HSRA May 2020 Member Publication

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Inside this Issue 04

FROM THE DESK OF JANA USELTON We are All in this Together.




BE THE LINK HSRA Education Director: Dana Moore


ORGANIZE LIKE A PRO HSRA Community Connector: Jill Johnson


A MONTH'S WORTH OF POSTS IN 1 DAY HSRA Dream Developer: Laurie Graham




HSRA MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Chicagoland Home Staging Inc.



Continue to think differently, empower others, and make the most of every opportunity in front of you. If we are faithful to this, there is no doubt our today and tomorrow will be bright.

FROM THE DESK OF Hi Friends! I am somewhat speechless, but I will

Jana Uselton While others are contracting, it’s time to

find the words. I know we can all agree that we

expand. While others are complaining, it’s time to be

have been on a tremendous roller coaster in the

thankful. While others want to throw in the towel, it’s

past several weeks. Who could have thought a

time to catch a new vision.

situation like this would happen overnight? I know we have all been rocked to our core, but it is the

We believe you will not only survive in the current

fortitude within each of us that allows us to

situation but be positioned to thrive tomorrow. What

continue our journeys and move forward. No

we have today is only a result of what we’ve done

matter what tomorrow brings, we now know that

yesterday. Continue to think differently, empower

we can do our best to prepare by implementing

others, and make the most of every opportunity in

great practical components. How prepared were

front of you. If we are faithful to this, there is no

you for this?

doubt our today and tomorrow will be bright.

I can say we were prepared with a few things in place but it has definitely exposed some vulnerable aspects of our business during this transition. In my article this month, I talk about how fireproofing our businesses helps not only sustain us for tomorrow but keeps us relevant for today’s buyers. We know the more we can work towards building a sustainable business, the more options we have for the future.

We are very thankful you’ve continued the journey and are still pressing forward. We cannot wait to see you soon at an upcoming event or through a webinar. Stay safe, stay active, and stay forwardfocused! Love & Hugs,


THE BOARD OF ADVISOR'S CORNER The recent Covid-19 pandemic has

2. Focus on What You Can Do - This

impacted us in ways many of us

is a great time to work on aspects of

never thought possible. Life as we

our business that we typically never

knew it suddenly turned on a dime

have time for. Consider

and now the businesses that we

implementing an inventory system,

have spent years building and

a CRM, working on an employee

nurturing suddenly feel threatened

handbook, revamping your website,

and vulnerable.

optimizing SEO, writing future blog posts, a CE presentation and

Over the past several weeks, we

organizing your warehouse

have been inundated with information on how to protect

3. Reset and Review - Spend time

ourselves personally against this

reading business development

pandemic, but in addition to staying

books and researching ways to

healthy ourselves, we also need

improve systems and processes.

solutions on how we can immunize

This is a perfect opportunity to

our businesses against the current

advance your internal efficiencies

peril and the uncertainty of the

and come out stronger and ready


for the action when the floodgates open again.

Here are some ideas on how we can approach the situation in a positive

4. Stay in Touch with Clients - Use

way and bolster our businesses to

the time you would normally spend

withstand these difficult times and

at networking events to call, send

come out even stronger on the

cards and reach out to your clients

other side.

on social media. Sending five star Google Reviews to your clients is

1. Don’t Panic - The rational mind

another great way to gain favor with

does not work while you are

them. Find ways to stay top of mind

panicked. The real estate industry

so you are their first call when they

will survive. We have been through

are ready to Stage again.

economic downturns before and this is no different. We may need to adjust our way of doing business, but people will always need a place to live and homes will always need to be Staged to get the best price.

