Hospiscare Together Newsletter - Autumn 2018

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Autumn 2018 | News from your local hospice charity

Because every day matters www.hospiscare.co.uk

Registered charity no. 297798

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to Hospiscare’s autumn newsletter, Together We have had some very successful fundraising events over the past few months and I would like to personally thank everyone who has gardened, baked, run, walked, played golf, rowed and decorated for Hospiscare. And talking of decoration, visitors to Searle House will notice that the outside is being spruced up thanks to some generous grants from trusts. In the coming months the ward and patient areas will also be refurbished thanks to the generosity of the Exeter Property Ball and Exeter Foundation.

Dear friends, I am delighted to introduce this edition of Together which will be the last one before I retire in September. As always it is packed with interesting stories, great advice and lots of thank yous to our amazing supporters. I was impressed by some of the new initiatives for day patients such as seated exercise classes and well-being courses, and I know that these are hugely appreciated. It was also good to read the article by our chef, Lil Badcock, whose approach to catering at the hospice exemplifies our guiding principle to put patient needs first. And I urge you to read Sue Jenkin’s article which busts the myth that Hospiscare is just for cancer patients.

Lastly, I would like to say a personal thank you for the help and support that I have received during my 12 year tenure as CEO at Hospiscare. Much has changed in that time, we support more people in more locations, with more complex illnesses. However, our commitment to personalised high quality care at end of life remains our enduring value and will continue to underpin everything we do now, and in the future.

Glynis Glynis Atherton Chief Executive

Contents Clinical round up 3 Patient story - Sue Jenkin 4 You make a difference - Regular Giving 5 How to... Breathing 6 Ask a doctor 7 Useful items 7 Hospiscare’s Chef Manager 8 How to... help the bereaved 9 Enormous thanks 10-11 £1 Million Milestone 12

2 | Because everyday matters

Fundraising Support Groups 13 Kim and the Weekly Prize Draw 14 Volunteer video 15 Light Up a Life 16 Taking to the skies 17 Recycle your Christmas tree 17 Visit our Honiton Warehouse 18 Dates for the diary 19 Shop Locations Back page

Clinical round up

The Wellbeing Course has been valuable to a number of patients, along with their partners and carers, since it started in early 2018. Focussing on fatigue, breathlessness and self-care for stress and anxiety, the series of three classes reflects the needs of the individuals attending and further dates will be set throughout the year.

The Seated Exercise Class has proven extremely popular, with the majority of Wednesday’s visitors and volunteers joining instructor Nick Paynter for 30 minutes of movement while in the comfort of a chair. Nick says it’s his favourite class of the week – he’s not the only one!

The new uniforms on the ward have been popular with the staff and patients. They look clean and crisp and are easy to move about in, which is vital for hands-on caring. Their smartness reassures patients and their families that they’re being cared for by the right people.

The Heart2Heart sessions have been a great team effort between Hospiscare and the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, providing those with heart failure some valuable tools to manage symptoms and plan for the future.

You may have noticed the outside of Searle House is getting a facelift thanks to a grant from the Postcode Lottery. It’s a wellearned update after 28 years and will help stop the building from falling into disrepair, which means Hospiscare can continue looking after patients for many years to come. www.hospiscare.co.uk | 3

Patient Story

“Being referred to Hospiscare people naturally assume I have cancer, but I don’t.” Sue Jenkin, 72 from Exmouth, was the manager at a residential home for young people with mental health challenges. She had an active lifestyle joining in with her residents on activities like abseiling and cycling. But 10 years ago, after running up a flight of stairs, Sue unexpectedly collapsed and shortly after was diagnosed with a lung condition. Sue had to give up work and explains, “I felt like I had been put in a chair and left to die, it was awful, a really difficult time. “Earlier this year, my doctor suggested I should be referred to Hospiscare. I was so shocked, I thought I had cancer and so did everyone else.

