Health Beauty Priceless
summer 2021
COVID-19: the surprising lifestyle side effects
URGENT CARE CENTERS: Pass me on for a greener Bermuda
The future of healthcare in Bermuda?
Bermuda Cancer and Health
Centre is a registered charity engaged in the prevention,
detection and support of cancer and other health concerns in
the local community.
PREVENTION PROGRAMMES Free to our community
14 3 Know your diabetes 4 Cancer care 5 Holistic medicine 6 Boost your immunity 7 Cancer prevention 9 Urgent care centers 11 Take your medicine 12 &RYLG OLIHVW\OH VLGH HƵHFWV 15 Vitamin C/Total Health 16 Paediatric eye care 17 Butt stops here 18 Choose water/A colourful diet 19 Your Covid ultimate resource 20 Medical professionals guide
Publisher Ian Coles Director of Marketing Lissa Fisher Art Director Tim Parker Editorial Contributions Tim Smith Editorial, Advertising & Distribution: PO Box HM 2032, Hamilton HM HX, Bermuda. Tel: (441) 292-7279 Email: Website: Health & Beauty 2021 is published biannually by Bermuda Media. © 2021 Bermuda Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher.
Associated media include Bermuda Business Visitor Your Future New Resident Guide Building Bermuda Going Green <RXU 2ƸFH Bermuda Real Estate Handbook Bermuda Channel House Garden Kitchen & Bath Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Know your Diabetes aving diabetes is a balancing act. If you are a person with diabetes (PWD), you have to worry about things a person without diabetes does not, e.g., diet, exercise, medications, and more. You have to get them right. The Bermuda Diabetes Association is here to help you improve your diabetes control. We now have all our services under one roof, providing Bermuda with a comprehensive diabetes education centre together with a fully functional pharmacy. We have exciting programmes all designed to help you better manage your diabetes. We are situated at 22 Princess St., Hamilton HM10 (on the corner of Dundonald and Princess streets). Our pharmacy provides low-cost medicines – and for people with diabetes LQ ƶQDQFLDO GLƸFXOWLHV ZH DVVLVW WKHP ZLWK their medication. Book an appointment with one of our pharmacists, Melissa or Brock, for our “Know Your Medicines 3URJUDPPHŤ WR ƶQG RXW DOO \RX QHHG DERXW
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
the medicines you are taking. Call 2978427 or email your prescription requests to, and the medicines can be delivered to you for free. Great news for people who do not have diabetes: You can also buy your medicines here. A number of other nonprescription products are available for purchase. Physicians are prescribing a popular new product called the Freestyle Libre Glucose
Monitoring System. This is a continuous glucose monitor you wear on your arm and scan with a reader to determine your blood VXJDU OHYHO LQVWHDG RI XVLQJ D ƶQJHUVWLFN The BDA team will teach you how to use this in the Freestyle Libre class. For persons with Type 1 diabetes, the Medtronic Insulin Pumps are available. Our diabetes educator, Sara, teaches the “Know your Diabetes” morning education workshop to provide you with the skills to make informed decisions to promote your health and improve your diabetes control. 6RRQ ZH ZLOO EH RƵHULQJ ţ1XWULWLRQ 6WHSVŤ Lunch and Learns, 12 topics including “Nutrition 101,” “Mindful Eating,” and “Stocking a Healthy Pantry on a Budget.” With lots more programmes to come. Your physician can refer you to the diabetes educator for nutrition counselling and diabetes control. Making changes to your lifestyle will help you avoid the serious health complications of diabetes in the future, such as nerve, kidney, and heart damage. Learn all you can about your diabetes, you are the most important member of your health care team.
Improving the quality of life for cancer patients orty years ago, cancer was a word hardly spoken aloud in the community. Patients were isolated for fear of contamination, and families were even afraid to use the same utensils. PALS began with a group of volunteer nurses to assist in getting patients home from the hospital with cancer. These patients needed a “pal,” someone to sit with them, read to them, or perhaps feed them. Robert Stigwood, a wellknown music entrepreneur, ƶOP SURGXFHU DQG D %HUPXGD resident, provided funding for two years for a part-time nurse. Today, Bermuda’s only home cancer care charity has JURZQ WR LQFOXGH ƶYH IXOO WLPH specialised nurses, a palliative care physician, and a full-time medical social worker who all see approximately 180 patients
PALS nurses: L-R Reanna Stovell, Rosa Ward, Waynette Wilson, Kathy Fox, Merlyn Burgess
a month. PALS supports all patients with cancer at any stage of the disease. Some of its patients complete their cancer treatment and no longer require its specialised services; others require palliative care for pain and symptoms experienced with
end-of-life care. PALS continues to support the patient and his or her family medically, HPRWLRQDOO\ DQG ƶQDQFLDOO\ In addition to nursing support, 3$/6 RƵHUV GXUDEOH PHGLFDO equipment to its patients, including such items as hospital beds, commodes, shower
benches, and wheelchairs, all free of charge. PALS will assist patients (on an individual basis RQFH ƶQDQFLDOO\ VFUHHQHG that require assistance with purchasing food supplements, medications, and overseas medical travel for uninsured and underinsured patients. PALS receives no government grants and relies solely on corporate and individual donations, various fundraising events and its thrift shop, to continue to support its programmes. PALS spends more than $5,000 a day on patient care, and its annual budget is approximately $2 million dollars. PALS never charges a patient or his or her family for its services. $OO VXSSRUW ƶQDQFLDOO\ DQG through volunteering is greatly appreciated.
