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The (possible and) Necessary (digest) Revolu9on IADE – Pós-­‐Graduação Gestão da Cria9vidade e do Design para a Inovação e Empreendorismo – 2010/2011 By Jorge Oliveira, Liliana Dias, Maria Céu Ramos, Raúl Neves


Este é um livro sobre o futuro... mas também sobre o reencontro das harmonias perdidas do passado. Fala-­‐nos da mudança de paradigma necessária à resolução de problemas e de como esses problemas são afinal oportunidades de inovação. Fala do Homem e do seu papel no mundo, da sua centralidade... ou não. Fala muito... e aqui vai um resumo!


“if we look closely around the world, the basics for life beyond the Industrial Age bubble are emerging everywhere”


Endings, new beginnings


Endings, new beginnings   Existem vários 9pos de revolução (e.g., social,

polí9ca, económica) mas existe um género em par9cular…


“a collec<ve awakening to new possibilites that changes eveything overnight… How people see the world… What they value… How society defines progress… How ins<tu<ons operate…”


  Renascimento   Revolução Francesa

  A Revolução Industrial

...não é uma excepção!


  Mesmo nos países ditos desenvolvidos os alimentos,

a água, a energia e o tempo previsível (anteriormente garan9dos) são cada vez menos fiáveis;

  O verdadeiro problema não é a crise em si, mas a

probabilidade que as nossas respostas sejam desadequadas e focadas no curto-­‐prazo (quick-­‐fix).


  As crises estão interconectadas, e os sintomas

evidenciam um sistema global desequilibrado…

  O nosso es9lo de vida não poderá con9nuar por

muito mais tempo apesar dos benedcios da Revolução Industrial!   Educação Pública;   Direitos Humanos;   Bem-­‐Estar Material;   ...


Endings, new beginnings   Extraordinárias oportunidades para a inovação se

abandonarmos a nossa mentalidade receosa e apenas reac9va.

  Enquanto clientes e consumidores estão todos

ligados à produção industrial de grande escala para quase tudo (e.g., computadores, telefones, PAD’s, televisores, electrodomés9cos) e estamos dependentes da energia necessário ao seu funcionamento.


Globalização   Trouxe um nível de interdependência social,

económico, material e polí9co entre as regiões no mundo que nunca exis9u anteriormente.

  Os problemas são verdadeiramente globais!


  Ecossistemas estão a ser


  As tradições culturais

estão a ser engolidas…


Como chegámos aqui 

Primeira fase da Revolução Industrial (1750-­‐1820) com o aumento da manufactura de grande escala ancorado no aumento da produ9vidade. •  Mudou a forma como vivemos e pensamos de forma radical.   Aumento da esperança de vida;   Aumento da literacia;   Aumento de produtos e serviços;   Melhoria na medicina, educação e entretenimento;   Migração para as cidades;   Extrema desigualdade   Stress em pleno crescimento (dsico, psicológico e económico).


  A dependência deste desenvolvimento:

•  Combustão de combusnveis fósseis (carvão, petróleo,


  Imenso efeitos secundários:   Lixo industrial;   Lixo comercial e dos consumidores;   Recursos não renováveis;   Poluição do ar – Aquecimento Global;   Poluição da Água


Os Quick-­‐Fix’s   Encarregar os especialistas da resolução.

Especialistas (e.g., lobbyists intervêm para reduzir a pressão) Resoluções de Curto-Prazo (Fáceis e Rápidas) Pressão para responder aos standards ambientais Soluções Fundamentais (Difíceis e Demoradas) Os Gestores desenvolvem capacidade para gerar soluções inovadoras (e.g., novos produtos, melhores regulações governamentais)



  Pensar de forma sistémica para observar os padrões

profundos que emergem de forma clara e intui9va que estão na base dos problemas aparentemente não relacionados…



Pressupostos da RI   

  

O sistema industrial está envolvido por outros sistemas naturais; O mundo alargado detém recursos renováveis e não renováveis (na perspec9va humana); Os recursos renováveis podem sustentar a ac9vidade humana indefenidamente; Os recursos não renováveis só poderão ser extraídos; O processo de extracção, produção e consumo implica a produção de lixo pelo sistema industrial. O sistema industrial está envolvido num sistema social mais alargado (e.g. comunidades, escolas e cultura) em que a sobre produção causa igualmente ansiedade, desigualdade e stress nas sociedades.


