記成為一份子,開始賺取積分及享受更多優惠吧! 別忘記下載我們的手機應用程式,以獲得最新的推廣資訊,或從中尋走下一趟旅程的靈感。另外,您還可 以於航班起飛48 小時至75 分鐘前於透過手機應用程式辦理登機手續,避開機場排隊的人潮,輕鬆自在 地啟程。 準備好了嗎?請安心就座,享受您的旅程,我們衷心感謝您選乘 HK Express,下次旅途再會!

Summer Escapades!


here’s something special about Summer; an intangible magnetism that beckons couch potatoes to the great outdoors in favor of some fun under the sun! With exotic destinations like Ishigaki, Nha Trang, Saipan and more that boast beautiful beaches and laid-back atmospheres, how about a little summer escapade? Destinations aside, we have some exciting news to share with you. This year has taken off to a roaring start and we are proud of our stellar performance in the first quarter with strong passenger growth, on-time performance, and an impressive load factor. We managed to maintain a 90% load factor for the third month in a row and have hit a significant milestone of 7 million Guests in March 2017. Our dedicated loyalty program – reward-U, has also seen significant take-up in the first quarter of 2017. They have recently celebrated a milestone of half a million members even before its first anniversary in April 2017! Sign up as a member now, to begin reaping the benefits of your flight bookings and more!


Don’t forget to download our mobile app to receive the latest promotion details or simply for some travel inspiration! You can now also use it to check in from 48 hours up till 75 mins before departure. Imagine the time saved from queueing at the airport or the stress lines eliminated from inching forward towards the counter! There you have it – sit back, relax, enjoy your journey and we look forward to welcoming you on board again! www.hkexpress.com hkexpress











Rediscover the Charm of Phuket



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The Sweet Scent of Summer


The Spring City — Kunming


Summer Splash in Yaeyama Islands







Miyajima Water Fireworks Festival A JR Journey in Kochi Top-notch Experiences in Ibusuki






Exploring Jagalchi Market Pick up a bit of Khmer History and Culture


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Dig into the Artistic Culture of Angkor


A Green Journey in Hualien


68 70 71 72 73 75

最新消息 Latest News 獎賞計劃 The Loyalty Program 團隊成員訪問 Meet the Team 機艙服務 Inflight Services 旅途安康 Health & Safety 航線圖 Route Map





與布吉的二次進行曲 Rediscover the Charm of Phuket 布

吉,碧波綠水、閃亮耀 眼的海灘並不是 她的全部,其實還有很多鮮為人知的地方等待着 被探索。除了海灘 之外,寺廟 也是泰國這個 佛 教國家的另一 代 表作,香火鼎盛的寺廟每年 都 吸引了無 數信眾遠 道 從各國特 地前 往參 拜!另外,古建 築 及傳 統 文化也不 斷受追捧,布 吉老 鎮、Phra Pitak Chinpracha Mansion 等亦深受着國內外遊客歡迎。


lessed with glistening turquoise beaches and beautiful limestone formations. Phuket is a treasure trove of hidden gems waiting to be explored. With Buddhism at the core of its culture, most of Thailand is dotted with revered landmarks made up of magnificent temples and pagodas, some of which can be found in and around Phuket. The diverse architectural styles of these constructions and religious influence never cease to amaze foreign visitors. Discover a different, and diverse side to Phuket with our suggested itinerary!

玩轉布吉3大Q&A Q: 布吉的天氣狀況如何? A:  布吉全年分三季。2月至5月為夏季, 較 為炎 熱,氣 溫高達 4 0 度。6 月至 9 月 屬雨季,或會持續下雨數天,每天數小 時。而10 月至1月則是冬季,雖 說是冬 季,但氣溫亦處於20度至30度之間。 Q: 在布吉遊玩有什麼注意事項? A: 泰國有支付小費的習慣,由20 泰銖到 200 泰銖不等。而電壓則是 220 伏特,可 使用雙腳扁平插頭。另外,泰國的電話 卡實行實名制,在當地購買電話卡時需 出示護照登記,要是在出發地已經購買 電話卡的話,則需在該電話卡所屬公司 網址、當地門市或7-11便利店登記。 Q: 如何輕鬆地遊玩布吉? A :  要 是 懶得計劃行 程,又不想參加 旅 遊團的話,到當地旅行社參加一日或半 日行程便是一個不錯的選擇。而且布吉 大街上到處都是旅行社,行程亦應有盡 有,遊客可從中挑選最適合自己的景點 及價錢。 Summer 2017



布吉行程推介 4 Days Itinerary in Phuket



從 機 場出發,駕車約半小 時便能到達攀牙 灣 碼 頭 登 船前往攀牙灣。攀牙灣以奇山怪 洞,以及絕佳的生態環境見稱,其中必看的 非鐘乳石洞、紅樹林及水底生物莫屬!遊人 可選擇以乘船、騎大象、AT V 越野車、浮潛 等方式探索攀牙灣。 Set off from the Phuket International Airport to the pier for a 30-minute boat ride to Phang Nga Bay. It is famously known for its jagged rocky mountains and pristine ecology, of which the sea caves, mangrove forests and the thriving underwater life are definite highlights. For thrill seekers, don’t forget to join the many boat tours, elephant trekking tours, ATV rides or snorkeling tours for an indepth trip in Phuket!



布吉老鎮主要由五條街道及多條小巷組成, 居民主要為泰國人、中國人、印度人等。來到 小鎮最重要是探索「巴巴」群體的歷史傳統, 以及感受其獨特建築及生活方式,可讓人花 上一整天的時間了解這個萬花筒般的市集。 Spend a wonderful day in Phuket Old Town, which is made up of five streets and a multitude of lanes housing a dozen Thai, Chinese and Indian communities. Exploring the Baba (people of mixed Thai and Chinese parentage) architecture and lifestyle is both an interesting and rewarding experience! End off your day at Phuket’s night markets to try delicious local spice and food that will definitely tantalize your taste buds!





來到堂堂佛教大國,怎可錯過重要的寺廟之 行呢!早上可駕車前往查龍寺,這是布吉最享 負盛名及香火鼎盛的百年寺廟,每天前往參 拜 的 信眾過百人。下午,可以 到 Phra Pitak Chinpracha Mansion參觀這座建於二戰前的 府邸,紅頂白磚的中葡式建築在布吉不多,而 且很多都不對外開放,唯獨這家例外。晚上更 可在他們所開設的餐廳用膳。 Making a pilgrimage to the many temples is certainly fitting for your sojourn in Phuket. Start your day off by heading to Wat Chalong, the most famous temple on the island. Next stop features Phra Pitak Chinpracha Mansion, a pre-war building blending Chinese and Portuguese architectural styles, to admire its well preserved red roof and white brickwork. Try the delectable savories offered by the Mansion’s restaurant to round up another fruitful day!



布 吉水族館是一個 集研究與 觀賞性 為一 身的水 族中心,其 不 斷引入不同地方的海 洋生物,務求增加大 眾對 海洋的 認知 及 興 趣。傍 晚,可 來 點 刺 激 的 調 和 一下 平淡 的 生 活!邦古 拉 街在日落 後會 搖 身 一 變,成 為大眾人生的調色盤。假期 就是要一起狂 歡的! Visit the Phuket Aquarium to learn more about the majestic beauty of the underwater world. In an effort to raise public awareness and interest in marine life, the aquarium constantly introduces new underwater species. Next, take an evening stroll through Bangla Street to soak up the city’s most buzzing district!

Summer 2017



攀牙灣 Phang Nga Bay 被

稱為泰國小桂林的攀牙灣位於布吉島東北面,共由 42 個大大小小的島嶼組成,以奇峰怪洞聞名。其中以占士邦島、 鐵釘島及鐘乳島等的天然奇景而最為有名。 遊人一般會在攀牙灣乘坐橡皮艇,由專業的船員帶領展開神 秘國度的探險之旅。第一個考驗便是要趴身穿過海蝕洞 — 譚 羅德洞穴這個自然奇景的大門口。歷史與大自然協力造就的 鬼斧神工,令人讚嘆不已:歷 盡千年而成的鐘 乳石洞,部分 更 成 為 蝙 蝠 的居所、祖 先留下的各色壁 畫、青 葱的 紅樹 林 峽道⋯⋯最特別的非占士邦島莫屬,因當年曾成為電影 007系 列《帶金槍的人》的拍攝場地而聲名大噪,令現在很多遊人抱 着一試當占士邦、邦女郎的滋味而特地前來。斧鑿刀削的石灰 岩壁 —「一線天」及將會消失的「大白菜」,均是出自大自然 奇偉的手筆,每天都佔取了不少遊人的記憶體。攀牙灣是瀕 臨絕種的生物革龜所屬保護海域,水質優良,熱衷水上運動 的遊人更可嘗試浮潛。 遊人更可以挑戰激流、ATV越野車、騎大象等另類的方式認識 攀牙灣。中午,不如到回教村— 班兒島這個水上漁村品嘗地 道的泰國菜 及 海 鮮!之後 更可參 觀島上的回教寺及 到街上 逛逛,購買特色手信。




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o the northeast of Phuket, Phang Nga Bay altogether boasts 42 islands among which the James Bon, Ko Tapu and limestone islands are popular landmarks with their oddly shaped rocks and caves. Ride on an inflatable kayak and head off to a mysterious adventure with a guide! Watch out for the first challenge on the way – remember to stoop down when passing through the Tham Lod cave. Some of the breathtaking millennium-old limestone caves are now cosy homes for bats, whereas ancient paintings on the walls of others serve as standing mementos of early human activities. James Bond Island is perhaps the most famous of the Phang Nga cluster. So named because of the filming of “Man with the Golden Gun” in the 007 series, the island has over the years become a mecca for 007 fans. With the natural wonders in the bay complementing the picture perfect setting, there is no finer way to explore the underwater world than snorkeling in Phang Nga Bay! To get an authentic travel experience in Phang Nga Bay, try white water rafting, ATV riding and elephant trekking. Next, wander around the floating village of Koh Panyee, pamper your palate with local delicacies and fill your backpack with some souvenirs before heading back to Phuket by a ferry. 旅遊資訊: 若要遊玩攀牙灣,建議參加當地的一天團。 在Ao Por Pier便可找到開往攀牙灣的遊覽船。

01.在攀牙灣隨處可見被侵蝕的石灰岩壁、崇山峻嶺、奇石和洞穴,更是各項水上活動的最佳場地, 屬於永遠不會被遺忘的景點。02,03.班兒島是難得的水上回教村莊,房子被髹上不同顏色, 為生活帶來多一點色彩。

Summer 2017



查龍寺 Wat Chalong 查

龍寺擁有超過100 年歷史,是布吉29 間隱修院中最大及 最華麗的佛教寺廟。寺廟被分為 4個殿:主大殿、舍利塔、寺廟 原址及老祖師廟,共供奉了108 尊金佛、3 位德高望重高僧的 銅像及蠟像、佛祖舍利等。

紅頂白磚、金碧輝煌的主大殿供奉着 3 位德高望重高僧的銅 像,其中鑾朴成僧侶曾是寺內的主持,更因接骨技巧頗負盛 名。而殿前擺設了一座四面佛,因被信眾廣傳經常能得償所願 而長年香火鼎盛。舍利塔是整座寺廟中最高的建築,共分為 3層。第 一層 供 奉了 7 尊佛 像,姿 態 各 異,讓 信 徒 按 其 出 生 日(周一至日)來參拜。第二層供奉着漢白玉佛像。第三層則供 奉着由斯里蘭卡送贈的佛祖舍利,是塔中最珍貴的收藏。查 龍寺在泰國佛教文化中甚具代表性,來到布吉又怎可錯過呢!


he century old Wat Chalong is the largest and most visited Buddhist temple in Phuket. The temple comprises four halls with the red and white brick adorned main hall dedicated to the veneration of three monks headed by Luang Pho Chaem, a former Abbot of the temple, who is known for his bone setting skills. Don’t forget to pray to the Four-faced Buddha in front of the main hall. It is said that your wishes will be fulfilled! Towering above other structures in the temple complex is the 60m tall Grand Chedi Pagoda. Decorated with stunning murals, this unique pagoda has three storeys housing a collection of Buddha statues. Faithful visitors come to worship the seven Buddha statues on the first storey according to the day of their birth. The white marble Buddha statue takes centre stage on the next storey but it is the top storey that attains sacred fame as the repository of a bone fragment relic of Lord Buddha brought over from Sri Lanka. Visitors are advised to dress appropriately and reminded respect religious rituals.