Sue with Nurse Emma in day hospice

“I think the public perception is that a hospice only deals with cancer patients, but that’s not true. Hospiscare is there to support you whatever lifelimiting illness you have. I have a lung disease, but it isn’t cancer. “A Hospiscare nurse comes to my house to support me at home and I also come into Searle House once a week for a day care session. It’s made a huge difference to my quality of life. “I must admit, I thought it would be difficult coming into Searle House - you have a picture in your head that you will see people dying there. But it’s not like that, it’s not what you think. It’s a wonderful place with wonderful staff. I feel so well supported. I want to tell people about it so they know not to fear it, and that it’s not all about cancer.

Sue taking part in Twilight Walk 2018

“Nothing is too much trouble for the staff and volunteers. They are there to support you and they cheer me up no end. They paint my nails, give me a foot massage and next week I am going to have a one to one yoga session to help with my breathing. One to one! It’s incredible they can offer me that sort of individual attention.

I can’t thank them enough for the help they are giving me, and want more people to know about this amazing charity.

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Sue handing in her fundraising money

Can you give a regular donation? Regular donations help fund the nurses who take care of people like Sue, and others. Here are some examples of what your collective donations can pay towards.



£28 pays for bed on the ward for 1 hour

£6,530 would pay for an inpatient to stay on the ward for 10 days





£51 pays for an hour’s visit from a Community Nurse Specialist

£2,100 pays for a Riser Recliner chair for the ward or day hospices

£1,800 pays for a month of consumables, like specialised dressings, wipes and oral sponges

£19,711 runs Hospiscare’s services for one day

Make a regular donation

Please send completed form to: Hospiscare, Searle House, Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 5JJ. Contact us by calling 01392 688020

Your details Your title _ ______________ First name _______________________ Surname _ ____________________________ Your address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Postcode _ ______________________

______________________________________________________________ Tel number ________________________________

Email _ ____________________________________________

Data Protection: Supporters of Hospiscare are precious and we respect your privacy. We will not sell or give your details to other organisations for marketing purposes without your express consent. Communication with you: We would like to keep you informed about our work and events. If you prefer not to receive these details please let us know by phone: 01392 688020, email: fundraising@ hospiscare.co.uk, or post.

By providing your email address you are agreeing for us to contact you in this way.

A regular gift will help Hospiscare nurses make a difference to more people I would like to give £5



Other £______

each month

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit Please fill in the whole form and send it to: FREEPOST (RTJT-YSLK-ASAA) Hospiscare, Searle House, Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 5JJ Name and full postal address of your Bank or Building Society

To: The Manager

Bank/building society

Service user number







Can we Gift Aid your donation?




Names(s) of Account Holder(s)

Instruction to your Bank or Building Society Please pay Hospiscare Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Hospiscare and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building Society. Signature(s)

I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. I understand that Hospiscare will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.


Signature(s) _ _________________

Bank/Building Society account number

Branch Sort Code

I want to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Hospiscare.

Banks and Building Societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account.

DDI 5 8/16

Date _________________________

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How to...

Manage and reduce the effort of breathing. Breathing is often natural, but when you are unwell or have a medical condition it can seem an effort. The more relaxed you are the more effective your breathing will be. Relaxation can take time, but you will achieve it with practice.

Strategy 1: Breathing awareness 1. Choose a quiet environment without interruptions, and sit or lie in a comfortable, well-supported position. 2. Sigh out as you relax your shoulders and arms then breathe normally. 3. When you are ready, place one hand lightly on your upper chest and your other hand on your abdomen just below where your ribs divide. 4. Take a normal breath in and feel the hand on your abdomen rise up and out - keep shoulders and chest relaxed. 5. Breathe out and feel the hand on your abdomen sink down and in. Your upper hand should barely move. When you feel this happening you have more control and are breathing more effectively. 6. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth at a rate that is comfortable to you. 6 | Because everyday matters

Practice this for approximately five minutes, two or three times a day at a time when you feel able to relax. Once you have mastered this, move on to Strategy 2: Controlled breathing.

