Congress Special 2007

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2 0 th I n t e r n a t i o n a l I A K S C o n g r e s s w i t h I n t e r n a t i o n a l Tr a d e F a i r

Congress for the Design, Construction, Modernization and Management of Sports and Leisure Facilities Cologne, 31st October to 2nd November 2007

2 0 th I A K S C o n g r e s s

Congress organizer IAKS International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities Carl-Diem-Weg 3 50933 KÜln Germany Patrons Chevalier Dr. Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sir Philip Craven, President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Hein Verbruggen, President of the General Association of International Sports Federation (GAISF) Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble, Federal Minister of the Interior of the Federal Republic of Germany Co-operation partners German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB) Working Party of German Sports Departments (ADS)

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IAKS Congress celebrates its anniversary! At the end of October 2007, the world of sports facility development will be converging on Cologne for the 20th time. For the IAKS Congress and the International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities (FSB), over 15,000 specialists are expected from all over the world. For the opening ceremony of the 20th IAKS Congress and FSB 2007 important guests are expected: Sir Philip Craven, President of the International Paralympic Committee and five time Paralympian in Wheelchair Basketball, and Mr Vyacheslav Fetisov, Federal Minister for Physical Culture and Sports of the Russian Federation and twice Olympic Champion in ice hockey, will give insights on international sports events. Dr. Michael Vesper, General Director of the German Olympic Sports Federation, and Dr. Ingo Wolff, Minister of the Interior and Sports in North-Rhine/Westphalia, will comment on the situation of sports and leisure facilities in Germany. Mr Fritz Schramma, Lord Mayor of Cologne, and IAKS President Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pfรถrtner are also pleased to welcome Dr. Thomas Bach, IOC Vice President, who will present the prizes to the winners of the IOC/IAKS Award 2007 and IPC/IAKS Distinction together with Sir Philip Craven. "Demographic change - effects on sports facility infrastructure" is a central topic at the IAKS Congress as well as barrier-free sports facilities, sports facility development in Russia and China - before, during and after the Olympic Games. The Developing Nations Forum will present international views on the construction of sports facilities under difficult economic and social conditions. Furthermore, innovative approaches to the financing and operation of sports and leisure infrastructure will be discussed as well as design concepts for and equipment of modern medium-size football stadiums.

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IOC/IAKS AWARD and IPC/IAKS Distinction Another highlight after the opening ceremony of FSB and the IAKS Congress 2007 will be the official prize-giving ceremony for the IOC/IAKS AWARD 2007 and the IPC/IAKS Distinction. This year, 88 projects from 27 countries took part in this competition. Special exhibition for the "IOC/IAKS AWARD 2007" and the "IPC/IAKS Distinction 2007" All 29 prize-winning projects of the IOC/IAKS AWARD for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities and the winners of the 7 IPC/IAKS Distinctions for Accessibility will be exhibited at the IAKS booth on the concourse level of halls 10 and 11. 2nd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum The 2nd Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum, a congress in its own right on the themes "water", "warmth" and "light", will be held again in cooperation between the IAKS and the bsw and BSB associations. It is concerned with the design, construction and operation of public and commercial swimming pool, wellness and sauna facilities. 路 路 路 路

Closed supplementary events - General Meeting of the IAKS Germany - General Meeting of the Working Party of European Sports Departments - Meeting of the Sports and Leisure Programme of the International Union of Architects - Meeting of the Sports Facility Working Group of the Conference of German Ministers of Sport - Meeting of the Sports Committee of the North-Rhine/Westphalian Conference of Municipalities

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10:00 - 11:30 a.m., Offenbachsaal Official opening of FSB and the IAKS Congress 2007 Chairman: Ralph J. Günther, Cologne Welcome addresses Fritz Schramma, Lord Mayor of the City of Cologne, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Koelnmesse Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner, IAKS President Sir Philip Craven, IPC President, IOC Member Dr. Michael Vesper, General Director of the German Olympic Sports Federation (DOSB) Vyacheslav Fetisov, Head of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sport of Russia, Olympic Champion Dr. Ingo Wolf, Minister of the Interior of North-Rhine/Westphalia

