Together Jan 2013

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Together Hospiscare’s spring 2013 newsletter

Caring in Devon

A hospice blessing

Read about the special ceremony for our patient in Tiverton

2012 Review: Another busy year

Become a volunteer in 2013 Shop online with Hospiscare

2013 2013 Men’s Walk register now see page 3

Men’s Walk

Have you found our Exeter furniture and electrical store yet? Stocking a great range of white goods, small electricals and every type of furniture from double beds to bookshelves, you are missing out if you don’t pay us a visit!

Memorial cycle smashes target A team of six University of Exeter staff cycled from Lands End to John O’ Groats in October. They smashed their original target, raising over £12,000 in memory of Karen Foggett. ‘Karen was one of the nicest people you would ever want to meet... she spent her final week with Hospiscare where she received the best possible care ever’

Unit 2, Trusham Road Exeter EX2 8RB Tel 01392 425255

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who has donated in recent months. Below are just a few of those who have helped Hospiscare... Ashfords

gave us £150 from a Cycling Drinks Reception

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The team raised the amazing amount using online giving. Thank you to all involved.

The Harper family and friends for organising a disco and raising £900 Burgoynes Estate Agents for donating £1,200 Ottery Travel for donating £10 from every holiday booked through them to Hospiscare Debbie Luck and her committee for their September Fair raising an amazing £6,000 Sam Kepple and the regulars of the Ship and Pelican in Exeter for holding a Halloween family fun day raising £700 Geoff Bulley and friends for holding a musical evening in Tiverton raising £850

Men! Join our 2013 sponsored walk 16th March, Sandy Park Stadium


Back by popular demand! Join Men’s Walk hundreds of men on our 10k sponsored walk followed by a pint, pasty and rugby.

Walk Pint

Pasty Rugby

Entry is just £15, which includes a t-shirt, a pint and a pasty after the walk.

Enter today at

Anyone aged 12 and over can join in, so get your friends and family together for some quality man time raising money for a great cause. Afterwards enjoy a giant pasty, a pint and England vs Wales on the large screens at Sandy Park. A perfect day out with the boys! Raise as much sponsorship as you can to help Hospiscare provide support to local people who need us. Set up your page at

Wedding Anniversary along with family and friends raising £553

Everys solicitors raised £175 from a barbeque at the Ottery tar barrels Richard Pope for his 100 mile cycle challenge Kitson’s for sponsoring the 2012 Ride to the Coast Sarah Thompson for having a coffee morning raising £120 Mr and Mrs Miller who celebrated their Ruby

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Hospiscare’s first friendship ceremony we live together in Tiverton. We have been friends a long time - something like 25 or 27 years. We met in Crediton - we used to work at a day centre there packing glasses and making up boxes.”

Since the Pine Lodge day centre opened in Tiverton in June 2011, the staff and patients there have seen many firsts, but not many events were as touching as the friendship ceremony between Amy Penfold and Barry Collard, which took place in September. Amy, 57, and Barry, 61, had been friends and partners for a long time and had wanted to get married, but the legal paperwork was incredibly complex, as they both have learning difficulties, so they decided to have a tailor-made friendship ceremony at Pine Lodge, conducted by the Hospiscare chaplain, David Walford. “It was mine and Barry’s idea,” Amy said. “We talked together and he was quite happy to get married and so was I. But we do feel like we are married now and

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David came to see Amy and Barry a couple of weeks beforehand and talked through the ceremony to make sure they were happy with it. “He was lovely,” Amy said. “And he helped us with our own words.” On the day, Amy and Barry said their words in front of their guests, thanking each other and celebrating their life and friendship together. The couple exchanged special vows and Barry gave Amy a ring. Samantha and Corinne, Amy’s learning disabillity team, helped her organise the ceremony, which was attended by all the patients, as well as the couple’s families. The Hospiscare staff were on hand to help her get ready. “I came in here, had a bath and had my hair and nails done. Then I put on my beautiful new dress,” Amy smiled. Barry - also wearing a new suit - was waiting for her, along with his friend, Steve. Amy’s sister, Rosie, and brother,

“We celebrated the fact we look after each other. It is what friends are all about.” Richard, and their partners came, along with Barry’s parents and aunt. The learning disability team and Annie and Caroline, her nurses at the hospice, also were there, as well as a very special photographer - Glynis Atherton, the chief executive of Hospiscare. “Neither of us were nervous. I didn’t cry either - some people do, some people don’t. I just enjoyed talking to my friends,” Amy said.

had made many friends already. “And I get cuddles, a hairdo and a bath,” she laughs. “This was a really special event for us here at Pine Lodge,” said Emma Fisher, who leads the care team at Tiverton. “It was great fun, too. The patients all dressed up smartly and everyone had a lovely time. “We shared the work with the learning disability team and Bev, one of our craft volunteers, made all the decorations. A card shop in Tiverton donated some helium balloons and another volunteer made a two-tier cake.” “Afterwards, we were very tired,” Amy said. “But it was a lovely day. We celebrated the fact we look after each other. It is what friends are all about.”

