“The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” – Abraham Lincoln Issue #297
Nov/Dec, 2016
The News, Cartoon Style! Formerly the Comic Press News
‘World’s Funniest News Source’ • www.HumorTimes.com
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Nov/Dec, 2016
Editor’s Letter
Election Fatigue
So. It happened. It really happened. Wow. Well, I’ll say this much: The Republican party has no excuses left. They own the government they so despise. Let’s see if they can do anything, anything at all, for the people. Not just the one percent, but the actual working class of this nation. Anyway... we could use your help to raise the despondent mood of our country! After all, laughter is the best medicine. You may have noticed that this is a combination November/December issue. (It’s a bigger issue too. Don’t worry, subscribers will still get the same number of issues – 12 issues for each subscription “year” – because we keep track by issue number, not date.) We’re sorry to have skipped one, but we hope you understand. We’re hurting a bit right now, due to declining ad sales and subscriptions, and didn’t have the advertising support needed for a November issue. We’re redoubling our efforts to bring in more advertising and subscribers. We will survive, although some things may change – like we may have to go to an every-other-month publication schedule. We would rather not, and hope that we can turn things around. The good news: You can help! For one, you can give this issue, by itself (instead of a subscription), for just $4.00. We’re calling it the “Post-Election National Healing Issue!” Even better, though, are gift subscriptions. We know there are plenty of potential readers out there. Heck, it’s probably half the country – the liberal half, as we make no bones about it, we lean left. But that is still a huge potential customer base. However, we don’t have the marketing budget to reach them (any angel investors out there?), so we’re depending on you, to:
The country has endured much…
Take the Humor Times Challenge: Give Subscriptions! We hope you’ll help spread the fun, by giving subscriptions as gifts this holiday season and beyond. We make it easy, with a $5 Off Special! Your friends, co-workers and family will thank you, as they receive the gift every month in the mail, not just once, like most gifts! We need to increase our subscription rolls, and you’re in a position to help us do that. A gift and recommendation from you, a person who is familiar with the Humor Times, who can tell others how much you enjoy it, is the best way to spread the word about this publication. Who do you know that enjoys political humor? Isn’t that just about everybody? Most people don’t know we even exist, but would be happy to discover us. This magazine is quite unique, there are not many like it. Don’t worry that we’ll go out of business and leave you holding the bag on your subscription money. First of all, we will survive! Secondly, we guarantee a pro-rated refund for any issues not delivered. So, please, take the Humor Times Challenge, and give generously! Thank you!
but now everyone’s out of ammo...
– James Israel, Editor
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Technical Support WWW.OMSOFT.COM • 530-758-0119 The Humor Times® (ISSN 1937 299X), Vol. 25, Issue 297, is published monthly by the Humor Times, 7271 Lindale Dr, Sacramento, CA 95828. Periodicals Postage Paid at Sacramento, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Humor Times, P.O. Box 162429, Sacramento, CA 95816-2429. Editor: James Israel. Publisher: Jim LeDoux. Email: info@humortimes.com. Phone: 916-758-8255. Printed by: Gold Country Printing, Auburn, CA 95603. Contributors: P. Beckert, Steve Benson, Jeff Boldt, Ruben Bolling, Chris Britt, Jon Carter, Paul Combs, Will Durst, Michael Egan, John Glynn, Walt Handelsman, Jim Hightower, David Horsey, Ben Krull, Paul Lander, Dick Locher, Chan Lowe, Mike Luckovich, Gary Markstein, Lee Mays, Jack Ohman, Dan Piraro, Marshall Ramsey, Rob Rogers, Jay Schiller & Greg Cravens, Harley Schwadron, Drew Sheneman, Scott Stantis, Dana Summers, Tom Toles, Roz Warren, Dan Wasserman and others. Contributions: Send artwork/submissions to address or email above. The Humor Times is available by subscription. It is printed on recycled paper, using 60% post-consumer fiber. All contents ©2016. No part may be reproduced without permission.
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Nov/Dec, 2016
It Is Done: A Special 9 Page Cartoon Election Report! From early on, it looked like he was finished...
but he was just putting his own spin on things.
He would have won that first debate...
but for technical difficulties.
He claimed that it was all rigged against him...
and that it was ever so.
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Hillary either...
as Wikileaks had her number. (continued)
Nov/Dec, 2016
Hillary managed to weather the storm for a while...
but every time she thought she’d buried Trump...
something came up...
and her hubby wasn’t much help.