5. Employees - Your employees are the single most important asset your company has. Have frequent check-ins and hold virtual team meetings to keep everyone connected and remind them you are all in this together and you are there to help. This will help build trust and loyalty within your team knowing that you have their back when times get tough. 6. Revamp Your Sales Approach Consider converting your sales pitch into a powerpoint presentation for brokers to share at their virtual sales meetings. An online brochure is another idea to put something into the “hands� of your clients when in-person meetings aren’t possible. While our way of life is currently being challenged, we need to remember to be thankful for all the positives around us. Our situation could always be worse. Hopefully we can use this time to reflect on what is important in life, gain a new perspective and emerge from this experience even better and stronger than we were before. Hugs and warm wishes to all!

HSRA BOA Linda Borghi Dazzle Home Staging St. Louis, MO

Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. - Unkown

Be the Link Hello everyone! I pray you are all well and taking advantage of this very unique time in our world to learn and grow. I know when I have periods where I cannot maintain my regular plans of action I have to optimize my time and reevaluate all the “back burner” things I have been pushing back because quite frankly, I just have not had the time or brain capacity to complete them. Here is one of mine. Taking the CHPA/Certified Home Preparation Advisor Program to the next level. I have been desiring to shift this Realtor Designation into a more substantial business building opportunity for our membership. So here goes and I hope to encourage you with what I've been spending my “different” time on in the past month or so. HSRA worked with NAEA/National Association of Expert Advisors a few years ago to collaborate on a designation for Realtors.

Break down the wall The CHPA/Certified Home Preparation

This membership provides the Preferred

Advisor Designation was designed to train

Agents with access to the Online Property

Realtors the proper way to assess their

Assessment Tool, Monthly Tips & Training,

clients properties and give the best guidance

their own private Facebook Group, invitations

to their sellers on effectively preparing their

and discounts to HSRA events, and the

properties to sell quickly for the highest

incredible network of the best Home Staging

ROI/Return on Investment.

companies in the US. You may be asking how this affects each of you. You are the link. We

The ultimate goal for all of us is to sell

created the HSRA Certified Trainer Program to

properties and the CHPA Program guides the

give you another open door to working with

way for Realtors through HSRA. It covers

your local Realtors by training, designating, and

Selling & Marketing Strategies, Identifying &

inviting them into the Staging Community as

Overcoming Objections, a Preparation Game

partners in Real Estate.

Plan, Home Staging Must Know Concepts & Principles, and working Home Preparation

This creates a more tangible link with your

into Listing Packages. The designation is

local realtors as it places you as the expert in

awarded once the Realtor completes a

your local real estate market.. The steps are

Property Assessment Assignment utilizing the

simple and the opportunities for broadening

HSRA RML Online Property Assessment Tool.

your reach endless. Once you sign up,

This tool is simple to use and the report can

complete the course and assignment it is time

be emailed immediately with photos, vendor

to market in your area as a HSRA Certified

information and CMA’s/Competitive Market

Trainer. Every CHPA Designation course you

Analysis reports

teach gains you revenue and notoriety with


each student, as well as establishes a

In a recent class Tamera Nalls of KW Urban

relationship with each agent who participates.

Dallas shared her experience: “This course

Once your Realtors have completed the course

gave me a whole new mind set on how to

and you have shared your thoughts about

think and communicate with my sellers. I now

their assessment you have the privilege of

have the terminology to help my sellers think

inviting them into the HSRA Family as a

of their homes as merchandise when they

Preferred Agent. You also earn a stipend for

are ready to sell. It’s priceless.” Her

each new member. The HSRA Team has been

testimonial is another Realtor confirmation

pursuing creative, tangible and profitable ways

that Staging is an integral part of responsible

for all of us to not only expand our businesses

property preparation.

but also empower the HSRA Membership to remove one brick at a time from the wall that

I am sure you are aware there has been a

still separates the Staging Community and Real

wall between Home Staging and Real Estate.

Estate. I encourage each of you to be the link

It must be removed. HSRA is working toward

that pulls down the old thinking that has

dismantling it by inviting Realtors into the

stymied our communities complete

Staging community through the HSRA


Preferred Agent Membership.



