sb 4 2017 (english)

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51st year ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271

International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational facilities



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sb 4/2017

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DEAR IAKS MEMBERS, DEAR FRIENDS OF “SB”, This issue of “sb” highlights projects that make use of open spaces for sport and leisure. Globally the populations of cities and towns are growing and this enhances the need and importance for open spaces that facilitate an active lifestyle.

Open urban activity areas also need areas for non-activity. The “hang-outs” are essential for open spaces. They create those particular rhythms that are so wonderful and vibrant in these spaces and rarely experienced in traditional sports facilities.

Even though traditional sports facilities are still very popular, there are large groups of citizens who wish to practise sports in an open and urban setting. This trend should not be ignored. Municipalities can attract new residents and satisfy this demand from existing residents by creating new and open spaces for activities.

This “sb” presents inspiring and inclusive projects that demonstrate innovation and courage. In The Hague in the Netherlands, a public space invites users to step “into the wild”. Westminster Pier Park in Westminster (Canada), British Columbia’s first capital city, brings new life to a former industrial waterfront. In Aarhus (Denmark), a new school building realizes the vision of a school where children simply cannot avoid exercise. Oslo Skatehall in Norway offers spaces for all levels of skateboarding skills. Last but not least, the “Kohlelager” sports and leisure campus in the small German town of Landau brings fun and games to a former military barracks coal stockyard.

Like many other places in the world, Danish towns and cities are transforming former industrial areas and run-down neighbourhoods into new living and working environments. There is a growing understanding that new active areas for sport and leisure activities are necessary for achieving a successful transformation. This way urban spaces for activities become drivers of change that can improve the quality of life, make more people active and strengthen existing and new local neighbourhoods. Danish teenagers and young adults are dropping out of organized sport. However, this does not mean they want to stop being active. They are just looking for a different way to practise sport. By creating appealing urban spaces that allow many different sports without rigid time schedules, they can still find a fun way to motivate themselves to be active.

This approach to open spaces for sport and leisure requires daring municipalities and talented architects with open minds. However, when it is well done this approach can change cities and people’s lives.

Best regards Lars Hjorth Bærentzen President of IAKS Nordic

The most successful open spaces for sport and leisure are often based on the principles of involving the local neighbourhood and ensuring a balance in design between activity and non-activity. New open spaces for sport and exercise will attract more users and general appreciation if the local interest groups are invited to participate in the design phase. sb 4/2017







FSB 2017: Leading international fair. . ..................................... 4 Programme for the IAKS Congress.. ........................................ 6 New IAKS members......................................................................... 8 IOC receives IAKS............................................................................ 13 Symposium sports facilities with a future........................ 14 New harbour cove and public park in Sydney................ 16 New training complex in Rotterdam.................................... 18

“Kohlelager” sports and leisure campus in Landau.... 20 A24 LANDSCHAFT Landschaftsarchitektur

Westminster Pier Park in British Columbia........................ 24 PWL Partnership Landscape Architects

Playground “Into the wild“ in The Hague.. ........................ 28 Openfabric and DMAU

Frederiksbjerg School in Aarhus............................................... 32 Henning Larsen Architects and gpp arkitekter

Oslo Skatehall in Oslo. . ................................................................. 36 DARK Arkitekter

Skateparks as vehicles of development cooperation.. . 40 Ralf Maier, maier landschaftsarchitektur


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Title: Photo:

“Kohlelager” sports and leisure campus in Landau Hanns Joosten


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Golfing for all.................................................................................... 42

Karl’s strawberry park.................................................................. 56 Summer ice rink in Los Angeles. . ............................................. 56

Keller Tersch

Svetice sports, leisure and swimming complex............. 46 AGROB BUCHTAL

Heidelberg Alla hopp! complex.............................................. 50

New cathedral for aquatic sports........................................... 57 New sprinklers for old race course........................................ 57


Company index following services.. ...................................... 58 Company index from A to Z. . ..................................................... 60

Outdoor fitness park in Erfurt.. ................................................ 52

Imprint.................................................................................................. 68

Eiden & Wagner, Eurotramp Trampoline and Sport-Thieme

Dual-purpose building in Southend-on-Sea.................... 54 Neptunus

The world’s biggest ecological ice rink in Baku.............. 55 Glice® Innovational

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FSB, the International Trade Fair for Amenity Areas, Sports, and Pool Facilities is continuing its successful development. Four months before the start of the trade fair, all the signs point to growth, announced Katharina C. Hamma, Chief Operating Officer of Koelnmesse, at a European press conference: „The number of registrations by exhibitors is truly outstanding. More than 90 per cent of the exhibition space at both trade fairs, FSB and aquanale, has already been booked. On the strength of this list, we expect to be able to set a new record and top the very good result in 2015, when a total of 912 exhibitors participated in the two trade fairs. For FSB, we are anticipating a participation of almost 650 companies from 45 countries. Around half of these exhibitors come from Europe and overseas.“ The combined trade fair of FSB and aquanale - International Trade Fair for Sauna.Pool.Ambience, will take place from 7 to 10 November 2017 in Cologne. And an increase is also expected in terms of visitors, continued Hamma, as the trade fair duo not only offers a unique market overview, but also an initial insight into the themes of the urban future. „Our target for visitor numbers is around 28,000 guests from Germany and abroad.“ Alongside information about FSB and the supporting programme of events, discussions about current and future trends also took place in the press briefing under the heading: „Infrastructure that promotes physical activity“. These topics will play an important role at the leading trade fair. „There are many other challenges for sports and recreational facilities. Demographic change and also migration are leading to sports facilities having to become more multifunctional and accessible. And considerations of 4

cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness and safety are also gaining in importance, explained IAKS president Dr Stefan Kannewischer. „The individualisation of our society and the merging of work and leisure time are leading to a stronger demand for individual types of sport. These are often practised in public spaces at all times of day. IAKS and FSB present solutions for the manifold challenges and offer a communication platform for the industry professionals in the form of many different activities.“ In particular, the blurring of the lines between work and leisure presents special challenges for municipalities, stated Klaus Meinel, IAKS General Secretary. „This year, the IAKS Congress will be concentrating on the thematically complex tasks required of municipalities to ensure that they position themselves as healthy living environments in the future. More and more people are moving into the urban metro­ politan areas and not only need living space, but also sport and recreational facilities. At the same time, the social structure is changing, becoming increasingly more international due to immigration and labour migration. More and more people are active into old age and seek suitable facilities and concepts that correspond to their individual interests and abilities. Modern sports and leisure facilities need to reflect this change and their overall approach must, in addition, also take account of new types of sport and new trends in leisure, in particular for young people and young adults“, continued Meinel. This requirement was also stressed by Rolf von der Horst, Managing Director, STADT und RAUM Fairs and Media GmbH: „In the light of an ageing population, our cities need to respond in a sustainable manner and reassess many sb 4/2017

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For more than half a century, Hamberger has been developing and producing one of the most important pieces of sports equipment: the flooring. HARO’s PROTECT Light, the new generation of area elastic protective walls, sets new benchmarks once again. All-in-one solutions for sports and multi-purpose halls that exceed all current standards, guarantee to comply with official regulations and also allow a fast and cost effective installation, are now possible. That’s for sure! aspects of planning and design. The task is not easy, because other megatrends are having an influence in addition to the demographic change or the rise of the ‚silver society‘, including individualisation, health, mobility and urbanisation. Finding new designs based on both the concept of ‚design for all‘ and specific services for specific groups - as well as planning and laying out neighbourhoods, accommodating new uses for space and new transport concepts are just some of the tasks that cities and municipalities will need to ‚shoulder‘ in the future.“

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„Infrastructure that promotes physical activity“ also includes the subject of schools, of course, explained Katharina C. Hamma. „A theme that we want to expand at FSB 2017 with our media partners, the Federal Association of Playground Equipment and Recreational Facilities Manufacturers (BSFH) and producers of play equipment and developers of new concepts to promote physical activity, is the school playground as an area for physical activity - in our opinion, this is a very important topic and one that has great social relevance. It is essential to ensure early planning and implementation of an infrastructure that can adequately guarantee the combination of education, integration and physical activity with a play and sports offering. An important aspect of this planning is ensuring that schoolchildren spend their breaks and free periods at school in a meaningful and active way.“ sb 4/2017

Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co. KG P.O. Box 10 03 53 · 83003 Rosenheim · Germany Phone +49 8031 700-240 · Fax +49 8031 700-463 E-Mail ·



PROGRAMME FOR THE IAKS CONGRESS 25TH IAKS CONGRESS FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, MODERNIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF SPORTS AND LEISURE FACILITIES IN COLOGNE, GERMANY FROM 7 TO 10 NOVEMBER 2017 The brand new programme for the international IAKS Congress taking place from 7 to 10 November at FSB in Cologne has gone online! We offer an exciting and varied 4-day-conference programme with ten sessions and four workshops. More than 40 speakers and experts from 15 countries promise a high-grade international exchange of experiences and exciting networking. Take a first look at all topics! Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

10:30 – 10:45 h Welcome address and official opening of the congress

10:30 – 12:00 h 2017 IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes: Exemplary community sports and leisure facilities

10:45 – 12:15 h Successful partnerships between sports and municipal governments in staging national and international events 13:30 – 15:00 h Temporary and modular infrastructure for sports venues 15:00 – 16:00 h Trends in operating sports and entertainment venues 16:00 – 17:30 h Major sports and entertainment venues as generators for urban development and redevelopment 17:30 – 18:30 h Happy hour for IAKS members and friends

11:00 – 12:00 h Innovative funding and delivery models for community sports and leisure projects 13:30 – 15:00 h 2017 IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes: Exemplary sports and entertainment venues 14:00 – 15:00 h Strategies for enhancing physical activities in the community 15:30 – 17:30 h IAKS General Assembly 17:30 – 18:30 h Happy hour for IAKS members and friends

18:30 – 22:00 h 2017 IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes CeremonyM


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Thursday, 9 November 2017 10:30 – 12:00 h Activating urban spaces 13:30 – 15:00 h The feasibility study: A collaborative process for developing a project 15:30 – 16:30 h Trends in operating municipal and community sports and leisure facilities 16:00 – 17:30 h Innovative solutions for community sports and leisure facilities 17:30 – 18:30 h Happy hour for IAKS members and friends Friday, 10 November 2017 10:30 – 12:30 h Innovation in sports halls and indoor recreational centres 13:30 – 15:00 h Natural, hybrid and synthetic turf systems

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CONGRESS TICKETS EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNTS UNTIL 7.9.2017 Save money and book congress tickets until 7 September 2017 to benefit from the early bird prices with more than 25% discount! 4-day Congress ticket IAKS Members Non-Members Students Discount from 2nd delegate on

225 EUR 335 EUR 110 EUR 15 %

1-day Congress ticket IAKS Members Non-Members Students Discount from 2nd delegate on

90 EUR 130 EUR 45 EUR 15 %

Awards Gala ticket IAKS Members Non-Members

80 EUR 100 EUR

More informations and ticket purchase:






Founded in 1983 by Van Yan Truong, D2X International is a French company with two core businesses:

The sport and sports facilities department of Montreux is the head of all sports events in the city. The tasks are to promote and organize sports activities, to operate the municipal sports facilities and to assist its partners in the sports sector.

Project planning assistance: D2X assists public and private owners who want to build or renovate their facilities (aquatic centres, arenas, sports complexes), from the feasibility study to the grand opening. Professional meetings: Since 2005, D2X has organised an event dedicated to public swimming pools: „Les Rencontres Professionnelles de la Piscine Publique“. Project owners and main contractors can get up-to-date information there on the public pool sector through conferences and elevator pitches. It will be held again from 16 to 18 October 2017.



The University of Latvia was founded in 1919 and, with its more than 14,000 students, 13 faculties and over 20 research institutes and independent study centres, is currently one of the largest comprehensive and leading research universities in the Baltic nations. The university offers more than 130 state-accredited academic and professional study programmes. It is ranked No. 1 in Latvia, as well being ranked in the THE and QS rankings and has been awarded 4QS Stars out of five.

The Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) is the main sports organization in Denmark with 61 federations and more than 1.9 million members distributed among 9,046 associations.

At the University of Latvia, research is conducted in over 50 research fields covering three main areas of inquiry: the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. 8

Due to its territorial characteristics including montain, forests and a lake, Montreux holds a large variety of sports, from skiing to water sports, and a long tradition in gymnastics. Every year the Montreux office organizes international competitions like the Volley Masters and the Cup of Nations, one of the most important rink hockey competitions.

DIF is also the National Olympic Committee and therefore responsible for Danish participation in the Olympic Games. In addition to being responsible for elite sport, amateur sport and recreational sport at association level, DIF is an umbrella organization and handles the tasks of the sports associations which in turn safeguard the interests of athletes. sb 4/2017

Photo of Beijing Stadium: © Arup, Chris Dite



SAVE TIME, SAVE MONEY! Secure tickets online now:

Koelnmesse GmbH Messeplatz 1 50679 Köln Tel. +49 1806 603 500* Fax +49 221 821 99 1140 sb 4/2017






Träffpunkt Idrott, the “Meeting Place for Sports Arenas and Facilities”, in Gothenburg, Sweden at Svenska Mässan, the Swedish exhibition and congress centre, is the place to meet for anyone who works with or is politically involved in sports, arenas and swimming pools – in close cooperation with the large organisations and suppliers. It is the leading meeting place for decision makers, decision influencers and innovators in Scandinavia within this field. The next event of Träffpunkt Idrott will take place from 5 to 7 March 2018.

Populous is a global architecture and design firm that designs the places where people love to be together, like Yankee Stadium, the London Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the Super Bowl. Over the last 30 years, the firm has designed more than 2,000 projects worth USD 40 billion across emerging and established markets. Populous’ comprehensive services include architecture, interior design, event planning and overlay, branded environments, wayfinding and graphics, planning and urban design, landscape architecture, aviation and transport design, hotels and hospitality, and sustainable design consulting. Populous has 17 offices on four continents with regional centres in London, Kansas City and Brisbane.




AIX Architects Public buildings and Education studio is Aix Arkitekter’s department for recreational and sports facilities. AIX Architects has in recent years been involved in over twenty different sports and leisure facilities projects, ranging from BMX tracks to swimming pools and indoor football arenas. AIX works actively with issues of equality in sport and sustainable building. Joint head Robert Petrén is in charge of several sports and leisure projects in Stockholm including public and competition swimming pools and ice-sports arenas. Robert is a board member of IAKS Nordic.

The Danish Association for Sports Facilities (Danske Sportsfaciliteters Brancheforening) brings together owners, operators and managers of sports facilities in Denmark with the purpose of contributing to innovation in and the development and planning of sports facilities. Networking and the exchange of knowledge are two of its primary activities. Consequently, following its purpose, the association’s members seek to influence the general conditions for both small and large sports facilities in Denmark.

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Delivering Unrivalled Access-All-Areas, News, Views and Developments

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Luísa Xavier is founding partner of WIN Arquitetura esportiva – a Brazilian firm specialized in sports and social architecture – and has been designing sports architecture for over seven years. She has worked for the two major sporting events hosted in Brazil.

Sven Kielmann is the owner of a sports service agency ( and an expert in ice rink planning, servicing and operation. His main activities include advisory services to and supervision of ice sports facilities, the sale of ice sports systems and ice rink equipment, and the realisation of and advice on ice sports projects.