1:00 to 3:00 p.m., Offenbachsaal Demographic change: Effects on sports facility infrastructure Chairman: Dr. Johannes Eulering, President of IAKS Section Germany Introduction: Demographic change and sport - from the point of view of sports federations Walter Schneeloch, DOSB Vice President, President of the Land Sports Federation of North-Rhine/Westphalia Demographic change - Challenges for sports development Andreas Klages, DOSB Deputy Director for Sports Development Demographic and social change: challenges and opportunities Peter Mann, Executive Chairman of PMP Consultancy, London Sports club centres: Principles and best practices Jürgen Hanke, Land Sports Federation of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart Soccer halls for future generations Professor Jörg Joppien, Architect, Technical University of Dresden, Germany

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4:15 - 5:45 p.m., Offenbachsaal Development of sports facility construction in Russia Chairman: Ernst-Ulrich Tillmans, 4a Architects, Stuttgart The development of sports facility construction in Russia Leonid Zhestyannikov, 1st Vice President of Russian Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (RASF), Saint Petersburg New opportunities for the design and construction of sports facilities: Sports facility programme of the Russian Federation from 2006 to 2015 Leila Pokrovskaya, Deputy Head of Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sport, Moscow, Russia Design strategy of facilities for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Svetlana Zhurova, Member of Sochi 2014 Bid Committee, Olympic Champion Design strategy for the speed-skating halls for the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin and 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Alessandro Zoppini, Architect, Milan 6:30 - 7:30 p.m., Theater im Tanzbrunnen Prize-giving ceremony for the IOC/IAKS AWARD and the IPC/IAKS DISTINCTION 2007 Presentation: Ralph J. GĂźnther, Cologne -

Address by Fritz Schramma, Lord Mayor of the City of Cologne Address by Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-PfĂśrtner, IAKS President Address by Dr. Thomas Bach, IOC Vice President Address by Sir Philip Craven, IPC President


Introduction by Professor Carlos Vera Guardia, Chairman of the Jury 2007


Prize-giving ceremony of the awards and presentation of the winning projects 8:00 - 10:00 p.m., Theater im Tanzbrunnen Welcome Reception given by Koelnmesse and IAKS

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9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon, Offenbachsaal Accessible sports facilities: Key to design, efficient operation and customer satisfaction Chairman: Hartmuth Meyer-Buck, Zentralstelle für Normungsfragen im Bildungswesen der Kultusministerkonferenz, Berlin IPC's legacy strategy for Paralympic Games host cities and communities Sir Philip Craven, IPC President IPC's technical manual on accessibility: A global guide for accessible and inclusive hosting of sports events Apostolos Rigas, IPC Head of Paralympic Games Strategic Projects Realization of accessibility at Olympic and Paralympic Games: The case of Vancouver 2010 Brad McCannell, accessibility consultant for Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games Dena Coward, VANOC Paralympic Games Director An athlete's perspective in sports venues’ barrier-free usage and operation Nick Morris, consultant for Beijing 2008 Organising Committee (BOCOG) on accessibility, Paralympian and Paralympic Games medallist in Wheelchair Basketball The importance of the urban domain of accessible and inclusive sports venues’: Design principles, methods and best practices Mark Todd, adviser for London 2012 Organizing Committee, Jury Member to the IOC/IAKS AWARD and IPC/IAKS Distinction

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1:15 - 2:45 p.m., Offenbachsaal Sports facilities in China: What will come after the Olympic Games? Chairwoman: Natalie Essig, Architect, Darmstadt Status Quo and trends in stadium construction and management in China Liu Fumin, President of Finance Department of General Administration of Sport in China, Beijing, China Sustainable Olympic sports facilities Bill Stonor, FaulknerBrowns Architects, Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) Temporary buildings for the future Daniel Cordey, Nüssli Group, Hüttwilen (CH) 3:30 - 6:30 p.m., Offenbachsaal Developing Nations Forum Chairman: Prof. Carlos Vera Guardia, Architect, USA FIFA World Cup 2010 in South Africa - an update on the stadium projects Prof. Eugene van Vuuren, Engineer, South Africa Brazilian stadiums: The challenges for the 2014 FIFA World Cup Carlos de la Corte, Architect, Brazil Facilities for national sports games Omar Carnevali, Venezuela Architecture, sport and leisure in Ecuador Ramiro Padilla, Architect, Ecuador Tendencies and political strategies for the provision of sports facilities Jorge Ehlers, Architect, Chile Sports facilities in rural areas Jose Dava, Mozambique Functional analysis to diminish the costs of sports facilities Dr. François Vigneau, Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports, France Transfer of knowledge for transition countries - work in progress Professor Kresimir Ivanis, Architect, Croatia "International Association for Sports and Leisure Infrastructure Management" Joze Jensterle, Economist, Slovenia