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Holistic Health
Holistic medicine doesn’t treat the pain, it treats the person hen you think of “holistic health,” does it stir up thoughts of Eastern or alternative medicine? Well, you may be partly right. Some VFLHQWLƶFDOO\ SURYHQ WKHUDSLHV IURP alternative areas of health and beauty are integrated in what we are more familiar with in the Western world to form what is being commonly called holistic health. But WR EH PRUH VSHFLƶF LWšV D FRPSUHKHQVLYH and personalised way to care about the ‘whole you’. Not just treating individual diseases and symptoms, but providing for the physical, mental, spiritual and sometimes social needs. One of the axioms of holistic medicine and health and beauty is the understanding that all aspects of your EHLQJ DƵHFW \RXU RYHUDOO KHDOWK DQG DUH not mutually exclusive. Being unwell in one area of your life, when you are under mental stress for example, can evidence itself in many physical ways. You may KDYH WURXEOH VOHHSLQJ JHW KHDGDFKHV ƶQG yourself eating too much comfort food which in turn brings on weight gain. And it also works vice versa. Being physically sick, can bring on depression and anxiety. Many studies have shown that having good friends and being active in the community helps to foster good health. The book The Blue Zone analysed several regions around the world that are home to the happiest and longest-living people. Although they had slightly varying lifestyles, what they did have in common was that they followed healthy diets, exercised regularly, made sure they got enough sleep and also very importantly, they all had good spiritual, family and social networks. Did you know that leading a happy life with close friendships can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress levels in other areas of your life, and even increase your chances of surviving serious illnesses such as cancer. To understand how they can best help you, good doctors take a holistic approach
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
to your health. They won’t just ask you TXHVWLRQV DERXW \RXU VSHFLƶF V\PSWRPV but will look for underlying causes of those symptoms, whether they be physical or mental. The prescription they write for you may not only be something you take to the drug store or pharmacy to have dispensed. Your doctor may also recommend changes in what you eat, suggest an exercise regime, yoga, pilates or other stretching practices; perhaps massage, acupuncture, psychological or other supportive care.
Yes, you may well need medications or surgery to repair and heal a sickness or injury, but certain foods can also UHGXFH LQƷDPPDWLRQ ZKLOH RWKHU IRRGV FRQWULEXWH WR LQƷDPPDWLRQ 6WUHVV FDQ EH UHOLHYHG E\ PDVVDJH RU \RX PD\ ƶQG a few sessions with a therapist a healing experience. Mindful meditation or a quiet, early morning walk on the beach can also relieve pain and stress. Drinking more water, getting more sleep, taking time to relax and unwind — all these things play an important part in your overall health.
Boost your immune system naturally Tania Kowalski says look to the bees and Lindo’s to boost your immunity to infectious diseases id you know that bees line their hives with a resinous mixture called propolis which is known as the immune system of the hive? Propolis is known as ‘bee glue’ which literally holds the hive together, sealing holes and cracks in the hive while protecting the bees from outside germs. Propolis contains more than 300 compounds known for supporting immunity. Studies show that propolis has antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiLQƷDPPDWRU\ DQG LPPXQH HQKDQFLQJ properties. My grandfather was a beekeeper and was always expounding the wonders of bees and their natural compounds, so bee products are near and dear to my heart, which is why I’m extra excited to share a new product line that Lindo’s has just recently introduced by Beekeepers Naturals. I’ve been using and loving the Beekeepers products for a few years now and am thrilled to have them here in Bermuda to share with you. The lineup includes; a Propolis Throat Spray for daily immune support and to soothe a sore or scratchy throat, B Powered Superfood +RQH\ IRU QRQ FDƵHLQDWHG HQHUJ\ DQG B.Chill honey with hemp to induce a sense of calm and better sleep. Another two of my very faves are the Bee Pollen for energy and recovery (great for around your workout) and B.LXR for brain fuel, focus, and productivity (yes please).
What else can we do to boost immunity? BEE Kind. Bees are an incredible example of teamwork. In a single colony, there can be thousands of bees that need to work together in order to survive and thrive. Ensure that you have a supportive network of friends and family in your life, connection is so important to good health. It’s also very important to be kind to yourself — to give yourself some love and compassion. I promise that you are not alone in experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions during this time. Give yourself permission to BE, to FEEL, and to FORGIVE yourself for anything that you may be holding onto so that you can move through your emotions. BEE Happy. Identify what you’re doing when you’re truly feeling your best. What foods are you eating? How are you moving? How are you reducing and working through stress? What activities are you making time for? Be sure to make the time to do more of the things that make you feel good long term. BEE Healthy. What is the status of your sleep and how can you improve LW" $OFRKRO VWUHVV FDƵHLQH VFUHHQV blue light… these can all wreak havoc on your sleep. Identify your barriers to deep, dreamy, restorative sleep and work to remove them. Busy bees need good
quality sleep. Choose nutrient dense foods DQG HOLPLQDWH QXWULHQW GHƶFLHQFLHV %HH pollen, royal jelly, and propolis are some of nature’s most nutrient dense foods. Bee pollen is loaded with a wide variety of DQWLR[LGDQWV WR UHGXFH LQƷDPPDWLRQ WR KHOS WR ƶJKW LQIHFWLRQV DQG WR LQKLELW WKH growth of harmful bacteria. Choose pre and probiotic foods to nourish your gut and improve immunity. Bee pollen and royal jelly have also shown to stimulate important probiotic gut bacteria. This COVID pandemic is yet another important reminder of the importance of boosting immunity through our lifestyle choices. When you’re focused on balanced QXWULWLRQ DQG ƶWQHVV LPSURYLQJ VOHHS keeping stress in check, and having a support network of supportive family and friends in your hive, you’re well on your way to increased immunity, better energy, better health, and an overall happier life. Tania Kowalski is a health coach and wellness consultant for Lindos. Facebook: ZZZ IDFHERRN FRP WDQLDNƶWQHVV Instagram: ZZZ LQVWDJUDP FRP WDQLDNƶWQHVV Lindo’s Facebook: Lindo’s Instagram: Beekeepers Facebook: Beekeepers Instagram:
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Cancer can be prevented Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre shares things you can do today, that will lower your risk of being diagnosed with cancer ocally more than 300 people are diagnosed with cancer annually. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of cancers can be prevented and more than half cancer deaths can be prevented.