Strategy 2: Controlled breathing This will help you sustain breathing control at rest, maintain control during activity and regain control during episodes of breathlessness. 1. Start with Strategy 1 above - breathing awareness. 2. Focus on your out breath. 3. Try to make your out breath last twice as long as your in breath. Sometimes it helps to count – for example, in for one, out for two, or in for two, out for four. Practice until you feel comfortable with this pattern.

Ask a doctor your questions answered

How long have I got, Doctor? It might seem surprising but I’m actually quite glad when people ask this question. Of course I recognise that it’s only when the news is difficult that the question comes up, but it does show that we can talk about uncomfortable but important subjects. There is rarely, if ever, a quick and accurate answer but acknowledging that time may be short and that goals need revising can be a help in itself. And it often allows people to find and rehearse their own way of sharing truths with those closest to them. The likely outlook might be measured in weeks, or frequently it’s “months, and maybe many of them”. But even when we have honestly to say “time is really short now” we can improve the chances of families staying close. Or at least not divided by unrealistic or unshared understandings of how things are. Dr Jim Gilbert, Hospiscare Doctor Send your questions in for the next issue to info@hospiscare.co.uk or by post to Paula Blackman, Hospiscare, Searle House, Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 7SF.

Useful items to make your life easier The aptly named Grabber and Reacher is a very handy tool, enabling you to reach what you need with minimal effort. There is a stock of these at the Hospiscare Mobility shop in Cowick Street, St Thomas, see back page for the shop’s address and phone number.

Perching stool – for when you want to be at your bench and need a perch so you don’t get tired too quickly. With extendable legs, these are ideal and really light to move around. They are also available from the Hospiscare Mobility shop in Cowick Street, St Thomas.

Shampoo caps – we’ve shown you before but they’re just so great we’re showing you again. The caps are heated in the microwave and then massaged into the person’s head for several minutes allowing them to feel clean and fresh even whilst bedbound. You can purchase them from your local chemist or online from Amazon.

Lid opener – these really help give you extra muscle when dealing with pesky, tight lids. Every home should have one. Purchase them online from Amazon or call Exeter Disability Centre on Marsh Barton, 01392 824428.

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Hospiscare’s Chef Manager Hi! I’m Lil...

I’ve been Hospiscare’s Chef Manager for over ten years and it’s incredibly important that patients get the choice of their favourite foods at the end of their lives. Throughout the charity we treat every person as an individual, and this extends to their meal choices too. The duty chef visits the ward daily to talk through the menu with each patient to find out what they want to eat. If there’s nothing to tempt them, they can ask for whatever they fancy and we’ll provide it, even if it’s rib eye steak! All diets are catered for too, including vegan, gluten free or halal. We buy local produce at every opportunity and know the traceability of all our ingredients. Patients’ meals are of the highest quality and a lot of attention is paid to presentation and meal size, since plates that look bland or are heaped high with food can be offputting if you have a small appetite. We’re often asked by families for suggested meals to make for when people return home. Most are tempted by comfort foods they used to eat years ago, like rice pudding or scrambled eggs. In fact, scrambled eggs are the reason I work for Hospiscare.

said, “That is the best scrambled egg I’ve ever had”. She died the same night, but it was so rewarding knowing that she left us feeling wonderful about her food again.

I began as an agency chef and there was a patient here who hadn’t eaten for over three weeks. I suggested she try some eggs and she agreed, “but only a couple of spoonsful”. So I made her three spoonsful of soft, buttery and creamy scrambled eggs and when she finished eating she looked at me and

Food is available 24 hours a day. If the chefs know that you’ll need to eat outside kitchen hours, we’ll prepare a meal in advance so it’s ready for when you are. There’s also a kitchen on the ward and the clinical staff will happily serve yoghurt, beans on toast, a tuna sandwich, or fruit – just ask.

