i-am magazine Jan/Feb 2015 WELLNESS

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AGING GRACEFULLY advancements in skin care


RETIREMENT how to plan successfully for your financial future

treating the body as a whole through HOLISTIC HEALING

premiere issue



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TABLE of CONTENTS | wellness 2015 • • •

What ’s Inside protect 9

Letting Your Worries Go A look at how we can begin to let go of what holds us back.

19 15

12 Exploring Holistic Medicine An in-depth look at healing the body through a holistic approach.

15 Should We Get Back to Basics? A Look at the Paleo Diet Exploring the paleo diet and whether it’s right for you.

19 The Power of Scent Can using essential oils help relieve chronic pain?

20 A New Age for Aging Skin The art and science of skin care holds exciting promise in the ongoing quest to capture the illusion of youth.

inspire 24

What Breaks Your Heart? An introspective about fostering and adopting children.

27 Reclaiming Joy A poem by Carma Lee

28 20

experience 28

Visiting Some of the World’s Happiest Places Discovering Panama, Costa Rica, and Denmark Exploring some of the world’s happiest places to live.

29 Making the World a Happier Place, One Day at a Time Shining a spotlight on International Day of Happiness, March 20th.

34 You Are What You Think! Think Happy to BE Happy!

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Plan Ahead for Retirement? A Piece of Cake! An easy approach to understanding how to plan successfully for your financial future.

Products we love! Eight products we think you will love that could enhance your life – whether you’re staying active, wanting to stay safe when outdoors alone, or looking to improve your aging skin.


energize 38

Realizing the Need for Yoga Therapy Energize your mind, body and soul through yoga.

39 All About Yoga for Heart Health


connect 43

Valentine’s Day Out of the Box! Valentine’s day isn’t just for kids and young lovers. We take a look at non-traditional ways to get in the spirit of the day.

40 The Benefits of Yoga for Kids


Welcome to i•am magazine

magazine Suzanne Hirayama Founder & Publisher Editor In Chief Creative Director Patricia Ostholm Dianne C. Witter Copy Editors Catherine Law New Business Development Carma Lee Sales Executive CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Orsolya Bartalis Michelle Lavin Catherine Law Carma Lee Faye Martins Dr. Mila McManus Patricia Ostholm Leslie Schilling Nina Shadi Dianne C. Witter Michele Wong CONTACT

6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281 The Woodlands, TX 77382 EDITORIAL INQUIRIES

info@i-ammagazine.com ADVERTISING INQUIRIES

adsales@i-ammagazine.com i•am magazine is a bi-monthly publication of Yama Media, LLC and is distributed, complimentarily, to residents within The Woodlands, TX. If you are not within our distribution area but would like to have i•am magazine delivered to you, subscriptions are available for $18.00 (six issues annually). To subscribe, send a money order for $18 payable to Yama Media, LLC, along with your full name and mailing address to Yama Media, LLC; 6700 Woodlands Pkwy., Ste. 230-281, The Woodlands, TX 77382. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery of first issue. Readership: 200,000+. ©2015 Yama Media, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the Publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the Publisher. The publication of any advertisement or advertorial in this issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by this publication.

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ur mission for i•am magazine is to enhance and celebrate the incredible lives of women through a beautiful “better living” publication that serves as a prominent source of advice, knowledge and inspiration.

Within each issue you will find numerous articles pertaining to health and wellness, fitness and activities, personal finances, travel, religious faith and more. Each of the 6 issues will be devoted to a theme. We begin the year with WELLNESS (Jan/Feb), which is the perfect time to set your goals for the year and chart a course for a healthier and happier 2015. We will then follow with the WOMEN’S issue in March/April, which coincides with National Women’s History Month, a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society. This thought-provoking issue will reflect on who we are and what we want as women. It will aim to inspire, motivate and educate on so many topics important to women. Our May/June issue is the ever-popular FAMILY & HOME issue. We will be highlighting various topics including diverse philosophies for your children’s education, healthy eating for all ages, enhancing family

relationships, and more. This exciting issue (July/Aug) is the DISTINCTIONS issue. It will feature unique or innovative products or services that can make your life easier or more enjoyable. We’ll also highlight fresh and creative ideas for the home and explore intriguing places to visit and interesting things to do for fun. CELEBRATIONS are the focus of our fifth issue (Sept/Oct), whether it’s a formal special occasion or a less formal social gathering. This issue will be loaded with helpful planning tips and recommendations to make your celebration a stress-free success – and to preserve memories of the big day. And last but not least, we close the year with our HOLIDAYS issue (Nov/Dec), where we’ll share creative ways to show your love or personalize your home for the holidays and show you how to make healthier holiday treats or find innovative gift ideas. We’ll also provide inspiration to honor family traditions or create new ones, advice in dealing with the loss of a loved one, and ideas to get into the spirit of the season. So get ready for an amazing year of better living with i•am! And remember, this magazine is for you – an intelligent, amazing, modern woman!


Two of the most powerful words: for what you put after them shapes your reality. ~ Unknown

I A M T H E I N T E L L I G E N T, A M A Z I N G , M O D E R N W O M A N


from the publisher

| wellness 2015 • • •

i am



hat a wonderful way to begin the new year — MOTIVATED! We all start the year with good intentions of what we plan to accomplish this year and hopefully most of us will succeed with at least a few of our goals. As I look back on the past year while developing i•am magazine, the one thing that keeps coming to mind is the awesome power of MOTIVATION. I came across many ups and downs and had many mountains to climb, but with my passion for this magazine to motivate me, I have finally reached the day where I proudly present i•am to all my friends and neighbors.


Motivation aside, I couldn’t have published this magazine without the tremendous support of family, friends and especially the businesses you see advertised in this issue. So I want to begin by saying “thank you!” to everyone who has supported me in realizing my vision for i•am. In developing i•am, my goal was to offer the community a publication that would be supportive, positive and educational – all in the interest of inspiring “better living.” I also wanted to shine a spotlight on some of the many amazing women in this community who are bettering their lives or those of others. So, as we move through the year, I plan to feature women who have inspiring stories to tell, who have courageously ventured into entrepreneurship, or who have made a difference in the lives of others through self-


i•am 8 www.i-ammagazine.com


less giving of their time and support. If this sounds like someone you know, please let me know. I’d love to share her story. We begin the year with our first issue highlighting Wellness, whether it’s wellness of the mind, body or finances. In this issue we feature inspiring articles to help you relax and take time out for yourself and we uncover why three countries have been named the happiest places on earth. We also simplify the seemingly complex process of planning for retirement and we examine the health benefits of Paleolithic eating, essential oils, yoga and taking a more natural, holistic approach to our health. In addition, we reveal new ingredients that are showing promise in the fight against aging skin. We hope you will enjoy our first issue of i•am magazine and look forward to receiving more. Please let us know what you liked, what you want to see more of and how we can make this “better living” magazine even better. My hope is that this magazine will be a reflection of the many good things in our community, so I welcome your comments and suggestions at info@i-ammagazine.com. Wishing you motivation to achieve your goals with the support of friends and neighbors,


Suzanne Hirayama Publisher


• • • letting your worries go |


Letting Your Worries Go “You will find that it is necessary to let things go; simply for the reason that they are heavy.” ~ C. JoyBell C. story | Nina Shadi, MS, LPC


orry is, unfortunately, a very real part of most of our lives. As modern-day humans, our worries are no longer simply survival based. The more complex our lives become, the more complex our worries. We’re worried about the mortgage, how we’ll pay for college, how we look, the home we live in, how others perceive us, and our children’s popularity. We may worry, did I marry the right person? Am I in the right career? Should I have gone on vacation? Do I have enough money saved? Are my parents’ proud of me? The list can go on forever. Despite the plethora of things we have to worry about these days, it is possible to get back to basics, or at least cut the list dramatically! Before we get into the how, I want to share a little story with you.

THE TROUBLE TREE (Author unknown) The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stone silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet the family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. After opening the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His face was wreathed in smiles, and he hugged his two small children and then gave his wife a kiss. Afterward, he walked me to my car. We passed the tree, and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. “Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t help having troubles on the job, but one thing is for sure, troubles don’t belong in the house with my wife and children. So I just hang them up on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning, I pick them up again.”

“Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren’t nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.” CHOOSING YOUR FOCUS You see, worrying and having troubles can only get you so far, and trust me; they will not get you far ahead. If you let them, they will pull you under and suffocate you. You have a choice to let your troubles go each day. That doesn’t mean you’re ignoring problems. It means you’re choosing, consciously, to be in control of your thoughts and actions. It means you have the self-awareness to know that the things you cannot change in the present moment do not deserve your undivided attention. There is no use in worrying about things you have no control over. You might be saying, “But if I don’t think about it right now, and find a solution, right now, it will just get worse. I need to fix this, NOW!” I promise you, you do not. You do not need to think about it now. You do not need to worry about it now. Take for instance this scenario: You just got an email you’ve been waiting for all day while you were reading a bedtime story to





| letting your worries go • • •

your child. You apologize to your kid (or not) thoughts and constant worry. Getting stuck for stopping the story and quickly grab your in this place of negativity hinders our brain’s phone to check it. Your child looks up at you ability to problem-solve effectively. Once we confused. You were in the middle of a story, become aware that much of our anxiety stems the best part in fact. You read your email, then from the loss of control, our negative thought think, “Shoot!” I need to respond right now. patterns lose much of their power. You quickly finish the story, and put your child Pushing your negative thoughts inward in bed saying, “Sorry, Mamma has an importo hide them will not help you. Ignoring them tant email to write. I’ll read you two stories will not help you. What will help is letting them tomorrow night,” and off you go. go, even if just for a little while. Let them go if What do you think they cannot be fixed. Let them this models for your child? go until they can be fixed. Repeat after me: Like the man in “The How important was the conThings you tent of that email anyway? Trouble Tree,” though we often Could it have waited another cannot change cannot fix problems immedififteen minutes? Probably. ately, we can deny them the in the present Don’t get me wrong, there power to wreak havoc in our will be times when you do moment do not lives and the lives of those have to drop everything around us. Why bring others deserve your and act swiftly. But most of down with you? If you learn to undivided the time, it is not the true put your anxiety on hold, when need to act immediately that you do revisit the worries, you’ll attention. causes us to do so, it is the likely find, just as the carpenter anxiety of the “what ifs” that did, that the troubles are far causes us to respond with such urgency. fewer and far lighter than they were when you The truth of the matter is, if you canleft them. not do anything in the present moment to fix it, you’re wasting your time thinking about the THE POWER OF VISUALIZATION “what ifs.” In fact, research shows that ruminat Research increasingly supports the idea ing over your negative thoughts and worries that if you imagine achieving something, it only exacerbates them and makes it harder for increases your odds of actually doing it. This you to think clearly and cope effectively. This is something often used in sports psychology pattern of thinking can have serious long-term where athletes are told to visualize scoring or implications as well. completing a drill properly. This technique is often used in meditaPRACTICE LETTING GO tion, yoga, and mindfulness-based psychology as Erika Krull, of the online community well. When you imagine yourself hanging your PsychCentral, provides some insight into how to troubles on a tree, or visualize your worries floatdo this in her article “Depression and Letting ing away like helium balloons, you’re more likely Go of Negative Thoughts.” to actually release them. “When negative thoughts hit your brain, On the right is a technique people it’s tempting to struggle with them and try to often find helpful when first starting this type shove more positive thoughts in there,” she of cognitive process change. Try it. Remember writes. “In the day-to-day reality of someone’s to be patient with yourself and to practice these thinking, this doesn’t really work. Your emotions consciously. have a tough grip on these negative thoughts, It will take time before this becomes so you’ll have the best results if you imagine an automatic process. You will need to work at yourself emotionally ‘letting go’ of them.” it. When negative thoughts creep back in, let Krull suggests it is the loss of control, them go, or replace them with a more positive not the problem itself, that often fuels negative attitude. In time, your mind will change, your

heart will become lighter and more open, and your world will be happier and more positive. MENTAL REHEARSAL MEDITATION • Find a time and place where you won’t be interrupted. • Recline or lie down, and close your eyes. • Relax, concentrate, and focus. Take deep breaths and exhale slowly. As you exhale, imagine that stress and worry (or whatever negative thoughts you’re suffering from) are leaving your body. Start at your feet … feel all the stress leave your feet … then your legs … then your chest … all the way to the top of your head … feel all the stress and worry leave your body. Free your mind of distractions and allow your mind to focus on the relaxation process. • Once relaxed, focus on the specific chal lenging task (i.e. letting things go, putting your thoughts on a tree, talking to your boss, whatever is causing the negative emotions and thoughts, etc.). • Mentally tell yourself that you are confident and that you have the ability to perform this task successfully. Repeatedly tell yourself, with confidence, that you will be successful. • Imagine what you will see just before you begin the task. Visualize yourself as an active participant, not as a passive observer. For ex ample, to mentally rehearse putting a golf ball, imagine that you are standing on the green rather than watching yourself from the gallery. • Remaining relaxed and focused, mentally rehearse successful performance of this task. Imagine going through the process and seeing successful results. • Repeat the previous step several times. • Finally, open your eyes and smile. You have successfully performed in your mind, which is great preparation for actual performance. You should now be confident that you will perform successfully in the real situation. Remember to praise yourself for being suc cessful. Self-reinforcement is another a key to self-motivation.