Preventing Cancer It is possible to change the course of some cancers in a population, including Bermuda. HPV is the cause of almost all FHUYLFDO FDQFHUV 7KH YLUXV ZKLFK DƵHFWV both males and females has also been linked to cancers of the vulva, vagina, penis, anus, and throat. In addition to following a healthy lifestyle and cancer screening guidelines, vaccinating against HPV will be a step toward preventing these types of cancer. There is strong evidence that an individual’s risk of developing cancer can be substantially reduced by healthy behaviour: • don’t use tobacco and reduce alcohol consumption • JHW VXƸFLHQW SK\VLFDO DFWLYLW\ • eat healthy foods in moderation • participate in cancer screenings according to recommended guidelines • get vaccinated against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Screening Tests Starting as early as 40 years of age, getting VFUHHQLQJ WHVWV UHJXODUO\ PD\ ƶQG EUHDVW cervical, and colorectal (colon) cancers early when treatment is likely to work best. Lung cancer screening is recommended for some people who are at high risk. Bermuda’s cancer screening guidelines can be found on the Centre’s website ( cancer-information/bermudas-cancerscreening-guidelines).
Vaccines Vaccines also help lower cancer risk. The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps prevent most cervical cancers and several other kinds of cancer in both males and females. The hepatitis B vaccine can help lower liver cancer risk.
Healthy Choices You can reduce your risk of getting cancer by making healthy choices like keeping a healthy weight, getting regular exercise, avoiding tobacco, limiting the amount of alcohol you drink, protecting your skin and practising safe sex. Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre provides a series of programmes highlighting healthy lifestyle choices which,
together, can make an enormous impact on people’s likelihood of developing cancer and other non-communicable diseases over their lifetimes. Presentations and workshops are provided free to the community and can be requested through the Centre’s website ( reducing-your-cancer-risk-presentations).
$ƵRUGLQJ &DQFHU 6FUHHQLQJ DQG 7UHDWPHQW $ƵRUGLQJ KHDOWK FDUH FDQ EH FKDOOHQJLQJ not everyone has health insurance, and in other cases, health insurance may not cover the full cost of a needed service. As a registered charity, Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre believes that everyone should have access to health care. Through the ongoing generosity of the local community, the Centre’s Equal Access fund can help subsidise the cost of mammography, ultrasound, breast and prostate biopsies and radiation therapy treatment at our Centre for those who are uninsured and underinsured. In addition to the physical illness and emotional distress caused by cancer, the high costs of care is a burden to patients, their families, and to the public. By preventing some of these cancers, the burden of cancer will be reduced, and the number of deaths caused by cancer will decline. 7
Urgent care centers Urgent Care Centers are revolutionising medical care around the world. Now in Bermuda, too! rgent care centers are among the fastest-growing areas of medical care in the United States and the United Kingdom. Sometimes described as walk-in clinics or convenient care clinics, they are fully equipped medical facilities that focus on patient care for illnesses and injuries requiring immediate attention – almost everything with the exception of serious situations that require an ambulance to transport a patient to a traditional emergency department. A major factor in the growth of these FHQWHUV LV WKH VLJQLƶFDQW PRQHWDU\ VDYLQJV when compared with a visit to a hospital
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
emergency department. Another important factor is that urgent care centers also respond to a public need for convenient medical care without requiring an appointment. For a small island, Bermuda is fortunate to now have its own brand-new, state-of-the art urgent care center: HMC Urgent Care and Medical Imaging. HMC Urgent Care and Medical Imaging LV VWDƵHG E\ D WHDP RI KLJKO\ WUDLQHG H[SHUW medical professionals, led by renowned local Doctor J.J. Soares. Its aim is to treat patients with compassion, kindness, and courtesy and get them up and about and
on their way as soon as possible. “What we have at the HMC Urgent Care is equal to and, in many respects, even H[FHHGV ZKDW \RXšOO ƶQG DW WKH .(0+ DQG WKH ƶQHVW XUJHQW FDUH FHQWHUV LQ WKH 86 Ť explains Dr. Soares. “We have the most advanced imaging services on the island, including x-ray, ultrasound, mammography, bone density, cardiological, and CAT scan testing – and the island’s only truly open MRI scanner. “Claustrophobic patients, larger patients, and patients who may be anxious or FRQIXVHG ZLOO ƶQG RXU 05, SDUWLFXODUO\ HDV\ to use – even somewhat relaxing – as they can be comforted and reassured by a loved one right at their side throughout the entire process, which is not possible with a 9
conventional MRI. ţ:H RƵHU VDPH RU QH[W GD\ VHUYLFH Ş QRW only for MRI but all of our scans and blood tests. So, if you call up for your MRI with a referral from your doctor, it would be our KRSH WR ƶW \RX LQ WKDW GD\ RU LI SUHSDUDWLRQ is involved, the next day, and you’ll get your results back usually within one business day,” says Dr. Soares. “This is a beautiful, 15,000-sq.-ft. state-of-
WKH DUW IDFLOLW\ RYHU ƶYH ƷRRUV ZLWK DOO RI WKH latest medical equipment and cutting-edge scanners. It’s open to everyone of any age, is very convenient and user-friendly, and provides quick, expert diagnosis and results. ţ3OXV ZH FRQWLQXH WR RƵHU RXU XVXDO GP services, provide medicals for TCD, immigration and other purposes as well as blood testing with immigration chest x-rays RƵHUHG RQVLWH WKH YHU\ VDPH GD\
“We are the only facility outside of KEMH WR RƵHU D IXOO DUUD\ RI PHGLFDO VHUYLFHV LQ one location. And let me repeat it, because this is very important, you don’t need an appointment – anyone can walk in anytime. We’re here whenever it’s most convenient to you.” The HMC Urgent Care Centre is open Monday to Friday from 6:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Time to take your medicine 8LI 5LSIRM\ XSVIW HMWGYWWIW XLI FIRIǻXW SJ ƸVIQMRHIVƹ TEGOEKMRK XLEX LIPTW ]SY ORS[ when to take your prescription drugs Q: What is an MDS blister pack? A: A monitored dosage system [MDS] is a method of dispensing tablet and capsule medications that helps manage the days and times when they should be taken. An MDS blister pack contains medications for the week organised in clear pods by the day and time of day you should take them whether at breakfast, lunch, supper, or bedtime.