01 地址:Chaofa Road (West) Chalong Phuket 83000 電話:66-76-381-226 開放時間:07:00 – 17:00 門票:免費 01.三層的舍利塔分別供奉着各種佛像及珍貴的舍利子,是每位佛教 徒必定參拜之處。02.各佛像主要被安放於主大殿內,供信眾獻花、參 拜及求籤等。




布吉水族館 Phuket Aquarium 03

吉水族館是綜合了水族館及海洋生物研究兩種用途的地 方,除了努力研究及發掘更多水底生物品種外,更嘗試將牠們 引入水族館中,豐富館內的生物種類。水族館內有一條圓拱形 的時光隧道,讓遊人可全方位近距離地觀看大型水族箱內的 各種海洋生物,包括:色彩繽紛的熱帶魚、沙鯊魚、石斑魚等 超過100 種以上的海洋生物。另外,還有數十個小型水族箱分 別飼養着珊瑚、墨魚、海蛇等各種鹹淡水水域生物,令人目不 暇給。不管是大人或小朋友來到布吉水族館都會流連忘返。


huket Aquarium is both an aquarium and marine research centre. Explore the vast diversity of marine life here, thanks to the hard work of the research staff in discovering new species in the majestic ocean!

04 地址:51 Sakdidet Rd., Wichit, Mueang, Phuket 83000 營業時間:08:30 – 16:00 電話:66-(0)76-391-126 門票:成人:180泰銖、兒童:100泰銖 03.布吉水族館擁有超過100種海洋生物,每年均吸引約300,000人 次前來參觀。04.黃高鰭刺尾魚正等待着遊人來跟牠一起遊玩呢!

Ride the travellator through the tunnel tank to view the wonderful parade of marine creatures, big and small, spanning more than 100 species. It’s stunning to see brightly colored tropical fish and giant groupers cruising alongside fierce looking sand sharks and exotic dwellers. There are also dozens of fish tanks displaying coral colonies, cuttlefish and sea snakes, amongst many others.

Summer 2017



邦古拉街 Bangla Road


夜貓子出動的時候,也是邦古拉街 甦醒的時候。 白天的邦古拉街如同普通街道一樣,平 平無奇,但一到晚上便立即變身為步行 街,酒吧和商舖紛紛各施其技,拉攏客 人。燈 紅 酒 綠 的 酒 吧 正舉 行 着鋼 管舞 表演、人妖秀等,震耳欲聾的音樂聲帶 領着客人搖擺着身軀,直至深宵仍不散 去。玩累了,可到街上的餐廳及按摩店大 快朵頤舒筋活骨,輕鬆一番! 邦古拉街不單是著名的酒吧集中地,更 是各類店舖的集中地:紋身店、按摩店、 手信店、餐廳⋯⋯應有盡有。 地址:Soi Bangla, Patong, Kathu, Phuket 83150 01. 太陽落山後,邦古拉街的人流便慢慢的增加。 02. 邦古拉街上有很多手信店,價錢也很實惠。


s the last twilight rays fade into darkness, Bangla Road, though lively in the daytime, suddenly springs into a vibrant hub of night life. The myriad of shops, bars and clubs lining Bangla Road where you can watch dance performances and shows filled with local color. Have a great time and put behind your hassles of the day in a Patong night club!


When you’ve had enough excitement, tickle your taste bud and replenish your stomach with a scrumptious meal in one of the restaurants before concluding your late evening adventure. All in all, Bangla Road, with its highly diversified shops and entertainment outlets ranging from tattoo studios and massage parlors to eateries and souvenir shops, is definitely a one-stop entertainment hub for night revellers.



夏日戀愛奏鳴曲 The Sweet Scent of Summer 夏

天將至,又是動起來的時候啦!藍藍天空高高掛,碧綠海底求探索, 難得的一個玩水季節,又怎可以錯過與大海的一番較量呢!今天便計劃行 程,追蹤各地的美麗景點,戀上這個夏天吧!


lue skies, white sand and azure seas herald the arrival of summer. It’s the perfect time to dig out your swimming suits and start planning your long-awaited summer vacation! Embrace the sun-soaked season and have fun in the sun with our exciting summer favorite destinations!



Summer 2017



芽莊的碧玉錦帶 Nha Trang Bay: Jade Coast of Vietnam 芽

莊灣是一條綿長的錦帶,被冠上世界最美海灘之一的美譽,號稱亞洲版的加勒 比海。由於海水清澈,海洋生物種類繁多,故十分適合進行浮潛或潛水等水上活動! 沿着沙灘漫步,會經過數個不同的沙灘,其中芹達沙灘上的攤販為遊人準備了鮮 美的海鮮,如:龍蝦、墨魚、青魚等,令人垂涎三尺。享受完豐富的海鮮大餐後,可 選購各類型的貝殼及珊瑚工藝品作為紀念品,還可前往各個外島參加不同類型的 水上活動!其中最受小朋友歡迎的非珍珠島莫屬,各項水陸遊樂設施和海洋博物 館,讓他們一整天的精力盡情在此釋放。


ooking for a sunbathing escapade closer to home? Nha Trang Bay with its many fine beaches of Asian Caribbean fame should fit your bill. After a great day out sunbathing and water splashing, pop into one of the eateries on Cau Da Beach for lip-smacking seafood dishes prepared with fresh catch from the sea. Nha Trang is also a family-friendly destination; fun for adults and kids alike! With its many star attractions like aquarium and water park, the Vinpearl Land Amusement Park is a great place for families to have a field day out. You can also spend a nice couple of hours in the National Oceanographic Museum with your kids to learn a bit of marine science before calling it a day.




越南的三眼仔 位於越南慶和省的Diep Son島,各處風 光明媚,保留着原始特色,而且海產豐 富,島上居民都主要以捕魚為生。Diep Son島分別與O島及Qua島連接,形成了 一條獨特的水底沙步道,當遊人在步道 上行走時,可看到不少魚兒及海洋生物 在水中游走。若想把整個群島看得更清 楚,不妨爬上山丘,把整個絢麗的風光 收入眼簾。除此之外,記得帶上浮潛用 具,隨意跳入海中,與海星、海蝸牛及魚 兒一起游走在水中。但最重要的是千萬 別錯過Diep Son島,包含原始風味的日 出或日落,不是隨便可以在其他地方看 到的!

Diep Son Island 02

The Diep Son trio of islands located in Khanh Hoa Province are connected by a half-submerged winding path which turns into a dry walkway at low tide between Diep Son, O and Qua. It’s fascinating to walk from one island to the next with schools of fishes swimming around you in crystal clear waters. You can also choose to hike up one of the hills to get a stunning panorama view of the islands and the bay. Diep Son島 地址:Diep Son Village,Van Thang Commune, Van Ninh District, Nha Trang 650000 01,02.獨特的海底小路,讓遊人可走在上面, 自由探索沿途風光。03.芽莊灣擁有越南最美 的沙灘,以及碧綠的海水,吸引了不少遊人特 地前來朝聖。


Summer 2017






來自清萊的透心涼 Cascading Waterfalls in Khun Korn 要

尋找最壯觀、最漂亮的瀑布,莫過於坤功瀑布!坤功瀑布是清萊最大的瀑布, 高 70 米。涓涓流水流經綠意盎然的坤功森林公園後,匯集成河,從高處向下飛濺, 直插湖底,形成壯麗的景觀。湖水並不深,故此吸引大朋友和小朋友紛紛下水,泡泡 冷水浴,或是一起戲水,為炎熱的天氣揮去熱氣。由於瀑布四周環境清幽宜人, 不少遊人會帶備食物,在戲水過後順道野餐,享受一個恬然的下午。


f the many waterfalls in Northern Thailand, the Khun Korn watery avalanche presents the most impressive and magnificent spectacle. Trickling water turns into a river after passing through the Khun Korn Forest Park and plunges into a rocky pool below. The waterfall is a popular summer attraction with locals revelling in the pool to get a touch of the splashing cascade. Khun Korn Forest Park itself too is an ideal picnic spot where visitors can enjoy a laid-back retreat, free from the city’s hustle and bustle!

01,02.川流不斷的河水直奔70米高台,成為坤功瀑布獨有的壯麗景觀,配合綠意盎然的山景, 形成了一幅活生生的動態畫像。

地址:Khunkorn Forest Park (Lam Nam Kok) Maekorn, Amphur Muang, Doi Hang, Chiang Rai, Thailand


Summer 2017



三百六十五日的地道之旅 Nightlife in Chiang Rai 清

萊 Bazaar夜市是少數每天均營業的夜市之一。來到泰 國又怎可錯過必逛的夜市呢!夜市一般集購物、飲食和娛樂 於一身,並以低廉的價錢提供超值的產品,每每是令人荷包 大出血的地方。 清萊 Bazaar 夜市擁有清萊文靜、傳統的特徵,夜市內售賣 了各種當地的手工藝及編織品,十分具代表性。逛累了,可坐 下來看看傳統歌劇表演或是到小食店大快朵頤,各式串燒、 海鮮、炸昆蟲,甚至連火鍋也有,令人口水直流! 地址:Wiang, Mueang Chiang Rai District, Chiang Rai, Thailand 57000





he Chiang Rai Night Bazaar is actually a food court, flea market and entertainment hub all rolled into one! Nip down to the bazaar at night fall to shop for Thai souvenirs and crafts at bargain prices. The mouthwatering aroma wafting in the air is simply irresistible! Just look around to find some finger-licking snacks to satisfy your palate. If you are into traditional dance, the Lana dance show should delight you endlessly.

01.各種地道的美食令人看了之後垂涎三尺, 而且價格十分相宜。

Summer 2017



暢遊藍色世界 Snorkeling at Blue Grotto 藍

洞是很多潛水愛好者的朝聖地,亦是塞班島最著名及難度最高的潛水岩洞,更被「潛水人」雜誌 評為世界第二的洞穴潛水點。 藍洞是由石灰岩被海水長期侵蝕、崩塌而成的一個水底洞穴,最深處達 47米。當光線透過水道折射進洞 裏時,洞內的海水會呈深藍色,故此得名。另外,藍洞受海潮影響,洞內波濤起伏不定,因此吸引了不少 潛水愛好者前來挑戰!從洞口進入,岩洞如同一座水中城堡,色彩斑斕的熱帶魚、海龜、魔鬼魚等在自由 暢泳,令人留連忘返。 玩累了,不如駕車前往加拉班教堂,緩和興奮的情緒。這是源於18世紀的天主教堂,後來在太平洋戰爭 中受到破壞而重新改建,變成現在的模樣。純潔的教堂,每年吸引了不少新人特地前往舉辦婚禮。既然 來到了,順道請求天主的祝福吧!


01.加拉班教堂是塞班島上難得的天主教堂。 02.潛水充滿樂趣,即使未玩過的人都可以來到 這個美麗的海域,一嘗暢遊海中世界的滋味。 藍洞 地址:The Grotto, Grotto Dr, Saipan 96950 加拉班教堂 地址:Kopa Di Oru Street, Garapan, Saipan





or keen, experienced divers, snorkel diving at the Blue Grotto is both exciting and highly challenging as it is physically demanding and not suitable for novice. Formed by the collapse of eroded limestone, the cavern is so named because of the vibrant electric blue sunlight reflections in its hollows. For those who do embark on this snorkeling trip, the experience of drifting in a stone castle with a varied host of fish is absolutely incredible. Want to do some sightseeing on land? Visit the Garapan Kristo Ray Catholic church. The present church stands on the site of the original 18th century catholic building which was destroyed in the Pacific War. The snow white church is a popular venue for engaged couples from all over the world to hold their wedding ceremonies.