www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/LeaderLetter/rehearsal.htm Based on Manz, C. C., & Neck, C. P. (1999). Mastering selfleadership: Empowering yourself for personal excellence, (2nd ed.), pp. 70-71. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” ~Leo Buscaglia Nina Shadi holds a BA in Psychology, MS in Mental Health Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor currently working as a therapist with families and children in Minnesota. Nina is also the author and creator of With an Open Heart, a blog dedicated to creating moving content related to psychology, well-being, self-awareness, mindfulness, purposeful living, personal-growth and transformation and more. For more information about Nina or With an Open Heart, please visit www.withanopenheart.org.

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| holistic health • • •

Exploring Holistic Medicine

After taking the directive, “Physician, heal thyself” literally, Dr. Mila McManus left traditional medical practice to bring holistic medicine to patients in The Woodlands. story | Mila McManus, MD


believe that many of you will relate to the story I’m about to tell you concerning my deteriorating health and how the medical establishment failed me. Don’t worry, though, this story ends well. My health issues started as far back as I can recall, around the age of 5. I had severe allergies, eczema, and constipation. In middle school, I added acne to the list and was treated for this with antibiotics for years. In high school, severe PMS and mood swings set in. When I started medical school around age 22, I was excited about the prospect of learning how to resolve my health issues once and for all, but, that’s not what happened. The approach in medical school seemed to be more in terms of “band-aiding” problems with various prescription medications rather than resolving them. By the time I finished residency and started my private practice in family medicine at age 29, I was gaining weight and taking a pile of prescription drugs for allergies, IBS, reflux, depression, anxiety, headaches, eczema, insomnia, PMS, acne and high blood pressure. i•am 12 www.i-ammagazine.com

I had never felt worse in my life! I could barely function and one day I realized that I was treating patients with all these same symptoms, in all the same ways…. prescription drugs. I wanted to heal myself (and others), but instead, I was getting sicker and sicker. I decided to search for real answers and, alas, I believe I found them. From my studies and experiences, I identified factors that I feel contribute to or even cause most, if not all, of my health issues and those of my patients. These factors include: • hormone imbalances undetected with typical blood tests • overgrowth of yeast in the gut • food allergies and intolerance • environmental toxins • nutritional deficiencies I also learned that these problems are all interrelated and exacerbate one another. I quickly started learning how to practice a holistic approach that addresses these matters, and began my own path of healing. Within six months, I

dropped 40 pounds with little effort, and also dropped all 12 prescription medications because I no longer needed them. Instead of a handful of medications, I was now taking a handful of vitamins and a few bio-identical hormones, and had never felt better in my entire life. A RENEWED PASSION FOR HEALING Healing myself renewed my passion for life and for healing others, so I left my private practice and started The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness in 2004. I could not continue practicing ‘regular’ medicine knowing

that there was a better way. I founded The Woodlands Institute to combine the science of traditional medicine with the wisdom of natural holistic approaches, wholesome nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. So what does ‘holistic’ mean anyway? It means taking into account a person as a whole and realizing that the person is made up of interdependent parts. If one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. Holistic medicine addresses the mind, body and spirit in the quest for optimal health. It’s about finding and correcting the underlying causes of symptoms and disease rather than simply alleviating symptoms using prescription drugs. Holistic practitioners may be MDs, naturopaths or chiropractors, for example. While conventional prescription medications may be used, the main focus of holistic medicine is the use of healing modalities that are more natural, such as vitamins, herbs, homeopathic remedies, massage, acupuncture, psychotherapy, nutritional interventions and other lifestyle modifications. Patient education is also an important aspect of holistic medicine because it requires active participation by the patient. The patient must be motivated to take control over his or her own health and be willing and able to adhere to the lifestyle changes that are necessary for healing. If you are looking for a quick fix with a pill, a holistic medical approach may not be for you. A PRESCRIPTION FOR HEALTH A typical patient I see in my practice has multiple symptoms, many of which cannot be treated with a pill. These symptoms may include fatigue, decreased mental sharpness, insomnia, chronic pain, unexplained weight gain and hair shedding. As you can imagine, there are many different reasons to have any or all of these symptoms, such as nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, food allergies/intolerance, sleep deprivation, and stress. After a thorough evaluation of all symptoms, medical history, and some diagnostic testing, the regimen I would outline for this person might look like this: • 30 to 90 days of detoxification, usually including a strict diet and some supplements • Stress management with deep breathing exercises, meditation, massage, therapy, and/ or yoga, for example • Adequate, restful, and restorative sleep using supplements and lifestyle modifications, such as dietary changes and exercise • Extensive counseling about nutrition (which does not mean a low fat, low cholesterol diet) • Testing for food allergies and/or sensitivities • Recommendations for chiropractic care and/

health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. — World Health Organization, 1948 • •

or acupuncture Hormone balance using supplements and/or bio-identical hormones Temporary prescription medications for relief, if needed, and as a last resort

Compare the above with the regimen I might have outlined as a mainstream doctor prior to discovering holistic approaches: • Prescription for an ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) medication to help with mental sharpness, energy, and appetite control • Prescription for a sleeping pill • Prescription for a pain medication • Referral to a dermatologist to evaluate hair loss The former provides a long-lasting program for improving health while the latter does not address the underlying causes of one’s symptoms. Rather, it will simply allow for temporary relief and the eventual accumulation of more symptoms due to side effects of medications, and the person will likely continue to get sicker over time. You can expect that the holistic regimen may take weeks or even months to achieve substantial improvement, whereas the mainstream approach may provide more immediate relief. When looking for a holistic practitioner, you should consider factors such as the practitioner’s training, experience, personality, philosophies and schedule. You may feel more comfortable with an MD, while another may feel more comfortable with a naturopath or chiropractor. See “Choosing a Holistic Practitioner” for information on the different types of holistic practitioners. You may want to consult with several practitioners before choosing what’s best for you. This will also allow you the opportunity to make sure you and the practitioner are a good fit for one another and that your beliefs are aligned. The best way to find a practitioner is to get a recommendation from someone you trust. You can also perform searches online for professional organizations, find a practitioner through their directories, and then search for online reviews of these practitioners.

Mila McManus, MD is a board-certified physician in Family Medicine and also has certifications through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American Academy of Biologically Identical Hormone Therapy. She has also been voted “Best of” in local competitions for the past 4 years. She has been featured on episodes of Great Day Houston and The Business Makers Radio Show and published her book Highway to Health: A Nutritional Roadmap in 2008. She sees patients at her private practice, The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness, in The Woodlands, TX.

• • • holistic health |


Choosing a Holistic Practitioner • An MD (medical doctor) is a physician who mainly focuses on using prescription medications and surgery as a reactive (as opposed to proactive) treatment for health issues. • A DO (doctor of osteopathy) is also trained as a medical doctor and, in addition, has learned osteopathic manipulations to address chronic pain and sometimes systemic illness (e.g. asthma). • A homeopath believes that ‘like cures like.’ That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body’s normal ability to heal itself. A homeopathic health practitioner uses pills or mixtures containing only a little of an active ingredient (usually a plant or mineral) for treatment of disease. • A holistic physician is an MD or DO who seeks training, outside of what’s taught in medical school, in fields such as nutrition, homeopathy, toxicology, functional medicine, and anti-aging medicine using bio-identical hormones. • A naturopath is a licensed practitioner who focuses on prevention and uses protocols that minimize harm and help facilitate the body’s inherent ability to restore and maintain optimal health. While also trained to use prescription medications, the emphasis is on using natural healing agents. Naturopaths are trained to treat all medical conditions. • A chiropractor is a health care professional who focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health.




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Getting dinner done doesn’t have to be a cooking show production. You can cook, follow recipes and get a meal whipped up but do you dread the constant planning? This is your solution! Planning is the missing link to getting supper solved! It’s time for answers. Your Supper Solution, an online monthly membership service, delivers weekly dinner menus.

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• • • paleolithic eating |


SHOULD WE GET BACK TO BASICS? A Look at the Paleo Diet

story | Leslie Schilling


et me just lay it out, so you know — I don’t do diets. In the more than a decade I’ve been a dietitian/nutritionist, I’ve seen the damage dieting can cause. It’s easy for me to dismiss fad diets and wait for them to fizzle out, but this paleo thing is not going away. Paleo is everywhere – the news, specialty grocery stores, big box stores, gyms, airports, online forums and even dedicated restaurants. Even many of my friends and colleagues have adopted this eating pattern and, unlike many “diets,” they’re sticking to it. So is it really a diet? Well, that really depends on how you look at it. The paleo diet, or as I prefer to say, eating paleo (remember, I don’t do diets) is based on the principle of eating the way humans did in Paleolithic times. Like a caveman, get it? Well, not

so fast; we can’t exactly mimic Paleolithic eating in modern times. Because of this, many argue against the principles of paleo-like eating patterns immediately. In my opinion, I’m not sure that argument really even matters, because people are adapting to this lifestyle and even paleo eating patterns are evolving. Those who chose to eat paleo can try to adapt the speculated eating strategy of the era, which was likely something like if you can’t hunt it or grow it, you can’t eat it. Now let’s not throw the cave-baby out with the bath water quite yet. I find that we can all be quick to flip on our black-and-white thinking switch to conclude trends as either all good or all bad. In doing so, we tend to miss the possibility of something beneficial that may lie somewhere in the middle. Let’s break it down. Let’s start with foods one should avoid while trying to eat the paleo way. The paleo eating

pattern removes grains, starches, processed foods, processed sugars, dairy products, legumes and alcohol from your diet. Many of these foods, like processed grains and sugars, are purported to be large contributors to modern diseases. This leaves things like wheat bread, crackers, cookies, rice, pasta, corn, corn products, peas, beans, boxed/ canned meals, sugar, milk, cheese, yogurt, and peanuts (along with many more foods) off your grocery list. I know you may be thinking there isn’t much left to eat, however, there’s actually quite a bit. When you’re eating paleo, you’re free to eat things like fruit, most vegetables, eggs, beef, pork, chicken, lamb, fish, organ meats, naturally-cured meats, most nuts, seeds, as well as olive and coconut oil. The paleo staples tend to be meat, fat, and non-starchy vegetables. A typical daily menu may look like this… www.i-ammagazine.com



protect |

paleolithic eating • • •

Paleo-Friendly Recipes Meaty Pumpkin Chili If you’re thinking this recipe sounds a little iffy, try it. I was a total skeptic at first too! It is such a delicious winter dish that’s perfect for the bean hater in your life. My toddler even loves it! You can cook and eat it right away or prepare it ahead time and let it simmer for hours in your slow cooker (Crock Pot). INGREDIENTS Olive oil, 2 tablespoons Onion, 1 small to medium, diced Red bell pepper, medium, diced Garlic, 3 cloves, diced Ground beef, 1.5-2 pounds Diced tomatoes, 1-2 cans depending on your “tomato love” level (don’t drain) Tomato paste, 1 small can Pumpkin puree, 1 can Chili powder, 2 tablespoons Cumin powder, 1 tablespoon Hot sauce, to taste Salt & pepper to taste TOPPING OPTIONS (*Paleo-friendly) Shredded cheese Sour cream or greek yogurt Green onions* Chili powder* More hot sauce INSTRUCTIONS Heat 2 Tbsp olive oil to mediumhigh. Add your onions, garlic, and pepper. Cook until tender. Now add your beef. Cook until beef is browned/cooked through. If you want to use a slow cooker, transfer the meat and veggies now. Set on low for up to 8 hours. Now add everything else into your pot or slow cooker. If you’re eating it soon, let it simmer on low for about 20 minutes and you’re ready to serve. This is perfect with grilled cheese or cheese quesadilla points. Enjoy this nutrient-rich dinner. It’s a protein, iron, vitamin A and C power meal.