4 :KR FDQ EHQHILW IURP XVLQJ an MDS blister pack? A: If you are required to take one or more medications daily, you can make use of an MDS blister pack; also, those who find it difficult to organise or remember to take their medication at the correct time each day can benefit from the use of an MDS blister pack. Caregivers and nursing homes often find the blister packs useful.
Q: How is the MDS blister pack ILOOHG" A: A qualified pharmacist fills each MDS blister pack per the doctor’s prescription[s]; each pack is sealed and labelled with dosage instruction.
4 6XSSRVH , JHW D PRQWK VXSSO\ RI 0'6 EOLVWHU SDFNV EXW P\ SUHVFULSWLRQ FKDQJHV EHIRUH LWV XVH" A: Should an order change after an MDS blister pack is dispensed, just return any unopened packs to the distributing pharmacy along with your new prescription to have your MDS blister packs dispensed per your new medication requirements.
4 &DQ , REWDLQ DQ 0'6 EOLVWHU SDFN DV D ZDON LQ FXVWRPHU" A: As a walk-in customer, please be prepared to collect your MDS blister pack later that day or within 24 hours. Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Covid-19: The surprising lifestyle side-effects Tim Smith investigates how our hair and fashion styles have been impacted by lockdowns omemade buzz cuts, the return of natural hair colours and comfortable sneakers instead of formal shoes – all that time spent working IURP KRPH KDV KDG D SURIRXQG HƵHFW RQ the way we present ourselves. Some changes in style have been forced on us by our inability to go to the hairdressers or barbers. Others are a result of a new-found freedom because our colleagues cannot see us from the waist down during a Zoom meeting. And according to fashion experts, some new looks are here to stay even as we UHWXUQ WR WKH RƸFH Beauty specialist Samaela CannonierDarrell says many people had been styling their hair at home during lockdown. This has caused problems for some, but also encouraged the development of new trends. “We have seen a lot of people come in with damaged hair because they don’t know how to do it themselves. They rely on a hairdresser to get their hair done,” says Cannonier-Darrell, of St George’s salon Crowned. “If you are getting your hair done regularly and you go four to six weeks without taking care of it, it gets matted and tangled and you end up with damage. “A lot of at-home hairstyles have been happening across the board. For example, box braids, Bo dreadlocks, extensions. I’m seeing a lot of weaves braided with elastic beads at the front.” But she adds: “I have had to physically UHYLHZ VR PDQ\ SHRSOHšV KDLU DQG FXW RƵ people’s hair, because sometimes people really don’t know what to do.” Cannonier-Darrell says lockdown also
prompted an increase in ethnic hairstyles, while some people just want to go natural. She adds: “I have seen a lot of people not colouring their hair anymore because they like the grey. ţ, KDYH VHHQ SHRSOH PDNLQJ GLƵHUHQW decisions with their hair because they are forced to do it themselves. “I think we are going to see a lot of GLƵHUHQW WUHQGV QRZ 3HRSOH ZDQW WR try to do things themselves. We want to TXLFN ƶ[ DOO WKH WLPH :H ZDQW WR JR RQ YouTube and see a video of how to do it ourselves.” Many customers found it stressful that they were unable to visit the hairdresser while restrictions were imposed to prevent the spread of Covid-19. “Hair is a culture in Bermuda and worldwide,” Cannonier-Darrell says. “It is GLƸFXOW LI \RX WDNH WKDW DZD\ HVSHFLDOO\ from those people with real hair issues.” Helen Stirling, owner of the Cutting Room barber shop in Hamilton, says her business was “absolutely bombarded” with men in urgent need of a trim when it reopened after being shut for nine weeks last year. ţ:H KDG WR ƶ[ D ORW RI KDLUFXWV Ť VKH says. “People were trying to cut their own hair. Some people cut their hair very short, like buzz cuts, and they liked it. That impacted us because they didn’t come back! “With some people, their wife or girlfriend had tried to cut it. They would just be cutting round the ears and the back of the neck with kitchen scissors. “We can tell 100 per cent when that’s happened. It’s not neat, the neck wouldn’t be tapered, it wouldn’t be clean around
the ears.” The Viking beard and hipster look increased in popularity during lockdown – but many men need reminding that there is more to growing a beard than simply not shaving. “You can have a beard but it doesn’t KDYH WR ORRN VFUXƵ\ Ť 6WLUOLQJ VD\V Health & Beauty Summer 2021
here’s nothing like being stuck indoors to motivate you into making home improvements. So it has proved over the past year, as residents across the island got busy with DIY projects while Covid-19 restrictions meant they spent more time at home than ever before. Anne Lindo from Gorham’s in Hamilton says the hardware store saw an increase in home improvement items since the pandemic began. “It seems everyone is painting either the interior or exterior of their homes or spray painting that old furniture to give it a new look,” she says. “We know that customers were bored at home and were looking for things to do. 7KH\ FDPH ƷRRGLQJ LQ RQFH ZH UHRSHQHG after the latest stay at home order. “Homeowners are buying new hand and power tools, lawn and patio furniture – they are doing those small plumbing and electrical projects that they didn’t have time to do before.”