Scrambled eggs for 1 Ingredients • 2 eggs • A splash of cream (about 2 Tbsp) • Salt and pepper • Knob of butter (about ½ Tbsp) On the hob: 1. Whisk the eggs, cream, salt and pepper together in a bowl 2. Pour into saucepan and put on a low heat on top of hob 3. Stir continually until egg just starts to set

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4. Remove from heat and add butter 5. Stir until the butter has melted 6. Place onto serving plate and sprinkle with a little smoked paprika and a little parsley

How to...

Help someone who is bereaved It can be difficult knowing what to say or do when someone you know has been bereaved. But with generosity, kindness and patience there are many ways to make a difference - here are some helpful tips. It’s important not to ignore the bereaved person or pretend their loved one hasn’t died. Acknowledge this life-changing event by saying how sorry you are to hear of the death, or maybe send a card or letter. There’s much to do in the days after someone dies. You could offer lifts to places like the registrar, bank or funeral director. Offer specific help rather than, “let me know if there is something I can do”, and never be offended if the bereaved person says, “no, thank you”.

Simply reassure them that your offer stands if things change. At times of loss people can have diminished appetite and energy, so preparing something to eat can be a real help. Maybe you could make them a meal or take some food over. Sitting quietly with a bereaved person while they cry is a true gift. Telling their story, especially about the last days and hours of their loved one’s life, is an important part of beginning to accept the person has died. You don’t need to say anything – just be there and listen.

“With the end in mind” Dr Kathryn Mannix Book review by Freddy James, Project Lead (Supportive Care) Dr Mannix is an eloquent storyteller in this fascinating book, describing a wealth of patient experiences and weaving into these stories common themes which support the reader through several challenges within palliative care. Issues such as explaining how death happens, communicating bad news, dealing with denial, supporting a person’s choice to withdraw from treatment, and planning ahead for one’s own end of life, are dealt with sensitively and clearly with humility and compassion. Towards the end of the book there are useful resources and an aid to having conversations about when we die. ‘With the end in mind’ is the perfect book to reassure and give us all confidence to have conversations about dying. I’d recommend this to anyone, staff, volunteers, patients and families – an inspirational and educational read.

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Enormous THANKS To all of our supporters!

We are so grateful to everybody who gives up their time, money and energy to organise or take part in events for Hospiscare – we haven’t the space to mention you all here but please know you are close to our hearts. Here is just a small selection of ways you have been supporting your local hospice charity – thank you to everyone involved!

Over 1,000 ladies registered for the Twilight Walk and Fizz Run in July and raised in excess of £61,800 – what a party it was!

Generations of families came together bright and early in their PJs for the Breakfast Run. The total raised from this fun-filled event has not yet been tallied, but we’ll let you know the outcome in the next edition.

For the second year running the Men’s Walk was a sell-out. The thought of a hot pasty, cold pint and world class rugby kept the participants forging on through chilly wind and snow to raise over £59,000!

Pip Bowhay walked from John O’Groats to Land’s End in memory of her husband, who passed away at Searle House in 2011. She walked nearly 1,000 miles over 3.5 months and has raised over £2,000 so far.

Laura Loudon-Griffiths undertook the huge challenge of a 24-hour, non-stop, solo row along the coast of Sidmouth in her 17ft skiff rowing boat. The 61-year-old raised over £2,000.

The 2018 London Marathon was the hottest on record but 15 runners took on the challenge for Hospsicare and together raised over £23,000.

Website opening soon for entries in 2019. Sign up in December! 10 | Because everyday matters

Kevin Chown and his family organised the Gittisham Amble in June and attracted a fantastic turnout of more than 90 local people raising over £1,800.

Exeter Golf & Country Club hosted the Marnie Burgoyne Memorial Golf Day in July, sponsored by Burgoynes Estate Agents. 160 golfers took to the fairways to raise over £10,500.

Exeter Rowing Club seniors donated all entry fees from a mixed 8 challenge with Dart Totnes rowing club at the Exeter Regatta in July, and along with a generous donation from a lifelong member raised £350.

Richard and Stella Stephens hosted a splendid afternoon of ‘Music in the Garden’ with cream tea at their Crediton home in July, and raised £404.55.