The second debate was closely watched...
and results depended on your point of view.
But the tax return controversy was an embarrassment... and did not go over well with voters. (continued)
Nov/Dec, 2016
If It Qualified for the Ballot, “None of the Above” Would’ve Won in a Landslide Some of the great eternal questions are “What is the sound of one hand clapping.” “If a tree falls in a forest, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?” “Is the Pope Catholic?” “Do these pants make my butt look big?” “Who drank all the orange juice then put the empty carton back in the refrigerator again?” And now we can add, “What kind of flippo-unit could’ve stayed undecided in the 2016 presidential contest?” You’d understand a couple of hermits, or people recently emerged from comas, or unlucky spelunkers who spent the last 18 months in a mine-shaft, cave-in; but what’s that, eleven people? Maybe twelve, tops? Enough to field a starting offense that could beat the Niners, sure, but that’s about it. Some experts claimed 11% of America had yet to make up their minds the weekend before the election, approximately the same amount who believe Elvis is still alive and playing liar’s dice with Santa’s Elves. Elvis and the Elves, a children’s book waiting to be written. Who are these so-called Undecideds we keep hearing about? Do they actually exist? Or are they fictional characters created out of whole cloth by pollsters eager to keep the checks rolling in until Election Day? Or passive-aggressive, warm-blooded carbon based life forms with basic trust issues? The hell is the problem with these people? Is it faulty information or a lack of information or too much information: paralysis by analysis? Sounds more like a cry for a urinalysis and/or psychoanalysis. Who could not know which candidate they’re going to vote for President? Unless bewilderment is their natural state. Maybe they’re also confused about which receptacle to use in the bath-
room. Need Post-It notes to remind them that its socks first, then shoes. Struggle with the intricate manipulation required to use those new-fangled toothbrushes. Really? No idea. Now. In November. They must be waiting for snow. To be awakened by a bright light piercing their bedroom ceiling and a booming voice advising them to vote for the Big Orange Guy. A flock of pelicans to form the word “Clinton” on a migratory flight south to Mexico. For the Donald to grow bigger hands. Hillary to grow… a Y chromosome. What was the plan, man? Did they flip a coin? Vote for the person whose ad they saw last? Throw the I-Ching? Sacrifice a virgin goat outside the polling place? Eenie-meenie-miney-mo? Go into the booth with their smart phone and check out the electoral preferences of their favorite boy band on Snapchat? Obviously, the race came down to who was the less hated. She’s the only Democrat who could possibly have lost to him and he’s the only Republican who could possibly have lost to her. It was the worst O’Henry story ever written. If it qualified for the ballot, “None of the Above” would have won in a landslide. Anybody who can’t figure out who they’re voting for by November should really have sat this one out, or bided their time until the ghost of Uncle Ron or Calvin Coolidge or Alexander Hamilton telepathically nudged them. That wait could stretch for years, and all in all, you know what, that might not be such a bad thing. Donald, Leave Comedy to the Professionals Comedy is a delicate business and should be left to the trained professionals. So the next time Donald Trump announces his in-
tention to be purposefully amusing in a public setting, we need to respond properly, and that proper response is: “God. No. Please. In the name of all that is holy, stop. Don’t do it. Think of the children.” The day after the final presidential debate, at the Al Smith Dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria, the two major party candidates were in vited to tell some jokes, and to say the re sults were underwhelming is like inferring that gravel dusted with uranium flakes makes a non-nutritious breakfast cereal even swimming in milk. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were good at this sort of thing. It’s called a comedy “routine” for a reason. And when George W Bush and Mitt Romney are held up as comedic geniuses, you know something has gone horribly awry. Hillary Clinton couldn’t tell a joke if the life of a small Haitian child depended on it, but gamely persevered and got off a couple of decent zingers, a few at her own expense. But once again, Trump seemed intent on disrupting another grand old tradition: the one that involves attaching punch lines to the end of jokes. You’d think a clown would have better timing — and make-up. Especially Mr. Hometown Boy, whose big claim is being able to read a room. This campaign apparently has blinded him so badly he needs Lasik surgery. Also, he failed to demonstrate the faintest notion of how to deal with a heckler. So, perhaps a few classic lines can be offered up should the oc ca sion arise again. Which could pos si bly happen in another four years: Oh yeah, well if you’re so smart, how come I’m President? I’m sorry sir, are you a Democrat? I’ll talk slower. Nice shirt. Some where in Yonkers, there’s a Pinto without seat covers. Is that your face or are you celebrating Halloween early? Fur ther