Organize like a Pro

Happy May everyone! I am hoping and praying that you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy. I am unsure about where you are in the process of your state’s opening up, but I will let you know that Texas seems to be pushing through and (slowly) starting to open up. Hopefully, in the midst of all of this craziness and being home it has helped connect your families and given you the opportunity to tidy your own home! I know some of you are currently not Staging any properties, so I wanted to give you a list of things that you can do in your own home to spruce it up a bit! Organize Your Kitchen I know when life gets so busy and crazy, I am continuously coming up with different projects to tackle and things to do when my life starts to slow down, and I am sure you do the same thing. One of those things being: organizing my pantry and “Staging” it to an extent. Even though I have been living in this apartment with my brand new husband for only two months now, somehow the pantry just cannot stay organized! So, thanks to Amazon gift cards, Target, and a great husband who knows I love to keep things organized and Staged even in our own home, I have purchased some pantry organizers! This is the absolute perfect time to clean out your pantry, refrigerators, and kitchen cabinets that have loose pots and pans strewn about (another thing I found on

Jill Johnson Community Connector

amazon are pots and pans organizers #lifesaver #potsandpanssaver). Even if your kitchen area is already organized, I am sure there is some project that you have been wanting to accomplish. Think long and hard, if you cannot think of anything right now, no worries, keep on reading…

Go through the “junk closet” Growing up, we

First, change out all of your hangers to the

had one specific closet that was dubbed the

same ones. You can get plain, basic white

“junk closet”. I know, I know, it was terrible. If

hangers at Walmart for less than $2 for 10

you have one of those closets, you know

hangers. If you are wanting more of a

about how bad of a headache you get when

luxurious look, go for the non-slip slim

you open it up and you don’t have a clue

hangers. Next, head to Target or your favorite

where half of it came from and how you’re

store (that is responsibly open), or even

going to get that stroller out without making

Amazon, and purchase some cute baskets to

everything landslide and bury you. Yours isn’t

place your hats, scarves, socks, or anything

that bad? Well, that’s good and I pray it will

that is super random. This reduces clutter

never be. But to insure that it doesn’t get

and makes your closet more pleasing to the

there, clean that baby out! You would be so

eye. Another thing you will definitely want to

surprised with what you will find. Everything

do is go through your clothes and shoes and

from old toys to give away to school books

get rid of things you have not used in six

that you kept from when your kids were in

months. I am unsure if clothing donations are

school to you name it! Even if you don’t have

going on right now in your area but don’t let

a junk closet per se, I am sure there is at least

that hinder you, gather your donations and

one specific spot in your house that you know

put them to the side to drop off later.

needs to be taken care of.

Another thing you could do with some of your old clothes is make masks from them! I

Elevate Your Master Closet Ah. The master

am sure you have seen a YouTube or

closet. This is the one thing we are lacking in

Facebook video on how to make a mask out

our small 769 sq ft apartment. Honestly, it is

of an old t-shirt, so nifty! Do all of this and you

more like a large coat closet.

will have a dream closet!

But one day, we will have a huge walk in with

Lastly, if you are one of the rockin’ moms or

a hidden door to a study, I just know it! No

dads who are not only running a business

matter the size of your closet, it can still get

but also homeschooling your kiddos in the

crazy in there, but with a few changes, you

midst of all of this, I am sure you are just

can turn your average master closet into a

about ready to explode.

stylish boutique looking dressing room.

Well, let’s get those kids involved in cleaning and organizing their rooms. Have them go through their clothes and toys with you and see what they can get rid of or give away. Make this a fun process and they will definitely want to help. I am not a parent yet, but I do have 18 nieces and nephews and I know how to make them feel like they are doing something fun (when I personally really know it’s a chore). They feel super accomplished once they finish and hopefully, they appreciate all of the work they just did and try to keep it up! Take these tasks day by day. These are unsure times, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get everything done. Hopefully by the time we are all able to come together again and shop without wearing a mask or gloves, all of your organizational updates and Spring cleaning will be finished. Also, take this time to catch up on some HSRA™ modules. Current members can access all current Modules plus 2 new ones every week for only $49 a month. Email us when you are ready to learn! I hope all of these tips have sparked your imagination when it comes to all of the things you can do during this time. We love you and we can’t wait to see you all in November!