Nationwide Building Society gave a generous grant of £4,752 from their community support scheme to help expand Hospiscare’s successful Care Navigator programme. Exeter Cookie Jam raised £2,111.40 this year, making a grand total over the years of over £10,000 raised by Helen Gore, Jamie Skinner and all of the incredible young cyclists who take part every summer.

Staff from Nat West Bank helped tidy the garden at Kings House in Honiton. After a day working in hot sunshine, the difference they’ve made is remarkable!

Staff from Santander kindly gave up their time to give the kitchen and canteen at the Hospiscare Warehouse Shop in Marsh Barton a much-needed makeover, and we’re very grateful for their efforts!

Anne Swithinbank gave an informative talk about the beautiful garden at Holcombe Court, where visitors also enjoyed a lunch and garden tour. Mr Nigel Wiggins and his team hosted the afternoon and, over the season, Holcombe Court has raised £4,023.51.

Our amazing Open Gardeners have raised £20,000 to date with more still to come.

Thank you everyone, you are all incredible fundraisers who make a real difference! www.hospiscare.co.uk | 11

A £1 million milestone Honiton Fundraising Support Group

One remarkable group of volunteers preparing for a big celebration are the Honiton Fundraising Support Group. They have been proudly supporting Hospiscare patients and their families by holding regular events like special lunches and suppers, entertainment evenings, coffee mornings, bake sales, and bingo nights for over 25 years, and in July they reached a grand total of £1million raised for Hospiscare. Two driving forces within the group are Chair, Mary Bolshaw, and Treasurer, Eric Smith, who retired from his post in August after approximately 20 years with the group. They are both supported by an enthusiastic group of local volunteers and recently met with Hospiscare CEO Glynis Atherton, who said, “As a result of their dedicated fundraising, the Honiton Support Group have made a huge difference to the lives of hundreds of local people

by funding specialist palliative care services in Honiton. We are all incredibly grateful to them.” The group were heavily involved with the appeal for Kings House Day Hospice in Honiton, which has become a vital part of the local community, able to provide outstanding care and support to patients in East Devon with a life-limiting illness, and their families, when they really need it. Not only does the group raise funds, they raise awareness of the services that Hospiscare provides, attending events like the Honiton Show handing out leaflets and running a tombola. They also provide the Hospiscare Fundraising Team with invaluable support at the charity’s large events and with Open Gardens. Mary said, “This is an exceptional fundraising achievement of which our committee and volunteers can be justifiably proud and long may their support continue to ensure Hospiscare’s future.”

Find out how you can get involved in local fundraising support groups... The group are very keen to keep their phenomenal fundraising going for as long as possible, so if you would like to be a part of this, or another local fundraising support group, call the Fundraising Team on 01392 688020 or email Fundraising@hospiscare.co.uk 12 | Because everyday matters

Fundraising Support Groups The power of tea, cake and friendships made

The 150 members of the Friends of Hospiscare fundraising support groups are some of your hospice’s real heroes, raising around £250,000 each year between them. There are 10 groups throughout Exeter, Mid and East Devon that unselfishly donate their time, efforts and skills, not only raising funds but raising awareness of Hospiscare and how the charity cares for patients and their families in your communities. You can meet the Friends of Hospiscare groups at agricultural fairs, coffee mornings, Christmas fairs, the Swimathon, or at challenge events like the Crediton Crunch. Look out for the volunteers proudly wearing their teal shirts, always ready to help where needed. Whether it’s marshalling or handing out bottles of water, they are at hand. Some group members also volunteer in other roles too outside their fundraising activities, such as bereavement support, visiting patients at home or in one of our shops – that’s how much they enjoy being part of it all. Friends of Hospiscare are exceptional ambassadors that also benefit from belonging to these amazing teams, getting out and about, making new friends and enjoying a fulfilled life as a result of giving to others. The groups operate in Axminster, Chagford, Exeter, St Thomas, Okehampton, Broadclyst & Pinhoe, Crediton, Honiton, Topsham and Otter Vale and if you would like to join, they would love to hear from you. Both men and women are welcome and wanted - joining a Friends of Hospiscare Support group could be just the change you need.

