sb 4/2015 en

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49th year ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271

International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities


50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS & FSB 2015 50 yEArS oF ThE IAKS sb 4/2015



COLOGNE, 27 – 30 OCT. 2015 INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR FOR AMENITY AREAS, SPORTS AND POOL FACILITIES New venue: Now located in the state-of-the-art Halls 6, 7, 9 and 10.2 with access via Entrance East and North SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY! Register online now and buy tickets. While you’re there, also visit the aquanale. Information at:

Koelnmesse GmbH Messeplatz 1, 50679 Köln, Germany Telephone +49 1806 603 500 Fax +49 221 821-99 1140 2

Around 650 exhibitors will present their new products, designs and trends for the recreation world of tomorrow Spectacular anniversary: 50 years of IAKS Attractive and varied: The supporting programme for all target groups – for communities, planners, operators of sports and leisure facilities, stadiums and arenas, landscape architects, clubs, investors, buyers, property developers

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sb 4/2015

IAKS 50th anniversary and FSB 2015


PROfessionals & Profiles

The IAKS celebrates its 50th anniversary............................ 2

Al Tarajy Sports Club in Saudi Arabia................................. 50 Modular system “Turnbar“

24th International IAKS Congress........................................ 4 EVENTS.................................................................................. 6 IAKS welcomes NEW members............................................ 6 FSB 2015 registers great popularity..................................... 8 FSB 2015 trend report......................................................... 14 50 years IAKS...................................................................... 18 1965 - 1974.......................................................................... 20

College ground & stadium in India.................................... 51 Green classroom in Germany Ready, set, go...time for some action!............................... 52 Glass floor concept for football Architecture of misappropriation...................................... 53 XXL sports hall in Germany

1975 - 1984.......................................................................... 26

Index.............................................................................. 54

1985 - 1994.......................................................................... 32

from a to z.............................................................. 56

1995 - 2004.......................................................................... 38

Address and trade directory with experts, service providers and product suppliers for sports and leisure facilities

2005 - 2015.......................................................................... 44




1965 -1974


44 32 1985 - 1994 sb 4/2015


1995 - 2004

1975 - 1984

2005 - 2015 1

The IAKS celebrates its 50th anniversary IAKS




Dear IAKS members, dear readers, On 28 May 1965, eighteen sports facility construction experts, including eight Germans, three Swiss, three Austrians, two Dutchmen, a Finn and a Swede, met in Düsseldorf. At the end of their four-hour meeting, they decided to found the «Internationaler Arbeits­kreis Sportstättenbau e.V.» (International Work Group for Sports Facility Construction), or IAKS for short. The many handwritten changes on the original document of the rules approved on that day suggest a lively discussion. Elected as the first President was Willi Weyer, North-Rhine/Westphalia’s Minister of the Interior, who as President of NorthRhine/Westphalia’s Sports Federation played a decisive role in the founding of the IAKS. The second «prime mover» behind the IAKS was Frieder Roskam from Cologne. He ran the Institute for Sports Facility Construction at the local Sports University and was IAKS Secretary General for many years. In the initial years of its existence, the IAKS quickly developed from modest beginnings with an annual budget of 25,500 marks to a worldwide network for the design and construction of sports and leisure facilities. By the end of the Sixties, the young IAKS had moved a long way towards to the goal that it had set itself of achieving a widespread international exchange of experience with what was now 720 members in 42 countries. The specialist magazine «sb» founded in 1967 and published from the outset in several languages had a major hand in this. When the International Olympic Committee became a member of the IAKS in 1968, public awareness of the IAKS improved markedly and the findings of its work were distributed worldwide. Having started off mainly with local «core sports facilities» such as sports grounds, sports halls and swimming pools, its scope was quickly extended to include such other facilities as artificial ice rinks and ski slopes.


In 1969, at the tender age of just four, IAKS mounted its first large-scale event. Together with the Cologne trade fair company, it held the first International Congress on Sports Facilities and Swimming Pools with the accompanying trade fair «s+b». This partnership has been successfully cultivated through to the present day. With its Golden Plan for Sports Facility Construction after the Second World War, Germany had established a comprehensive state funding programme for the creation of local-authority sports facilities – and this put the German construction industry in a leading position in the field of sports construction products. By hosting the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, sport grew enormously in popularity, and further investment in sports facilities followed. The IAKS responded to this demand by founding numerous work groups. The guidelines, planning instructions and construction stan­ dards were published and often translated into several languages. The technically often highly complex quality standards shaped the image of the IAKS until well into the Eighties, even if the issue of costs – owing to the oil crisis of the Seventies and the recession in the early Eighties – gradually came to the fore. The end of the Eighties, with the founding of IAKS sections in various countries, heralded an era of international membership growth. From 1986 to 1994, national IAKS sections were established in Norway, Japan, USSR, Switzerland, Spain, Canada, Peru and France. Some of them only existed for a few years while others are still going strong today. The growing global network resulted in a change of name in 1993. The international work group became the «International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities».

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A milestone in IAKS history was the inception of the international IAKS Award in 1987. Every two years since then, this architecture award has been commending exemplary sports and leisure facilities that combine sports functionality with exceptional design. In 1998 the IOC granted the IAKS «recognised organisation» status, and since 1999 the IAKS Award has been sponsored jointly by the IOC and IAKS. This commendation has been supplemented since 2005 by the IPC/IAKS distinction for accessible sports and leisure facilities awarded by the International Paralympic Committee. The Nineties brought difficult times for the IAKS. local and regional government investment in sports and leisure infrastructure went into decline, particularly in Central Europe. The increasing digitisation of work and communication processes accelerated innovation cycles and imposed new constraints on successful business strategies. New media with rapid data flows gained a firm foothold at the expense of conventional, publication-based knowledge dissemination. The IAKS and its building standards, which took a good deal of time to update, were no longer in demand. membership dropped sharply and not even the newly founded sections were able to halt this trend. Shortly after the turn of the millennium, new blood and new ideas reached the management structures of the IAKS. New member services were introduced on the basis of Web-based communication, and long-standing activities were modernised and professionalised. The profile of the IAKS was made more attractive with the aid of new subjects for events and its outward presentation grew more global from year to year. The cooperation with international partners was intensified, among other things by means of the newly created «IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and design Award for Students and Young Professionals».

sb 4/2015

sb Magazine


many developments of the last few years have been initiated in close cooperation with Koelnmesse, where today’s FSB has evolved into the world’s leading fair for the sports & leisure facility and swimming pool industry. And many other international organisations today have come to appreciate the IAKS as a reliable partner that is now, first and foremost, the interactive nerve centre of an international network of specialists. The most important events in the 50 years of the IAKS are presented on the following pages. At the same time, we also take a look at developments within the sports facility construction industry, at events that prompted a rethink, and also at inventions by members and entrepreneurs. looking back from the vantage-point of today, we can see that the IAKS’s ability to adapt to changing social and economic conditions has been instrumental on several occasions in keeping the IAKS attractive as an organisation. And this will continue to be the test of the IAKS’s appeal. Today as in the past, this is made possible by its many enthusiastic members, employees, supporters and friends. Each and every one of them I should like to thank on behalf of the IAKS for their contribution. As you thumb through the following pages, perhaps you would like to take a moment to recall your own, personal IAKS moments. Some of them may cause us today to raise an eyebrow or perhaps to smile. And let us continue the reminiscing when we meet at the 50th anniversary celebration of the IAKS in Cologne on 27 October 2015. We look forward to seeing you!

dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner IAKS President



24th International IAKS Congress 27-30 October 2015 in Cologne

In 2015, international experts and top decision-makers will be converging on Cologne to meet and network at the IAKS Congress for the Design, Construction, Modernisation and Management of Sports and Leisure Facilities. This year, the IAKS proudly looks back on 50 exciting years since its founding in 1965. To mark the occasion, the IAKS Congress will be taking a look at the history of sports and leisure infrastructure. Among other things, it intends to highlight outstanding sports buildings and personalities of the past decades and pioneering trends in the industry. The themes of the 2015 IAKS Congress will include the sports facilities of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2014 and 2016, the use of urban spaces for individual exercise activities and inclusive design for all. Representatives of international sports organisations will discuss with participants the importance of architecture and building construction for the development of various sports and emerging, socially relevant trends in exercise, health and leisure behaviour. The IAKS Congress is the longest-standing international forum for experts from the industry. The IAKS has been organising the Congress for many years under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee, the International Para­lympic Committee and Germany’s Ministry of the Interior. The absolute crowning moment of the IAKS Congress will be the pre­sentation of the IOC/IAKS Award, the IPC/IAKS Distinction and the IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design Award for Students and Young Professionals on the evening of 27 October 2015. The detailed Congress Programme is enclosed in this issue. Further current information and ticket details can be found at


sb 4/2015

QUALITY IS BORN OF PASSION SPORTS SURFACE SYSTEMS OF THE FUTURE. FROM POLYTAN. We have been developing, producing and installing high-quality sports surfaces and synthetic turf systems around the world for over 40 years. We lay excellent foundations for the success of customers, builders, planners, clubs and, above all, athletes: for some, Polytan offers the best sports physiology performance, whilst for others it‘s durability, sustainability and environmental attributes. We work hard at this every day. With absolute commitment. With know-how. And with passion. Visit us at the FSB, Hall 10.2 - Stand C 010 / D 011. Discover the whole world of Polytan at or contact us by email:

sb 4/2015

Polytan GmbH · ·





IAKS EvENTS 24th IAKS Congress 27.-30.10.2015, Cologne

FSB 2015 27.-30.10.2015, Cologne

CoNgrESSES ANd MEETINgS Stadia & Arena ASIA PACIFIC 2015 28.-30.09.2015, Singapore

24th TAFISA World Congress 2015 14.-18.10.2015, Budapest

aquanale 2015 27.-30.10.2015, Cologne

doug WourNEll, vANCouvEr (CN)


doug Wournell is a sport architect with dIAlOG, an integrated multi-disciplinary design firm across Canada. doug has practiced exclusively in sport and recreation architecture for over 20 years. doug competed internationally for the Canadian national track & field team and he participates in a variety of recreational sports, including being a coach and a club administrator. The integration of this specialized experience distinguishes his design solutions.

Fernando Tavares holds a master in Physical Education and worked during 20 years in project management for sports activities in City Halls. Fernando performed multiple functions in organizing international sports events in the volunteer area and was simultaneously track coach. In 2009 he started a sports consultancy project. Since 2013, Fernando has been working in Angola as a sports consultant, performing various functions such as consulting, human resources training, sports management and maintenance of sports facilities. 18.-19.11.2015, luzern

Athletic Business Conference & Expo 19.-21.11.2015, New orleans

SAPCA - The Sports Facility Show, 24.11.2015, Barton-upon-Irwell, Salford


ThE uNIvErSITy SPorTS FEdENA, SANTIAgo (Cl) INSTITuTIoN oF ThE The Federación deportiva Nacional de Artes uNIvErSITy oF gÖTTINgEN (dE) marciales – danzas del león y defensa PerThe University of Göttingen‘s sports institution provides opportunities for roughly 28,000 students and 6,000 employees. The university sports institution sees itself as a communication platform that brings people at the universities together. It offers established sports as well as taking up sports trends in order to provide as broad an offering as possible. The sports facilities comprise not only 13 sports rooms, but also an indoor pool with a sauna, a climbing hall, a boathouse and extensive outdoor grounds (including those for athletics, tennis and beach volleyball).

sonal (FEdENA “Hermandad marcial”) is a non-profit organization. It is subordinated to the ministry of Sport. Founder and president is Hortensia Cabrera maldonado. The aim is to promote martial arts in Chile. The federation organizes competitions, supports its members in theory and technique, organizes exhibitions and instructs coaches. Fedena especially cares for children and adolescents and socially disadvantaged athletes . sb 4/2015

The Professionals of Turf Irrigation

sb 4/2015

Succesfully watering pitches from Parks to Premiership

Selection 2015 SC Wyhl e.V, Wyhl ● Sportanlage Germersheim ● Sportanlage NeuUlm Burlafingen ● Sportzentrum Neu-Ulm Muthenhölzle ● Sportanlage FG Argental e.V. ● SV Wiesent, Wiesent ● TSV Oberschleißheim, Oberschleißheim ● FV Vilseck, Vilseck ● Sportanlage Gemeinde Meinersen ● Sportanlage Stadt Calbe/ Saale ● Sportplatz SV Weisen e.V. ● Sportplatz Stadt Pleidelsheim ● Sportplatz TSV Weiler ● Sportplatz Mittelschule Senden ● Sportanlage Sachsenheim ● Sportplatz Gärtringen-Rohrau ● Sportzentrum Katzwang ● Baylagen Sheher Stadionu, Azerbaijan ● Club Deportivo Bell, Bell Ville, Argentina ● Stadion Yogoda, Maglizh Municipality, Bulgaria ● Quarry Bay 7-A Side Soccer Field, Hong Kong ● Cairo University Stadion, Egypt ● Goyang Citizen Stadion, Kyunggido, Korea ● Garden City Community Sports Center Port Harcourt, Nigeria ● FC Cugir, Romania ● Estadio Municipal Villa de Moya, Las Palmas, Spanien


PERROT Regnerbau Calw GmbH, Industriestrasse 19-29 D 75382 Althengstett/Germany Tel. +49-7051-1620 E-Mail

IOC/IPC/IAKS Awards 2015

Tickets available:


sb 4/2015

Prize giving ceremony on 27 October

sb 4/2015


FSB 2015 rEgISTErS grEAT PoPulArITy vEry PoSITIvE FEEdBACK oN ThE NEW hAll CoNCEPT FSB, the International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports and Pool Facilities, taking place from 27 to 30 October 2015 in Cologne, is already clearly on the track for success - four and a half months before it opens. The national and international industry players have already registered for the upcoming edition of the industry‘s most important communication and business platform in Cologne. In total, around 650 companies from more than 45 countries are expected to come to Cologne to present their products and services across an area of 80,000 sqm. more than 90 percent of the exhibition area is already booked up. FSB 2015, taking place once

again in parallel with aquanale, the International Trade Fair for Sauna, Pool, Ambience, has an important new development in store: from this year on, both events will take place in the modern North Halls of Koelnmesse. The fair duo’s new structure means that existing synergies can be exploited more effectively, creating more business networks on a national and international scale. “We have received a lot of praise from the industry in relation to the new concept to date and the levels of exhibitor bookings across all segments so far have confirmed this industry approval. This clearly demonstrates that the changes and developments we have put in place reflect

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For 40 years SMG has been developing and producing machinery and devices that significantly facilitate and improve all steps in the field of track and turf surface installations. This equipment is being used worldwide. SMG also provides their customers with the highest level of service that covers all their needs and expectations.

This year SMG is delighted to celebrate this special anniversary with all their valued customers looking forward to welcome you at our FSB booth with lots of surprises.

fsB 2015 10

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the needs of the industry“, says Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse GmbH. “The participation of the industry‘s Who’s Who further emphasises the acceptance from involved sectors of FSB as the world‘s leading trade fair for amenity areas, sports and pool facilities.“ In order to successfully and sustainably consolidate the FSB trade fair, organisers Koelnmesse, together with the conceptual sponsors and partners, have further developed the fair concept. The new theme-orientated hall layout gives the trade fair duo even more momentum than before. From 27 to 30 October 2015, the trade fair duo of FSB and aquanale will be presented in Halls 6, 7, 9 and 10.2. In the new part of the Cologne exhibition grounds, exhibitors at both events will benefit from the improved infrastructure. In addition, the modern, naturally lit halls provide the optimal transit route to guide the stream of visitors through the messe-Boulevard. The North Halls also avail of the perfect transport connection to Congress Centres North and East. With immediate effect, admission to the fair will be via Entrance North, which offers numerous parking options in the direct vicinity and via Entrance East. The latter is favourably located close to the ICE train station as well as to the public transport hub of Köln messe/deutz and the “Koelnmesse“ tram stop. The new concept is specifically intended to give decisionmakers from local authorities and sports clubs, as well as the numerous international visitors, more time for a comprehensive fair visit and for exchanging information. In parallel, collaborations with national and municipal sports associations have consolidated the specialist supporting programme with current topics of particular interest to local authorities and sports clubs. The rescheduling of the fair duo, to take place outside of the North Rhine-Westphalian autumn school holidays, has also met with unanimous approval. FSB 2015 at a glance Among the companies already registered to participate at FSB are industry players like Aquarena, Aquadrolics, AST, Berleburger Schaumstoffwerke, Berliner Seilfabrik, Conica, Conlastic, Conradi + Kaiser, Engo, e.s.m Edelstahl, Eurotramp, Fritz müller, Hamberger, Herculan, HSB Hinke Schwimmbad, Huck Seiltechnik, ISS, Kindt, Klarer sb 4/2015

Freizeitanlagen AG, Kraiburg, Kübler, lappset, melos, mondo, Patentverwag Italia Srl., Polytan, Raita, Roigk GmbH, Saltex, Scheidt & Bachmann, SmG, Sport Thieme, Strabag, Tapper & Hollmann, Universal Sport, Wibit Sports, WIBRE Elektrogeräte and Wiegand mälzer. With FIBA, FIFA, dOSB (deutscher Olympischer Sportbund / German Olympic Sports Confederation), BSI - Bundesverband der deutschen Sportartikel-Industrie (Association for the German Sporting Goods Industry) and RAl Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte (German Institute for Quality Assurance in Sports Equipment), the Bundesverband deutscher Schwimmmeister


