HORSHAM Spring 2015
news for residents and businesses
Inside... 13 annual Microbiz event Piazza Italia returns Programme of summer entertainment th
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Welcome Dear Reader, Welcome to the Spring 2015 edition of Horsham District News magazine from Horsham District Council. This latest edition is packed full of interesting articles, useful information and helpful advice, which I hope you will enjoy! We are working hard to ensure that our district continues to be one of the very best places to live in the UK. There is certainly lots to look forward to in the coming Spring and Summer months of 2015 - not least our amazing Piazza Italia event in the town centre, our 13th annual Microbiz event and our extensive programme of summer entertainment which appeals to young and old alike.
Thank you once again to all the advertisers in this edition and all they contribute to making our district the special place that it is to visit, work and live in. It’s important to me that we continue to communicate as widely as possible with all our residents, listening to your thoughts and suggestions as to how we can improve what we do; so please do send in your comments and ideas.
This magazine is for Horsham district residents and others to explain the council’s services, projects and policies.
To enquire about advertising or to let us know your views about this magazine please email contact@horsham.gov.uk or write to Horsham District Council, Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL Tel: 01403 215571 www.horsham.gov.uk Email: contact@horsham.gov.uk
The paper used for this magazine is recyclable. Horsham District Council is grateful to the advertisers in this magazine but does not necessarily endorse their products, services or messages.
With best wishes, Cllr Helena Croft Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Communication
From 1 June 2015 our new address will be Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1RL
Follow us on: www.horsham.gov.uk This magazine is available in alternative/larger formats. Please call: 01403 215571 or email: contact@horsham.gov.uk. Horsham District News is designed by Horsham District Council
Horsham District News
Spring 2015
Inside 5 Sussex duo adopt their street Take care of your street
6 Community matters
Tell us how you feel about your area
8 Horsham District Council is on the move New offices
9 Horsham District - becoming better connected Broadband access for rural businesses
10 Your vote matters
Make sure you are registered for the elections in May
12-13 Garden waste collection Sign up now
15 Working hard for young people Improved employability
16-19 Microbiz 2015
A MUST FOR ANY SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY 14th MARCH 2015 10am - 4pm THE DRILL HALL, DENNE ROAD, HORSHAM RH12 1JF For a FREE programme or to book a FREE seminar
www.horshammicrobiz.co.uk or call 01403 215542 VISIT
Organised by
Free networking event
20-21 Older People’s services Contacts and advice
22 Community Link alarm service 24-25 Horsham District councillors Contact details
28 Dinosaurs spotted in Southwater New children’s adventure play area
30 Plans for homes and jobs 33-35 Events in Horsham
Events and Summer activities across the town centre
36-37 Sports round up
Could our Sports Development team help you?
44-45 Museum and Art Gallery highlights SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT
48-49 The Capitol Spring highlights 50 Contact us
Sussex duo adopt their street No one likes the unsightly scene of litter. That’s why Horsham District Council launched a new initiative to encourage residents to “adopt a street” and take extra care of their street or an area they particularly value. Trish Hampson and Roger Smith live in Storrington. Whilst on holiday in America recently they noticed that the streets all seemed to be litter free and that many of them had signs saying that a particular street had been “adopted” by local volunteers and schools. On their return, they read about the council’s new Adopt-a-Street initiative in their local paper. Trish tells us her story: “A road we drive through regularly - Greenhurst Lane -
was constantly covered in litter, mainly fast food wrappers and drink cans but also car parts, lamps and wing mirrors. My partner Roger and I decided to contact the council having read about their new Adopt-a-Street scheme. The council supplied us with all the equipment, safety gear and advice we needed to get started. The first time we went out it took two and a half hours to clear the lane but it really made a big difference. Now it only takes an hour every three or four weeks.
Did you know? The Council clears around 14 tonnes of litter and flytips from public land and streets every month - it’s a costly business.
We would definitely recommend the scheme. It gets you out in the fresh air and is a great form of exercise and it really cleans up the area.” If you are interested in joining the scheme or you would like to get a group of volunteers together then please email John McArthur at Horsham District Council at john.mcarthur@horsham.gov.uk or telephone 01403 739387.
Volunteers across the district are doing their bit to pick up the litter left by others.
Community matters - tell us how you feel Think Family is the West Sussex name for a national initiative which aims to support families and help communities make real improvements to the area where they live. But how do we know what will make the most difference to family life in local communities? In Horsham district, volunteers have been asking local people what they think of their local area - what’s good about it and what’s not so good. Being part of the solution Residents of the Needles area in Horsham spoke strongly of wanting to bring their community together more. As a result of this feedback a group is now working together to develop a community project for the residents there. Litter was also identified as a major concern for the Needles residents, many of whom said they wanted to be part of a solution to combat the problem. Horsham District Council’s Street Scene Coordinator will now work with local people, Sussex Police and Saxon Weald to hold a community tidy up day for the Needles area and longer term, the Street Scene team will support residents to join the council’s Adopt-a-Street initiative. Contact Nick Jenkins on 01403 215216 or email nick.jenkins@horsham.gov.uk Community survey volunteers in Horsham
Needing a community hub In the Roffey area, residents said there was a need for an informal community meeting space and better access to services. St Andrew’s Methodist Church has been supported by Think Family funding to update their building and improve their meeting space. They will be starting a community café in the future. It’s hoped that once open, the new community hub will also provide easier access to services. If you are interested in improving the community spirit where you live, we’d like to hear your views. Get in touch with the Community Development Team at Horsham District Council by emailing community.development@horsham.gov.uk or calling 01403 215100. For more information on the work of Think Family across West Sussex visit www.westsussex.gov.uk
Horsham District Council is on the move! At a council meeting on 9 October 2014 councillors gave the go ahead for Horsham District Council to relocate its base from its offices in North Street to the second floor of West Sussex County Council’s office building in Horsham. Staff will start moving from their offices in Park North, North Point and Park House from Spring 2015. The move will be completed in Summer 2015 when the new Horsham District Council reception opens its doors in its new home on Chart Way.
This decision follows a review of office accommodation as part of the council’s business transformation programme. The move will help deliver better use of public assets and a more joined up response for customers requiring services from both councils. This move does not affect the independent status and functions of the Council where business continues as normal.
The Chart Way building, which is currently known as County Hall North, will revert to its former name of Parkside to help avoid any confusion about the identities of the two councils.
Our new address will be: Horsham District Council Parkside Chart Way Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL Tel: 01403 215100
Horsham district becoming better connected Horsham District Council’s Economic Development team is actively seeking to understand local business needs for improved broadband access and performance. A district wide survey has been launched with initial feedback showing that at least 60% of local businesses need better business broadband now or in the future. Better Connected West Sussex is a government funded broadband programme which is already rolling out Superfast Broadband across much of the County. Check out which phase of the programme your business is in for your area by going to this free postcode checker web site at www.westsussexbetterconnected.org.uk
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With a fleet of over 60 cars, drivers that really care and a reputation that’s second to none we are truly the first call when you need to get from AAA2B. If you live or work in or around Horsham our cars will be a familiar sight to you. We have over 60 vehicles on the road with an ever expanding team of professionally trained drivers eager to make your journey as smooth as possible.