Smartening men up has not been easy, however, while some restrictions remained in place over beard-shaping. Stirling adds: “Some people are still scared to come to a barber shop. I think they are worried about catching Covid RƵ XV “Also, people were working from home, Health & Beauty Summer 2021
so they probably weren’t as bothered quite as often about having to look smart.” It’s a similar story when it comes to clothing, as people have enjoyed going casual at home. “If people are 100 per cent at home, not customer facing, does it really matter
Vacuum cleaners have been a particularly popular purchase as parents cleared up after having the children at home seven days a week. Lindo adds: “It seems that everyone was organising their closets and kids’ toys, as storage containers are hot items.” People are also preparing to enjoy their gardens this summer. Soil and fertilisers have sold well, some people have built garden boxes for homegrown vegetables and above ground pools have been a favourite purchase. “If people are not travelling this summer, they are looking for a nice garden – comfy furniture and some fun things to keep them and their kids entertained,” Lindo says. She has one key tip for any DIY novices as things begin to get back to normal. ţ, JXHVV ZH VKRXOG DOO ƶQLVK ZKDW ZH have started, especially once we are back to work and have some social distancing freedom!” whether we wear our PJs all day? It really doesn’t,” says Paula Clarke, the CEO of Gibbons Company. “You get up in the morning and put your active wear on so you can do your work and then do your exercise later without having to change.” Clarke predicts a hybrid of comfort 13
and smartness as people return to the workplace. Men are still buying dress shirts and women are opting for great-looking blouses, she says. But active wear has become a big hit for men and women. Bottoms made from technical fabric – a more comfortable, breathable material than traditional pants – have become an increasingly popular choice among men. “They have moisture management, they’re stretchy and comfortable,” Clarke said. “They mean the guy can go and run out and jog, without having to change. 7KH\ ORRN OLNH D ƶWWHG ZDLVW EXW DUH actually elastic. “From a fashion point of view it doesn’t
matter if you are on a Zoom meeting, but when you go outside you want to look good.” Gap, Bonobos and Superdry have all moved in the direction of technical fabric. Clarke says: “Denim is taking a backseat because the future is becoming more athletic. Even if people are putting on weight, they are also working out to counter it.” Women particularly appreciate the stylishness and bright colours of technical fabric. Clarke says: “It’s a much more relaxed look than it used to be. It’s away from the body. It’s athletic wear. “Jeans and shorts are always a great stretch. One of our biggest lines is Democracy in bottoms, which never loses
its shape, whether in short or crop. “If they are wearing dresses, it’s very much a tiered dress.” Men have switched to a more “sneakertype” of casual shoe, and women are wearing sneakers with built-in heels and platforms. “If you are on a Zoom call, no one is looking at your feet,” Clarke says. But what will happen as Covid-19 restrictions are eased this summer? Clarke says: “I think there will be a new breed of awareness. We will change our dress codes to make sure we accommodate the new lifestyle. “It will be hybrids of everything. We FDQšW KDYH SHRSOH LQ ƷLS ƷRSV DQG FXW RXW jeans in a business environment. We can’t have see-through spaghetti straps. “There will be a hybrid of comfort and style that’s appropriate for us wear when we travel and go to meetings.” There is one piece of bad news for traditionalists as we move into this brave new world: the demise of ties. They had been threatened with extinction for some time, but Clarke says ties are now worn almost exclusively at special occasions such as weddings. “Men are wearing fabric dress shirts most of the time, hopefully nicely pressed,” Clarke says, “but ties are gone. “The tie business had changed in recent times anyway. But the pandemic has been the death knell.” Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Vitamin C: The Your Total Health Hero Ingredient ince our conception in 2016, Salt+Cedar has focused on bringing the best of clean beauty and skincare to Bermuda. All our brands are carefully researched so that you can rest assured that our product lines will get you WKH UHVXOWV \RX GHVLUH ZLWKRXW DQ\ RI WKH XQQHFHVVDU\ ƶOOHU LQJUHGLHQWV RU DQLPDO WHVWLQJ \RX ƶQG LQ W\SLFDO GHSDUWPHQW and drugstore brands. We love sustainability, and supporting companies that do good is important to us – these factors play a VLJQLƶFDQW UROH LQ KRZ ZH FKRVH RXU EUDQGV Vitamin C is a skincare superhero ingredient that everyone FDQ EHQHƶW IURP 5HVHDUFK KDV SURYHQ WKDW 9LWDPLQ & LQ VNLQFDUH acts as a strong antioxidant, scavenging damaging free-radicals. Vitamin C helps prevent photoaging and hyperpigmentation from environmental damage (namely, the sun). Vitamin C is also a powerful addition to your skincare routine at any age – for every skin tone and for both him and her. Shop our favorite Vitamin C products from our homepage. Shop online at Visit our newly expanded store in the Emporium Building, 69 Front Street (underneath Flanagan’s). Tel: 824-7258./ Follow us on Instagram or Facebook @saltandcedarbda
7RWDO +HDOWK &KHPLVW ORFDWHG DW 8QLW %XWWHUƶHOG 3ODFH +DPLOWRQ LV Bermuda’s newest stand alone, independently owned and operated pharmacy. Pharmacists Rebecca White and Eimear Burke are DYDLODEOH WR ƶOO DOO \RXU SUHVFULSWLRQV DQG WKH\ RƵHU D IUHH EOLVWHU SDFN service and delivery island-wide. Total Health Chemist is the exclusive provider of the Lipotrim Weight Loss Programme. Popular in the UK and Ireland, it is %HUPXGDšV ƶUVW SKDUPDFLVW VXSHUYLVHG WRWDO IRRG UHSODFHPHQW programme that guarantees patients will lose a minimum of 14 pounds in four weeks. Total Health Chemist prides itself on being a true community pharmacy. It is not ancillary to a department store or grocery store. Total Health Chemist works in collaboration with an onsite clinician who can screen, diagnose and treat clients in their private consultation room. It has very competitive prices on all its over-the-counter medicines and other healthcare products. Its primary focus is your total health and wellness, not selling you sweets and toys! 6WRS E\ IRU WKH EHVW FRQƶGHQWLDO KHDOWK FDUH DGYLFH WR ƶOO \RXU prescriptions or simply to have a look. Total Health Chemist is open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm and Sundays by appointment via email. With Total Health Chemist you are in expert hands.
