Together May 2013

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Hospiscare’s summer 2013 newsletter

Caring in Devon

Lots of great ways to get involved this Summer

Also Inside: Day in the life of a Hospiscare Community Nurse Meet our new Chaplain Garden News

Team effort for Hospiscare! On Saturday 16th March over 400 men from Exeter, mid and east Devon braved the terrible weather to enjoy a 10K walk, pint and pasty to raise money for Hospiscare by taking part in the second sponsored Men’s Walk.

2013 Men’s Walk

The money raised from the walk will go towards supporting people in Exeter, mid and east Devon living with a terminal illness. Sponsorship money is still coming in and it is hoped the event will raise over £25,000!

The event was sponsored by Old Mill accountants and financial planners who also put together an enthusiastic team to walk on the day. Mark Neath, director of the Exeter branch, said “This is the first year we’ve been involved with Hospiscare. It’s great to be giving something back to Exeter.” Thanks to everyone who braved the rain for a great boys’ day out!

Thank you for your support! Otter Nurseries raised £7,820 from many events during 2012 Shipman Financial Management donated £850 from their Fashion Show Sainsbury’s raised £540 from their Fashion Show University of Exeter Campus Services for donating £15,000 from the Karen Foggett Memorial Cycle Ride Gloss Gallery raised £540 from an art auction 2 | www.

Mr Middleton for organising a skittles night and raising £206.82 Vapormatic gave us £3,516 from their dinner dance and other Christmas events Wilkinson Grant raised £400 from their Charity Initiative Kennford International Caravan Park donated £605 from various events Stephens Scown and Granted Consultants raised £840 from Exeter Energy Exchange meetings Carole Harrison and Jennie Ingersent for their table top sale Wayne Hill for his ongoing support with lots of fundraising activities so

RockSolidRace Another successful event in March was the RockSolidRace, which saw 73 participants racing for Hospiscare. Racers endured ice baths and climbed 6ft walls as part of their 5km or 10km challenge. David Walker who raced as part of team ‘wrong direction’ said “I have played Rugby for years but I can honestly say I have never been more battered and bruised! We will be returning next year and Hospiscare will be our choosen charity for the event again”. If you think you could take on a challenge for Hospiscare why not go to our website to find out more about our upcoming challenge events:

13th July, Hospiscare Skydive 4th August, Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 13th October, Great West Run

far raising over £500 Thrifty Car & Van Rental for donating £20,449 over the last 12 months Daisy Atkin for organising a musical concert and raising £745 Axe Cliff Golf Club for choosing us as their Charity of the Year and raising £1,750 Mole Avon Trading for aiming to raise £40,000 this year from their 40th Anniversary

Are you tying the knot? Would you like your big day to help support local people? There are plenty of ways that you can support us at your wedding or civil partnership. If you’re looking for an alternative to a gift list, a bespoke take on wedding favours, or maybe you’d like to have a collection on the day. Whatever your requirements, we can work with you to create a tailor-made wedding package which will be perfect for your big day. For more information please contact Tracey Skinner 01392 688093 or visit our website

Ruby Appeal Christine Macaulay from the Madeira Bowling Club for raising £120.17 LV raised £273 from their employee engagement survey Andy Barker & Mark Bennett for taking part in a sponsored swim and raising £267 Barry Smith for a sponsored head shave in memory of his close friend Lesley Harper raising over £2,700 with money still coming in! Darts Farm raised over £1,000 for an Easter Egg raffle 01392 688000 | 3

Garden News The garden at Pine Lodge has come a long way since the Tiverton Day Centre opened in 2011.

“One volunteer, Harry, planted up the vegetable garden and it’s already produced beetroots, carrots, curly kale and onions.”

What was once an overrun mass of trees, bushes and rabbits, has become a haven for patients after a team of volunteers took the unruly garden in hand, creating a green space which is beginning to burst with spring colour.

The gardens volunteers are hoping to sell some of the vegetables produced in the garden and raise money for the Tiverton day centre once the patch is established.

The team of 12 volunteers, led by Michael Hickson, former headgardener for National Trust run Knightshayes, have spent months working in adverse weather conditions to create a safe, sensory experience for patients, but also a garden which helps the kitchen to be self-sufficient.

The Pine Lodge garden has been a hit with patients, with some adding their own touches by donating seeds such as sunflowers, which one patient said they associate with family holidays, blue skies and sunshine.