Discounted airport rates
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• Discounted airport rates 24 Hour Service for all occasions • 24 Hour Service for all occasions 6 & 8 seaters • 6Chauffeur/Executive & 8 Seaters service available • Credit Card bookings accepted Credit Card bookings accepted • Accounts welcome Accounts welcome 5 Star graded company
Voters will be going to the polls on Thursday 7 May 2015 for the UK Parliamentary General Elections, the Horsham District Council elections and the local Parish Council elections. Each household in the district was sent a letter in January 2015 advising who is listed on the Electoral Register at that address. If your name was not included on this letter, it means you are not on the Electoral Register and therefore you cannot vote and your credit rating may be affected. Registering is quick and easy and can be done online at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote at any time. If you are unable to register online, you can request a paper form by contacting the council’s Electoral Services team. If you are going to be away on polling day you may be able to apply to vote by post or appoint a proxy.
The deadlines for this year’s elections are as follows: Monday 20 April - deadline for registering to vote Tuesday 21 April 5pm - deadline for applying for a postal vote Tuesday 28 April 5pm - deadline for applying for a proxy vote
Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate in any of the elections should contact the Electoral Services team for a nomination paper. The deadline for receipt of nominations is 4pm on Thursday 9 April.
For further information please contact Electoral Services on 01403 215126 or email elections@horsham.gov.uk
independence & compassion in modern veterinary care
Maltman Cosham Veterinary Clinic is a newly established veterinary clinic in Slinfold near Horsham formed by local veterinary surgeons Mark Maltman and Josie Cosham. Both partners are experienced, have a compassionate led approach and, with the support of the team, pride themselves on providing exceptional patient and client care. The practice is newly refurbished and equipped with modern diagnostic facilities and operating theatre to allow full diagnosis and treatment of your pet’s problems. Other attributes include:
Quiet waiting room area Separate dog and cat ward facilities Garden for exercising inpatients RCVS accredited practice
Large free car park Overnight hospitalisation Qualified veterinary nurses
All Maltman Cosham out of hours work is covered by their own vets at the clinic or a home visit if required.
Call 01403 791011 for registration or an appointment Lyons Farm Estate, Lyons Road, Slinfold, Nr Horsham, RH13 OQP
12 12
Garden Waste Collection Renewals and sign ups to the council’s fortnightly Garden Waste Collection Service are underway for the period April 2015 - March 2016. The cost of the service is fixed at just £29 for the year to March 2016. This is the lowest rate in West Sussex. The cost of emptying any additional bin at your property is also fixed at just £15 for the same period. New, replacement and additional bins are available to buy. Please remember that payment for this service is by Direct Debit and debit/credit card only. Credit card surcharges apply and cheques/cash will not be accepted.
Sign up now still only
£29 per year
13 How
do I renew my subscription? Existing customers should recently have received their renewal notice, by email or by post, explaining what they need to do. If you have not received your renewal notice, please visit our website or contact us for assistance. If you are a Direct Debit customer you need only check the payment details on the renewal notice and call us if there is a problem. Otherwise you do not need to contact us and we will automatically post out your new membership sticker once the payment has been processed. Customers choosing to pay by debit/credit card will need the unique reference number on their renewal notice to renew quickly, safely and securely online at www.horsham.gov.uk/gwsignup. You can also renew over the phone.
How do I join Sign up the scheme online as a new it’s easy! customer? Visit our website for full details of the scheme and sign up easily and securely online or by phone, paying by Direct Debit or debit/credit card. Please note that whilst you can join at any time you will still need to pay the full amount, so join early for maximum benefit.
Renew now for peace of mind!
What happens next? If you are an existing customer but have not received your renewal notice, please visit our website or contact us for assistance. Customers renewing or signing up to the scheme before 9 March 2015 will be sent their new membership stickers on or around 23 March, so act now for peace of mind. For renewals and sign ups after 9 March, we aim to send out membership stickers within 10 working days. From 1 April 2015 if you do not have a valid membership sticker displayed on your bin it will not be emptied.
Where can I find out more? For further information and to contact us: Visit www.horsham.gov.uk/gwsignup Email gardenwaste@horsham.gov.uk Tel 01403 739459
Working hard for young people of the district Improved employability Since January 2012, when Horsham District Council started the Journey to Work programme with funding from the Department for Work and Pensions, the council has been working hard to help young people back into work. The Journey to Work programme has progressed into its 4th successful term in 2015 and has contributed to a 70% reduction in the number of 18-24 year olds claiming Jobseekers Allowance over this four year period. The council’s Work Experience Coordinator, Jan English, now works with job seekers of all ages and has placed nearly 250
people into a variety of work experience opportunities lasting between 2 and 8 weeks, either at the council, or with over 40 partners from local businesses and the community. More than two thirds of all participants in the project have found that the renewed confidence, improved employability skills, and up to date references gained from their experience has led to them finding paid employment. The council has also been a leading partner in the development of a new employability and careers advice website for young people called Take OFF.
Take OFF (www.takeoff. gatwickdiamondjobs.com) has been developed by Horsham District Council and Gatwick Diamond Jobs in conjunction with the Mid Sussex District, Crawley Borough and West Sussex County Councils. The website aims to provide advice direct from local employers on the types of skills and qualifications they would like to see from their future workforce. The website has been designed almost entirely by students from schools across the districts and boroughs, with The Forest School and Collyer’s Sixth Form College students contributing from Horsham district.
A MUST FOR ANY SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY 14th MARCH 2015 10am - 4pm THE DRILL HALL, DENNE ROAD, HORSHAM RH12 1JF For a FREE programme or to book a FREE seminar
www.horshammicrobiz.co.uk or call 01403 215542 VISIT
Organised by
Microbiz 2015
All your business needs - and more - in one place, on one day! Saturday 14th March, 2015 – It’s a date in the business calendar that no small business owner or anyone thinking of starting a business can afford to miss and thanks to the generosity of local sponsors, Microbiz is still FREE to visit! Widely regarded as a small business treasure trove, in one place, on one day, Microbiz has:
FREE entry for visitors l 40+ exhibitors l FREE business workshops all day with top tips & inspiration l Fantastic networking l A café l
2015 marks the 13th annual Microbiz event. At a time when there is a wide array of support for business, Microbiz aims to provide a snapshot of what’s on offer, as well as showcasing all the local business products and services, together with free workshops on hot business topics with top tips from respected professionals. Organised by Horsham District Council in support of the small business community, Microbiz has the reputation of being one of the best small business events in the South East.
Don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of the things visitors to Microbiz 2014 said: “Exactly the support & motivation that I needed” “Helpful, stimulating & productive - a great opportunity to meet business contacts” “A hub of wonderful local businesses all under one roof ” “Great atmosphere, excellent seminars, lovely food, loads of helpful information Thank you”
With all this inspiration, FREE advice & information on offer make a date with Horsham Microbiz 2015.