WIN has come up with an innovative mission in its segment: in addition to designing projects that enhance the technical achievements of high-performance athletes and optimize their professional results, it also offers dynamic, sustainable and functional architecture. also acts as a sports PR and promotional agency and supports sports projects as well as associations and other institutions in the fields of PR, social media management and project and quality management.

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sb 4/2017

SALAR STOCKHOLM (SWEDEN) SALAR is both an employers’ organisation and an organisation that represents and advocates for local government in Sweden. All 290 municipalities and 20 county councils and regions in Sweden are members. SALAR represents the governmental, professional and employer-related interests of Sweden‘s municipalities, county councils and regions. As an employers’ organisation Salar works for the interests of its members and offers them support and service. The role is to sign central collective agreements, make members stronger in their role as employers and create conditions for local solutions. The organisation also represents and advocates for local government by raising issues, acting decisively and enlightening public opinion.

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IOC RECEIVES IAKS IOC PRESIDENT DR BACH MEETS IAKS PRESIDENT DR KANNEWISCHER IOC President Dr Thomas Bach welcomed IAKS President Dr Stefan Kannewischer in Lausanne on 7 June 2017. Accompanied by IAKS Secretary General Klaus Meinel, Dr Stefan Kannewischer spoke about the latest developments within the IAKS and its expanding international network. IOC President Dr Bach showed interest in the changing focus within the IAKS towards social and economic issues. The IOC considers the sustainability of sports programs and of sports infrastructure a key issue for the future viability of urban societies. The excellent cooperation between the IOC and IAKS dates back to the early nineties, when then IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch first assumed patronage of the IAKS Congress – a tradition which still continues to this day. The IOC awarded the IAKS “IOC Recognized Organization” status in 1998, before becoming involved in the IAKS international architecture award for the first time in 1999. Since then, this has been awarded every two years as the “IOC IAKS Award for Exemplary Sports and Leisure Facilities”. (Photo: IOC)



SPORTS FACILITIES WITH A FUTURE SUCCESSFUL SYMPOSIUM IN RUHPOLDING, GERMANY FROM 6 TO 7 JULY 2017 Under the supervision of Professor Dr Natalie Essig, Munich University of Applied Sciences (HM) organised a two-day symposium on the subject of “Sports Facilities with a Future” from 6 to 7 July 2017 in Ruhpolding in collaboration with IAKS Germany and the International Union of Architects (UIA). The workshop’s cooperation partners were the Federal Institute of Sports Science (BISp), the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB), the research project CESBA Alps and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects. The municipality of Ruhpolding made its facilities at its guesthouse and its Old School available for the workshop. Ruhpolding’s Deputy Mayor, Dr Ulrike Pfeifer, welcomed the visitors personally and stressed the importance of sport and particularly of the annually staged Biathlon World Cup for the municipality.

local levels. The second workshop was devoted to venues for large-scale international events and particularly to their strategies for legacy use. The lectures were held in English.

The President of the Bavarian Chamber of Architects, Christine Degenhart, underlined in her welcome address the importance of the multifunctional nature of sports facilities so that sustainable operation can be ensured. Another factor for success is the cooperation of municipalities in sports facility planning.

Bianca Quardokus (DOSB), Karin Schwarz-Viechtbauer (ÖISS) and Michael Palmen (BISp) presented the sports facility situation in Germany and Austria and stressed the importance of sport and sports facility infrastructure for society. Owing to the diversified and in some cases conflicting trends in future sports development, creative solutions are called for. In addition, clients and clubs should be assisted in their efforts.

Then Gar Holohan (UIA, Aura Holohan Group) turned to current trends in stadium construction. Taking participants on a trip into the future, he explained how fan behaviour and hence the requirements of large sports venues will change. In terms of sustainable development, he appealed to designers to promote a better understanding of sustainability and enhance the value attached to it. Two parallel workshops were held in the afternoon. One was concerned with the construction of new sports facilities for mass sports and the modernisation of such facilities. The emphasis here was on the national and 14

After this, Alexander Schwab (ASA – Alexander Schwab Architekten), Jochen Lerche (Companeer) and Simone Magdolen (HM) reported from the practice of sports facility planning. They stressed how important it is to gauge actual demand locally and to reconsider the standard guidelines in exceptional cases. The involvement of all the sports facility’s future user groups at the start of the project and drawing on experience from existing projects (construction and operation) are decisive for a project’s success. sb 4/2017

From left to right: Prof. Geraint John (UIA), Dr Carina Deuß (IAKS), Prof. Dr Natalie Essig (IAKS), Dr Ulrike Pfeifer (Ruhpolding’s Deputy Mayor), Gar Holohan (Aura Holohan Group)

In the English-language workshop, Professor Dr Nathalie Essig (HM, IAKS Germany) and Andrea Moro (iiSBE Italia) presented sustainability strategies and their application to sports facilities. In addition, Harald Fux (RAUMKUNST) and Alessandro Zoppini (Gensler) presented international examples of successful sports facility architecture and referred to various aspects of the sustainability of arenas. On the basis of the examples, it became evident that legacy use should be taken into account at the planning stage. Sports facilities with temporary extensions for large events and conversions of facilities for other usages (e.g. into an exhibition hall) have proven successful in the past. At the end of the first day of the workshop, the partici­ pants visited the Chiemgau Arena, Ruhpolding’s sporting showpiece, followed by a barbecue buffet against the panorama of the Alps. The second day of the symposium opened with lectures by Professor Dr Natalie Essig and Professor Geraint John (UIA, Populous). Professor Dr Essig presented the Guide to Sustainable Sports Facility Construction, a research project commissioned by the Federal Institute of Sports sb 4/2017

Science (BISp). Professor John reviewed the sports facility architecture of the past and into the future and illustrated how important it is to integrate sports facilities in urban life. In the workshops that followed, Harald Fux and André Younes (Municipality of Zorneding) put forward contemporary strategies for sports facilities, from planning through to operation. Drawing on experience from the operation of the Allianz Arena in Munich, Thomas Albinger (Companeer) drew attention to the challenges at the planning stage for the day-to-day operation of large event venues and from these derived recommendations for action. Simone Magdolen (Munich University of Applied Sciences) presented her research project devoted to the exploitation of the synergies of sports facilities in the local neighbourhood and again stressed the necessity of interlinking sports facilities with their surroundings. Finally, the participants visited the Max Aicher Arena in Inzell. The operator and the architect reported on the project and gave the participants a guided tour of the arena. 15


DEVELOPING SYDNEY WATERFRONT NEW HARBOUR COVE AND PUBLIC PARK IN SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA UK based Grant Associate’s designs for a new harbour cove and public park are the next step in the transformation of a 22-hectare concrete container terminal into a vibrant waterfront development. A new harbour cove, a one-hectare public park, an expanded waterfront walkway and a public pier are key features of designs for the public realm at Barangaroo South, a 7.5 hectare, mixed-use scheme being developed and delivered by Lendlease. Grant Associates’ proposals for the public space complete the design of Barangaroo South and represent part of the commitment to deliver more than half of Barangaroo as open public space. The overall design aims to integrate Barangaroo South’s waterfront location with a range of public spaces to transform the former industrial container terminal into a pedestrian friendly area with open views across Sydney’s harbour. Designs include Waterman’s Cove and a fully-accessible amphitheatre-style boardwalk on the water. The new public realm also features the one-hectare Hickson Park that will provide a green link from Sydney’s Central Business District into the heart of Barangaroo’s retail and dining precinct. Barangaroo South comprises Sydney’s new financial services hub, waterfront apartments, and more than 60 new cafes, restaurants and shops, all of which are open for 16

business and attracting thousands of people every day. Upon completion, Barangaroo South will also be home to Crown Sydney Hotel Resort and three residential towers, as well as two hectares of public space. The Barangaroo development scheme also includes Barangaroo Reserve, a six-hectare park built using 10,000 sandstone blocks sourced from the site and planted with 75,000 trees, plants and shrubs to offer walking and cycling trails, picnic spots, lookouts and the natural amphitheatre of Nawi Cove.

This article is appearing in partnership with Stable Publishing Limited, editor of the specialist magazines „ldb magazine“ and „paf magazine“. sb 4/2017

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sb 4/2017

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TRAINING IN PRIVACY NEW TRAINING COMPLEX IN ROTTERDAM, NETHERLANDS The construction of a new training complex for Rotterdam’s leading football club, Feyenoord, has been given the go-ahead. The construction of the building designed by MoederscheimMoonen Architects for the club’s first team and technical staff started in June 2017. The complex is being realised in a sub-area of the new Stadionpark district. The large-scale, comprehensive master plan provides for the realisation of various sports locations and the new stadium as well as housing and retail. The grounds of this specific training complex form a relatively secluded site within the plan area. The building will offer all sorts of facilities that are in line with the needs of a modern football club. A size­ able part of the complex has been reserved for sports-medical facilities and departments that focus on research and the players’ athletic performance. These activities will be supported by various offices, an auditorium, hospitality, lounge areas and the changing rooms for players and staff, including a number of wellness facilities. The grounds around the building will accommodate two football pitches and a separate keeper zone – all fitted with the latest analytical technology. 18

The basic design concept was to achieve as much transparency and interaction as possible between the fields and the building. The façade that faces the adjacent embankment has been designed as a screen, so that the building appears to turn its back on the public road. This creates optimal privacy for players and staff – allowing them to concentrate on their work and performance. The façade is a sharply delineated, single-form shell that doubles as a pronounced roof overhang projecting towards the fields to the south. This element is made up of trap­ ezoidal, expanded weathering steel panels with varying degrees of perforation. The dynamic pattern created by this design is accentuated in a number of areas by starkly-designed window groups, found both in and behind the double façade. This combined façade-roof element serves as the building’s main landmark feature and highlights Feyenoord’s unique identity. And its hue calls the club’s distinctive colour – red – to mind. sb 4/2017



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25th IAKS Congress 7 – 10 Nov 2017 Cologne sb 4/2017


FUN IN A NATURE AREA Location Kohlelager Landau, Germany Client/Operator City of Landau (Pfalz), Germany Landscape architect A24 LANDSCHAFT Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH Köpenicker Straße 154 a DE-10997 Berlin Architect (Sports hall Ebenberg) Swillus architekten Starenweg 17 DE-14542 Werder (Havel) Author A24 LANDSCHAFT Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH Photos Hanns Joosten Opening April 2015 Construction costs EUR 4.6 million


“KOHLELAGER” SPORTS AND LEISURE CAMPUS IN LANDAU, GERMANY The 2015 Land Garden Show in Landau regenerated two sites for redevelopment: the former site of a barracks has been converted into a residential area; and the “Kohlelager” (coal stockyard) belonging to the barracks close to the striking curving railway line bordering Landau to the south is now a sports and leisure campus attracting users from all over the town. With its supplementary plantings, paths, and play and seating elements, the design takes up the linearity of the railway and incorporates existing relics. A “Finnenbahn” woodchip running track, a dirt jumping trail and a skate facility are the trend sports for all age groups that have been added to the “classical” play and sports areas. The landscape architects of A24 are cautiously integrating the new uses into the existing site, so that environmental needs are met and the experience of the coal stockyard’s landscape aesthetic loses nothing of its uniqueness. The special feature of the Kohlelager sports and leisure campus is its integration in a nature conservation area, with the sports and leisure facilities being concentrated on the former site of the coal stockyard. The layout of the existing railway line with its preservation-worthy vegetation succession forms the basic framework for the new sports and leisure campus. By cautiously integrating individual uses, the landscape aesthetic

and ecological quality of the coal stockyard can remain visible. On the sports campus, local recreation, sport and park design have been combined in an extensive park landscape with its processual character, existing ruderal vegetation and new, linear paths. Overlaid on the novel play and sports campus with its densely planted areas is an sb 4/2017

accentuated, contemporary landscape architecture comprising a skate park, sports grounds, playgrounds and a dirt jumping trail. Sandwiched between Landau’s town centre and the open countryside, the leisure sports facility thus links urbanism with a countrified atmosphere and demonstrates how culture, physical exercise and ecology can come together. Despite the preserved areas of ballast, barrier-free access to the strip of play opportunities is ensured via the circular path and level access paths leading to the play areas. Facility encircled by a circular path A four metre wide circular asphalt path encloses the site by following the course of the disused railway line. It serves different forms of locomotion. Important cross links are stressed with broad concrete sleepers. The sports ground, whose artificial turf is filled with cork granulate, is recy­ clable and a model of innovative construction methods. Nestling in the hilly perimeter at the foot of Ebenberg hill is a dirt jumping trail with various descents such as double sb 4/2017

lines, table lines and step ups with a sand pit. For the less proficient there is an easier practice track for trying out biking on loose ground. An important feature of a dirt bike is its front suspension. This reduces the shocks to which the bike is exposed to a minimum, and this is also necessary since some jumps can be as long as 10 metres or more, with riders “flying” several metres through the air. Seating platform with a toolbox The routing of the tracks was planned at several workshops and in cooperation with users. With the aid of heavy construction machinery on site, the basic landscape was modelled, and the finishing touches were performed by users themselves. Minor repairs or modifications to the tracks are always necessary and desired so that the track meets the competitive requirements of its users. A small area with a folding seat platform forms the meeting point for dirt bikers. The flaps of the bench seat can be flipped up as backrests and thus reveal the contents of the large toolbox such as shovels and rakes. 21

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1 Sports hall Ebenberg 2 Playing fields 3 Multifunctional court 4 Beach volleyball courts 5 Basketball court 6 Skating area with skate pool 7 Dirt track 8 Wood-chip running 9 Game shed, slide ramp, climbing forest 10 Picknick decks


Diversified running experience Along the thinned peripheries of the dense undergrowth of hawthorn on the slope of Ebenberg hill is a “Finnenbahn” wood-chip track forming a roughly 900 metre long running circuit. Here you can run to your heart’s content on the pleasantly springy surface, with minimal strain on the joints. You can jog, walk or gently stroll here – with or without sticks – whichever way the mood takes you. The Finnenbahn offers a diversified and motivating walking and running experience with high appeal thanks to the succession of straights, and tight and broad bends, with climbs and descents alternating with level sections.

the main sport practised here, roller hockey. According to the rules, the roller hockey corners have to have a radius of at least two metres, as the players can circulate behind the goals as in ice hockey. For reasons of space and cost, the outer walls also serve as the rink boards. The rounded corners of the rink can be seen on the outside and have given rise to the building’s external shape.

Sports hall with rounded corners At the north-western end of the sports facility, a single-court sports hall has been erected. The hall’s shape has been derived from the dimensions of the rink used for

In the hall interior, the players’ benches and penalty benches required for roller hockey are located behind boards. The equipment room opens onto the hall via a door in the boards and a folding door. The changing and

The hall interior is oriented to the west, and the ancillary room wing to the east. The hall’s main entrance is linked by a direct path to the parking spaces of the sports centre in the south.