Breakfast - eggs, bacon, and berries Snack - almonds Lunch - spinach salad with broccoli, tomatoes, avocado, olive oil and steak Snack - beef jerky Dinner - roasted salmon with spaghetti squash, brussels sprouts, and olive oil If you keep the US government dietary recommendations in mind, which suggest a lower-fat and higher-grain diet, it could be hard not to wonder about potential negative consequences of a paleo-type eating pattern. While limiting grains, legumes, and dairy may not result in an unhealthy diet because those nutrients can be found in other foods, it is a major argument against following a paleo eating pattern. Therefore, a possible con may be the limitation of foods that research suggests have positive health benefits. For example, beans and legumes provide protein and fiber, while dairy provides useful vitamins, minerals, probiotics and protein. Another potential drawback may be that a paleostyle eating plan may increase your grocery bill with added meats, high-quality oils, and produce, if you’re not already purchasing these foods. Additionally, this eating pattern isn’t particularly compatible with a vegetarian lifestyle (if that’s your preference). In my opinion, the greatest drawback of the paleo diet is viewing it as a diet, implying it is drastic and temporary, versus moving towards a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. I have to admit, I’ve seen some positive trends and benefits related to the paleo way. It seems that consumers are eating more whole foods like eggs, high-quality proteins, healthy oils, fruits, vegetables, and other minimallyprocessed items. With increased intakes of fruits,

Tuscan Style Flat Iron Steak This simple recipe is fabulous for a crowd, costeffective and makes a wonderful leftover. And, since I aspire to be Italian, it’s one of my favorite go-to recipes for family meals and entertaining. This serves approximately 6 people unless you’re feeding serious meatatarians (or your paleo pals), then it’s more like 4 to 5 portions. INGREDIENTS 2 – 1 lb flat iron steaks 2 large lemons ¼ cup+ high quality, extra virgin olive oil Coarse salt of choice, like kosher Fresh ground pepper 4 tbsp, fresh rosemary sprigs

vegetables and healthy oils, one may experience benefits like reduced inflammation and reduced cardiovascular risks. The addition of high-quality meats and fats may improve satiety at meals and snacks. This, along with reliance on things like nuts and fruits for snacks, may even aid in successful weight management. As I like to say to my clients, ultimately, what you chew is up to you. You are in charge of what you put in your body and to what food philosophy you subscribe. Personally, I think the paleo eating pattern has its benefits, especially when moving people towards less processed food. However, if your eating pattern limits your ability to function socially in the name of health, I’m not sure you’re moving towards wellness. It seems to me that having an 80/20 approach may be the most successful nutrition strategy for a healthy lifestyle. Most of the time (80%) you’re eating foods you feel that are optimal fuel for your body and sometimes (20%) you eat foods you find pleasurable regardless of their nutritional quality. For example, I love pizza and cupcakes. Those are foods I eat occasionally, and I’m going to eat them without worry or guilt. In respect to eating paleo, I do eat the allowed foods, yet I also find benefit in consuming notso-paleo foods and beverages like cultured dairy products, cheeses, dark chocolate and wine. It’s a pattern I can live with and enjoy. No matter what eating pattern you choose, a solid nutrition plan starts with awareness and planning. Once you become aware of the foods you tend to eat and your food behaviors, you can start planning for a healthier intake. The bottom line – eating more whole foods, no matter what you call it, isn’t a bad thing; paleo or not.

INSTRUCTIONS Remove flat irons from packaging and place in a 9 x 13 inch dish. Note that you’ll reserve some lemon juice, olive oil and rosemary for after cooking. Juice one lemon and coat the steaks, drizzle the olive oil over the steaks, add salt and pepper to taste, and then sprinkle with 3 tbsp of the rosemary. Let steaks sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. During this time, you can preheat your grill or grill pan. Place on grill at medium to high heat. Grill approximately 6-8 minutes per side turning only once. The thickness of the steak varies so cook to your desired level of doneness. Once you remove from the grill let it sit for 5 minutes covered with foil. Slice and top with the remaining lemon juice, olive oil and rosemary.

Leslie Schilling, MA, RDN, CSSD, LDN, CSCS is a Memphis-based dietitian specializing in disordered eating, sports nutrition and wellness. She owns Schilling Nutrition Therapy, LLC, and YourSupperSolution.com and is the nutritionist for the Memphis Grizzlies NBA team. She uses social media and her speaking platforms to deliver science-based, non-diet lifestyle messages with a dash of humor. She has been featured in various publications, including “Women’s Health” magazine.

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• • • essential oils |


The Power of Scent

Can using essential oils help relieve chronic pain? story | Michelle Lavin

MY WORLD CAME CRASHING DOWN hy is it that Fourteen years ago, at age thirtywe are so nine, I had a stroke. We had just affected by a returned home from church certain scent when I felt a sharp, stabbing that it can cause a change in pain in the back of my head. Lavin with our mood? Or maybe we are Almost immediately, my entire one of her grandchildren transported back to a certain left side went numb. My husband time or place with the hint of gathered the kids, carried me to the a smell? I remember wonderful car, and got me to the hospital where childhood memories of my grandfaI worked as a registered nurse. The cat ther smoking his pipe on his screened-in back scan, medical history, and family history were porch in rural Arkansas. To this day, when I get negative for a stroke, so it was assumed I was a whiff of pungently sweet pipe tobacco smoke, having a migraine. The ischemic (clot) stroke I am immediately transported back in time and showed up on an MRI the next morning, can vividly see and hear that soft-spoken, gentle which was too late for the administration of man. And what of the person who becomes the clot-busting drug. Because of the location visibly shaken at the overpowering smell of of the stroke in my brain, a couple of weeks antiseptic in a hospital? It is not the smell that later I began to have intense pain on my entire shakes them to their core, but the memory they left side. Thus began my long journey into the associate with that smell. Science supports this world of seeking pain relief. Neurologists and powerful link between smell and emotions. Espain specialists agreed that only drug therapy sential oils have a place in this connection. would help. I have tried other alternative meth Through the centuries, essential oils ods, but none have relieved much pain. have been used both medicinally and aromati In September of 2010, I began using cally. According to Connie and Alan Higley’s Young Living Essential Oils topically and Reference Guide for Essential Oils, there are over inhaling certain oils. I admit I was skeptical of a thousand references to aromatic oils in the how much they could really help me, but I was Bible alone. The story of the wise men bringing fascinated by the science and research behind the gifts to the Christ child of gold, frankincense, oils. At the time, I was on a large dosage of an and myrrh, three of the most valuable comanti-depressant because depression is common modities in the ancient world, is only one among brain injuries, and because the drug may example. The essential oils of frankincense and help calm nerve pain. I was on another medicamyrrh were considered the most powerful healtion for sleep, and a very large dosage of an ing substances in the Middle East. anti-seizure medication for pain. Twenty years ago, Dr. I had a prescription for a narcotic D. Gary Young, ND, founder of written for every four hours. I “Four years Young Living Essential Oils, bewould only allow myself one or ago, I was gan to re-introduce and populartwo a day so I could function. I ize the medicinal use of therapeu- in a hopeless was in such a mind-numbing fog tic grade pure essential oils after that I would sometimes remind state of he discovered such a wealth of myself, “I am driving the car now.” physical and health and healing for himself. He With the help of the oils, I emotional was, and is, intent on maintaining began to taper off my medications the purity of these oils so they can slowly. My neurologist was aware limbo.” safely be used aromatically, topiand told me to do “whatever cally, and, if indicated, internally. works,” since I was aware of the Four years ago, I was in a hopeless state of withdrawal symptoms. I began inhaling and physical and emotional limbo. There were some applying different oils, such as lavender to help days when the pain was so excruciating that I me sleep, lemon to brighten my mood, and would have preferred death. A lovely woman at peppermint to keep me alert. I used balsam church introduced me to this strange new world fir as well as some blended oils for pain relief. of Young Living Essential Oils, and my life has I also used a diffuser throughout the day with been forever changed for the better. Seriously. favorite oils.


Within two months, I was off all of my medications except the anti-seizure one. I feel more alert and alive than I have in years. Do I still have bad days? Oh, yes. The weather and stressful situations contribute immensely to my pain. But now I have a way to uplift my mood immediately with these oils. When my mood is changed, my pain is more bearable. My absolute favorite oil is called Joy, a blend of rose oil, ylang ylang, and bergamot among others. I inhale Joy several times a day, and put a drop over my heart and around my ears. I keep Joy with me. And I always apply it before and during stressful situations.

“Within two months, I was off all of my medications except one. I feel more alert and alive than I have in years.”

I still deal daily with pain, however, I feel more in control of the way I handle the pain. I have a collection of oils that I use for various reasons. I can count on one hand the number of times I have used medications for any reason at all, other than this last anti-seizure medication, which I have been able to decrease by half. I am still searching for just the right combination of supplements, oils, and diet to alleviate my pain, but I no longer feel hopeless. My husband and closest friends have witnessed this change in me. Young Living Essential Oils have truly changed my quality of life.

Higley, Connie. Reference Guide for Essential Oils. Spanish Fork: Abundant Health, 2013. Print. Michelle Lavin lives in Waller, TX with her husband Steve of 34 years. She has 3 adult children and 3 grandchildren. She enjoys preserving family memories in scrapbooks and is passionate about calligraphy and the written word.

Most essential oils are considered safe and free of adverse side effects when used properly and safe when used externally (not ingested) in low concentrations. However, consult with a knowledgeable health care provider for safety and proper use. Caution should be used during pregnancy and infancy/early childhood. www.i-ammagazine.com




| advancements in skin care • • •

Tip for Aging Skin:

Increasing the Benefits of Your Products To achieve maximum rejuvenation benefits apply facial products to clean, warm, moist skin. This helps promote the skin’s ability to absorb all the beneficial nutrients. Then gently tap the skin to stimulate the cells and promote circulation.

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• • • advancements in skin care |


A New Age for aging skin

The art and science of skin care in the new millennium

story | Dianne C. Witter


tem cells harvested from a perfect green apple used to restore a smooth, youthful glow to middle aged skin… Chemical messengers that jump-start the body’s wound healing processes…It’s not science fiction, it’s the science of skin care today. The quest to capture the essence of youth in a bottle has long eluded scientists and cosmetics companies hoping to find the perfect serum that would, if not halt time, at least delay its effects on the skin as long as possible. But in this new millennium of nanoparticles and stem cell regeneration, science is bringing new promise to the art of skin care in the form of highly concentrated topical products, or serums, women can use as part of a daily skin care routine. “Serums are designed to penetrate the skin more efficiently and more deeply than other skin care products, allowing the active ingredients to work at a molecular level to renew skin cells and repair collagen,” explains Jackie Bernardi, a medical esthetician and author of the book Gorgeous Skin After 40. “Some of the physiological changes our skin undergoes as we reach our 40s could be slowed substantially with the right combination of ingredients.” Key, of course, is getting that right combination of ingredients in the right formulation and using them correctly. There is now a dizzying array of serums available with ingredients that purport to strengthen collagen, brighten skin and smooth wrinkles. But what works and what doesn’t? How to sort through all the different ingredients in all the different products?