Horsham Publications Ltd
pages pages SOUTHWATER life
For further information or to pick up an event programme: T: 01403 215542 E: business.development@horsham.gov.uk W: www.horshammicrobiz.co.uk Photos by Toby Phillips Photography - www.tobyphillipsphotography.co.uk
Microbiz 2015
Networking and Business Support Organisations 4 Networking
Gatwick Diamond Business
Tel: 01293 541333
Tel: 01293 440088 www.gatwickdiamondbusiness.com
ABC Ashington Business Consortium Tel: 01903 893377 Email: chris.clarke@ashingtonbusiness.co.uk
Horsham Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Billingshurst Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Tel: 01403 739301 Email: ann@horsham.co.uk / info@horshamchamber.co.uk www.horshamchamber.co.uk
Tel: 07717 822904 Email: sandyduck@btinternet.com www.billingshurstchamber.co.uk
Business Network International www.bnisussex.com Vanguard Horsham - 07899 907769 Winners (BNI) Horsham - 01403 892683
Horsham Coworking Tel: 01403 260722 Email: coworking@horshamdigital.co.uk www.horshamdigital.co.uk
Lizard’s Lunch
Business Success Club
Tel: 01403 831265 Email: nsahi@pdt.co.uk
Email: helen@helenhayness.co.uk facebook.com/businesssuccessclub
Storrington Business Breakfast Club
Excel Networking Club - Horsham Tel: 07939 203572
Fabulous Women (& Marvellous Men) Tel: 07768 197507 www.fabulous-women.co.uk
Federation of Small Businesses Tel: 01403 734431 Email: ann@horsham.co.uk www.fsb.org.uk
Email: storringtonbbc@gmail.com
Sussex Enterprise Tel: 0844 3759550 www.sussexenterprise.co.uk
Sussex Women in Business Tel: 01403 273614 Email: alice@essenceoffashion.co.uk www.wib-sussex.co.uk
Sustainable Business Network
First Friday Network Groups
Tel: 07807 588887 / 01444 477501 Email: network@sustainablebusiness.org.uk www.sustainablebusiness.org.uk/network
Tel: 01243 787100 www.firstfriday-network.co.uk
The Mumpreneurs Networking Club Tel: 07932 632376 Email: theaj@agoodgossip.co.uk www.mumpreneursnetworkingclub.co.uk
Also useful - www.findnetworkingevents.com, the online guide to networking events in your area. You can also find more details at www.horsham.gov.uk/businesspages/Business-Development. If you run, attend or know of a networking group in or around the Horsham District that isn’t listed above, please email us at business.development@horsham.gov.uk or call 01403 215542.
Microbiz 2015 Horsham District Council - Business Support The Economic Development team is not the only department at Horsham District Council that can provide support and advice to your business. For information please also see below or phone the switchboard on 01403 215100. Building Control building.control@horsham.gov.uk
Procurement procurement@horsham.gov.uk
Business Development Business.Development@horsham.gov.uk
Public Health and Licensing publichealth.licensing@horsham.gov.uk
Business Rates revenue@centralsussex.gov.uk
Trade Refuse and Cleansing tradewaste@horsham.gov.uk
Community Safety communitysafety@horsham.gov.uk
Visitor Information Centre visitor.information@horsham.gov.uk
Estate Management & Valuation property@horsham.gov.uk
Wellbeing info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk
Planning planning@horsham.gov.uk There is an abundance of business advice, support and ongoing initiatives available online for new and small businesses helping them to grow and prosper. Visit our Business Development pages at www.horsham.gov.uk/businesspages/Business-Development for information about support and business opportunities available.
Useful websites for support, advice and inspiration: www.greatbusiness.gov.uk www.gov.uk www.coast2capital.org.uk www.bethebusiness.org www.enterprisenation.com www.sustainablebusiness.org.uk www.thinkhorsham.co.uk
Do you want to receive our quarterly business newsletter? Send your contact details to business.development@horsham.gov.uk, or find it and other useful business information on the Council’s business pages www.horsham.gov.uk/businesspages/Business-Development
Think Horsham - a great place to live and work
Horsham District Older People’s Forum
Steady On - improve your strength and balance
The Horsham District Older People’s Forum (formerly Senior Person’s Council) aims to promote and champion the needs of older people living in Horsham district. It brings together older people (60+) working in the field of older people’s services and local councillors, to discuss issues of concern for people in later life. Meetings are held quarterly in different venues across the district, all starting at 10.30am. Dates and venues for 2015 are: Monday 9 March Lower Beeding Village Hall Tuesday 2 June Washington Village Hall Wednesday 9 September Rudgwick Village Hall Thursday 10 December St Michaels Church, Partridge Green If you would like to be involved with the Horsham District Older People’s Forum, ask to be placed on the email list by contacting: shirley.gardner@horsham.gov.uk
Improving your strength and balance can help you gain the confidence to participate in activities you once felt were not suitable for you. If you feel strong and have a good sense of balance you are more confident with your general mobility, less likely to fall and better able to stay independent. This is why Horsham District Council’s Wellbeing team have launched a new free course called Steady On. Steady On is designed to boost your confidence and independence, particularly for the elderly. Its safe and effective group activities are delivered by qualified instructors who will progress you through the course learning new techniques each week. If you want to keep mobile this could be just the course for you.
Contact our Steady On Co-ordinator via the Horsham District Wellbeing service on 01403 215111 or via info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk and find out if this course is suitable for you.
Older Person’s Directory of Services If you are interested in additional services for older people please contact the Older Persons Horsham District Directory of Services wellbeing service on 01403 215111 for more information and your free copy of the Horsham District Older People Services Guide.
Check out our website www.horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk Email us at info@horshamdistrictwellbeing.org.uk Find us on
Follow us on
www.facebook.com/horshamdistrictwellbeing www.twitter.com/horshamhealth
Alternatively you can access this and other information on health and wellbeing services via the Horsham District Wellbeing website horsham.westsussexwellbeing.org. uk/topics/older-people Further information is also available via the council’s own web pages for older people’s services at www.horsham.gov.uk/ communitysupport/community-support/ community-development/older-people This web site includes information on: • Older Person’s Directory of Services • Shopmobility • Older People’s Forum • Community Link - Emergency Alarms for the Elderly and Vulnerable • Activities for the over 50s • Art Time • Age with Confidence • Horsham Museum Reminiscence Service.
Tackling loneliness and social isolation The Council’s Social Inclusion Working Group is proactively promoting services to help residents tackle the issues of loneliness and social isolation. Here are some useful contacts: Age UK Horsham District - Tel. 01403 260560 Website: www.ageukhorshamdistrict.org.uk Age UK Horsham District’s Arun magazine (free magazine for older people). Available from Age UK shops in Horsham, Billingshurst and Henfield, and at Age UK Horsham District’s office, Lavinia House, Dukes Square behind the Drill Hall, Denne Road, Horsham. Age UK Horsham District’s Village Agent scheme Billingshurst and Shipley Tel. 01403 260560 or 07747 293382 Rusper and Colgate Tel. 01403 260560 or 07591 049042 Age UK Horsham District’s Home Visiting Scheme Available throughout Horsham district. Tel. 01403 751321 Age UK campaign to help end loneliness/Age UK Befriending Services Tel. 0800 169 6565 Website: www.ageuk.org.uk Royal Voluntary Service Good Neighbours West Sussex Support for older people and vulnerable adults Tel. 01293 228060 (Crawley, Horsham, Mid Sussex) Tel. 01903 257019 (Adur, Arun, Chichester, Worthing) The Silver Line free helpline for older people Tel. 0800 470 8090. Website: www.thesilverline.org.uk Friends of the Elderly - Be a Friend Campaign Tel. 020 7730 8263 Website: www.beafriendtoday.org.uk Mind - How to cope with loneliness Tel. 0300 123 3393. Website: www.mind.org.uk
Community Link Alarm Service The council’s Community Link Alarm service helps keep people safe and independent in their own homes and when they are out and about.