Fora da Bolha   Desaparecimento de civilizações: Maias, Habitantes

da Ilha da Páscoa, etc.

  Bons exemplos:

•  Islandeses: número de ovelhas sustentável; •  Finlandeses: gestão florestal para produção de papel.   O verdadeiro problema é a negação!


The Real World

Industrial Age Extended Buble


Idade Industrial •  Combusnveis Fósseis •  Produção Global •  Imenso Lixo •  Estandardização •  Aumentar o Rendimento

Natureza •  Energia

•  Sol

•  Alimentos

•  Local

•  Materiais •  Variedade

•  Ausência de Lixo •  Diversidade •  Construir Relações

•  Bem-­‐Estar Social


A Nossa Escolha   “Life creates condi9ons for life”   A bolha mantém-­‐se devido às decisões que tomamos

todos os dias (TAKE-­‐MAKE-­‐WASTE) baseadas nas crenças disfuncionais;

  Podemos realizar ajustamentos ocasionais e

incrementais ou inves9r seriamente em construir uma economia e sociedade regenera9va que perturba a natureza o mínimo possível.


Crenças Disfuncionais

Novas Crenças

Energia é barata e infinita;

Surf the Flux – Energias Renováveis

Sempre haverá espaço para guardar o nosso lixo;

Zero to Landfill – 100% Reciclado

Os humanos não conseguem alterar o ambiente global;

Os humanos são a espécie primária na terra;

Os recursos básicos são ilimitados;

Produ9vidade e estandardização são a chave do progresso económico;

Crescimento Económido (PIB) são a melhor forma de reduzir desigualdades sociais.

Foco nas Necessidades das Gerações Futuras Somos apenas um das maravilhas do mundo Valorizar os serviços naturais da terra (Ecossistemas) Abraçar a variedade e construir comunidades Numa aldeia global there is only one boat and one hole sinks us all.


PIB ou Felicidade Nacional?   Gross Na9onal

Happiness (GNH) Butan


Criando o Futuro   Não existe nenhum caminho viável que não leve em

consideração as necessidades da geração futura – Sustentabilidade!

  As ins9tuições (network de empresas, organizações

governamentais e ONG) são importantes para endereçar questões globais.


  Toda a mudança real está ancorada em novas formas

de pensar e percepcionar o mundo.

•  E já existem exemplos de inicia9vas colabora9vas e



Human Centered Design


A flexible toolkit A process A set of tools

To be used with and for the people To find new opportuni9es To find meaningfull and innova9ve solu9ons that serve the people and the region

With mul9disciplinary teams of 3-­‐8 people Dedicated space Finite 9meframe


Desirability What do people desire?

Feasibility What is technically and organiza9onally feasible?

Viability What can be financially viable?


Hear Create Deliver

Field Research. Collect stories and inspira9on from people Workshops to transform research into frameworks, opportuni9es, solu9ons and prototypes Launch. Revenue and cost modeling, capability assessment and Implementa9on planning





Prototypes Stories


DELIVER Implementa9on Plan






Full use of toolkit

Scenario 1 The week long deep dive

Scenario 2 The several month deep dive

Par9al use of toolkit

Scenario 4 Complemen9ng Exis9ng Ac9vi9es

Scenario 3 Ac9va9ng already exis9ng Knowledge

Shorter term

Longer term


Goals 

Understanding people needs, hopes and aspira9ons for the future •  How to talk to people •  How to gain empathy •  How to capture stories

Output     

Peoples’ stories Observa9on of peoples’ reality Deeper understanding of needs, barriers & Constraints


1 Iden9fy a design Chalenge •  1 Iden9fy a list of criteria for the challenge •  2 Make a list of Challenges •  3 Re-­‐frame challenges from people point of view and broader context •  4 Vote/select top 2 / 3 •  5 Narrow to one •  6 Write one sentence design challenge

2 Recognize knowledge •  1 Post design challenge •  2 Write what team knows •  3 Read, post and challenge assump9ons •  4 Write and post don’t knows •  5 Group into themes

3 Iden9fy people to speak to

4 Choose research methods

5 Develop an interview approach

6 Develop your mindset

•  1 Develop the spectrum along which to recruit and narrow to 1/2 •  Iden9fy relevant loca9ons to recruit par9cipants and pick 2/5 •  Select appropriate contacts to arrange mee9ngs