BECOME A SAVVY CONSUMER The effectiveness of a serum depends on much more than the active ingredients it contains, including its volatility in reacting to light and oxygen, how well it’s absorbed into the skin, how it interacts with other compounds, and more. The fact that an agent promotes cellular regeneration in a laboratory doesn’t always translate into real-world benefits. Skin care products aren’t required to undergo the same large-scale, real-world testing that medications do, so being an informed consumer is key. As is being realistic. Anti-aging skin care is a fluid, ever-evolving specialty holding great promise but it’s not the Fountain of Youth. Beyond being an educated and selective consumer, Bernardi suggests two simple things you can do to make the most of your skin care expenditures: • Know your skin type. “I’ve often treated clients whose skin conditions worsened because they used the wrong products for their skin type,” she says. A dermatologist, medical esthetician, or even a very knowledgeable sales person can point you in the right direction. • Always, always wear broad spectrum, SPF 30+ sunscreen. Not only is sunscreen the real anti-aging ‘miracle in a bottle,’ literally preventing further sun damage to your skin, but it can boost the performance of some anti-aging serums by protecting them from breakdown in UV exposure. “In truth, if you’re not wearing sunscreen every day, you might as well not invest in expensive serums for your skin, either,” says Bernardi. “As soon as you walk outside, ultraviolet rays may damage the active ingredients in many skin care products, rendering them useless.”

researchers hope that by extracting the stem cells of very resilient plants for use in a serum, they can harness this remarkable longevity for use in human skin. ADVANCES IN SERUMS Anti-aging serums have been a major area of interest in skin care for some time now, and for decades women have been reaping the anti-aging benefits of reliable staples like retinoic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, vitamin B5 and many others. Here, we offer a quick run down of some of the newer ingredients and delivery systems making a buzz in skin care treatment right now, along with some caveats to help guide you through the maze. CoQ10 Coenzyme Q10 is a popular antioxidant with a fairly well established role in health and nutrition; it’s now thought to have anti-aging benefits for skin care as well. The body’s stores of CoQ10 decline with age, leaving skin cells less able to repair and rejuvenate themselves. Theoretically, topical CoQ10 may boost the skin’s ability to produce key molecules in skin renewal and reduce the presence of harmful free radicals. Also promising is CoQ10’s ability to pass easily into the skin because it is a small molecule. Still up for debate is whether current products contain the ingredient in the most effective





| advancements in skin care • • •

Pssst: The Real “Secret” To Younger Skin …Is actually no secret at all. According to medical esthetician Jackie Bernardi, “youth in a bottle” already exists. It isn’t glamorous, new, or expensive, so it isn’t trumpeted from the headlines. This miracle product is (drumroll….) sunscreen. “Broad-spectrum, SPF 30 sunscreen worn every day is the kindest thing you can do for your skin long term, and it will literally prevent much of the effects of aging,” she says. Wrinkles and sun spots are the direct result of cumulative sun exposure. It’s not just those beach trips from your youth when basting all day in the sun was the thing to do, but every day, incidental sun exposure. That’s why our arms and faces tend to suffer the most sun damage - they get the most day-to-day exposure. It’s never too late to prevent further damage. “I recommend using a vitamin C and stearic acid combination in conjunction with daily sunscreen,” says Bernardi. “They boost the natural ability of the sunscreen, while it shields the UV rays that could hinder the activity of the vitamin C.”

“a woman over 40 doesn’t need to make up her face to be young, she needs to make up her mind.” — Billie Burke, Glenda the Good Witch in The Wizard of Oz

Dianne Witter is a Houston-based freelance writer and editor specializing in health, medical, and lifestyle topics.

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concentrations. Also, like vitamin C, CoQ10 can become unstable or inert when exposed to air and sunlight, so the way it is packaged and used is important in its efficacy as well.

Combinations of pentapeptides with vitamins and other anti-aging ingredients may eventually lead to in-home, topical treatments that rival the results of medical procedures. PEPTIDES Peptides are an important part of antiaging skin care, and it’s a quickly evolving field. Essentially, peptides are chemical messengers that tell the skin what to do, what to accept, and how to use it. Some signal the body’s woundhealing mechanism to increase the production of collagen - the support structure that gives skin its fresh, youthful appearance. Others carry trace elements throughout the body and deliver them where they are most needed. For instance, copper peptides, which are very popular right now, deliver copper directly into cells, where it is needed for collagen synthesis and is thought to help improve fine lines, reduce hyperpigmentation and improve skin texture. A third type of peptide is currently generating considerable excitement in the field because of its neurotransmitter-inhibiting properties. Pentapeptides are thought to hold the potential for achieving anti-aging results comparable to wrinkle-filling injections or even BOTOX, though likely less dramatic. Combinations of pentapeptides with vitamins and other anti-aging ingredients may eventually lead to at-home, topical treatments that rival the results of medical procedures. “This peptide is definitely one to watch as it develops,” says Bernardi. STEM CELLS Stem cells are the body’s renewal system, and they weaken with age, leaving skin thinner and dulling its youthful glow. Some companies are now extracting stem cells from exceptionally hearty plant breeds to develop stem cell boosting creams. For instance, researchers noticed that a particular type of Swiss green apple doesn’t tend to oxidize and turn brown like other fruits. They hope that by extracting the stem cells for use in a serum, they can harness this remarkable longevity for use in human skin. There is some evidence to support this approach, though the best delivery systems are probably still under development.

Aside from plant stem cells, the field of stem cell research in general holds a lot of promise for the future of skin care, as it does in many other biomedical fields. It’s definitely an area to watch as advances are made. INTELLIGENT ANTIOXIDANTS Antioxidants’ ability to neutralize damaging free radicals has made them a popular and effective skin care ingredient for some time. Now, a more advanced type of antioxidant is making its way into skin care. Called spin traps, these agents more selectively target and intercept harmful radicals while recognizing and protecting good oxygen molecules. They differentiate between helpful and harmful oxygen molecules by their particular molecular “spins,” then trap the damaging ones – thus the name. There are many types of spin trap antioxidants, but the one most frequently found in skin care is alpha phenyl-N-tert butyl nitrone, or PBN. ALPHA LIPOIC ACID This antioxidant is produced by the body and is found in every cell. It is both water and oil soluble, so it’s able to penetrate skin cell membranes to destroy free radicals in all parts of a cell. Serums with alpha lipoic acid help replenish the skin’s stores of this agent, which decrease as we age. It’s thought to help diminish fine lines. HYALURONIC ACID Hyaluronic acid is also produced by the body to keep tissues cushioned and lubricated. It’s used in topical serums to bolster its presence and activity in aging skin. It’s thought to be more effective when used in conjunction with vitamin C skin care products. DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol) DMAE is a nutrient that extends the life of cells and inhibits the cross linking of proteins, giving the skin a firmer appearance. This antioxidant stabilizes cell membranes and enhances the effects of other antioxidants. KINETIN Another fairly new arrival to the skin care realm is kinetin, a plant-based compound that scientists found could prevent plant leaves from drying out and withering. It’s being used in skin care serums in hopes of translating these benefits to humans, restoring more youthful looking skin. IT’S YOUR STORY Youthful, dewy, unlined skin is a prize we’d all love to claim, and it’s certainly worth some effort. But at the end of the day, your face as it is this minute tells a story of a life welllived – of love, loss, achievement, and a million life lessons that could never come in a bottle. It’s your life and your story; take pride in the scars as well as the beauty. Physical improvement is a worthy goal – but one that should never interfere with your celebration of life.

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| foster children • • •

What Breaks Your Heart? when a child grows up without a strong foundation, it affects who he becomes as an adult and has a ripple effect on our future as a nation. that’s why we can’t just say, “It’s not my problem.” It’s everyone’s problem.

story | Catherine Law


ne Sunday morning at WoodsEdge Church, our pastor’s sermon really spoke to me. “What breaks your heart?” he asked. “And what will you DO about that thing that breaks your heart?” My answer came to me immediately, because it’s something I think about often. What breaks my heart are all the children in group homes and orphanages waiting for families to adopt them, or children placed in one foster family after another, not knowing what will become of them. The pastor’s words haunted me for days after the sermon: What would I DO about this thing that breaks my heart? As I thought about this, wondering why there is so much suffering in the world, two comforting Bible verses came into my mind: • John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” • 2 Corinthians 1-5 “For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort, too.” I urge you, as mothers, sisters and daughters, to ask what you, too, can do to help these kids. This situation can easily happen to anyone, not just internationally, but here in The Woodlands as well. Anyone can lose stability and security in this world, whether through disease, death, addiction, financial difficulty or other unforeseen circumstances. All children deserve a loving home and a fighting chance. There is so much we can do to help. Remember James 1:27, which says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Here are some unsettling facts from WoodsEdge ministries: • The ranks of displaced children are growing rapidly in our area. In 1999, there were 183 kids in foster care in Montgomery county. In 2011 there were 1,043, over five times as many as before. • By 18 years of age, 59% of kids in foster care are likely to be incarcerated as a juvenile.

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When children learn nothing but hate and resentment and grow up with no foundation of love, they do not value their life or understand their self-worth. Imagine growing up without a Christian foundation and without knowing a parent’s unconditional love. These children are desperately seeking role models and guidance so they can know what it is like to live, to belong, and grow to be strong and confident individuals. When a child grows up without strong foundations and good role models, it affects who he becomes as an adult and has a ripple effect on our future as a nation. That’s why we can’t just say, “It’s not my problem,” or “I can’t make a difference.” It’s everyone’s problem, and one that will take a large village to solve.

“I am smart. I can do anything. please tell someone about me!”

— Pleas from children at a Russian orphanage

HOW CAN WE HELP? What can we do, as individuals, to make a difference in the lives of children with no permanent home? Certainly adoption is one option, and parents seeking to adopt might especially consider non-infant adoptions. Infant adoptions are popular, whereas older children are much less likely to find a permanent home. While the permanent adoption of a child isn’t feasible for everyone, there are many other ways to contribute. Consider becoming a foster family. These families provide temporary shelter for kids of families in crisis. The ultimate goal is usually for the family situation to stabilize so the children can return to their parents. In many cases, foster families have contact with the originating families to help keep family bonds strong. In other cases, families might “foster to adopt,” meaning the end goal is to formally adopt the child into the family. Imagine the privilege of offering a loving environment and a positive role model to a

child during an important transitional period of his life, possibly having an effect on that child’s future and even his children’s future. Becoming a foster family takes 6 to 12 weeks of training, then having your home licensed (or “deemed safe”) by the state. The role of the foster families is to be an advocate for the children. Profiled here are stories of four families who found their lives changed by adopting or foster parenting children. Their stories may inspire you to get involved and make a difference in these kids’ lives as well. There are many different ways to help, both large and small, and community agencies can offer guidance about ways to contribute. For more information about local groups, check out: • Ministries created by Joyce Meyer to help women and children, • WoodsEdge Church ministries Love Fosters Hope, Little Footprints and Loving Alternatives Adoption Agency, • Safe Families, • storyprojecthouston.com, • Fellowship of the Woodlands and many of the local churches in your neighborhood should also have programs to help children and families in need.

“we thought we could change her life and give her a secure future, but the truth is that she changed our lives forever.”

— Robert HOUSTONIANS HELPING CHILDREN IN NEED These stories, shared with me by four different families involved in storyprojecthouston.com, touched me and may help inspire all of us to become part of the solution for these children. The names below have been changed but the stories are real.