New Community Link alarm pendents which can be used inside the home and outdoors.
“My wife and I are very active and we are always on the go. We have four grandchildren and three dogs that all require a lot of our time and energy. We have buildings and contents insurance to protect our house, so we thought why not have “peace of mind insurance” with a community link alarm which covers us where ever we are. It makes sense for us to use this new technology to keep ourselves safe. It keeps us independent.”
HOW DOES IT WORK? The Community Link Alarm service provides alarm pendants to Horsham district residents. If the user needs help they simply press the pendant which connects to our control centre in Chichester. The control centre staff will then raise the appropriate help.
WHO IS THIS FOR? Most people assume this service is for the elderly, but it can benefit anyone regardless of their age. We look after every age - our youngest customer is 20 years old and our oldest is 103. Residents use the community alarms to help them be more independent “just in case” an incident happens. If you would like to see how we can help you and your family just call 01403 215230 or complete and return the slip below.
For a no obligation demonstration or to find out more, send your details to: Community Link Housing Services, Horsham District Council, PO box 106, Horsham, RH12 1BR. Licence No. SEA 6963 Name Address Postcode
Telephone No.
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Horsham District Councillors Bramber, Upper Beeding and Woodmancote (inc. Small Dole Ward of Henfield Parish)
Billingshurst and Shipley
Cllr Adam Breacher (C) t: 01903 740394 e: adam.breacher @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Gordon Lindsay (C) t: 01403 741577 e: gordon.lindsay @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Kate Rowbottom (C) t: 01403 741770 e: kate.rowbottom @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr David Coldwell (C) t: 01903 692742 e: david.coldwell@ horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Jim Goddard (C) t: 01903 813709 e: jim.goddard @horsham.gov.uk
Broadbridge Heath
Cllr Malcolm Curnock (LD) t: 01403 255205 e: malcolm.curnock @horsham.gov.uk
Cabinet Member for Resources
Cowfold, Shermanbury and West Grinstead
Cllr Jonathan Chowen (C) t: 01403 710634 e: jonathan.chowen @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Roger Clarke (C) t: 01403 713606 e: roger.clarke @horsham.gov.uk
Denne (Horsham Town)
Cllr Laurence Deakins (C) t: 07412 500015 e: laurence.deakins @horsham.gov.uk
Cabinet Member for Arts, Heritage & Leisure
Horsham Park (Horsham Town)
Cllr Frances Haigh (LD) t: 01403 253652 e: frances.haigh @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr David Holmes (LD) t: 01403 267712 e: david.holmes @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Josh Murphy (C) t: 01403 254890 e: josh.murphy @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr David Sheldon (I) t: 01403 263504 e: david.sheldon @horsham.gov.uk
Forest (Horsham Town)
Cllr Godfrey Newman (LD) t: 01403 211154 e: godfrey.newman @horsham.gov.uk
Itchingfield, Slinfold and Warnham
Cllr Stuart Ritchie (C) t: 01403 270988 e: stuart.ritchie @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Tricia Youtan (C) t: 01403 790669 e: tricia.youtan @horsham.gov.uk
Leader of the Liberal Democrats
Cllr John Bailey (C) t: 01403 822479 e: john.bailey @horsham.gov.uk
Rusper and Colgate
Cllr Liz Kitchen (C) t: 01293 871441 e: liz.kitchen @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr John Chidlow (C) t: 01403 734536 e: john.chidlow @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Ian Howard (C) t: 01403 730610 e: ian.howard @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Claire Vickers (C) t: 01403 732094 e: Claire.Vickers @horsham.gov.uk Cabinet Member for Living and Working Communities
Nuthurst (Lower Beeding and Nuthurst)
Cllr Duncan England (C) t: 01403 732765 e: duncan.england @horsham.gov.uk
Elected until May 2015 Chanctonbury (Ashington, Thakeham, West Chiltington and Wiston)
Cllr Roger Arthur (UKIP) t: 01903 741353 e: roger.arthur @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Philip Circus (C) t: 01798 812719 e: philip.circus @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr David Jenkins (C) t: 01903 743671 e: david.jenkins @horsham.gov.uk
Chantry (Amberley, Parham, Storrington & Sullington and Washington)
Cllr Ray Dawe (C) t: 01903 741671 e: ray.dawe @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Diana Vanderklugt (C) t: 01798 875663 e: diana.vanderklugt @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Jim Sanson (C) t: 01903 744658 e: jim.sanson @horsham.gov.uk
Leader of the Council
Henfield (Henfield Ward of Henfield Parish
Cllr Sheila Matthews (I) t: 01273 492134 e: sheila.matthews @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Brian O’Connell (C) t: 01273 491406 e: brian.o’connell @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Andrew Baldwin (C) t: 01403 275156 e: andrew.baldwin @horsham.gov.uk
Chairman of the Council from May 2014 to May 2015
Cabinet Member for the Environment
Pulborough and Coldwaltham
Cllr Brian Donnelly (C) t: 01798 874101 e: brian.donnelly @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Roger Paterson (C) t: 01798 812473 e: roger.paterson @horsham.gov.uk Cabinet Member for the Local Economy
Steyning (Ashurst and Steyning)
Cllr George Cockman (I) t: 01903 812403 e: george.cockman @horsham.gov.uk
Holbrook East, Horsham Town (Holbrook East Ward of North Horsham Parish)
Cllr Sue Rogers (C) t: 01903 815877 e: sue.rogers @horsham.gov.uk Cabinet Member for a Safer & Healthier District
Cllr Jim Rae (C) t: 01403 242601 e: jim.rae @horsham.gov.uk
Roffey North, Horsham Town (Roffey North Ward of North Horsham Parish)
Cllr Helena Croft (C) t: 01403 240329 e: helena.croft @horsham.gov.uk Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Horsham Town, Communication and Special Projects
Cllr David Skipp (LD) t: 07818 671404 e: david.skipp @horsham.gov.uk
Trafalgar (Horsham Town)
Cllr Christine Costin (LD) t: 01403 266165 e: christine.costin @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Leonard Crosbie (LD) t: 01403 269746 e: leonard.crosbie @horsham.gov.uk
Holbrook West, Horsham Town (Holbrook West Ward of North Horsham Parish)
Cllr Peter Burgess (C) t: 01403 273533 e: peter.burgess @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Christian Mitchell (C) t: 07710 402115 e: christian.mitchell @horsham.gov.uk
Roffey South, Horsham Town (Roffey South Ward of North Horsham Parish)
Cllr Roy Cornell (C) t: 01403 260960 e: roy.cornell @horsham.gov.uk
Cllr Simon Torn (C) t: 07748 332774 e: simon.torn@ horsham.gov.uk
A full listing of the Horsham District’s parish and neighbourhood councils, West Sussex County Councillors, Members of Parliament and Members of European Parliament is available online at www.horsham.gov.uk or by calling 01403 215465, email committeeservices@horsham.gov.uk C - Conservative LD - Liberal Democrat UKIP - UKIP I - Independent Correct at time of publication
Are you extending or converting your home? If you are building an extension or converting your loft or garage, take a look at Sussex Building Control’s handy guide. It is full of information on how the building regulations apply to typical home improvement projects and the role that Sussex Building Control plays in protecting you from poor design and construction.