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Which theme will dominate sports architecture in the near future? Sport is overlaid with emotion. Architecture and landscape architecture can help people find their way through the chaos of everyday life by creating connections, orientation and place. The design of public spaces can thus contribute to a positive experience of society and ultimately add to the human being’s scope for action.

sanitary area consists of four changing rooms with wet cells and toilets. The side entrance from the sports ground permits access to the changing rooms and sanitary facilities even outside hall opening hours and also makes it possible to divide the changing rooms into those for sports ground and hall use. Users generate ideas for skate park The eastern end of the coal stockyard is marked by a concrete and asphalt surface serving as a youth play area with a basketball court and skate park with a large skate pool and various skating elements such as corner quarters, wobbles, curbs and the large wall ride at the end of the site. The concrete surface meshes closely with the central area of chippings. It was here, in accordance with the wishes of local skaters who actively participated in workshops, that a remarkable skate park has been ­created. sb 4/2017

Which is your favourite sports facility? And why? Football stadiums are usually very self-contained, but the landscape of the Allianz Arena designed by Herzog and de Meuron in Munich, for example, opens onto its surroundings. The main thing is that architecture also manifests itself as part of urban life. Sports facilities should be regarded and experienced as public, cultural urban locations. What is your favourite sport and club? What does this sport mean for you as an architect? A lot! Sports facilities, parks, landscapes and roads should offer a varied programme of sports. Cycling, walking, ball sports, trend sports, playgrounds etc. – it is precisely this diversity and blending of uses that enhance quality of life and inclusion grasped as participation in society. 23

Location New Westminster, Canada Client/operator City of New Westminster Landscape architect PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc. 5th Floor, East Asiatic House 1201 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC Canada, V6E 2V2 Engineering/Project Manager Worley Parsons Westmar Architect DIALOG Author PWL Partnership Photos PWL Partnership Landscape Architects Inc. New Westminster Parks Culture and Recreation Official opening 2012 Construction costs CAD 25.1 million (CAD 8 million landscape)


NEW PUBLIC LIFE BROUGHT TO INDUSTRIAL WATERFRONT WESTMINSTER PIER PARK IN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA History and sustainability join together in Westminster Pier Park, a 3.84-hectare park built partially on piers over the Fraser River in New Westminster. PWL Partnership Landscape Architects focused on the river, the past and the people to tell the story of British Columbia’s first capital city in a series of activity spaces highlighted by a boardwalk, historic photo panel and a Memory Band of words that spark reminiscences of the waterfront. The project is the first stage of a long-term plan by the City of New Westminster to reclaim its entire riverfront for public use. The Westminster Pier Park project reclaimed and revitalized a previously industrial site containing a decaying wood pier and a contaminated derelict land parcel. In 1859, when New Westminster was founded on the site of the Kwantlen native people’s village, no one considered the lasting, harmful effects of industry along the Fraser riverfront.

Booming sawmills, salmon canneries, shipping and rail services lined the shoreline and extended into the river on piers vital to the movement of goods and services. Industrial waste and garbage were simply dumped into the river for disposal leaving behind contaminates leaching the toxins, as well as the decaying piers themselves. sb 4/2017

Restoration and renewal The challenge for PWL Partnership in collaboration with Worley Parsons engineers was not only to clean up the site, but also to respect and embrace the history of New Westminster in an environmentally friendly, sustainable manner for people to use and enjoy. Approximately one-third of the long, narrow site consisted of piers 60 to 100 years old that needed to be replaced for the area to be reclaimed as park space. Adding fill to the Fraser River to create more land was not an acceptable option. Between the newly constructed piers, along the shoreline at the edge of the boardwalk, is a new intertidal riparian foreshore for fish and wildlife. This ecological bench runs one-third the length of the park and is a food source for salmon on their way upstream during spawning seasons. Planted with the native dogwood, willow, serviceberry, native rose, and other native plants, it is also beneficial to birds, insects and animals, and part of what returns the riverfront to a healthy environment where none has existed for over 150 years. sb 4/2017

Sustainability for a 75-year lifespan In addition to ridding the site of contaminants and the re-establishment of fish and wildlife habitat, careful attention was placed on creating a long-lasting, legacy park. A mandate for all components to endure a 75year lifespan, set by the City of New Westminster, called for careful selection of robust, easy to maintain materials including unpainted galvanized steel, heavy timber and high fly-ash concrete. Local materials, and in many cases, reclaimed materials like the timber piles, were used throughout the site to reduce the park’s carbon footprint. Historical commercial and working environment Located in the oldest city in western Canada, the first capital of B.C., on a previously industrial site, which represents the area’s settlement and immigrant working roots, historical and cultural commemoration was an important part of the project design. A weathered-steel Memory Band laser-cut reference from First Nations to Chinese Laundries runs the length of the park to illustrate New Westminster’s heritage. ­ 25

Historic photographs set on aluminum panels on seat steps recall the waterfront from its settlement to its industrial significance. A heavy timber-frame structure marks the park heart, Lytton Square, and recalls the old Front Street market timber-frame building reminding users of the site’s commercial past, while accommodating a wide range of activities today and tomorrow. The City Market was a key aspect of Downtown. Originally constructed in Lytton Square on the Downtown waterfront in 1892, the market complemented the 26

transportation and shipping activities, allowing New Westminster to become an agricultural distribution centre and the site of food processing and cold storage facilities. The market would move to the west end of Columbia Street and operate well into the 1970s. Hinged loungers inspired by hand trucks used on the docks may be tipped to face either the river or the city. The Pile Forest set in rolling lawn, a captain’s wheel, windsocks and hand cranks also dot the site and pay homage to the historical working river. sb 4/2017

Before restoration (2009)

Bringing people back to the river Once a chasm between the river, railway and city, the park site now knits the three together. The Pile Forest discovery area marks the ends of 4th and 6th Streets, which are important connection points to the park from the city downtown core. The boardwalk pier structure accommodates pedestrian circulation, large community gatherings and festival events, bringing people to the river’s edge while preserving the habitat foreshore below. Multiple activity areas including children’s play spaces and a sports court for teens bring people of all ages sb 4/2017

to the site. The festival lawn that accommodates 2,000 people will become the living room of the city and a venue for New Westminster’s many seasonal festivals. As a high profile, city-initiated, sustainable project, Westminster Pier Park, which was initially intended to be a destination park for New Westminster residents, has become a regional attraction due to its unique design character, which incorporates historical elements, reclamation of the Fraser River foreshore, and varied and interesting programmed spaces. 27

Location Grevelingenveld, The Hague, The Netherlands Operator The Hague Municipality Richard Krajicek Foundation Architect Openfabric Oostkousdijk 12A NL-3024 CM Rotterdam DMAU Open Coop Tolhuisweg 2 NL-1031 CL Amsterdam Staff Francesco Garofalo, Daryl Mulvihill, Barbara Costantino Author Openfabric Photos Jacopo Gennari Feslikenian Daryl Mulvihill Francesco Garofalo Official opening 2015 Construction costs EUR 1,500,000


UNTAMED PLAYGROUND “INTO THE WILD“ IN THE HAGUE, NETHERLANDS The playground concept by Openfabric architects brings three different types of play together into one ensemble: the interior is a wild natural playscape, the exterior an urban sports court, and the threshold between the two known as The Ribbon is a playful architectural element containing all the traditional playground equipment. This diversity of types of play, arranged in an open-ended playscape, creates a rich and dynamic world that offers children endless opportunities for play and for reinterpreting and reimagining the space. It provides a contrast to the many mono-functional playgrounds with standard equipment that exist everywhere today. Grevelingenveld, known locally as Deltaplantsoen, is a neighbourhood square in Rivierenbuurt, The Hague. The design of the 8,100 m² space links carefully with the development of a new neighbourhood school which faces onto the square. The school makes daily use of the public space as its schoolyard and its green spaces as outdoor classrooms. Urban exterior – wild natural interior The central natural playground is a space where children are free to construct and destruct their own play spaces from natural materials and fast-growing plants such as willow

and reeds. Trees were selected on the basis of their durability and climbability, while a small hollow holds rainwater when it is wet and can be crossed via stepping stones. Bringing a natural playscape like this into the heart of the neighbourhood increases children’s daily contact with nature, an important factor for a healthy childhood and an experience that is missing in many urban surroundings. The planting selection was chosen to provide maximum visual variety throughout the year while the biodiversity of flora and fauna provides a rich context for sb 4/2017

environmental education offered by the school, and the continual growth of the plants and trees over the years provides an ever-changing landscape.

existing sport and recreational spaces of the neighbourhood; and from a social point of view, it engages with the adjacent school and attracts a large variety of users.

Coherent space Sports facilities, traditional playgrounds and natural playgrounds are recreation typologies usually autonomous and separate from each other; “Into the Wild� brings together each of these typologies into a single coherent space. Sports fields are located in the outer portion of the site, traditional play elements are cast directly into The Ribbon (the defining features between the inner and outer portions of the site), and untamed nature exists within the ribbon, resulting in a simple design with a wide range of play scenarios.

Undulating connection The threshold between the urban and the natural is known as The Ribbon, an undulating playscape where children can navigate between the two worlds in an engaging and inviting way. The Ribbon can be climbed over via the climbing wall, crawled through via the tunnels and slid over via the slides; the edge has a steel coping for skating and scooting. It serves as a sitting element at the edge of the sandpit or a spectator stand for those watching the sports courts and much more.

The playground is integrated with its urban context in a number of ways: from an urban point of view, the outer zone of the playground merges with the mineral character of the city; from a recreational point of view, the playscape complements the few sb 4/2017

In contrast, the external space is a formal hard-surfaced square for sport and structured games. Here patterns of lines define sports courts such as football and basketball and also create an abstract pattern, a playful matrix that can set boundaries for new games. 29

Economic sustainability The playground was conceived to be economically sustainable in the long term. On one hand the materials are selected to endure through time, while on the other hand maintenance and operating costs are kept to a minimum. Maintenance in traditional playgrounds can be a burden: play is an intense activity that can wear out equipment and spaces. Therefore, the designers completely avoided any external components, any separate objects (which are often the most delicate) and instead embedded all play elements within the concrete Ribbon. Slides, tunnels, a climbing wall, spy holes, a spinning wheel, sitting elements and a grand stand all become part of the continuous, solid ribbon, resulting in a decreased risk of damage and dramatically minimising maintenance costs. In dialogue with the visitors Understanding and addressing the social aspects of the project was a guiding principle throughout the entire process, from the design phase through to the 30

realisation of the project. Designers and clients engaged with the community from the very beginning. Several community meetings were dedicated to the playground, where children, parents, school representatives, and play leaders took part in the process in which specific needs were identified and respected throughout the design process. The design is in fact used and appreciated by a large variety of user groups: from toddlers in the sand pit, to skaters (who have selected “Into the Wild” as one of their favourite skating locations in the country) and to seniors who can sit in the grandstands, meet at the picnic tables or enjoy the bocce field at the southwestern edge of the space. Educational value Ecological sustainability, here, is conceived differently. While it is usually considered merely in terms of materiality and energy efficiency, the approach in “Into the Wild” focuses on educational value. Learning about nature and natural processes is critical, and so landscape architects must assist new generations in sb 4/2017

their discovery of nature, its beauty and fragility, which is the first step in developing a conscious respect for the environment. The inclusion of the community in the process was not limited to the required standard meetings, but was a priority from the very beginning, continuing beyond the completion of the playground into the present. Such an approach has resulted in a community that now identifies with the new public space and plays an active role in its operational life (through event planning, parents’ supervision groups, and volunteer maintenance). The inclusive negotiation process with the community has brought forth a public space where a broad spectrum of social groups and age groups are represented and recreational needs met. The result is a space not only occupied by a diverse range of users, but a space that fosters interaction between these users.

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Location Aarhus, Denmark Client/Operator Aarhus City Council Architects Henning Larsen Architects A/S Vesterbrogade 76,4 DK-1620 Copenhagen gpp arkitekter a/s Grønnegade 68 DK-8000 Aarhus C Staff (Henning Larsen Architects) Peer Teglgaard Jeppesen (Responsible Partner), Margrete Grøn (Project Manager), Anders Nielsen, Dorte Nielsen, Eva Bryzek, Eva Ravnborg, Henrik Jacobsen, Peter Munch, Vanda Oliveira, Vanja Scott, Zazia Wihlborg Bigom, Tobias Dræger, Kasper Christiansen, Glenn Collett Poulsen Landscape architect Møller & Grønborg Author Henning Larsen Architects A/S Photos Hufton + Crow Photography Official opening August 2016 Construction costs DKK 260 mio.


A HEALTHY MIND IN A HEALTHY BODY 40 ACTIVITY ZONES AT FREDERIKSBJERG SCHOOL IN AARHUS, DENMARK Frederiksbjerg School is a primary school in the city centre of Aarhus. The project also comprises after-school programmes and daycare and is based on state-of-the-art principles for learning and play. Daylight, human scale and dynamic spaces are key elements of the build­ ing. Henning Larsen architects integrated a climbing wall in the main atrium that works as stairs between the ground and first floor, 40 different activity zones and large terraces on all floors. The design inspires the children to exercise and play throughout the day. As a part of a healthy and effective learning environment, exercise is an important element in the new reform of Danish schools. A physically active day improves pupils’ learning and well-being, research shows. According to the new reform, children have to be physically active at least 45 minutes during their time spent in school. Frederiksbjerg School in Aarhus is the first newly built school in Denmark where exercise is key in the design. The vision is to rethink how children attend school and design a school where children simply cannot avoid exercising.

Instead of just serving as areas for circulation, the corridors take the form of multifunctional learning environments, encouraging students to exercise, explore, play or sit. The 900 children circulate during the day according to their daily schedule. Some of the corridors’ flooring is designed as running tracks. Throughout the school, 40 specially designed activity zones, a sports hall, a dance hall, and outdoor playgrounds and games areas are available for the children. These areas are adapted to different age groups and levels of understanding and exercise.

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Parallel with the school’s main stairs, the children can climb a climbing wall instead of taking the stairs; they can play in the three large sports halls or play ball on one of the many terraces or the rooftop playing fields. Other popular elements are the “twister track”, an “art installation with a peephole”, the “bird’s nest swing”, a “multifunctional ninja track” and various “window corners”. Design concept Frederiksberg School is organised around a central atrium where clusters of the building meet and join together. Shared practical rooms, laboratories and learning kitchens are located in connection with the atrium. When you enter the building at the main entrance, you proceed from the open central atrium through the smaller shared areas to the small classrooms and group rooms in the clusters. This structure is repeated on all three floors. The clusters are built around a shared central room encouraging various activities and study areas. The activity areas are used for that focus on learning through exercise and play. These areas are specifically adapted to the sb 4/2017

different age groups and levels of understanding and exercise. The study areas are built as small niches which create quiet rooms for individual study. The classrooms are located in the clusters of the building and each classroom has its own group room, which can be accessed from both classrooms and from shared areas. Outside school hours, the classrooms, playing fields and sports halls are open to the public and local sports clubs. Context and the surroundings The school shares public playgrounds and outside areas with the surrounding houses and institutions. The area has an outdoor kitchen, tool sheds, rabbit hutches and a mini mooncar garage. The outside areas are supplemented by large terraces on each floor which work as both learning and playing areas. On the rooftop you find playing fields and areas with furniture where you can sit, relax and enjoy the view. Some of the terraces can be used in addition as outside workshops for the classes. All the terraces are open to the public outside school hours. 33

Patinated bricks The façades are made from recycled bricks – 20% of the cladding stems from the old Sct. Annagade School. The patinated bricks give the building a contextual relationship with the historic surroundings. Inside the building, the colours and materials assist with orientation and logistics within the school. Two halls, which almost appear to float in the atrium, are covered with red and orange acoustic tiles.


graded, with the largest in the centre of the façade, smaller ones above towards the roof and the smallest near the ground. The window pattern creates natural diversity in the experience of the daylight in the new building.

The building appears as a lively and dynamic school where both children and adults can identify with the design and with the school as a whole.