Find out how you can volunteer your services in any number of ways... Call Vicky and Bob in the Volunteering Team on 01392 688068 or email volunteering@hospiscare.co.uk to find out more and to offer your services. www.hospiscare.co.uk | 13

Kim and the Weekly Prize Draw Not everyone is ‘cut out’ to be a community nurse... Kim is!

If you were to pop into any Hospiscare shop now, you will be met by a new addition to the team. Kim, in cardboard cut-out form, is updated each week with a new number - the hours of Community Nurse Specialist visits that are funded by the Prize Draw tickets sold in Hospiscare shops. The real Kim Thomas is an Assistant Practitioner and familiar face at the Day Hospice at Searle House. Chris Routley, the Lottery Manager, says, “It was important to me that we showed a real Hospiscare care provider and not just a stock image, so I am delighted Kim has allowed us to use her image for the almost life-sized cut-out – she’s very brave.” Kim is passionate about her job and says, “I love building relationships with the patients and seeing how they benefit from the support Hospiscare provides. The more money raised through the Prize

Draw, the more support we can provide out in the community to people that really need it.” Ticket sales this year are expected to equate to around 900 hours of home visits. So, when you are offered a Prize Draw ticket at one of our tills, you’ll play with the confidence of knowing that your contribution really does make a difference. Of course, you’ll also have the chance of winning up to £1,000! The Hospiscare Lottery team operates the Weekly Prize draw and annual summer and Christmas Prize Draws which, between them, produce a profit of over £250,000 each year towards the services provided by the charity. As well as buying individual tickets in Hospiscare shops, you can subscribe and be in the draw every week.

Join online now at www.weeklydraw.co.uk or pop into your nearest Hospiscare shop – see back page for locations. Play our Weekly Prize Draw www.weeklydraw.co.uk or email lottery@hospiscare.co.uk for more information.

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Volunteer video Inspired by housekeeper

Des Gardiner splits his working week between maintenance duties at various Hospiscare sites, and being a housekeeper on the ward at Searle House. When we began production on a lighthearted video to increase shop volunteers, Des shared some hidden talents and put his flair for music into the mix. Des explained: “I knew exactly what we needed volunteers for, so it wasn’t difficult to put the song together. I wrote it in about three to four hours and wanted to tell the story of volunteering in the shops. “I want people to feel enthusiastic about Hospiscare and volunteering. There is a way for them to help and there’s no need to feel shy - come and join us! You can make a difference and it’s all for a great cause. “I think people can sometimes underestimate themselves and say ‘I could never do that’, but

we will welcome you with open arms. You’ll get taught how to use the tills in the shops and be fully supported in your volunteer role. It’s well within your capabilities. “I love being involved with Hospiscare. I thoroughly believe in the principles that make it what it is; a caring, passionate charity that seeks to show care and compassion in the field of palliative care. “I hope this video will raise a smile on the face of anyone watching, but most of all I hope it will encourage more people to volunteer in our shops. Hospiscare runs on the kindness of volunteers, we would be delighted if you could join us.”

Watch the video at www.hospiscare.co.uk then email Tracey today about retail volunteering at tracey@hospsicare.co.uk or call 01392 428824.