Summer 2017



春城昆明 The Spring City — Kunming 昆

明,又名春城,顧名思義這裏四季如春,氣候怡人。位於中國西南部的昆明, 是雲南省省 會。昆明海 拔 2,0 0 0 米,三面環山,同時聚集多個少數民族,包括納 西、白、傈僳及回族等,文化交融而成。由於多元的民族色彩、奇特風俗習慣及地 理氣候環境,因而流傳着雲南 18 怪的故事。當中的「一年四季花不敗,四季服裝 同穿戴」,說的就是雲南昆明等地的鮮花四季盛放,處處都是賞花好地方,而且四 季不明顯,年均温度約10至 21度,很適合夏天出走!


ndowed with a perennial vernal clime, Kunming, the flower-decked capital of Yunnan Province in southwest China, has acquired the scenic moniker of Chun Cheng or Spring City. Standing 2,000 metres above sea level and surrounded by mountains on three sides, this highland city is home to dozens of minority communities whose rich cultural and ethnic fabric never fail to impress visitors. The Eighteen Oddities folklore captures perfectly this exciting ethnological diversity, portraying faithfully the many faces of the province regarding customs, weather and costumes, among others. Local girls adorned with flowers can be spotted all year round, showcasing the city’s liveability with blooming flowers for all to adore regardless of the season. With an average temperature of 10 to 21 degrees Celcius, Kunming is one of the top destinations for your summer getaway.





一登龍門 古云:「一 登 龍門,聲 價十倍。」指的是 位 於昆明市郊 15 公 里外的西山龍門景區。西山由華亭山、太華山、羅漢山等組 成,海 拔 約 1,900 米至 2,350 米,龍門一 帶是在 懸崖 峭壁上 刻 出來 的 道 路,以「奇、絕、險、幽」為 特 色。從 索 道看出 去,可看 到 雲南省最 大面 積 的高原 淡水湖 滇 池;進 入 景區 後 沿着石壁棧 道步行,一路上看到的浮雕 及石刻都 是 從 清 代 起 以 人手 雕 琢 而成。來 到西山,除了要 一 摸 會 帶來 好 運 的 龍 門 牌面外,還有另外兩摸:代 表 延年益壽 的千年 石 龜 以及財源廣進的財神手中鎮山石。

Kunming Dragon Gate

01.昆明氣候怡人,鮮花四季盛放,任何時候 也是賞花的好 季節。02.昆明保留大自然景 觀,放眼一看四周奇石聳立,令人讚嘆大自然 的鬼斧神工。03.所謂一登龍門,身價百倍,站 在龍門的奇石之上可一覽眾山小,更能看到雲 南最大面積的高原淡水湖。

The imposing Dragon Gate, whose name evokes power and a regal status, is perched on the Western Hills Scenic Area in Kunming. Rising from 1,900 to 2,350 metres above the sea and comprising Huating, Taihua and Luohan Mountains, the Western Hills Scenic Area is famous for its precipitous cliffs and steep paths as well as a prime attraction for seasoned hikers. Take heed of the local saying “No trip to Kunming is complete without dropping at Western Hills; No excursion to Western Hills is fulfilling without visiting Dragon Gate” to include both spots in your itinerary. Take the cable car uphill and admire the breathtaking views of Dianchi Lake on the way. After alighting at the station, walk through the meandering plank road for an al fresco display of exquisitely carved sculptures and stones whose crafting took more than 70 years to finish. Don’t forget to touch the Dragon Gate signboard for good fortune. Not blessed enough? Proceed to perform two more touches: Give a light tap on the stone tortoise for longevity and the hand-held nugget of the God of Wealth for a fat wallet! 地址:雲南省昆明市西山風景區西山森林公園內 開放時間:09:00 – 17:00


Summer 2017



風花雪月:大理 The Ever - changing Beauty of Dali 若

想要踏足大理這片土地,最便捷的方法就是從昆明機場再轉乘巴士或火車前往。大理四季如春,「風花 雪月」成為了其四絕:上關花、下關風、蒼山雪、洱海月,此等景致有東方瑞士美譽。這裏以崇聖寺三塔、 蝴蝶泉、洱海明月三大美景著稱,與麗江古城相比,多了一份醇厚的味道。 大理人口由多個少數民族所組成,包括白、彝、回、傈僳、藏及納西族。這座千年古城曾自成一國,現今則 是白族自治州的首府。白族人至今仍保存不少獨有的傳統習俗,如「三道茶」蘊藏着長輩對晚輩的祝福, 現為喜慶迎賓時的飲茶習俗。以苦茶,甜茶及回味茶寄寓人生,正是大理獨有的風味。


mbark on your journey to Dali from the Kunming Changshui International Airport, then transfer to a bus or train. Dali is home to 26 ethnic groups among which are the Bai, Yi, Hui, Lisu Tibetan and Naxi people. Formerly governed by the Bai ethnic group, this enchanting ancient town is now the capital of the Bai Autonomous Prefecture. Once in Dali, you can’t stop marvelling at its four scenic wonders, namely, Xiaguan’s wind, Shangguan’s flowers, Cangshan’s snow and Erhai’s moon. Other top attractions to enrich your journey are the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Tample, Butterfly Spring and Erhai Lake. The three-course tea ceremony tops the list of time-honored Bai customs. It starts with a bitter tea, followed by sweet tea and ‘reflection’ tea, each course representing one of the three stages of life. The ceremony is also held on occasions where senior family members confer their blessings to the younger ones.

01.大理古城與麗江古城相比,少了一份繁華, 多了一 份 醇厚 味道。02.三 塔 轟 立在 崇聖寺 大門外,守護這座曾是大理國皇家寺院的神 聖地。




崇聖寺三塔 這是 大理最具名氣的景點之一,崇聖寺曾是 大理國時期 的 皇家寺院,歷 史上曾有 9 位 大理皇帝在崇聖寺出家。在金庸 武俠小 說《天 龍 八部》中,崇 聖 寺 被 稱為「天 龍寺」,令 崇 聖寺的名稱 再次變得響亮起來。崇聖寺大門外有三 塔轟立 於前,大塔名叫千尋 塔,高近 70 米,南北各有一座小 塔,排 列成三角形,每天不同時分,都能拍出不一樣的感覺。咸豐 年間,寺廟 被 燒 毀,現存 的 寺廟 是 後 來 重 建 而成。雖 縱 橫 千年及位 於 地 震 帶,三 塔 仍完 好 屹 立 於 崇 聖寺前,這 亦令 更多善信前往,感受其威力。


Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple Often referred to as the most popular attraction in Dali, the Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple was a royal monastery in the heyday of the Dali Kingdom. Greeting you at the temple entrance are three towering pagodas which, when viewed at a certain angle, form an equilateral triangle with amazing concordance. Once destroyed in a fire, the temple has since been fully restored to its former glory with hundreds of worshippers making a bee-line for it every day. Get your camera on standby as there’s an abundance selfie spots inside the temple. 地址:雲南省大理白族自治州大理市214國道 開放時間:08:00 – 17:00

Summer 2017



一個地方兩種體驗:麗江古城 The Vibrancy of Lijiang Old Town 從

昆明出發,可選搭飛機、火車或大巴到達麗江,此處位於雲貴高原及青藏高原 的連接部位,更曾是絲綢之路的中轉站。麗江古城是世界文化遺產之一,城內街道依 山傍水,腳下踏着形狀不一的石頭,記得盡量不要帶行李箱,因為拖行時會十分吃 力。當地有一名菜叫水性楊花,是生長在麗江湖泊的一種野菜,味道清新無比。身處 古城內可感受兩種截然不同的氣氛,這裏到處都能聽到少數民族的歌曲,晚上還會 搖身變為熱鬧的酒吧街,深夜全城關燈後抬頭,能看到滿天繁星。如果厭倦了繁囂 生活,不妨早一點起床,走到街上,感受清晨時分古城的那份清新。


ne destination, two travel experiences. Explore the vibrant Lijiang Old Town by boarding a train, bus or flight from Kunming. Nestled between the Yungui and Qingzang Plateaus, Lijiang Old Town is now a UNESCO World Heritage site steeped in history and culture along with a fascinating natural landscape. As most roads in Lijiang are unpaved, the traveller is advised to avoid taking along bulky luggage on sightseeing excursions. A backpack is a fitting carrier for most outings.

The Old Town takes pride in offering visitors two distinctive travel experiences. You can freely mingle and interact with people of different ethnic groups, or, if you will, have a blast on the bar streets. Want a getaway from the bustling city life? A morning stroll through the quiet streets will do the job.





最接近赤道的玉龍雪山 到 麗 江一定 要到 全國最高、最接 近 赤 道的玉龍雪山朝 聖。 雪山海 拔 5,596米,與麗江相距15公里,是當地納西族 人的 神山。遊客可乘 坐全長 近 3 公里的索道 登上 4,680 米,沿着 木 棧 道 行 數百米,便 能 到 達 觀 景 台。路 程 雖 短,但 由 於山 上 空 氣稀 薄,可先 於山下及 纜 車 站 購買小型 氧 氣樽,它 絕 對 能 助 人一 把。登頂後,站 在長年積 雪的山頂 欣 賞 氣 勢 磅 礡的風景,山下都是被銀白色的冰川包圍著的一片草原,實 在有大地在我腳下的感覺。

Trekking Jade Dragon Snow Mountain For hiking fans, taking a trek up Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is an irresistible activity. Held in holy status by the Naxi people, the snow mountain is 15km from Lijiang and the southernmost glacier in the northern hemisphere. Take a cable car ride to the upper station and roam through the wooden walkways to the observation deck. Witness the mesmerising scenery with lush green grassland circled by vast expanses of silvery glacier in the distance. A safety tip here: it is highly advisable to tank up your oxygen reserve as you can get up to 4,680 metres. Patronize the shop at the cable car station for additional oxygen supply before commencing your trek.

01.由索道登上4千多米後,沿着木棧道步行數百米,由於空氣稀 薄,要到達觀景台實在一步一艱難。02.麗江建築物矮小而且屋頂 保留傳統特色,深夜抬頭能看到滿天繁星。03.玉龍雪山是當地 納西族人的神山,長年舖滿白雪,氣勢磅礴。

地址:雲南省麗江市玉龍納西族自治縣15公里 電話:0888-5131068 入場費:人民幣130元(不包括玉龍雪山以外景區) 開放時間:06:00 – 18:00(淡、旺季有變)


Summer 2017

八重山群島夏日之旅 Summer Splash in Yaeyama Islands 石

垣島位於沖繩本島那霸的西南方,是八重群島的一部分。 島內充滿引人入勝的自然景觀,遊客可以上山眺望島上風光,或 者下海進行各式各樣的水上活動,甚至品嘗令人回味無窮的島 嶼美食⋯⋯豐富多彩的活動正等待被發掘! 除了石垣島外,西表島同樣是水上活動愛好者的渡假天堂!島上 坐擁亞熱帶原生森林及紅樹林,於翠綠的山巒間緩緩漫步,邂 逅各種稀有的動植物,讓人充分感受到大自然的詩情畫意。西 表島屬亞熱帶氣候,全年平均氣溫為 23 度,一年四季都非常適 合旅遊!