proof why kids shouldn’t play football without helmets. Don’t mess with me, I got a microphone, I’ll just make up stuff you said. Easy to see why he’s excited. His colonoscopy report came back. Good news: they found his head. Do I come to your work and knock the broom out of your hand? Save your breath. You’ll need it to blow up your date. The 70s called. They want their hair back. I’d love to have a battle of wits, but my daddy taught me never to fight an unarmed man. Definitive proof that Darwin was wrong. Oh, yeah, you and what focus group? Please sir, put down the gun. That’s all right. I remember my first glass of cheap champagne too. Oh, I’m sorry sir, are you a Republican? I’ll talk slower. Usually when people donate their brain to science, they wait till they’re dead. Excuse me sir, your village called, they want their idiot back. Any body her e speak Quaalude? Another example of why polit i cal con sul tants eat their young. I’m sorry but the moron conven tion met y es ter day. In France. Isn’t it a shame when Hillary supporters marry? Do you talk to your third wife with that mouth? I understand a bus for your hometown is leaving soon. Why don’t you and Elizabeth Warren get under it? Will Durst is an award- winning, nationally acclaimed political comic. Go to willdurst.com for info about the documentary film, “3 Still Standing” and calendar listings that feature future ap pear ances such as hi s one-man show, “BoomeRaging: From LSD to OMG.”
Nov/Dec, 2016
It Is Done (continued) Trump was lucky to have some backup...
He did his best to defend Trump...
and in the VP debate, Pence was stoic.
but in the end, both VPs were unconvincing.
It seemed that Trump could do anything...
He seemed to make it up as he went along...
Nov/Dec, 2016
and it would only strengthen the support of his fans.
which is why he thinks he’ll make a great prez. (continued)
It Is Done (continued) Trump’s “locker room talk” didn’t pass the smell test...
even in actual locker rooms...
and the more we learned, the worse it got.
He resorted to tweeting insults all night...
as he turned his attention back to the totals. and claiming he wasn’t even tempted...
but what did he care? (continued) It got a little uncomfortable at times...
Nov/Dec, 2016
Even the party brass told Trump to tone it down...
and his staff was beginning to worry...
realizing they should’ve used extreme vetting.
but they were stuck with the mess.
almost making him want to do something about it.
Nov/Dec, 2016
It felt like a bad dream...
The sexual assault revelations even repulsed Paul Ryan...
Finally, Trump had become a parody of himself. (continued)
It Is Done (continued) It became clear ol’ Donald was losing it...
wiping the floor with him in the final debate.
and Hillary took full advantage...
But he said he might not honor the election results...
which caused a backlash...
so he walked it back a bit.
Still, a clear pattern had emerged...
and it looked like it would come full circle.
Nov/Dec, 2016
The media worked overtime as the election neared...
and Trump finally got into policy detail...
trying to sound more presidential.
Hillary tacked to the center...
and flung herself into her campaign’s final stage.
and then it hit.
Nov/Dec, 2016
Trump called for his followers to be vigilant...
But Comey was just being fair & balanced. (cont. pg. 15)
Cartertoons • www.cartertoons.com
by Jon Carter
Cartertoons • www.cartertoons.com
by Jon Carter
“We Report, You Decry!” New Executive Order Cancels Election President Obama has saved American democracy by issuing a new executive order which alters the rules of daylight savings. The new policy will set the nation’s clocks back four years from Nov. 6th, effectively rebooting the president’s second term.
Obama instructed cit izens to set their cal endars and clocks back to Tuesday November 6, 2012, which also happens to be that year’s election day. Obama said he has been in close consult with the nation’s top theoretical physicists, and warns that voting for Romney would disrupt the timeline and cause the fabric of reality to collapse. “We basically have to do everything the exact same way in a loop for forever and ever,” said Obama. “It may seem tedious, but considering the alternatives I think we can all agree this is the least terrifying scenario.” “There is one way out, however,” the president revealed. “Ms. Clinton will continue to run at the end of my terms, until the pub lic straight ens up and elects her.” “Then we can finally move on,” he added. Reported by StubhillNews.com
WASHINGTON D.C. – At 8:30 pm EST, “Despite our best efforts we find ourselves in former presumptive presidential nominee and this vulnerable position,” said Conway. “Trump comedian Donhas long mainald Tru mp tained that the signed a change electoral college . o rg p e t i t i o n is a disaster. He urging the Elecwill not stand by toral College to and al low this break from traDemocratic dition and side trag edy to unwith the popular fold. We believe vote by electing that this petition Hillary Clinton gives the American people one as president. last window to Trump camActual Tweet from Donald Trump (yes, really!) es cape out of paign man ager Kellyanne Conway released a statement that before we burn this motherfucker down.” they are cautiously optimistic that it’s not too Reported by StubhillNews.com. late to throw the election.