•  1 Write interview guide and prac9ce •  2 key learnings and improve guide

•  Interview guide •  Sacrificial concepts (turn abstract ques9ons into concrete op9ons) •  Interview techniques More than ask ques9ons… Show me Draw it 5 Why’s Think aloud

•  Beginner’s mind: Strip down from assump9ons and prior experience •  Observe vs. Interpret: Understand people behaviour and mo9va9on based on observa9on. Separate our interpreta9on based on our experience

•  Methods: -­‐ Individual interview -­‐ Group interview -­‐ In context immersion -­‐ Self-­‐ documenta9on -­‐ Community-­‐ Driven discovery -­‐ Expert interviews -­‐ Seeking inspira9on in New Places







The concrete needs of individuals and observa9ons are transformed into high-­‐level insights and into solu9ons:  Making sense of data  Iden9fying pa•erns  Defining opportuni9es  Crea9ng solu9ons

    

Opportuni9es Solu9ons Prototypes

Key ac9vi9es: synthesis, brainstorming, prototyping and feedback


1 Develop the approach • Par9cipatory co-­‐ design: 1 Iden9fy 8-­‐20 par9cipants 2 Schedule session(s) and explain goal and process 3 Conduct sessions, focused on needs, goals and priori9es of community • Empathic Design: 1 Encourage team to connect with people 2 Guarantee no judgment on cons9tuents behaviour or decisions 3 If needed go back to people

2 Share stories

3 Iden9fy pa•erns

• Transforming stories into real data for the team. Be specific, descrip9ve and follow rules (who, what, when, where, why, and how) • 1 Gather the design team si€ng in a circle in a room with wall space. • 2 Distribute post-­‐it notes and markers • 3 The team capture their notes, observa9ons and thoughts on the post-­‐its as they speak. Everything that is said during story sharing should be captured: life history, household details, income, aspira9ons, barriers, quotes, observa9ons. • 4 Each team member share the story of the person(s) they met. • 5 Affix all the post-­‐it notes to a fl ip chart or large pieces of paper on the wall. Use one large sheet per story.

• Extract key insiigths: 1 Team choose 5 key 2 Group these into related thoughts. 3 Write a succinct Insight statement on a new post-­‐it for each grouping 4 Post Insight post-­‐its • Find Themes: 1 Team select the 5 most interes9ng quotes, observa9ons and/or insights. 2 On a new board, sort these into themes. 3 Make sure themes are at the same level 4 Give each theme a 9tle on a new post-­‐it. • POINT: Problems, Obstacles, Insights, Needs , Themes • Create Frameworks: 1 Iden9fy stories tha‚it into larger system or interlinked 2 Draw rela9onship or system in a framework 3 Play with re-­‐ drawing framework many 9mes un9l robust

4 Create opportunity areas

5 Brainstorm new solu9ons

• An opportunity area is not a solu9on. Opportuni9es start with the phrase “HOW MIGHT WE...?” to suggest a mindset of possibility. • 1 Prepare team to shiƒ from analysis to crea9ng new ideas. • 2 Ask the team to write on post-­‐it their opportuni9es with the words “How Might We…?” • 3 Spend at least 15 minutes on each theme genera9ng Opportunity Statements for that theme. Place the post-­‐its next to the theme area. • 4 If the team gets stuck, read the insights from each theme area as a way to jolt the crea9vity of the team.

• Brainstorming rules: 1 Defer judgment 2 Encourage wild ideas 3 Build on others’ ideas 4 Stay focused on topic 5 Be visual 6 One conversa9on at a 9me 7 Go for quan9ty • 1 Use 3-­‐5 “How Might We...?” opportunity statements. Place each statement on a separate wall or board. • 2 Remind brainstorming rules. Be specific about the ideas. • 3 List barriers related to the opportunity statement. • 4. Protect all par9cipants by enforcing the Rules of Brainstorming. If ideas slow down, prompt group to think about one of the barriers listed or share a story from the research • 5 When ideas really slow down, switch to a new opportunity area.

