The PCO December 2021

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AW AR D 2021

AFEA+CSR HELLAS: SUSTAINABILITY WINS THE 2021 IAPCO COLLABORATION AWARD AFEA+CSR Hellas: Sustainability wins the 2021 IAPCO Collaboration Award, supported by IBTM. An inspirational long-term partnership to increase sustainability awareness and actions in the Greek meetings industry.

what we do” said Ori Lahav, IAPCO President, who awarded the trophy to the two winners in Barcelona. Doing more for sustainability at the origin of the partnership IAPCO member AFEA is an Athens-based established PCO with an experience of more than 40 years. Since 2017,

In the vibrant settings of the newly opened Moco Museum in

AFEA has integrated Corporate Social Responsibility in the

Barcelona during IBTM Leaders’ Summit, last 29 November

organisation’s strategy. AFEA has become a signatory of the

2021, Sissi Lygnou, CEO of Greek PCO AFEA and Ariadne

United Nations Global Compact, the international initiative

Stagkou-Bell, CSR & Communication Specialist, CSR HELLAS

of the United Nations, which calls companies to take

received the 2021 IAPCO Driving Excellence Collaboration

action towards the protection of labor and human rights,

Award. The trophy celebrates partnerships that bring

environmental protection and anti-corruption. During 2019

excellence to the meetings industry.

and 2018, AFEA incorporated the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), declared its support to them

“The applications for the IAPCO Collaboration Award

and integrated them in the organization’s strategic plan.

were outstanding. But the judging committee agreed the collaboration between AFEA and CSR HELLAS was exceptional

But AFEA wanted to go further and contribute in creating

because of the broadness of its actions. Sustainability is a

awareness on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable

key issue for our industry and this collaboration has sparkled

Development as key element for the future strategic planning

changes on a national level. It is highly inspirational and aligns

of the Greek meetings industry.

with IAPCO commitment to integrate sustainability further in 28

| December 2021

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