After the ceremony, friends and family tucked into the buffet they had brought and everyone had champagne. “I took a bottle home,” she laughed. Amy has been attending Pine Lodge for four months - volunteer drivers bring her in - and said she really looks forward to coming every Friday. “Everyone here is very nice,” she said, adding that she

Shortly after this interview was conducted, Amy died peacefully at the Exeter hospice. Her partner, Barry, and both their families were happy for us to run this article, as a special tribute to Amy.

Hospiscare staff and volunteers go the extra mile to make life special for our patients. If you are interested in volunteering, see pages 12 and 13. 01392 688000 | 5

2012 was an amazing year, thanks to you! We thought you would like to see what we have been able to achieve with your support:

In 2012 We cared for 2,066 patients throughout Exeter, mid and east Devon Our hospital team made

1,668 face to face visits to patients and carers Our bereavement service has

There were 2,817 day care attendances Hospiscare’s

supported over their families

1,167 patients and

16 local fundraising groups and committees have raised £273,000

1,790 patients were helped out 324 admissions were made to in the community by our nurses. our in-patient unit

14,520 visits and 17,585 phone calls were made to

patients, carers and other professionals out in the community

Carers accessed support at across our area

6 locations

How we raise our money Voluntary donations £2,750,501 – 55% Education fees £235,991 – 4% Hospiscare Retail and Lottery £794,671 – 16% NHS Devon grant and income for services provided to Royal Devon and Exeter Foundation Trust £1,250,064 – 25% Total income

£5,031,227 6 |

How we spend our money Patient care £4,295,588 – 88% Other expenditure £581,513 – 12% Total expenditure

£ 4,877,101

Can you help Hospiscare by giving a regular donation to ensure we can plan for the future? Turn to the back page now. £10 can be used to purchase basic

essentials required every day in clinical care, from syringes to sterile dressings.

£25 can give a bereaved relative an hour long session with our specialist grief support team.

£30 can enable a patient to

experience an invaluable therapeutic art session.

£45 can provide a set of uniforms for a nurse or therapist.

£200 can fund a patient’s day in

one of our centres. This is a chance to share experiences, receive specialist advice and expert treatment and gives a carer a well deserved break.

£499 can fund a complete 24-hour stay at the hospice where round-theclock specialist care ensures comfort and can control a complex condition.

Hospiscare is here to support people in Exeter, mid and east Devon with terminal illnesses. To find out how you can show your support call 01392 688020. Or visit:

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Celebrity stylist supports patients Bringing confidence and sparkle to those with hair loss

Lesley Weeks has worked for Hospiscare as a hairdresser for several years and has cut the hair of thousands of patients. She told us about the real difference a hair cut or style can make. “It’s not what they say but how they look, their eyes will just sparkle and their whole stance and they way they hold themselves changes, and their confidence comes back.” Having a haircut is a pleasant, routine experience for most, but to our patients it can be a well-needed bit of normality, a chance to be looked after and to feel good about themselves. Lesley said “I can’t tell you the amount of people who come up to me and tell me, you’ve given me back my mum, you’ve given me back my dad. It’s lovely.” Hair loss is something that a lot of Hospiscare’s patients experience so 8 |

Hospiscare stylist Leslie learns more about supporting patients with hair loss from Trevor Sorbie Lesley also cuts and styles their wigs. To improve her skills she recently went to a workshop run by the charity ‘My New Hair’. The day was led by the founder of the charity and renowned celebrity hairdresser Trevor Sorbie. Trevor set up the charity after his sisterin-law had cancer and lost her hair. The workshop teaches hairdressers how to cut and style wigs and also how to effectively communicate and support people who have lost their hair.

Although already experienced in the area Lesley was impressed with what she learned: “Trevor developed cutting and styling techniques which gives them a more individual and trendy look.” Trevor’s work through the charity has not only helped train professionals in wig cutting and communication with people who have lost their hair, but has helped to raise the profile of hair loss as a topic and started a shift in attitudes towards wigs and people suffering with hair loss. Lesley said that she felt there was still a stigma around hair loss and wigs “I think it’s important to change people’s attitudes. People are put off wearing wigs because they are worried about what people will think.”