Bermuda's newest stand alone independently owned and operated pharmacy, offering excellent total healthcare.
With Total Health Chemist you are in expert hands. Butterfield Place, Unit 4, 67 Front Street Hamilton 261-3784(DRUG),
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
The Eyes of a Child Dr V.C.Parthasarathy FRCOphth (London)., DO, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, at Bermuda International Institute of Ophthalmology discusses the importance of paediatric eye care which the infant may need a life-saving liver transplant. An older child with sudden neuro regression and abnormal movements of the limbs can have problems with metabolising copper which gets deposited classically in the eye apart from other tissues in the body and can easily be spotted by the Ophthalmologist. The list is simply endless. Occasionally a child with a small optic nerve could have abnormalities in the mid-line structures of the brain especially the pituitary. Diagnosing this condition of Optic nerve K\SRSODVLD KDV D IDU UHDFKLQJ HƵHFW RQ WKH child’s growth and development as the paediatrician could start supplementing pituitary hormones to help in normal growth of the child. When one considers the fact that the whole life is in front of
xamining children can sometimes be daunting and needs great skill and personality to get the best out of them. It does test the communication skills of the team in not only dealing with the child but also the parent who can sometimes be very anxious and uptight. The next big challenge is not missing LPSRUWDQW ƶQGLQJV DV WKHUH PD\ EH systemic associations and we can give valuable information to the paediatrician. A baby that is not thriving may have a cataract due to a systemic problem like galactosemia and the paediatrician could do a blood test that can clinch the diagnosis. Or a child with liver disease in infancy can have important H\H ƶQGLQJV WKDW ZLOO KHOS WR GLDJQRVH D condition called Alagille syndrome for
them then one realises how crucial the eye examination is. Poor visual development can have enormous implications on education and visually handicapped children may need to go to special schools rather than mainstream education. Good vision is also imperative to good motor development of the child. It has been found that children with a squint (ocular deviation or cross eye) have problems with socialising and in making meaningful relationships in childhood and also in adult life. There is only a 1 in 10 chance for an adult with a squint to be successful in an interview setting. The common conditions we come across are kids with reduced vision in one eye or both eyes due to a refractive error (need for glasses). When not treated in time the kid gets a lazy eye (amblyopia) or may develop a squint. The biggest problem facing the world today is the explosion of Myopia or short sightedness due to excessive use of handheld electronic gadgets like mobile phones and tablets. This tendency has to be curtailed and parents will need to have a zero-tolerance policy as regards the use of
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Health & Beauty Summer 2021
EYE CARE mobile phones. Lid lumps are common in childhood and may need a simple surgical procedure under a short anaesthetic. Watery, sticky eyes are common in infancy due to non-canalisation of tear ducts and although this condition is usually self-resolving, occasionally may persist beyond infancy and may need surgical WUHDWPHQW DIWHU WKH ƶUVW ELUWKGD\ SURELQJ and syringing under a short general anaesthetic). A little older child can have an atopic disorder with chronic allergic conjunctivitis that may need prompt treatment. Infections of the eye with conjunctivitis (possibly with underlying blocked tear ducts) can present to the eye clinic . Nystagmus or “wobbly eyes” may present to the paediatric eye clinic. This may be idiopathic and may run in families and a KLVWRU\ RI D VLPLODU ƶQGLQJ PD\ EH WKHUH LQ the older sibling. This gets better with time and extensive investigations with MRI brain scans are not required. The lack of pigment in the eye (Albinism) can be very subtle and can be missed and child may present with wobbly eyes. Occasionally there may be an
underlying neurological disorder that may warrant neurological investigation. Another important sight threatening condition called the “Retinopathy of Prematurity” (commonly known as ROP) ZKLFK VDGO\ DƵHFWV WKH PRVW SUHPDWXUH RI babies born with extremely low birth weight and gestational age. With improvements in neonatal care, younger and smaller babies survive increasing the risk of this sight threatening condition. We do regular checks for these babies in the Special Care %DE\ XQLWV DW GHƶQLWH WLPH SRLQWV SRVWQDWDOO\ thereby identifying the early stages of ROP and instituting LASER treatment when they GHYHORS VLJQLƶFDQW GLVHDVH So, what will be a good strategy to get your child examined? If there is no family history of eye problems and your child is otherwise healthy with normal milestones, an examination at 2 years of age would be reasonable. The next examination will be appropriate at 5 years and further examinations will be based on what the ƶQGLQJV ZHUH 6KRXOG WKHUH EH V\PSWRPV related to the eyes it is best to get seen as soon as possible.