JNTO (HK)’s Yurutabi Girl – www.welcome2japan.hk/yurutabi

攝影:Wilson Au

前往方法 Transportation 若想體驗西表島的島嶼風情,可從石垣島機場 坐巴士到碼頭,再乘搭高速船抵達西表島,船 程約45至50 分鐘。在這裏,遊客可以選擇乘搭 觀光巴士、路線巴士、計程車,或與親朋好友一 起自駕遊,暢遊島上風光。

Summer 2017


小提示 Tips 早上:划獨木舟, 一訪 Pinaisara瀑布 中午:回岸上吃午餐 下午:到Barasu島浮潛

獨木舟遊秘境 A Canoe Trip to Fairyland 西表島被譽為日本最後一個秘境,倘若想到秘境中的秘境探險的話,就要坐上獨 木舟,沿着河道划船深入島內的熱帶雨林,停船處後走過泥濘的山路便到達水簾 懸掛的 Pinaisara 瀑布。下海上山,眼前如畫般的美景在經歷重重障礙後顯得格外 迷人。欣賞美景後跳入瀑布旁的溪澗嬉水,洗走划船爬山的疲憊。潮退時更能在泥 沼上找到招潮蟹彈塗魚的蹤跡呢。恢復體力後便原路回去,吃一頓豐富的午餐, 填飽肚子就繼續行程吧! JNTO (HK)’s Yurutabi Girl

Joey Tan

想參加這2個水上活動, 可以參照以下的內容啊! Cross River 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町字上原 10-642 電話:81-980-85-6564 營業時間:08:00 – 20:00 網址:www.cross-river.net

0 1. 在 樹 林 間 悠 然自在 地 划 獨 木舟,可 說 是 酣 暢淋漓 的享 受。02.Pinaisara瀑布是沖繩縣內最大的瀑布,長55米,除了 划獨木舟外亦可徒步抵達。03.如果參加一日團,便可以享用 到這款充滿當地特色的午餐。

Pinaisara瀑布 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富 町上原Pinaisala之瀧

02 03




與藍色海洋最親近的接觸 Stay in Touch with Nature

小提示 Tips

略作休息後就朝着由細碎的珊湖堆疊而成的Barasu小島前進。清澈見底 的海水一浪接一浪地拍打海灘,由透明到深藍,漸變色的海水使人摩拳 擦掌,想盡快投入大海的懷抱。遊人們可以跟着導師的指示,戴上浮潛 裝備,一躍入海。Barasu島跟其他浮潛點不同,水深較淺,即使不熟水性 的人都不會太過慌張。在海中不但能以超近距離欣賞珊瑚,更可在導師 的教導下,跟海洋中色彩鮮豔的小丑魚共遊。除此之外,還有很多琳瑯滿 目、數之不盡的海洋生物,教遊人們目不暇給。運氣好的話,或許能一睹 海龜的真身,深深體會大自然的奇妙。

雖然海洋生物十分漂亮, 但還是不要隨意觸碰呀!!


01.Barasu島面積很小,由頭走一遍不用5分鐘,但美麗的風景卻令 人駐足良久。02.望着夕陽下沉到水平線,黃昏的淡光為一天劃上完 美的句號。03.一起開展尋找NEMO之旅吧,牠們會躲在珊瑚中,要 仔細看喔!04.有機會目睹海龜的話,記得要保持安全距離! Barasu島 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町上原Barasu島



Summer 2017




穿梭浦內川紅樹林 Traverse through the Mangrove Forests 只要一塊直立板,一支槳,就可拋開一切煩瑣,深入葱鬱的紅樹林國度! 浦內川為全沖繩最大的河川,蘊藏多樣化的物種,而這裏最不容錯過的 活動,就莫過於SUP直立板體驗。SUP是一項驚險刺激的水上活動,結合 了滑浪和獨木舟的元素,需要站着划槳。落水前,教練會先詳細解釋划槳 的方法,玩家必須穿上救生衣及綁上腳繩,以確保安全。由於河川的水位 較淺,淌流着的河水清澈見底,故初學者亦不用太擔心,只管放鬆身體, 仔細欣賞大自然的奧妙之處。沿着蜿蜒曲折的小河一直划槳,越過古舊的 小橋,映入眼簾的便是懾人的紅樹林景致。如果時間充裕,更可以划獨木 舟和乘搭觀光船,動靜皆宜,好不愜意!

01.站在一大片壯麗的紅樹林之中,令人心曠神怡之餘,也可瞬間 感受到大自然的氣息。02.河水碧綠而澄清,划着直立板行走於水 上,只需低頭一望,已經可以見到游走河中的小魚。03.想遊覽河岸 風光但又怕太過刺激的水上活動,可以乘坐這種觀光用的小艇。


西表島 WATERMAN 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町字上原539-1 電話:81-980-85-6005 營業時間:09:00 – 17:00 價錢:6500円 / 2小時 網址:www.i-waterman.com


小提示 Tips 直立板需要良好的平衡力,記緊 在划槳時雙手保持平直啊!

浦內川觀光 地址: 沖繩縣重山郡竹富町西表島上原870番地 電話: 81-980-85-6154 營業時間: 08:30 – 16:30 網址:www.urauchigawa.com


沖繩故鄉的味道 A Homely Taste in Okinawa


KITCHEN inaba 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町上原742-6 電話:81-980-84-8164 營業時間:11:30 – 14:30;18:00 – 22:30 休息日:周一 網址:www.kitcheninaba.com


初來乍到的遊人,必定要試KITCHEN inaba的美食。 日文「inaba 」意指「稻葉」,背後隱藏着店長對故 鄉的思念,為紀念已荒廢的故鄉而開了這間餐廳。 店內的食材均取自當地,有遠近馳名的沖繩苦瓜, 清新爽口;色澤嫩綠的海藻天婦羅,香脆不油膩。 店內提供多款沖繩鄉土名菜。食客在用餐時,還有 可能欣賞到傳統的琉球三味線表演。 02 01.店內更有自家飼養的小羊,非常可愛,很親近人呢! 02.燻燒野豬(只限晚餐)。 03.野豬味噌鍋。


在海水懷抱中品嘗鄉土美食 Immerse in Native Specialties 身處被湛藍海水包圍的美麗小島,吃着新鮮釣來的海 鮮,想必是許多人夢寐以求的事!位於西表島的 Roco 餐廳鄰近聞名的星砂之濱,提供多款讓人垂涎欲滴的 海鮮及鄉土料理,其中烤魚、刺身沙津、墨魚可樂餅等 更是特別推薦的菜式。食客也可以自行選擇烹調方式。 店舖佔地廣闊,讓食客們可以在這個寬敞的環境內痛 快淋漓地大吃一通。

Restaurant ROCO 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町字上原58 電話:81-980-85-6841 營業時間:18:00 – 23:00 休息日:周四 網址:www.marinebox.net/hotel_restaurant

圍繞西表島美景 為環保盡心盡力 Ecological Scenery in Iriomote Island 西表島是沖繩第 2 大島,但由於開發得比較晚,因此許多自然 景色得以保留,酒店與大自然融為一體,表現出西表島的風 貌。酒店分為VILLA 和 ILMARE 兩種風格,VILLA 提供貼近大 自然的客房,門外是綠油油的草地;而ILMARE 就較接近西式 酒店,客房可望到無敵大海景。不論那一種風格皆提供自費 的潛水活動,暢游於無污染的海水是非常難得的體驗,絕不可 以錯過。另外,值得一提的是酒店提倡環保,因此有多種設施 及政策都是為環保而設,為了保護西表島美麗的海洋及自然環 境,記得要好好遵守!

Villa Unarizaki & Ilmare Unarizaki 地址:沖繩縣八重山郡竹富町字上原10-172 電話:81-980-85-6146 登記入住 / 退房時間:入住:14:00;退房:10:00 網址:www.unarizaki.com

Summer 2017



跳島之旅的終點-石垣島 The Tail End of Island Hopping - Ishigaki 玩了一 轉西表島,回到石垣島,不 妨到市 區作最後衝刺。石垣島比鄰近的八重山群 島熱鬧少許,但同樣可以保 持 寧靜,以悠 閒的步調閒逛於市區中,邊走邊享受海風 輕撫臉頰,比許多大城市來得更寫意更舒 適。市內的特產非常便宜,加上餐廳林立, 在這裏,隨時能耗上一整天的時間。回到 酒店再稍作休息,再踏上歸家之路吧!

石垣島美式漢堡 Best Burger in Ishigaki Vanilla Deli是石垣島上其中一間最有名的美式漢堡 餐廳, 店內風格與島上其他餐廳截然不同,充滿日美混合的風味。 01

Vanilla Deli 地址:沖繩縣石垣市石垣12-21F 電話:81-980-83-3270 營業時間:11:30 - 21:00 網址:www.arashiro.co.jp

芥末牛油果石垣牛漢堡可說是店內的招牌料理,由鬆軟香口的 英式鬆餅夾住洋蔥、芥末醬及數片牛油果,底下還有一大塊厚 實的石垣島黑毛和牛。芥末跟牛油果的味道互相呼應,襯托出 牛肉的鮮嫩多汁。如果想嘗試傳統的漢堡組合,煙肉芝士漢堡 便是不二之選。要是之前已經吃得有點撐的話,一口迷你漢堡 便能滿足遊人們的口腹之欲。 01. 人氣No.1 芥未牛油果漢堡

挑戰味蕾極限 — 辺銀食堂 Pengin Restaurant


為何石垣島的夢幻辣油能吸引絡繹不絕的遊人慕名而來?石垣 島辣油是辺銀夫婦反覆改良後的成果,他們製作辣油的心路歷 程更拍成電影「企鵝夫婦」。辣油由多種石垣島特色食材製成, 糅合不同材料的精髓,味道溫順不嗆辣。辺銀食堂亦有提供蒜 油,濃郁的蒜香搭配醇厚的辣味,瞬間昇華了菜式的味道。如 果在店內用餐,可以無限添加辣油及蒜油,好讓食客大快朵頤。 除了醬料,炸醬麵、麻婆豆腐、五色餃子等中華料理同樣別具吸 引力!辺銀夫婦對食器亦相當講究,特意選用沖繩陶藝家大嶺 實清氏的盤子來盛載食物,為食堂增添一份藝術氣息。 辺銀食堂 地址:沖繩縣石垣市大川199-1 電話:81-980-88-7803 營業時間:11:30售完為止;18:00售完為止 休息日:周日 網址:www.penshoku.com



02.美崎牛餃子配特製辣油,更覺美味。喜歡的話可以於店裏購回家。03.原調 炮製沖繩3大高級魚「絲尾紅鑽魚」,味道新鮮!04.使用了當造的蔬菜來 製作美味佳餚。


閒逛商店街 Stroll around Shopping Street



01.商店街內除了有售各式特產外,亦有不少手製產品,別具紀念價值。 02.LifestyleShop「石垣辺銀」同樣由「企鵝夫婦」所營運,是一間販賣 原創衣物的地方。另外,還有售他們特製的辣油呀!

行程臨近尾聲,需要帶點伴手禮回家嗎?石垣島內有中央通和銀座通 2 條並行的商 店街,雖然商店不算密集,人流亦不算特別多,但可說是麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。這裏 的東西包羅萬有,不管是零食、藥妝、沖繩限定調味料,均能在此找到,而遊客更可 享受特別的購物折扣!如果逛得累了,不妨到附近的小吃店、餐廳或居酒屋用膳。

地址:沖繩縣石垣市大川中央商店街 營業時間:依據各店情況有所不同

屬於慢活人生的休息地 Downshifting Lifestyle in Art Hotel 如果來到石垣島,想來一場慢活之旅,ART HOTEL石垣島肯 定是旅人的首選。酒店距離機場只有25分鐘的車程,更有巴士 可直達酒店,相當方便。酒店提供不同的活動,因此留在酒店也 可體會沖繩的熱帶風情,不用東奔西走。旅人每晚可到大廳欣 賞傳統表演,每日的內容及表演團體都不一樣,保證日日新鮮! 閒時走到庭園散步休憩,看着充滿綠意的山林,把都市的煩囂 拋諸腦後,好好放鬆心情。遊人更可到酒店的大浴場浸浴,享 受有美肌效果的天然超軟水,為疲累的一天畫上完美的句號 。

03.酒店所提供的早餐即多元化又美味,補充好體力再出發。04.酒店提供 特大的房間,共有4張床,無論是一大班朋友或是一家人都相當適合。 05.玩了一整天,當然要去酒店的大浴場放鬆一下,把一天的疲憊都洗去吧!