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(Association of German Swimming Supervisors, Lifeguards and Pool Attendants) as well as the European Waterpark Association, FSB once again has a large number of associations and cooperation partners on board. Once more under the banner of “Watch and Participate“, they have plenty of sporting activities on offer at the many “action areas“. The International Federation of Basketball (FIBA) and its partners will be making its presence felt at the fair for the eleventh time. In Hall 7, “FIBA - World of Basketball“ will present live games, celebrity games and expert discussions and lots more. The entire FSB 2015 outdoor flooring industry area and all associated exhibitors will be assembled in Hall 10.2. The global artificial turf industry with its leading international suppliers will also be represented in this hall, as will FIFA with their “preferred producers“. Alongside the manufacturers‘ range of products, the “Forum Kunstrasen und Freisportanlagen“ (Artificial Turf and Outdoor Sports Facilities Forum) will once more offer a programme for the industry‘s trade visitors which will include, among other events, specialist conferences on the topics of artificial turf and artificial surfaces for sports grounds as well as related workshops. Amenity areas and outdoor fitness The move into the modern North Halls means that the FSB concept will provide one dedicated hall, Hall 9, for amenity areas, playground equipment and outdoor fitness this year for the first time. With 11-metre high ceilings, groundlevel hall access and loading as well as natural daylight, the northern area of Koelnmesse offers exhibitors the perfect conditions for designing their respective stands in as individual and multi-faceted a way as possible. Together with their long-term partners STADTundRAUM and BSFH, alongside attractively designed themed areas, FSB 2015 presents content-specific forums with added value for communities, planners and landscape architects. In association with the German Towns and Municipalities Association, the Cologne Sports Department, the Parks Department and the “Kölner Grünstiftung“ (Cologne Green Foundation), the topic of “Exercise in public spaces“ will be addressed on 28 October 2015. The workshop will revolve around a visit to the outdoor fitness circuit in Cologne‘s green belt. Public and private swimming pool areas united The areas of private and public swimming pools, wellness and saunas will be comprehensively represented on a single platform, similarly clearly organised into themed worlds in the fair duo‘s Halls 6 and 7. The trade fair duo‘s last edition successfully brought together the swimming pool sectors 12

from aquanale and FSB‘s “Public pool construction“ area and confirmed that joint trade fair concepts are a guarantee for a successful future. 6th Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum The connection between private and public swimmping pool areas is to be the Cologne Swimming Pools & Wellness Forum once again, which will take place for the sixth time this year in Cologne. Together with trade associations bsw (Bundesverband Schwimmbad und Wellness / Federal Association for Swimming Pools and Wellness) and IAKS, the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen) as well as other partners, Koelnmesse will once again present an information-packed and topic-focused specialist programme on all four days of the trade fair. The programme is aimed at the target group of public swimming pool operators but will also address technical and trending topics for swimming pool developers, hoteliers, planners and architects, like technical information on the European Standard for privately-used swimming pools and the impact of the new Biocides Ordinance on the public swimming pool sector. The topic of safety in swimming pools will also be dealt with. Another area of interest which will be addressed is human resources topics such as lack of qualified staff, motivation of staff, staff retention, team structures and leadership. The topic of health will also play an important role within the programme. The swimming pool construction PlanerFORUM will once again be dedicated to the topic of swimming pool architecture and will be located adjacent to the forum‘s themed area. In 2015, IAKS celebrates its 50th anniversary at FSB. This anniversary is an integral theme of the congress and the workshops. For its 50th anniversary, IAKS will take a look into the history of sporting and recreational infrastructure. In the course of an award ceremony, eminent figures from five decades of international sports facility construction will be inducted into the “IAKS Hall of Fame“. The IAKS Congress will deal with architecturally and operationally archetypal projects, in which sustainability and social aspects are of great importance. The congress will examine in detail the question of how the demand for attractive, healthy and functional sports and leisure facilities can best be met to the benefit of everyone. The IAKS Congress will be officially opened on the first day of the trade fair with a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of IAKS. The President of the IOC Dr Jacques Rogge, President of the IPC Sir Philip Craven and the German Minister of the Interior, Thomas de Maizière will act as patrons of the 24th IAKS Congress. sb 4/2015

Sports Flooring

International Swimming Pond Congress extends its supporting programme Other highlights of the event programme include the sixth edition of the Kölner Schwimmbad- und Wellness FORUm (6th Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum), the STAdTundRAUm Congress as well as the presentation of the “deutscher Spielraumpreis“ for barrier-free public spaces for play and exercise. For the first time, the fair duo will also host the International Swimming Pond Congress of the deutsche Gesellschaft für naturnahe Badegewässer (dGFNB/German Society for Natural Bathing Waters). Around 1,000 national and international participants are expected to attend the congress in Cologne. Under the banner “diversity by the Water (Vielfalt am Wasser)“, the congress will present an informative programme on the latest trends, standardisation, quality assurance programmes, the most recent findings in relation to natural water treatment, water filtration and construction methods, as well as tips and information on sustainable water treatment and maintenance for both public and private natural pools and swimming ponds. In addition renowned companies from all over Europe will present their services, products and innovations at the elaborately designed area dedicated to natural pools and swimming ponds in Hall 6. Because this topic area is of great interest to the public as well as the private swimming pool sector, the new hall layout provides visitors from both areas with the best possible opportunities for synergy while simultaneously cutting down on distances.

sb 4/2015

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TrENd rEPorT

FSB 2015 PrESENTS INNovATIoNS For AMENITy ArEAS, SPorTS ANd Pool FACIlITIES This year‘s FSB is once again an absolute must for all architects and engineers as well as for developers of and companies operating sports, playground, swimming and recreational facilities. One trend of previous years continues to feature at the forefront: ever more flexible solutions are in demand, solutions which cater to the needs and requirements of increasingly heterogeneous and individual users. This means that in addition to the project‘s architectural and structural quality, the focus is on the subsequent operational costs in particular because, after all, these costs constitute by far the biggest share of the project‘s costs over its entire life cycle. FSB 2015 provides a comprehensive overview in this regard so it‘s no surprise that exhibitors are coming to Cologne full of optimism.


International sporting events: global demand and new formats Whether it‘s the football World Cups in Russia and Qatar, the first European Games in Baku or the plans of several international sports associations for future events like “World Beach Games“, “World Urban Games“, “World Combat Games“ and “World mind Games“ - the number of big sporting events and the worldwide interest in them are enormous. Exhibitors at FSB 2015 will benefit from new markets. “We are driving the internationalisation of our company forward and, at the beginning of 2015, were awarded a large contract to provide sports equipment for the King Abdullah Sports City in Saudi Arabia“, says dr Holger Schmitz of sports equipment manufacturer artec Sport-

sb 4/2015

geräte. Alina Gainar of Spanish company Euronix metal / Euronix Sport is also expecting growth in order volume. And for good reason: social and health policy approaches for tackling poor nutrition and obesity are being discussed in many countries. managing director of IAKS Klaus meinel points out that, despite current political tensions, Russia continues to represent huge potential for the industry. “The Russian ministry for Sports will shortly announce the next national investment programme for popular sports. It is expected that the focus of funding programmes for the next few years will shift towards sports facilities and training centres.“


urban sports and recreation parks In the design of urban recreational spaces for sports and playground activities, FSB exhibitors continue to display plenty of creativity - whether it‘s for a range of multi-generational options for physical activity or moving work-out activities out of doors. At FSB 2015, Stilum will present various themed worlds for children under three, playgrounds as well as fitness machines and balance training devices. “Our playground equipment for children under three, with simple elements and structures inspired by flora and fauna, help create pedagogically valuable environ-

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ments for play. In addition, the unusual mix of materials we use stimulates the children‘s senses“, says Maike Söltl. Berliner Seilfabrik also has high standards in design and sustainability. Their climbing nets (Seilfabrik Spatial Nets) are distinguished by the addition of bamboo panels meaning the installations resemble traditional playhouses. The panels look like standard wood but are more durable and more environmentally friendly. “Bamboo is Nature‘s own high-tech material with an impressive carbon footprint in that it can grow a metre in just one day,“ says Julia Köhler of Berliner Seilfabrik. Other manufacturers are promoting new visual effects in sporting activities. Metalu-Plast offers new outdoor courts for paddle tennis and football. Sumalim Playgrounds brings the look of virtual gaming to the playground so that adventures can now be experienced on a range of levels. The rule on the playground is: Higher, faster, further! ”That‘s fine by us, as long as the appropriate safety measures are in place!“ says Wolfgang Keiner of Huck Seiltechnik: “We prioritise accident prevention within our popular ‘Bird‘s Nest‘ series meaning that we continually review and even go above and beyond current safety requirements.“ Outdoor surfaces: the best surface for every type of sport BSW has developed more product innovations. In addition to a portable athletics flooring for indoor events and new safety tiles for playgrounds and school grounds, work-out floorings for ten different areas of application are now on offer. “With these additions to our range, we can cater specifically to athletes‘ requirements in a variety of fields, from weight training to yoga, and from Crossfit to martial arts“, says Albrecht Rieger of BSW. Recticel will present a newly developed elastic underlay for grass hockey pitches at FSB 2015. The inexpensive by-themetre underlay meets the highest demands. Feedback from hockey players on pitches constructed with the new underlay to date describes the feel as that of a traditional hockey pitch. Novol from Poland will present a special flooring at FSB which can be used for outdoor activities in summer and, in the blink of an eye, can be turned into an ice-rink for the winter months. Greek company Atmacom will present flooring products which meet all types of safety requirements. Recycling to mitigate climate change is playing an increasing role in outdoor sports surfacing. Bergo Flooring recently received an award from Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden for the development of a multi-purpose flooring made from 100% recyclable materials. Artificial turf pitches: new quality standards and infill products Harmonised construction standards for artificial turf pitches were introduced for the whole of Europe in 2014. FIFA also updated its quality programme for artificial turf pitches. This 16

means there is now a comprehensive overview of quality standards for both users and developers and operating companies to ensure the best possible conditions for recreational as well as for professional football. Testing laboratories specialising in sports flooring provide the required on-going quality monitoring by way of both laboratory and field testing: “We have significantly extended our services in regard to subsoil, monitoring and suitability testing of sporting and landscaping constructions and will be presenting them at FSB 2015“, says Oliver Schneider of the Lehmacher/Schneider Laboratories. Technological advances have been made both in the area of artificial turf surfaces and in infill granules. Polytan will present artificial blades of grass which maintain their shape and position for prolonged periods of time. Two-tone fibres are becoming more commonly used for visual appearance as the combination of light and darker green blades creates a more natural, deeper shade of green. The “Infill Bionic Fibre“ granules from Melos are are inspired by nature and impress with the natural appearance of their organic grain shape, optimum health and environmentally friendly features as well as their pleasing conditions for play. Suppliers like Stargum have taken the manufacture of infill products from 100% recyclable materials one step further and offer products which are extremely attractive both from an ecological and economic perspective. The specialists from SMG have developed a new machine for the removal of grass strips while simultaneously recycling used artificial turf surfaces. “The infill material is separated from the grass during the winding process which means the “harvested“ granules can be immediately supplied for recycling“, explains Tobias Owegeser. Innovative materials for the most challenging requirements FSB exhibitors are perfectly prepared for the upcoming world championships. Play Hard from Australia will present the next generation of hammer and discus throwing cages in Cologne. Instead of the standard eight to ten net posts, these cages require only three or four. And Howitech Netting will introduce a new tennis net in red which provides a better contrast to the blue tennis court surfaces currently en vogue. The Stechert Gruppe has developed “customised“ stadium seating for its clients. A choice of individual materials, logo application, heated or cooled seats, electrical adjustment options, lumbar support, cup-holders or storage nets - the most demanding of stadium operators will find seating solutions for all purposes. Visitors will find the latest hardware and software innovations for measuring competition results and recording performances at FSB 2015, with Quince Electronics presenting a new timing system for swimming championships for instance, as well as many other highlights. sb 4/2015

Climate protection and sustainability in sporting events The German Olympic Sports Association will introduce its new online portal for sustainable sporting events “Green Champions 2.0“ at FSB 2015. Protecting the climate and the sensible use of resources in sporting facilities are feasible and logical. In addition, these measures help to counterbalance the rising operational costs of energy and water. Outdoor facilities like the McArena are also an innovative solution for the provision of sporting arenas which can be used very economically, all year long. Resource-friendly lightweight construction methods can also be combined with comfort features like heating and air-conditioning, as Veldeman recently proved in Moscow with its construction of a 60x100 m indoor football pitch which facilitates ongoing training in comfortable temperatures even during a Russian winter. New indoor trends in school sports, health-focused exercise and gyms Climbing walls, bouldering walls and slacklining systems increasingly feature in school sports halls and promote balance and trying out new types of sports. “The sports halls facilities of today are no longer used for traditional gymnastics or sport-specific applications“, says Raimar Nestler of the Federal Association of the German Sports Goods Industry (Bundesverband der Deutschen Sportartikel-Industrie). “Where certain equipment was previously used for specific exercises, now the concept of getting involved is at the forefront.“ Team sports are becoming less achievement-based and are more and

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more often played in smaller sports halls. Companies operating health centres and gyms require a range of separate rooms for weights, circuit, cardio and group training activities. Finally, “Fit on Demand“ means training alone or in pairs in smaller spaces with the most up-to-date online equipment, with personalised interactive fitness programmes. Swimming pools as providers of health and recreational experiences Assuming responsibility for one‘s own health is becoming increasingly significant in line with today‘s changing demographics. These days, swimming pools are sports facilities with elements of health promotion and could be said to function almost as underwater gyms! However, they are recreational facilities first and foremost, meaning that swimming pool ope­rators are in competition with providers of other types of re­creational experiences and activities. In order to access younger target groups, more attractive facilities like spectacular slides or climbing walls must be integrated. Exhibitors in the area of public swimming pools will present products and solutions, in association with planners and pool operators, for meeting users‘ challenging demands.




he first President of the IAKS was Willi Weyer, German politician and sports functionary, from 1965 to 1984. Willi Weyer was born in Hagen on 16 February 1917. In Bonn he studied law, passing his second state examination. His career took him into politics and sport. In North-Rhine/Westphalia he held several political offices. In the post-war period, he was minister for Reconstruction from 1954 to 1956, after which he was minister of Finance for two years. He was deputy minister President on two occasions, from 1956 to 1958 and from 1962 to 1975. He held the position of minister of the Interior from 1962 until leaving the land government in 1975. From 1957 to 1987, Weyer was President of North-Rhine/ Westphalia‘s Sports Federation. The water polo enthusiast was a member of the Organising Committee for the Summer Olympic Games in munich in 1972. during his time as President of the German Sports Confederation from 1974 to 1986, membership rose from 13 to 19 million. Known as a pragmatist, Weyer promoted mass sport. He was a prime mover behind the „Trimm-dich“ keep-fit programme that encouraged millions of people to exercise and take up sport. He was very keen to strengthen sports relations with East Germany and the Soviet Union and bring organised sport closer together. His policy in office was to make sport independent of grants.


Weyer received an honorary doctorate of the German Sports University in Cologne on 30 June 1973. In the same year he was awarded the Grand Cross of merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. The „Willi-Weyer-Sportschule“ of NorthRhine/Westphalia‘s Sports Federation in Hachen, the „WilliWeyer-Akademie“ of the German Sports Confederation in Berlin and the „Willi-Weyer-Bad“ in Hagen are all named after him along with roads in various towns in North-Rhine/ Westphalia. In 2008, Weyer was inducted into the Hall of Fame of German sport. The German Sports Aid Foundation (Stiftung deutsche Sporthilfe) praised him as a „man of action and ideas“ who „advanced the standing and social acceptance of sport“. Weyer was one of the initiators of the Golden Plan and of the guidelines and planning principles in sports facility development. Willi Weyer died on the North Sea island of Juist on 25 August 1987.

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rieder Roskam was born on 18 September 1929. After a stint of practical work experience in the construction industry, he studied at the German Sports University in Cologne from 1950 to 1955 where he concentrated his interest, even in his student years, on sports facility construction. He wrote his final thesis on „Playground and training facility construction as the demand of the residents of a medium-size industrial town“. On 1 June 1953 the then Chancellor Prof. dr Carl diem entrusted Roskam with the creation of a training facility advisory office at the university. And it was in this capacity that he became employed by the German Sports Confederation on 1 November 1954. As a logical consequence of his great passion, Roskam embarked on a second course of study. From 1955 to 1960 he studied architecture at Aachen Technical College. In 1957 he married the graduate sports instructor Gunde meyer. Together they had two children. From 1953 onwards, Roskam had a major hand in the development of the „Guidelines for recreational, play and sports facilities“ of the German Olympic Association. These formed the basis for the Golden Plan for sports facility development in the Federal Republic. After reunification, he was equally heavily involved in the „Golden Plan East“. In 1965 Roskam initiated the founding of the International Work Group on Sports Facility Construction (IAKS), whose unsalaried Secretary General and Executive Board member he was from the beginning and which he expanded into an inter-

nationally recognised association of experts. When the Institute for Sports Facility Construction belonging to the German Sports Confederation was taken over by the Federal Institute of Sports Science as the department for Sports and leisure Facilities, Roskam ran this department until his retirement in 1993. From the winter semester in 1955/56, Roskam was a lecturer on sports facility construction at the German Sports University in Cologne and, from 1989, honorary professor. In addition, he accepted lecturing posts at the Ruhr University of Bochum and a guest lectureship at the Technical University of Berlin. Roskam was the author and co-author of numerous books and published over 500 articles in trade publications. He was responsible for the design and construction of 20 sports facilities at home and abroad, participated in numerous research projects and acted as a juror in over 50 architecture competitions, including the competition for the sports facilities for the 1972 munich Olympics. Retired yet untiring, his expert advice was as much in demand as ever in German and international sport – finally during the 3rd World Conference of the IOC on Sport and development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1999, where he was one of the three German participants. One of his last projects was the Olympic bid of the Rhine/Ruhr region for 2012. For this he was responsible for the sports facility construction concept. On 30 April 2002, Frieder Roskam was awarded the Pierre-de-Coubertin medal for his pioneering efforts in support of sports facility development. Frieder Roskam died in Cologne on 2 July 2002.