Happy May & Happy Momma’s Day to all our HSRA Momma’s! I know you have been running your businesses & taken on the role of teacher to your amazing kiddos. I salute you! I personally am so glad that our son is grown, I am not sure what kind of teacher I would have been especially with the new math. Again, I salute you, you quarantine queens!

- Laurie

A Month’s Worth of Posts in One Day!

The last three months have been a

I created a checklist and set of tips on how

complete eye opener for me. I think I have

to prepare and post an entire month’s

grown more in the last three months than I

worth of social media posts in one day.

have in the last year, both physically (thanks

Maintaining your social media presence

to quarantine & oreo cookies) and mentally.

ensures that when you get the OK from

The biggest lesson I learned was to stay

your state to do business your phones will

busy preparing for the future. To not sit idle

be ringing and jobs will be coming in. It is

but to stay ready so you don’t have to get

crucial that you stay in front of your clients

ready. Just because some of us can’t

and here is how to do it.

physically do business doesn’t mean we have to stop business. Whether your state sees you as an essential business or not your social media cannot stop!

GETTING IT DONE STARTS NOW! STEP 1. Decide how many posts you would like to do per day and whether or not you want to include the weekend. STEP 2. Come up with post ideas. Here are a few for you: Behind the Scenes Your Why Personal Insight Encouragement Your Stages Stages that just Sold The Services you offer Vacant Stages Occupied Stages Consultations Current Market Updates Current world updates

A Day in the Life of Highlight a vendor Your top 5 fav’s Employee Spotlight Client Spotlight Upcoming trends Upcoming events Staging themed TIK TOK’s Weekly themed posts (ex. Motivation Monday, Workshop Wednesdays) A Staged Room a day

STEP 3. Create your content. I recommend creating all of your content together and saving it to a folder on your computer, this will make it easier to post later. For Staging and Business-related posts, I am sure you will have no problem writing these. But just in case, here are a few templates I got from my girl Jasmine Starr to use for the harder post subjects: BEHIND THE SCENES I guess you could say I’m a pro at saying “thank you” – ________________ [it’s like Thanksgiving all year round for me/I fill 4 journals a year with my morning gratitude lists, but if tomorrow I didn’t have the things and I didn’t give thanks for today, where would I be? etc.]. And in the spirit of thankfulness, I want to tell you that ______________ [I appreciate your virtual friendship more than you know/Nothing warms my heart quite like the Instalove you leave here/I wouldn’t be who I am without your encouragement and support, etc.]. As I ___________ [wrap up this promotion/continue this adventure/begin a new journey, etc.], I feel so much gratitude to pursue what I love and have you here for the ride. I’ll never tire of saying it, friends. Thank you for being here. YOUR WHY I realized something today. After ________ [4 years/nearly a year/almost a decade, etc.] of working to keep my ______________ [type of business] profitable, I know why I work so diligently. More specifically, I realized WHO I work so diligently for. I work for my _____________ [11 month old son/daughter, even though he/she still causes me to have major sleep deprivation/mom, who, at 70 years old, still calls me every day to see how my day went/my husband/wife, who still makes me wonder how I got so darn lucky, etc.]. It’s an honor to be able to work with the hopes of making ______[him/her] proud. And what about you, friend? Who do you work for?