Garden volunteer Paul Stevenson said “We all bring something different to the mix; we’re a small band of volunteers and we’re always looking for more volunteers.

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Paul said “We’d love to get a greenhouse up here to grow tomatoes and peppers. We also have the herb garden with mint, rosemary, thyme, and fennel - all things that can be used in the kitchen. So patients are having the produce in their meals”.

Visit beautiful local gardens Open Gardens This year our Open Gardens scheme is bigger and better than ever with over 40 beautiful gardens opening their doors to the public from March to September. From large, ornamental grounds to inspirational, urban green spaces, there is a garden to suit all tastes. Delicious homemade refreshments served at most venues - treat yourself to a cream tea or coffee and cake! Pick up the 2013 programme from one our shops, a local garden centre or visit our website

Rose Festival and Garden Fair

Monday 27th May, Cadhay, Ottery St Mary The Rose Festival and Garden Fair at Cadhay is set to be a premier gardening event in the 2013 south west calendar. It will take place in the magnificent grounds of Cadhay, by the kind invitation of Rupert Thistlethwayte. Bank Holiday Monday 27th May 2013 from 10am, admission ÂŁ7.50. Please visit for more details. 01392 688000 | 5

A warm welcome to our new chaplain House of Lords and a book seller and buyer for Waterstones. He has also lived in many places in the UK, starting life in London, but moving around to live in Guildford, Brighton and Birmingham. He has now settled in Exeter, and has been happily settling into the role of chaplain at Hospiscare since March.

As a man with a background that could have come straight from a film script, Hospiscare’s new chaplain has a lot to offer the people he meets.

Nigel said “I have many friends and associates and work with many other people who have no faith or have an alternative faith. We work together with a great deal of understanding and respect”.

Having lived and worked in many walks of life, Nigel Mason’s experiences will help him to relate to the people he encounters at Hospiscare on a day-to-day basis; from patients and families to staff and volunteers.

Nigel says he is very excited to have taken the post of chaplain at Hospiscare, being keen to explore the role and become relevant not only to the ward and day centres in Exeter, Tiverton and Seaton, but also to the shops and everyone involved with the charity.

Nigel’s story also includes his own, very personal experience of the work Hospiscare does, as his mother died at the Exeter hospice in 2012.

“my primary role as a priest is being alongside people.”

Nigel Mason has been a teacher, a barrister, an assistant house manager of a world-famous theatre, a researcher and proof reader for the

The death of Nigel’s mother last year has given Nigel a personal insight and a different perspective of the work that Hospiscare provides.


Nigel said “My mother received Hospiscare for eight months in the family home before she died. It was an insight into the work and ethos of Hospiscare during those two years. So the influence of the care that my mother received was there in the background when I applied for the job. Nigel says that while his experience of Hospiscare, as the family member of a patient, could help him to relate with the people he meets, this is his main role anyway.

He said “I might be at the front of a church or a chapel taking weddings, conducting funerals, and being the baptiser, but my primary role as a priest is being alongside people and being where someone else is. We each have our own lives and, if invited, I can walk alongside. I have my own experiences, but all I can do is be myself ”.

Spiritual support is just one of the services that Hospiscare offers. We also provide the following: • • • • • • • •

24 hour expert medical care in our Exeter Hospice Day Care services in Exeter, Tiverton and Seaton 24/7 advice Complementary therapies, including aromatherapy, massage, reflexology and indian head massage Bereavement support Home care Education and training for healthcare professionals and students Carer support

To find out more about these services please visit our website.

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A day in the life of a Hospiscare Community Nurse

As a Community Clinical Nurse Specialist within the Exeter team, Jane Oliver supports patients and families within part of the city and surrounding villages. She would like to share a typical working day with you. 0830 – 1030hrs I check the many messages left on the office phone, check my emails and meet up with my colleagues for a quick ‘catch up’. We discuss new patients and prioritise the most urgent. 1045hrs After reading the notes, I head to a young man who lives half an hour away. He is determined to remain at home and I explore with him strategies which I hope will help, whilst explaining limitations in our choice of medication. I listen to his family’s concern and allow them to express all their anxieties. I phone his GP after the visit to update and discuss medication planning over the next couple of days.