• • • foster children | “She changed our lives forever.” Robert and Allison were empty nesters ready to retire. They had plans to buy a Harley and journey around the country doing ministry. As it turned out, God had very different plans for them and they found themselves led to adoption. After going through the training courses, the couple adopted a 7-year-old girl, confident that by protecting her and giving her unconditional love, they could easily help her flourish. As it turned out, they weren’t prepared at all, and the adventure was much more complicated than they expected. It was also much more gratifying. Robert and Allison really did go on a journey, just not on the back of a motorcycle. There were difficulties in learning how to care for a child that has been sent from one foster family to another; a child with no feelings of self-worth or belonging. But with perseverance, compassion and grace, the couple helped their new child learn trust, love, understanding and happiness. For them, it was a journey of faith and growth, with God in the center of it all. Robert observed about his experience, “We thought we could change her life and give her a secure future, but the truth is that she changed our lives forever. Our outlook and appreciation is very different than it was before.” * * *

“Fostering changed our whole family.” When their son, Sam, was 7, Deanne and Erin opened their home to what would eventually be 14 different foster children and ultimately 3 adoptions. Their first placement was an eyeopener, and one the couple would never forget. She was a sweet 6-year-old girl during the day, but when nightfall came, she would terrorize the home by flipping furniture, throwing fits and refusing to go to bed. A family friend brought the girl a doll as a gift, and she was utterly terrified of it. This was a clue to the girl’s behavior, and they eventually learned that she had been psychologically scarred by her father, who would punish her by locking her in a dark room and making her watch the horror movie “Chucky.” Fourteen foster children later, Deanne and Erin fostered a 3-year-old boy named David, who would eventually become their son. When he came to their family, he knew only a sense of abandonment and - at 3 - he already knew how to steal and hide money. Over the years, thanks to the love and stability of his adoptive family, David has grown into a promising young man who is focused on school and takes responsibility for his actions.

The couple also adopted two African American babies at 9- and 20-months old. They were very ill with pneumonia and respiratory issues and were hospitalized for the first two 2 weeks, but the couple nursed them back to health. Their experiences helping children in foster care have changed the whole family. Deanne now teaches foster care training to prospective foster parents, and their (now grown) son, Sam, inspired by these experiences, has become a psychologist specializing in helping people with mental and emotional problems. * * *

“They are our family, too.” Michael was a scared young boy when he first went to live with Magdalene and Gary. His mother had lost her job and they had become homeless, and now he was being sent to live with a foster family. He had no idea what to expect. Magdalene and her family provided a foster home for children in crisis through an organization called “Safe Families for Children.” The program provides temporary homes for children until their biological parent can stabilize their troubled circumstances. With the help of the church, Michael’s biological mother was able to find a new job quickly and eventually established a stable home for her son. Michael had come to love his foster family, too. Now he lives with his mom, but the two families are in contact and remain good friends, giving Michael the benefit of three loving adults. His mom is forever grateful that someone was there for her son when she could not be. And, as Magdalene puts it, “They are our family, too.” Eventually Magdalene and Gary adopted 2 little boys who were brothers. Their mother was an addict and their father was in jail; their grandmother had her hands full caring for the boys’ three older siblings. The happy news is that the baby boys are now in a safe, stable and loving home and their grandma is in close contact and sees them on a regular basis. * * *

“They are my sisters, don’t come home without them.” Valerie was only 3-years-old, a small girl living in a cold home in Russia on the night that changed her life, but she clearly remembers seeing “the fire jump into Victoria’s crib.” The girls, ages 2 and 3, had been left unattended at home while their mother was out drinking. The oven was the only source of warmth in the home, so it had been left on, with the door open. Victoria’s crib was very


close by, and the fire left her with burns on 30 percent of her body. Authorities took the children from the home due to neglect. When they got the call about Valerie and Victoria, Becky and Nathan and their children had recently begun working to adopt through an international adoption agency. At that time, the process of adopting through Russia was long and tedious, and Becky was not sure if the process would work out. As she sat praying, “God, are these my girls?”her daughter came to her and said, “Mom, they are my sisters, don’t come home without them.” Becky took that as her sign and went to Russia to bring the girls home no matter how long it might take. Miraculously, the process, which could normally take up to eight months, took only five weeks. Shortly after that, Russia closed its doors for international adoption entirely. When Becky was at the orphanage to adopt her new daughters, who were now 4 and 5 years old, her most heartbreaking experience was coming across so many other children presenting themselves to her and saying, “I am smart. I can do anything. Please tell someone about me!” When I hear that, my heart breaks into a thousand pieces. What thoughts and suffering these children go to bed with, wishing someone would take them home and hoping for a loving mother and father. * * * I had the pleasure of meeting Victoria and Valerie, who over the years have flourished into beautiful young teenagers with the help of this loving couple and their spiritual home. Victoria’s extensive injuries from the burns took time, surgery, and medical rehabilitation to heal, but she now leads a normal, active life and even participates in sports. She was recently chosen to receive a national award for her perseverance as an exemplary burn survivor, which she received at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. Each of these families’ stories have one thing in common. These couples followed their heartfelt instinct that God was leading them to help children in need. And from these experiences, each family’s hearts and souls were blessed with the kind of riches money cannot buy.

For Robert and Allison, it was a journey of faith and growth, with God in the center of it all. Catherine Law lives in The Woodlands, Texas, with her husband of nine years, two children and their dogs. Her hobbies include singing and writing Christian songs, playing the piano, and traveling with family.




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Reclaiming Joy ~ by Carma Lee

As I open my eyes to welcome this day, I take a deep breath, release it and pray: Dear God help me put my “To Do” list aside and let a relaxed mind be my guide. Stay in the moment, no worries; just peace. This is when I feel the pressure decrease. So much time is lost on worry and regret. As I end this prayer, this intention I set: I reclaim the joy I sometimes lose sight of but I promise myself today in spite of ALL that I think I have to do I will put myself first and to myself be TRUE. © 2010 Carma’s Creations





| happiest places on earth • • •

Visiting Some of the World’s

Happiest Places

story | Patricia Ostholm


harrell Williams may have been on to something when he wrote and sang the hit single “Happy” for the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack. In less than a year, the song’s popularity reached number one in the United States – and in more than 20 other countries around the world. It seemed everyone was dancing and singing “clap along if you know what happiness is to you.” But a recently released research report by Gallup and Healthways Global suggests that the citizens of some countries know more about happiness than the rest of us. Gallup surveyed people in 135 countries, who were asked to rate their well-being in the following five areas: PURPOSE: liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals. SOCIAL: having supportive relationships and love in your life. FINANCIAL: managing your economic life

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to reduce stress and increase security. COMMUNITY: liking where you live, feeling safe, and having pride in your community. PHYSICAL: having good health and enough energy to get things done daily. Responses in these five areas were then analyzed and classified by Gallup as: • “Thriving” (well-being that is strong and consistent), • “Struggling” (well-being that is moderate or inconsistent), or • “Suffering” (well-being that is low and inconsistent). The end result was the Global WellBeing Index, which allowed for comparisons by world region and specific country. As you might have guessed, we who live in the Americas region of the world have the highest thriving index overall. The European region was a distant second in spite of the fact that European countries dominated in the financial well-being category (a good reminder that

money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness). Sadly, only one in six adults worldwide is considered to be thriving, according to Gallup. While it’s clear from this survey that Americans, in general, are thriving compared to most people around the world, we also know that many individual Americans don’t necessarily feel that way. In another survey in 2012, the World Happiness Report pointed out this contradiction. The report, which was commissioned by the United Nations and published by the Earth Institute at Columbia University, noted that living standards have risen in the United States over time, but our reported happiness has not. They also noted that happier countries like ours tend to be richer countries – but our happiness is not so much because of income but because of factors such as the absence of corruption and the degree of personal freedom; however, they also emphasized that certain factors such as unemployment can cause as much unhappiness as bereavement and that job insecurity (as well as an instable family life Featured: deserted beach, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

• • • happiest places on earth |


Making the World a Happier Place, One Day at a Time we tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. ~Frederick Keonig

Panama City skyline

and poor mental health) deters from happiness. Although unemployment has improved in the United States in recent years, job satisfaction does not appear to have improved. According to a Forbes article which reported on The Conference Board’s 2014 Job Satisfaction Survey, 52% of U.S. workers are unhappy with their jobs. While this is an improvement

Happy people are less likely to send out surges of stress hormones that contribute to heart disease, unlike chronically unhappy people, who tend to have increased blood pressure and decreased immunity. So, Be happy! since the all-time low of 57% in 2010, surveyed workers in 2014 still felt less satisfied at work (based on job security, wages, promotion policy, vacation policy, sick leave, health plan and retirement plan) than workers in 1987. As for family life and mental health, perhaps we can take a cue from Latin Americans – who in Gallup’s poll surpassed both North and South Americans in the well-being index. According to Gallup research, residents of Latin America generally evaluate their lives more highly than those in other regional groups, partly due to a cultural tendency to focus on the positives in life and partly due to having more supportive relationships. So which country was named “numero uno” in overall happiness? That title goes to Panama in Latin America. Continued on next page...

On March 20th celebrate International Day of Happiness by encouraging and spreading little acts of kindness. These small acts can make a big impact. Whether a hug, a kind word, helping a neighbor, or holding the door open for someone, these small acts of kindness can snowball into a wave of compassion, happiness, and appreciation for others. This special day was created by the United Nations Foundation in an effort to make the world a happier place. In July 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted this resolution which recognizes happiness as a “fundamental human goal” and called for “a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes...happiness and well-being of all peoples.” In July 2012, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a further resolution which decreed that the International Day of Happiness was to be observed every year on March 20th. The day was celebrated for the first time in 2013. Last year, as part of the celebation for the International Day of Happiness, the United Nations asked people all over the world to look through old photos to find one that made them happy, to take new pictures of things that make them happy, and to inspire others by sharing them with #happinessday. You can check out all the amazing photo submissions by going to www.dayofhappiness.net.

Great websites to help you stay in the “happy mode” and get you inspired: • www.happify.com • www.happier.com • www.dailygood.org

What makes you happy? What act of kindness has someone done for you that made you feel special? Will you celebrate the Day of Happiness in a special way? Tell us on Facebook: facebook.com/iamWoodlands





| happiest places on earth • • •

story | Amy French


discovering A warm community of family and friends


f you want to get away to a foreign land that is not too far away – and one with year-round warmth for water sports and warm, welcoming people – look no further than Panama. Panamanians captured the top spot in four of the five well-being categories: social, physical, community and purpose. Of the four, they rated their social life most highly. As it turns out, spending lots of time with family and friends is an integral part of life (and happiness) in Panama. And their close personal relationships also give them a sense of purpose and add to positive feelings about their community. FAMILY VALUES Panama was settled primarily by two ethnic groups: the Spanish; and Afro-Caribbean people from islands such as Jamaica and Barbados, many of whom came to build the Panama Canal. While both groups brought their own customs, they shared a similar culture that valued family, community and religious faith. Today, many Panamanians remain close to their large, extended families, and grown children typically live at home until they are married. During the many religious and national holidays, families gather together and often celebrate with their neighbors at community festivals. One of the largest annual celebrations is Carnival, held several days before Lent. i•am 30 www.i-ammagazine.com


A DIVERSE (AND INEXPENSIVE) LIFESTYLE In a word, the Panamanian lifestyle is diverse – especially given its small size. Here, there is something for everyone, whether you prefer the beach or the mountains, a rural village or big city. According to International Living Magazine, many people who visit Panama are pleasantly surprised to find that many of the comforts and luxuries to which they are accustomed are available in this developing nation. Panama City is modern and vibrant, with a fantastic skyline, excellent restaurants and an active nightlife. And this lifestyle is rather inexpensive for American tourists or expats – which is why Panama City is one of the top international retirement destinations for Americans. A TROPICAL PARADISE While you could spend an entire vacation (or retirement) shopping, dining and generally indulging in city life, Panama also touts its many opportunities for outdoor recreation. In this tropical locale that lies on both the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea, water sports are popular – ranging from diving and fishing to whitewater rafting and kayaking. In the country’s ecodiverse rainforest, hiking and bird-watching are enjoyed by many. And if you prefer to really get away from it all, don’t miss the outer islands of Panama’s Bocas del Toro archipelago. Wherever you go in Panama, soak up the healthy lifestyle and the welcoming spirit of locals. Then you’ll understand why Panama is one of the happiest places on Earth.