GOP: ‘Extinction of Humanity Only Climate Change Evidence We Will Accept’ WASHINGTON – Earlier today, the Republican National Committee (RNC) updated its platform to make it clear Republicans would never stop denying climate change until “credible evidence” was presented. The platform also clearly declared “the extinction of humanity” as being the only evidence Republicans would find to be genuine. “The Republican Party doesn’t have time to deal with this climate change nonsense. We’re
Trump: ’Clinton Rigged Republican Primary, So I Should Never Have Even Been on the Ballot’ Donald Trump expanded on his claims about Trump went on to explain to a stunned and sithe allegedly corrupt nature of American de- lent crowd that for much of the last decade he has been experiencing frequent blackouts durmocracy today. ing which he does and Trump announced says things that are his support of the conspiracy theory that his beyond his control. can di dacy was de“I don’t even resigned to give Hillary member the birth of Clinton an easy path my youn gest son,” said Trump as he beto the White House. “ T h e sy s t e m i s gan to weep. clearly rigged, folks,” Trump t hen Trump began. “Think winced and grabbed about it. There’s no his head in pain before way I could have won falling to the ground Trump: “The system is clearly rigged, folks!” the Re pub li can primo men tarily be fore mary. I didn’t want any of this!” regaining composure. The president-elect said winning was fun, “Like I said. The wall is going to be tremenbut he doesn’t really want to be president any- dous! Believe me. Mexico will pay for it and it will be built with the bones of ISIS’ families, way. According to Trump, his Twitter account and worthless POWs.” Trump said to thunderhas been hacked for so long he can’t remember ous applause. Reported by StubhillNews.com the last time he actually used it.
At the Western Republican Leadership Conference.
far too busy gerrymandering states, keeping all kinds of minority groups from voting, and encouraging hatred and fear between different groups of Americans,” stated RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. Priebus added, “If humanity goes extinct, all the scientists can run their victory lap while the Republican Party gets serious about this issue and leads Amer ica in com bat ing cli mate change.” RELATED HEADLINES: GOP Presidential De bates to Ban Evo lu tion, Cli mate Change, Age of the Earth A dead silent press pool had absolutely no questions for Priebus. “Well, then I think we’re done here,” announced Priebus. Reported by TheNilAdmirari.com
Surgeon General’s Warning: Humor Times Habit-Forming
Nobel Prize accolade for ‘The greatest slam poet of his generation, who sure knew how to deliver a punch line!’
According to Ms or Mr Odd Zschiedrich, administrative director of the Swedish Academy, the former heavyweight champion won “for creating new poetic expressions within the great American chest-beat ing tradition at boxing weigh-ins.” “This includes Rocky Marciano’s 1957 classic, ‘I’ll moider da bum,’ and Leon Spinks’ spontaneously plaintive, ‘Oy vey.’” The director went on to recite, in a flutey, reverential voice, what he called “Mr Ali’s evocative quasi-Keatsian reverie”: When I got to Africa, I had one hell of a rumble. I had to beat Tarzan’s behind first, For claiming to be King of the Jungle! “Kindly note,” Odd continued, “the delicately masterful half-rhyme, rumble/jungle. It’s a typically Aliesque linguistic maneuver, deployed whenever he couldn’t immediately come up with an exact phoneme [rhyme — Ed.], although of course he was fully capable of it later in his visionary and indeed prophetically
Aspiring to the High Standards Set by Cable News
Trump Signs Petition for Electoral College to Pick Clinton for President
Muhammad Ali Posthumously Awarded 2016 Nobel Prize for Literature STOCKHOLM – Following its shock 2016 Literature Nobel Prize award to folk singer Bob Dylan, the Nobel committee today granted “a special posthumous literary award” to the late Muhammad Ali, author of the immortal “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,” and other frequently quoted lines.