Ensure the future of Hospiscare with a gift in your Will. Over the next 30 years, more people will need end of life care than ever before. Leaving Hospiscare a special gift in your Will helps ensure that we can be there for all of them if they need us, whether that’s 10, 20 or 30 years from now. It’s a personal way of looking after your community’s future, and that’s precious. Email Legacy Gift Administrator Elizabeth Bevan at e.bevan@hospiscare.co.uk or call 01392 688090 to find out more.

www.hospiscare.co.uk | 15

Light Up a Life Remember someone special

Venues, dates and times of Light Up a Life services in your area Honiton, St Paul’s Church

Wednesday 7 November, 7.00pm

Topsham, St Margaret’s Church

Sunday 2 December, 3.00pm

Okehampton, Fairplace Church Tuesday 4 December, 7.00pm

Exmouth, Holy Trinity Church Wednesday 5 December, 6.00pm

Crediton, Parish Church

Thursday 6 December, 7.00pm

Tiverton, St Peter’s Church

Friday 7 December, 7.00pm For families and friends throughout Devon, Christmas is a special time when they gather to celebrate and spend time together. However, for many people it can be bittersweet, when memories of absent family and friends are most poignant. Hospiscare will be holding a series of remembrance services in November and December and we would like to invite you to join us in remembering your loved ones this Christmas. If you would like to honour a loved one, we can inscribe your dedication to them in the Book of Memories and illuminate a light in tribute, which will be placed on the Hospiscare Christmas tree on Cathedral Green, Exeter, to shine every evening until 6 January, 2019. Your donation will be an amount of your choosing that will allow someone else to receive care when most needed. You may prefer to dedicate a light on our special webpage, where your chosen star will shine brightly and include your personal message. You will also receive a link to email your family and friends so they too can share your memories.

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St Thomas, Methodist Church

Monday 10 December, 6.30pm

Broadclyst & Pinhoe, The Hall Church, Pinhoe Road Wednesday 12 December, 3.00pm

Ottery St Mary, St Mary’s Parish Church Wednesday 12 December, 7.00pm

Axminster, St Mary the Virgin Church Thursday 3 December, 7.30pm

Seaton, St Gregory’s Church Friday 14 December, 6.00pm

Exeter Cathedral

Sunday 16 December, 6.30pm For more information or to make a dedication, please email fundraising@hospiscare.co.uk or call 01392 688020. You can make an online dedication at www.hospiscare.co.uk/lightupalife

Taking to the skies to boost funds What will you do with your Christmas Tree? If you live in Exeter, there’s now an easy way to recycle your Christmas tree and help local people with a terminal diagnosis at the same time.

Shirley Botfield from Exeter, raised over £700 by skydiving in memory of her late husband Keith, who died of mesothelioma at Searle House in 2013. “Family meant everything to Keith,” said Shirley. “He loved being a father, he was a great Dad, and he wanted to create a lovely home for Anthony, Becky and me. “When Keith was admitted to the Inpatient ward at Searle House, we were very apprehensive, but from the moment we walked into the reception we were enveloped by a feeling of love and caring, and it came from every member of staff we met. “It was such a relief to put aside our roles as carers and go back to being family again. It meant that during those last ten days we were able to sit and chat, reminisce – and laugh, too. It may seem strange to say, but it was a time of joy, love and happiness. It was a gift, really.

On the weekend of 12 and 13 January 2019, Hospiscare will collect your tree directly from your door in return for a donation. Register at www.just-helping.org. uk after 15 November and make your donation when you book. JustHelping is a UK charity founded with a vision to inspire and encourage people, businesses, charities and other organisations to volunteer in their community and Hospiscare is thrilled to be working with them to recycle Christmas trees in your community. If you’d like to find out more about volunteering to collect the trees, please get in touch via fundraising@hospiscare.co.uk, or call 01392 688020.

“Doing the parachute jump was my way of making sure that other families who need it can be surrounded by the love that we felt. I don’t think I can give enough back to Hospiscare – when Keith was ill, and afterwards too, we couldn’t have coped without their support.” If you’re taking part in an organised event or taking on a personal challenge, raising £50 or £5,000, Hospiscare needs you! By joining Team Hospiscare you will not only be raising money to fund vital care but achieving your goals, whether it’s endurance running, hiking, skydiving, cycling or anything else that pushes your limits. Whatever you choose, Hospiscare would love to support you. No matter how small or big your challenge, we will be there every step of the way. Visit www.hospiscare.co.uk for Running and Challenge events and watch out for our festive skydive launching soon. Email r.botfield@hospiscare.co.uk for more information or call 01392 688020. www.hospiscare.co.uk | 17

Give your room a whole new look Visit our Honiton Warehouse to find a range of unique furniture, electrical items and homewares.