Guide to Extending or Improving your
Most home improvements are covered by the Building Regulations which set out minimum requirements for structural integrity, fire safety, energy efficiency, damp proofing, ventilation and other key aspects that ensure a building is safe. If you are working with an architect who is registered with the Local Authority Building Control Partnership scheme (LABC), they will give you a copy of the brochure. Alternatively, you can collect one from the Horsham District Council reception or download a PDF from our website. For a list of partnered architects please visit www.horsham.gov.uk/buildingcontrol/ building-control/home_owner/labcpartner-architects
Visitors flock to Chesworth Farm Visitors are flocking to Chesworth Farm in Horsham to see the new wetland project which has been completed in partnership with the Friends of Chesworth Farm volunteer group.
Visitors can also see some of the grazing animals who are working hard to keep the Farm’s wildflower meadows open: Rowena and Bridget the llamas, Poppy and Daisy the sheep, and Pansy and Primrose the pygmy goats move around the fields throughout the year to carry out conservation grazing. The Farm is also home to the Chesworth Volunteer Centre, where volunteer groups from across the district meet and hold events.
The new visitor attraction includes a new Wetland Walk boardwalk which runs through a newly restored wet meadow next to the River Arun. Visitors can also watch the Chesworth Waterfall from the ‘River Lookout’ viewing platform on the boardwalk and look for returning wetland wildlife at The results of all this work in recent years has been flourishing wildlife across the Farm’s 90 acres, with the Riverside Bird Hide. longer term aims to continue to improve visitor facilities on the site. The project has been funded by housing development contributions and the Arun and Chesworth Farm is ideal for a family walk or dog Rother Connections lottery project and aims to walk (open all year, no entry charge). The main improve the range of wildlife at the much-loved farm on the south-east edge of Horsham town. We entrance is off Chesworth Lane. Limited parking is available around Queensway and at Chesworth are also planning River Studies outdoor lessons for school groups to visit the Chesworth Riverside Field Lane. Denne Road public is car park a 5-10 minute walk away. and study the environment. For more details see: www.horsham.gov.uk or email parks@horsham.gov.uk
Dinosaurs spotted in Southwater Work is well underway on the exciting new ‘Dinosaur Island’ Children’s Adventure Play Area at Southwater Country Park. This new visitor attraction will open this spring. Since this is a totally outdoor project, the actual opening date is highly dependant on weather and ground conditions. ‘Dinosaur Island’ is a brand new adventure play area for the Country Park, featuring an imaginative active volcano, lava flows, tar quagmire, dinosaur swamp and prehistoric jungle. Children of all ages and abilities will be able to climb across dinosaur bones and up the volcano, swing through the
jungle, cross deadly swampland, zip wire across lizard infested ditches and traverse aerial walkways along scary slopes to look-out points over the Country Park lake. 100 years ago the remains of an Iguanadon dinosaur were found in what is now the Country Park’s watersports lake. Now children of all ages will be able to dig for an Iguanadon skeleton shape in the play area’s prehistoric sandpit. The new play area will also provide improved wheelchair access and aims to provide a wide range of inclusive play opportunities for children of all
ages and abilities. Additional provision for a specialist wheelchair swing for children with disabilities is also being explored. Improved and additional parking will be available for visitors to the new attraction at the Country Park’s visitor centre and from the car park in Worthing Road, which will also have a dinosaur theme. Hungry dinosaurs will be able to dine out and get their refreshments at the newly refurbished Café at the Country Park. Perhaps it should be renamed ‘T-Rex Tea Rooms’!
Exciting plans for the district’s homes and jobs Over the last six months work has continued on the preparation of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF). This document contains planning policies for the district outside the South Downs National Park for the period up to 2031. During November 2014 an independent Planning Inspector held hearings as part of his Examination of the plan. The Inspector published his Initial Findings at the end of 2014. In light of this report, the council is now looking at options for increasing its assessed number of 650 new homes per year to meet the Inspector’s requirement of at least 750 new homes per year. A report with recommendations on where the additional new homes will be accommodated will go to a council meeting on 18 March. Subject to council approval, consultation on the amendments to the strategy will take place between 23 March and 5 May 2015. The Inspector will consider any of these additional comments before issuing his final report to the council. In addition to the Horsham District Planning Framework, the council is also working towards setting a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). This is a charge on developers which will provide funding towards essential infrastructure to help support new development. The timescale for the examination of the CIL charging schedule will follow after the HDPF. The council is also supporting local communities to produce Neighbourhood Development Plans which will contain a vision and planning policies for development in their area. 20 Parish Councils are now preparing Neighbourhood Plans across 16 designated neighbourhood planning areas. Work has also begun on preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Horsham town. A number of parishes have now produced draft plans which are being progressed towards the examination stage which will be held later this year.
Award Winning Care Homes Sussex Health Care is an award winning group of care homes providing 28 years of healthcare in Sussex. The Group operates 20 homes, predominantly in the West Sussex area, providing over 550 placements, incorporating specialist care provision as well as care for older people. CARE HOMES FOR PEOPLE WITH LEARNING DISABILITIES/ PHYSICAL DISABILITIES/NEUROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Beechcroft Care Centre and Hazel Lodge ● Beech Lodge and Oak Lodge ● Horncastle Care Centre ● Kingsmead Care Centre ● Kingsmead Lodge ● Norfolk Lodge ● Orchard Lodge and Boldings Lodge ●
01342 300499 01403 791725 01342 813910 01403 265335 01403 211790 01403 218876 01403 242278
CARE FOR OLDER PEOPLE ● Clemsfold House 01403 790312 ● Forest Lodge 01825 712514 ● Horncastle House 01342 810219 ● Kingsmead Care Centre 01403 265335
Rapkyns Care Centre 01403 276756
Rapkyns Care Home
01403 265096
Redwood House
01403 790948
Sycamore Lodge
01403 240066
White Lodge
020 8763 2586
Wisteria Lodge and Stable Lodge
01825 714080
Woodhurst Lodge
01444 401228
Longfield Manor Rapkyns Care Home Upper Mead
01403 786832 01403 265096 01273 492870
● ●
STOP PRESS: Brand new purpose built services now available to view for anyone wishing to arrange a visit. The service provision includes specialist care facilities for people with acquired brain Injury, profound learning and physical disabilities, and new residential services for people with Autism.