ART HOTEL 石垣島 地址:沖繩縣石垣市大川559 電話:81-980-83-3311 登記入住 / 退房時間:入住:15:00;退房:11:00 網址:www.art-ishigakijima.com

04 05


Summer 2017



一看難忘的宮島水中煙火大會 Miyajima Water Fireworks Festival 每

年7至9月,日本各地都會舉辦大大小小的煙火大會,是當地夏季必有的廟會活動。說到煙火的壯觀程度, 位於廣島市西面的宮島所舉辦的水中煙火大會可說得上絕無僅有。 在8月中舉行的水中煙火大會是宮島一年一度最盛大的夏日祭典。對廣島人而言,這個祭典是每年必不可少的 活動,加上慕名而來的遊客,令觀看人數高達20多萬。夏日祭典前,遊客可到嚴島神社參拜,登上彌山俯瞰瀨戶 內海美景,又或者到表參道商店街購物。除此之外,嚴島神社附近「節日限定」的廟會更是不容錯過。廟會小路 兩邊擺滿了售賣各種小食的攤檔!有些遊人更會身穿浴衣,腳踏木屐,沉醉在熱鬧的節日氣氛當中。 煙火大會長達1小時,共有5,000 發煙火。其中200 發煙火是從巨型鳥居所在的瀨戶內海上施放。在漫天煙火 下,朱紅色的鳥居頓時成為了剪影,跟璀璨奪目的煙火互相襯托,場面非常震撼。 01.廟會小路兩邊有各式各樣的攤檔,可品 嘗不同的特 色美食。0 2.嚴島神社的鳥居 站立水中,吸引全球各地的攝影發燒友前 來。03.宮島隨處都可以看見小鹿,不過謹 記不要隨便餵食!

2017年宮島水中煙火大會 地址:大鳥居周圍海岸 時間:2017年8月下旬







iyajima is an island located on the Western side of Hiroshima. The Water Fireworks Festival is the grandest annual summer ceremony in Miyajima. On the day of the festival, Miyajima is fully packed with hundreds of thousands of people including the locals and visitors. Before the show starts, visitors may sightsee around and visit Itsukushima Shrine and Mount Misen, which both equally famous in Miyajima. Other than visiting attractions, there is a fair near Itsukushima Shrine. The fair consists of many stalls selling local snacks. Grab a yukata, the traditional Japanese clothing, and be a part of the festival. The large red front gate ĹŒtorii becomes a shadow under the shining fireworks over the sky. Though the Water Fireworks Festival lasts for only an hour, this would definitely be a breath-taking and the most unforgettable scene in your life.

Summer 2017




走吧!去吃廣島風御好燒! Tasty Okonomiyaki in Miyajima

廣島縣內,售賣廣島風格的御好燒店舖隨處可見。不過,要是想到廣島燒集中 地,便不能不到在新天地的「御好村」。「御好村」是一幢樓高三層,每層有8間御好 燒專門店的大樓。樓內都是開放式餐廳,食客們圍繞着製作御好燒的大鐵板而坐。 若花多眼亂,不懂選擇的話,不妨取決於餐廳的氣氛吧! 御好燒的意思是材料跟隨食客的喜好(御好)而變化,通常分成兩個風格:廣島及大 阪風格。跟大阪燒不同,廣島燒的煮法是把薄餅皮、豬肉、椰菜絲、炒麵、柴魚片及 紫菜絲等材料一層層堆疊而成,成形後淋上特製醬料,為廣島燒畫龍點睛。相比之 下,廣島燒的用料比大阪燒豐富,而且製作程序較為複雜,所以廣島燒大多都由具 經驗的廚師炮製,下單後隨即開始製作,廚師純熟的手勢絕對會令人眼前一亮!不懂 日文嗎?不要緊!有些餐廳供有中英文餐牌,食客們便可以盡情地跟隨自己的喜好 大快朵頤了!


konomiyaki, literally translates to grill as you like, is a savory Japanese pancake incorporating a variety of ingredients and topped with a selection of condiments. Though essentially an Osaka specialty, the pan-fried food is also served in restaurants elsewhere in Japan. For Okonomiyaki fans, the Okonomimura building in Miyajima is the place they must pop in for their favorite fare! The building hosts a cluster of 24 or so Okonomiyaki restaurants. There is not much difference in layout between one eatery and the next, with customers sitting around a big iron griddle for cooking Okonomiyaki, so just pick the one whose ambience suits your preference.

地址:730-0034 廣島市中區新天地5-13 營業時間:約11:00 – 23:00,隨不同店家而定 網址:www.okonomimura.jp

The fried batter makes up the base of the dish. Piling on it are ingredients like sliced pork, shredded cabbage, tempura scraps, and other items of the customer’s choice. The whole lot is then topped with special sauces. Watching the Okonomiyaki Master plying his pan-frying trade whilst waiting for your food is also an entertaining experience. Do not understand a single word of the Japanese menu? No problem at all. Just ask for an English menu and pick your favorite ingredients!


Summer 2017



高知JR鐵道遊 高

知,位 於日本四國地區的南面,整個 縣呈長 條 形, 因此面向太平洋的海岸線亦都十分長,在高知縣的高地上,不 難看到一望無際的海洋景色。相 對東京、大阪等大城市, 高知是一個不折不扣的小鎮。雖然也有市中心,但鄉村地 方比例較多,因此,高知亦保留了更多的天然河流及山域。 所以,喜歡探索郊外及戶外活動的遊人,高知絕對是個不可 多得的美麗景點。 撰文:Bana Chiu 攝影:Lego Wong 特別鳴謝:JR四國旅客鐵道株式會社、高知縣觀光振興部款待課、 高知縣觀光會展協會、四萬十市觀光協會

JR四國鐵路周遊券 高知 雖 然 不是 什麼 一 線 大 城 市,但 交 通相當發達。利用 HK Express 飛抵高 松機場後,只要坐一程巴士即到達市中 心的高松站。在高松站的 Warp 高松支 店內,遊人可以購入遊玩四國必備的All Shikoku Rail Pass,然後在高松站出發 前往目的地即可。All Shikoku Rail Pass 不只可以通行整個四國,連特急列車的 指定 席、高知 的 路面 電 車 及特 色 鐵 道 Hobby Train 都可以使用,十分方便。All Shikoku Rail Pass分不同日子,遊客可 配合行程使用,遊玩時更加簡單划算。



麵包超人主題的JR 高松站除了是轉車遊玩四國的重要地點 外,另一特色是站內的麵包超人。站內 到處都可以見到麵包超人的身影,而且 有麵包超人的兒童遊樂場。在站內還有 售麵包超人便當及麵包,相當可愛。但 因為每天入貨不多的關係,所以不易入 手,有意入手的人記得早一天預訂,或 者挑好入貨的時間。從高松站出發後, 遊人需要在琴平站轉乘南風號列車來往 高知站,南風號列車有數班以麵包超人 作為主題,得意有趣。不過,麵包超人列 車頗受歡迎,而且每天班次不多,要留 意好時間及預留指定席座位,以免到時 白白送車尾啊!! Warp高松支店 地址:香川縣高松市高松站內 電話:81- 87-851-1326 營業時間:周一至五:10:00 – 18:00、 周六、日及假日:10:00 – 17:00 ※亦可到高松站的綠色窗口購買All Shikoku Rail Pass

Summer 2017



輕鬆漫遊高知市 日

本的保育文化做得十分足,因此也保留了不少城堡。 日本各地均有一些不同年代及建築特色的城,而高知這裏 就有一座約有200 年歷史高知城。城堡坐落於高知市的高 地上,城牆外有多個攻擊入侵者的機關。一邊欣賞,再沿着 大小不一的石級,緩步走上最高點,就可以輕易欣賞到整 個城市的景色。陽光下的高知城充滿古代和風的感覺,而 每天晚上亮燈後的高知城,則帶有看不透的神秘感,無論 早上還是晚上,都富有特色。在高知城的旁邊,有一個於 本年 3月才建成的「縣立高知城博物館」,據說裏面展出了 坂本龍馬被暗殺前的信件及多件高知城裏未曾公開過的貴 重文物,十分值得一訪。 遊完市中心一圈,也差不多迎來晚上時分,以食為天的香 港人,有一個非常值得一去的日式大牌檔「弘人市場」,甫 入市場即感受到其熱鬧的氣氛,形形色色的美食店並列, 顧客可以在場中間隨便找位置坐,再購買自己想吃或喝的 東西,一次過品嘗當地美食。 高知城 地址:高知縣高知市丸之内1-2-1 電話:81-88-824-5701 營業時間:09:00 – 19:00(天守園) 網址:www.kochipark.jp/kochijo ※高知博物館在高知城的入口處

弘人市場 地址:高知縣高知市帶屋町2-3-1 電話:81-88-822-5287 營業時間:平日、周六及假日:08:00 – 23:00、周日:07:00 – 23:00 網址:www.hirome.co.jp


高知市近郊絕景酒店 從

高知市到近郊的中土佐町,車程大約一個小時。如不打算自駕的遊人亦可以 選擇坐鐵路前往,然後再轉乘的士或者酒店接駁巴士即可。高知沿岸景色超美, 這次介紹其中2 個景觀開揚的住宿地點。第一個是位於中土佐町的黑潮本陣,那 裏除了景色怡人,更有溫泉及新鮮即製的稻草燒鹽醃鰹魚,一次過體驗多種日本 文化。另外一個地方是聖托里尼別墅,聽名字就知道,這是一間比較西式的酒店。 向外望,是海與天連成一線的景色。入黑後,更能欣賞到滿天繁星的醉人場面,坐 在酒店內有情調的餐廳,猶如去了真的希臘一樣! 黑潮工房 地址:高知縣高岡郡中土佐町久禮8009-11 電話:81-889-40-1160 營業時間:08:00 – 15:00 定休日:每月第二個周四 交通:JR「高知」站轉乘土讚線特急至「土佐 久禮」站,轉乘的士約10分鐘 網址:www.honjin.or.jp/koubou ※稻草燒鰹魚體驗只限4月至10月 聖托里尼別墅 地址:高知縣土佐市宇佐町龍599-6 電話:81-88-856-0007 交通:JR「朝倉」站轉乘的士約30分鐘 網址:www.villa-santorini.com




奇趣博物館及列車 乍

聽這個展館的名字,還以為館裏展出有關海洋生物及 研究的博物館。但乘坐 Hobby列車時,發現列車上陳列了 動漫模型,到達現場後,更意外的是館內除了有海洋生物 的模型外,還有一些罕見,奇趣以及職人手工做的玩具及擺 設,其中亦有一比一的展品,大開眼界。

海洋堂Hobby館 地址:高知縣高岡郡四萬十町打井川1458-1 電話:81-880-29-3355 營業時間:10:00 – 18:00 入場費:800 円 定休日:周二、27/12 – 1/1 交通:JR「大正」站轉乘北幡觀光巴士前往,車程約10-20分鐘 網址:www.hobbykan.jp



最後清流・四萬十川 四

萬十川被喻為是全日本最清澈的河流,每年吸引不少 遊人專程來感受這裏的河川風光。遊覽這條河流,最寫意的 方法是坐在一艘古色古香的小船中,順着緩緩水流,欣賞山 巒變化的景致。再品嘗從河裏捕捉出來的野生鰻魚,彈牙的 肉質及鰻魚獨有的味道,使整個旅程更添格調。 如果覺得只是單單坐船不夠玩味,或者可以考慮到四萬十市 的觀光協會租用電動單車及聲音導航耳機,踏着單車,自駕 遊四萬十川。沿途景點很美,但行程頗長,大約要1~2 小時 左右,出發前要先裝備好啊! 屋形船 四萬十之碧 地址:高知縣四萬十市三里1446 電話:81-880-38-2000 營業時間:09:00 – 17:00 交通:土佐黑潮鐵道「中村」站轉乘的士前往,約20分鐘 網址:www.shimanto-ao.com 四萬十市觀光協會 地址:高知縣四萬十市右山383-15 電話:81-880-35-4171 營業時間:08:30 – 17:30 交通:土佐黑潮鐵道「中村」站,徒步約5分鐘 網址:www.shimanto-kankou.com

Summer 2017

鹿兒島南的極上體驗 Top-notch Experiences in Ibusuki

遠離都市塵囂—青隆寺 金碧輝煌的青隆寺屹立在海拔 30 0 米的山上,於 1990 年 建成。寺廟供奉着「弘法大師坐像」,內有僧侶用 35 噸巨 石建成的日式庭園,以絢麗的花朵映襯逾百年歷史的石燈 籠。不妨趁着秋意盎然,到此欣賞紅葉漫天的景象,洗滌 心靈!