The large windows in the centre of the façade offer views of the open areas, the smaller windows at the top of the façade admit daylight deep into the building and the lowest placed windows invite children to sit and read or play on the sills. To prevent overheating and dazzle, discrete solar blinds have been installed on all the windows.

Daylight and learning The design of Frederiksbjerg School focuses on daylight as an ever-changing light source. In the design of the building the sizes of the windows have been

Graphic design, wayfinding and signage The graphic design concept has been developed in line with the architectural intention. Graphic designers have created the visual identity of the building with the sb 4/2017

keywords of openness, kindness, exercise, diversity, play, and learning as a common objective. The typeface exists in seven selections, each with their own unique definition, creating a distinct and clear geo­metrical expression throughout the building. By ­varying all seven typographic selections, the designers have created an expression which is at once playful, dynamic and fluid. The colours correspond with the additional elements in the new building, where red acts as the primary colour. The graphics also support the main maps, maps of orientation, floorplans and glass markings, lockers and signs on meeting rooms and façades. A healthy school The vision for the school has been to create a healthy and inspiring learning and teaching environment centred on the pupils, staff and visitors – and where sb 4/2017

efficiency, comfort and responsibility are key elements. The sustainability strategy of the project is based on three central themes: energy, indoor climate and materials. A healthy indoor climate is essential for the learning potential and comfort of pupils. A good working environment is achieved by means of passive measures such as building design, orientation, materials and the positioning of windows. The building meets the energy requirements of low-­ energy class 2020 under Danish building regulations, which has been achieved by taking an integrated energy design approach. A number of measures have been incorporated, including a well-insulated building envelope that reduces heat loss by 50 % compared to the 2020 requirements. 35

RAISED BOWL OSLO SKATEHALL IN OSLO, NORWAY Location Oslo, Norway Operator Kultur- og idrettsbygg Oslo KF Architect DARK Arkitekter AS Drammensveien 130, Thune Næringspark A5 NO-0277 Oslo Landscape architect Rambøll Norge AS Hoffsveien 4 NO-0275 Oslo Author Dark Arkitekter Photos Finn Ståle Felberg/ Kultur- og idrettsbygg Oslo KF Lars Gartå/DARK Official opening 2017


Skateboarding was banned in Norway on 1 September 1978, with the intention of preventing serious accidents. This did not discourage skateboarders, and the skateboarding scene continued to grow steadily. When the ban was lifted in 1989, the interest exploded. Skateboarders went from being lawbreakers to celebrities and youth idols. In January 2017, 28 years after the ban was lifted, Oslo finally got its own custom-built venue for the today well-established sport. Oslo Skatehall designed by Dark Arkitekter stands now as a highly custom-designed skatepark, and one of the largest of its kind in northern Europe. The architectural signature of the building is conceptually rooted in the elements and movement of skateboarding, thus exposing the hall’s function. The structure is dominated by two distinct and contrasting volumes, one light and one dark, which share the same architectural language. These two structural elements form cantilevers, inclined in opposite directions to the underlying terrain. Raised in the east and west, they create dynamic diagonal lines in the landscape. Each cantilever has broad borders of golden metal sheeting, accentuating the

dramatic forms and providing frames to the large glass panels. Visual contact between interior and exterior is maintained through these glass façades, presenting a tantalising impression of the building from a distance and allowing viewers outside to follow the action inside. The connection between interior and exterior space, coupled with good legibility in the layout, creates a sense of security, clarity and order. The spacious dimensions of the hall give participants and spectators sb 4/2017

full access to the activities, which can even be observed from the café, making this an attractive vantage point. Surrounding large outdoor recreational areas The skatehall is situated in a prime location, surrounded by large outdoor recreational areas in Voldsløkka, part of Oslo’s Sagene district. The main entrance faces west and leads directly into the lobby and café, which are clearly visible through the glass façade in the southwest corner of the building. The huge cantilevered elements create a natural shelter over the entrance and outdoor seating area. In the summer months, the café opens up to this outside space and invites users to sit in the sun at tables or in the concrete amphitheatre which is set into the hillside beyond. To the east of the building, a terraced skatepark connects the different levels of the terrain, linking the concrete park at the base to Voldsløkka’s prime walking path at the top. From the amphitheatre and walking path, sb 4/2017

skating activities outside in the park and inside the hall can be experienced simultaneously. When the gates and doors are opened, these interior and exterior skating spaces become fully connected. This distinctive feature of the building creates unique possibilities for major events and competitions. The dramatic lines of the structure are echoed in the outside facilities, which respond to the landscape, connecting with the wider spaces of the recreational area. Raised bowl Oslo Skatehall is primarily intended for general use but boasts an international standard suited to major competitions. Inside, the hall consists of two tall storeys, where the programmes are adapted to the functions of skating. This allows the hall to accommodate all the different types of skating under a single roof. Variation and flow are the guiding design principles in the complex layout. The main skating activity is situated on the lower level, which features a high ceiling giving ample space to 37

custom-built skating elements. These were designed and constructed jointly by Dark Arkitekter and IOU Ramps. A unique feature of Oslo Skatehall is the raised bowl, constructed in wooden materials. The structural elements of this burgeoning organic form can also be viewed from underneath. On the upper level, a separate viewing gallery spans the entire length of the hall, allowing spectators a clear overview of skating activities below. Morse code symbols There is a raw honesty to the materials selected, which creates variation in the surfaces and structures. Perforated aluminium sheeting in dark and light nuances covers the façades, ornamented with a surface pattern of Morse code symbols. These are a literal transcription of the 1978 law forbidding the use, sale and advertising of skateboards, commemorating the history of skateboarding in Norway. Morse code symbols also feature in the 38

cafĂŠ and service areas but here the patterns convey slang terms and tricks used by the skating community. The hall has been constructed in accordance with Passive House standards, with a focus on recycled materials, life-cycle costs, air circulation and sustainable energy sources. The end result is a holistic expression of function and space, in which impressive static spaces alternate with effective evacuation routes. Visible construction details have been integrated into the overall design, as features in their own right. Oslo Skatehall is a salute to youthful values, its fully-integrated holistic design oriented towards the future. The interaction of the building mass with the outdoor venues and surrounding park landscape are symbolic of the interaction between different generations of users, both performers and spectators, now and for many years to come. sb 4/2017

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Ralf Maier, maier landschaftsarchitektur, Am Dreieck 4, DE-51107 Köln, maier landschaftsarchitektur, Samantha Robison (Bethlehem)

Skateparks are very attractive vehicles for development cooperation for a variety of reasons. They promote social and integrative skills, as well as coordination and sensory-motor skills. Unlike classical club sports, the emphasis here is on self-organisation and group cohesion. They therefore represent a very good means of selfhelp: instead of competitiveness, cooperation is encouraged and is lastingly anchored in society. In addition, skateparks are relatively inexpensive to build compared to other infrastructure projects as well as being virtually maintenance-free. A skatepark thus unites strong social empowerment with physical exercise at an attractive price – the advantages are obvious. In countries outside Europe, construction projects require a special approach. In other cultures, other mindsets and attitudes to work are often encountered. So that effective cooperation is possible all the same, improvisation and flexibility are important. Despite elaborate advance wordof-mouth agreements, the reality can be different, because what often seems logical and totally natural for natives is not always obvious for outsiders. For a project to succeed, it is essential to be not only aware of this in advance but also understand it and to take it into account in cost calculation, scheduling and all further steps. It would be counterproductive to be convinced of one’s own 40

modus operandi and to force it on people locally. Curiosity, openness and a thoughtful and respectful approach, on the other hand, make a good impression. Since 2008, we have thus been able to build facilities in Afghanistan (2009), Tanzania (2011), Kenya (2013), Bethlehem (2015), India (2016) and Kigali (2016). Another park, which we are currently working on, is due to for completion in Windhoek, Namibia in 2017. The sponsors worldwide include the Green Helmets, Don Bosco and SOS Kinderdörfer, who have the parks built for schools or children’s homes. Design by experts, construction by volunteers Design is carried out in Germany by the Cologne design office Betonlandschaften / maierlandschaftsarchitektur. The requests of the financier and of future users are taken into account at this stage. All employees are personally sb 4/2017

Photo left page: Karokh, Afghanistan

Photo above: Kigali, Ruanda

Photo on the bottom left: Dodoma, Tansania

Photo on the bottom right: Bethlehem, Palestine

involved in action sport, being skateboarding, BMX and mountain-biking enthusiasts themselves. They understand the needs of sports practitioners and are thus able to find solutions compatible with a tight budget and at the same time satisfying all the requirements of a skatepark, so it need not fear comparison with its big brothers in Europe and the USA.

companies who regularly donate materials ensure that truly everyone has access to the sport. Campaigns such as in India, where “No school, no skate” and “Girls first” is propagated, generate an environment of equal treatment and motivate each individual to invest work in his or her school career – something that might otherwise be neglected.

Project management is handled by Skate-Aid in Münster, Germany, a non-profit foundation founded by Titus Dittmann. The procurement of construction materials and construction of the facility rely in large part in the participation of volunteers. Under the supervision of one or more experienced skatepark constructors, young adults from Europe and local youth help with construction. This also ensures that users can identify with the facility from the outset and that it is well received.

Its success is also underscored by its many emulators, such as skatepak, concrete jungle, 7 Hills and many others, who have meanwhile built parks in Peru, Bolivia and other countries. Having successfully opened the skatepark in Panna, India in 2015, we are currently planning a second park for the nearby village of Janwahr. The children of Janwahr Castle, as we have called the first park, are now spending a large part of their spare time skating, so India’s first rural skatepark has already become too small.

Sustainability and success We witness the wave of positive feedback on a daily basis on Facebook, where stills and videos from the parks are posted. One can see the progress made by young users and the parks’ high frequentation, which is of course always highly gratifying for us. Current programmes with volunteers who teach skateboarding and

We are currently handling roughly ten skatepark projects worldwide and are noticing how the sport is shifting more and more into society’s mainstream. Additional attention will be generated by the 2020 Summer Olympics, where skateboarding and BMX will be taking place for the first time in their “freestyle” form. No end to the trend is in sight.

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Frank Beschke, Keller-Tersch GmbH Keller Tersch GmbH, Am Anger 20, DE-39218 SchĂśnebeck,,

How can the pleasure of playing golf be made accessible to all? The PuttingPark strategy offers a new approach with modest demands on financial investment and space. Golf is a challenging game in a pretty extravagant and spacious setting, calling for a large input of time and a certain degree of mobility and affluence compared to other sports.


However, golf also has its justified sporting charm. It calls for coordination and suppleness while also offering plenty of opportunities for communication.

sport is no longer compatible with today’s fast-paced, sensorily overloaded society and certainly not with modern conceptions of leisure activities.

This is probably why golf has enjoyed steady growth in popularity worldwide in the last few years. Over 630,000 players now tee off in Germany, and over 60 million players worldwide. Partly because of certain prejudices, the average age is rising and the sport is having trouble attracting younger players. The classical image of an elitist

Classical golf beset by preconceptions So how can golf be brought into the fold of mass and leisure sport despite its extravagant needs and usually high cost? In terms of its total space needs, golf is the sport with by far the biggest claim on cultivated land. The construction and maintenance of golf courses are therefore sb 4/2017

traditionally financed by private investment. In times of constantly constrained public coffers where money is short in all areas for the classical tasks of sports and leisure construction projects, golf is and will remain an elitist sport in certain respects. Unless, that is, solutions are found for the creation and maintenance of conventional courses at only a fraction of the usual cost. In the Nineteen Thirties, also probably for financial reasons, the first miniature golf courses were established for the purpose of practising putting. Later, in the Sixties, the minigolf courses as familiar and popular today were developed. Their then rapid growth in popularity finds expression today in an estimated 4,000 courses worldwide. sb 4/2017


Park-like course This is where PuttingPark wishes to take its cue. Its name composed of “putting” and “park” clearly expresses the main elements of the strategy. Firstly, putting with a ball and putter on up to 18 always differently shaped greens – as in classical golfing – and, secondly, that the facility is intended for leisure enjoyment with its park-like design characteristics. A big advantage in PuttingPark’s favour is its almost unlimited usability by leisure enthusiasts. Without being restricted by club membership, without having to buy expensive equipment, and without upper or lower age limits, users can visit the park, play and overcome the barriers to elitist golfing. 44

For all sections of the population For people with a disability, the park has been designed and built to be fully accessible. The strategy also allows ordinary people, ranging from private individuals to whole school classes, to make their first encounters with the sport here. Families, friends or teams from different companies can meet here in order to cover part of their constantly growing demand for leisure activities. The construction of the course using modern artificial grass throughout and its park-like layout permit a gentler playing atmosphere. It is foreseeable that classical minigolf courses used by tourists will gradually be converted one after the other to this new form of golfing. sb 4/2017



Are you a golfing enthusiast yourself? No, not really. I obtained my licence to play on German golf courses a few years ago, but I unfortunately rarely have the time to play although I as a leisure player get a great deal of pleasure out of it. So how did you arrive at the idea of developing a strategy for a leisure facility based on golf? As a father of several children of different ages and sexes, I have always been on the lookout for interesting leisure activities that, ideally, they can all take part in. And this cuts down the selection immensely. If we are then joined by grandparents or friends with children, it gets really difficult. Consequently, classical minigolf courses already go a long way towards meeting such needs. Owing to my job, we’ve now put the whole idea on a contemporary footing with modern materials and technologies. How do you see the future of the PuttingPark model? I believe that the relatively modest budget for construction and particularly for the maintenance of such a course will make it highly interesting for the classical leisure industry, for the hotel trade and particularly for municipalities attracting tourists. Future visitors and players will then get the ball rolling, as our courses have so far generated thoroughly positive feedback and the discovery of golf as a source of fun is something that can be seen and heard. sb 4/2017




Bakić & Kulstrunk Architekten Werner Ziegelmeier AGROB BUCHTAL GmbH, Buchtal 1, DE-92521 Schwarzenfeld, Tamás Bujnovszky and Marko Mihaljević

Aquatic sports are very popular in Croatia – not least because of its scenic coasts and Mediterranean climate. After economic stagnation in the Eighties and Nineties and the phase of political upheaval, huge demand accumulated for infrastructure for top-level and grass-roots sport. In recent years, new, modern competition pools have therefore been built in virtually all larger towns in Croatia. A current example is Svetice sports, leisure and swimming complex in the immediate vicinity of Maksimir Park in the eastern part of the centre of capital city Zagreb – architecture distinguished by its high diversity of uses, structural intricacy and design stringency. The building was designed by Croatian-Swiss architects Vjera Bakić and Matthias Kulstrunk. The complex comprising a public swimming pool for competitive sport and water polo combines functionalism and aesthetics and intentionally permits multiple uses. Colour scheme structures functional areas To create the large enclosed space required, the building basically consists of a storey-high concrete plinth spanned by an elegant steel structure. An important role in the articulation and proportioning of the vast dimensions is played by colours, modules and forms. For the implementation of these elementary stylistic devices of architecture, ceramic tiles from Agrob Buchtal were chosen for all wet areas. By employing its ChromaPlural system, the manufacturer of swimming pool ceramics has contributed components for wall and floor surfaces that can be combined in a 46

modular fashion to support the coherent overall strategy. The resultant scope has been creatively exploited and interpreted on this project in Zagreb. Colour must not be used arbitrarily in architecture, but selectively and in accordance with the overall context. To structure the various functional areas, different colours of the ChromaPlural system have been adopted. Strict formal language as spatially unifying element Slim oblong tiles were chosen as the universally recurring element. This systematic design approach resulted in the ceramic surfaces serving in all rooms as the unifying stylistic feature throughout the building – expressively, yet discreetly and subtlely enough so as not to thrust itself into the foreground. Design restraint in the details is also manifested by the use of ceramic mouldings such as profiled edgings and skirtings: rounded corners and edges not only provide maximum safety while being easy to clean, but are also attractive and endow components sb 4/2017

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such as bench seating with a genuinely sculptural quality. Further examples of design exactitude are the heated bench seats, foot-warming pools in the sauna and soap shelves in the showers. Added value thanks to innovative HT finish The innovative HT (hydrophilic tile) finish applied to the ceramic tiles also contributes to everyday serviceability. Permanently factory-baked into the glaze, HT gives the tiles special properties. Tiles finished in this way are easy to clean, have a chemical-free anti-bacterial effect for impeccable hygiene, and combat annoying odours and air pollutants. 48

Logical and logistically flawless concept With a view to optimising operational processes, the architects pursued the primary goal of creating a building with its own “inbuilt logic�, expressed by the associated spatial relations. The forecourt, foyer and swimming hall are thus separated merely by a single pane of glass, and the bistro overlooks not only the swimming hall and foyer, but also all of the outdoor areas. If required, the spectator stands can also be entered from the publicly accessible promenade on the roof of the wellness area.