“One of the most rewarding things about my role is meeting people who demonstrate such strength.”

1245 – 1420hrs I ring a GP who has a left a message on my phone, he has concerns about a elderly patient, I ring back to offer advice about suitable medication and arrange to visit the patient the next day. I then attend a Palliative Care meeting at a local surgery. We discuss the 21 patients they have on their Palliative Care register, including what plans we have in place to support their preferences for care. After checking the office phone, remotely, for messages it’s time for a sandwich before travelling to my next visit.

1430hrs First visit to a new patient, a mother with young children. She has been newly diagnosed with cancer. She is well at present but realistic about what the future holds. Her overwhelming wish is to die with dignity and to show her children how to cope in the face of adversity. This is one of the most rewarding things about my role, meeting people from all backgrounds who demonstrate such strength. Being there to listen can be a very important supportive part of my role. 1600hrs I travel back to the office, once there I record the notes from my visits and the surgery meeting. There are two further messages to deal with. Phew, the end of the day. Just need to synchronise my laptop ready to take it home as I am on call overnight tonight. Though I deal with such sadness, I hope to be alongside patients and families in their time of need. Your support allows me to do this. Thank you.

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Make a difference and donate today Your details Your title First name Surname Your address Postcode Tel number Email By providing your details, you agree to receive information from Hospiscare about our work. We will not disclose or sell your details to any other organisation. If you would rather not hear from us please contact us by phone, email or post using the details below. For every donation we receive, we send a thank you letter acknowledging receipt. We are delighted to do this, but if you would rather have your thank you by email instead please tick here

Yes! I want to be a regular giver 2 7 7 9 6 3 Service user number

Reference (for office use)

I would like to give £5



other £

each month

To: The Manager (Name and full postal address of your bank or building society) Bank/building society Address Postcode Account holder(s) Title(s) First name(s) Last name(s) Bank/building society account number Branch sort code Instruction to your bank or building society Please pay Hospiscare Direct Debits from the account detailed in this Instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this Instruction may remain with Hospiscare and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society.

Signature(s) Date

Yes! I want to make a one-off donation I would like to make a donation of £ By cheque made payable to Hospiscare or by Visa/Mastercard/Switch (delete as applicable) Card number Issue number (Switch only) Start date Expiry date Security No. (Last three digits on back of card)

Gift Aid it! Gift Aid declaration: I am/We are UK taxpayer(s) and I/We want Hospiscare to claim back the tax on:*this donation *all donations I/We have made in the past 4 years, and *all future donations until I/We notify you otherwise. (*please delete if necessary as appropriate).

Signature(s) Date

Caring in Devon

I/We confirm I/We have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I/We donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I/We understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I/We understand that Hospiscare will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008. Please notify Hospiscare if you (either of you): *Want to cancel this declaration,*Change your name or address *No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains Hospiscare is a registered charity no 297798.

Send this form to: Hospiscare FREEPOST Dryden Road, Exeter EX2 5ZZ. Contact us by ringing 01392 688020

or by emailing

Celebrating our 1st Birthday at the Hospiscare Enterprise Centre! This time last year we were in the middle of moving from Dryden Road to our Enterprise Centre at Trusham Road, Marsh Barton. What a difference the move has made! We have been able to increase our House Clearance service due to the additional storage space and open our 19th Hospiscare store selling quality Furniture and Electrical items including the addition of fridges, freezers, washing machines and cookers, a first for Hospiscare. We’ve also been able to increase our revenue through recycling additional items such as metal, and we have just introduced the recycling of mobile phones throughout our network of shops. A new growth area for Hospiscare is electrical goods; we now employ an electrical engineer Dave Hurst, to ensure that all goods are tested, and are all in good working order before they go out for sale. White goods are put through cycle tests and cleaned, so Hospiscare customers can purchase items with confidence. The majority of our Hospiscare shops now sell electrical items which raised approximately £65,000 last year. We have also introduced a new rummage area at our shop in Marsh Barton so if you want to have a go at up-cycling then we’re the place to 10 I

visit, from pieces of furniture to picture frames; all need just a little love to be transformed into something really special. We also have an abundance of kitchenware, ornaments, baskets, the list goes on and on! All this could not be possible without the continuous donations of second hand goods our supporters donate to us. Thank you to all those who support us in this way. If you would like to donate go to shops/Hospiscare+shops. We are always in need of volunteers so if you want to help and would enjoy sorting donations, refurbishing electrical items, administration or helping within our shops please give us a call on 01392 688005.