6 Make ideas real

7 Gather feedback

• Prototypes: Models, Storyboards, Role-­‐ play, Diagrams • What is prototyping? 1 Build to think 2 Rought, Rapid, Right 3 Answering ques9ons • why prototype? 1 Develop a deeper understanding of what an idea means and to reveal ques9ons the team needs to answer. 2 To create an internal dialogue about how the concept works and external communica9on • 1 Teams of 2-­‐4 • 2 Teams pick one solu9on from brainstorming • 3 Teams spend 30-­‐45 minutes making chosen solu9on tangible • 4 Give 5 minutes to each Team to share idea and get ini9al feedback.

• 1Team prepare presenta9on of solu9ons • 2 Prac9ce presenta9ons. Invite others to help simplify and clarify the presenta9on and iden9fy focus ques9ons to be answered in research. • 3 Ask teams to standardize a script about the solu9on so it is delivered consistently at each feedback session. Write down key ques9ons to ask in follow-­‐up. • 4 When introducing the feedback session to the customer group, explain you want honest feedback—even if nega9ve—and that the team has spent minimal 9me prototyping.


Goals       

Iden9fy required capabili9es Create a model for financial sustainability Develop an innova9on pipeline Plan pilots & measure impact

Output         

Feasability Assessment Viability Assessment Innova9on pipeline Implementa9on plan Learning plan


1 Develop A sustainable revenue model

2 Iden9fy capabili9es requiered for delivering solu9ons

• 1 Customer value: Team to iden9fy value of the solu9on and how much is this worth to the end customer • 2 Revenue Sources: Team to iden9fy, who will pay for the product or service , how and how much • 3 Stakeholder Incen9ves: team to iden9fy stakeholders or players who will be affected by the solu9on, what is each group’s incen9ves to par9cipate in or help. How to make a resistent group interested. • 4 Share all the findings in the group

• 1 Distribu9on: team iden9fy actors for delivery and list the pros and cons of each of delivery possibili9es. • 2 Capabili9es: list the human, manufacturing, financial and technical capabili9es required. Indicate if the capability exists in your local organiza9on, if it exists somewhere else in your network, or whether you will have to partner. • 3 Partners: create a list of poten9al partners. Narrow to a smaller set of partners. List the first steps to pursue the top partners iden9fied. • 4 Share all the findings in the group

3 Plan a pipeline of solu9ons

4 Create na implementa9on pipeline

5 Plan minipilots and itera9ons

• 1 Draw a matrix with users (exis9ng/new) and offerings (exis9ng/new). Classify as Incremental, evolu9onary and revolu9onary • 2 Write each solu9on on a post-­‐it and post on the matrix. • 3 Analyze if the team is happy with the distribu9on of solu9ons from Incremental to Revolu9onary. • 4 If the team wants to add solu9ons to one of the quadrants, develop a HMW...? statement and brainstorm new solu9ons.

• 1 Create post-­‐it notes for a 9meline (such as 2 weeks, 1 months, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year) and post them along a large blank wall • 2 Post the Feasibility Assessments or post-­‐it notes for each solu9on along the 9meline. • 3. Assign champions to pursue the next steps.

• 1 Get into small groups per solu9ons and fill out the worksheet for mini-­‐ pilots • 2 Cross-­‐share mini-­‐pilot plans and give each other feedback. • 3 Iden9fy who will enact the most immediate next steps and establish the first check-­‐in date.

6 Create a learning plan • 1 Revisit the stories gathered in the Hear phase. Iden9fy ini9al situa9on of people and what we expect of impact of the solu9on • 2 Develop an approach to collect more stories. If possible, iden9fy a demographically similar group that will not be affected by your ideas and collect their informa9on as well for a robust study. • 3 Create a strategy for integra9ng qualita9ve and quan9ta9ve methods for learning. • 4 Encourage the team to embrace measurement as a process to enable on-­‐going learning and inspire new solu9ons and pose new design challenges.




Complete Toolkit in English

Field Guide

Complete Toolkit in Portuguese

Toolkit Introduction

Hear Guide

Create Guide

Deliver Guide


From Problem Solving to Crea9ng the Future


  “Problem solving differs from crea9ng, though both

ma•er, the vast changes required for crea9ng a regenera9ve society will not be achieved just by reac9ng to crisis aƒer they arise. They will require inspiraEon, aspiraEon, imaginaEon, paEence, perseverance, and no small amount of humility. They will require networks of commiKed people and organizaEons who not only learn how to see the systems shaping how things work now, but also create alternaEves.”


  taking nature as our primary source of inspira9on;   biomimicry or cradle-­‐to-­‐cradle design;





  posi9ve vision versus nega9ve vision

•  "people invest enormous amount of 9me and energy

trying to make a be•er world by figh9ng the world they don't want.”