PERSONAL INSIGHT Do you like surprises? I’m a ____________ [job title] so you can probably guess that from day to day I often use tools like ___________, ___________, and __________ [list 3 obvious job necessities] to do what I love. What might surprise you is how necessary ___________ [list unexpected job necessity—app, group chat platform, organizational tool, special snack or drink, etc.] is, too! What do you do and what do you use to do it? ENCOURAGEMENT Today I want to Insta-thank [@personyouwanttothank], and cyber-shout it from the mountaintops for all of you to hear! I’ve _____________ [never been/always been/recently become, etc.] the type to send thank you cards, but [person’s name] deserves it. He/She ____________ [is a literal lifesaver/has been the single most supportive mentor I could ever have dreamed of/deserves a medal for putting up with my madness during our latest launch, etc.], I quite honestly couldn’t have done it without him/her. Thank you [person’s name]! You’re my hero/heroine! After you have created all of your content (which should only take a few hours) then it’s time to schedule out your posts! I highly recommend using a platform like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your posts for the month. Posting the content you created should only take you about 3-4 hours at the most. TIP: Repurpose created content on multiple platforms. Ex. Create your content posts on facebook for the month of May, then go back to your platform (Hootsuite or Buffer) and use the same content but start posting on IG the following week and so on. That way you will show up differently on multiple platforms!

Featured Article By: Jana Uselton

Fireproofing Home Staging & ReDesign Businesses for the Future If you would have asked us two months ago if

2. Decide what services your clients need now

we believed a virus could literally shut down

and in the next few weeks.

our nation and most parts of the world, we would probably have said, “No, that only happens in movies!” But here we are!I know we have learned a ton of lessons in the last few weeks. We have learned these lessons about ourselves, our businesses, and others around us. Many of us have been surprised by the responses and reactions. We have experienced all types of emotions to include fear, anxiety, anger, depression, shock, disbelief, and finally acceptance. One thing that has revealed itself to me during this pivotal time is my faith and my fight (agility and forward focus)! The question now becomes, "How are we going to recover?"Anytime we go through a crisis personally or professionally, we assess,

3. Establish your “new” team of pros that are ready to offer the services. This may include some existing team members and NEW hires due to the masses who have lost jobs and are now looking for something they would love to do or who desire the opportunity to share their high-level skills and work with a sustainable company going forward. 4. Call all of your clients one more time to let them know the new services the company is offering going forward. You may choose to give them special pricing for the next few weeks or for their first few new listings. 5. Establish your marketing to include new social media campaigns, new websites, and new training classes around these services.

address, and progress. These are the fundamental steps to moving forward in

6. Once in production, create videos,

anything. We mention this three-step process

testimonials, and before and after’s to

often within HSRA.

continue to push out daily promotion and

What are 8 Practical Steps for a Roadmap

making a difference for your clients.

to Recovery? 1. Understand the changing rules and regulations in your area.


shout outs that the services are working and

7. Follow up with the clients who are using your services to ask how the company can improve them and make them better. 8. Rinse and Repeat. :)


The extra efforts are creating results week

The next question is, "How do we fireproof

after week, and we are now needing to add

our businesses to make them more

to our team soon. Because we have extra

sustainable in the future in case other

savings as a lifeline, because our team

unknown situations arise?" This could include

continues to step up, because we choose to

another virus, a natural disaster, a literal fire,

veer to new online services, because our

or whatever you can imagine being a worst-

clients keep trusting us with their business,

case scenario.If we can sustain a profitable

we are positioned better now than before the

income with at least 50% of our services and

crisis. Go figure. It is a true miracle!Our team

teams operating remotely, this allows us to

has pivoted to work through long days of

continue business. Most companies can

Staging, learned new skill sets of calling and

somewhat survive on 50% of the income

reach outs, and had to be tough with a smile

being generated. Work towards transitioning

when clients wanted to be at the property

50% of the income being generated from

during service. Everyone has gained a new

online or remote services. If you choose not

respect for policies and procedures as well.In

to go this route, know that savings accounts

summary, we understand that critical thinking

must be built up to withstand at least three to

skills, planning, right teams executing right

six months of disruption.Can we all agree the

services, prudent savings, online options, and

"Profit First" book should definitely be our

timely investments will help fireproof our

business Bible going forward? AMEN!

businesses going forward.