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Diversified offering for pool users The success of the intention to create a multifunctional facility has been confirmed by its gratifyingly high level of user acceptance and its varied use. In the course of a day, recreational users, swimmers, triathletes, water polo teams, synchronised swimmers and families come together in the spacious and neatly laid-out swimming hall. Users can be seen sun-bathing or playing football on the roof terrace with its wooden deck and artificial grass and enjoying coffee and cake on the airy gallery overlooking the swimming hall and spacious foyer, while clubs use the training room in the basement and leisure users relax sb 4/2017

in the wellness zone comprising a sauna, Turkish bath, whirlpool, separate outdoor zone and cold pool. For families with children, a special area is available which offers not only a children’s pool optimised for swimming courses, but also a secluded outdoor area with water jets for fun and games. The offer is rounded off with a court for beach volleyball, table tennis tables and hard-wearing furniture made of concrete and oak in the outdoor grounds.




Schelhorn Landschaftsarchitektur Tobias Müller Tomislav Vukosav / Polytan GmbH, Gewerbering 3, DE-86666 Burgheim,

A total of 19 „Alla hopp! complexes“ are built in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region with donations from the Dietmar Hopp Foundation. The opening ceremony for the fifteenth exercise and meeting place was held in Heidelberg, the birthplace of Dietmar Hopp, in October 2016. Four more complexes will follow in 2017. The Heidelberg complex is a landscaped park and boasts many sports and play areas fitted out with high-quality synthetic surfaces from Polytan. As soft-impact surfaces and synthetic turf they protect children from injury, while as high-quality tracks they provide an optimally cushioned base that is easy on the joints of amateur athletes. The aim of the Dietmar Hopp Foundation is for the „Alla hopp! complexes“ to provide freely accessible sports facilities in which people of all ages can take exercise, keep fit and relax as and when they choose. They are supervised by trained sports educators who are on hand to ensure that the equipment is used correctly and thus promote a healthy life-style. Every “Alla hopp! complex” lies within a landscaped park and is composed of three or four modules – themed areas – which overlap and are aimed at various age groups. The exercise and meeting place in Heidelberg extends over an area of 13,600 square metres and was designed by Schelhorn Landschaftsarchitektur, a firm of landscape architects. Division into four age-appropriate modules Module 1 is an exercise course for all ages and levels. It is similar to circuit training in the sense that athletes can use different equipment to improve their mobility, coordination, stamina and strength. A 120 mm thick PolyPlay FS 50

soft-impact surface from Polytan around the arch ladder protects the users from injury if they are unlucky enough to fall, for example. Polytan designed a plastic cover that can be lifted as and when required in order to provide access to the column foundations of the arch ladder for the annual inspection in compliance with DIN EN 1176. Module 2 is the children‘s playground and is especially suitable for youngsters up to the age of six. Children‘s motor skills, sensory perception and cognition are developed here during the rough and tumble of play. There is a play pavilion with rotating elements, including a spinning bowl for example, for use when the weather is bad. Polytan installed a 14 x 14 m synthetic turf pitch as a base. The chosen system, LigaGrass Pro CoolPlus, is robust and easy to maintain thanks to its textured filaments and it feels pleasantly soft to the skin. Sand was selected as the filling, whilst the 30 centimetre thick elastic layer provides optimal cushioning for children to charge around. sb 4/2017

Older children between the ages of six and twelve can climb, swing and balance in the „mountains“, on the slackline or in the swing park of module 3 and thus improve their motor skills and mobility. Module 4 is attuned to the requirements of the over12s and is a demanding exercise area with a streetball court, weight training and climbing. The easy-tomaintain, DIN EN 1177 HIC-tested PolyPlay FS soft-impact surface laid in the climbing playground has a cushioning action to protect climbers against injury. The surface is also water-permeable to prevent it from becoming waterlogged and a slip hazard when it rains. The centrepiece of the complex: the track A particular attraction of the “Alla hopp! complex” in Heidelberg is the 125 m long, 3.60 m wide running track with some undulating sections. It runs through the whole site, with the words „Start“ and „Finish“ replaced with „alla“ and „hopp“ written in big letters on the four lanes. The durable all-round PolyPlay S sb 4/2017

system was chosen in order to provide the best pos­ sible surface for athletes. The synthetic surface is 40 millimetres thick and water permeable with a smooth but non-slip top layer. Its other attributes are high wear resistance and low maintenance costs. The seamless in-situ installation method allows the twocourse surface to be installed without any problem on undulating and angled substrates as well. The undulating substructure in Heidelberg consists of pervious concrete and steel plates for lateral stabilisation. Further sections of the complex were also fitted out with the PolyPlay FS soft-impact surface – including the horizontal bar in the centre of the track, the „family carousel“ and the „Mikado wood“. The extensive facilities are rounded off by a ropeway, drinking water fountains, bicycle parking, an e-bike charging station, toilets with nappy-changing tables, a dog station and a flight of steps painted by children. The yellow Alla hopp! umbrella at the entrance is both an emblem and a highly visible meeting point for the whole complex. 51



Location Erfurt, Germany Author Susanne Mossal-Wagner Photos EFC Calisthenics/TURNBAR Contacts Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH Robert-Bosch-Strasse 4 DE-54634 Bitburg Eurotramp Trampoline - Kurt Hack GmbH Zeller Straße 17/1 DE-73235 Weilheim / Teck Sport-Thieme GmbH Helmstedter Straße 40 DE-38368 Grasleben


With plenty of initiative, motivation and enthusiasm, Erfurt’s EFC calisthenics club has fulfilled its dream of having its own training park. The already extensive range of university sports has now been supplemented with a spacious and invitingly designed calisthenics and fitness sports park in the outdoor sports area. It took three years to get from the initial euphoric idea to completion. The decisive boost was given by cooperation with the university sports club Erfurt e.V. and Landesportbund Thüringen e.V., the regional sports confederation. Up until then, the group consisting mainly of students had to overcome a number of financial obstacles, solve problems and find cooperation partners. The sports group organised sports displays to draw attention to the project and attract donations. The University of Erfurt is now a sports attraction richer. During the exhaustive testing of products from several manufacturers, the initiators finally chose the modular TURNBAR system. The metal constructors of Eiden & Wagner worked closely with the prospective user group. Thanks to

customised planning and detailed consultations, a bespoke park planned in accordance with the latest findings of sports science was configured and jointly installed. This was the first time the planners had ever integrated a ground-level trampoline from Eurotramp in the special size of 3 x 2 metres available from Sport Thieme. The trampoline of this size, installed flush with the ground, supplements an integrated workout and demonstrates its qualities as a functional and versatile item of equipment. sb 4/2017

Be it for balancing or coordination training, to support functional training or simply for relaxing and cooling down at the end of a training unit, users have been consistently delighted by and very appreciative of the new approach to exercise.

new elements. All elements of the exercise park are low-maintenance and vandal-proof thanks to the quality of the materials used; replacement – even the trampoline bed is replaceable – and maintenance are easy and possible at any time.

The workout park offers different user and age groups a long-term incentive to exercise and a broad range of activities: functional training, body weight exercises as familiar from the era of the “Trimm-Dich-Fit” movement, and trend sports such as calisthenics and parkour. For if at a later date the facility is used less or new sports come into fashion, it is easy to re-configure or extend the park with

Thanks to a modern lighting system, after-dark sports enthusiasts also have the opportunity to use the park in the evening hours – an opportunity frequently seized. This pioneering pilot project was only possible thanks to the active support of many participants. Eiden & Wagner Metallbau looks forward to future projects that redefine the world of exercise with visionary exercise ideas and strategies.

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Caro Roeffen NEPTUNUS B.V., Neptunuslaan 2, NL-5995 MA Kessel, Phone +31 77 462 24 44,

Hamstel Infants and Hamstel Juniors are two separately-run schools which share the same location in a residential area of the UK seaside town of Southend-on-Sea. The schools now accommodate nearly 1,000 local children but as class sizes have increased over the years, so has the requirement for additional sports and dining facilities to keep pace with demands from the growing numbers of pupils. Neptunus was asked to develop long-term solutions to provide the infants’ school with a new dedicated area to form a dual-purpose physical education and dining hall with adjoining kitchens and storage rooms – and to eventually extend the facility to create an exclusive sports hall for the junior school. The solution Neptunus’ state-of-the-art Flexolution technology offered the ideal solution. AW Hardy, a local building firm which specialises in educational projects, was contracted to carry out the infrastructure works and prepare the foundations and concrete floor for Neptunus’ technicians to erect a single-storey Flexolution building measuring approximately 300 m² on an area that was part of the school playing fields. The building contractors carried out the internal fitout in conjunction with the Neptunus team. Construction of the dual-purpose building at the Infants’ School was carried out in 2014 during the school’s centenary celebrations. The project included creating a kitchen area where dinners could be cooked and served to 470 infants and nursery school children, with much-needed storage space for vital school equipment. Sports hall in extension Following the success of this facility, plans were put in place to seamlessly extend the building by adding a two-storey extension to create a dedicated light and airy sports hall for exclusive use of the Junior School. This 54

building, providing more than 460 m² of additional space, incorporates changing rooms, toilets, sports equipment storage space and a mezzanine level that can be used as either an indoor games area or viewing balcony. The 9 m high sports hall makes it possible to accommodate a range of activities including badminton, trampolining and basketball. Satisfaction among everyone concerned Mark Hayman of AW Hardy said: “Neptunus’ structures are modular in 6 m sections, which means they have the flexibility to be easily extended to satisfy any space requirement. Unlike a permanent building which requires some demolition work to take place before adding on an extension, Neptunus’ structures can easily be extended by simply removing the side panels and building on. It’s a brilliant system, very flexible and it looks and feels like a permanent building but can be re-used and recycled if necessary. It really is a very impressive system which is fast to construct and inside can be adapted for any use. This project shows that Neptunus’ structures are ideal for schools, colleges or universities requiring additional space.” sb 4/2017



Florian Kretzschmar Glice®, Innovational AG, Wesemlinstr. 40, CH-6006 Luzern,

Future ice is green, if it is up to the Swiss startup Glice. Merely five years ago the innovative company slid into the marketplace for ecological ice rinks as the latest arrival, yet already advanced to the rank of industry frontrunner. Recently the team set up the world’s biggest synthetic ice rink in Azerbaijan and President Aliyev himself inaugurated the giant 2,230 m² installation in the shape of an 8. Its futuristic design harmonizes with the winding forms of other structures and buildings at Baku Convention Park in the heart of the city. The beginning of the startup’s success story, however, was met by a strong headwind when it turned out that synthetic ice had a bad reputation among athletes in Switzerland and traditional ice hockey nations like the US and Germany. The plastic ice that existed back then had a meager glide-effect and simply couldn’t replace real ice under the blades of professional athletes, even if the idea was utterly inventive: Contrary to conventional ice, the ecological variant devours neither electricity nor water so that the ice-skating fun is much more pleasant for the environment and operators’ wallets. Hence, the company’s founders Toni Vera and Viktor Meier were certain that green ice was the signpost pointing towards the future of ice sports. A former ice hockey pro himself, Vera knew exactly what matters on the ice and together with Meier and a team of engineers he developed a technology that would rewrite the physical laws for synthetic ice and revolutionize the industry: ecological ice from athletes for athletes. The sb 4/2017

professional realm was enthralled by the sophisticated molecular technology and especially Ex-NHL player Cliff Ronning, who installed the artificial ice in several elite centers in North America. The conviction of professional athletes that Glice ice meets their standards also brought the leisure industry into play. Spaniard Vera was abundantly aware of the issues related to real ice in warmer climate zones. Yet, thanks to its zero-energy characteristics, the ecological counterpart functions completely climate-independent, all year around and worldwide, even in the desert and in the tropics. As a seasoned globetrotter Meier brought in the marketing expertise for Glice to export its miracle-ice even into countries that had never seen a pair of skates before – in malls, hotels and private households Glice-ice made its appearance and became a people magnet during the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. By now the company distributes its product into 70 countries on five continents. 55




Recently, ProPlay for Playgrounds shock pads were installed at Karl’s Strawberry Park in the adventure villages of Rö­ vershagen, district of Rostock, and Zirkow, island of Rügen, in Germany.

Ice-World Ice-Business GmbH has built a summer skating rink at the County Fair & OC Fair in Los Angeles. The visitors were able to skate on real ice in warm weather. With the unique mobile aluminium coolant pipework from Ice-World Ice-Business, ice skating on real ice is possible even in the summer at temperatures of over 30°C. Even if modern ice technology is impressive, there are also certain limitations imposed by the laws of nature.

The theme parks are all about strawberries and are popu­lar destination excursions for many Baltic coast tourists. They bring together a mixture of farm shops, restaurants and many different attractions for children and their parents. In Rövershagen, ProPlay was installed on the roof of the world‘s largest strawberry basket. Kids can climb on it and play safely on the roof at all times. To ensure the safety of playing children, ProPlay for Playgrounds pads were installed underneath the artificial grass. The first wheelchair carousel for disabled children and a tube slide were built in the adventure village in Zirkow. These surfaces have also been laid with ProPlay for Playgrounds and thus give all users a safe ride.

Schmitz Foam Products BV 56

The ice surface has to be protected from direct sunlight during the day with sun shade sails as well as from warm winds, as otherwise the ice can become a little wet on the surface. In the evening hours and overnight the ice remains dry even at very high outside temperatures. In Los Angeles, the ice rink was built by Ice-World Ice-Business and its partner Ice-America. The skating rink was a phenomenal success, and users were delighted that ice skating was possible on real ice even in this warm weather. Because of these impressive feats of the modern ice technology of Ice-World Ice-Business, AIDA Cruises has already launched a temporary ice rink on its new flagship AIDAprima, purchased from Ice-World Ice-Business. It is the world’s first ice rink to allow ice skating outdoors on a cruise ship. The ice rink is located on the top deck from November to March. Guests can enjoy winter activities such as ice skating, ice hockey, curling and ice biking, and workshops are even offered by professional coaches from Holiday on Ice. Thanks to this sensational success, the next new ship AIDAperla will be equipped with an ice rink from Ice-World Ice-Business this winter. A holiday on ice is now reality. Ice-World Ice-Business GmbH sb 4/2017



People all over the globe are captivated by major sporting events such as the Olympic Games and world championships. This also applies to the 17th FINA World Aquatics Championships which took place in Budapest in July 2017. The Duna Aréna as the main competition venue is impressive for its special position, striking architecture and pools in a class of their own. German-made ceramic tiles of the AGROB BUCHTAL brand have had a major hand in this.