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The Hospiscare Furniture Store in Exeter has expanded its range of goods for sale. Great bargain finds for your home, from large furniture to picture frames, general bric-abrac and a lot, lot more! Great for shabby chic, crafting, upcycling, and making your own unique style.

Opposite Majestic Wine Warehouse, put EX2 8RB in your sat nav. Plenty of parking for dropping off donations or loading up! Opening times Monday to Saturday 9am - 5pm Sundays and Bank Holidays 10am - 4pm Call: 01392 425255 Email:

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Hospiscare gets 5 Stars! Hospiscare received a glowing report from the Care Quality Commission after inspection. On the 25th March Hospiscare was inspected by the Care Quality Commission, in an unannounced routine visit. During a tour around the Exeter Hospice the inspectors spoke to staff, volunteers and patients. The charity was judged to have met every single standard and in a report put together by the CQC one patient was quoted as saying “I’d give Hospiscare 101% for the care they give to the patient and the carer” with another saying “I would give them 5 stars”. The CQC report went on to say “staff demonstrated they were confident about discussing options for care and treatment and supported people to make decisions. We saw evidence of good communication and multidisciplinary working between all members of the team”. We want to thank the public for their continued support, as the service Hospiscare provides would not be possible without them.

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Preparing for future challenges Hospiscare has been a very successful charity for over 30 years because we have grown and developed in ways that meet the needs of local people. First of all there was our community home care service; then the hospice was built and, more recently we have increased services in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and opportunities for day care. The communities we serve are changing rapidly; many of us will live longer but will experience a longer period of disability and illness at the end of our lives. We can only meet the needs of local people by listening and understanding how patients, their families and our supporters want to be cared for in the future. To help us understand what services and support people will need in the future we are carrying out a review of our model of care. We would like your help with the review. Go to our website and follow the link to complete the online survey or request a printed copy from Dawn Leaman, d.leaman@hospiscare. or telephone 01392 688026.

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Will Week 14th - 18th May 2012 As a local hospice that relies on legacy gifts, we understand just how important a Will is in protecting everyone you care about and ensuring your wishes are followed. More than 30 solicitors are taking part in our Will Week, which runs from May 13th to 17th. The business of making or updating your Will is straightforward and Will Week makes it even simpler. All you need to do is choose a solicitor from the list and call to make an appointment. Take a look at our FAQs to find out more.

FAQs Q What is Will Week? It’s an opportunity for you to make your Will or get your existing Will up to date. Over 30 local solicitors are supporting Hospiscare Will Week by giving their time free to write or update a standard Will so you can make a donation to Hospiscare instead.

Q Isn’t a Will difficult to sort out? It’s easier to make a Will than you might think. Your solicitor will help you express your wishes clearly and guide you through the simple process.

Q What is the suggested donation? Your solicitor will invite you to make a donation. As a guide we suggest £95 for a single Will, £135 for mirror wills (for couples with similar wishes) and £45 for a codicil (a change to an existing Will).

Please respect your solicitor’s generosity by donating an amount that reflects their time and expertise.

Q How do I book? To book simply choose a participating solicitor from the list and make an appointment where you can talk about the options available. In the unlikely event that your Will is more complicated, your solicitor will discuss any different financial arrangements that may be required.

Q Can I leave a gift to Hospiscare? If, having reviewed your personal circumstances, you decide you would like to leave a gift to Hospiscare in your Will, thank you. Your solicitor will be able to arrange this for you. There’s no obligation to do so and your arrangements are

Have your Will prepared for free, so you can make a donation instead Over 30 local solicitors supporting Hospiscare: Axminster Beviss & Beckingsale Vicky Boyer, 01297 630700 Milford & Dormor Mr D Deekes, 01297 32206 Bovey Tracey WBW Helen Goodwin, 01626 833263 Budleigh Salterton Everys John Clarke, 01395 442223 Symes Robinson & Lee Don Middlemost, 01395 445581 Chard Beviss and Beckingsale Michael Micklethwait, 01460 269700 Crediton Symes Robinson and Lee Naomi Woods, 01363 775566 Cullompton Dunn and Baker Melissa Down, 01884 33818 Exmouth Everys Nicholas Strong, 01395 264384 Ford Simey Jane Pickup, 01395 272241 Vine Orchards Jim McIntosh/Gordon Pring 01395 273035 Hemyock Milford and Dormor Mr W C Bennett, 01823 681300 Honiton Beviss and Beckingsale Emily Dushynsky, 01404 548050 Everys Ruth Godfrey, 01404 43431 Ford Simey Sandy Holdich, 01404 540020 Newton Abbot Tozers Sue Thulborn, 01626 207020