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9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Offenbachsaal Innovative approaches to the financing and operation of sports and leisure infrastructure Chairman: Rudolf Behacker, Director of the Munich Sports Department Sports activities in former harbour districts: The harbour pool at Brygge island in the centre of Copenhagen Mads Kamp Hansen, Head of Copenhagen Sport and Leisure Department Construction of a club sports centre in Munich Dr. Ralf Schneider, Vivico Real Estate GmbH, Germany PPP models for the construction of sports and leisure facilities in Canada: Pros and cons for designers and users Conrad Boychuk, PBK Architects, Vancouver Events halls and arenas - welcome revitalization of the urban fabric? Carl-Otto Wenzel, Chairman of the Board of Wenzel Consulting AG, Hamburg Requirements for the design of sports facilities from the point of view of a sports facility operator Gar Holohan, Aura Holohan Leisure Group, Dublin, Irland

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2:00 - 5:00 p.m., Offenbachsaal Design concept for and equipment of modern medium-size football stadiums Chairman: Philippe Joye, Architect, ChĂŞne-Bougeries (CH) Football stadiums as part of larger infrastructure projects - the example of Groningen Barend Christmas, Wiel Arets Architects, Maastricht (NL) Cost-effective stadium operation: Things to consider when building a stadium Uwe Welzel, Hochtief Facility Management, Essen FIFA Quality Concept for football turf: FIFA Quality Concept for football turf: Financing and provision of artificial turf pitches, technical analysis Dominique Boyer, FIFA, Zurich Effects of the needs of television and the media on stadium architecture Gilles Page, Philips Lighting, Miribel (F) Stadiums as images of light Thomas Schielke, LĂźdenscheid (D) Safety and preventing violence in football stadiums Agustin Garcia Puga, Architect, Buenos Aires

Admission fees

IAKS Congress: Full Ticket 31.10. - 2.11.2007, including FSB ticket: Admission to all conference sessions, furthermore free admission to the following events on 31.10.: - Official Opening of FSB and IAKS Congress, - Prize-giving Ceremony for the IOC/IAKS AWARD and IPC/IAKS Distinction, - International Reception given by Koelnmesse and IAKS Full ticket for the Congress, advance sales (bookings by 30th September 2007) Prices for IAKS members/non-members € 340,- / € 475,Full ticket for the Congress (bookings from 1st October 2007) Prices for IAKS members/non-members € 395,- / € 550,Individual events at the IAKS Congress (FSB ticket not included!) Prices for IAKS members/non-members Demographic change € 65,- / € 90,Sports facilities in Russia € 55,- / € 75,Accessible sports facilities € 75,- / € 105,Sports facilities in China € 55,- / € 75,Developing Nations Forum € 10,- / € 20,Innovative approaches € 85,- / € 120,Football stadia € 85,- / € 120,Registration and payment You can either register for the Congress in advance via FSB's online shop at or pay at the cashdesk on the event day.

2 0 th I A K S C o n g r e s s


Congress languages English - German - French - Spanish All talks will be simultaneously interpreted. IAKS Congress venue Congress Centre East of Koelnmesse Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse 50679 Köln-Deutz Germany IAKS Congress office (from 31th October 2007) Entrance to the Eastern Halls, concourse level on the upper floor of the entrance to Hall 11 FSB - International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities Halls 3.1, 3.2, 11.1 and 11.2 at the Cologne-Deutz fairgrounds Deutz-Mülheimer Strasse 50679 Köln-Deutz Germany Dates: 31.10. - 02.11.2007 Opening hours: Daily 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

IAKS International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities Carl-Diem-Weg 3 50933 Kรถln Germany Telefon: +49-(0)221-491 29 91 Telefax: +49-(0)221-497 12 80

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