Our personal Staging company experienced

We hope you continue to build a business

the most critical week to date where our team

that cannot be stopped. We are here to help

needed to generate a certain amount of

you do this and have stepped up all of our

money to continue to keep all employees and

training and resources in the meantime. Plug-

sustain the business without us needing to

in, move forward, and continue to make a

tap into our critical savings accounts. They


stepped up and have continued to generate more than we need to survive. We were also in a situation where we needed to assess and pivot focus on essential business in a moment's notice.

Member Spotlight Margaret Gehr & Kathy Lobkovich Chicagoland Home Staging Inc.

MEET MARGARET & KATHY Q: TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHERE YOU ARE IN BUSINESS TODAY. Hi, I am Margaret Gehr, and together with my business partner Kathy Lobkovich, we own Chicagoland Home Staging Inc. located in Naperville, Illinois. We have been serving the western suburbs of Chicago since 2005 and currently specialize in staging vacant homes. Outside of staging we both enjoy traveling, live music, and getting together with our spouses for fun nights out. We are grateful to have families that support us and have enjoyed getting to know the amazing people we have met along the way Q: FROM BEGINNING UNTIL NOW, HOW HAS YOUR BUSINESS CHANGED? It has been quite the journey since the beginning. I started out solo working in occupied homes and now have a team staging luxury vacant properties with our own inventory. In 2005, it began slowly by picking up a few pieces occasionally to use in occupied homes. My garage filled up, then multiple storage units, and now we occupy our third warehouse.

What we do is very valuable so make sure you are paid what you are worth.


3. Have realistic expectations. Sure, Home Staging sounds fun and rewarding, but like any business there is a large commitment of time, energy and financial investment I met Kathy Lobkovich in 2008 and quickly recognized that we had different but complementary skill sets., We realized if we worked together we could take the business to new heights. In 2012, our new partnership and Chicagoland Home Staging was formed. After nearly 16 years in the business, it feels like we have climbed a few mountains and ran a few obstacle courses, but together we have built a 7-figure company with a solid base of clients, 13 employees, and over a million dollars of inventory in a 10k Sq. ft. warehouse. Q: WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE STARTING OUT? Here are my top three! 1. Educate yourself. Invest in a Home Staging Course, take advantage of webinars and training, join HSRA and other Staging associations, attend conventions and connect with as many colleagues as you can. Remember to never stop learning! 2. Start out slow! It takes time to build a business so move at a pace you can handle. Everyone needs to walk before they can run. Remember you can’t be everything to everyone so pick a service and learn to be the best at it!

Q: HOW ABOUT SOME ADVICE FOR THE PERSON DOING MOST EVERYTHING IN THEIR BUSINESS? Aside from putting in extremely long days, you can get overwhelmed and burnt out quickly if you do everything yourself for too long. Identify your own strengths and then seek help for the areas of the business that you don’t enjoy or don’t have the skill set to do. You may have to “let go” of some things to keep balance in your life. Q: WHAT SUGGESTIONS DO YOU HAVE ON MANAGING INVENTORY AT AN EARLY PHASE AND MOVING TO A MORE SEASONED BUSINESS? Managing your inventory early on gives you an advantage. We have tried various methods over the years without much success until we invested in a program specifically designed for the staging industry. It has been slow going because our inventory is so large but we are optimistic that it will be well worth the effort. .Q: WHAT PROCESSES NEED TO BE IN PLACE IN A BUSINESS SUCH AS YOURS? As you build a team by hiring people, you should have processes in place to keep things running smoothly. It may take a bit to get the processes down but once you do, make sure to write them down and keep them current as things and responsibilities change.