A Step Away from City—Fudosan Seiryuji Temple Perched at an altitude of 300 meters in the mountain, the Fudosan Seiryuji Temple features an exquisite Japanese Garden, which is embellished with traditional stone lanterns and a mosaic of flowers of every hue. 地址:鹿兒島縣指宿市小牧1874-9 電話:81-993-26-2306 營業時間:09:00 – 16:30

交通:JR「鹿兒島中央」站至「薩摩今和泉」站,轉乘的士15分鐘前往 網址:http://seiryuji.org

玉手箱溫泉 指宿市向來是溫泉勝地,其中最具人氣的非「玉手箱溫泉」莫 屬!這裏分別有兩個露天溫泉,和風溫泉可遠眺「薩摩富士」 開聞岳之美,而洋風溫泉則可飽覽竹山的景致。由於兩個溫泉 以奇數、偶數日的方式男女輪流使用,出發前要留意日子。

Tamatebako Hot Springs 地址:鹿兒島縣指宿市山川福元3292 電話:81-993-35-3577 營業時間:09:30 – 19:30 休息日:周四 網址:www.seika-spc.co.jp/healthy

Seeking an escape from your hectic schedule? The Tamatebako Hot Springs epitomize the best of the outdoor onsen experience in Ibusuki. Rejuvenate yourself in the heavenly hot springs while admiring the awe-inspiring mountain views.



養蠶農家Café—手織體驗 想 一嘗 傳 統 編 織 工 藝?養 蠶 農 家 Café 桑 之 實由上 原 夫 婦 開 設,他們 致力 保 存並推 廣日本 的 養 蠶 文化,提供 多 項 體 驗 活動,包括 製作 手 織 杯 墊、天 然化 妝 水 等。旅客 亦可於店內餐廳享用以蠶絲、桑 葉及 桑 果作食 材的特 色 料理和 甜品。

Hand Weaving Experience in Yousan Nouka Café For handicraft lovers, Yousan Nouka Café is the unique destination that you don’t want to miss! It is a sericulture farmhouse which offers a wide range of traditional art experience. Savor the mouth-watering delicacies made with fruits and leaves of mulberry trees. 地址:鹿兒島縣指宿市東方532-2 電話:81-993-26-4811 營業時間:11:30 – 16:00

休息日:周一 交通:JR「指宿」站轉乘的士前往,車程約10分鐘 網址:www2.synapse.ne.jp/yousan

魚餅體驗 薩摩炸魚餅是鹿兒島的特產,以多種新鮮魚肉製成魚漿, 再配上調味料及天然蔬菜而成。カワノすり身店不但提供 無添加的定食套餐,更開放工場讓人親身體驗炸魚餅的製 作過程。

Be Your Own Chef in Fish Cake Making 地址:鹿兒島縣指宿市山川新榮町1-6 電話:81-993-34-2118 營業時間:09:00 – 18:00 休息日:周三 交通:JR「山川」站轉乘的士前往,車程約5分鐘 網址:www.kawanosurimi.com


Whether you want to boost your culinary skills or crave for the freshly made fish cake, Kawanosurimi Restaurant is where you can have your needs fulfilled. Check out this restaurant and get a taste of the local specialty of Kagoshima!

地址:鹿兒島縣指宿市山川大山602 電話:81-993-34-0132

說到指宿的世外桃源,則不能不提日本 JR 鐵道最南端的西 大山站。除了能觀賞開聞岳的壯麗外,每年12月底至 2月是 油菜花盛開的時期,可把開聞岳和油菜花的美景一併盡收 眼底。車站旁設有黃色郵筒,據說可以傳遞幸福的訊息。

Discover Happiness in Nishi Oyama Station Dubbed the southernmost JR station in Japan, Nishi Oyama Station is the vantage point where you can bask in the enticing view of Mt. Kaimondake and canola flowers. Remember to send postcards in the yellow postbox as it delivers happiness! Summer 2017



探索札嘎其市場 Exploring Jagalchi Market 釜

山是韓國最大的海港城市,亦是遊客到臨韓國必去的城市。來到釜山,除了 可以遊覽海雲台,用眼睛觀賞一望無際的海洋,更可以以舌頭品嘗海的味道。札 嘎其市場便是其中一個最廣為人知的海產市場。市場有新舊之分,同樣有不少海 鮮檔,新的部分較光猛整潔,而舊的則保留原有風味。走進札嘎其市場,一嘗不 同風味的新鮮海產吧!


rimely located on coastal side Busan, the largest city of Korea, the Jagalchi fish market is a magnet for gourmets looking for fresh and tasty seafood. It is made up of two parts, with the signature seagull – inspired building housing the new wing, which is tidier and better organized than the old marketplace. For visitors seeking a bit of nostalgia, the old wing may be their cup of tea. Both markets offer an extensive range of fresh, raw seafood cuisine. Hugely popular dishes on the menu there are Sannakji (raw octopus) and Bul Gom Jang Eo (grilled hagfish) but you may need some courage to try the unusual octopus specialty as it is so fresh that the octopus slices literally dance in your mouth! For the less adventurous eaters, grilled hagfish served with sprouts and onion is tantalising! 地址:52, Jagalchihaean-ro, Jung-gu, Busan, Korea 電話:82-51-245-2594 營業時間:05:00 – 22:00(每個月最後一個周二休息)

烤盲鰻 Bul Gom Jang Eo 札嘎其市場內,有一條「烤盲鰻一條街」,裏面每間店舖都供 有盲鰻,一種蛇狀的無骨魚類。食用時可在芝麻葉上放置豆 芽、烤盲鰻、洋葱及適量調味料,將其包起送進嘴裏。盲鰻有 各式各樣的烹調方法,除了烤以外,還可以炒及煮成湯啊!



活章魚 Sannakji 活章魚 是韓國的特 色 料理 之一!食用 時沾上一 點 混合麻油、鹽 跟 醬 汁 的 調 味 料,趁 它還 活 着 時放入口中,充分咀嚼才吞下。咀嚼的過程中, 還能感受到被章魚吸盤吸住嘴唇跟舌頭的有趣 感覺呢!

Summer 2017



意想不到的高棉文化 Pick up a bit of Khmer History and Culture 來

到 暹 粒,世界文化 遺 產 之一 的 吳哥窟 肯 定 是 必 訪 之 地。除了小吳哥寺外,另一座非看不可的寺廟,就是位 於大 吳哥城中心的巴戎寺。因巴戎寺是 吳哥寺 群內最高聳的寺 廟,形同宇宙中心的象徵。寺內有 54 尊由石塊堆疊而成的四 面佛塔,形成壯觀的塔林。佛塔的每一面刻有不同容貌的雕 像,而每面雕像都帶有安詳的微笑,於是被冠上「高棉的微 笑」稱號。

炸昆蟲 在酒吧街上,賣炸昆蟲的攤檔比比皆是。每檔都能找到炸蜘 蛛、蟋蟀、蛇,甚至是蠍子的蹤影。口感跟普通炸物無異,可 說是味覺與膽量的挑戰。有興趣的話一試無妨!


ngkor Wat in Khmer, is a massive world renowned religious monument in Siem Reap. There are around 35 temples in Angkor Thom, literally Great City, which make up the core of the Angkor World Heritage. Standing a cut above others is Angkor Wat whose fame arises from being the first temple coming to sight upon arrival in the precinct. It is also the grandest temple of all. Next comes Bayon Temple right in the centre of Angkor Thom. This magnificent architectural piece, reportedly the tallest in the area, boasts a total of 216 13-ft tall smiling stone faces carved on 54 massive stone blocks, which translates to each block sporting four smiling sides. Thus, the temple is aptly named the Smile of Angkor by locals.


Cambodian sandwiches and fried insects are popular snacks on the local menu. These delicacies are easily available from the many vendors on the streets, especially Pub Street. Daring foodies can certainly look forward to the exciting insectivorous gustation in Siem Reap.

由於柬埔寨曾經 為法國殖 民地,從 此法國飲食 文化便 深入 民心,而柬式 三文 治 便 是 一 個 代 表作。無 論在餐廳 還是 路 邊 攤,都 能夠買到由法國 麵 包包着蘿 蔔和 青瓜 絲、肉 粒 及 抹上甜酸醬的柬式三文治。

地址:Angkor Archaeological Park, Siem Reap, Cambodia 營業時間:05:00 – 19:00 入場費:37美金(一日券);62美金(三日券) ;72美金(七日券)



Summer 2017



細味吳哥藝術文化 Dig into the Artistic Culture of Angkor 若

想感受吳哥的藝術氛圍,便一定要 到訪吳哥藝術學校!這所學校是柬埔寨 的一個公益機構,旨在為農村年輕人提 供多項藝術技能培訓,以提升他們的生 活水平。工匠憑着精湛的手藝,使傳統 的高棉文化得以薪火相傳。學校內亦擺 放着琳瑯滿目的手工藝品,例如石雕、 彩繪、絹畫等,每件都令人愛不釋手!



ne of the best ways to explore Angkor is to visit the Artisans Angkor, which will make you fall completely in love with the artistic atmosphere there! Feast your eyes on the exquisite handicrafts made by the young locals while appreciating the traditional art and culture of Khmer.

02 03

04 0 1.當 地 年 輕 人在 藝 術 學 校 內 鑽 研工 藝,把 傳 統 高 棉 文化傳 承下 去。02.學校內還有各種以全人手製造的工藝品,每一件也是心機之 作。03.工匠們大多以宗教題材為創作靈感。04.藝術學校讓當地人學 得一門手藝及提高生活水平。 地址:Chantiers-Ecoles, Stung Thmey Street, P.O. Box 47, Siem Reap, Cambodia 電話:855-63-963-330 開放時間:www.artisansdangkor.com

Summer 2017




乳香初體驗 Unveil the Delights of Ranch Life 花

蓮瑞穗牧場採用中央山脈的潔淨水源灌溉水草,憑着瑞穗連綿不斷的山坡及 無污染的空氣,每天為大眾提供高品質的鮮乳而聞名。 由於瑞穗免入場費,所以家長都愛攜老帶少前來參觀。當一走進牧場便看到各項以 乳牛作裝飾的設施,如圍欄、垃圾桶等,配上廣闊的草原,令人十分放鬆。在草地上 走着,更會看見遊人拿着牧草在餵駝鳥及乳牛。


在露天茶座,除了可欣賞旖旎的風光外,也可順道品嘗美味的牛奶製品!在冬天配上 一碗特製的乳香玉米湯,真是令人精神為之一振。另外,還有鮮奶雪糕、乳酪蛋 糕⋯⋯甜蜜濃厚的奶香,亦是百吃不厭!


irst, drop by Ruisui Ranch to try its well-acclaimed range of dairy specialties. Thanks to unpolluted, natural water flowing down from Central Mountain and superb grassland, the range churns out daily high quality milk and upmarket dairy products. The range is also an ideal destination for family day outings where kids can feed the cows with the lush green grass. 地址:台灣花蓮縣瑞穗鄉舞鶴村6鄰157號 營業時間:08:00 – 18:00