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Digression/preceding events

The German College of Physical Education is founded in Berlin on 15 may 1920. For Carl diem, whose idea the young institution was, it goes without saying that its students not only have to be introduced to the equipment already customary in the training of PE teachers, but also familiarised with sports facility construction. He establishes a training ground advisory office at the Sports University in Cologne, Germany newly founded in 1947.

1965 - 1974 FOUNDING YEARS


he International Association for Sports Facility Construction (IAKS) is founded in düsseldorf, Germany on 28 may 1965. The purpose of the association, as stated in its rules, is to encourage the “exchange of experience in sport, building construction, education, medicine, facility operation and maintenance in so far as these fields are associated with facilities for physical education, sport, play and recreation; public relations, press, film, television, exhibitions; the staging of conferences and training courses, and consultation on planning guidelines and individual projects“. The founding IAKS Executive Board consists of the following personalities: • President: Willy Weyer, minister of the Interior of North-Rhine/Westphalia (NRW) and President of the NRW Sports Federation • Vice Presidents: Henri Cettour, Simon van Gelderen • Ordinary board members: Ernst Hirt, Eskil Tidén, Prof. dr Walter Künzel, Esko Palmio, dr Günther Weber, Rüdiger E. Weitzdörfer • Treasurer: Ernst Baumann • Secretary: Frieder Roskam The founding members were (in alphabetical order): • Architect BdA Ernst Baumann, Stuttgart, Germany • dipl.-Ing. Ruedi Burgherr, magglingen/Biel, Switzerland • Fritz Fankhauser, President of the Swiss Gymnastics Association, Bern, Switzerland • Simon van Gelderen, ’s-Gravenhage, Netherlands • Prof. Goetz, University of Graz, Austria • Jürg Handloser, Bern, Switzerland • dipl.-Ing. Rolf Klaas, Cologne, Germany • Prof. dr. Walter Künzel, Institute for School and Sports Facility Construction, Vienna, Austria • dr. Franz loicht, Institute for School and Sports Facility Construction, Vienna, Austria • Esko Palmio, Sports director, Helsinki, Finland • dipl.-Ing. Architekt Frieder Roskam, director of the Institute for Sports Facility Construction, Cologne, Germany • Ing. G. J. Ruychaver, dutch Sports Federation, ’s-Gravenhage, Netherlands • Bernd Schneider, lord mayor of Giessen, Germany • Roswitha Thibes, Institute for Sports Facility Construction, Cologne, Germany • Eskil Tidén, Secretary General of the National Sports Federation, Sports Ground Committee, Stockholm, Sweden • Rüdiger E. Weitzdörfer, Sports director, Essen Sports department, Germany • Willi Weyer, minister of the Interior of North-Rhine/Westphalia, düsseldorf, Germany • dipl.-Ing. Horst Wöhle, Essen, Germany



Developments in the sports facility sector in Germany

drafted by the German Olympic Association and co-authored by Frieder Roskam, the proposal known as the „Golden Plan“ for the planning and funding of sports facilities for the period from 1961 to 1975 raises a total of 17.4 billion dm for the improvement of sports facility infrastructure. A further roughly 20 billion dm was invested in sports facility development from 1976 to 1992. These investments give rise to an internationally unparalleled density of public sports facilities, as expressed particularly by the large


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sports, generally applicable guidelines are established for the construction of gymnasia, playgrounds, sports facilities and swimming pools.

On 1 October 1954, this advisory office is placed in the hands of the German Sports Federation, and Frieder Roskam, a senior sports instructor (diplomSportlehrer), becomes its technical director. In 1964, it becomes the Institute for Sports Facility Construction. The collection and evaluation of the data already available on the construction of sports and competition facilities mark the beginning, and experience with new buildings and their evaluation become the focus. From the large number of similar structures for various

In 1957, some 30 European specialists band together in an initially loose association, the Sports Facility Work Group. In the middle of the 1960s, this yields the International Academy for Sports Facility Construction. The goal of this association is the exchange of experience on the broadest international basis with the inclusion of all areas of sports facility construction.

▲ 1965

The first artificial turf pitch is installed in the Astrodome in Houston, Texas in the mid-Sixties. Since opening a year earlier, the dome has been a superlative in the field of covered sports facilities, designed for multifunctional use for American Football, baseball and concerts with 55,000 spectator seats, temporary stands, 25,000 parking spaces and the first box seats.

The number of sports also grows rapidly. Sports like tennis, horse-riding, golf and fencing become popular. „Sport for All“ comes into being. Beneficiaries of this trend are not only the sports equipment industry, but also of course sports facility development.


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number of public baths and competition-standard swimming pools.


©Bill and mavis

The International Olympic Committee joins the IAKS in 1968

and thus bolsters the activities and image of the IAKS. IOC Secretary General Johann W. Westerhoff and the IAKS agree that the magazine „sb“ will serve as the medium for reporting on developments in sports facility construction to all National Olympic Committees.

In the same year, the IAKS

Executive Board decides that the General meeting to be convened in accordance with the Rules is to be combined with an international congress and a simultaneously held trade fair. In may 1969, the IAKS stages its first International Congress for Sports Ground and Pool Facilities at Cologne‘s exhibition centre. Its motto is: “Sports facility construction in sociological and social hygiene terms and its integration in regional planning“.

▲ The magazine „sports grounds + pool facilities“, or

„sb“ for short, was founded in 1967. From the outset the magazine is published in three languages, German, English and French (or Spanish), and in its very first year becomes an international information and communication medium for the entire sector. On more than 600 pages per year, „sb“ presents technical information, position papers and reports on planned or already completed sports facilities. After only two years, the IAKS has 720 members in 42 countries ©IAKS

▲ ©dOSB

The German Sports Federation launches its “Trimm Dich“ keepfit programme as a means of preventive

health care. “Sport for All” is the dream that Willi Weyer wants to realise at the German Sports Confederation, IAKS and North-Rhine/ Westphalia’s Sports Federation. At the time of the 1972 Olympics, 94 per cent of the population and 99 per cent of adolescents are already aware of the scheme and of its mascot „Trimmy“.

IAKS advises numerous local authorities on them in situ. However, many of the 1,500 courses established in Germany in the Eighties fall into disrepair over the years, as jogging as a mass sport supersedes the „Trimm-dich“ movement.

In numerous urban and rural communities, „Trimm-dich“ exercise courses (known as Vita-Parcours in Switzerland) are created. The

Stainless steel is used for the

construction of a municipal swimming pool for the first time in 1969. The pioneers of this trend are the founders of today‘s hsb austria GmbH. The pool facility built in Pfarrwerfen in Austria is still in operation today and represents a milestone in the history of international pool construction.



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The second IAKS Congress in 1971

attracts 850 visitors from 35 countries and 320 exhibitors. This trend shows how important it is to lend professional support to sports facility and swimming pool construction and set standards.


The congresses of this decade are all devoted thematically to municipal sports facility construction. The spectrum extends from highly practical topics such as „synthetic surfaces for outdoor facilities“ to business management issues like „the effects of management on the design and operation of sports and leisure centres“.

The IAKS soon establishes itself and is involved in an advisory

capacity in the planning of the sports facilities for the 1972 munich Summer Olympics. In the same year, the IAKS welcomes its 1000th member. The twoday conference on the munich Olympic Complex also attracts attention with its 370 participants from 12 countries.

The trade fair „s+b“ held at the same time as the congress quickly makes its mark internationally. The IAKS and Cologne‘s trade fair company reach agreement on their partnership still in existence today for the holding of international trade fairs for the sports facility sector. From now on, the trade fair and simultaneously staged congress are held every two years.


In 1968, the first synthetic (Tartan) track is installed for the

Summer Olympic Games in mexico, and timing in hundredths of seconds is introduced for the first time. The Games mark a high point in performance in the Olympic athletic competitions, with 17 world records being set. Outstanding is Bob Beamon‘s world record long jump (8.90 m) known as the „leap into the next century“. The first Tartan track in Europe is installed in the letzigrund Stadium in zurich in the same year.

©Sergio Rodriguez

▲ The Federal Institute of Sports Science (BISp) is estab-

lished in Cologne in 1970. It takes over the training ground advisory office from the sports university as a new department of sports facilities and sports equipment. The BISp and IAKS confer closely in the decades to come.

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The Artificial Ice Rink Conference, which becomes a permanent fixture in the IAKS repertoire over the years, is held for the first time in 1968 in Inzell.

devoted to artificial ice rinks, it launches a whole series of technical seminars on various topics to which the IAKS has remained firmly committed through to the present day.


In 1970, the German Olympic Association entrusts the

IAKS with a research project on “spaces for play and sport in homes and residential areas“. The project examines playrooms, recreation rooms, exercise rooms, saunas and swimming pools.

The German Section of the IAKS is founded on 12 April 1973 so that national issues of the association can be discussed better with everyone concerned.


Pitch heating is installed for the first time in Germany. For the Olympic Games, the world‘s first temporary sports surface is built by Hamberger.


In 1973, the IAKS becomes a member of the GAISF, the

General Assembly of International Sports Federations.


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Olympic Stadium and the entire Olympic Park constitute an architectural Gesamtkunstwerk, which is no less impressive decades later. The Olympic Park Architects‘ Group, consisting of Günter Behnisch, Fritz Auer, Carlo Weber, Eberhard Tränkner and Winfried Büxel work together with Frei Otto in designing a mound stadium that is embedded in the landscape like no other. The world-famous tent roof construction by Frei Otto and the Stuttgart structural engineer Jörg Schlaich from the Fritz leonhardt firm of engineers links the stadium with the access routes and Olympic Park.

For the Summer Olympic Games in Munich in 1972, the


A tragic accident during a sports event in Scotland causes a rethink in the safety sector. In 1971, during the CelticRangers “Old Firm” derby at Ibrox Park in Glasgow, 66 people are trampled to death. The stairway has been incorrectly designed due to the lack of binding guidelines. Two years later, a commission publishes its “Guide to safety at sports grounds”. From now on, British stadiums have to be in possession of a valid safety certificate if they are to hold official matches with spectators. Sports facilities are thus brought up to the same level as other public buildings in terms of the standards that have to be observed.



Not least because of his energetic efforts in connection with his

work for the IAKS and his associated commitment to sport, Willi Weyer is made an honorary doctor of the German Sports University in Cologne on 30 June 1973. In the same year he is awarded the Order of merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Football World Cup is held in West Germany in 1974. In many stadiums, the back-straight stands are converted into seating areas and the spectator areas are thus segmented, with standing room being mainly confined to the areas behind the goals. At the same time, fencing around the pitch becomes obligatory. The new structures are almost exclusively athletic stadiums, e.g. the Rheinstadion in düsseldorf (left), the Parkstadion in Gelsenkirchen (right, with the Veltins Arena above it) and the Volksparkstadion in Hamburg (below). In Britain (Goodison Park in Everton, right below), on the other hand, the soccer-only stadium remains established.


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©marco Kahlund



The IAKS has advisory status to the United Nations and, in

1979, takes up the UN appeal in the “Year of the Child” to publish a technical article on the subject of “The Child and the Environment”. The collection of data on playground design and construction defines the preconditions for play and investigates the various types of play, playgrounds and equipment.

1975 - 1984

PLANNING PRINCIPLES AND STANDARDISATION In this decade, the IAKS devotes itself in detail in its work groups to the drafting of planning principles, e.g. for sports halls: halls for gymnastics and games (1975), competitive cycling facilities (1980), pools (1980) and tennis facilities (1982). The purpose of these recommendations are issued so that comparable conditions are created for competition venues on the national and international level. The exchange of experience is interorganisational. Involved in the planning principles for cycling facilities are, for instance, the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), Fédération Internationale Amateur de Cyclisme (FIAC) and Fédération Internationale du Cyclisme Professionnel (FICP). The 1972 Summer Olympics in munich, Germany, gives the construction of sports facilities the status in standardisation circles that the IAKS consistently advocates. In the middle of the 1970s, the German standardisation body dIN produces numerous standards for sports facility construction. Experts of the IAKS regularly exchange their experience with members and participating organisations and establish codes for the construction of sports facilities. The findings of these work groups are issued in numerous publications. For example, the IAKS Winter Sports Facilities ring binder, covering all facilities for skiing and ice sports in a total of eleven chapters in several editions, gains a fine reputation.



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At the official opening of the 4th International IAKS Congress in 1975 under the motto

“Are our sports facilities suitable for leisure?“, President Willi Weyer speaks for the first time on the multifunctional use of sports facilities and also on the emerging criticism that “the client only considers facility construction and not its upkeep“.


The planning principles for pool construction, issued in 1979, contain

recommendations and rules for the design of indoor pools, outdoor pools and combined indoor/outdoor pools. They serve as the basis for the development of binding planning guidelines in countries that do not yet have their own pool construction guidelines. The IAKS wishes to bring about the large-scale harmonisation of planning principles on the international level.

The IAKS and the International Union of Architects (UIA) work closely together, collec-


tively organising the Sport and leisure Seminar in Aulanko (Finland) in August 1977. Heiner Pätzold, manager of the IAKS German Section, acts as a speaker at the seminar.

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Serving as a powerful source of inspiration to sports facility construction, the IAKS

Congresses are clearly focused during this period on the subject of meeting actual demand. Special attention is devoted to children, the aged and the disabled. Experts give insights into how sports facilities, school buildings and community centres can be integrated.

This gives rise to a critical attitude that assesses the suitability of sports facilities for leisure. Energy savings due to structural modifications and extensions enjoy growing prominence. At the 1977 IAKS Congress, the experts pose the question: “Has sports facility construction reached a turning point?”


For the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Canada, Roger Taillibert

©Taxiarchos 228

designs a stadium with a 175-metre tall angled tower from which 26 ropes are slung to carry the retractable roof of Kevlar fibres. However, due to technical problems, the tower and roof are only completed later. Taillibert also designs the Olympic Village (left). The Olympic hockey tournament in the Stade Percival-molson is the first to be played on artificial turf and paves the way for artificial turf as the standard playing surface for hockey matches.

©Gustavo Palicca

The first Paralympic Winter Games are held in Sweden in 1976.

In Örnsköldsvik, about 250 athletes from 16 nations take part in 52 competitions in the two sports of alpine and cross-country skiing. There is also a demonstration event in ice sledge racing.



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The IAKS meets the need for infor-

mation on demand-driven buildings on the national level as well. The IAKS and the North-Rhine/Westphalian Sports Federation hold a conference on “sports and leisure facilities suitable for the disabled” in 1981. The roughly 300 people attending the event come from municipalities, government, sport and from design and architecture. Speakers present a wide range of ideas for the design and construction of sports and leisure facilities for the collective sports activities of the disabled and able-bodied. The findings from the conference are made available free of charge in a publication on sports and leisure facilities suitable for the disabled.


In Mexico City in 1979, Pietro Mennea sets a new world record in

the 200 m sprint on a mondo track. The record time of 19.72 seconds remains unbeaten for 17 years and is still the European record.

©Australian Paralympic Committee


Queens Park Rangers Football Club in London replaces its natural

turf pitch with artificial turf in 1981 and many clubs follow its lead. All the same, the artificial turf of this period proves to be inadequate to the needs of professional football and all the clubs revert back to natural turf.

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In the 1980s, safety in sports halls becomes an increasingly important

theme, and the first impact walls with a protective function are developed. There is also a growing focus on cost-effectiveness, and the multi-purpose hall is born: by adding a restaurant, and with stands and further installations for events, it is possible to generate additional income.

©Valentin Wormbs

At thermal pools, there is a radical shift in the 1980s from



made to existing competition venues that have been extended or renovated. All the same, new buildings are also necessary and generate over half of the total costs of RUB 862.7 million. Unlike at preceding Olympic Games, a large portion of the finance is invested in infrastructure, above all for transport. The luzhniki Olympic Complex is the main location for the moscow Games, its stadium being the Central lenin Stadium with a capacity of 103,000 spectators. The stadium is opened in 1956

and upgraded for the 1980 Games. This is where the opening and closing ceremonies are held as well as the athletic competitions, the final of the soccer tournament and individual show-jumping competition.

©U.S. Air Force

The 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, USSR, are centrally organised. Resort is largely

rehabilitation funded by the health insurance scheme to privately financed prevention. Wellness activities are subsequently added. The Caracalla Therme (thermal pool) in Baden-Baden/Germany plays a pioneering role in this trend. Its slogan is “Healthy bathing that’s fun”.