Okehampton Stones Scott Cann, 01837 650200 Ottery St Mary Christine Ashby Solicitors Christine Ashby, 01404 814303 Everys Ruth Godfrey, 01404 813446 Seaton Beviss and Beckingsale Paul Watkins, 01297 626950 Everys Jane Skinner, 01297 21105 Milford and Dormor Dee Fazio, 01297 20528 Sidmouth Everys Rachel Taylor, 01395 577983 Ford Simey Claire Joyner, 01395 577061 Teignmouth Tozers Sue Halfyard, 01626 772376 Tiverton Ashfords Jonathan Hickman, 01884 203000 Exeter Ashfords Tom Biddick, 01392 337000 Cartridges Debra Bulcraig/Katie Rendell-Martin, 01392 256854 Crosse & Crosse Richard Adams/Naomi Hoare, 01392 258451 Dunn and Baker Nick Penwell, 01392 250041 Everys Ruth Godfrey, 01392 477983 Ford Simey Johanna Searle, 01392 274126 Kitsons Gemma Rumens, 01392 455555 Morgan and Pope Charlotte McGregor, 01392 274006 Stephens Scown Ian Newcombe, 01392 210700 Stones Amanda Rainford, 01392 666777 Symes Robinson & Lee Emma Gray, 01392 270867 Tozers Caroline Harris, 01392 207020 WBW Richard Welham, 01392 202404 Julia Woodgates, 01392 666552

Summer events May

May to July

11 Starlight Walk, Exmouth 12km Women’s sponsored walk starting and finishing at Exmouth Rugby Club. See below for more details. 18 Bow Summer Fayre, Crediton Come and enjoy the Bow Summer Fayre in Bow Village Hall. Refreshments, plant sale, cake stall, bric-a-brac, grand draw and crafts. 18 Plant Sale, Exeter Our popular annual plant sale is returning to Baring Crescent, off Magdalen Road, St Leonards. Free entry, come early and pick up some bargains. 19 Torbay and River Dart Wildlife and Pleasure Cruise, Paignton River cruise, lunch and shopping in the beautiful South Hams. £10 per person for the boat trip or £16 with return coach journey from Okehampton. To book contact Mole Avon, Okehampton on 01837 53886, 27 Rose Festival and Garden Fare, Ottery St.Mary Visit the beautiful grounds of this Elizabethan manor and enjoy the best of local produce and expertise. See for more details.


5 Quiz Night, Lympstone Gather your friends together and enter your team of 4-6 for our evening of fun quiz questions and pudding club puddings. Entry £10 per person, licensed bar available. Book your tickets by contacting Lesley on 01395 275058.

July 11 Golf Tournament, Exeter Now in its 9th year book early to guarantee a place in our very popular annual golf tournament. Good food and great prizes make for a fantastic day out. 12 Event in a Tent, Lympstone Come and enjoy an evening of fun, food and music overlooking the estuary at St Peter’s School, Lympstone. 13 Hospiscare Skydive, Honiton Be brave and take on the challenge of jumping 15,000 ft for Hospiscare. Contact events@ Our Open Garden prgramme is running from March to September. Go to our website to see a full lisiting or pick up an open garden programme from one of our Hospiscare shops.

For more details on any of our events go to

Join us for a girls’ night to remember! Our Starlight Walk, sponsored by Whitton and Laing estate agents, takes place on Saturday 11th May in Exmouth, with a fresh new feel and a new route for 2013. Join hundreds of women walking along 12km of Exmouth’s seafront and countryside, to remember a loved one or for a great night out with friends and family. The walk starts at 8pm and entry is £15, which includes refreshments and a Starlight Walk t-shirt. For more information, and to sign up, visit or contact Emma on 01392 688063, or at to request paper registration forms. We look forward to seeing you there!

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