01.小朋友都愛拿着牧草餵駝鳥。02,03.坐在露天茶座一邊休閒地品嘗各種 牛奶製品,一邊享受農場美好的風光。


綠色原始部落 The Original Green Tribe



太鞍濕地位於馬錫山山腳,是阿美族馬太鞍部落世代漁耕之地,至今仍保 留着低度開荒、崇尚自然的文化。 趁着周末,不如出走一趟,來親親大自然吧! 首先不妨到「馬太鞍文史工作室」或「馬太鞍濕地生態館」認識這裏的文化,之後 再到「欣綠農園」進行重點活動。每天小河上均會上演巴拉告生態捕魚法,利用 特製的竹筒、九芎樹枝和棕櫚葉製作的巴拉告是阿美族使用的獨特捕魚工具。被 捕獲的鱔魚或土虱等會被配上西洋菜、箭筍等時令蔬菜,利用石頭火鍋煮食法, 烹調成美味的魚湯,供遊人嘗鮮。若覺得不足夠,可到餐廳細嘗由阿美族婦人巧 手烹調的美味佳餚,相信會令人喜出望外!



ituated at the foothills of the Macishan, the Fataan Wetland is the origin of the aboriginal Ami people where you can witness the authentic Ami culture. Because of the rich water resources, the unique fishing method of ‘Palakaw’ was developed. Visitors can catch fishes with the distinctive fishing tool invented by the sophisticated Ami people. Don’t forget to savor Ami’s traditional dishes in the rustic restaurant there! 03

地址:台灣花蓮縣光復鄉 大全村大全街60號 營業時間:08:00 – 17:00

01 – 03.馬太鞍濕地設有不同的教育館及工作坊供遊人從多方面認識馬太 鞍這片淨土。04.蓮花盛開屬於每年夏天的獨有景象。


Summer 2017





A Legendary Martial Arts Novelist— Louis Cha

傳奇武俠小說作家 — 查良鏞 為了向著名武俠小說作家查良鏞博士(筆名金庸)致敬,以金 庸為主題的展館已在香港文化博物館開幕。他的作品對香港 流行文化以及全球華語圈有着深遠的影響,而在「金庸館」展 示的逾百項展品中,不但有跟小說有關的展品外,還有其個人 物品,讀者可從中探索金庸的創作心路歷程。 01.以金庸為主題的展覽館最近於香港文化博物館開幕,展示其創作歷 程及貢獻。02.武俠小說泰斗金庸一生著作無數,創作多部膾炙人口的 作品並多次改編為影視作品。


Paying respect to Dr. Louis Cha – a famous martial arts novelist writing under the pen name Jin Yong, a gallery about his work has been established at Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The novels of Jing Yong enormously influence Hong Kong’s popular culture as well as many Chinese around the world. The gallery shows more than a hundred exhibits. Visitors can explore the creative process of Dr. Cha through the novel-related pieces and his personal items in the gallery.



與法國宮殿的邂逅 — 羅浮宮 「羅浮宮的創想 ─ 從皇宮到博物館的八百年」展覽將於4月 26日至7月24日在香港文化博物館舉行,展示出從羅浮宮不同 部門帶來的百多樣珍藏,包括繪畫、雕塑及古埃及文物等。藏 品散發出羅浮宮八百多年的歷史韻味,更帶出羅浮宮的發展 跟法國歷史密不可分的關係。

03.香港文化博物館由4月26日至7月24日展出羅浮宮百多件珍品。04.市 民能欣賞來自羅浮宮的世界級名畫。05.場內展品包括繪畫、雕塑,甚至 是古埃及的文物。

Meet with French Palace— The Louvre Museum ‘Inventing le Louvre: From Palace to Museum over 800 Years’ is held at Hong Kong Heritage Museum from April 26 to July 24, 2017. The masterpieces displayed are specially selected from the Louvre Museum including drawing, sculptures and ancient Egyptian relics. These precious exhibits reveal the intimately close relationship between the development of the Louvre Museum and French history. Summer 2017


旅遊資訊 Travel Tips 大家好,我是Fergus,在 HK Express 從事空中服務員已經差不多兩年了。跟大家一樣,我很熱愛旅 行,尤其是到世界各地尋找各式各樣的美食,而日本的美食更令我回味無窮。這一次,讓我帶你走進 大阪心齋橋搜尋一些讓你食指大動的街頭小食吧! Hi, everyone! This is Fergus, a flight attendant who has been with HK Express for almost 2 years. Like all of you, I love traveling and exploring everywhere to search for delicious food, especially street food in Japan. Let me share you some lesser known lip-smacking foods in Shinsaibashi, the landmark of Osaka.


HK Express Flight Attendant

元祖アイスドック Icedog

俺のケーキおもて Omote



「元祖雪犬」裏的雪糕熱狗是我在心齋橋美食之旅的第一 站。不瞞你說,我起初亦覺得這個組合很奇怪。把雪糕 跟熱狗麵包融為一體實在是不能想象。不過咬下第一口 後,我對它的看法有翻天覆地的改變。把不同口味的雪 糕放在麵包中,能夠感受到冷熱交替的對比。未試過的 話,絕對不能理解它們是如何地配合得完美無瑕。對我 而言,雪糕熱狗絕對是前所未有的味覺享受。 ‘Ice-cream hotdog’ in ‘Icedog’ is the first delectable snack to begin my food journey. I found it weird how we can combine ice-cream with a hotdog but, it is way beyond my expectation! Wrapped by the hotdog, the different flavors of ice-cream create a contrast of temperature with a cold-hot fusion. You can hardly imagine how they are perfectly matched if you have never tried it!

在一天的美食之旅中,以甜品作結就 是最完美的句號。在心齋橋裏,有一 輛 顯眼的美食車,車身上印有大大 的焦糖燉蛋—這就是我最喜愛的甜 點,那裏售賣的焦糖燉蛋亦是我吃過 中最美味的一個。即使只是簡單地混合 奶油跟蛋黃,加上面層一片薄薄的焦糖,濃厚的蛋香已經 足以令我垂涎三尺。而且奶油味點到即止,絕對不會讓你有 一絲吃膩的感覺。「每個人都用第二個胃來裝甜品」,而 在美食車裏便能找到第二樣讓你不加思索地裝進胃裏的甜 品 — 芳香四溢的餡餅。太飽的話亦不要緊,把它們外賣回 酒店然後慢慢享受吧!即使放置一小段時間,餡餅亦能保 持同樣的鮮甜味美。提提你,美食車未必每天定時定點停 留在該地。祝你好運! Complete your day with a unique and satisfying dessert. The one I like most is a Japanese version of ‘creme brulee’ found in a food truck in Shinsaibashi. It is the best burnt cream I have ever tasted! Simply a mix of cream and egg yolk with a crunchy caramel top, the rich egg flavor itself is mouthwatering. Bring them back to your hotel and enjoy it at midnight. They are still as tasty as eating immediately. The food truck may not be there every day, so it is a matter of luck catching it!



Summer 2017



最新消息 Latest News HK Express 成為本田足球學院贊助之一

本田圭佑為日本著名球星,是 AC米蘭的頂級成員,今次HK Express非常榮幸可贊助其開設足球學院。本田圭佑更去到 柬埔寨當地教導學生,與學生一同切磋球技。是次贊助希望 可以為足球發展作出微小的貢獻及幫助,令更多小朋友可以 學習足球技巧,一展所長。

HK Express becomes one of the sponsor of Keisuke Honda’s SOLTILO GLOBAL SOCCER CAMP in Cambodia supported by TATERU

Honda Keisuke is not only a famous Japanese football player but also a top player in AC Milan. We are very honored to sponsor such an outstanding player for the establishment of his soccer school. To take notice of less fortunate children, Honda Keisuke travelled to Cambodia to interact with them. We sincerely hope that our sponsorship contributes to football development, as well as supporting more children to unlock their potential in the popular sport.

全新手機辦理登機手續 HK Express一向致力提升服務質素,讓旅客體驗一個更舒適的旅程。旅客現可於起飛起48 小時至75分鐘前,透過官網辦理登 機手續,減省於機場輪候的時間。您亦可透過我們的手機應用程式辦理登機手續,輕鬆保存流動登機證於手機內。如您沒有託 運行李,更可以使用流動登機證直接前往登機。

New mobile check-in service

We are dedicated to service quality and are continuously looking for ways to improve them. For a more convenient and speedier web check-in, Guests can now complete check-in online between 48 hours till 75 minutes prior to departure. In addition to the web service, Guests can also check in via the mobile app to access their boarding passes. For those who don’t have checked baggage, just head directly to the gate and embark on your journey!

HK Express 接載第七百萬名旅客

HK Express 迎來第七百萬名旅客,標誌著我們邁向一個新的里程碑!該名幸運兒於3月3日乘搭航班UO3751由清萊飛往香 港,並獲贈能前往 HK Express 任何航點的免費機票!為慶祝這個重要成就,我們早前特地推出限定優惠,單程票價由港幣 7元起,與旅客分享我們的快樂。我們承諾會繼續向旅客提供可靠及優質的飛行體驗,發掘新的航線!

HK Express celebrates seven million Guests

HK Express is celebrating a lucky seven milestone! Our seven millionth Guest on flight UO3751 flew from Chiang Rai to Hong Kong on 3 March 2017, and received a big surprise of a return flight ticket to any destination in HK Express’ network! To share the joy of reaching this milestone, HK Express also offered a limited time celebratory promotion of HKD7 flights from Hong Kong to selected destinations.



HK Express 全新塞班島航班正式啟航!

HK Express於1月17日宣布開通由香港飛往北馬里亞納群 島中充滿陽光氣息的塞班島,每周將提供三班航班。為隆重 其事,HK Express特地在香港國際機場舉行慶祝活動,所 有乘搭首航航班的旅客均獲發紀念品。塞班島是西太平洋 中一個寧靜而又美麗的島嶼,以其清澈的海水及優越的浮 潛條件而聞名,成為地區內最受歡迎的旅遊目的地之一。讓 HK Express 陪伴各位旅客前往塞班島,盡情享受藍天白 雲吧!

HK Express launches direct flights to Saipan

We are excited to announce thrice weekly flights to Saipan, the sun-kissed Northern Mariana island! To mark this new launch, HK Express held a ceremony at Hong Kong International Airport, and all the inaugural flight’s passengers were welcomed with giveaways. Saipan is one of the most beautiful, secluded destinations in the Western Pacific Ocean. Known for its crystal-clear waters and excellent snorkeling opportunities, Saipan is positioned to become one of the region’s most sought-after beach destinations. Grab your luggage and enjoy your holiday under the azure-blue sky with HK Express!

HK Express 多元付款方式

為了讓旅客在訂購機票時有更多選擇, HK Express現提供多元化的付款方式。除了以往的信用卡和在線付款外,我們分別 新增了美國運通、微信錢包兩項付款選擇,務求令旅客以更多途徑在網上訂購或顧客服務中心訂票。

HK Express multiple payment options

In order to make the payment process easier, HK Express offers our Guests multiple methods of payment. Other than the existing options, we have now included two new methods, which are American Express and WeChat Wallet. Book your ticket now!

reward-U 獎賞計劃多重驚喜

reward - U 繼 續 為會員帶來 新 驚 喜!以積分兌換HK Express的機票 時,已不 再局 限 於由香 港 出發 的 航班,方便來自不同國家的會員兌 換 獎賞。兌換 機 票 您 可隨心選 擇 任何航點、日期與機票種類,並可 選 擇全 數 以積 分兌 換,或使用 部 分積分再使用信用卡 付 清餘 額, 為您帶來更多彈性。

reward-U offers new surprises for members

reward-U continues to offer the best options to facilitate your journey! Redemption has now extended to flights departing from all countries – no longer restricted to flights originated from Hong Kong only! Guests can redeem seats during any promotions, or discounted destinations. Both full redemption (pay off your purchases with points only) and partial redemption (points + cash) are allowed!

Summer 2017



HK Express 獎賞計劃 The Loyalty Program of HK Express reward-U為HK Express於2016年推出的獎賞計劃,給旅客嶄新的旅遊優惠服務,以答謝所有一直支持我們的旅客! reward-U is the loyalty program of HK Express launched in 2016, and sets itself apart from the pack with exciting features! The rationale behind this program is to reward and to engage our loyal guests for their support.