The 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, USA, mark a turn-

ing point in terms of their financing and commercialisation. Privately funded, they show that the Olympic movement has not only a sporting and conceptual value, but also an economic one. Because of lack of public funding, the Organising Committee becomes dependent on sponsors for the construction of new sports facilities. The budget amounts to about USd 470 million, while the 1980 moscow Games cost the equivalent of USd 9 billion and montreal indebted itself heavily in 1976 with expenditure of USd 1.5 billion. In los sb 4/2015


©Felix maschek

In 1982, Jane Fonda publicises Aerobic and makes it popu-

The first World Championships in Athletics are held at the

Olympic Stadium in Helsinki in 1983. The stadium has already hosted the 1952 Summer Olympic Games. Its emblem is its tower, whose height of 72.71 m exactly matches the winning throw of the Finnish Olympic javelin winner of 1932, matti Järvinen. despite its age and thanks to continual modernisation and rebuilding, the functionalistic stadium is still one of the most popular venues for major athletics meetings.

lar initially among young women. This gives rise to many other forms of group (fitness) training with elements of yoga, Pilates and tai chi – and ultimately the fitness centre that now serves as a location for individualised exercise activities.


1984 is the year of birth of “the wave”. The wave is shown for

▲ ©martin Fisch

the first time to an international audience at the Summer Olympics in the USA on 8 August 1984, performed by 80,000 people during the football match between Brazil and Italy in the Stanford Stadium. However, mexico claims to be the source of the wave, at the Estadio Universitario in 1984. The wave becomes known worldwide during the World Cup in mexico two years later.

©U.S. Air Force

▲ Angeles, existing competition facilities are largely used, and there are only three new complexes. The central venue for the Games is Exposition Park with the los Angeles memorial Coliseum of 1923. The latter is modernised, and there are boxes, a computer-controlled scoreboard and a new running track.

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▲ In 1985, Dr Günter Heidecke becomes IAKS President.

1985 - 1994

The doctor of law worked as a judge at the local court and at the regional court. From 1955 to 1967, he was head of the schools department of the City of Cologne, and from 1965 councillor for manpower and organisation. In 1967 he was appointed President of Cologne administrative district. The land parliament elected him President of North-Rhine/Westphalia’s Court of Audit in 1978.

INTERNATIONALISATION The IAKS network expands steadily on the international level. The decade is marked by the international transfer of knowledge and lively trans-regional cooperation. The IAKS forms numerous sections: Norway (1986), Japan (1988), USSR (1988), Switzerland (1989), Spain (1990), Canada (1992) and Peru (1994). For the increasingly global outlook of the IAKS, the international competition for “exemplary and functional sports and leisure facilities”, known today as the IOC/IPC/IAKS Award, is of huge importance. The members of the very first jury are: • • • • • • • • • •

Allan Bennett, Vancouver, Canada Takazumi Fukuoka, Tokyo, Japan Francesco Gnecchi-Ruscone, milan, Italy martin Henriksen, Oslo, Norway Geraint John, london, United Kingdom Istvan Kiss, Budapest, Hungary Heiner Pätzold, Osnabrück, West Germany Christoph Parade, düsseldorf, West Germany Frieder Roskam, Cologne, West Germany Carlos Vera Guardia, maracaibo, Venezuela

©Chris Eason

“sb” 1/86 reports on “selection criteria for artificial turf and sand-filled artificial turf”.

In montreal, Canada, the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and the IAKS organise a joint congress that is attended by 850 participants and 60 exhibitors.


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fort of spectators and their enclosure in pens. As a consequence, structural changes are made to many large stadiums. The fences around the pitch are removed and, more importantly, all-seater stands are to be made available for international matches. Account is thus taken of the central demand of the Taylor Report. Violence and aggression in stadiums is to be countered as of now with increased comfort for spectators.

Tragic accidents again force clients and operators of stadiums to make structural and operational changes. On 29 may 1985, 39 people die and 454 are injured in the Heysel Stadium in Brussels, Belgium, after rioting among fans. At the disaster at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, United Kingdom, in 1989, a stampede breaks out among spectators. 96 people lose their lives and 730 are injured. The Taylor Report comes to the conclusion that the tragedy and the aggressive behaviour manifested there were caused essentially by the thoroughly deficient state of the stadium, particularly in terms of the com-

▲ The “information exchange on sports facility development“ (IBS) becomes established in the magazine “sb” in 1985. Its purpose is to advise designers and clients on reducing construction and operating costs and improving the appeal of their facilities.

©Andy Nugent

From 1987, the seminars for ice makers held at varying intervals

To everyone‘s surprise, Boris Becker wins Wimbledon in 1985, and two years later Steffi Graf wins the French Open. Together, the two of them

since 1968 are staged regularly every other year, alternating with the Artificial Ice Rink management Conferences. The IAKS Ice maker Seminars provide those attending with practical decisionmaking aids relating to technology and operation, e.g. refrigeration technology, room acoustics and electroacoustics, and operating strategies.

unleash a tennis boom in Germany and beyond that not only boosts media interest in the sport, but also results in the construction of many indoor tennis facilities. The IAKS and the German Tennis Federation supply the planning principles in their Tennis Facilities manual published in 1991.


The Rod Laver Arena opens in Melbourne, Australia in 1988.

With 14,820 seats, it is one of the first multifunctional arenas and is visited by about 1.5 million spectators each year. The spectrum of events extends from the Australian Open in tennis via motocross races to music concerts and World Gymnastics Championships. The Rod laver Arena has a retractable roof that can be closed within 25 minutes as protection from the rain or severe heat.

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In 1987, IAKS invites entries for a competition for “exemplary and functional sports and leisure facilities”


for the first time. The purpose of introducing this architecture award is to publicly highlight the special importance of the quality of sports facilities. The assessed factors are the design of the overall complex and its parts; the integration of the buildings in their surroundings; functionalism; and the balance between the cost of construction, cost of operation and facility usage. The jury awards 23 prizes,

How will the sports facilities of

the future look? Answers to this question are supplied by the IAKS Congresses. In this connection, they address the issues of communication, health and quality of life. What are the important factors in modernisation, rehabilitation and the construction of new facilities? How are sports facilities addressing environmental concerns? How can energy efficiency be achieved at sports facilities? Celebrated architects offer insight into how design measures can affect the quality of the sports facility. Sports facilities and particularly arenas are designed increasingly for entertainment, with the emphasis placed on their leisure value.


The Swiss Section of the IAKS is founded on 16 September 1989. 13 of the 65 found-

ing members are already members of IAKS International before the creation of the Swiss Section. The founding President of the IAKS Section Switzerland is Urs Baumgartner. He was the head of youth and adult sport at the Confederate School of Gymnastics and Sport (ETS) and later Vice director of the Federal Office of Sport (BASPO).



On the occasion of its 25th anniversary in 1990, the IAKS

1990: In Malaga, Spain, Dr Erich Schumann is elected succes-

can look back on 14,000 pages of “sb“ and 52 publications. The sport and leisure facility bibliography and the series of detailed information work sheets for designers appear regularly in addition.

sor of IAKS President Günter Heidecke, following the latter’s resignation. Schumann studied jurisprudence and business management in Erlangen, Bonn, Paris and New York and set up his own chambers in Bonn. He was co-owner and one of the managing directors of the WAz Essen media group. He was awarded the German Cross of merit for his life’s work.


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with the ski jump in Holmenkollen in Oslo, Norway, and the race circuit at Nürburgring, Germany, being among the winners. The competition is held every two years. The results are publicly announced and documented at the International IAKS Congress in conjunction with the trade fair s+b.



As of 1989, the international trade fair in Cologne is known as “FSB” – International Trade Fair for leisure, Sports and Pool Facilities”.


Together with the Principality of Monaco in Monte Carlo and the GAISF, the IAKS organises

On 26.10.1993, the General Meeting votes to change

the German name from “International Work Group for Sports and leisure Facilities” to “International Association for Sports and leisure Facilities”. The lettering in the logo is retained.


The swimming pools of the Eighties are converted from competition into leisure pools.

This trend is also illustrated by the projects selected by the jury for the IOC/IAKS Award during this period. In 1989, Hinke builds the first freely shaped stainless steel pool and opens up new design scope in pool construction.

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the international Sports Arenas Conference with an accompanying trade fair, Sportec.


Because of rising energy costs, sustainability becomes a more

and more prominent theme in sports hall construction as well. Energy conservation ordinances are issued, and research is conducted into regenerative energy sources. “sb” 1/85 reports on 50 pages on the requirements of sports surfaces, because slimmer constructions are now needed in order to allow more space for increasingly important thermal insulation.



At the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea, 21 existing competition venues can be used and only 13 new ones have to be created. The Seoul Sports Complex forms the central location for the Olympic Games and is home to the Olympic Stadium accommodating 100,000 spectators. The Paralympic Games are held at the same venue as the Olympics for the first time.

The Executive Board of the IAKS takes the opportunity offered by the Olympic Games to visit its newly founded Japanese Section in Tokyo and hold an international seminar, which is opened by Prince Takeda, honorary member of the IOC and IAKS and grandson of Emperor meiji.

In 1992, with the participation of Frieder Roskam, the

German Sports Confederation approves the Golden Plan East for eastern Germany, a 15-year programme for modernising sports facilities. Funding is available for new facilities and the extension and conversion of existing facilities, inclusive of new sports equipment.

▲ Few host cities benefit so much from staging the Olympic

Games as Barcelona, Spain, in 1992. The conversion of a district of the city by the sea from an industrial estate into an attractive residential area with a beach gives a powerful boost to urban development. The sports facilities are concentrated on montjuïc, Barcelona’s main elevation, and in the districts of Vall d’Hebron and diagonal. Of the 43 required sports facilities, only 15 have to be built from scratch.

The Olympic Stadium is totally “skinned” by Vittorio Gregotti and the pitch lowered by 11 metres, with only the historic neoclassical façade being retained. The Palau Sant Jordi indoor stadium with its striking domed roof and a capacity of 15,000 spectators is built by Arata Isozaki. Next to it stands the futuristic 136-metre tall telecommunication tower designed by Santiago Calatrava.




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On 9 November 1989,

The sports ground maintenance seminars take place reg-

visitors to the IAKS Congress gather information on the design of arenas. A few hours later, the partition of Germany in East and West comes to an end with the falling of the Berlin Wall.

ularly from 1994 onwards at various schools of physical education. Initiated by the BISp and originally a training seminar in connection with the 1987 and 1989 congresses, the seminar provides practice-oriented information on the maintenance of sports grounds and particularly of turf surfaces.

©lear 21

significance both architecturally and typologically. The Stadio Giuseppe meazza in milan and Stadio luigi Ferraris in Genoa are rebuilt on the historic ground plan and are milestones in the evolution of the soccer-only stadium. Other remarkable structures like Renzo Piano’s Stadio San Nicola and the Stadio delle Alpi in Turin, on the other hand, are combined stadiums that are each used only once for athletics events and which, owing to their lack of suitability for football as their main sport, are subsequently replaced or fall into disrepair.

The stadiums of the 1990 Football World Cup in Italy are of great

©dan Heap

Multifunctional sports halls with spectator areas develop more and more into the social centre of their urban or rural community. large arenas like the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona strive for architectural identity while the residents of smaller towns have a less consumer-oriented attitude towards their smaller sports halls: their teams are not as professional, and instead admission prices are lower and club loyalty is stronger. The VIP areas in large arenas are an increasingly important source of revenue for the club and operator and their patrons come to expect more. In smaller and medium-size halls, the revenue potential is lower, but “customer” loyalty is stronger in this area and something to bank on.



At the FIFA World Cup in the USA, group games in the Pontiac Sil-

verdome take place for the first time in a roofed stadium. The artificial turf is replaced temporarily with natural grass.

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The French Section of the IAKS is founded on 24 October 1995.

Its President is Edouard landrin, deputy mayor of Ancenis, France.

In 1997, IAKS becomes a member of the Conference of Non

Governmental Organisations (CoNGO) and has advisory status with the United Nations (UN).

1995 - 2004


In the Nineties, the IAKS has to reconsider its positioning. Under the effects of the economic situation, investment in sports and leisure infrastructure by local and regional government in Central Europe in particular is on the decline. An area in which the IAKS has so far committed itself strongly also changes: the supply of information on building standards. Because of increasing digitisation and accelerating innovation cycles, the publications issued by the IAKS work groups cannot be updated fast enough. The downward trend is reflected by sinking membership. Shortly after the turn of the millennium, the IAKS develops new business strategies. It makes attractive Internet services available to members and expands its events activities. There is a stronger emphasis on communication within the association, and outward cooperation with international partners is stepped up.

The Stade de France is built in Paris for the 1998 Football World

Cup in France. With the aid of telescopic stands, the 81,000-capacity stadium can also be used for athletics meetings, thus reducing capacity to 75,000 spectators. The most important regular events are the home matches of the French national football and Rugby Union teams and cup finals. Concerts and open-air shows are also regularly staged here. However, it is not regularly used by a club.



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In 1995, the first edition of the IAAF Track and Field Facilities Manual is issued, pub-

Dr Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner

lished by the International Association of Athletics Federations and the IAKS. The IAKS is involved in the following three editions (4th edition in 2008).


The opening of the Amsterdam Arena in August 1996 marks the dawn

The 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, USA – the “Coca Cola Games” – come into severe criticism for their commercialism. The centrepiece of the Games is the Olympic Ring, a three-mile zone in the centre of Atlanta in which the Olympic Stadium is also located. The 85,000-capacity Centennial Olympic Stadium is the scene of the opening and closing ceremonies and of the athletics competitions. Because of the stadium’s subsequent use for baseball, the interior is not oval but includes a corner. Only two days after the subsequent Paralympic Games, work on conversion gets underway with the demolition of the northern half of the stadium and the athletics installations.

The first website of the IAKS

goes online in 1998, in connection with the Internet presence of the General Assembly of International Sports Federations (GAISF, now Sportaccord). The IAKS processes and provides data on sports facilities for the Internet, e.g. for a database for global searches for suitable competition venues.

▲ ©Alf van Beem

of a new era in football stadiums in Europe. To generate extra revenue, numerous business seats, boxes and a restaurant are integrated. Running tracks have been omitted in order to bring spectators as close as possible to the action on the pitch. In addition, it is also the first European stadium with a retractable roof system that enables the arena to be converted into an indoor venue within just a short time. So that the arena can be used on fixture-free days, it can be converted quickly into a concert hall. This versatility is designed to ensure that the arena achieves a high degree of capacity utilisation and thus high profitability.

becomes President of the IAKS in 1997. A lawyer (since 1980) and notary public (since 1990) with his own chambers in Essen, Germany, he is also a shareholder and publisher of the Funke mediengruppe. He has been shareholder of HOPF Holding GmbH & Co. KG since 1988. HolthoffPförtner is a member of control bodies, supervisory boards and committees and holds numerous honorary positions in science and social policy, sport, culture and in charitable organisations.


The series of IAKS/VDEM Refrigeration Plant Seminars is

launched in 1998 with seminars on three occasions. In cooperation with the Ice makers’ Association (VdEm), the IAKS organises the training sessions demanded under the Federal Ambient Pollution Protection Act for employees working with refrigeration plant at artificial ice rinks. The training series is still running today, with seminars taking place at five to seven locations throughout Germany each year.


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IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and IAKS


In 1998, the IAKS Section Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) is founded on the occasion

The national sports statistics

published in Germany in 2002 show that almost every other sports facility is in need of modernisation, and the figure is almost 70 per cent in eastern Germany. These statistics present an overview of the state of sports infrastructure for the first time since German reunification.

of an International Seminar on Sports Architecture in maracaibo, Venezuela, as the organisation succeeding the Peruvian Section.

In 2000, the IAKS joins the ICSSPE

President dr Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner sign a Cooperation Agreement on 15 december 1998 to strengthen cooperation. Among other things, the IOC participates from now on in the IAKS Award, which is announced in 1999 for the first time as the joint IOC/IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and leisure Facilities.

(International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education) and informs the participating organisations of future events and publications.


The first robotic lawnmower

is launched on the market in 1998. It not only mows the grass unaided, but also runs automatically to a docking station to recharge its batteries.

©Holger Casselmann

Sports surfaces start to have an impact on the architecture of

In sports halls, the drive to boost profitability continues. Since the beginning of the century, additional activities such as saunas, fitness training, courses and pools have been integrated. New operating and financing strategies such as PPPs (public-private partnerships) are tried out. The basic consideration behind these developments is that, over the life-time of a building, the cost of construction only accounts for 20 per cent of total costs. The remaining 80 per cent are operating costs, which have a much stronger bearing on the facility’s success.

sports facilities. The surface design becomes a dominant feature of stadiums and also of sports halls. The reddish brown of athletics tracks modelled on the classic red cinder surface now yields to other, often multicolour surface patterns.

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In Luzhniki Stadium in the Olympic Complex of the same name

in moscow, Russia, where Spartak moscow plays its home matches, an artificial turf pitch is installed in 2002. This surface undergoes its premiere in the UEFA Champions league in the 2006/2007 season. In international stadium architecture, pretensioned membrane roofs gain in prominence, e.g. in Kuala lumpur, malaysia; Hamburg, Germany; and Busan, South Korea.


In 2001, Siegfried Hoymann

succeeds Prof. Frieder Roskam as Secretary General. He has been associated with the IAKS in a variety of functions for about three decades. The administrator and politician contributes his knowledge and experience on numerous IAKS boards and committees.

ties”, a comprehensive publication on the many facets of sports and leisure facilities and of the products and services of the companies united under the IAKS banner.