Find us at Dowell Street, Honiton EX14 1LX , 01404 549880 (Next to the Beehive, below Whitton’s Auctioneers)

Homewares appeal - help keep our shops stocked Donate your preloved items to your nearest Hospiscare shop today and bring delight to someone else’s home.

Please see back page for our shop locations.

18 | Because everyday matters

Dates for the Diary September



13 14 18 20 20 26


10 10 15 18 20


TBC TBC 1 5 21


12 & 13

February 16

March 16

Bingo Coffee Morning Great West Run Pamper Evening Grand Sale Coffee Morning Bingo

7.00pm, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street 9.00am, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street Exeter Arena, Exeter 7.00pm, Kings House, Honiton 2.00pm-4.00pm, America Hall, De La Rue Way, Pinhoe 9.30am-12noon, Church Hall, Market Street, Okehampton 2.00pm, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street

Coffee Morning 9.00am, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street The Embezzlers Exeter City Football Club, Tickets £10 each from Hospiscare Register now to recycle your Christmas tree in January at www.just-helping.org.uk Christmas Fair 10.00am-3.00pm, Poltimore House, Exeter EX4 0AU Bingo 2.00pm, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street Festive Skydive Christmas Hamper Christmas Wreath Making Workshop 10.00am, St Nicholas Priory, Fore Street, Exeter Disabled Club’s Lunch 9.00am-4.00pm, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street Bingo 2.00pm, Mackarness Hall, Honiton High Street Your Christmas tree is collected if you registered online – see 15 November above Snowdrop Garden Men’s Walk

12noon-3.00pm, Field House, 21 Argyle Road, Exeter EX4 4RX Double Locks, Exeter, England v Scotland, Six Nations

Register your garden now for Open Gardens 2019 Share your beautiful garden with the public for Hospiscare in spring, summer or autumn 2019, and raise funds to provide specialist palliative care for people in Exeter, Mid and East Devon.

“I find gardening therapeutic and it’s a joy to me to be able to share the results with other people – I hope they enjoy it as much as I do. I found it to be a breeze for raising money as a large amount is donated in a matter of hours – and it’s fun!” – Hospiscare Open Gardener

To register your Open Garden or find out about any of the events listed above, email fundraising@hospiscare.co.uk or call 01392 688020, we’d love to hear from you.

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20 | Because everyday matters

Shop online Search for ‘Hospiscare’ on eBay™ or Amazon™ to raise money and find some great Christmas presents!


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Autumn 2018 | News from your local hospice charity

Visit one of our Hospiscare shops near you... Buckland House, South Street, Axminster 1 High Street, Budleigh Salterton 129 High Street, Crediton 24 Fore Street, Cullompton 158/159 Cowick Street, Exeter 90-92 Fore Street, Exeter 84 South Street, Exeter 65 Fore Street, Heavitree, Exeter Unit 2 Trusham Road, Marsh Barton, Exeter 5 Chapel Street, The Magnolia Centre, Exmouth 37 Exeter Road, Exmouth 49 The Parade, Exmouth 141 High Street, Honiton Dowell Street, Warehouse Shop, Honiton 5 The Arcade, Okehampton 12 Broad Street, Ottery St Mary 2 Marine Crescent, Seaton 27-29 Gold Street, Tiverton 9 Fore Street, Topsham Summer Lane, Whipton

House Clearance Choose a clearance service that will leave your property not only empty but also spotless. We clear property of any size from a single room upwards, with every property receiving the same level of care and respect. Our dedicated team will take care of everything.

House Clearance enquiries call 01392 453057 or email clearance@hospiscare.co.uk

Thank you for your support

Because every day matters www.hospiscare.co.uk

Registered charity no. 297798

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