To find out more about our homes and the services we offer, contact: Corrine Wallace Head of Operational Care Services
01403 217338
Sussex Health Care
Care Centresin & care Support Services excellence www.sussexhealthcare.co.uk
Anti-social behaviour let’s crack it as a community Tackling anti-social behaviour in our district is a top priority for the council and the various partnerships it works with. Anti-social behaviour can blight people’s lives so we work hard to make sure that we respond appropriately and get things right. The Community Trigger, a new service, allows victims, communities and those acting on their behalf, such as local councillors, to request action from the relevant bodies if they feel that they have complained about anti-social behaviour or hatecrime but have not received appropriate service or resolution to their complaint. The law requires the relevant bodies detailed above to work together to address anti-social behaviour complaints made under the Community Trigger process. You can use the Community Trigger if you have reported three separate anti-social behaviour or a hate incidents in the last six months. Once we have received a request we will review the details of your
case and, providing it meets the necessary criteria, we will be in touch within three working days. Your case will be reviewed and recommendations may be made to the appropriate agency as to how the case can progress. We will aim to report this to you within ten working days.
To make a request through the Community Trigger you will need to fill out a form detailing the case and your request will be considered. The Community Trigger form can be found online at: http://www.horsham.gov.uk/communitysafety/ community-safety/the-community-trigger or request a paper copy by calling 01403 215124
Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter
NEW FOR 2015: • Car and bike displays from 10am • Sony Big Screen PS4 Racing • Lamborghini and Abarth parades
34 34
Horsham town centre events and activities supported by Horsham District Council 3, 4 & 6 April
Horsham Piazza Italia - Italian festival, bike and car rally Easter holiday activities throughout the town 9 May
Broadwood Morris Day of Dance - Morris Dancing festival 31 May
Vintage Fayre & French Market - Horsham markets 12 July
Sparks in the Park - community park event 18, 19, 25, 26 July
Horsham Garden Music Festival - Nature Garden concerts 19 - 26 July
Horsham Festival of Cricket Sussex v Notts (Sun - Wed) Lancs (Sun) 5 & 6 September
Big Nibble - Local produce festival Carfax Bandstand Programme 11am to 1pm & 2pm to 4pm Concerts - Saturdays May to September
Park Podium Programme 2.30pm - 4.30pm Concerts - Sundays May to September
Sponsored by Neighbourhood Councils, Horsham District Council, Visit Horsham and AToM
Dates, details and more events in our online programme listings
www.horshamtimewellspent.co.uk Download our Google Calendar from the website or call into the Visitor Information Centre at Horsham Museum in the Causeway, Horsham.
Get ready for Summer Every year Horsham District Council plans a summer programme
Children’s Fun Sessions 2pm & 3.15pm Spring Half Term 26, 27 & 28 May Summer Holidays 28 July to 27 August (Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays)
for children during the school holidays - it's time to get active, be inspired and have some fun! Take your pick from a wide range of exciting activities including: • Sporting activities, taster days and summer camps • Special day trips and theme park excursions • Countryside action and watersports • Holiday fun at your local leisure centres and museums • Special events, summer blockbusters and children's shows • Free toddler's fun sessions in Horsham Park
For more information visit: www.horsham.gov.uk (events in Horsham and across the district) www.horshamleisurelink.co.uk (sports activities and excursions) www.thecapitolhorsham.com (for the latest blockbuster movies and theatrical shows) www.horshammuseum.org (hands-on fun at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery)
on behalf of
Stree tF
Mixed market every Thurs in Carfax Sat in Piries Place
ay in Carfax
Managed by
d every Th oo u
Local Produce Every Thurs & Sat in Carfax
Sporting Round Up Netball gets a funding boost The ever popular sport of netball has been given a major boost recently with support from the council’s Sports Development team who have helped to secure vital funding for local schools. Horsham district primary schools now receive annual sports grants which have enabled a number of schools to expand the Horsham District Primary Schools Netball League. More schools can now take part in more divisions and pupils are ultimately benefitting by playing more regular matches. A new local club, the Horsham Community Netball Club, has been started to capitalise on the success of this new venture.
Youth triathlon is on the up
Funding Successes
Junior triathlon has been one of the fastest growing sports locally in recent years. Youth triathlons run by Hedgehogtri and copromoted by the council across the district last year attracted over 700 entries in total.
The Sports Development team has been working closely with Collyer’s Sixth Form College to support plans to expand student and community sports participation throughout the college. A major milestone was achieved recently when a facility improvement bid to Sport England was successfully approved.
This year there will be three junior triathlon events across the district: • • •
Horsham Kidstri - 21 June 2015 at Pavilions in the Park Horsham Billingshurst Kidstri -19 July 2015 at Billingshurst Leisure Centre Steyning Kidstri - 27 September 2015 at Steyning Leisure Centre
The highly successful Reaching Higher initiative is a project that provides weekly sports and arts activities for disabled children in Horsham district. Additional funds from the West Sussex Short Breaks Fund have recently been secured with help from the Sports Development team which will support the great work of this project until the end of March 2016.
A run in the park The Horsham Park Run is another venture that the council’s Sports Development team has helped to initially facilitate. The run is organised by Horsham Joggers Club on Saturday mornings in Horsham Park and now boasts over 200 runners a week.
Shipley Bowmen target growth Shipley Bowmen is a relatively new archery club serving the Horsham district and is actively seeking to expand its membership base from all sectors of the local community.
In October 2014 the council’s Sports Development team helped promote a successful open day for the club at Southwater Leisure Centre which attracted lots of participants, many of whom then went on to join the The group was formed in 2012 group as members. Currently, the out of an enthusiastic group of club is working with the council’s participants in the ‘50+’ club that Sports Development team to runs at Broadbridge Heath Leisure construct a Sport England funding Centre who wanted to progress bid. If successful, it will enable their interest further. Add in the the club to promote itself more connections of a number of the widely to generate and sustain an inaugural members from the even bigger membership. village of Shipley and the Shipley Bowmen were born!
Commenting on the help received from the council, Club Secretary, Viv Nuttall said: “Archery is a true sport for all ages and abilities and we’re really enjoying exploiting that fact. The support which the council and facility partners are providing is proving invaluable to help us to achieve our membership growth.” For more information contact: www.shipleybowmen.com
How Horsham District Sports Development can help you Do you want to know where you can take part in a particular sporting or physical activity? Do you want help to set up a new club in your area?
If you would like help in any of these areas, please contact Horsham District Council’s Sport Development team members, email ian.ford@horsham.gov.uk for sports and physical recreation information and Horsham District Council’s Sports Development paul.taylor@horsham.gov.uk for disability sport team support existing clubs, groups and facilities by giving advice, helping with funding applications and physical activity information. and loaning equipment.
Make sure your summer barbeque is a safe and sociable event Now that summer is fast approaching most of us will be dusting off the garden furniture and barbeque for alfresco dining in the warm sunshine and light evenings.
• Never light barbeques indoors and do not move them once lit. • Never leave the barbeque unattended. • Keep a bucket of water, sand, etc close by in case of emergency.