There has been a tradition of horse racing in Cologne since 1898. The new TRITON™ pop-up sprinklers, however, have only been available on the market since January 2017 and from now on they will provide reliable irrigation of ­Cologne’s horse racing association’s grass and sand course. Not only does the newly developed impact sprinkler have an integrated valve, but it is also equipped with a decoder within the housing. In conjunction with the PERROT Satellite decoder system, the sprinklers can be controlled highly accurately and fully automatically on demand.

Originally, Budapest was chosen as the venue for the next World Championships but one in 2021, but host city Guadalajara pulled out. As a result, the plans for Budapest were revised and brought forward. In March 2015, FINA gave its assent, and by spring 2017 most of the essential world championship facilities for the Duna Aréna had been completed at record speed. Viewed from outside, the building conveys an impression of confidence and lightness thanks to the elevant, wavelike bands along the sides. For the surrounds of all the pools, Agrob Buchtal’s modern System Finland was chosen: the sloping, beach-like pool surround inhibits wave rebound, so swimmers in the outer lines are not put at a disadvantage. In conjunction with the constant water depth of the competition pool of 3 m instead of the usual 2.20 m, this creates ideal conditions for swimmers. The other aspects of the ceramic pools also meet the requirements of FINA, essential for the validity of official records. For the tiles of the ChromaPlural series in the pools, the classic, restrained colours of white and blue were chosen to prevent distraction of the swimmers and to provide a professional stage for top-class sport. AGROB BUCHTAL sb 4/2017

From experience, impact sprinklers achieve the longest lifespan of all drive systems. A service life of over 20 years is the rule than the exception. For this very reason the new sprinkler generation has been designed to be even more maintenance-friendly. The housing lid can now be dismantled in an instant without any tools. A special service shaft allows easy access to the solenoid coil and decoder. Special sand pockets at the bottom of the housing and the stainless steel coated riser also permit more reliable opening and closing under adverse conditions. Thanks to the exceptional uniformity of water distribution, soil density can be expected to be particularly even – a significant quality factor for a race course.

PERROT – Regnerbau Calw GmbH 57




Anti Wave....................... 60 Benz............................... 60 Berndorf......................... 60 Bright Buildings................61 Eurotramp....................... 62 hsb................................. 63 Kernig............................. 63 Serge Ferrari................... 66

ENGO............................. 62 Signgrass........................ 66

DRAINAGE, ATHLETIC TRACK BORDERS ACO............................... 60 ANRIN............................ 60 Hauraton........................ 62 Labarre........................... 63

ARTIFICIAL TURF Kutter............................. 63 POLYTAN.........................65 Porplastic.........................65 Signgrass........................ 66 Stargum.......................... 66 STRABAG........................ 66 Trofil............................... 66

CEILINGS, WINDOWS, WALLS Bright Buildings................61 CCSC...............................61 ISP.................................. 63 IST.................................. 63 Nagelstutz und Eichler..... 64 Serge Ferrari................... 66 Vector Foiltec.................. 66

CHANGING UNITS, CLOTHES LOCKERS Benz............................... 60 eccos pro.........................61 Neptunus........................ 64 Spieth............................. 66 Universal Sport............... 66 Züko............................... 67

CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE heiler.............................. 62 Hörger............................ 63 INTERGREEN................... 63 Kutter ............................ 63 Labarre........................... 63 POLYTAN.........................65 Porplastic.........................65 SMG............................... 66 STRABAG........................ 66 Trofil............................... 66


ELASTIC LAYERS, PROTECTING SURFACES BSW................................61 KRAIBURG...................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 Melos............................. 64 Polytan............................65 Porplastic.........................65 Sekisui Alveo....................65 Spieth............................. 66 Stargum.......................... 66 Trofil............................... 66

GOLF COURSE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT BSW................................61 KRAIBURG...................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 Labarre........................... 63 Novoter.......................... 64 Signgrass........................ 66

INDOOR EQUIPMENT ASB................................ 60 Benz............................... 60 BFGW..............................61 Eiden & Wagner...............61 Eurotramp....................... 62 Gütegemeinschaft........... 62 Spieth............................. 66 Weinberger..................... 67

MOBILE FLOORINGS, COVER SYSTEMS BSW................................61 ENGO............................. 62 Gerflor............................ 62 Hamberger..................... 63 Holz-Speckmann............. 63 Ice-World Ice-Business.... 63 Spieth............................. 66 Trofil............................... 66 Universal Sport............... 66

INDOOR SPORTS FLOORING ASB................................ 60 BSW................................61 Conica.............................61 Descol..............................61 DLW Flooring...................61 Gerflor............................ 62 Hamberger..................... 62 Herculan......................... 62 ISP.................................. 63 IST.................................. 63 KRAIBURG...................... 63 Polytan............................65 Porplastic.........................65 Sekisui Alveo....................65 Stargum.......................... 66 Trofil............................... 66 Weinberger..................... 67

MULTI-SPORTS COURTS DSGN concepts................61 Eiden & Wagner...............61 Herculan......................... 62 Playparc.......................... 64 Sekisui Alveo....................65 Signgrass........................ 66 SMC2............................. 66 Stargum.......................... 66

NATURAL TURF heiler.............................. 62 INTERGREEN................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 Signgrass........................ 66 STRABAG........................ 66

IRRIGATION heiler.............................. 62 INTERGREEN................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 PERROT............................65 STRABAG........................ 66

HYBRID TURF EuroSportsTurf................ 62

ICE RESURFACERS ENGO............................. 62 Ice-World Ice-Business.... 63 Züko............................... 67

LIGHTING heiler.............................. 63 INTERGREEN................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 OSRAM........................... 64 STRABAG........................ 66 Vector Foiltec.................. 66

ICE SPORTS EQUIPMENT.. AST................................ 60 ENGO............................. 62 GfKK.............................. 62 Ice-World Ice-Business.... 63 Universal Sport............... 66 Züko............................... 67

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AST................................ 60 BSW................................61 Conica.............................61 Hamberger..................... 62 Herculan......................... 62 IST.................................. 63 KRAIBURG...................... 63 Kutter............................. 63 Melos............................. 64 Polytan............................65 Porplastic.........................65 Sekisui Alveo....................65 Signgrass........................ 66 Stargum.......................... 66 Trofil............................... 66 Weinberger..................... 67

AST................................ 60 ENGO............................. 62 GfKK.............................. 62 Ice-World Ice-Business.... 63 Novoter.......................... 64 Züko............................... 67

ACO............................... 60 ANRIN............................ 60 CCSC...............................61 EuroSportsTurf................ 62 Hauraton........................ 63 heiler.............................. 62 INTERGREEN................... 62 ISP.................................. 63 IST.................................. 63 Kernig............................. 63 Kutter............................. 63 Labarre........................... 63 Melos............................. 64 Novoter.......................... 64 Polytan............................65 Porplastic.........................65 Signgrass........................ 66 SMC2............................. 66 SMG............................... 66 STRABAG........................ 66

Neptunus........................ 64 PM Engineering................65 SMC2............................. 66 Vector Foiltec.................. 66

PERIMETER BOARDS, NETTING AST................................ 60 ENGO............................. 62 Universal Sport............... 66

PLANNING AND DESIGN ArenaProjekt................... 60 Bright Buildings................61 Brinkmann + Deppen.......61 Calles - De Brabant..........61 DSGN concepts................61 geo3............................... 62 Kernig............................. 63 M3 Architectes............... 64 Pätzold + Snowadsky.......65 RAUMKUNST...................65 STRABAG........................ 66

POOL CONSTRUCTION, CERAMICS Agrob Buchtal................. 60

POOL CONSTRUCTION, MEMBRANE DLW Flooring...................61

ROOFING SYSTEMS PM Engineering................65 Serge Ferrari................... 66 SMC2............................. 66 Vector Foiltec.................. 66 waagner biro.................. 67

SANITARY, HEATING, AIR CONDITION­ING, ENERGY RECOVERY GfKK.............................. 62 Kernig............................. 63 Novoter.......................... 64 SEW................................ 66

SECURITY SYSTEMS, FENCING Benz............................... 60 INTERGREEN................... 63

SPORTS AND PLAY EQUIPMENT, SPORTS GOODS Anti Wave....................... 60 Benz............................... 60 CCSC...............................61 Eiden & Wagner...............61 Eurotramp....................... 62 Gütegemeinschaft........... 62 INTERGREEN................... 63 Playparc.......................... 64 Spieth............................. 66 STRABAG........................ 66 Universal Sport............... 66

TESTING, QUALITY ASSURANCE BFGW..............................61 DSGN concepts................61 Gütegemeinschaft........... 62 ISP.................................. 63 IST.................................. 63

TICKETING, ACCESS SYSTEMS eccos pro.........................61

TURNKEY CONSTRUCTION SPORTS GROUND EQUIPMENT................... ANRIN............................ 60 Benz............................... 60 Eiden & Wagner...............61 Gütegemeinschaft........... 62 INTERGREEN................... 63 Novoter.......................... 64 Polytan............................65 Porplastic.........................65 Serge Ferrari................... 66 Signgrass........................ 66 SMG............................... 66 STRABAG........................ 66 Universal Sport............... 66

hsb................................. 63 Neptunus........................ 64 Nüssli.............................. 64 Pellikaan......................... 64 Vector Foiltec.................. 66

SPORTS HALL DIVIDERS. waagner biro.................. 67

STANDS, SEATING ENGO............................. 62 INTERGREEN................... 63 Nüssli.............................. 64 waagner biro.................. 67 Weinberger..................... 67

POOL CONSTRUCTION, STAINLESS STEEL Berndorf......................... 60 hsb................................. 63 Zeller.............................. 67

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same time, they also benefit from the improved linkage of “sb“ with the IAKS website, for they also additionally receive an exclusive Premium entry in the online database.

ACO Severin Ahlmann GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 320 24755 Rendsburg, Germany Phone +49(0)4331 354600

ACO SPORT® includes drainage systems and components for sport, play and leisure facilities. They ensure that water is rapidly drained so that the sporting facilities can be used throughout the year safely and securely.

AGROB BUCHTAL Deutsche Steinzeug Keramik GmbH Buchtal 1 92521 Schwarzenfeld, Germany Phone +49(0)9435 3910

Deutsche Steinzeug Group is focused on its core competences in the business field of ceramic covering materials (wall and floor tiles, swimming baths and facades). Their products, which are predominantly manufactured at locations in Germany, make them distinct from their competitors. They have a comprehensive range as well as a depth of expertise in various project areas together with a targeted consultancy service.

ANRIN GmbH Siemensstraße 1 59609 Anröchte, Germany Phone +49(0)2947 97810

ANRIN – a company from Germany, addresses the subject of drainage techniques innovatively and competently. Millions of manufactured and laid ANRIN drainage channels bear testimony of the experience on which specifi ers, dealers and contractors can rely. Repeatedly new, creative developments and improvements to the channel systems and gratings as well as in the interlocking and jointing techniques underscore the company‘s know-how in drainage technology.

Anti Wave International Pty Ltd 65 12th Ave, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 4067 Phone +61 4 12 172 636

Anti Wave is dedicated to the design, innovation and production of the world’s finest performance swimming, water polo, leisure, pool deck and pool programming equipment. Anti Wave swimming racing lanes were first patented in 1975 and used in the World Swimming Championship in the same year. Since then Anti Wave products have continued to set the standard around the world for product quality and design and innovation. The Anti Wave MAXI Racing lane has been installed in most top aquatic centres around the world including FINA World Cup and Olympic Games.

ArenaProjekt i Sverige AB Box 300 14 200 61 Limhamn, Sweden Phone +46(0)40 6271380

ArenaProjekt create the necessary conditions for the planning and construction of the arena or stadium by providing services like programming, feasibility studies, concept design, preliminary design, cost estimations, event customisation and quality insurance, ArenaProjekt are then involved throughout the feasibility study and design process, providing assistance to meet with all clients and stakeholders’ requirements, ensuring correct logistics, proper planning and the right technical requirements. All this in order to create the most well-planned and cost-effective arena possible.

ASB GlassFloor Systembau Horst Babinsky GmbH Fabrikstraße 14 83371 Stein, Germany Phone +49(0)8621 987410

ASB is renowned for its ongoing global successful supply and install of high quality squash courts, also available in glass. The ASB GlassFloor is the next big thing to come from ASB. This floor offers the unique ability of individual marking lines for every sport via LED marking lines, full screen advertising and is available in any color. The ASB GlassFloor is a high performance sports floor with a life expectancy of 70 years, a truly revolutionary and elegant floor for event and multi purpose sport halls.

ASPG Germany GmbH Fährstraße 36 40221 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone +49(0)211 30329720

Artificial turf, indoor sports floorings, mobile floorings, cover systems

AST Eissport und Solaranlagenbau GmbH Lechhalde 1 1/2 87629 Füssen, Germany Phone +49(0)8362 909190

AST Eis- & Solartechnik GmbH is a company of the group “Elektrizitätswerke Reutte AG” (Electric company) with headquarters in Reutte/Tyrol and since 1986 supplies communities, cities, event organizations, public swimming pools as well as customers from various other branches with solar units and ice rinks.

Gotthilf Benz Turngerätefabrik GmbH+Co KG Postfach 220 71350 Winnenden, Germany Phone +49(0)7195 69050

BENZ manufactures high-quality sports equipment in Winnenden, Swabia, and backs up these innovative products with an outstanding selection of aftermarket items. The company’s philosophy, which is also the aspiration of its employees, is “Quality is our discipline”. Putting this into practice in its daily work and all coming projects is a challenge that BENZ is happy to accept.

BERNDORF Metall- und Bäderbau GmbH Leobersdorfer Strasse 26 2560 Berndorf, Austria Phone +43(0)2672 836400

Berndorf Bäderbau has been a leading manufacturer of stainless steel swimming pools since 1960. Berndorf Bäderbau has built over 6.500 swimming pools throughout Europe in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Thanks to its outstanding technical and optical characteristics, stainless steel is the ideal material for constructing commercial and municipal swimming pools. More and more private customers and hotel owners have become aware of the benefits of stainless steel pools in recent years. sb 4/2017


BFGW Bundesfachgruppe Wartung – Sicherheit für Sport- und Spielgeräte e.V. Waldstraße 9 Since its founding in 1984, the BFGW has been an association devoted entirely to safety in 51145 Köln, Germany the operation of sports, play and leisure facilities. Its work is based on the specifications of the Phone +49(0)2203 301001 relevant DIN/EN standards, the guidelines of the GUV accident insurance institutions, and the German Equipment and Product Safety Act (GPSG). Bright Buildings designs and builds transparent, dynamic buildings with retractable and lockable roofs and façade frontages for clients in the leisure, retail and sports industries. The specialist in tailor-made building and space solutions for indoor and outdoor activities on a single site maximises the positive impact of daylight. After over 3,000 transparent structures, the skills of the family business are now in the hands of the fifth generation. Bright Buildings B.V. designs, produces and builds worldwide within the agreed deadline and budget.