Selected as the number one country for happiness by Gallup & Healthways Global

View of valley and town of Boquete, Panama, Central America

If You Go • • • • • • • •

Direct flights from Houston can get you to Tocumen International Airport (near Panama City) in about 4 hours Many cruise lines out of Galveston include Panama on their itinerary – and you can even cruise the Panama Canal (which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2014). For most activities, the best time to visit is during drier weather, which is from mid-December to mid-April. Panama uses the U.S. dollar as its currency, making it easy for Americans. Bring cash (or plan to use ATMs) since credit cards are not widely accepted there. The official language is Spanish but in the city and in tourist areas, English is spoken by many. In Panama City, don’t miss Casco Viejo (old town Panama City), the city’s fish market and the nearby Panama Canal. Panama’s excellent medical care at reasonable prices has made the country a popular destination for “medical vacations” among foreigners such as Americans. Check out www.lonelyplanet.com/ panama for a good overview of what to see and do.

• • • happiest places on earth |

discovering A peaceful place of natural wonder


f you’re lured by Panama’s climate and natural landscape, but you prefer fewer festivals and more tranquility, Costa Rica could be your sanctuary. It lies on the western border of Panama so it shares a similar landscape and climate. Their people also share the Spanish language and a happy disposition (a local proverb says, “when times get difficult, put on a happy face”). “Ticos,” as Costa Ricans call themselves, took second place overall in the Gallup poll. They ranked right behind Panamanians in the categories of social, physical and purpose. Interestingly, they didn’t rate community as highly. There may be a historical reason for that: unlike neighboring countries, Costa Ricans were not forced into labor by the colonials and didn’t have to fight for independence – so banding together for security wasn’t needed to live free. PACIFIST, INDEPENDENT IDEALS Costa Rica’s long history of protecting personal freedoms has made it a very independent and peaceful nation. Here, independent-minded residents live however they like without much government intrusion or societal pressure. Costa Rica has also been a catalyst for independence and peace outside its borders. In 1987, Costa Rica’s president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for brokering a regional peace plan that led to free and open elections in Nicaragua. In some respects, Costa Rica is like the Switzerland of Latin

Costa Rica America – but without an army (and the pacifist Ticos will proudly tell you that).

A NATURAL LIFESTYLE Costa Rica’s peace and tranquility extends to their natural environment, as well. Here, there are many miles of deserted beaches and remote hiking trails that stretch from the rainforests to the volcanic mountains. You can also enjoy waterfalls, hot springs and underwater marine parks, and revel in the colorful Scarlet Macaw birds or witness the sea turtles as they nest onshore. And with 25 percent of the country designated as a conservation area or protected reserve, you can easily commune with nature in solitude. Even in the capital city of San Jose, healing spas relax and rejuvenate, using herbal medicines made from locally-grown ingredients, including coffee beans, brown sugar and coconut. And if you need proof that Costa Rica’s natural lifestyle is good for the body and soul, visit the residents of Nicoya Peninsula (one of five original Blue Zones worldwide where people typically live long, healthy lives). AN OUTDOOR PLAYGROUND If calm and tranquil is not your thing, kick it up a notch by surfing the year-round waves, mountain-biking up to a volcano crater or taking a forest canopy tour (the original zipline adventure). Everywhere you look, Costa Rica is an outdoor playground. So go ahead, play – or find peace and quiet – in this natural wonderland, and before you know it, you’ll put on your happy face!


An infinity pool overlooking an amazing Costa Rica view

If You Go • • • • • • • •

Fly from Houston to Juan Santamaria International Airport (near San Jose) in about four hours. Visit December through April for drier weather. The local currency is the colon (but US dollars and credit cards widely accepted). Enjoy Costa Rica’s rich coffee and consider a coffee farm tour. Gallo pinto (black beans and rice) is a typical dish, but also try the excellent seafood. In San Jose, don’t miss the nearby Irazu volcano, which sports five craters. Not a hiker or mountain biker? Enjoy the natural topography on horseback. For more visitor information, go to http:// costa-rica-guide.com/travel/.

Poas Volcano, Costa Rica





| happiest places on earth • • •

discovering A land of contentment, in perfect balance


f your utopia is a stable, good life – that is no better or worse than anyone else – then come to Denmark where they’re living the dream. Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Europe, and it placed third overall in Gallup’s well-being poll. Although Danes did not rank first in any category, they ranked among the top five in purpose, community and financial security. In the financial category, they trailed only Sweden. EGALITARIAN BELIEFS For its small size, Denmark’s citizens live pretty large (and largely the same). This is due to generous welfare services which support their egalitarian beliefs. Free government-run services mostly revolve around supporting the family and include universal healthcare, child care, and education from primary school through college. The government also protects a worker’s right to time off for the birth of a child (up to 52 weeks), personal and family illness, and paid annual vacation (minimum 5 weeks). And in the event of unemployment, benefits are more than ample. With so many benefits, it’s not surprising that Danes rated their financial well-being so highly. Interestingly, they fund this safety net by paying some of the highest taxes in the world – but that doesn’t seem to bother them.


For Danes, maintaining an economic balance within their society is worth the price.

A BALANCED LIFESTYLE You could say the Danish way of life is balanced all the way around. While they enjoy a high standard of living, they are not rich in terms of material things. The typical Dane lives in a small house and the vast majority of city-dwellers do not own a car (and many commute to work by bicycle). But visitors may not guess they live modestly, judging from the sleek, modern buildings in Copenhagen. Similarly, Danes are seen frequenting cafés for socialization, but they actually eat most meals at home with family. Danes are family-oriented, so they prize – and are known for – a healthy work-life balance. To them, having a rich personal life is extremely important, so much so that when someone asks them “what do you do?” they are more likely to talk about their hobbies and personal interests than their work. A MODERATE CLIMATE Perhaps Danes are so comfortable with a “happy medium” lifestyle because they live in a moderate climate, both physically and culturally. Denmark is surrounded by water from the Gulf Stream, so it’s not too cold or too hot. And the moderate Danish temperament is often described as laid-back, even-keeled and tolerant. According to Sharmi Albrechtsen, author of “A Piece of Danish Happiness,” when

Frederiksborg Castle and Gardens, Hillerød, Denmark

Danes are asked if they like something, they often say, “ikke sa darligt,” which translates to “it’s not so bad!” She asserts that Danes are not so much happy with their lives (in the American sense of happy), but rather, they are content and satisfied with their lives. And for Danes, this is good enough for them!

If You Go • • • • • • • • •

From Houston, take an overnight flight to Copenhagen Airport. Visit in the summer (the sun sets after 10 pm) or at Christmas (for an idyllic winter wonderland). Besides Danish, some English and German is spoken. Denmark prices are not cheap, but it is the least expensive in Scandinavia. In Copenhagen, visit Rosenborg Castle and Tivoli Gardens (the world’s second-oldest amusement park). Bring your camera for the fairy-tale castles and charming thatch-roofed farmhouses. In the season, attend a football (European soccer) match or a theater performance. Smorrebrod is a traditional open-faced sandwich; but also try the New Nordic cuisine. Go to www.visitdenmark.com for more visitor information.

Patricia Ostholm’s passion for writing grew from her first career in marketing and communications. Today, she writes in her spare time, with a focus on women’s interests and issues. She and her husband, Chuck, live in Florida – but they visit family in The Woodlands as often as they can!

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experience |

happiness • • •

You Are What YouThink! Think Happy To BE Happy!

story | Nina Shadi, MS, LPC


ach day, roughly 60,000 thoughts will cross your mind. What are you thinking about? Are your thoughts positive, or are they negative? Do you feel happy most days, or sad? Of these 60,000 thoughts, it’s up to you to make sure that 59,999 of them are not wasted on negative, self-defeating thoughts. We’ve all heard that you are what you eat, right? But what about you are what you think? Did you know that every thought you have creates a physiological response in the body that ultimately impacts mood, feelings, behavior, and even future behavior and feelings? Every experience we have, causes us to feel, and therefore think, which will lead to a number of potential behaviors. When we interpret our experiences as negative, our brain produces negative, stressful, emotional responses. If these negative emotional responses happen more often than positive ones, you’re left with two larger problems. First, when the mind and body are under stress, polluted with self-defeating thoughts and negative emotions, the nervous system mimics a lesser degree of the fight-or-flight response. When your body is under emotional stress, the brain often struggles to make lucid decisions. When these less-than-optimal decisions are made under stress, the outcome is often one that produces yet again negative thoughts and emotions. This creates a vicious cycle of negativity, which is hard to break free from. The second problem with frequent negative interpretations and thoughts is that the more frequently they are experienced the more the brain becomes hardwired for negativity by creating a neural pathway, or road that will lead

each negative interpretation and feeling down the same negative path to another negative outcome. Think of it as muscle memory. This type of cognitive-physiological response is one of the reasons depression and other mental disorders are so hard to combat. When you feel terrible, you think terribly, and so on and so on. Now you’re probably wondering, so what do I do? It is possible to change your thoughts and your feelings if you find yourself in this rut. The more positive thoughts you have, the more likely you will feel positive and happy. If you’re someone who has been stuck in this negative pattern, the first step is building self-awareness around your thoughts so when they arise you can work to reframe them in a more positive light. It will take time, patience, and effort, but it can be done. If you’re an individual who has been interpreting your experiences in a more positive way throughout life, keep doing what you’re doing! There are, of course, obstacles throughout life that may make happiness much more difficult to maintain at a steady rate, such as grief, catastrophic events, job loss, illness, divorce, other stresses, etc. Although periods of stress and struggle are normal and common, it is the amount of time spent in these darker times with more negative than positive thoughts and feelings that will lead to a changed neural pathway. Which is why mindfulness, awareness of thoughts and feelings, and consciously choosing to work towards positivity is so important to mental health and happiness during times of stress. Often, happiness is a choice. You can choose happiness. When you can consciously choose happiness, seeing the world as a beautiful, exciting, and happy place is far more likely. You can see the world as against you, or, you can take these negative, frustrating obstacles and use them as

an opportunity for growth, seeing the world as an exciting labyrinth with more than one path to the life you want. Many people believe that external circumstances or individuals are the cause of personal suffering. In reality, it’s an internal process. It’s our personal perceptions and interpretations of external circumstances that create our suffering or lack there of. For example, last summer I got into an argument with my brother about something random and I got upset. He stopped and said, “Why are you getting so upset?” I told him, “Because YOU are saying this and that and YOU’RE making me feel this way!” He stopped and responded with, “Am I making you feel like that or is it how you’re perceiving what I’m saying? You’re choosing to get upset.” Of course, I knew he was right. It was how I perceived what he was saying, and so I got defensive. In reality, my brother wasn’t trying to get a reaction out of me, but I perceived it that way. My reaction was driven by defensive thoughts, and then defensive emotion (i.e. anger). I got upset, but thankfully only for a few moments until I found reality and selfawareness again. In hindsight, had I remained calm and conscious, I would have remembered that the manifestation of my defensive, angry emotions, were mine alone. I chose to get upset, albeit, in that moment, subconsciously. There are likely endless scenarios where you may recall reacting negatively because you perceived a situation negatively. It’s up to you to become aware of your thoughts and do positive things with them. Really, where are your negative thoughts taking you? I would bet into a negative, bitter world. You can choose to see the world as against you, or you can choose to see yourself in a world where you control your feelings, emotions and behaviors, and ultimately, where you control your world.

“We see the world, not the way it is, but the way we are.” ~Talmud

Nina Shadi holds a BA in Psychology, MS in Mental Health Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor currently working as a therapist with families and children in Minnesota. Nina is also the author and creator of With an Open Heart, a blog dedicated to creating moving content related to psychology, well-being, self-awareness, mindfulness, purposeful living, personal-growth and transformation and more. For more information about Nina or With an Open Heart, please visit www.withanopenheart.org.