Summer is a feel good time of year so take care to ensure that Gas Barbeques you and your family stay safe and • Ensure that the gas tap is that you do not cause a nuisance turned off before changing the to your neighbours. gas bottle • Change gas bottles in the open The following advice has been air put together by Horsham District • Always turn off the gas Council’s Environmental Health bottle after you have finished Department: cooking. Food Safety • Light the barbeque in advance and make sure that the charcoal is glowing red with grey powered edges before starting to cook. • Cook all meats and poultry right the way through until juices run clear. If possible try to pre-cook poultry in the oven or microwave and move straight to the barbeque to finish off. • If food begins to burn on the outside, raise the grill height or reduce heat. Fire Safety • Ensure that the barbeque site is flat and well away from sheds, fences and shrubs.
Barbeque Smoke Barbeque smoke be a potential nuisance so please think about your neighbours when you set up your barbeque. Smoke is particularly a problem at the lighting up stage and problems can be aggravated if you use lighter fuel. If you are bothered by smoke or noise, approach your neighbour and explain the problem. If barbeques are regularly causing a problem contact the council’s Environmental Health Department on 01403 215609 or email publichealth.licensing@ horsham.gov.uk.
TARMAC OFFER 25 Years Experience Tarstone Construction Ltd Countrystyle Driveways ad South & Western Service Tar bonded stone from £6.95 per sq. metre Deals for driveways, road, car parks and equestrian centres, commercial and domestic. Clients include Olympic gold medalists and Olympic training ground and a major blue chip hotel group. Tarmac machine and hand laid from £9.95 per square metre and tar bonded stone, various colours from £6.95 per square metre min order may apply. Machine laid, full public liability and all work guaranteed. Over 80 references ‘Your team was quick and efficient, the gravel has stood the test of time with heavy horse boxes and farm machinery in and our of the stud/showground’ - Emma Phillips, Quainton Stud
0800 160 1777 | 01256 689465 | 07776 004335 Minimum order may apply mb@countrystylelandscapes.co.uk www.surface-dressing.com www.drivewaysurfacing.co.uk
New one stop shop for improved health As part of a West Sussex-wide health promotion initiative, Horsham District Wellbeing Hub has set up a new satellite office in Steyning Leisure Centre to help improve the health and quality of life for district residents and employees. The service is a free ‘one stop shop’ for information and advice on physical, mental, emotional and social aspects of people’s wellbeing. It is a friendly and impartial service where people are able to access free physical activity programmes and weight management courses, in addition to being able to talk one-to-one with an adviser about their health
concerns. Visitors to the hub can have a Wellbeing “MOT” and find out about local services and support groups. Among the many areas people may wish to get help with are getting themselves or their family fitter, doing some regular exercise, eating a balanced diet, avoiding illness, dealing with stress, loneliness or isolation or kicking a habit. Calling all men out there Additionally there is also a Wellman Clinic at the new Steyning hub, promoting and raising awareness of men’s health issues. The Wellman Clinic is available every Monday from 5pm to 8pm.
For further information or to book an appointment for any of the available Wellbeing services and clinics please contact us by calling 01403 215111, emailing info@ horshamdistrictwellbeing. org.uk, or visiting www. horshamdistrictwellbeing. org.uk or you can always just pop in and see us at any of our venues.
Is drink sneaking up on you? t back
Catch it out and cu
Is alcohol starti
ng to sneak up
on you?
Do you drink most days or every day?
ialise, or sleep?
Do you need alcohol to unwind, soc If you are a male and regularly drink more than 22 alcohol units per week or if you are female and regularly drink 15 alcohol units per week, you may be falling into the ‘Increasing Risk’ or ‘Higher Risk’ drinking categories, and may be raising your chances of developing alcohol related illnesses. If you would like support to understand your drinking more, plan ways to reduce your drinking, and improve your mental and physical wellbeing, Horsham District Wellbeing have a free and confidential service providing one-to-one sessions with a trained practitioner who specialises in alcohol use.
For further information please contact our Alcohol Wellbeing Adviser Dan Barritt on 01403 251111 or 01403 215191 or email him at dan.barritt@horsham.gov.uk
Specifically, the service provides: • Free & confidential support regarding ways to improve your physical and mental wellbeing by cutting down or stopping your drinking • Support to maintain any positive changes to your drinking that you have already started to make • One-to-one support for up to 12 weeks • Alcohol specific (and wider) health Information, resources and advice.
Earth Hour comes to Horsham District Council When the lights switch off at 8.30pm on 28 March, it’s our planet’s time to shine… Earth Hour is the world’s biggest celebration for our amazing planet. Hundreds of millions of people from across the world come together in a symbolic and spectacular light outs display. It’s a reminder that together we can make change happen, and it gives us a chance to think about the things we can do to help create a brighter future. Take this moment to say you’ll do your bit to protect our planet - not just for one hour, but every day.
The Council is playing its part. For example, we will be changing the lights in two of our major car parks in Horsham to reduce costs and carbon. For Earth Hour we will be turning some of our lights out - why not join us!
For further information about Earth Hour visit www.earthhour.wwf.org.uk
Step out this Spring Walkfit is no ordinary walking programme. You won’t be asked to do lungbursting cardio sessions and there is absolutely no need for lycra. Walking really works, it is free fresh air, fun and whether you want to shake your sedentary lifestyle, increase your fitness or whittle your waistline, Horsham District Council’s guided health walks can help you with your plans. The programme offers a large number of guided walks throughout the district, so whether you live in Horsham, Henfield, or elsewhere, there will be a walk near you. Almost everyone can walk. It is a very natural low risk activity and as soon as you start walking you reduce the risk heart disease, diabetes and strokes. It is never too late to start and we have lots of shorter walks to encourage everyone to start walking. For more information on all our walks, please call Horsham Wellbeing Service on 01403 215111 or to see our full programme and more details on walking please go to the web site www.horshamhealthwalks.co.uk.
An opportunity for all to save and an alternative to those expensive pay day loans West Sussex Credit Union provides borrowing at far more competitive rates than pay day loan companies and encourages personal saving for the people of West Sussex. The union welcomes membership from all who either live or work within the County or whose employer’s main office is located in the County. A credit union is a savings and loans co-operative which is owned by its members, all of whom hold a savings account in it. All credit unions ensure your savings are managed professionally and are 100% guaranteed by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Members are eligible to receive an annual dividend (a payment) based on the level of their savings which is based on any profit made by the credit union during the previous year. You do not need to be an existing member to apply for a personal loan and no membership fee is payable. The minimum amount for opening a membership account is £5 and the maximum savings holding is £25,000. Corporate, community and joint accounts are also welcome and more details can be found at www.wscu.co.uk or contact the union via the details below:
Ray Mason, Chief Executive, West Sussex Credit Union, 129 Montague Street, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3BP. Tel: 01903 237 221 or email ray.mason@westsussexcreditunion.co.uk
Horsham district loves the French Horsham district loves the French; its early history was born out of French invaders and French overlords. Today the district opens its streets to French markets, yet 200 years ago we ended nearly 27 years of almost continuous war with our French neighbours on the battlefield of Waterloo. The scars of that conflict have cut into the landscape and culture of the district. From 19 March to 11 July, the very days that Napoleon, the bogey man of Regency Britain, tore up Europe, will be mirrored with a major exhibition sponsored by Toovey’s auction house at Horsham Museum and Art Gallery. The rich panoply of a country and a county at war will be explored through objects, dress and documents. Horsham Museum & Art Gallery, 9 Causeway, Horsham, RH12 1HE. www.horshammuseum.org
Throwing off winter’s blanket What better time to explore your very own district’s doorstep than early Spring? Throwing off the winter blanket, when bracing walks in the countryside have greater appeal than the comfort and cosiness of home and hearth. Now is a great time to see nature transform barren landscapes into colourful meadows and dapple-lit paths and walkways. If you are lucky you will see carpets of bluebells spring up against verdant green. These symbols of ancient woodland add a vivid splash of colour. But it is not just the countryside that should beckon you beyond your front door, why not explore the district’s fascinating churches? As you enter through their oak doors you can see how communities grew and developed, some have stunning decorations by unknown artists who transformed white washed walls into kaleidoscopes of colour and story telling. Others have sculptures and brasses that are outstanding works of art. Virtually every chuch has something interesting to say. Or walk along the byways and explore the district’s villages and towns, you will be amazed at what architectural gems and human interest stories lie outside your own front door.