Hair loss - the facts It’s estimated that over 8 million women in the UK are currently experiencing hair loss Hair loss can be caused by alopecia, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, old age and even stress. Wigs can vary hugely in price; a standard synthetic one can cost around £200, where as a wig made from human hair can cost upwards of £2,000

Hospiscare delivers professional palliative care, supporting patients emotionally, physically and spiritually. Your donations help us to support patients with complementary therapies and hairdressing services.

Hospiscare has hair salons in our hospice in Exeter and our day hospice in Tiverton. Professional stylists can help patients with hair loss to feel normal again - just part of how Hospisare gives that bit extra. 01392 688000 | 9

Make a better future in 2013

A gift in your Will helps local people in Exeter, mid and east Devon make the most of life Around 50 people a year leave a gift to Hospiscare in their Will. Legacies are a valuable source of revenue for charities, yet only 7% of people actually leave a gift to a charity in their Will.

that she had passed away and left us a gift in her Will.

Occasionally people let us know we will be receiving a gift in their Will. A very kind gentleman sent us a photocopy copy of his Will recently, to alert us to So many generous people have the fact we would be receiving a gift. remembered There was a short Hospiscare note penned across Change the future for the in their Will. the top “Please place better in 2013. A gift in your Each year we this in your records,” Will helps local people make receive gifts he wrote. “I will get ranging from my executors to the most of life £100 to over advise you when I £100,000 all of which go directly to finally pop my clogs!” patient care, keeping families secure in the knowledge that they have the He was delighted to be able to help specialist support they need to make Hospiscare in this way - and to tell the most of precious time together. us about it in his own way! That isn’t About a quarter of everything we do is necessary, of course, unless you want made possible by the generosity and to (and it gives us a chance to thank foresight of those leaving us gifts in you). their Wills. Usually they do this because Hospiscare means something special Leaving a gift in your Will is a great way to them. to support Hospiscare, It doesn’t have to be a time consuming business, you For example, Mrs L once told us on a just need our name and Registered visit to the hospice many years after Charity Number - if you don’t already her husband’s death, that he had only have a Will a gift can easily be spent two nights with us, but the care arranged when you visit the solicitor they had I’ve both taken receivedsome had impressed who will help you express all your “Once time her. “A volunteer gave me able a platetoof wishes clearly. If you already have a to remember, I feel scrambled eggs on toast that last Will, a gift to Hospiscare can be added take part in the joy of the morning,” she said, “It was the best I using a simple codicil, rather than it have ever tasted.” Last year we learned needing to be rewritten. season.” number 10Page I

You never know in what ways your support of Hospiscare touches others. Bette Davies lived locally and left Hospiscare a generous gift last year - but she wasn’t a patient, nor did she have any first-hand dealings with our charity. What she did have, however, was a background in nursing with plenty of contact with poorly patients - and a good friend, Jean Yuen, a volunteer with Hospiscare. It was through chatting with Jean that Bette learned more about Hospiscare and realised its value to her local community. Through her nursing career - and also having had the experience of nursing her own parents during the final stage of their lives - she recognised the gifts of empathy and real caring when she saw them.

Bette recognised Hospiscare’s gift of real caring when she left us a generous gift last year. You too can make a difference. Bette’s family visited Devon on holiday and so came to see how Bette’s gift will make such a difference. It was a pleasure to hear about Bette’s life and friendships from them and they were happy for us to share her story with you. We are so grateful to Bette for recognising what we do here at Hospiscare - and also to Jean, for sharing her passion with Bette.

I would like to know more about leaving a gift in my Will for Hospiscare Call 01392 688020

Tell me more about:

How to find a solicitor Hospiscare’s 2013 Will Week

Send this form to:

Hospiscare FREEPOST Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 5ZZ

Title First name Surname Address Postcode e-mail Hospiscare’s Registered Charity Number is: 297798

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Do something great in 2013.

Volunteer. Hospiscare has over a thousand volunteers that we rely on so that we can provide our high-quality care free of charge.

Volunteers are a highly valued part of the Hospiscare team who enhance the work of our professional staff in all areas.

‘I really feel I am doing something worthwhile’ Bereavement volunteer Lindsey talks about her role with Hospiscare. “Death is still such a huge taboo in British society, but my work has enabled me to have relaxed chats with my own family occasionally about end of life care and death. Talking openly about death makes it less fearful, although no less a topic that deserves respect and dignity. Hospiscare train you so that you can

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resolve any fears or concerns about death before you start. It can’t be something we fear if we are going to help people through this time.

‘Hospiscare train you so that you can resolve any fears or concerns’ It is important not to make judgments about people - everyone is different. Although most people follow a pathway through the grieving process, everyone does it at their own pace.

You can help us

Whether you can spare a couple of hours a week or just a couple of hours once a month Hospiscare needs your help to be able to bring a high level of care to our patients.