Bright Buildings B.V. Sourethweg 17 6422 PC Heerlen, Netherland Phone +31(0)45 5470856

Since 1991, Brinkmann + Deppen, an engineering office for sports and outdoor facilities in Sassenberg, has been a byword for top-level expertise in all areas of sports facility and stadium construction, building construction, and the design of parks and open spaces. We are the ideal contact throughout Germany and across Europe for design and project management in the fields of sports facility and stadium construction, parks and open spaces, building construction and expert opinions.

Brinkmann + Deppen Architekten / Landschaftsarchitekten Lappenbrink 35 48336 Sassenberg, Germany Phone +49(0)2583 2172

BSW is one of the leading suppliers of products made of polyurethane-bound rubber granulate. Using their material Regupol®, BSW produces numerous elastic, protective and absorbing products for a variety of applications. The BSW product range focuses on the production of elastic sports floorings, insulation products and foams. BSW produces the world famous judo mats, BSW Tatami, other sports mats and customised moulded parts in compound foams.

BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH Am Hilgenacker 24 57301 Bad Berleburg, Germany Phone +49(0)2751 8030

Calles De Brabant delivers the quality and service that you expect. Customers’ changing requirements have stimulated the company’s on-going development. By working together with Calles De Brabant, you benefit from the industry’s latest services, technologies and breakthroughs.

Calles - De Brabant Landschaftsarchitekten Friedhofsweg 21 50259 Pulheim-Brauweiler, Germany Phone +49(0)2234 433220

Chongqing Geckoking Sports Science and Technology Co., Ltd., is a holding subsidiary of Chongqing China Sports Construction and Engineering Co., Ltd. (CCSC). It is a professional enterprise, dealing with the manufacturing, supplying, and construction of climbing facilities, and marketing. The company specializes in over 300 various climbing venues and climbing competition walls at home and abroad. Since the installation of its first climbing wall in 1999, the company has been contracted to build and supply it’s panels, holds and expertise to some 15 countries and areas.

CCSC Chongqing China Sports Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd Rm503 Longhu Crystal Int‘l,No164 Xinnan Rd,Yubei District 401147 Chongqing, China Phone +86(0)23 67882585

Conica AG from Schaffhausen in Switzerland is a global market leader for the construction of synthetic sports surfaces in all climatic conditions. Every year, more than 250 tracks are installed worldwide onto a surface of two square kilometers. CONIPUR and CONICA sports surfaces are highly regarded throughout the world. The innovative product portfolio includes intelligent system solutions for running tracks, multipurpose facilities, sports halls and indoor athletic facilities.

Conica AG Industriestraße 26 8207 Schaffhausen, Switzerland Phone +41(0)52 644 36 00

Whether a sports hall, gym or multipurpose hall, we have a suitable sports floor for you, made from special sports linoleum. Why is it special? Simply because a proper sports floor system has to live up to its potential in terms of maximum support for any kind of movement of the user, whether general fitness activities, school sports or sport played at competition level.

DLW Flooring GmbH Stuttgarter Straße 75 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany Phone +49(0)7142 71-0

DSGN CONCEPTS conceptualises and designs urban movement space. They understand public space as a stage for the creation of new lifestyle- and motion cultures. Their claim is it to develop unique sites with a maximum of function in addition to an individual design. Because of their long lasting connection to the skateboard culture and parkour scene they have an insight regarding the users’ needs, and know how to translate these into a design from materiality to different shapes.

DSGN CONCEPTS Hafenweg 31 48155 Münster, Germany Phone +49 251 961915-73

eccos pro are the experts for integrated admission and payment systems in hotel and recreational facilities. eccos pro develops networked system solutions from hardware and software. As a full-service provider, eccos pro offers complete solutions from one source, ranging from financing and implementation consultation through to after sales support.

eccos pro gmbh Nevigeser Str. 100 42553 Velbert, Germany Phone +49(0)2051 2086200

TURNBAR®, the brand for high-grade sports and leisure equipment made of metal, is a product of Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH. It is an example of our skills in design, planning and execution.

Eiden & Wagner Metallbau GmbH Robert-Bosch-Str. 4 54634 Bitburg, Germany Phone +49(0)6561 947 080

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ENGO GmbH Srl Handwerkerzone Nr. 7 39030 Terenten (BZ), Italy Phone +39(0)472 546157

ENGO produces for more than 30 years boards for various types of sports plants: from lightstructured boards for inline and public skating to professional boards for ice hockey in fibreglass. ENGO also has been designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) for rinks of any size and use for more than 30 years, and for over 20 years electrical ice-preparation machines.

EuroSportsTurf GmbH Leibnizstr. 12-14 89231 Neu-Ulm, Deutschland Phone +49(0)731 1411 6555

As the market leader for reinforced pitch systems, EuroSportsTurf offers a unique full-service concept for the highest demands on pitches in professional sports. From extensive professional sports ground construction, through research and development of new systems to sustainable support. As a long-term partner of its customers in professional sports worldwide, the company takes on their problems and develops individual processes and solutions to achieve the best pitches 365 days a year!

Eurotramp - Kurt Hack GmbH Postfach 1146 Zeller Straße 17/1 73235 Weilheim / Teck, Germany Phone +49(0)7023 94950

Eurotramp is a worldwide leading company specialized on building trampolines with more than 50 years of experience. We produce high quality products for professional competitions as well as leisure time and outdoor products. Our high quality standard as well as the ambition to innovation, best possible customer relationship and excellent reliability are mirroring in every single Eurotramp trampoline. Not for nothing top athletes all over the world do trust in our trampolines and our service every single day.

geo3 GmbH Uedemer Straße 196 47551 Bedburg-Hau, Germany Phone +49(0)2823 419910

Since its founding in July 2000, the company has been specialising in the design and construction of outdoor sports facilities. This can involve the modernisation of natural or artificial turf, cinder or synthetic playing surfaces, the conversion of cinder pitches into artificial turf (for which there has been growing demand in recent years), or the design of new sports facilities. All the required work for each location and task is performed from a single source.

Gerflor Mipolam GmbH Postfach 14 65 53824 Troisdorf, Germany Phone +49(0)2241 25300

Gerflor is recognized as a specialist and a world leader in resilient flooring solutions. Taraflex® Sports Flooring are designed for safety and comfort. Their multi-layered construction includes 100% pure vinyl, a reinforced fiberglass grid and closed-cell foam backing to provide shock absorption, help fight fatigue, deliver consistent ball bounce, and protect against skin burns.

GfKK – Gesellschaft für KältetechnikKlimatechnik mbH Dieselstraße 7 50859 Köln, Germany Phone +49(0)2234 40060

GfKK is a plant construction, distribution and service specialist in industrial refrigeration, process refrigeration, refrigeration/air conditioning and ice sports refrigeration. Numerous ice sports facilities bear the company’s signature.

Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte Adenauerallee 134 53113 Bonn, Germany Phone +49(0)228 926593-25

The sports equipment quality association “Gütegemeinschaft Sportgeräte e.V.” brings together eight experienced sports equipment manufacturers. The association thus stands for assured and certified quality in the inspection, maintenance and construction of sports equipment. This quality guarantees safety – for users as well as for sports hall operators.

Hamberger Flooring GmbH & Co. KG Rohrdorfer Str. 133 83071 Stephanskirchen, Germany Phone +49(0)8031 7000

With the floor covering brand name “HARO”, Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH in Stephanskirchen near Rosenheim has grown to become the German market leader for parquet. Under the brand name HARO SPORTS, portable and fixedinstalled elastic coating sports floors have been produced at the company’s Sports Floor Division since 1958. HARO SPORTS Flooring give decision-makers and investors the opportunity to receive comprehensive advice on the best flooring solution for sports and multi-purpose halls, from a team of experienced experts.

Hauraton GmbH & Co. KG Werkstraße 13 76437 Rastatt, Germany Phone +49(0)7222 9580

The history of HAURATON is a history of innovations. Since the development of the first drainage channels in 1958 HAURATON products set the benchmark worldwide. HAURATON offers a special range of products for stadiums and sports grounds, which are designed especially for the demands of sports facilities. The channels made from recycled plastic are constructed so as to prevent the sportspersons from injuring themselves. The products conform of course to all international standards at the same time.

heiler GmbH & Co. KG Bokelstraße 1 33649 Bielefeld, Germany Phone +49(0)521 947150

heiler engages in professional sports ground construction and has acquired a list of big-name clubs as references for its services. heiler specialises not only in the construction of new sports grounds, but also in the conversion of existing cinder playing surfaces.

Herculan BV Energieweg 6 4231 DJ Meerkerk, Netherland Phone +31 (0) 183 35 47 00

For 25 years Herculan B.V. are developing, manufacturing and supplying seamless polyurethane sports and recreational surfacing products and systems. The systems include indoor sports floors, athletics tracks, multipurpose play- and sports areas, tennis courts and children’s playgrounds. Herculan BV provides an impressive wide range of high-quality polyurethane sports flooring systems. Worldwide renowned for durability, comfort, safety and performance! The Herculan sports surfaces are eco-friendly, seamless and meet all the latest European Standards. sb 4/2017

Over 135 years of experience in timber stand behind Holz-Speckmann, the manufacturer of the mobile SPEED-LOCK floors. The highly productive timber wholesale forms the basis for the development and production of innovative products. Holz-Speckmann produces SPEED-LOCK floors with state-of-the-art CNC machines. The permanent quality control ensures highest precision and durability of the floors.

Holz-Speckmann GmbH & Co. KG Weststraße 15 33790 Halle/ Westfalen, Germany Phone +49(0)5201 189215

HÖRGER builds and sells cleaning machines for sports facilities and particularly special-purpose cleaning machines for synthetic running tracks, artificial turf surfaces and paved surfaces.

Hörger Maschinen e.K. Langenstraße 2 21781 Cadenberge, Germany Phone +49(0)4777 931373

The enterprise group of HINKE Schwimmbad Österreich/Germany constructs highly modern swimming pools made of stainless steel. hsb is one of the leading swimming pools construction companies in Europe. Municipal swimming pools in all parts of Europe prove our efficiency and bear witness to the proverbial hsb-quality.

hsb austria gmbh Dr. Scheiber-Straße 28 4870 Vöcklamarkt, Austria Phone +43(0)7682 2831

We rent and sell mobile ice rinks including the necessary equipment and complete technical implementation. It does not matter whether you want a gala ice rink in the premium segment, a city skating rink, a professional ice hockey rink or a whole fun ice park. We deliver! We can also summer! From the inventors of the energy saving mobile aluminum ice rink there is now also a mobile water game with jets for inner cities during the summer time: The PlayFountain®


Ice-World Ice-Business GmbH Moortwiete 2N 25479 Ellerau, Germany Phone +49(0)941 4644880

INTERGREEN AG has been building sports facilities of all sizes for over 40 years. Small, regional and large, internationally active clubs appreciate our skills and experience and the quality of our work. INTERGREEN AG has developed machines, processes and systems that pursue a single goal: that of building high-quality sports facilities that are reasonably priced.

Geschäftsstelle INTERGREEN AG c/o Science to Business GmbH Hochschule Osnabrück Gebäude ED Raum 0104, Emsweg 3 49090 Osnabrück, Germany

The ISP GmbH is operating a laboratory, in which material testing of synthetic sports surfarces, artificial turf systems, impact absorbing wall coverings and sports hall floor systems is performed. ISP`s laboratory is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO 17025. The ISP expertise also includes the certification testing of all kind of synthetic sports floor systems for indoor and outdoor use, key stage inspections of installation works, assessment of existing sports facilities, and quality monitoring of building materials.

ISP GmbH Südstraße 1A 49196 Bad Laer, Germany Phone +49(0)5424 8097891

IST Leipzig is a German test Lab for tests of sports flooring systems accredited according to EN ISO 17025. The scope of the lab ranges from tests of indoor sports floors, artificial turf systems and synthetic surfaces up to test of playground surfaces. Padded walls and safety against ball throwing are tested as well. Tests are performed both as lab-test and as field-test in the builtin final state: lab-tests for testing systems or components, field-tests for the installation quality.

IST – Institut für Sportbodentechnik Equipagenweg 25 04416 Markkleeberg, Germany Phone +49(0)341/354 29 53

Construction Project Management is the core business of our company. For us, project management is the objectives of our clients, economically and efficiently. Our mission is to realize short construction, sustainable building quality within budget We specialize in real estate in the sports and leisure center area.

Andreas Kernig Building Consultant Albersloher Weg 10 48155 Münster, Germany Phone +49(0)251 23948850

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG is an independent enterprise in the KRAIBURG Holding. SPORTEC® rubber flooring products and elastic layers from KRAIBURG Relastec are proven products refined by continuous further development. A wide range of users - including system providers, specialist distributors, architects and builders of sports facilities - benefit from the advantages they provide. All SPORTEC® products are manufactured in proprietary environment-friendly processes utilizing upwards of 90% recycled rubber materials.

KRAIBURG Relastec GmbH & Co. KG Fuchsberger Straße 4 29410 Salzwedel, Germany Phone +49(0)8683 701 340

KUTTER is an innovative and high-performance company that not only plays a leading role all over southern Germany in classical gardening and landscaping, but is also a top-rate and reliable operator in specialised fields such as sports facility construction, golf course construction and synthetic surface technology.

Hermann Kutter Landschaftsbau Sportplatzbau GmbH & Co. KG Buxheimer Straße 116 87700 Memmingen, Germany Phone +49(0)8331 97730

Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG was founded in Hamburg in 1904 and is a renowned gardening, landscaping and sports ground construction company. Herbert Labarre GmbH offers its customers skilled, punctual and expert consultation, price quotation and execution.

Herbert Labarre GmbH & Co. KG Alsterdorfer Str. 514-516 22337 Hamburg, Germany Phone +49(0)40 596036

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M3 Architectes 15, rue Wurth-Paquet 2737 Luxembourg, Luxembourg Phone +352 26 44 74 1

M3 Architectes is currently led by five associates, Jos Dell, Alain Linster, Mary Lucas, Jürgen Simon and Luke Schroeder assisted by a team of 40 employees, including 29 architects. M3 Architectes exercises in most fields of construction, urban planning and interior design.

Melos GmbH Bismarckstr. 4-10 49324 Melle, Germany Phone +49(0)5422 94470

For more than 70 years, MELOS have been developing know-how in rubber technology. In the granules product area, MELOS major activity is the manufacture of synthetic granules for running tracks and drop protection systems in playgrounds. MELOS also manufacture infill granules for artificial turf systems.

Nagelstutz und Eichler GmbH & Co. KG Industriestraße 16 45739 Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany Phone +49(0)2368 69030

Nagelstutz und Eichler is one of Germany’s leading manufacturers of linear ceiling systems. As a company with a strong market presence and over 50 years of experience, Nagelstutz und Eichler is synonymous with heavy-duty metal ceilings. With nonferrous panel ceilings, sustainable and value-retaining room designs can be realised. When it comes to individuality, economy and durability, Nagelstutz und Eichler is the company to contact, from the idea through to completion.

Neptunus GmbH Georg-Glock-Straße 8 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone +49(0)3222 1090176

Neptunus is one of the largest providers of marquees, semi-permanent and temporary accommodation worldwide. With its 75 years of experience, Neptunus supplies marquees and accommodation for top events, in addition to demountable structures for numerous semi-permanent applications. Neptunus has developed temporary sports hall structures with big fl exibility and sustainibility.