ccording to the American Cancer Society and the US Surgeon General, this is how your body starts to recover: 20 minutes after quitting: Blood pressure and heart rate return to normal. 12 hours of smoke-free living: Carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal. ZHHNV WR PRQWKV RI VPRNH IUHH living: Your circulation and lung function begin to improve. 1 to 9 months of smoke-free living: Clear and deeper breathing gradually returns as coughing and shortness of breath diminishes. \HDU DIWHU TXLWWLQJ VPRNLQJ Risk of coronary heart disease is reduced by 50%. WR \HDUV DIWHU TXLWWLQJ VPRNLQJ A person’s risk of stroke is similar to that of a non-smoker. Contact Pathways Bermuda for a consultation. Tel: 441 236-0823. Email:
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Health & Beauty Summer 2021
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Different Goals, Same Solution Choose Water Sarah Wight Nutritional Therapist BA., DipION, explains the FIRIǻXW SJ E GSPSYVJYP HMIX id you know chaga mushrooms have the highest antioxidant capacity on earth? Antioxidants are like superpowers that help neutralize free radical activity in the body that FDXVH LQƷDPPDWLRQ '1$ damage, and oxidative stress. At every age, you can EHQHƶW IURP LQFUHDVLQJ \RXU antioxidants. Free radical activity is caused by smoking, sugar, alcohol, fried foods, sunburn, and environmental exposure. Today, the ratio of free radical activity to antioxidant capacity is out of balance. This can have an impact on fertility (both sperm and egg) and accelerate the aging processes in our skin, arteries, brains, and livers. Good news! The solution is simple, i.e.,
a colorful plant-powered diet. A few antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, zinc, selenium and phytonutrients such as FR4 DQG ELRƷDYRQRLGV At Ocean Rock Wellness, we recommend eating a rainbow for longevity and vitality. With the summer months, watermelons and tomatoes will be in season as well as peaches, peppers, strawberries, and cabbage. All herbs and spices are rich in antioxidants, too. To include the number-one antioxidant-rich food, drink chaga mushroom tea powder, which you can purchase at Ocean Rock Wellness. Follow the seasons and make your meals predominantly plant-powered. If you want to upgrade your health, count your colors – not your calories.
Sugar is a carbohydrate and occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Too many carbohydrates can lead to weight gain mainly due to extra calories in the diet. Sodas and other beverages are some of the main culprits of “added sugar”. There are profound health implications related to excess body fat. Being overweight increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Drinking water is a healthier alternative to sodas. It allows you to hydrate without the sugars. Fruits like limes and lemons FDQ EH DGGHG WR HQKDQFH WKH ƷDYRXU Sparkling water is a great option if you miss the carbonation of sodas. Always read the labels on the water you purchase since allwaters are not created equal. There is a time to indulge in the sweeterside of life. However, balance things out with a refreshing glass of water. It does a body good, pure and simple.
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Health & Beauty Summer 2021
NorthShore Medical Center: Your COVID-19 Ultimate Resource t’s been over a year now, and the world LV VWLOO ƶJKWLQJ &29,' Ş DQG VR DUH ZH here in Bermuda. Northshore Medical has been here with you from the start to provide PPE, testing, and health and medical services to help during this time. We were there to help the Bermuda government launch the Southside Drive-Through testing center and to help with COVID-19 education, provide no copay vaccine consultations, help build your immune system, and help with covid testing. We are also here for the long haul for your COVID-19 recovery. It’s more important than ever to continue to wash your hands, wear masks, and know your COVID-19 status.
Getting Testing Northshore Medical Center continues to make it easier and convenient to get tested. We have extended our testing center, days and times – Mondays to Sundays – and DGGHG VWDƵ :H DOVR KDYH 9,3 FRQFLHUJH COVID-19 testing. We know it can be a KDVVOH ƶQGLQJ WKH WLPH WR WHVW DQG WKH ORQJ lines may not agree with your busy lifestyle. You also may not feel comfortable around
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
waiting in large groups or unable to leave your home without the hassle. You may also just be looking to provide group testing for your employees or clients. This is why we are RƵHULQJ \RX D 9,3 VHUYLFH WR SURYLGH WHVWLQJ at your home, at events, schools, and in the workplace. Say good-bye to long lines and LQFRQYHQLHQFH DQG KHOOR WR IDVW HƸFLHQW and correct test results. Any day, any time, let us come to you. Book conveniently online at
%RRVWLQJ ,PPXQLW\ We often forget that a healthy immune V\VWHP FDQ ƶJKW GLVHDVH EHWWHU WKDQ DQ\ drug. It’s a fact that, if you give your body what it needs, it will do what it has to do. Thus, boosting the immune system with Vitamin C, D, zinc, melatonin, probiotics, and herbs such as elderberry, and echinacea, MXVW WR QDPH D IHZ DUH H[WUHPHO\ HƵHFWLYH Equally eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, reducing stress, sugars, and increasing physical movement H[HUFLVH DOVR KDV EHQHƶFLDO HƵHFWV $W NMAC, we also sell Dr. Brown’s Laboratory
Health and Wellness brand that features new vegan, gluten free, and non-GMO supplements like the 14 in 1 Super Immune and the Adult Daily Multivitamin Gummies.