For helpful suggestions and advice pick up the guides produced by Horsham district’s Visitor Information Centre located in Horsham Museum and Art Gallery, 9 Causeway, Horsham, RH12 1HE. Email visitor.information@ horsham.gov.uk or visit www.horsham.gov.uk.
All change at The Pavilions in the Park Parents and carers for disabled people with additional and complex needs can now visit Horsham with the knowledge that there is an accessible and specialist changing facility that they can use at The Pavilions in the Park Leisure Centre in Hurst Road. The Centre is owned by Horsham District Council and operated by Places for People Leisure. The council is committed to improving facilities for disabled people in the district. It has consulted with local disability groups and advocates for specialist changing facilities and has invested in the provision of a new changing bench, hoist and shower in a private room at the leisure centre.
has been installed in a separate room to provide a discrete space for changing. It will make changing much easier for people who need to use specialist equipment. The room is open to any disabled person who wishes to use it, 364 days a year from 6am to 10pm. Accessible (disabled) parking is already available outside the Pavilions. This project has been made possible thanks to the successful partnership between the council, local people and People for Places.
The equipment complements existing facilities serving the leisure centre and swimming pool, and The Buck and the Biegstraaten family with Damian Brewer, Cllr Helena Croft and Natalie Brahma-Pearl from the council.
Photo courtesy of West Sussex County Times
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48 48
Spring Season Highlights A NIGHT OF DIRTY DANCING No film has captured the hearts of a generation like Dirty Dancing. Relive the passion, indulge in the romance and celebrate the greatest movie soundtrack of all time. Revel in the moments you loved, the memories you made and music that’s resonated throughout the years: She’s Like the Wind, Big Girls Don’t Cry, Hey Baby, Wipeout, Do You Love Me, Be My Baby, Hungry Eyes and, of course, the Oscar-winning (I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.
Friday 20 March 8pm £22.50 (Concs £20.50) (Buy 10, get 1 free)
So it’s time to prepare yourselves for Horrible Histories live on stage! Using actors and 3D Bogglevision special effects, these shows are guaranteed to thrill you and your children. Historical figures and events will come alive on stage and hover at your fingertips!
From savage Sparta to angry Athens, discover the truth about growing up in Greece. Take on the Trojans! Pummel the Persians! Compete in the first ever Olympic Games and appear in the very first play! Meet your match with the Minotaur and be zapped by Zeus! Hold on tight as you gatecrash the gruesome and Groovy Greeks!
The Celts are crunched when the Ruthless Romans invade Britain! Can crazy Caratacus save the Nation? Hide behind Hadrian’s Wall. See the Savage Saxons smash their way in. Find out who’s at Sutton Hoo! Will you survive the Vicious Vikings as they sail into the audience? Stop King Alfred burning his buns! It’s a thousand year journey with Incredible Invaders! Horrible Histories books are published by Scholastic Ltd. Horrible Histories is a trademark of Scholastic Inc. and is used under authorisation. All rights reserved. Illustration copyright © Martin Brown
49 SENBLA proudly present
AN EVENING OF JULIAN LLOYD WEBBER Julian will recount stories and anecdotes of touring, recording sessions, concerts, TV shows and the like, all of which will be linked with rare video footage of him playing and talking with many of the people involved in his amazing life such as Nigel Kennedy, Elton John, Katherine Jenkins, Tim Rice, Yehudi Menhuin, Joaquin Rodrigo, Cleo Laine, Stephane Grappelli and many others. For any cellist out there- bring along your cello and have your chance for Julian Lloyd Webber to play it for you on stage as the encore and get a mini masterclass with the man himself!
Thursday 23 April 7.30pm £25
PETER FRENCH SINGS THE GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK Peter will be singing songs made famous by Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Nat King Cole and Doris Day as well as singing Harry Nilsson’s A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night recreating this iconic 1973 album of classic 20th Century standards. Peter gave the World Premiere of this highly acclaimed show in London in June 2013 and has performed alongside Elaine Paige, Jonathan Pryce, Jeremy Irons and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber in a special concert that Peter produced at “Her Majesty’s” Theatre, London.
Saturday 25 April 7.30pm £17.50 (Concs £16.50)
Box Office 01403 750220 www.thecapitolhorsham.com
Contact Us
Or follow us on
VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.HORSHAM.GOV.UK Planning Services (Development Management) General enquiries planning@horsham.gov.uk 01403 215187 Building control General enquiries and helpline building.control@horsham.gov.uk
01403 215151 (24hr helpline) Housing General enquiries
Hackney carriage private hire licensing 01403 215471 Pest control 01403 215411 Noise & pollution 01403 215609 Housing renovation grants 01403 215405 Food hygiene/ Health & safety at work 01403 215403 / 215453 Electoral services
01403 215204
Horsham Museum and Art Gallery 01403 254959 The Pavilions in the Park 01403 219200 Rookwood Golf Course 01403 252123 Southwater Country Park 01403 731218 Steyning Sports and Swimming Centre 01903 879666 Visitor Information Centre 01403 211661 Warnham Nature Reserve 01403 256890
01403 215126 Recycling & refuse collection services Including trade waste, litter, garden waste, cleansing and dog fouling hopoast.depot@horsham.gov.uk 01403 733144
Leisure and events General enquiries
For all other general enquiries Email: contact@horsham.gov.uk 01403 215100
01403 215263 Wellbeing general enquiries
Parking General enquiries
01403 215111
01403 215058 Housing benefits and council tax Benefit Fraud Hotline 01403 215511 Business rates 01403 215555 Council Tax billing 01403 215555 Housing and Council Tax benefit enquiries 01444 477264 Public health and licensing publichealth.licensing@horsham.gov.uk
Leisure facilities Billingshurst leisure centre 01403 787500 Broadbridge Heath leisure centre 01403 211311 The Capitol theatre & cinema 01403 750220 Horsham Drill Hall 01403 211436 Horsham Park Barn bookings 01403 756084
Licensing 01403 215578
Horsham District Council, Park North, North Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RL. From 1 June 2015 our address will be Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham, RH12 1RL
Web: www.horsham.gov.uk Tel: 01403 215100
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