HKD1 = 10 reward-U積分

HKD1 = 10 reward-U points

除了搭乘HK Express的航班可賺取積分外,亦可透過 我們的合作夥伴助您更快賺取免費機票。我們最近與 知名的住宿供應商 一 agoda.com 和rocketmiles.com 合作,讓您以實惠的價格訂購酒店。於一站式旅遊套 票平台 一 uflyholidays.com購買套票,您也可賺取積 分,絕對是您的旅行好搭檔!

In addition to earning points when you fly on HK Express, we have a range of partners to help you achieve your free flights faster. We recently launched partnerships with agoda.com and rocketmiles.com. Both are well known accommodation providers who can give you excellent rates at hotels worldwide. You’ll also earn loads of points when you purchase a holiday package on uflyholidays.com, the perfect place to shop for your flight & hotel combined!


Flexible redemption

每消費港幣1元於機票票價及指定增值服務即可賺取 10 reward-U積分。

只要你有40,000積分及機位還在售賣中,就能以積分 兌換,更可以兌換給任何人! ●



有效的服務 機票票價 預訂行李託運 餐點預訂 優先辦理登機手續和預先登機服務 預先選擇座位 以短訊傳送行程單 預訂嬰兒票價 合作夥伴(如﹕金融及保險,等等)

For every eligible HKD1 spent on fares and selected services (except taxes and fees), you earn 10 points.

Never worry about blackout dates or not being able to find a seat to redeem. With our any available seat redemption, you can redeem your points at any time, once you have at least 40,000 points. You can also redeem flights for ANYONE! ● ●

Full redemption : Pay with points only Partial redemption : Pay with points + cash

Eligible item

Base fare Pre-booked baggage Pre-booked meals U-First Pre-booked seat selection SMS itinerary Infant

Partners (e.g. finance & insurance, etc)

可賺取 Earning V V V V V V V

可兌換 Redemption




Form a reward-U crew to speed up earning


Invite up to 5 friends together to pool your points and fly free faster!



團隊成員訪問 Meet the Team Stella Lee 市場主任 Stella 跟我們分享她的工作點滴。 HK Express Marketing officer, Stella, tells us about her work.

What do you enjoy most about working in HK Express? It has been very enjoyable working in such a young company with a small team. There is a lot of flexibility work wise and we all work very closely together which means that we get things done in about half the time that bigger companies do.

I entered HK  Express as a fresh graduate and have learnt a lot in my time here, having the opportunity to work hands-on on many exciting projects. Of course, it helps that my biggest passion is travel and my job allows me to do so from time to time. Helping people to realize their wanderlust has been very rewarding for me too.

在HK Express 工作,哪方面讓你最享受其中? 令我最享受的方面,要算是HK Express朝氣蓬勃的特色和出 色的小團隊。 在工作上,公司給予我們很大的靈活性,令我跟同事們能非常 緊密地合作。這意味着我們可以有比大公司快一倍的工作效 率,使我們的工作更為順利。 我剛畢業便加入了HK Express,在這裏學習了很多不同事 物,亦能獲得很多難得的機會去接觸不同的具挑戰性的項目。 因為旅行是我最大的興趣,所以這份工作的性質使我有莫大 的動力去做每一件事。而我的工作不但能讓我有機會去實現 我的興趣,更能為乘客去實踐他們的旅遊夢,令我感受到自己 在工作上的付出是值得的。

What do you like to do in your leisure time and which is your favorite HK Express destination? Travel is my biggest passion and I would not have it any other way. I genuinely love experiencing different cultures, tasting different delicacies and meeting different people from all over the world. My favorite destination thus far that we fly to has to be Thailand. I love the warmth of the Thai locals and the spices they use in their cooking! I am also a very active person, so I like to workout in my spare time or go hiking to get away from the city.

Coming from Singapore, how do you adapt to working life in Hong Kong? In all honesty, being in this big concrete jungle was certainly overwhelming at first, what with the fast pace of life and crowds of people at every turn. But I discovered there was this other side to Hong Kong – all these breath-taking mountains, lakes, beaches, little islands…and I realized that there is indeed beauty to all this madness. I guess it just takes time to adjust to a new environment. Making new friends really helped as well, I would definitely call them my support system here.

您在閒暇時有什麼興趣?你最喜歡的HK Express 航點是? 我最大的興趣是旅行,這更是我生活中的最大動力。我熱衷 於體驗每個國家的獨特文化、嘗試不同地方的美食以及認識 世界各地的新朋友。遊歷過各個地方後,我會選擇泰國作為 我最喜歡的國家。熱情好客的居民令我樂而忘返,而且食物 中的獨特香料更令我一試難忘。 我是一個十分好動的人,所以除了旅行以外,我也很喜歡在 閒暇時去健身或是行山遠足,遠離塵囂。

作為新加坡人,你如何適應香港的工作生活? 坦白說,身處在這個石屎森林中,急速的生活節奏及熙來攘 往的街道確實讓我在 起初感到有點 喘不過氣 來。但後來我 發現到香港還有引人入勝的一面:山野、湖泊、海灘 及小島 嶼……在同一個城市內卻帶有截然不同的面貌,使我感受到 這個地方的美麗。所以,我相信適應香港的工作生活也只是 時間上的問題。另外,結交新朋友對於我適應新的工作環境 亦很有幫助。每當我遇到問題時,他們總是能夠支持與幫助 我,可說是我的「後援團隊」!

Summer 2017



機艙服務 Inflight Services 舒適空間座 透過 HK Express 網站訂票、於機場櫃台辦理登機手續或登機時,只需付出少 許額外費用,即可選擇舒適空間座,享受額外腿部空間。基於安全考慮,旅客 必須符合特定條件,才能選擇位於緊急出口處的舒適空間座。

Sweet Seats HK Express offers a number of seats with additional legroom, and for a small fee these premium seats may be purchased through our website, at the checkin desk or onboard. For “Sweet Seats” located on the exit rows, Guests must fulfill specific safety regulation requirements prior to purchase. 全新餐單 Utaste HK Express 航班上的 Inflight Menu – Utaste 提供多種冷熱美食、零食、飲品及 酒精類飲品,價格大眾化。除傳統港式點心及素食佳餚外,我們早前已推出全 新餐單Utaste,提供更多精彩選擇。餐牌放置於座椅袋內。我們接受現金、八達 通、以及信用卡付款。

Utaste hits the spot with a brand new menu Utaste offers a wide selection of hot and cold meals, light snacks and drinks – including alcoholic beverages – for purchase at competitive prices. We have just launched a brand new menu, with more tasty choices than ever before. You can find the latest onboard menu card in your seat pocket. we accept cash, Octopus cards and all major credit cards. 頂級空中購物體驗 如果您想選購禮物送給至親好友或自用,可參閱我們的機上免稅品雜誌《Ushop》。 HK Express 致力讓旅客獲得最優質 及效率卓越的機上購物體驗。全新的機上免稅品雜誌《Ushop》提供超過100 個品牌,不同商品以顏色分類,方便客人快速 找到心儀商品。貨品種類琳琅滿目,更有只限透過《Ushop》獨家發售的HK Express品牌商品。

Superior shopping in the sky Looking for some last-minute gifts for your friends and family, or fancy treating yourself ? HK Express brings you the most exclusive, hassle-free shopping experience available. Check out our inflight duty-free shopping magazine, Ushop – a fresh new publication featuring more than 100 premium brands, conveniently color – coded by category so you can find whatever you want quickly. You’ll be amazed at the great selection, including HK Express’ own range of specially selected items, which are available only from Ushop. 獨家商品 品牌商品系列現以包括HK Express USB記憶棒、便攜水壺套裝、 Remove Before Flight 紀念鑰匙扣、飛機模型及抓毛毯。 如欲購買,請向機艙服務員查詢。

Exclusive from HK Express Our branded items available for onboard purchase now includes a HK Express USB, Foldable Water Bottle Set, Remove Before Flight Keychain, Aircraft Model and Blanket. Please check with our cabin crew. HK Express現已於機上發售香港機場快線、大阪南海電氣鐵路、JR九州鐵路周遊券、JR四國鐵路周遊券、 成田利木津機場快缐、箱根周遊券、羽田京急缐列車、平和島天然溫泉、近鐵旅客周遊車票及韓國旅遊卡。 Hong Kong Airport Express, Osaka Nankai Railways, JR Kyushu Rail Pass, JR Shikoku Rail Pass, Narita Airport Limousine and Odakyu Hakone Free Pass, Keikyu Hanetoku and Heiwajima Natural, Hot Spring tickets, Kintetsu Travel & Rail Pass and Korea Tour Card are now available for purchase on board.



旅途安康 Health & Safety HK Express 重視旅客的安全、健康和舒適 安全第一 • 請詳閲放置於每個座位椅背的安全指引卡,並在航機起 飛時注意機艙服務員的安全示範。 • 我們重視每一位旅客的安全和舒適,包括有嬰兒同行的 旅客。除非您為嬰兒購買額外機位,否則飛行期間嬰兒 必須安坐於成人的大腿上。飛機起飛及降落時,以及每 當機艙服務員作出特別指示時,嬰兒必須繫上嬰兒安全 帶,固定坐在成人的大腿上。 • 當安全帶指示燈亮起時,所有手提電腦、平板電腦和影 音器材都必須關閉。旅客不應使用遙控裝置或藍牙設 備,以免干擾飛機的通訊及導航系統。 • 飛機起飛與降落時,手袋或手提電腦等隨身物品都必須 存放於前方座椅下,或座位頂上的行李架內。 嚴禁吸煙 • HK Express所有航班均嚴禁吸煙。旅客必須知道於機 艙內任何位置吸煙,均屬違法。

健康與安全 • 於飛行期間,可嘗試在機艙內不時走動以促進血液循 環,減輕疲勞和肌肉緊張。 • 我們也建議旅客每隔一小時進行一些簡單伸展運動,如 屈曲腳趾,以及把雙膝緩緩地提高等。這些運動可降低 腿部血液凝塊的風險,預防深層靜脈血栓。 • 如旅客腿部容易血液循環不佳,可以嘗試穿着特別設計 的飛行襪或壓力襪,其效用極高。 • 我們建議旅客於機上盡量減少攝取咖啡因或酒精以減 輕身體不適,如頭痛、腹脹和脫水等情況。飲用清水和 果汁是維持身體適當水分的最佳選擇。

HK Express cares about our Guests’ health, safety and comfort onboard Safety first • Please read the safety instruction card in the back of each seat and pay special attention to our cabin crew during the safety demonstration at the beginning of each flight. • We value the comfort and safety of each of our Guests, including those with infants. All infants must be seated on the lap of an adult for the duration of the flight unless an additional seat has been purchased. Please be advised that your infant must however be strapped onto the adult’s lap with the infant seatbelt during takeoff and landing, and at any other time as instructed by the crew. • Laptops, Tablet and AV equipment must be switched off when the seatbelt sign is on. Guests are required not to use remote control or Bluetooth devices as they can interfere with the aircraft’s communications and navigation systems. • Loose items such as handbags or laptops must be stored underneath the seat in front or in the overhead lockers during take-off and landing.

No smoking • All HK Express flights are non-smoking. Please note that it is a criminal offence to smoke in any part of the aircraft. Your health & comfort • Try to walk around the cabin from time to time during your flight to encourage blood circulation, avoiding fatigue and muscle stiffness. • We would also recommend some simple stretching exercises every hour such as flexing your toes and raising your knees gently towards your chest. These exercises can potentially reduce the risks of blood clots in the legs, or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). • If you are prone to poor leg circulation, wearing specially designed flight socks or compression stockings can be extremely beneficial. • We recommend that our Guests try to minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption onboard to prevent health problems such as headaches, bloating and dehydration. Drinking water and fruit juices are the best options to keep your body suitably hydrated.

Summer 2017



航線圖 Route Map











濟州 Jeju























Chiang Rai


石垣島 Ishigaki


Hong Kong 峴港



Da Nang

Chiang Mai




Siem Reap



Nha Trang

卡利博 Kalibo


Scheduled flight


Charter flight

Summer 2017

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