Q: HOW ABOUT EXTRA HELP? Early on I realized that staging a home was very labor intensive and extra help always made the projects go quicker. My first hires were for assistance on the job site which included my mom and then Kathy a few years later. To keep up with our growing volume of business, we began hiring and training stagers and letting them work independently. This was a big leap for us! It took a while to be able to “let go” for both of us but it was a necessary step to get to where we are today. Q: WHAT DID AN AVERAGE WORKDAY LOOK LIKE IN THE BEGINNING FOR YOU COMPARED TO NOW? In the beginning, you wear a lot of hats. It took a few years, but today we find that we are managing the business as opposed to being the business. Although we make decisions together, I focus largely on the sales and marketing aspects of the business and Kathy manages finances and operations. Q: WHO IS YOUR IDEAL CLIENT? Our ideal client is not necessarily focused on price but one who appreciates and values quality. They trust our experience to make their properties highly desirable and they want us to be part of their marketing team. Q: WHAT ARE SOME LESSONS LEARNED? Pricing is a critical element in the success of your business. Don’t underprice just to get business because in the end it hurts you as well as the industry. What we do is very valuable so make sure you are paid what you are worth. Building a team can be challenging at times but also very rewarding. Stay the course and you will find the right people.d a little bit of body text.


HSRA Elite Member | Krisztina Bell No Vacancy Home Staging Atlanta, GA

Home Staging & Virtual Staging: Working Together the Right Way The real estate industry can sometimes be unpredictable which I have seen over the past 15 years. Thus, the most challenging part of owning a Home Staging business is keeping up with the ever changing needs of agents and sellers especially when it comes to marketing a vacant home. Listening to my clients over the years has helped me realize that both our Staging Services and our Virtual Staging Services that we pioneered in 2008 work well together and it's all because of them. So as we head into a more virtual world and the percentage of buyers who bid on a house sight unseen slowly increases, I am also seeing an increase in interest from agents and sellers when it comes to Home Staging and Virtual Staging services available in today's market.

I have encouraged my team of Stagers and Designers to take a customized approach with our clients. They have spent numerous hours selecting and advising me on adding more current furnishings to not only our Home Staging business but also to our vast digital inventory of furnishings and decor for our Virtual Staging service.

My team is able to go out in the field and

Being able to offer both services to our

show clients on their ipad or cell phone

clients has allowed us to achieve a truly

how both Home Staging and Virtual

customized approach and meet all of their

Staging can instantly get their home in a

staging and marketing needs by

more marketable condition to sell faster

1 - Offering a form of Staging that is

and for top dollar.

economical for smaller budgets; 2 Assisting clients who do not want to have furnishings

Our Home Staging and Virtual Staging

brought into their home to avoid damage

services have become complimentary

or theft; and 3 - Offering another option for

marketing tools with agents and sellers as

clients who request furnishings we may not

both are quality products from a team of

inventory traditionally but we can offer to

Stagers that can add that unique, move-in

Virtually Stage for example a photo of an

ready and attractive environment that

exercise room, nursery or game room.

buyers are looking for today. Our clients

I have had such success with both services

appreciate that we can traditionally Stage

increasing my business that I am excited to

all the main areas in a vacant listing and

offer my VSP Program so other Stagers and

Virtually Stage other flex rooms while

Designers nationwide can do the same.

staying within their budget. The proper

This program allows one the ability to

Virtual Staging we provide our clients

remain focused on what they do best while

follows the Code of Ethics guidelines for

my team of Stagers assist you with an

real estate professionals and we never

amazing Virtual Staging product for those

alter any portion of the high resolution

times when you need it.

photos that we receive from our clients.

My team is able to go out in the field and show clients on their ipad or cell phone how both Home Staging and Virtual Staging can instantly get their home in a more marketable condition to sell faster and for top dollar.


UNLOCK YOUR BUSINESS POTENTIAL ALL-ACCESS PASS HSRA BUSINESS MODULES Sign up today and get access to the entire HSRA Business Building Module Library for only $49 per month. Email: info@myhsra.com to sign up

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.