/RQJ +DXO &29,' +DG &29,' " What’s Next? At NorthShore Medical, we are doing our best to ensure the recovery of our COVID-19 patients. We designed ongoing “Long Haul COVID-19” clinical care sessions for those who still have lingering symptoms related to COVID, even though they test negative for COVID. Some symptoms our patients were experiencing were loss of or altered taste or smell, fatigue, headaches, lingering cough, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, or anxiety. For these sessions, you will see multiple doctors for a holistic approach during your COVID-19 assessment to identify symptoms, learn your options and new therapies to help with recovery, and to discuss diet, nutritional supplementation, and IV drip nutrition therapy. Book your Long Haul COVID-19 appointment today.
Chris Fosker
Patrick Murray Dr. Murray hails from the UK and is a graduate of the University of Leeds, gaining membership of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He obtained his research doctorate investigating immunological changes that happen within head and neck cancer, sparking his interest in the treatment of cancer. In 2013, he was awarded a medical doctorate (MD research) from the University of Hull for successfully defending his thesis on immunomodulation LQ WKH KHDG DQG QHFN FDQFHU PLFURHQYLURQPHQW ƶHOG RI VWXG\ immuno-oncology. He completed his clinical fellowship at the Leeds Cancer Centre in the UK, the largest purpose-built cancer centre in Europe, before extending his training with a focus on high precision radiation techniques such as SBRT and SRS with a specialisation in head and neck cancer. In 2017, Dr. Murray was awarded the esteemed BJR Barclay Medal Award for his BJR paper on “A systematic review of outcomes following stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in the treatment of early-stage primary lung cancer”. He worked as a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust before moving to Bermuda to join Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre’s radiation therapy department as a radiation oncologist.
Dr. Fosker is the medical director and radiation oncologist at Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre, a consultant RQFRORJLVW DW .LQJ (GZDUG 9,, 0HPRULDO +RVSLWDO DQ DƸOLDWH member of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and a consultant at Brigham and Women’s hospital in Boston. $V D &OLQLFDO 2QFRORJLVW 'U )RVNHU LV TXDOLƶHG WR WUHDW FDQFHU patients with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapy and immunotherapy. Prior to moving to Bermuda, Dr. Fosker worked as a specialist at St James’s Institute of Oncology in Leeds, Europe’s largest purpose built cancer centre. Dr. Fosker has completed a Fellowship at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and has published research in a number of clinical areas as well as in medical education, service development and health economics. Aside from his clinical work he has held other positions of responsibility, including working for the Macmillan Cancer Charity as a policy adviser, and for NHS England as a clinical advisor. He is the recipient of a number of awards including the ‘RS Bush Award’ for academic excellence from Princess Margaret Hospital and the University of Toronto. Dr. Fosker received a Bachelor of Science in Genetics from the University of Leeds.
Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre 46 Point Finger Road. Paget DV 04 7HO (PDLO UWLQIR#FKF EP ZZZ FKF EP
Kalpana Parthasarathy Dr. Kalpana Parthasarathy MBBS, DO, FRCS (Edin) is a British trained ophthalmologist with special interest in retinal conditions. She joined BIIO as a full time Consultant Ophthalmologist in January 2021, having previously worked here as a locum ophthalmologist since 2008. She obtained her Fellowship in Ophthalmology from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1992. She was conferred the MBBS degree from the University of Madras in India and
completed her post graduate training in Ophthalmology from the Medical Research Foundation, Madras , India. She has worked and trained in Ophthalmology in various hospitals in Warwickshire, London, Dorset, Cornwall and the West Midlands in the UK. She has known Dr. Teye- Botchway from her training days in the UK since 1989. Her main area of interest is in the management of Diabetic retinal disease and macular disorders. She has extensive
experience in the management of glaucoma DQG KDV GRQH D ORW RI UHVHDUFK LQ WKLV ƶHOG VXSSRUWHG E\ WKH 0RRUƶHOGšV (\H +RVSLWDO London. She has also trained in Paediatric Ophthalmology and has a keen interest in Genetic Eye Diseases and NeuroOphthalmology. Dr. Parthasarathy is registered with the General Medical Council, UK, Tamilnadu Medical Council, India and the Bermuda Medical Council, Bermuda. She is also a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons, European Society of Retinal Specialists, Association of Ophthalmologists UK and a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti Ageing Medicine. She has served the National Health Service, UK for over 20 years and brings in the expertise to deal with the challenges facing the population in Bermuda.
Health & Beauty Summer 2021
Delivering the Highest Quality Medical Care Possible
Dr. Gerhard Boonstra
Dr. Basil Wilson
Dr. Carlton C. Jones
Dr. Andrew West
Dr. Roddy Moore
Dr. Heather Montgomery
Dr. Amne Osseyran
Dr. Samantha Price
Dr. Margot K. Harvey
Dr. Diane Kooiman
Dr. Hayley Morton
Dr. Joanne Lysack
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Paget Location
Hamilton Location
St. George’s Location
40 & 42 Point Finger Road, Paget DV04
14 Dundonald Street, Hamilton HM09
13 Water Street St. Georges, GE05
Monday - Friday 8am - 7pm Saturday 9am - 12pm
Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm Friday 9am - 4pm
Monday - Wednesday & Friday 8am - 5pm Thursdays 8am - 1pm
Call 236-0084 for Appointments
Call 296-9733 for Appointments
Call 297-0068 for Appointments