Headline News Section
dystopian.” It will be a Killer, And a chiller, And a thrilla. When I get the gorilla In Manila. “This last poem,” the director said, “is an extraordinary example of Mr Ali’s brilliant way of rhyming. putting together refrains, and his brilliant way of thinking.” His work compares favorably with Bob Dylan’s, since both poets “span the entire English-language tradition, from high to low, from black to white.” However, Ali’s subsequent “linguistic ventures,” Odd said, “op er ate on a higher s emio lo gi cal p la ne , s pe a k ing in a quasi-Lacanian, if not to say, Derridian sense.” Ali’s lyr i cal trans for ma tions of Ameri can “street jive,” for example, includes the searing stanza: Clay comes out to meet Liston And Liston starts to retreat, If Liston goes back an inch farther He’ll end up in a ringside seat! …which is later “spiritually transliterated into the extraordinarily arrogant and yet endearing…” My face is so pretty; you don’t see a scar, Which proves I’m the king of the ring by far. Don Share, ed i tor of Po etry mag a zine, praised the Nobel committee’s decision. “People who only experience poetry on the page might dissent,” he said, “but this Nobel award is a way of bringing it all back home, of both reminding us of poetry’s roots and moving it forward through changing times.” “Ali is the brilliant inheritor of the martial tradition. Great choice,” added fellow Nobel laureate, Salman Rushdie, on his Twitter feed. Reported by Michael Egan
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy warned citizens today about the national humor magazine, the Humor Times, saying it was “habit forming” and could lead to serious bouts of belly-laughter, upsetting the habitually pessimistic. He also warned against the enticing Humor Times Holiday Sale, now in progress. “We’ve all heard the line, ‘laughter is the best medicine,’” the official said, “but is it, really? Perhaps too much of a good thing is just that – too much. Be careful out there, America.” (Ed: Subscribe on page 3, if you can handle it. And please give subscriptions responsibly!)
Ripping the Headlines Today Making fun of the headlines today, so you don’t have to By Paul Lander. All you need to do is follow one simple rule: barely pay attention and jump to conclusions. So, here are some headlines today and my first thoughts: The Cubs win! The Cubs win! Although the U.S Senate says it won’t accept the result until there’s a new President… Judge declares Trump Toronto International Hotel bankrupt So, he’s not just screwing up in his own country, but also Ted Cruz’s. KKK’s official newspaper endorses Trump for President Be careful of getting burnt doing the burning crossword. The FBI to sift through 650,000 emails it found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop Here’s bet ting they get hard ev i dence on Weiner.
Melania Trump vows to take on cyberbullying as First Lady While Mrs. Chris Christie will be giving diet tips. Kanye West ends concert early after losing his voice Lord, now that you’ve answered that prayer, how about that Tesla? The George W. Bush White House ‘lost’ 22 million emails They used a WMD – a weapon of mass deletion. Happy 130th Birthday, Statue of Liberty Don’t worry, Trump’s not going to get the chance to trade you in for a younger statue. US adds 161,000 jobs 160,999 if you count Kellyanne Conway on November 9th.
Sources: Retired General set to replace Colangelo as USA Basketball chairman Surprised, given how the Globetrotters always beat the Generals.
Hershey fills student’s car with candy after thief steals Kit Kat bar Yo, Rolex, my Rolex was stolen from my car… now man up.
Where does Jeff Bezos foresee putting space colonists? Wherever it is, the bubble wrap will make it extra comfy.
Donald Trump tells veterans he’s ‘financially brave’ It’ll be in his autobiography, the one that repeats Chapter 11 six times.
Read more of Paul Lander’s columns at humortimes.com.
Nov/Dec, 2016
It Is Done (continued) Comey’s announcement clouded the race...
and will be forever remembered...
Voting day finally arrived... as this election’s October Surprise.
and while a majority tried to purge America...
by making the smart choice...
it wasn’t enough to overcome the “Red State Revolt.”
Nov/Dec, 2016
And now, what’s done is done. (continued)
It Is Done (conclusion) Now that it’s all over...
the healing can begin.
and the media did some navel-gazing.
Trump announced his 100-day plan...
We can’t say we weren’t warned.
Trump says he’ll be a president for everyone...
and a uniter, not a divider...
but the divisions will be hard to repair.
Nov/Dec, 2016
Curse Lifted Thanks for All the Laughs through the Years, Humor Times!
In retrospect, the World Series seemed to be an omen…
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Tell that to Hillary.