▲ In 2000, the IAKS issues the brochure “Sport needs sports facili-


Australia is the Olympic Park in the area around Homebush Bay. After the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the park serves as a close-to-home recreation area and venue for major sporting and cultural events. Sydney is the first Olympic host city to design its sports facilities not only for the Olympics and commercial success, but above all for their post-Olympic use.

in the swimming pool sector from the turn of the millennium. The various offerings of swimming, fitness training, therapy, beauty and, in some cases, hotel accommodation are integrated in a single facility. These facilities can be called “wellness malls” or spas, which puts them firmly in the tradition of the highly elaborate Caracalla thermal pools of Ancient Rome. Expert advice is provided by the IAKS publication “Planning principles for leisure-oriented pools”. sb 4/2015

The main stadium by Bligh lobb Sports Architects has a capacity of 110,000 spectators during the Olympics, and after the Games this is reduced to 81,500 seats for Australian Football and cricket by demolishing the upper-tier stands behind the goals and roofing the two ends. The stadium wins Gold at the IOC/IAKS Award 2003. The jury “was highly impressed by the ease with which Sydney’s Olympic Stadium handles the biggest number of spectators in the history of the Olympic Games (110,000 visitors). The wings of temporary stands at the ends of the stadium, holding 45,000 spectators, contribute particularly to the stadium’s imposing appearance and at the same time reflect the sustainability of the overall strategy”.

©Gavin Anderson

▲ A new trend is also observed

The centrepiece of the 2000 Sydney Summer Olympics in

41 Pracey ©Brian

The IOC honours Prof. Frieder Roskam for his pioneering services to sports facility development by awarding him the Pierre-de-Coubertin medal at a ceremony on 30 April 2002 in Cologne. Prof. Frieder Roskam, one of the founding fathers of the IAKS, dies a short while afterwards. Klaus meinel is appointed salaried managing director, replacing Roswitha Thibes who has occupied this position for many years.



Experts of the IAKS draw up the

sports facility strategy for the düsseldorf/ Rhine-Ruhr 2012 Olympic bid. From 2001 to 2003, they examine the Olympic suitability of 60 competition sports facilities in the Rhine/Ruhr region and thus supply the North-Rhine/Westphalian Government with key data in its support for the bid activities.


The IAKS Congresses of this decade are devoted to the extent

to which aspects of design can affect the cost-effective operation of a sports facility. “How can sports and leisure facilities be adapted to the requirements of today and tomorrow?” is the question posed by the experts in 1995. In 1997, the Congress is held under the motto “Optimisation in sports facility construction and operation: planning, realisation and management”. The IAKS Congress in 1999 is devoted to “Sports facilities for future generations”. In 2001, the experts insist: “We all need sports facilities! Attractive, environment-friendly and economic”.


in 2004, the conference “Sports Science Through the Ages: Challenges in the New millennium” is held in Thessaloniki. In connection with this conference, the IAKS organises a special event entitled “Sports Facility Architects meet Sports Scientists”.

At the first “Asia Sports Summit and Expo” in September

2004 in Bangkok, Thailand, the IAKS organises and chairs the overall theme of “Sports infrastructure and sports 42 facilities”.


From 2003, the IAKS Congress provides extensive information on the planning, construction, modernisation and management of sports and leisure facilities. In the same year, FSB is held for the first time together with the newly founded event “aquanale – International Trade Fair for Sauna, Pool and Ambience” and “SOlARIA – International Trade Fair for Tanning Products and Equipment”, which has been held in Cologne since 1999.

In the run-up to the Summer Olympic Games in Athens/Greece

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The IAKS has a four-language

website as of 2003. Two databases are available there for searches: in the “sports facility industry” and “designers” areas, the members of the IAKS present themselves with their contact data and chief activities.

At the 2002 Football World Cup in Japan and South Korea, the

games are played in ten stadiums in ten different cities. Never before have there been so many match venues at a World Cup, all of which have highly developed stadiums and traffic links.

An extremely versatile match venue is the Sapporo dome, a permanently roofed stadium in Sapporo, Japan, with 41,484 seats. A special feature of this stadium is its retractable natural turf pitch which can be replaced with an artificial-turf baseball pitch or be used as an outdoor playing surface. To remove the football pitch, the stands are shifted to one side, the pitch rotated and driven lengthwise out into the open. This stadium has become the model for similar European “drawer-type pitch systems”, e.g. in Arnhem, Netherlands, and at Schalke in Gelsenkirchen, Germany.

The World Cup Stadium in South Korea’s capital Seoul accommodates 66,806 spectators, including 806 VIP seats, 754 seats on the press stand and 75 boxes – a remarkable differentiation of the spectator areas. The roof covers 90 per cent of the stand seats, and 3,600 parking spaces are available in and around the stadium. This infrastructure is crucial for the stadium’s successful development into a sports, cultural and shopping complex after the World Cup. The Seoul World Cup Stadium wins Bronze at the IOC/IAKS AWARd 2007 for Exemplary Sports and leisure Facilities. The jury’s verdict: “The stadium’s multifunctionality proves to be the key to its economic success: it enjoys full capacity utilisation and operates profitably. The choice of site has been a genuine blessing, as an underdeveloped part of the city has been converted here into a beautiful sports park with a very positive image.”

undergoes a thorough relaunch at the beginning of 2003. Readability is improved with a new layout and a new structure. more large-format images contribute to its modern appearance.



The specialist magazine “sb”

At the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, the Olympic Com-

plex consists essentially of five different competition venues by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. The Olympic Stadium, the result of modernisation of the athletics stadium dating back to 1982, is given a new, 17,000 tonne roof of polycarbonate panels. The arches of the roof structure are each 304 metres long and reach a maximum height of 72 metres in the middle. Numerous Olympic venues in Athens are subsequently closed due to the lack of an operating strategy and fall into disrepair after only few years.



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The German Sports University in Cologne and the IAKS

sign a Cooperation Agreement on 28 April 2005. By entering into this agreement, the two organisations primarily confirm their cooperation at the Centre for Sustainable Sports development (CENA) – one of the sports university’s four competence centres.

2005 - 2015

STRONG PARTNERS WORLDWIDE In this decade, the IAKS strengthens its international outlook and cooperation with its most important partners – above all with the International Olympic Committee and Koelnmesse – and adds a new one in the shape of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). At the IOC/IAKS Award in 2005, seven of the submitted projects are commended with the “IPC/IAKS distinction for Accessible Sports and leisure Facilities” jointly awarded for the first time by the IAKS and the IPC. “sb” 2/2008 publishes a summary of the IPC’s guide to accessibility in sports and leisure facilities. For the 2008 Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing, China, the IPC enables an IAKS delegation to participate in the IPC Observers’ Programme. This unusual training event with a “look behind the scenes” has since been available at all Summer and Winter Paralympics. On the occasion of International Paralympic day on 11 July 2009, IPC President Sir Philip Craven and IAKS President dr Stephan J. HolthoffPförtner sign a Cooperation Agreement in the presence of German President Horst Köhler cementing relations between the two institutions and continuing the promotion of internationally recognised standards of accessibility.


In addition, the German disabled Sports Federation (dBS) and the IAKS sign a Cooperation Agreement in 2010 that cements the IAKS’s commitment to the needs of Paralympic sport in Germany.

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At the 2005 IAKS Congress,

the spotlight is on the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany with such subjects as “Stadium infrastructure”, “The pitch of the future” and “Football as Sport for All”. Together with the Federal Association for Swimming Pools and Wellness (bsw), the IAKS additionally stages the 1st Cologne Swimming Pool and Wellness Forum for FSB and aquanale visitors interested in swimming pools. The forum takes place every two years from now on.



since the beginning of the century. Artificial turf mats are filled with sand and granulated rubber. For the game of football, they provide a hard-wearing and technically attractive alternative to conventional turf pitches. Together with the German Football Association (dFB), the IAKS issues its recommendations for artificial turf systems in 2006. “In the recommendations, the properties of the various artificial turf systems are presented and requirement profiles are drawn up from the installer’s and player’s points of view,” dFB President dr Theo zwanziger explains.

So-called “third generation” artificial turf has become established

The first IAKS Synthetic Turf Seminar is held in November 2005.

Owing to the big response, many more will follow. As of 2010, the series of seminars is supplemented with information on synthetic surfaces and fallprotection flooring. In its Outdoor Sports Facilities Seminar, the IAKS also provides information on the design opportunities for existing athletics facilities that are being put increasingly to multifunctional use.

▲ tion a huge innovative boost and brings forth a number of important arenas. The Allianz Arena in munich is the icon of this era, with its clear-cut and visual architecture uniting the needs of professional football with the emotionality of this simple game. The characteristic façade consists of 2,760 cushions of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene), 1,056 of which can be illuminated in different colours, e.g. in red, the colour of Germany’s record champion FC Bayern munich. sb 4/2015

The Football World Cup in Germany gives stadium construc-

©Nicola Giorgone

The Arena auf Schalke, on the other hand, sets standards in multifunctional usage. It is fully roofed, and the roof over the pitch can be opened for football matches. In addition to football and concerts, many other events take place here, e.g. biathlon and ice hockey. For such events, the pitch is driven on rails out of the arena in order to protect it. In the middle of the stadium hangs a 29-tonne video cube with four 36 m² screens.



In 2007, the IAKS teams up with North-Rhine/Westphalia’s Sports Federation and Ministry of the Interior and Sport in founding the Sports

Three IOC members come to the 2007 IAKS Congress: dr Thomas Bach, IOC Vice President; Sir Philip Craven, President of the IPC; and Patrick Baumann, Secretary General of the International Basketball Federation. Over 400 guests come to the prize-giving ceremony for the IOC/IPC/IAKS Awards at the “Theater am Tanzbrunnen“. The outstanding facilities of the competition are the Berlin Olympic Stadium, Germany, and the Oval lingotto in Turin, Italy. Both win Gold not only in the IOC/IAKS Award, but also the IPC/IAKS distinction.

Facilities Advisory Bureau. The bureau supports clubs and municipalities with sports facility construction projects and with municipal sports development planning.


▲ For the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing,

The jury is deeply impressed by the outstanding quality of the stadium conversion in Berlin: “By leaving a gap in the roof over the marathon Arch, the architect has created a roof form that is unique worldwide.” In Berlin, a blue synthetic running track is installed in the stadium for the first time, which comes from BSW, member of the IAKS since its inception. The jury’s verdict on the Oval lingotto: “The elegant roof construction spanning a large volume has been combined with a well thought-out building structure and an architecturally interesting façade design. The jury also praised the fact that post-Olympic use was part of plans from the outset.”


The jury commends the Watercube as follows: “The Watercube shows how the choice of materials for a certain design can be affected by technology. A truly outstanding and unique building.”

China invests USd 40 billion in sports facilities and infrastructure. The Olympic village is placed at the northern end of an axis running north-south through Beijing, with Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City among other locations along its path. A stir throughout the world is caused by the spectacular architecture of the National Stadium (Bird’s Nest) and Aquatics Centre (Watercube) – both win Gold medals in the 2009 IOC/IAKS Award.

The jury’s verdict on Beijing’s Olympic Stadium: “The Bird’s Nest is a milestone in stadium architecture. It represents one of the best examples of the integration of functionalism and architectural design in stadium construction and its extraordinary design endowed the 2008 Beijing Olympics with a special lustre.”

The Centre Court at Wimbledon, United Kingdom, is given a retractable roof in

2009. This eliminates the interruptions due to rain on one of the courts of the world’s most tradition-steeped and prestigious tennis tournament.



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The 2009 IAKS Congress sets standards as the world’s biggest sports facility congress: 550 visitors from over 40 countries, 48 speakers from 16 nations and FSB as the world’s biggest trade fair in the sector. Those attending include dr Thomas Bach, IOC Vice President; Professor Walther Tröger, Chairman of the IOC “Sport for All” Commission; Sir Philip Craven, IPC President; and dr michael Vesper, director General of the German Olympic Sports Confederation. In addition to the IOC/IAKS Awards and IPC/IAKS distinctions, FIBA and the IAKS hold a student architecture competition, “The Basketball Arena in the Year 2020”, for the first time.



In December 2007, a delegation of

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the IAKS travels to Beijing and Tokyo in order to strengthen the international IAKS network. The IAKS first participates as a co-organiser and exhibitor at the International Sports Facilities Expo (ISFE China) in Beijing. Then the delegation flies to Tokyo where detailed talks with the Executive Board of the IAKS Japanese Section are on the programme.



The stadiums for the 2010 Football World Cup in South Africa in

Johannesburg, Cape Town and Port Elizabeth are also successful in the 2011 IOC/ IAKS Award. For the first time in the history of the World Cup, matches are played on a hybrid natural turf surface, the desso Grassmaster system, at the stadiums in Nelspruit and Polokwane.


A straightforward structure,

The jury assesses the Cape Town Stadium as follows: “The oval shape and almost flat roof are in keeping with the character of the existing facility and with the famous Table mountain. The stadium’s design pays tribute to both with subtlety and elegance.”

more interaction, comprehensive information and the latest news are offered by the IAKS website, which undergoes a thorough overhaul in 2013. Anyone interested can find out about everything that the world of sports and leisure facilities has to offer in terms of news, expertise and events, and all in the accustomed standard of quality. New is the design of the expert database in which IAKS members present themselves and their business activities, manage their profiles and publish news. The specialist magazine “sb” can now be read online from its date of publication. ©IAKS

2015: Siegfried Hoymann hands over the position of IAKS Secretary General to Klaus meinel, who has been responsible as managing director of the IAKS since 2003.

▲ ©matt lancashire



In the choice of site for the 2012 Olympic Games in london, UK, sustainability is a big issue from the outset. The Olympic Park is created by fully redeveloping a disused industrial site. To keep the downstream costs of the competition facilities low, newly erected facilities are downsized after the Games. All the temporary facilities are fully removed. The Olympic Stadium offers space for 80,000 spectators during the Games and is subsequently converted into a 54,000-capacity football stadium. The spectator capacity of the london Aquatics Centre is reduced from 17,500 to 2,500 by removing its two “wings”. sb 4/2015

The jury appreciates the roof construction of Nelson mandela Bay Stadium: “It not only provides protection from the sun, but also serves as a ‘breakwater-like windbreak’. This effect is achieved with the wonderfully tensioned membrane that links the sea close by with the clouds of Port Elizabeth.”

What impresses the jury about Soccer City Stadium is “the treatment of the highly complex aspects of accessibility and mobility for spectators, athletes, VIPs and people with disabilities.”


©George Groutas



©david Campbel

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Brazil invests over EUR 10 billion in twelve new or upgraded stadiums and in airports, hotels and other infrastructure. In the field of architecture, a number of exemplary new stadiums are built at existing sites, doing magnificent justice to the importance of their respective locations and to the standing of football in Brazil, e.g. the mineirão in Belo Horizonte, the Estádio Nacional de Brasília, the Estádio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre, the Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador and the venue for the final, the Estádio do maracanã in Rio de Janeiro – this is where Germany wins the World Cup. There are nevertheless stadiums whose post-tournament use is uncertain.

For the 2014 Football World Cup,




Al Tarajy Sports Club in Saudi Arabia

Modular system “Turnbar“

Al Tarajy Sports Club in Dammam Saudi Arabia decided to construct two outdoor football pitches, one main field and one training field. It was necessary to use the best-quality materials available in order to build a sports surface capable of withstanding the harsh desert climate of eastern Saudi Arabia. In a region where the median high temperature during the summer months soars to well over 40 degrees, ordinary rubber infill granules run the risk of actually melting together to form solid clumps, or baking under the intense UV rays from the sun to become brittle and lose their elasticity, resulting in perfor­mance loss, and greatly shortening their usable lifespan. In order for the fields to remain playable under these conditions, they would have to be constructed using top quality rubber infill granules with UV stabilizers, and excellent heat resistance.

Whether Street workout, fitness, calisthenics or bodyweight training - the Turnbar is the comprehensive, barrier-free and cross-generational training indoor and outdoor solution for sports enthusiasts!

STARGUM was able to solve this problem. It has been producing some of the highest-quality rubber products in Europe for the past 30 years, and today is one of the most trusted names in sports surface infill products worldwide. Infill granules made of EPDM rubber were chosen, a type of synthetic rubber known for its outstanding heat, oxygen and weather resistance. This contributes to the overall longevity of an athletic field and is an ideal material for constructing sports surfaces which can withstand the intense desert climate of Dammam. In cooperation with JUTA Grass, an artificial grass supplier from the Czech Republic, STARGUM created an artificial turf system at the Al Tarajy Sports Club which was awarded a 2 star certification by the official FIFA Quality Programme for Football Turf. The two football pitches have a combined area of 16,000 m² and required 260 tonnes of EDPM infill to complete. This infill gives the football pitches the same feel as natural grass fields and provides cushioning to reduce shock on players’ knees and joints while at the same time creating an optimal surface for superior grip, pain-free sliding and exceptional performance. STARGUM 50

Developed in spring 2014 by the Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH as a modular concept, the TÜV-tested and certified TURNBAR system is being continually developed and adapted to the needs of the marketplace. Since summer 2015 the system has been produced entirely in stainless steel - unusually, for the same pricing! In the meantime, the system has been enriched by numerous extensions, e.g. the accessory clip. Slacklines, Slingtrainer, ropes and other accessories can be quickly, easily and securely attached to the pole. This offers more variety and facilitates the combination of different sports in only one workout park. The latest development is the multifunctional TURNBARbench. Thanks to its thoughtful design, the unique, innovative seating encourages the user to engage in sporting activities and, with its comfortable surface, is a classic exercise mat. Even in the cool winter months the robust and weatherproof covering provides a comfortable feeling while sitting or lying. Just in time for FSB 2015 more new products will be presented a little anticipation and curiosity is quite welcome. We’re looking forward to it!

Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH

sb 4/2015

College Ground & Stadium IN iNDIA

green classroom in Germany

The National Games Secretariat, Kerala contracted PORPLASTIC partner Great Sports Infra to install two IAAF athletic tracks for the 35th National Games in Kerala: the Medical College Ground (8100m²) and Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium with a 400m, 8-lane synthetic athletic track and a thickness of 13 mm.

In spring, Melos GmbH provided the Integrated Comprehensive School (IGS) in Melle with EPDM Mulch flooring. At the heart of the site there is what is referred to as the “green classroom”. It is a shady circular area which is surrounded by trees, and has been fitted with EPDM Mulch flooring. Classroom 6 has a diameter of 11 m, and there are benches on the gabion stone walls. Pupils use the green lounge during break times, and a parents’ meeting has also previously been held there. IGS headteacher Marlies Brüggemann says that it is intended that some lessons will be taught outside on occasion. She is pleased that sealed surfaces have been fitted in some areas of the green classroom. This facilitates cleaning, and the surfaces can be used again soon after wet weather. The polyurethane-bound EPDM Mulch surfaces can be cleaned with little effort. They also remain hygienically clean, because the material does not allow fungus and bacteria to breed. Thus there are no hidden maintenance costs.

Porplastic supplied its high-performance coating PORPLASTICSW competition for this project. The installation process began with the grading of the field, excavation and compaction. Later the applicators laid WMM and broadcasted EPDM granules for applying subsequently the bitumen, followed by the PU coating and then line marking. The National Games Secretariat is very happy with the outcome. This prestigious project has also been appreciated by Indian athletic legend and coach, Ms. P.T. Usha. “This is with reference to the contract for the supply and installation of two IAAF certified synthetic athletic tracks at Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium, Trivandrum and Medical College Ground, Calicut. Eminent athlete P.T. Usha conducted a training session for the 35th National Games, Kerala at the Calicut track and stated it to be the finest in India. The National Games Secretariat commends Great Sports Infra for providing these stateof-the-art-facilities on time, within budget and of the highest quality standards.” (N. Mohanakumar, Chief Engineer, National Games Secretariat) “I am impressed with the running track. I would say this is the best in the State. It should also be among the finest in the country” says P.T. Usha.

PORPLASTIC Sportbau sb 4/2015

The EPDM Mulch, which is bound with PUR binders, is certified in accordance with toy safety standard EN 71-3 and CEC 01.4-08, and has been installed at the school as a water-permeable system by the specialist company Berleburger Schaumstoffwerke, a client of Melos. The material used is made of new, solid-coloured EPDM. “The material is environmentally friendly, and above all colourfast,” says Melos product manager Thomas Kubitza. In certain designs, it is possible to incorporate EPDM Mulch as certified safety flooring. EPDM Mulch is a newly developed component for safety flooring, recreational areas and walkways. “That is a unique selling point of Melos,” says Kubitza. The EPDM Mulch material looks very natural. As a water-permeable surface, EPDM Mulch offers both a hygienic and economical alternative to organic materials. Firmly attached to the base, this seamless flooring ensures an accessible and safe playground. Melos GmbH



Ready, set, go...time for some action!

Glass floor concept for Football

Signgrass® dealer Van Zijl BV has installed a bootcamp at Uiterwaarde in the Netherlands. The different elements that have been tufted by Signgrass® are incorporated into the artificial grass and can’t wait for the action (picture above).

Leading squash court manufacturer ASB has taken its pioneering glass floor concept successfully into football. Nike installed “the coolest football pitch ever” on the roof top of the Bikini Mall in Berlin for the finals of the German Nike Football X Cup and the European Nike Football X Cup. Furthermore, Nike used the event to demonstrate its brand performance of the two Champions League finalists (FC Barcelona and Juventus Turin) to launch the “Hypervenum X” shoe.

MUGA DBU Nordea Fonden - Denmark The Danish Football Association DBU offers in cooperation with Nordea Fonden financial support for the installation of mini football arenas including a MUGA. Not only the football club members can use this facility, but also schools, children’s nurseries and children within the neighbourhood. The goal is to encourage people of all ages to engage in more physical activity. To lend visual expression to cooperation and project sponsorship, the DBU has choosen to have the official DBU/Nordea logo incorporated into each mini pitch. FSB 2015 Cologne Signgrass® will be present at the FSB in Cologne, that will take place from 27-30th October 2015. You can find us in Hall 10.2, Stand B.030. Are you an exhibitor at the FSB and looking for a unique form of communication? By using a red carpet or exhibition logo mat from Signgrass® you can create a visual means of attracting people’s attention. And you can market your brand in an effective and distinctive way! Contact us for further details and for the special offer that is waiting for you!

The arena, custom-built for the three-day event, featured a 150 m² sports floor football pitch - equipped with an LED screen over the entire surface. The 10 x 15 m pitch was created by sports floor specialists ASB – incorporating the technology of the “ASB GlassFloor”, the state-of-the-art squash court floor recently launched by the German company. The unique floor featured more than 15 million LEDs - 10,000 per m². The ASB GlassFloor glass made it possible to walk on the surface – the non-reflective high-performance glass equipped with a special cushioning layer and applied to the top of the LED surface. “The result of the cutting-edge technology is breathtaking,” said ASB CEO Christof Babinsky. “A pitch for small-field soccer that can be used as a screen across the whole of the surface. The ‘screen’ was used to imitate several different surfaces - like sand, grass, concrete, gravel and even outer space. The score was displayed live on the floor and different graphic animations in foul, goal or attempt situations made the fast game even more exciting.”

Signgrass® is a trademark of NIK-Tufting BV.

The Nike event attracted several stars, including German World Cup hero Miroslav Klose and Brazilian’s soccer legend and twotimes World Cup winner Ronaldo (Ronaldo Nazário de Lima)


ASB GlassFloor


sb 4/2015

architecture of misappropriation

XXL Sports Hall in Germany

Skateboarding as we know it today has its origins in the misappropriation of the architecture of urban spaces. Such open spaces are either deliberately designed or naturally given by virtue of their topography. Consisting of different materials in a variety of configurations, its not immediately obvious characteristics can be put to creative use. These designed exercise spaces and indirect potential uses form the basis for a variety of forms of exercise and locomotion and make urban skate spots possible and exciting.

School can be fun! 2014 saw the opening of an all-new secondary school (Gymnasium), complete with an extra-large sports hall, in the small Upper Bavarian town of Grünwald. Responsible for supervising the design, planning and construction of this new-build were Munich architects Bauer Kurz Stockburger & Partner. “The Gymnasium Grünwald is a superb example of forward-looking school architecture which is geared to modern pedagogy and provides an innovative learning concept for around 700 pupils”, explains architect David Reichert. With a total area of around 55,000 m², the school has been designed as a large campus – an elongated core building links on its southern façade with three wings containing classrooms and administrative offices. The sports hall completes the complex and links directly to the school via the core building.

DSGN concepts has devoted itself to architecture – not only that of skateparks – and is a front runner in Germany in the design of urban exercise spaces. An example of such a project is the skate sculpture in Wolfsburg where the topography of the site has been taken up and the challenges of the location translated into the design of the skatepark. The requirements of the urban space are combined here with the architectural quality of the environment and allow the skatepark to become a place for social interaction and exercise. There is a trend away from grey concrete landscapes dumped in the landscape, away from items ordered from a catalogue, and towards a creative exercise platform for the active, the inquisitive and visitors. Modern skateparks are no longer simply set up, but are individually planned and shaped, with consideration given to planning, safety and environmental regulations as well as structural, social and skating requirements. The result is not only something special for the user, but also an invigorating attraction that boosts quality of life in the urban or rural community.

DSGN concepts sb 4/2015

For the flooring the architects chose tough, durable DLW Linodur Sport linoleum in vibrant orange. As well as being easy to clean and maintain, DLW linoleum is also environmentally friendly. Made almost entirely from sustainable raw materials such as linseed oil, resin and cork, it has been awarded the “Blue Angel” ecolabel. Like other natural materials linoleum also has a bacteriostatic effect, making it particularly hygienic. Becker Sport- und Freizeitanlagen GmbH, Berlin were responsible for constructing the floor of the sports hall - an area-elastic sprung floor guaranteed to deliver a high level of elasticity and improved stability. Linodur, a classic of the DLW sports flooring range, was selected to cover the sub-structure. With its slipresistant surface it provides a secure grip and its 4 mm thickness makes it extremely robust and durable. Linodur is therefore the ideal finish for school and leisure sports facilities. It also comes in a variety of attractive colours with matching Camouflage weld rods to create a virtually seamless appearance. Over 1,200 m² of moiré effect flooring in peach orange were laid in the Grünwald sports hall. DLW Flooring GmbH 53


Aquatic construction, equipment Benz.................................................... 64 Berndorf...............................................65 Eurotramp........................................... 66 hinke................................................... 67 ISS....................................................... 67 Serge Ferrari........................................ 70 SPORT-THIEME.....................................70 Artificial turf POLYTAN..............................................69 Porplastic..............................................69 Signgrass..............................................70 Stargum................................................70 STRABAG.............................................70 Trofil.....................................................70 Wiedenmann........................................71 Ceilings, windows, walls CCSC....................................................65 ISP....................................................... 67 IST....................................................... 67 Nagelstutz und Eichler......................... 68 Serge Ferrari........................................ 70 Vector Foiltec........................................71

Changing units, clothes lockers Benz.................................................... 64 eccos pro............................................. 66 Neptunus............................................. 68 Universal Sport.....................................70 Züko.....................................................71

Cleaning and maintenance heiler................................................... 67 Hörger................................................. 67 INTERGREEN........................................ 67 Kutter ................................................. 67 Labarre................................................ 68 POLYTAN..............................................69 Porplastic..............................................69 SMG.....................................................70 STRABAG.............................................70 Trofil.....................................................70 Wiedenmann........................................71 Display and signage systems ENGO.................................................. 66 Signgrass..............................................70

Drainage, athletic track borders ACO.................................................... 64 ANRIN................................................. 64 Conradi + Kaiser ..................................65 Hauraton............................................. 67 Labarre................................................ 68 54

Index Elastic layers, protecting surfaces BSW.....................................................65 Conradi + Kaiser ..................................65 KRAIBURG........................................... 67 Kutter.................................................. 67 Melos.................................................. 68 Polytan.................................................69 Porplastic..............................................69 Sekisui Alveo....................................... 70 Stargum................................................70 Trofil.....................................................70

Golf course construction and equipment BSW.....................................................65 Conradi + Kaiser ..................................65 KRAIBURG........................................... 67 Kutter.................................................. 67 Labarre................................................ 68 Signgrass..............................................70 Wiedenmann........................................71 Ice resurfacers

KRAIBURG........................................... 67 Polytan.................................................69 Porplastic..............................................69 Sekisui Alveo....................................... 70 Stargum................................................70 Trofil.....................................................70 Weinberger..........................................71

Irrigation heiler................................................... 67 INTERGREEN........................................ 67 Kutter.................................................. 67 PERROT.................................................69 STRABAG.............................................70

Lighting Aerolux................................................ 64 heiler................................................... 67 INTERGREEN........................................ 67 Kutter.................................................. 67 LEDeXCHANGE.................................... 68 OSRAM............................................... 68 STRABAG.............................................70 Vector Foiltec........................................71

ENGO.................................................. 66 Züko.....................................................71

Ice sports equipment AST..................................................... 64 ENGO.................................................. 66 GfKK................................................... 66 ISS....................................................... 67 Universal Sport.....................................70 Züko.....................................................71

Indoor equipment ASB..................................................... 64 Benz.................................................... 64 BFGW...................................................65 Eiden & Wagner................................... 66 Eurotramp........................................... 66 Gütegemeinschaft............................... 66 SPORT-THIEME.....................................70 Weinberger..........................................71

Indoor sports flooring ASB..................................................... 64 BSW.....................................................65 Conica..................................................65 Descol..................................................65 DLW Flooring........................................65 Forbo................................................... 66 Gerflor................................................ 66 Hamberger.......................................... 67 ISP....................................................... 67 ISS....................................................... 67 IST....................................................... 67

Mobile floorings, cover systems BSW.....................................................65 Conradi + Kaiser ..................................65 ENGO.................................................. 66 Gerflor................................................ 66 Hamberger.......................................... 67 Holz-Speckmann.................................. 67 Trofil.....................................................70 Universal Sport.....................................70

Multi-sports courts DSGN concepts.....................................65 Eiden & Wagner................................... 66 McArena............................................. 68 Sekisui Alveo....................................... 70 Signgrass..............................................70 Stargum................................................70

Natural turf heiler................................................... 67 INTERGREEN........................................ 67 Kutter.................................................. 67 Signgrass..............................................70 STRABAG.............................................70 Wiedenmann........................................71

sb 4/2015

Outdoor sports flooring

Roofing systems

Sports ground equipment

AST.................................................... 64 BSW.................................................. 65 Conica............................................... 65 Hamberger......................................... 67 ISS..................................................... 67 IST..................................................... 67 KRAIBURG......................................... 67 McArena............................................ 68 Melos................................................ 68 Polytan.............................................. 69 Porplastic........................................... 69 Sekisui Alveo...................................... 70 Signgrass........................................... 70 Stargum............................................. 70 Trofil.................................................. 70 Weinberger........................................ 71

CENO TEC.......................................... 65 McArena............................................ 68 PM Engineering.................................. 69 Serge Ferrari....................................... 70 Vector Foiltec........................................71 waagner biro..................................... 71

ANRIN................................................ 64 Benz.................................................. 64 Eiden & Wagner................................... 66 Gütegemeinschaft.............................. 66 INTERGREEN...................................... 67 ISS..................................................... 67 Polytan.............................................. 69 Porplastic........................................... 69 Serge Ferrari....................................... 70 Signgrass........................................... 70 SMG.................................................. 70 SPORT-THIEME................................... 70 STRABAG........................................... 70 Universal Sport................................... 70 Wiedenmann..................................... 71

Perimeter boards, netting AST.................................................... 64 ENGO................................................ 66 ISS..................................................... 67 Universal Sport................................... 70

Planning and design ArenaProjekt...................................... 64 Brinkmann + Deppen......................... 65 Calles - De Brabant............................ 65 DSGN concepts.....................................65 geo3.................................................. 66 M3 Architectes................................... 68 Pätzold + Snowadsky......................... 69 Planungsbüro Deyle............................ 69 RAUMKUNST..................................... 69 STRABAG........................................... 70

Pool construction, ceramics Agrob Buchtal.................................... 64

Pool construction, membrane DLW Flooring........................................65

Pool construction, stainless steel Berndorf............................................ 65 hinke................................................. 67 Zeller................................................. 71

Refrigeration systems, ice rinks AST.................................................... 64 ENGO................................................ 66 GfKK................................................. 66 ISS..................................................... 67 Züko.................................................. 71

sb 4/2015

Sanitary, heating, air condition­ ing, energy recovery GfKK................................................. 66 ISS..................................................... 67 SEW................................................... 70

Security systems, fencing Benz.................................................. 64 INTERGREEN...................................... 67

Sound systems BOSE................................................. 65

Sports and play equipment, sports goods Benz.................................................. 64 CCSC................................................. 65 Eiden & Wagner................................... 66 Eurotramp.......................................... 66 Gütegemeinschaft.............................. 66 INTERGREEN...................................... 67 LAPPSET............................................. 68 SPORT-THIEME................................... 70 STRABAG........................................... 70 Universal Sport................................... 70

Sports ground construction ACO.................................................. 64 ANRIN................................................ 64 CCSC................................................. 65 Conradi + Kaiser ............................... 65 Hauraton........................................... 67 heiler................................................. 67 INTERGREEN...................................... 67 ISP..................................................... 67 IST..................................................... 67 Kutter................................................ 67 Labarre.............................................. 68 Melos................................................ 68 Polytan.............................................. 69 Porplastic........................................... 69 Signgrass........................................... 70 SMG.................................................. 70 STRABAG........................................... 70

Sports hall dividers waagner biro..................................... 71

Stands, seating ENGO................................................ 66 INTERGREEN...................................... 67 Nüssli................................................. 68 waagner biro..................................... 71 Weinberger........................................ 71

Temporary, lightweight struct­ures Neptunus........................................... 68 PM Engineering.................................. 69 Vector Foiltec........................................71

Testing, quality assurance BFGW................................................ 65 DSGN concepts.....................................65 Gütegemeinschaft.............................. 66 ISP..................................................... 67 IST..................................................... 67

Ticketing, access systems eccos pro........................................... 66

Turnkey construction hinke................................................. 67 McArena............................................ 68 Neptunus........................................... 68 Nüssli................................................. 68 Pellikaan............................................ 68 Vector Foiltec........................................71



From a to z In the Professionals & Profiles section, members of the IAKS can publish news on a half-page in three issues per year. In addition, you also appear with your logo and contact details in the address list and directory of trades in each issue. At the same time, you also benefit from the improved linkage of “sb“ with our website, for you also additionally receive an exclusive Premium entry in our online database. Interested in joining? Please contact our team!




ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 320 24755 Rendsburg, Germany Phone +49(0)4331 354600

ACO SPORT® includes drainage systems and components for sport, play and leisure facilities. They ensure that water is rapidly drained so that the sporting facilities can be used throughout the year safely and securely.

AEROLUX INTERNATIONAL B.V. P.O. Box 48 7570 AA Oldenzaal, Netherlands Phone +31(0)541 570357

Aerolux International BV is an international company in sports and large area lighting. Aerolux develops and produces its own high efficiency floodlights from aluminum. During more than 25 years of experience in lighting we have become a leading company in supplying lighting installations for all kinds of sports and industrial areas.

AGROB BUCHTAL Deutsche Steinzeug Keramik GmbH Buchtal 1 92521 Schwarzenfeld, Germany Phone +49(0)9435 3910

Deutsche Steinzeug Group is focused on its core competences in the business field of ceramic covering materials (wall and floor tiles, swimming baths and facades). Their products, which are predominantly manufactured at locations in Germany, make them distinct from their competitors. They have a comprehensive range as well as a depth of expertise in various project areas together with a targeted consultancy service.

ANRIN GmbH Siemensstraße 1 59609 Anröchte, Germany Phone +49(0)2947 97810

ANRIN – a company from Germany, addresses the subject of drainage techniques innovatively and competently. Millions of manufactured and laid ANRIN drainage channels bear testimony of the experience on which specifi ers, dealers and contractors can rely. Repeatedly new, creative developments and improvements to the channel systems and gratings as well as in the interlocking and jointing techniques underscore the company‘s know-how in drainage technology.

ArenaProjekt i Sverige AB Box 300 14 200 61 Limhamn, Sweden Phone +46(0)40 6271380

ArenaProjekt create the necessary conditions for the planning and construction of the arena or stadium by providing services like programming, feasibility studies, concept design, preliminary design, cost estimations, event customisation and quality insurance, ArenaProjekt are then involved throughout the feasibility study and design process, providing assistance to meet with all clients and stakeholders’ requirements, ensuring correct logistics, proper planning and the right technical requirements. All this in order to create the most well-planned and cost-effective arena possible.

ASB SquashCourts Systembau Horst Babinsky GmbH Fabrikstraße 14 83371 Stein, Germany Phone +49(0)8621 98740

ASB provide professional solutions to their customers’ requirements and guarantee that their range of products will enhance the sporting experience of the athletes concerned and also develop business potential for their clients. ASB aim to promote their wide range of high-quality products and innovations to the world squash market. ASB assure their customers that all ASB products are created using the latest technology and available knowledge.

ASPG Deutschland GmbH Fährstraße 36 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone +49(0)211 30329720

Artificial turf, indoor sports floorings, mobile floorings, cover systems

AST Eissport und Solaranlagenbau GmbH Lechhalde 1 1/2 87629 Füssen, Germany Phone +49(0)8362 909190

AST Eis- & Solartechnik GmbH is a company of the group “Elektrizitätswerke Reutte AG” (Electric company) with headquarters in Reutte/Tyrol and since 1986 supplies communities, cities, event organizations, public swimming pools as well as customers from various other branches with solar units and ice rinks.

Gotthilf Benz Turngerätefabrik GmbH+Co KG Postfach 220 71350 Winnenden, Germany Phone +49(0)7195 69050

BENZ manufactures high-quality sports equipment in Winnenden, Swabia, and backs up these innovative products with an outstanding selection of aftermarket items. The company’s philosophy, which is also the aspiration of its employees, is “Quality is our discipline”. Putting this into practice in its daily work and all coming projects is a challenge that BENZ is happy to accept.

BERNDORF Metall- und Bäderbau GmbH Leobersdorfer Strasse 26 2560 Berndorf, Austria Phone +43(0)2672 836400

Berndorf Bäderbau has been a leading manufacturer of stainless steel swimming pools since 1960. Berndorf Bäderbau has built over 6.500 swimming pools throughout Europe in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Thanks to its outstanding technical and optical characteristics, stainless steel is the ideal material for constructing commercial and municipal swimming pools. More and more private customers and hotel owners 4/2015 have become aware of the benefits of stainless steel pools in recentsbyears.

Since its founding in 1984, the BFGW has been an association devoted entirely to safety in the operation of sports, play and leisure facilities. Its work is based on the specifications of the relevant DIN/EN standards, the guidelines of the GUV accident insurance institutions, and the German Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG).

BFGW Bundesfachgruppe Wartung – Sicherheit für Sport- und Spielgeräte e.V. Waldstraße 9 51145 Köln, Germany Phone +49(0)2203 301001

Wherever quality sound is important, Bose® is there. From home entertainment speakers and systems, to Wave® music systems, premium automotive music systems, noise reduction headphones for consumers and pilots and sound for public spaces. Bose®´s approach to designing speakers and music systems is based on the belief that audio products exist to provide lifelike music for everyone, everywhere, and that music – not equipment – is the ultimate benefit.

BOSE GmbH Max-Planck-Straße 36b 61381 Friedrichsdorf, Germany Phone +49(0)6172 71040

Since 1991, Brinkmann + Deppen, an engineering office for sports and outdoor facilities in Sassenberg, has been a byword for top-level expertise in all areas of sports facility and stadium construction, building construction, and the design of parks and open spaces. We are the ideal contact throughout Germany and across Europe for design and project management in the fields of sports facility and stadium construction, parks and open spaces, building construction and expert opinions.

Brinkmann + Deppen Architect / Landscape architect Lappenbrink 35 48336 Sassenberg, Germany Phone +49(0)2583 2172

BSW is one of the leading suppliers of products made of polyurethane-bound rubber granulate. Using their material Regupol®, BSW produces numerous elastic, protective and absorbing products for a variety of applications. The BSW product range focuses on the production of elastic sports floorings, insulation products and foams. BSW produces the world famous judo mats, BSW Tatami, other sports mats and customised moulded parts in compound foams.

BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH Am Hilgenacker 24 57301 Bad Berleburg, Germany Phone +49(0)2751 8030

Calles ° De Brabant delivers the quality and service that you expect. Customers’ changing requirements have stimulated the company’s on-going development. By working together with Calles ° De Brabant, you benefit from the industry’s latest services, technologies and breakthroughs.

Calles - De Brabant Landscape architects Friedhofsweg 21 50259 Pulheim-Brauweiler, Germany Phone +49(0)2234 433220


Chongqing Geckoking Sports Science and Technology Co., Ltd., is a holding subsidiary of Chongqing China Sports Construction and Engineering Co., Ltd. (CCSC). It is a pro- CCSC Chongqing China Sports Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd fessional enterprise, dealing with the manufacturing, supplying, and construction of Rm503 Longhu Crystal Int‘l,No164 climbing facilities, and marketing. The company specializes in over 300 various climbing Xinnan Rd,Yubei District venues and climbing competition walls at home and abroad. Since the installation of its 401147 Chongqing, China first climbing wall in 1999, the company has been contracted to build and supply it’s Phone +86(0)23 67882585 panels, holds and expertise to some 15 countries and areas. For more than three decades CENO TEC classes among the leading companies in the textile architecture sector realising ambitious membrane structures around the world. Architecture membranes made of high-strength, coated polyester or glass fabrics and ETFE foils are ideal building materials when it comes to the realisation of highly stressresistant and at the same time filigree roof and facade structures in connection with bearing structures consisting of steel and steel ropes. CENO membranes signify individually designed and light rooms, bathed in light.

CENO Membrane Technology GmbH Am Eggenkamp 14 48268 Greven, Germany Phone +49(0)2571 9690

Conica AG from Schaffhausen in Switzerland is a global market leader for the construction of synthetic sports surfaces in all climatic conditions. Every year, more than 250 tracks are installed worldwide onto a surface of two square kilometers. CONIPUR and CONICA sports surfaces are highly regarded throughout the world. The innovative product portfolio includes intelligent system solutions for running tracks, multipurpose facilities, sports halls and indoor athletic facilities.

Conica AG Industriestraße 26 8207 Schaffhausen, Switzerland Phone +41(0)52 644 36 00

Conradi+Kaiser is the leading manufacturer of recycled rubber flooring systems and stainless steel equipment to design public sports fields. C+K flooring systems are installed on many remarkable outdoor sports projects all over the world. Highest quality standards are achieved due to the insourcing of the various production processes at the company’s facility in Kleinmaischeid. Our team is supporting international distributors by providing reliable information based on huge know-how and long-lasting experience.

Conradi+Kaiser GmbH Gewerbegebiet Larsheck 56271 Kleinmaischeid, Germany Phone +49(0)2689 9580-0

Whether a sports hall, gym or multipurpose hall, we have a suitable sports floor for you, made from special sports linoleum. Why is it special? Simply because a proper sports floor system has to live up to its potential in terms of maximum support for any kind of movement of the user, whether general fitness activities, school sports or sport played at competition level.

DLW Flooring GmbH Stuttgarter Straße 75 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany Phone +49(0)7142 71-0

DSGN concepts conceptualises and designs urban movement space. They understand public space as a stage for the creation of new lifestyle- and motion cultures. Their claim is it to develop unique sites with a maximum of function in addition to an individual design. Because of their long lasting connection to the skateboard culture and parkour scene they have an insight regarding the users’ needs, and know how to translate these into a design from materiality to different shapes.

DSGN concepts UG Hafenweg 31 48155 Münster, Germany Phone +49 251 961915-73

eccos pro are the experts for integrated admission and payment systems in hotel and recreational facilities. eccos pro develops networked system solutions from hardware and software. As a full-service provider, eccos pro offers complete solutions from one source, ranging from financing and implementation consultation through to after sales support. sb 4/2015

eccos pro gmbh electronic control and cash organisation systems Nevigeser Str. 100 42553 Velbert, Germany Phone +49(0)2051 2086200








Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 4 54634 Bitburg, Germany Phone +49(0)6561 947 080

TURNBAR®, die Marke für hochwertige Sport- und Freizeitgeräte aus Metall ist ein Produkt der Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH. Sie ist ein Beispiel unserer Kompetenzen in Bezug auf Gestaltung, Planung und Ausführung.

ENGO GmbH Srl Handwerkerzone Nr. 7 39030 Terenten (BZ), Italy Phone +39(0)472 546157

ENGO produces for more than 30 years boards for various types of sports plants: from light-structured boards for inline and public skating to professional boards for ice hockey in fibreglass. ENGO also has been designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) for rinks of any size and use for more than 30 years, and for over 20 years electrical ice-preparation machines.

Eurotramp - Kurt Hack GmbH Postfach 1146 Zeller Straße 17/1 73235 Weilheim / Teck, Germany Phone +49(0)7023 94950

Eurotramp is a worldwide leading company specialized on building trampolines with more than 50 years of experience. We produce high quality products for professional competitions as well as leisure time and outdoor products. Our high quality standard as well as the ambition to innovation, best possible customer relationship and excellent reliability are mirroring in every single Eurotramp trampoline. Not for nothing top athletes all over the world do trust in our trampolines and our service every single day.

Forbo Flooring GmbH Steubenstraße 27 33100 Paderborn, Germany Phone +49(0)5251 1803166

Forbo Flooring Systems is a global market player in project vinyl and world leader in linoleum floor coverings, where it has a market share of over 60%. The marmoleum sport floor belongs to the category of area-elastic sports floor constructions and fulfils the latest European sport flooring standards.

geo3 GmbH Uedemer Straße 196 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Germany Phone +49(0)2823 419910

Since its founding in July 2000, the company has been specialising in the design and construction of outdoor sports facilities. This can involve the modernisation of natural or artificial turf, cinder or synthetic playing surfaces, the conversion of cinder pitches into artificial turf (for which there has been growing demand in recent years), or the design of new sports facilities. All the required work for each location and task is performed from a single source.

Gerflor Mipolam GmbH Postfach 14 65 53824 Troisdorf, Germany Fon +49(0)2241 25300

Gerflor is recognized as a specialist and a world leader in resilient flooring solutions. Taraflex® Sports Flooring are designed for safety and comfort. Their multi-layered construction includes 100% pure vinyl, a reinforced fiberglass grid and closed-cell foam backing to provide shock absorption, help fight fatigue, deliver consistent ball bounce, and protect against skin burns.

GfKK – Gesellschaft für KältetechnikKlimatechnik mbH Dieselstraße 7 50859 Köln, Germany Phone +49(0)2234 40060

GfKK is a plant construction, distribution and service specialist in industrial refrigeration, process refrigeration, refrigeration/air conditioning and ice sports refrigeration. Numerous ice sports facilities bear the company’s signature.

Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte Inspektion/Wartung und Erstellung (Montage) e.V. The sports equipment quality association “Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte e.V.” brings Adenauerallee 134 together eight experienced sports equipment manufacturers. The association thus 53113 Bonn, Germany stands for assured and certified quality in the inspection, maintenance and construcPhone +49(0)228 926593-25 tion of sports equipment. This quality guarantees safety – for users as well as for sports hall operators.


Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co. KG Rohrdorfer Str. 133 83071 Stephanskirchen, Germany Phone +49(0)8031 7000

With the floor covering brand name “HARO”, Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH in Stephanskirchen near Rosenheim has grown to become the German market leader for parquet. Under the brand name HARO SPORTS, portable and fixedinstalled elastic coating sports floors have been produced at the company’s Sports Floor Division since 1958. HARO SPORTS Flooring give decision-makers and investors the opportunity to receive comprehensive advice on the best flooring solution for sports and multi-purpose halls, from a team of experienced experts. 58

sb 4/2015

The history of HAURATON is a history of innovations. Since the development of the first drainage channels in 1958 HAURATON products set the benchmark worldwide. HAURATON offers a special range of products for stadiums and sports grounds, which are designed especially for the demands of sports facilities. The channels made from recycled plastic are constructed so as to prevent the sportspersons from injuring themselves. The products conform of course to all international standards at the same time.

Hauraton GmbH & Co. KG Werkstraße 13 76437 Rastatt, Germany Phone +49(0)7222 9580

heiler engages in professional sports ground construction and has acquired a list of bigname clubs as references for its services. heiler specialises not only in the construction of new sports grounds, but also in the conversion of existing cinder playing surfaces.

heiler GmbH & Co. KG Bokelstraße 1 33649 Bielefeld, Germany Phone +49(0)521 947150

The enterprise group of HINKE Schwimmbad Österreich/Deutschland constructs highly modern swimming pools made of stainless steel. hsb is one of the leading swimming pools construction companies in Europe. Municipal swimming pools in all parts of Europe prove our efficiency and bear witness to the proverbial hsb-quality.

hinke schwimmbad österreich gmbh Dr. Scheiber-Straße 28 4870 Vöcklamarkt, Austria Phone +43(0)7682 2831

Over 135 years of experience in timber stand behind Holz-Speckmann, the manufacturer of the mobile SPEED-LOCK floors. The highly productive timber wholesale forms the basis for the development and production of innovative products. Holz-Speckmann produces SPEED-LOCK floors with state-of-the-art CNC machines. The permanent quality control ensures highest precision and durability of the floors.

Holz-Speckmann GmbH Weststraße 15 33790 Halle, Germany Phone +49(0)5201 1890

HÖRGER builds and sells cleaning machines for sports facilities and particularly special-purpose cleaning machines for synthetic running tracks, artificial turf surfaces and paved surfaces.

Hörger Maschinen e.K. Langenstraße 2 21781 Cadenberge, Germany Phone +49(0)4777 931373

INTERGREEN AG has been building sports facilities of all sizes for over 40 years. Small, regional and large, internationally active clubs appreciate our skills and experience and the quality of our work. INTERGREEN AG has developed machines, processes and systems that pursue a single goal: that of building high-quality sports facilities that are reasonably priced.

Geschäftsstelle INTERGREEN AG c/o Science to Business GmbH Hochschule Osnabrück Gebäude ED Raum 0104, Emsweg 3 49090 Osnabrück, Germany

The ISP GmbH is operating a laboratory, in which material testing of synthetic sports surfarces, artificial turf systems, impact absorbing wall coverings and sports hall floor systems is performed. ISP`s laboratory is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17025. The ISP expertise also includes the certification testing of all kind of synthetic sports floor systems for indoor and outdoor use, key stage inspections of installation works, assessment of existing sports facilities, and quality monitoring of building materials.

ISP GmbH Südstraße 1A 49196 Bad Laer, Germany Phone +49(0)5424 8097891

ISS has 35 years experience in building solar absorbers for heating pool systems and building recreational and sports facilities. ISS is also specialist in developing and building ice rinks as well as renting out ice rinks.

ISS GmbH Ice & Solar Systems Im Geisbaum 13 63329 Egelsbach, Germany Phone +49(0)6103 94170

IST Leipzig is a German test Lab for tests of sports flooring systems accredited according to EN ISO 17025. The scope of the lab ranges from tests of indoor sports floors, artificial turf systems and synthetic surfaces up to test of playground surfaces. Padded walls and safety against ball throwing are tested as well. Tests are performed both as lab-test and as field-test in the built-in final state: lab-tests for testing systems or components, fieldtests for the installation quality.