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• • • happiness |


Happiness is not in our circumstances, but in ourselves. It is not something we see, like a rainbow, or feel, like the heat of a fire. happiness is something we are. ~John B. Sheerin www.i-ammagazine.com




| retirement • • •

Plan Ahead for Retirement? It’s a Piece of Cake! story | Patricia Ostholm, CFP®


lanning ahead for retirement isn’t rocket science. But that’s the impression of many so they put off long-term planning and leave their retirement details essentially to chance. And that’s not good. Part of the problem may be the way that some people in the financial services industry communicate. It’s like they are speaking a foreign language when they talk about investment options, tax implications, compounded return, present value calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. And as a Certified Financial Planner® practitioner myself, I know this is true because I have had a few clients say those exact words to me, too (thank you Edith and Antonia!) So in the interest of being helpful (which I believe is what this magazine is about) let me explain the planning process in a way that is easy to remember: retirement planning is a piece of cake! No, I’m not kidding – the process really is like baking a cake. If you understand the key steps in baking a cake, you understand the key steps in planning for retirement. Let’s go through them one-by-one: STEP 1: ENVISION IT. Think about it: what’s the first thing you do when you want to bake a cake? You envision the kind of cake you want, right? Will it be

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chocolate or vanilla? Will it have a filling and what kind? Will there be frosting or fruit on top? What size will the cake be and what shape? Similarly, in retirement planning, the first step is to envision – in as much detail as you can – what your ideal retirement will look like. Where do you want to live? What will a typical day look like? How will you stay active mentally, socially and physically? Do you want to work part-time in retirement doing something you love or will enjoying retirement be your only “job”? This should be a fun exercise where dreams are encouraged (just don’t go overboard). And if you’re married, take both spouses’ retirement dreams into account; they are rarely identical so you may need to make compromises. STEP 2: PLAN IT. Once you have envisioned your cake, the next step is to figure out how to make it. What you need is a good plan – which, in the culinary world, we call a recipe. A recipe lists all the ingredients you need and the exact amounts, as well as preparation and baking instructions. But the planning doesn’t stop there. You’ll also need to take inventory of which ingredients you have on hand and which ones you need to buy, and make sure you have the appropriate cooking utensils, appliances

and bakeware. And what happens if you don’t have the proper ingredients or they are not in the proper proportions? That’s right – your cake will be a disaster and may never rise. Likewise, creating your envisioned retirement lifestyle requires advance planning, and just like in baking, it demands attention to detail. It also involves a lot of calculations; but remember that baking involves calculations, too, if you are making a larger or smaller cake than the recipe calls for. Unfortunately, it’s in the planning step where many retirement dreams end. If detailed planning is not your idea of fun, consider hiring a Certified Financial Planner® practitioner (you might say they have the recipe down pat!) At a minimum, a retirement plan should determine three key figures: (1) The lump sum dollar amount you need at the start of retirement; (2) The annual amount you can reasonably spend in retirement without running out of money; (3) And the annual amount to save and invest to achieve the lump sum at retirement. To get these figures, begin by approximating how much in today’s dollars your envisioned retirement life will cost on a monthly basis. If you’re less than 10 years from your desired retirement age, get serious about estimating your

The Cold Hard Facts monthly expenses. If you don’t know where to start, keep a log of your current expenses, subtract those that will disappear in retirement (perhaps costs related to children, a home mortgage or your work life) and add any new expenses you will incur in retirement (such higher health care costs, the cost of a new hobby or a second home). After settling on a monthly expense target, you (or your planner) will apply numerous calculations based on lots of assumptions I call “expecteds”: expected rates of inflation, expected rates of return on investments, expected retirement income streams (such as a pension or Social Security) and your expected longevity. As you can see, the planning step is involved and requires some financial knowledge and skill; but isn’t that why serious home bakers turn to the recipes of accomplished pastry chefs? STEP 3: FOLLOW IT. Okay, we have our cake recipe, the right ingredients and the kitchen tools we need to get the job done. Now it is time to follow the recipe precisely – or else your cake may not turn out right. This is equally true in following your retirement plan. The plan should not only direct you precisely how much to save but also where to save it (such as in a 401(k) plan or in a Roth IRA) and how to invest it (for example, in mutual or exchange-traded funds, with specific portions invested in both stock funds and bond funds). Be sure to implement the investment recommendations as directed; if not, you risk not reaching your goals. If you’d like help with this step, consider hiring an investment advisor with CFP® certification. STEP 4: MONITOR IT. Anyone who has baked a cake before knows it’s important to closely monitor the oven to avoid a dry or burnt cake. Setting a timer is one way to assure it is not overcooked. That’s also smart advice when it comes to your retirement plan. Mark your calendar to revisit your plan at least once a year. Review your investments and contributions to assure they still match your plan. Know that an investment can become more or less risky over time, and you don’t want to take more or less risk than your plan calls for. So if your investments are not in line, make adjustments. On the flip side, if your financial situation, retirement goals or investing preferences have changed, change the plan to reflect that. A retirement plan should not be static. It should change with you and be re-visited often to assure your plan matches real life.

• Inflation cuts the value of your money in half every 22 years. • In 2013, the average Social Security retirement benefit was only $1,294 per month. • A 65-year-old couple who retired in 2012 is estimated to need $240,000 to cover just the medical expenses through retirement. (Source: Fidelity Investments)

• From 1994-2013, the S&P 500 index returned 9.2% annualized, but the average investor only received 5% due to investors’ emotion-based trading (source: DALBAR).

STEP 5: FINISH IT. After proper cooling, the last step in baking a cake is preparing the finishing touches. You might want to dress it with frosting or icing or perhaps make a fruit topping. You can add decorative elements on top or even birthday candles. About three years before your planned retirement date, there will be finishing touches you’ll want to take care of, as well. If you want to retire to another state, city or house, do your homework ahead of time. If you plan to work part-time in retirement, look into that. Also, investigate the options to purchase health insurance if there is a gap between retirement and qualifying for Medicare at age 65. You’ll also want to assess your options for starting Social Security income (do not make this decision without a thorough understanding of the pros and cons!). Some pre-retirees even choose to practice living on their retirement budget before actually retiring to assess whether they are financially ready for the leap. Three years out is also a good time to evaluate whether or not you should dial down your investment risk or save more cash to use in the first couple of years of retirement. Finally, when the BIG DAY comes to retire, celebrate – with a well-deserved piece of cake!

• • • retirement |


What to Do Now Think About Your Future. The more you know about what kind of retirement lifestyle you want, the better you can plan for it. When retirement is 30 or 40 years away, the picture may be fuzzy, but when you are 10 to 15 years out, start focusing on the details. Plan Ahead. Planning is essential but time can have the biggest influence on the success of your plan because investments take time to grow. It is never too early to start planning. If time is short for you, it will be more difficult if you haven’t already invested in advance, but you still need a plan. Save and Invest. Ideally, your retirement plan should drive your investment plan. But don’t put off investing while you procrastinate on planning. If you have a retirement plan at work, participate. If you don’t, consider investing in your own IRA. You can tweak the investments once you have a plan in place. Protect Your Family. If you are married or have kids, consider purchasing life insurance on yourself in the event you die before retirement. The death benefit can supplement your spouse’s future retirement, as well as provide income replacement during your spouse’s working years. Consider Hiring a Certified Planner. Not all financial planners have earned certification from the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. Those who have display the CFP® designation after their name and are required to adhere to the Board’s code of ethics and complete continuing education requirements. To find a CFP® planner in your area, go to www.cfp.net.

“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

Patricia Ostholm, CFP®, is a personal financial advisor, a teacher of financial education, and a freelance financial writer.





| the need for yoga therapy • • •

Realizing the Need for Yoga Therapy story | Faye Martins


oga is a form of exercise used for stress relief, weight loss, pain relief, improving flexibility, and much more. There are over 100 various types of yoga and all types yield different specific results. Overall, it is a way to bring the mind, body and spirit into alignment. Yoga dates back over 5,000 years and most of those years many people thought yoga was a religious exercise. However, more people around the world today are seeing just how great and healthy yoga is for their well-being. The growing demand for yoga is proving there is a need for yoga therapy. Many physicians today recommend yoga to their patients suffering from heart disease, chronic conditions, pain, high blood pressure, depression, stress and other health issues. Yoga therapy combines yoga with Western medicine and psychology to help people function at their best. People are exploring more holistic health options to heal or minimize their ailments as opposed to only taking medications. Yoga techniques can focus on specific health problems and overall fitness. Unfortunately, injury is what opens many people’s eyes to yoga therapy. Perhaps for some people it is a last resort because medications are not helping or the side effects of their medication are too stressful. Most people are surprised that focused positions, breathing and meditation can heal the body. Yoga helps shape the mental state of

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people. Studies show that yoga can clear the mind and help people focus. While it is relaxing the muscles, it relieves stress at the same time. People that have practiced yoga for some time, better understand the correlation between the body and the brain. When the body views a task or has a thought that yields anxious reactions, the brain is automatically firing stress responses throughout the nervous system. With yoga, the anxious breathing is slowed down and as a result the stress signals from the brain slow down significantly or even stop. Yoga can change the physique and can also increase an individual’s body awareness. It improves the body’s circulation, which in turn helps move toxins out of the body. The result is more clear skin and eyes. The stretching burns calories, which can lead to weight loss. The poses help build and tone muscle and people have better balance and posture. Also, when the body has reduced stress, the appearance of dark circles around the eyes tends to diminish. When it comes to being more aware, people who have practiced yoga for a while know more quickly when something is amiss physically. Spiritually yoga brings out the happy in

people. This does not mean yoga participants never have negative thoughts. Instead, they feel in tune and connected. Yoga teaches them how to handle their stress, which helps them to cope with life issues in a healthier way, especially in the case of emergencies or unexpected occurrences. People who practice yoga can find their center and know how to control their level of anxiety in a healthy manner. Certainly the perception of yoga and its benefits has changed in recent years. Through following yoga practices, people have improved themselves in several ways. With modern life holding many uncertainties, be it physical, financial, or social, yoga seems to be life’s natural remedy.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faye_Martins

Yoga should be practiced through the direction and guidance of a professional and qualified yoga instructor. Though yoga can benefit anyone, of any age or gender, be sure to talk with your physician before starting yoga, and especially if you are suffering from heart ailments or any acute or chronic medical condition.

• • • yoga for heart health |

All About Yoga for Heart Health

Benefits of Yoga The benefits of yoga are numerous. We have compiled a list to give you an idea of just how beneficial yoga is to all aspects of your well-being. Let’s take a look: • Good for the heart: Lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle and improves blood circulation, which improves overall health of all the organs • Has been shown to increase immunity to illnesses • Has been shown to increase pain tolerance and even reduce or eliminate chronic pains, such as back pain • Helps to balance metabolism, resulting in better control of weight management • Stimulates detoxification within the body, which is linked to anti-aging • Improves posture, flexibility, dexterity and balance • Increases strength, muscle tone and endurance • Increases your energy level and improves your mood and calmness • Helps to promote better sleep • Reduces stress, anxiety and depression • Improves memory due to increased blood circulation to the brain and reduction of stress • Lowers cholesterol level, glucose level, sodium level and triglyceride level • Helps to control and regulate hormone levels • Increases red blood cells in the body, which helps to deter anemia and low energy • Helps to prevent osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and type II diabetes • Provides relief for arthritis, can improve carpal tunnel syndrom, and can reduce symptoms of asthma • Has been shown to reduce migraines Need we say more?

story | Faye Martins


oga is an ancient practice that allows its users to express and channel tranquility and spirituality. Today, yoga is being incorporated into daily lives to encourage a healthy balance in life. Although exercise and good nutrition are a prescription for quality health, yoga is a beneficial addition to a daily routine that can improve heart health and stave off heart disease. WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga incorporates a variety of elements that involve both the mind and body. The most common and traditional type of yoga uses a series of slow or moderate paced stretches and the holding of poses, while incorporating breathing techniques, focus, and meditation. Not only are your muscles getting a healthy workout, which builds up physical strength, these unique stretches and poses encourage an increased mental and emotional awareness. YOGA FOR HEART HEALTH The unique design of yoga creates benefits that are favorable to prevent and reverse heart disease. Cardiac yoga can have effects such as lowered blood pressure, improved heart rates, increased lung capacity, boosted oxygen circulation, improved respiratory functions, and strengthened heart muscles and their endurance levels. Those who have suffered from some form of heart event such as a heart attack, cardiac arrest, or stroke, are extremely likely to experience a range of emotions that have an effect on the heart such as fear, anger, depression, and anxiety. These emotions cause stress which can be relieved through doing yoga. The meditating and calming effects of yoga may help to alleviate the symptoms of those with chronic heart conditions.


improved balance, strengthening of the core muscles, increased lung capacity, relaxation and flexibility. 1) TRIANGLE POSE - This pose is designed to have a variety of benefits that include promoting cardiovascular health. It encourages you to focus on breathing adequately and strategically. When performed correctly, this certain pose forces you to open your chest and shoulders to allow maximum oxygenation while allowing blood to run through the heart quicker and more freely. This pose also benefits hip joints, neck, spinal muscles, quad muscles, and proprioception of the ankles and feet. 2) REVERSE WARRIOR POSE - Most of the warrior poses are great for heart health. This warrior pose in particular is very beneficial for the heart because it opens the chest and shoulders to allow for maximum oxygenation and blood flow to and from the heart. It also strengthens the hips, obliques, quads, arms, groin, and neck. 3) BRIDGE POSE - This pose is especially beneficial to lower blood pressure. It opens the chest, calms the brain, and stimulates the lungs, thyroid, and abdominal muscles. THE BOTTOM LINE There is a reason why the ancient practice of yoga is still being practiced today – there is no downside. The physical, mental, and emotional benefits all contribute to a healthy and balanced life. Since the heart is a vital organ that cannot only determine quality of life, but also life or death, doing simple yoga exercises can make all the difference.

Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faye_Martins

THE 3 BEST YOGA POSES FOR THE HEART There are several poses that are beneficial for relieving heart symptoms and for strengthening the heart muscles. In addition to the benefits for the heart, there are other things that occur such as increased overall body strength, calming of the mind, improved mental clarity, increased oxygenation, Faye Martins is a yoga teacher and a graduate of the yoga teacher training program at: Aura Wellness Center in Attleboro, MA. To receive free yoga videos, podcasts, e-books, reports, and articles about yoga, please visit: www.yoga-teacher-training.org

Research has shown that our health and longevity are linked to the health of our lungs and the way we breathe. Proper breathing is essential to optimal brain function as well. About 25% of the oxygen we breathe in goes to the brain. And as we exhale and release carbon dioxide, we are ridding our body of 70% of the body’s waste, compared to the 3% attributed to feces. Breathing techniques are an essential part of yoga.





| yoga for kids • • •

The Benefits of Yoga for Kids story | Orsolya Bartalis


ou love yoga... You know the benefits it has for you... So why not get the kids involved and share the benefits with them also? Our children today have very hectic lives between school and sporting commitments, busy parents, video games and plenty other stimulus heading their way at lightning speed. We usually don’t think that these are stressful for our children, but in many cases they are, and these stresses can have negative effects on their innate joy. Just as you find yoga helpful to release your stresses, so do kids, so why not take it home? There are plenty of benefits you can reap from your joint yoga experience not just due to

the transformation in your children, but also through the transformation it will create in your perspective! There are 7 main benefits of yoga that are great for children:

create great imagination.

• ENHANCES CONCENTRATION — as kids learn different yoga positions, and learn to control their bodies through these positions, they develop their self-control and enhance their focus.

• INCREASES SELF-ESTEEM — as their focus, flexibility and their techniques improve so will the self-esteem of your child.

• SPARKS CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION — if you encourage your children to make noises like a dog in dog pose and hiss like a snake in the cobra pose and the like, and encourage them to imagine that they are the character of the pose, you help them

Chronic stress can impair the developmental growth in children by lowering the production of growth hormone from the pituitary gland.1


Reference: Van der Kolk, Bessel, et. al. 2007. “Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society”.New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

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• ENHANCE BODY AWARENESS — the various poses of yoga help children to listen to their body, an invaluable tool for life.

• TEACHES PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS — as their mind has to focus on their breathing and technique, it stops them from wondering about the future or dwelling on the past. • GIVES TOOLS FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT — yoga provides an immediate outlet for stress and creates happy endorphins. • TEACHES DISCIPLINE AND RESPONSIBILITY — As yoga is a process, by practicing it on a regular basis they learn that it is a process not an immediate destination and through this they can accept that life is a path. To reap the benefits of yoga for children you have to translate it to their language to give an enhanced experience to both yourself and your children. You have to learn to hold their attention long enough to teach them the benefits of stillness, balance, flexibility, focus, peace, health and well-being. Children jump at the chance to pretend to be animals, trees and warriors. Sound is also a great outlet for them, so encourage them to let sounds out as they practice each position. Sharing yoga as a family has a great power to strengthen the family and due to its adaptable nature you can be rather flexible about when to have a yoga moment. You don’t need to block out 30 mins to force yoga onto children, you can incorporate simple stretches and breathing exercises for any time in the day. You will find that your yoga moments will help create fun, build trust, engage in teamwork and deepen the bonds of the family. As you can see there are plenty of benefits to teaching yoga to your children, not just for them but also for you, so why not try it today and enjoy the fun and benefits of your yoga moments? If you liked this article and would like to learn more about the benefits of yoga for young and old, visit www.yogarelieve.com. Article source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Orsolya_Bartalis

• • • products we love |



hen we find products we love that we feel will help make your life easier, safer or more fun, we will

let you know about it. Here are a few items that fit

perfectly with our theme for this issue – wellness. Whether working out, relaxing or looking for advice to solve your aging skin problems, these are a few products that we think you will love. We do!

Bübi Bottle

www.bubibottle.com $16.99 Are you ready to enjoy the freedom of using a truly SAFE water bottle and when you’re done...simply roll it up and stow it easily? Well, meet the bübi bottle! Made from silicone, bübi is both BPA-free and microbial-free, and can be frozen as well as placed over a fire to boil water or soup. It was designed to be fashionable, with a huge array of colors to choose from or mixand-match, and is essential for the rugged outdoorsy type.


www.flipbelt.com $28.99

Every bit as flattering and contoured as the rest of today’s athletic wear, FlipBelt is designed to carry your on-the-go essentials without tying up your hands. FlipBelt slides right on and sits snug on your hip. No bulk. No bounce.


www.orangemud.com $84.95 and up Tired of bouncing and sloshing hydration packs? Solution found, meet the HydraQuiver™. The HydraQuiver sports a silky smooth webbing, long spandex pockets, an interior rear cargo storage and a silent zipper pull. For your nighttime safety we have a reflective logo on the bottle holder. There is also an area at the base of the pack to attach your jacket or shirt with our optional cord and cord lock kit.

PowerSpurz – Light up Heel www.4id.com $19.95

“Power Spurz” keep you safe and visible through all of your outdoor training. Our lightweight heel spur has two available settings: pulse and continuous light. The piece slides conveniently on to the back of your shoe and glows in a vibrant LED light. www.i-ammagazine.com



want |

products we love • • • YogaPaws “Elite” full set $39.95 www.yogapaws.com

The inspiring and unique way to stabilize your foundation when doing yoga postures and Pilates exercises. A revolutionary design provides solid support, extra padding, and non-slip peace of mind. Fits in your purse, pocket, or travel bag. Going somewhere? No need to lug that mat around with you anymore because Yoga-Paws are ideal for TRAVEL!


www.toezies.com $14.00 Toezies are a non-skid, performance sock perfect for Pilates, Yoga or lounging around. They give you the toe-wiggling freedom of being barefoot while keeping your feet clean, dry and warm.

“Gorgeous Skin After Forty” by Jackie Bernardi, Sold through Amazon

$7.99 After you entered your 40s, did your skin start to lose its luster and healthy glow? Have you invested more money than you’d care to admit on products that promise to “revive” and “rejuvenate” but give no results? Do you wonder whether you’re even buying the right products to treat your specific skin conditions? Written by Jackie Bernardi, a licensed esthetician, her e-book “Gorgeous Skin After Forty” will give you the information and the confidence to choose the best ingredients and products so that you can have beautiful, healthy skin in your 40s and beyond.

i•am 42 www.i-ammagazine.com


www.epic-id.com $35.00

EPIC-id is a flash drive bracelet that you custom fit to your wrist. It carries all of your health and identifying information in case of an emergency. EMTs, police, and fire fighters will be able to insert your EPIC-id into their on-board computers and access important medical information without the need for a charged phone, passwords or a Wi-Fi connection. Easy to use; waterproof USB; PC/MacTM compatible; no internet connection needed.

• • • valentine’s day |

Valentine’s Day


Out of the Box!

story | Patricia Ostholm


alentine’s Day isn’t just for kids and young lovers, but after many years of marriage (or after many years of being single) you might not give this day much thought. Some think the occasion is only for die-hard romantics. Others think it’s a bit of a hassle, with crowded restaurants, social expectations and finding the perfect card or gift for your significant other. But it doesn’t have to be this way if you think outside the box. To get your brainstorm started, consider these non-traditional ways to get in the spirit of Valentine’s Day. You might just find that you have much more to give than only romantic love! FRIENDSHIP No date for Valentine’s Day – or don’t want one? No problem! There’s no rule you need a date to have fun on February 14th. Gather your single BFFs for a casual potluck dinner of your choosing (I’d choose Italian with red wine). Or, better yet, host an evening of fancy cocktails and decadent desserts. Your friends will love you for inviting them, and with everyone contributing a dish, you’ll love the hassle-free party planning. ATTENTION Since the days of poet Geoffrey Chaucer, Valentine’s Day has been associated with the expression of love – but today it’s also about giving time (and especially attention) to the ones we love. Unfortunately, this isn’t always an easy task with our awesome responsibilities as women. To maximize quality time with family, keep celebration preparations to a minimum. So instead of preparing a four-course dinner for two, create a no-fuss “tapas style” dinner with prepared items from your grocery store deli and bakery. Instead of turning the kitchen upside down baking sweets with the kids, have make-your-own ice cream sundaes and watch their favorite movie. Whatever way you choose to spend quality time together, be sure to “turn off and unplug” – and know that by devoting some undivided attention you are giving them the most precious gift of all.

COMPASSION Valentine’s Day can be about expressing love or compassion. A great way to show your compassion for people or pets that are less fortunate is to volunteer for a non-profit organization. Volunteers are needed and appreciated at many Woodlands-area organizations, including The Friendship Center, which needs help in delivering meals to senior citizens, making telephone reassurance calls and building wheelchair ramps. The MCA Society animal shelter also needs volunteers to walk dogs, care for cats, and coordinate off-site adoption events. Choose a charity with a mission that melts your heart, and soon you’ll be showing your compassion all year long. GENEROSITY If you are fortunate in so many ways like me, consider helping those who don’t have it so good this Valentine’s Day. The Montgomery County Women’s Center relies on the generosity of local residents to help equip its shelters for women and children. Donated items such as canned goods, ladies clothing and shoes, and Pedialyte are graciously accepted. Of course, monetary donations are always appreciated, which can fund scholarships for education and job training. Also in The Woodlands and relying on donations is Caiden’s Hope, which funds travel for families of babies undergoing longterm medical treatment in hospitals around the country. And don’t forget our military troops who are far away from home and their loved ones. Go to www.ourmilitary.mil/care-packages for a list of organizations to send care packages, letters and more to our men and women in uniform. Whatever charitable organization you choose to support, your generosity will be near and dear to their heart. KINDNESS If celebrating Valentine’s Day totally out of the box is not your speed or not possible for you, you can still get into the spirit of the day by showing some old-fashioned (but always appreciated) kindness. Whether it is a kind word to a co-worker, a thoughtful gesture to a neighbor or a warm smile to those in the grocery check-out line, you can make someone’s Valentine’s Day a little bit sweeter.

Did You Know? • St. Valentine’s Day dates back to at least the year 496, when it was declared a Christian feast day. •

Gift-giving and Valentine cards became popular in England in the 1700s, but the tradition wasn’t widespread in America until the 1850s.

• The heart-shaped Sweethearts candy was first produced by the New England Confectionery Company in 1901. • According to the Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards sent each year are valentines. • Valentine’s Day is now popular in many countries around the world, including China and South Korea. •

In some Latin American countries, Valentine’s Day is a “Day of Love and Friendship,” where people show both love for family and appreciation for their friends.

Patricia Ostholm’s passion for writing grew from her first career in marketing and communications. Today, she writes in her spare time, with a focus on women’s interests and issues. She and her husband, Chuck, live in Florida – but they visit family in The Woodlands as often as they can!





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