Your fabulous feed for the summer
Laurie Graham Creative Director | VP of Operations
Summer is here and I am so excited about it. August has always been a favorite month for me, specifically starting about 10 years ago when I was stuck in an unhealthy job environment that was very verbally abusive. I looked for about a year for a new job and could not find one. Then one day I was driving by this cute craftsman's house turned into an office, in the middle of downtown Monrovia, CA, on my way to the job I hated and said out loud, “Why can I not work at a cute place like that?”. Fast forward to a few weeks later, I got an interview at that exact place, and even better, I was hired and my start date was 08/08/2008!! I knew with the numeric repetition in the date there had to be a meaning behind it. I am not into numerology, but it did cause me to do some research and what I found was interesting. If you simply google (which I did), you can find the meaning of the number 8 as below: “The meaning of the number 8 is harmony, peace, and balance. It is a symbol that helps you make decisions that are beneficial to you in your life.” For people of faith if you research the Number 8 in the Bible, it represents a new beginning, it is a number of hope, new horizons, and a bright future. Both of those things applied to my life and now August is one of my favorite months of the year and probably why I feel so alive in this month. Usually, these types of feelings happen for people inWhinfrey the springtime, when Oprah everything is in bloom, but this spring I was down with Covid, and then a pretty bad kidney infection directly followed, which caused me to miss the whole spring fever thing. Now I am alive, well, and ready to live out my best life, and guess what? I want that for you and your company as well.