IST – Institut für Sportbodentechnik Freiburger Allee 28 04416 Markkleeberg, Germany Phone +49(0)341 35 86 584

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG is an independent enterprise in the KRAIBURG Holding. SPORTEC® rubber flooring products and elastic layers from KRAIBURG Relastec are proven products refined by continuous further development. A wide range of users - including system providers, specialist distributors, architects and builders of sports facilities - benefit from the advantages they provide. All SPORTEC® products are manufactured in proprietary environment-friendly processes utilizing upwards of 90% recycled rubber materials.

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG Fuchsberger Straße 4 29410 Salzwedel, Germany Phone +49(0)8683 701 340

KUTTER is an innovative and high-performance company that not only plays a leading role all over southern Germany in classical gardening and landscaping, but is also a toprate and reliable operator in specialised fields such as sports facility construction, golf course construction and synthetic surface technology.

Hermann Kutter Landschaftsbau Sportplatzbau GmbH & Co. KG Buxheimer Straße 116 87700 Memmingen, Germany Phone +49(0)8331 97730

Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Hamburg in 1904 and is a renowned gardening, landscaping and sports ground construction company. Herbert Labarre GmbH offers its customers skilled, punctual and expert consultation, price quotation sb 4/2015 and execution.

Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG Alsterdorfer Str. 514-516 22337 Hamburg, Germany Phone +49(0)40 596036










LAPPSET Spiel-, Park-, Freizeitsysteme GmbH Kränkelsweg 32 41748 Viersen, Germany Phone +49(0)2162 501980

Lappset aims to create an inspiring environment for enjoying the outdoors. Their highquality play and sports equipment assist with growth and development as well as maintain and improve physical function and mobility in later life. Their equipment is complemented by their park and street furniture that help to harmoniously integrate green areas with surrounding buildings.

LEDeXCHANGE GmbH Rolandsecker Weg 39 53619 Rheinbreitbach, Germany Phone +49(0)2224 989871-0

We produce high quality LED lamps based on our own development and are a full service provider in the field of LED retrofit lamps. We develop and distribute our own LED products since March 2011 and we are one of the few officially entitled by the EU to attest the GREEN LIGHTING certification. We stand for quality, efficiency and reliability. We offer you a comprehensive full size service like planning, prototyping, production of special colors, financing, conversion by partners and warranty service.

M3 Architectes 15, rue Wurth-Paquet 2737 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Phone +352 26 44 74 1

M3 Architectes is currently led by five associates, Jos Dell, Alain Linster, Mary Lucas, Jürgen Simon and Luke Schroeder assisted by a team of 40 employees, including 29 architects. M3 Architectes exercises in most fields of construction, urban planning and interior design.

McArena GmbH Karl-Ferdinand-Braun-Str. 3 71522 Backnang, Germany Phone +49(0)7191 378990-1

McArena is an innovative mixture of sports ground and sports hall, combining the advantages of both systems. Here sports person are always protected all weather conditions and at the same time can enjoy sports at the fresh air. Build as a closed cage with modern artifi cial turf and a high quality lights system, it provides perfect requirements for many sports. McArena is open to everybody! Just book your personal time online and have fun in the McArena.

Melos GmbH Bismarckstr. 4-10 49324 Melle, Germany Phone +49(0)5422 94470

For more than 70 years, MELOS have been developing know-how in rubber technology. In the granules product area, MELOS major activity is the manufacture of synthetic granules for running tracks and drop protection systems in playgrounds. MELOS also manufacture infill granules for artificial turf systems.

Nagelstutz und Eichler GmbH & Co. KG Industriestraße 16 45739 Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany Phone +49(0)2368 69030

Nagelstutz und Eichler is one of Germany’s leading manufacturers of linear ceiling systems. As a company with a strong market presence and over 50 years of experience, Nagelstutz und Eichler is synonymous with heavy-duty metal ceilings. With nonferrous panel ceilings, sustainable and value-retaining room designs can be realised. When it comes to individuality, economy and durability, Nagelstutz und Eichler is the company to contact, from the idea through to completion.

Neptunus GmbH Georg-Glock-Straße 8 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone +49(0)3222 1090176

Neptunus is one of the largest providers of marquees, semi-permanent and temporary accommodation worldwide. With its 75 years of experience, Neptunus supplies marquees and accommodation for top events, in addition to demountable structures for numerous semi-permanent applications. Neptunus has developed temporary sports hall structures with big fl exibility and sustainibility.

Nüssli (Deutschland) GmbH Rothgrund 6 91154 Roth, Germany Fon +49(0)9171 97630 Fax +49(0)9171 976350

NUSSLI is a leading, international supplier of temporary structures for events, trade fairs and exhibitions. NUSSLI provides customized, integral solutions from the concept to the fi nal implementation. These are characterized by brief implementation times and superior quality.

OSRAM GmbH Marcel-Breuer-Straße 6 80807 München, Germany

OSRAM is one of the world’s two leading light manufacturers. With its portfolio, the company covers the entire value chain from components and control gear through to complete luminaires, light management systems and lighting solutions. Together with its subsidiaries Siteco and Traxon Technologies, OSRAM offers complete light solutions for all fields of applications within sports facilities from a single source.

Pellikaan Bauunternehmen Deutschland GmbH Kaiserswerther Straße 115 40880 Ratingen, Germany Phone +49(0)2102 429060

Pellikaan specialises in non-housing projects; buildings used for commerce, recreation, and education. As an experienced and unique partner, the company will work closely with its clients and can provide a total package, or a combination of: Design, Build, Finance ,Maintain, Operate, Feasibility.

PERROT-Regnerbau Calw GmbH Industriestraße 19-29 75382 Althengstett, Germany Phone +49(0)7051 1620

PERROT, the professionals of turf irrigation and good service, and their reliable partners advise on any kind of questions right from the planning stage, concerning offers, delivery and installation, up to the point of commissioning. Individual requirements will be analyzed in a detailed counseling interview with our specialized staff - also on site sb 4/2015 if required.




Planungsbüro Deyle (PBD) has been building facilities for international top-level sport since 1965. Company founder Werner Deyle built the first artificial-ice bobsleigh track. And PBD has been one of the world’s leaders in this field to the present day. Through the construction of ice tracks, ice halls, sports halls and arenas, the breadth of our work has steadily expanded. Today our repertoire also includes hotels, competition and leisure pools, and multifunctional complexes with flexible and diversified usage strategies.

Planungsbüro Deyle GmbH Krötenweg 13 70499 Stuttgart, Germany Phone +49(0)711 9866-00

On your behalf, Planungsbüro Pätzold + Snowadsky carries out extensive concept design, demand assessment and feasibility studies. In addition, it also performs urban planning studies and target planning in special areas, e.g. sports facility development planning in conformity with the guidelines of the German Federal Sports Institute.

Planungsbüro Pätzold + Snowadsky Katharinenstraße 31 49078 Osnabrück, Germany Phone +49(0)541 404320

PM ENGINEERING SRL, with more than 50 years’ experience, is well known on the international markets with high quality products, fruit of deep researches. All the production phases (design, cutting, H.F. welding ) are carried out inside the factory, using upto-date and automated equipments. The production process is always subject to careful inspections/tests on the raw materials and on the manufacturing cycle, so assuring high quality products, according to the European standards. The Company is certified UNI-EN ISO 9001: 2008

PM Engineering S.r.l. via V.Monti, 3 20030 SENAGO (MI), Italy Phone +39 02 9989701

Based in Burgheim, Polytan has been the leading specialist for outdoor sports surfaces for more than 40 years. The spectrum of services includes the supply of polyurethane raw materials, the installation of synthetic surfaces for athletics tracks, all-weather pitches, elastic layers for synthetic turfs, the supply and installation of traditional and filled synthetic turfs, lining, repairs and the cleaning of sports surfaces.

POLYTAN Sportstättenbau GmbH Postfach 40 86664 Burgheim, Germany Phone +49(0)8432 870

PORPLASTIC offers comprehensive product and system programme for PUR-bound elastic sports floors, playground surfaces and synthetic turf systems as a complete assembly in accordance with DIN V 18035, parts 6 and 7, and the IAAF guidelines. Products proven in all climates and innovative technical solutions on site.

Porplastic Sportbau von Cramm GmbH & Co. KG Hohenneuffenstraße 14 72622 Nürtingen, Germany Phone +49(0)7022 24450-0

Pulastic sports flooring is a brand of Sika Nederland B.V. We are an innovative organization and unite a variety of activities under one roof, from research and development to manufacturing and installation of polyurethane indoor and outdoor floors, including customer service and consulting.

Sika Nederland B.V. (Pulastic sports flooring) P.O. Box 420 7400 AK Deventer, Netherlands Phone +31(0)570 620744

RAUMKUNST ZT LLC offers professional support and accompaniment for planning and realization of sports facilities and spaces for assembly. RAUMKUNST ZT LLC possesses decades of experience with project development and construction of sports facilities as well as large scale assembly spaces such as football stadiums, gymnasiums, or trackand-field facilities. Our knowhow encompasses all phases of project development.

RAUMKUNST ZT GMBH SPORTARCHITEKTUR Mondscheingasse 7/1 1070 Wien, Austria Phone +43(0)1956 98 38



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SEKISUI ALVEO (Benelux) BV De Raaf 33A 4102 DG Culemborg, Netherlands Phone +31(0)34 553 3939

Alveosport is made by the Swiss company Sekisui Alveo AG, a European leader in foams specializing in polyolefin foams since 1971. The company is a subsidiary of Seki­ sui Chemical Co. Ltd., with a global staff of over 20,000, and a global leader in foams since 1968. Alveosport is distributed worldwide through the Sekisui Group, comprising a global network of 76 companies serving every major country. Contact your nearest representative today. Alveosport engineers are ready to design the playing field you’ve been dreaming of!

SERGE FERRARI BP 54 38352 La Tour du Pin Cedex, France Phone +33(0)474 974133

The French manufacturing group Serge Ferrari is a leader in the flexible composite material sector. As the inventor of Précontraint Serge Ferrari technology, they design and manufacture flexible composite materials for architecture, yachting, industry, furniture, equipment protection, health and environment sectors. Serge Ferrari brings flexible composites with technical, functional and enviromental responses perfectly adapted to the most stringent requirements of major sporting events.

SEW® - Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH Industriering Ost 86-90 47906 Kempen, Germany Phone +49(0)2152 91560

SEW® - Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH is a maker of heat/cold recovery systems for all ventilation and air conditioning systems, specialising in heat recovery for indoor swimming pools, cold recovery and demisting for ice sports centres and room air cooling for sports facilities with heat recovery.

Signgrass® NIK-Tufting BV Stökskesweg 13 5571 TJ Bergeijk, Netherlands Phone +31(0)497 572545

The idea behind Signgrass® is to manufacture a seamless logo, slogan or design up to 4 x 9 meters out of one piece and in fine detail. Th synthetic grass mats can be incorporated at artificial turf pitches, sports grounds, children’s playgrounds, golfgreens and commercial flooring like door mats and exhibition flooring. Signgrass® meets a quality standard which will exceed every expectation and brings numerous possibilities. Strong and durable.

SMG Sportplatzmaschinenbau GmbH Postfach 1150 89265 Vöhringen, Germany Phone +49(0)7306 96650

Since 1975 SMG has been dealing with the development of modern machinery for the installation of synthetic surfaces in the sports industry. Also for the maintenance of artificial turf or carpets with granule infilling SMG has already presented the world‘s first innovations since the 80s. For about 35 years SMG has been offering a unique range of machinery. As a pioneer in the special sector „synthetic sports surfaces and artificial turf” SMG disposes of recognized competence and experience since decades.

SPORT-THIEME GmbH Helmstedter Straße 40 38368 Grasleben, Germany Phone +49(0)5357 18181

Over the five decades of its existence, Sport-Thieme being a traditional family firm has always proven itself as youthful, dynamic and innovative. For more than half a century now, Sport-Thieme has been competent advisor to school and club sports as well as in the area of fitness and therapy. Today Sport-Thieme is one of the most important mail order companies for institutional sports. It has grown to be one of the recognised leaders in this branch of industry.

STARGUM Zakład Przemysłu Gumowego Jan Stankiewicz ul. Cieplna 7 73-110, Stargard Szczeciński, Poland Phone +48 91 578 8008

STARGUM is one of the leading producers of rubber granules for sport and recreational surfaces such as football pitches, running tracks and playgrounds. With over 30 years of experience in the rubber industry, EPDM, TPE-V, and SBR granules produced by STARGUM are among the highest quality granules on the market. Manufactured in the European Union, our granules meet the highest standards for environmental safety and health, and our flexible, high capacity production ensures we can meet each of our customers’ individual needs.

STRABAG Sportstättenbau GmbH 44147 Dortmund, Germany Phone +49(0)231 9820230

STRABAG Sportstättenbau GmbH specialises in complete solutions for indoor and outdoor sports facilities, inclusive of maintenance and care. Numerous projects have been realised in this way – among them, public-private partnerships, inclusive of building construction and financing. We have the right solution for all sports-related requirements.

Trofil Sportbodensysteme GmbH & Co. KG Löhestrasse 40 53773 Hennef, Germany Phone +49(0)2242 933 880

The production of high-quality mono filaments from hair strength has now been developed at Trofil for 25 years. From granulates through to mono filament production, the refinement (plying, etc.), tufting, right through to lamination, Trofil supplies products for the highest demands, manufactured from a single source, with which Trofil offers flexibility in the product design by directly converting the customer’s specific wishes and requirements.

Universal Sport Sportgeräteherstellungs- und Vertriebs GmbH Waldstraße 8 71101 Schönaich, Germany Phone +49(0)7031 75330

Since the establishment of Universal Sport in 1982 a worldwide net of sales representatives has been set up. On more than 3000 m² sport product’s get engineered, produced and stored. With the always present thought of safety, we have revised many of our items, for example Umpire’s Chairs, Tennis Nets and Tennis Posts.

Vector Foiltec GmbH Steinacker 3 28717 Bremen, Germany Phone +49(0)421 69351-0

Vector Foiltec designed, manufactured and installed the first ETFE cladding system in 1981 and has retained our position as markets leaders in this field. We currently manufacture our product under the trademark of Texlon®. Vector Foiltec holds the world’s most comprehensive body of ETFE related research data and continue to bring new and innovative products to the market. We are proud of our consistent track record in the delivery of elegant cost effective engineering solutions to meet our client’s many, varied sb 4/2015 and often complex needs.

Waagner-Biro is a steel engineering organisation based in Vienna. Founded in 1854, the tradition-conscious company has amassed nearly 160 years of experience. Today, Waagner-Biro has more than a thousand employees working at some 15 locations in Europe, the middle East and Southeast Asia. Waagner-Biro is one of the largest suppliers of stage equipment world-wide.

Waagner-Biro Bavaria Stage Systems GmbH Am Schönbühl 12 92729 Weiherhammer, Germany Phone +49(0)9605 92220

Weinberger is the leading company in the Rhine-Neckar area for screeding, floorcoverings (carpeting, linoleum, rubber and PVC surfaces), parquet, sports floors, net curtains, decorative fabrics, wallpaper etc. In the sports flooring sector, it is the right contact when it comes to special surfaces for outdoor ball games, floor systems for sports and multi-purpose halls, and special flooring for fitness centres/weight training rooms.

Eugen Weinberger GmbH & Co. KG Gutenbergstraße 41-43 68167 Mannheim, Germany Phone +49(0)621 338780

Wiedenmann GmbH, founded in 1964 as a family-owned enterprise, is one of the leading manufacturers of high-class machines for turf maintenance, dirt removal and winter service. The comprehensive range of implements for compact tractors and lightduty utility vehicles is targeted towards commercial and municipal customers. The main focus are machines for turf regeneration, artificial turf maintenance, collection and removal of grass and leaves, mower decks, turf sweepers and as well as sweepers for snow and dirt, snow blades and salt spreaders.

Wiedenmann GmbH Am Bahnhof 89192 Rammingen, Germany Phone +49(0)7345 9530

zeller´s qualified staff are the guarantee for creative, technically sound solutions. On their company premises of 14,000 m², zeller uses the latest equipment and techniques in the production of the stainless steel elements for your swimming pool.

ZELLER bäderbau GmbH In den Seewiesen 49 89520 Heidenheim, Germany Phone +49(0)7321 93890

züko is designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) . züko is also proud of its large and efficient workshop. Here, not only municipal vehicles and equipment, which were bought at the züKo, but also foreign brands can be serviced.

Züko Deutschland GmbH Vogelherd 23 78176 Blumberg, Germany Phone +49(0)7702 477920



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International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational ­facilities

Editorial board and publisher IAKS International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities Eupener Straße 70 50933 Köln, Germany Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23- 0 Fax +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-23

Secretary General with overall responsibility Klaus Meinel

Editor-in-chief and graphics Johannes Bühlbecker Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-17

Editorial board, advertising and marketing Thomas Kick Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-12

“sb“ online Johannes Diekhans Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-13

Editorial board and subscriptions Silke Bardenheuer Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-11

Editorial board and administration Birgit Andras Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-14

Editorial board and research Timo Nestler Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-20

Subscription price €48 Germany €65 Other countries €10 Single issue The publisher has unlimited rights to work accepted for printing. Reprint or duplication, even of extracts, is only permitted with the publisher‘s written consent. 64

ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271 Jurisdiction and place of performance Cologne For advertisement prices, see the Media Data 2015.

Print DFS Druck Brecher GmbH Rheinische Allee 5 D-50858 Köln sb 4/2015

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