•  "Nega9ve visions can also lead to demonizing others as

the source of the threat, rather than developing an a€tude of shared responsability for the problems and for the solu9ons.”

•  "vision alone, no mater how posi9ve, is not enough"


  "If a car is heading south, slowing down does not

cause it to head north.”


  "The crea9ve process is a learning process”

•  Make it real: learning through prototypes;   Usar protó9pos ajuda a par9lhar ideias e a obter mais feed-­‐ back, a antecipar problemas e a encontrar novas soluções; •  Asking for help   Envolver as pessoas no processo faz com que surjam mais ideias, inesperadas até, apenas porque são chamadas a par9cipar; •  Pilot Projects   Efeito idên9co aos protó9pos mas mais amplo.


  Zero seems like the right number:

•  Quando a Alcoa definiu Zero como o objec9vo para a

taxa de acidentes nas fábricas, ele foi a9ngido; •  “Zero to landfill” é o objec9vo da Xerox •  Uma visão clara é percebida, facilmente entendida e comunicada e adoptada pelas pessoas dentro da organização.



  Mais que o lucro, algumas empresas começam a

procurar que o seu envolvimento com a comunidade seja a razão da sua existência, e têm-­‐no feito conseguindo crescer, dar mais emprego, envolver mais parceiros, e devolvem à comunidade o que dela recebem;   Este será o caminho da nova Revolução;






  "(...) reject the no9on that the sole purpose of

business is to make a profit; (...) regard the quality of rela9onships between members, suppliers, and costumers as the true indicator of sucess.”


  Business quer dizer:

•  Narings live (Sueco) -­‐ nourishment for life; •  Em chinês é representado pelos símbolos que

designam life e meaning; •  Company – vem do la9m com panis (a par9lha do pão) e tem a mesma raiz de companion (companheiro).


  "The CEO, business unit presindent and senior

management of your organiza9on have a crucial responsability to frame key ques9ons, set the vision for the company and ini9ate long-­‐term strategic work over a suitable 9me horizon -­‐ especially when the way forward is not at all clear.”


  "it is cruacial that you don't frame your goal in the

context of what you know today”

  "everyone will be innova9ng without anyone having

a manual on how to do it"


  "freedom is not the absense of structure... but rather

a clear structure that enables people to work within established boundaries in an autonomous and crea9ve way”

  "sustainability issues cut across all arbitrary

boundaries. Therefore, designing mechanisms for horizontal, cross-­‐boundary collabora9on is as crucial as ge€ng the ver9cal accountabili9es right."


  "redesign the mainstream, backbone func9ons that

represent the core of your organiza9on (...) is in these areas that a focus on sustainability will bring more significant rewards”

  "do not separate between a clear long-­‐term strategy

for operacional excellence (...) and meaningful progress on sustainability."


  "Long term R&D and innova9on work (including the

redesign of core process) is crucial and must be designed into the system.


  "if a separate environment department exists it must

be clearly structured so that its memebers can provide advice, leading edge ideas and feedback to those working "in the line"."


The Future


  "Business is a living system and like all others, it must

con9nually adapt to be in harmony with a changing environment. Today, modern corpora9ons conceived and managed as a machine for making money are no longer in harmony.”   "excessive focus on short-­‐term profits... causes corporate managers to misallocate assets. It introduces dangerous volability into financial markets.”


  "the forces in support of the statuos quo are

considerable. But so are the problems arising from the statuos quo."


  "nature loves variety, and variety is making a


  "stop something you oppose is different from

crea9ng something that is be•er”

  "many of these systems will be local, not global”   "sustainable economies become more locally rooted”


  "we are a young species, who, uncertain of our niche,

has very recently expanded to fill the world. in a sense we are like teenagers, full of enthusiasm and energy, and more than a bit confused. And like every teenager must, we are about to discover that we are not the center of the universe -­‐ and not even the center of life on this planet. We are but one of millions, and our merit depends not on our ego, but on our contribu9on.”


  "this is really about the next level of human


  "if all of us where able to get the hihgest in ourselves,

we'd be able to see through these problems."


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