Novoter AG Auberg 2 4051 Basel, Switzerland Phone +41(0)61 2715100

Novoter AG, headquartered in Switzerland, provides an innovative turf heating and cooling system which saves up to 80% of the energy costs of conventional systems. Novoter experts have more than 30 years of experience in planning, coordination, construction and maintenance of natural grass soccer fields and ice plants as well as in heating, cooling and control technology. Experience which leads to innovation.

Nüssli (Germany) GmbH Rothgrund 6 91154 Roth, Germany Phone +49(0)9171 97630 Fax +49(0)9171 976350

NUSSLI is a leading, international supplier of temporary structures for events, trade fairs and exhibitions. NUSSLI provides customized, integral solutions from the concept to the fi nal implementation. These are characterized by brief implementation times and superior quality.

OSRAM GmbH Marcel-Breuer-Straße 6 80807 München, Germany

OSRAM is one of the world’s two leading light manufacturers. With its portfolio, the company covers the entire value chain from components and control gear through to complete luminaires, light management systems and lighting solutions. Together with its subsidiaries Siteco and Traxon Technologies, OSRAM offers complete light solutions for all fields of applications within sports facilities from a single source.

Pellikaan Bauunternehmen Germany GmbH Kaiserswerther Straße 115 40880 Ratingen, Germany Phone +49(0)2102 429060

Pellikaan specialises in non-housing projects; buildings used for commerce, recreation, and education. As an experienced and unique partner, the company will work closely with its clients and can provide a total package, or a combination of: Design, Build, Finance ,Maintain, Operate, Feasibility.

PERROT-Regnerbau Calw GmbH Industriestraße 19-29 75382 Althengstett, Germany Phone +49(0)7051 1620

PERROT, the professionals of turf irrigation and good service, and their reliable partners advise on any kind of questions right from the planning stage, concerning offers, delivery and installation, up to the point of commissioning. Individual requirements will be analyzed in a detailed counseling interview with our specialized staff - also on site if required.

Planungsbüro Pätzold + Snowadsky Katharinenstraße 31 49078 Osnabrück, Germany Phone +49(0)541 404320

On your behalf, we carry out extensive concept planning, demand assessments and feasibility studies. In addition, we support you during all phases of the design and execution of indoor and outdoor facilities, with a strong focus on the sports facility sector. We are known for our experience, dependability and sound judgment. We regularly test and make use of newly developed systems. For the expert performance of wide-ranging tasks. For you, the client.

Play-Parc Allwetter-Freizeitanlagenbau GmbH Zur Kohlstätte 9 33014 Bad Driburg-Siebenstern, Germany Phone +49(0)5253 40599-0

Siegfried Strasser has been developing and building playground and exercise equipment for public spaces since 1979. And this has included the successful 4FCIRCLE® series of exercise equipment since 2001. He runs his company playparc GmbH together with his son Steffen. Playparc produces and sells four product lines well-known throughout Germany and the rest of Europe: NEOSPIEL®, 4FCIRCLE®, Replacement parts for all children’s playground equipment and IMAGINATION PLAYGROUND®.




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PM ENGINEERING SRL, with more than 50 years’ experience, is well known on the international markets with high quality products, fruit of deep researches. All the production phases (design, cutting, H.F. welding ) are carried out inside the factory, using up-to-date and automated equipments. The production process is always subject to careful inspections/tests on the raw materials and on the manufacturing cycle, so assuring high quality products, according to the European standards. The Company is certified UNI-EN ISO 9001: 2008

PM Engineering S.r.l. via V.Monti, 3 20030 SENAGO (MI), Italy Phone +39 02 9989701

Based in Burgheim, Polytan has been the leading specialist for outdoor sports surfaces for more than 40 years. The spectrum of services includes the supply of polyurethane raw materials, the installation of synthetic surfaces for athletics tracks, all-weather pitches, elastic layers for synthetic turfs, the supply and installation of traditional and filled synthetic turfs, lining, repairs and the cleaning of sports surfaces.

Polytan GmbH Gewerbering 3 86666 Burgheim, Germany Phone +49(0)8432 870

PORPLASTIC offers comprehensive product and system programme for PUR-bound elastic sports floors, playground surfaces and synthetic turf systems as a complete assembly in accordance with DIN V 18035, parts 6 and 7, and the IAAF guidelines. Products proven in all climates and innovative technical solutions on site.

Porplastic Sportbau von Cramm GmbH & Co. KG Graf-Bentzel-Str. 78 72108 Rottenburg a.N., Germany Phone + 49(0)7472 937970

Pulastic sports flooring is a brand of Sika Nederland B.V. We are an innovative organization and unite a variety of activities under one roof, from research and development to manufacturing and installation of polyurethane indoor and outdoor floors, including customer service and consulting.

Sika Nederland B.V. (Pulastic sports flooring) P.O. Box 420 7400 AK Deventer, Netherland Phone +31(0)570 620744

RAUMKUNST ZT LLC offers professional support and accompaniment for planning and realization of sports facilities and spaces for assembly. RAUMKUNST ZT LLC possesses decades of experience with project development and construction of sports facilities as well as large scale assembly spaces such as football stadiums, gymnasiums, or track-and-field facilities. Our knowhow encompasses all phases of project development.

RAUMKUNST ZT GMBH SPORTARCHITEKTUR Mondscheingasse 7/1 1070 Wien, Austria Phone +43(0)1956 98 38

ProPlay is a commercial sports brand of Schmitz Foam Products, is a 3th generation family owned business established in 1935. Schmitz is the global leader in performance pads with unparalleled engineering, quality and innovation. The first ProPlay pad was produced in 1992. Today, all products are still engineered, manufactured and distributed on-site and installed in more than 70 countries worldwide.

Schmitz Foam Products BV Postfach 1277 6040 KG Roermond, Netherland Phone +31(0)475 370270

Alveosport is made by the Swiss company Sekisui Alveo AG, a European leader in foams specializing in polyolefin foams since 1971. The company is a subsidiary of ­Sekisui Chemical Co. Ltd., with a global staff of over 20,000, and a global leader in foams since 1968. Alveosport is distributed worldwide through the Sekisui Group, comprising a global network of 76 companies serving every major country.

SEKISUI ALVEO (Benelux) BV De Raaf 33A 4102 DG Culemborg, Netherland Phone +31(0)34 553 3939




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S SERGE FERRARI BP 54 38352 La Tour du Pin Cedex, France Phone +33(0)474 974133

The Serge Ferrari group designs, manufactures and distributes high-technology eco-friendly flexible composite materials. The unique properties of its products open applications bringing solutions to technical challenges for different architectural projects. The group’s main competitive advantage resides in its differentiating technology, Précontraint, and the associated proprietary industrial know-how. The group has three manufacturing sites: one in France and two in Switzerland. Serge Ferrari is present in 80 countries with a professional sales team and a network of more than 100 distributors.

SEW® - Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH SEW® – Systemtechnik für Energierecycling und Wärmeflussbegrenzung GmbH is a manufacIndustriering Ost 86-90 turer of heat and cold recovery systems for all ventilation and air-conditioning systems. SEW®’s 47906 Kempen, Germany energy conservation technology is highly efficient and highly profitable and, by reducing the Phone +49(0)2152 91560 need for heating, refrigeration and recooling equipment, drastically cuts energy consumption and thus pays its own way.



Signgrass® NIK-Tufting BV Stökskesweg 13 5571 TJ Bergeijk, Netherland Phone +31(0)497 572545

The idea behind Signgrass® is to manufacture a seamless logo, slogan or design up to 4 x 9 meters out of one piece and in fine detail. Th synthetic grass mats can be incorporated at artificial turf pitches, sports grounds, children’s playgrounds, golfgreens and commercial flooring like door mats and exhibition flooring. Signgrass® meets a quality standard which will exceed every expectation and brings numerous possibilities. Strong and durable.

SMC² Parc d’Activités Les Platières, 250 rue du Petit Bois 69440 Mornant, France Phone +33(0) 478676056

Architecture, innovation and environmental preservation are the driving forces of our creativity and our actions to propose solutions to fulfil the economic and ecological demands of today’s society. SMC² designs and constructs covered buildings for sports. When covering a sports field or building a sports installation, every project has its own solution: Multi-sports grounds, indoor football pitches, tennis courts, gymnasiums, bowling pitches, changing rooms, stands, covered school playgrounds, sports centres, swimming pools…

SMG Sportplatzmaschinenbau GmbH Postfach 1150 89265 Vöhringen, Germany Phone +49(0)7306 96650

Since 1975 SMG has been dealing with the development of modern machinery for the installation of synthetic surfaces in the sports industry. Also for the maintenance of artificial turf or carpets with granule infilling SMG has already presented the world‘s first innovations since the 80s. For about 35 years SMG has been offering a unique range of machinery. As a pioneer in the special sector „synthetic sports surfaces and artificial turf” SMG disposes of recognized competence and experience since decades.

Spieth Gymnastics GmbH In den Weiden 13 73776 Altbach, Germany Phone +49(0)7153 5032800

SPIETH Gymnastics is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of gymnastics equipment and mats. In addition, SPIETH also produces a broad range of judo floors, basketball units, climbing walls and changing room equipment. The product and service portfolio is is rounded of with customised solutions for training centres and freestyle halls. SPIETH has supplied equipment to many Olympic Games and World Championships.

STARGUM Zakład Przemysłu Gumowego ul. Cieplna 7 73-110, Stargard Szczecinski, Polska Phone +48 91 578 8008

STARGUM is one of the leading producers of rubber granules for sport and recreational surfaces such as football pitches, running tracks and playgrounds. With over 30 years of experience in the rubber industry, EPDM, TPE-V, and SBR granules produced by STARGUM are among the highest quality granules on the market. Manufactured in the European Union, our granules meet the highest standards for environmental safety and health, and our flexible, high capacity production ensures we can meet each of our customers’ individual needs.

STRABAG Sportstättenbau GmbH 44147 Dortmund, Germany Phone +49(0)231 9820230

STRABAG Sportstättenbau GmbH specialises in complete solutions for indoor and outdoor sports facilities, inclusive of maintenance and care. Numerous projects have been realised in this way – among them, public-private partnerships, inclusive of building construction and financing. We have the right solution for all sports-related requirements.

Trofil Sportbodensysteme GmbH & Co. KG Löhestrasse 40 53773 Hennef, Germany Phone +49(0)2242 933 880

The production of high-quality mono filaments from hair strength has now been developed at Trofil for 25 years. From granulates through to mono filament production, the refinement (plying, etc.), tufting, right through to lamination, Trofil supplies products for the highest demands, manufactured from a single source, with which Trofil offers flexibility in the product design by directly converting the customer’s specific wishes and requirements.

Universal Sport Sportgeräteherstellungs- und Vertriebs GmbH Waldstraße 8 Since the establishment of Universal Sport in 1982 a worldwide net of sales representatives 71101 Schönaich, Germany has been set up. On more than 3000 m² sport product’s get engineered, produced and stored. Phone +49(0)7031 75330 With the always present thought of safety, we have revised many of our items, for example Umpire’s Chairs, Tennis Nets and Tennis Posts.


Vector Foiltec GmbH Steinacker 3 28717 Bremen, Germany Phone +49(0)421 69351-0 66

Vector Foiltec designed, manufactured and installed the first ETFE cladding system in 1981 and has retained our position as markets leaders in this field. We currently manufacture our product under the trademark of Texlon®. Vector Foiltec holds the world’s most comprehensive body of ETFE related research data and continue to bring new and innovative products to the market. We are proud of our consistent track record in the delivery of elegant cost effective engineering solutions to meet our client’s many, varied and often complex needs. sb 4/2017

Waagner-Biro is a steel engineering organisation based in Vienna. Founded in 1854, the tradition-conscious company has amassed nearly 160 years of experience. Today, Waagner-Biro has more than a thousand employees working at some 15 locations in Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Waagner-Biro is one of the largest suppliers of stage equipment world-wide.

Waagner-Biro Bavaria Stage Systems GmbH Am Schönbühl 12 92729 Weiherhammer, Germany Phone +49(0)9605 92220

Weinberger is the leading company in the Rhine-Neckar area for screeding, floorcoverings (carpeting, linoleum, rubber and PVC surfaces), parquet, sports floors, net curtains, decorative fabrics, wallpaper etc. In the sports flooring sector, it is the right contact when it comes to special surfaces for outdoor ball games, floor systems for sports and multi-purpose halls, and special flooring for fitness centres/weight training rooms.

Eugen Weinberger GmbH & Co. KG Gutenbergstraße 41-43 68167 Mannheim, Germany Phone +49(0)621 338780

Zeller´s qualified staff are the guarantee for creative, technically sound solutions. On their company premises of 14,000 m², Zeller uses the latest equipment and techniques in the production of the stainless steel elements for your swimming pool.

ZELLER bäderbau GmbH In den Seewiesen 49 89520 Heidenheim, Germany Phone +49(0)7321 93890

Züko is designing and producing ice-preparation machines (ice resurfacer) . Züko is also proud of its large and efficient workshop. Here, not only municipal vehicles and equipment, which were bought at the ZüKo, but also foreign brands can be serviced.

Züko Germany GmbH Vogelherd 23 78176 Blumberg, Germany Phone +49(0)7702 477920




UPCOMING ISSUES Issue 5/2017 – 2017 IOC IPC IAKS Awards

sb 4/2017

Issue 6/2017 – Pools and leisure facilities

Advertising deadline: 09.10.2017

Advertising deadline: 01.12.2017

Date of publication:: 07.11.2017

Date of publication: 29.12.2017



sb 4/2017

International magazine for sports, leisure and recreational ­facilities

Editorial board and publisher IAKS International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities Eupener Straße 70 50933 Köln, Germany Phone +49 (0) 221 16 80 23- 0 Fax +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-23

Secretary General with overall responsibility Klaus Meinel

“sb“ online Johannes Diekhans Fon +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-13

Editorial board and marketing Thomas Kick Fon +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-12

Subscriptions Birgit Andras Fon +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-14

Subscription price €56 Germany €73 Other countries €12 Single issue ISSN (Print): 0036-102X ISSN (Internet): ISSN 2198-4271 The publisher has unlimited rights to work accepted for printing. Reprint or duplication, even of extracts, is only permitted with the publisher‘s written consent. 68

Jurisdiction and place of performance Cologne For advertisement prices, see the Media Data 2017.

Editorial board Silke Bardenheuer Fon +49 (0) 221 16 80 23-11

Translation/Editorial report Tim Chafer, ExperTeam Ohmweg 18, 40591 Düsseldorf Euro-Sprachendienst Jellen Markt 71, 53757 St. Augustin Print DFS Druck Brecher GmbH Rheinische Allee 5 50858 Köln sb 4/2017

FSB COLOGNE 07-10 November 2017 We are looking forward to seeing you!

Hall 7.1 Stand A010/B011

recreating pools

Matern Creativbüro

feel the future! Stainless steel swimming pools for future generations

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PERFECT SURFACES FOR SPORTING SUCCESS High-quality sports surfaces from Polytan. We have been developing, producing and installing high-grade sports surfaces to meet every requirement and suit every purpose for almost 50 years. From running tracks and all-weather pitches through soft-impact surfaces to highly developed synthetic turf systems. We offer a complete, one-stop product range encompassing installation, maintenance and servicing. Worldwide. Made in Germany.

Discover the whole world of Polytan at or contact us by email: 70

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