We have volunteers who work with patients in the hospice and in their homes, in our shops, raising funds, driving, giving complementary therapies or helping in our offices.

Volunteer today

There are a variety of roles for volunteers at Hospiscare, all with support and training.

We have roles for volunteers across Exeter, mid and east Devon. Whatever your skills and interests there is likely to be something that you can do to help us.

• • • • • • • •

It is good to get people back on the right path if they are really struggling with a bereavement.

See what difference you can make, today.

We can talk to them on the phone, or in person, and it is important that we have that distance so they know they can off load to you without worrying what you think or whether you are able to cope with what they tell you - many don’t want to “burden” their family who are grieving too. Our role is to be the support they need. I really feel I am doing something worthwhile.’

Administration Drivers Working with patients Fundraising Shops Ebay Bereavement support Complementary therapy

Call: 01392 688005 Email: volunteering@ Click: volunteering

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Spring events March

16 Men’s Walk, Exeter 10km sponsored walk followed by a pint, pasty, and Six Nations action! See page 3 for more details 16 RockSolidRace at Escot Park Get sponsored to take on the challenge of a 5km or 10km obstacle race, for individuals or teams. See below for more details


27 ‘Song without End’ Spring Concert, Chudleigh The Grand Entertainment Company presents a celebration of three giants of the Romantic Era - Verdi, Wagner and Liszt. Tickets £20 including wine and canapes, call 01626 859333


11 Starlight Walk, Exmouth 10km womens’ sponsored walk starting and finishing at Exmouth Rugby Club. Registration opens soon, contact Emma 01392 688063 for more details. 27 Rose and Garden Festival, Cadhay near Ottery St Mary Visit the beautiful grounds of this Elizabethan manor and enjoy the best of local produce and expertise. Put it in your diary, and see hospiscare for more details. For more information on any of these events, contact our team on 01392 688020 or

Extreme fun obstacle racing Get sponsored for the RockSolidRace when it descends upon Escot Park on 16th March 2013, bringing you one of the fastest growing sports on earth. There are two races to choose from, either the 5km Dash or the 10km Rock Solid where competitors can race solo or part of a team. The courses contain natural obstacles, ‘mega’ man-made structures, swamps and a huge hydro-slide; this is not an event for the faint hearted! After the race, showers are provided as well as bands, beers and LIVE Six Nations rugby! Plus - 10% off entry fee if you

Enter now raise funds for Hospiscare

Shopping online with Hospiscare How do I get started?

Q What does Hospiscare have for sale online? We sell a range of collectable items and new goods, with stock that is always changing.

Get there quickly - start from our home page

Q Where can I find your online shops?

Currently you can find us on eBay with everything from calendars to vintage clothing, and on Amazon with a wide range of new and used fiction and non-fiction books.

Q Why shop online?

It’s easy! Goods will be delivered promptly whilst you can browse at home. Do also visit our shops regularly too, as we can only put a small sample of our unique stock online.

Q Is online shopping safe?

All transactions are made securely, Hospiscare does not keep your payment details and will not send you junk mail.

eBay Hospiscare-Shop Amazon hospiscareamazonshop

If you need any help or want to find out more contact our online sales team on 01392 453059 or email who will be happy to assist.

House Clearance Services ‘The job Making clearing property easy

Complete house clearance Leaves an empty and clean property

Selective removal

A free service to collect saleable goods

was nothing short of miraculous... absolutely brilliant’ Local estate agent

01392 453057 688000 |


Give regularly for 2013!

We can do a lot of good with just a little help

To make a regular gift Email

Call 01392 688020

Post this page to us

Yes! I want to be a regular giver 2 7 7 9 6 3 Service user number

Reference (for office use)

I would like to give £5



other £

each month

To: The Manager (Name and full postal address of your bank or building society) Bank/building society Address Postcode Account holder(s) Title(s) First name(s) Last name(s) Bank/building society account number Branch sort code Instruction to your bank or building society Please pay Hospiscare Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Hospiscare and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society.

Signature(s) Date Your details Your address Postcode Tel number Email Gift Aid it! Gift Aid declaration: I am/We are UK taxpayer(s) and I/We want Hospiscare to claim back the tax on:*this donation *all donations I/We have made in the past 4 years, and *all future donations until I/We notify you otherwise. (*please delete if necessary as appropriate).

Signature(s) Date

Caring in Devon

I/We confirm I/We have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I/We donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I/We understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I/We understand that Hospiscare will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. Please notify Hospiscare if you (either of you): *Want to cancel this declaration,*Change your name or address *No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains Hospiscare is a registered charity no 297798.

Send this form to: Hospiscare FREEPOST Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 5ZZ TogA13/DD

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