Access Sacramento TV’s
In-depth interviews with local progressive leaders. Tune in every Monday to see engaging and provocative guests interviewed on this unique Sacramento talk show! The rotating host crew includes Humor Times editor James Israel, as well as Joy Halstead and Myki Angeline. Check out the archive of shows on YouTube! (Search for “Sacramento Soapbox”)
Mondays at 8pm on Ch 17 (Comcast) or Ch 14 (ATT), and available anytime on YouTube on the SoapBoxSacramento channel!
This Year, Give the Gift of Political Humor – It Lasts All Year! Humor Times Subscriptions will be appreciated by graduates, family, friends and co-workers!
Nov/Dec, 2016
News of the World
Staying Alive Police shootings of unarmed blacks has continued...
Saudi Arabia is worried‌
but the blowback in the U.S. could be even worse. and the community has a simple message...
In Aleppo, all hell has broken loose...
It’s no way to live...
as Assad gets closer to his goal.
and the healing must begin.
Nov/Dec, 2016
Hot Phone
Wells Fargo didn’t do well, going too far…
Don’t get stuck in the wilderness without the right phone…
but they may have had some help.
and be sure to use it responsibly.
Meanwhile, the spies at NSA are getting spied on...
The current regulatory climate is a breeding ground...
and it’s best to take security precautions.
and things are only getting worse.
Nov/Dec, 2016
The Hightower Lowdown Takeaways from the Election Buckle-up friends, it’s going to be a hairy ride. Start with Day One for President Trump (gotta get used to saying that). He will need to be up-and-at-em no later than 12:01 am, for during his campaign he promised to get oodles of big stuff done on his very first day in office, including: “Repeal Obamacare; Begin working on impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall; Meet with Homeland security officials and generals to begin securing the Southern border; Fix the Department of Veterans Affairs; Repeal every single Obama executive order; Suspend Syrian refugee resettlement; Get rid of gun-free zones in schools; End the war on coal; Defend the unborn; Start taking care of...our military; and convene top generals to inform them they have 30 days to come up with a plan to stop ISIS.” Good grief! Americans have actually put a xenophobic-misogynous-racist-nativist-narcissistic blowhard in the Oval Office. Has our country gone right wing? Or completely nuts? No. Trump was not elected on issues, but on anger – a deep seething fury that the economic and political elite themselves have created by knocking down the working-class majority, then callously stepping over them as if they didn’t exist. Exit polls revealed that most Trump voters don’t think he’s any more honest than Hillary Clinton (only 38 percent of all voters had a favorable opinion of him, with only a third saying he was qualified to be president). Also, his own voters disagree with much of his agenda (es pe cially his gran di ose wall across the Mexican border). But his core message – “The system is rigged” by and for the elites – came through loud and clear to them, so they grabbed him like a big Bois-D’arc stick to whap the whole establishment upside its collective head. The major message from voters was, “We want change.” The Donald was the one most likely to shake things up (or blow things up), while Clinton clearly was the candidate of the status quo. As a West Texas farmer told me several years ago, “status quo” is Latin for “The mess we’re in,” so change voters, including those who would normally side with Democrats, cast their ballot for the Republican.
Indeed, on specific issues, voters around the country supported very progressive changes offered to them in a variety of ballot initiatives: • All four states that had minimum wage increases on the ballot passed them – Arizona (59 percent for it), Colorado (55 percent), Maine (55 percent), and Washington (60 percent). Plus, a South Dakota proposal to lower its minimum wage was rejected by 71 percent of voters. • Two states had initiatives calling for a constitutional amendment to repeal the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision that has allowed unlimited corporate cash to flood into our elections – California (53 percent for it) and Washington (64 percent “yes”). Also, 52 percent voted for campaign finance reform that will provide public funding of elections there. • A Minnesota initiative to take away the power of state lawmakers to set their own salaries, instead creating a bipartisan citizens council to consider any increases, won a whopping 77 percent approval. In ad di tion, many sol idly-pro gres sive “firsts” were elected on Tuesday, such as the first In dian-Amer i can woman in Con gress (Pramila Jayapala of Washington), the first Latina U.S. senator (Catherine Cortez Mastro of Nevada), first Indian-Black woman elected to U.S. Senate (Kamala Harris of California), and first openly-LGBT governor (Kate Brown of Oregon), Stephanie Murphy (of Florida)is the first Vietnamese-American woman elected to Congress, Ihlan Omar (of Minnesota) is the first Somali-American Muslim woman elected to state legislature, and Sam Park (of Georgia) became the first openly gay state legislator there. Trump is in the White House, but the takeaway from voters in this election is a mandate for progressive economic populism and more diversity among public officials.
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