Nov 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

November 2014, Issue 41

發行人 /星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所 /國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

國際佛光會世界總會總會長的話:希望在哪裡—星雲大師 BLIA World Conference President’s Address, Venerable Master Hsing Yun: Where is Hope? 一個國家沒有希望,就不能富 強;一個族群沒有希望,就不能延 續;一個組織沒有希望,就不能發 展。所以,人要活在希望裡,才能有 美麗的未來。希望有時來自別人的 鼓勵,而更多時候是靠自己立定目 標,以完成希望。 人生有希望就會活得精采。希 望明天天氣晴朗,希望明天朋友來 訪,希望明天新書寄到,希望後院 小花早日開放;希望聽一場好的演 講,希望讀一本好的書籍,希望交 一個善良的朋友,希望找一份好的 職業,希望有一份固定的薪水, 希望擁有一間小屋,希望有個知心 的朋友,希望不如意的事情都能 遠離。人生因為有這許多希望,日 子才會過得快樂,生活才會富有情 調。 希望是生命的動力,有希望的 人生才能活出意義。我們的希望到 底在那裡呢?略述如下: 一、希望在明天:經過一夜的 休息,精神、體力恢復,明天又可 以活力充沛的在喜愛的工作上繼續 衝刺,怎麼不令人歡喜,怎麼不是 充滿希望的一天呢?

A nation without hope will not be properous and strong, a community without hope will not be able to thrive, and an organisation without hope will not be able to grow. Thus, people need to live in hope in order to have a promising future. Hope sometimes comes from the encouragement of others, but more often, the realisation of hope depends on the individual setting goals. A life filled with hope is a brilliant life. We hope tomorrow will be a nice sunny day, that friends will come and visit, that the book delivery will arrive, and the flowers in the garden will bloosom. We may also hope to hear an inspiring speech, read a good book, make friends with a kind person, find a secure job, receive a stable salary, own a house, enjoy an intimate relationship or be spared

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佛光山 本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News

二、希望在前面:有一隻小 狗一直繞著自己的尾巴轉,大狗問 他:「為什麼你要這樣轉呢?」 小狗說:「聽說狗的幸福、希望就 在尾巴上,我要把它抓住。」大狗 說:「只要你往前走,幸福、希望 不就跟著你走了嗎?」所以,希望 在那裡呢?希望就在你的前面。 三、希望在早起:所謂「早起 的鳥兒有蟲吃」,早起可以享受新 鮮的空氣,享受寧靜的環境;早起 可以讀讀書、看看報,計畫一天的 工作,如此從容不迫的過一天,怎 麼會不感到歡喜呢? 四、希望在勤勞:成功是每個 人的希望,要讓希望不落空,就必 須勤勞付出。所以,勤勞就有希 望。 五、希望在學習:學習一種語 言,學習一項技能,學習慈悲、學 習給人、學習快樂、學習熱誠,學 習是人生的原動力,是人生的希望 所在。 六、希望在主動:希望不能等 別人給我,希望是要自己主動去創 造。主動把家裡打掃乾淨,主動拜 訪朋友,主動完成作業,主動計畫 未來,凡事主動,就有熱誠,就有 希望。 七、希望在發心:發心幫助他 人完成一件好事,發心幫助他人閱 讀一本好書,發心到醫院裡做義 工,發心到寺院裡禮佛誦經。有了 發心就有動力,有動力就有希望。 八、希望在結緣:每天要想: 我今天如何與朋友結緣呢?我今天 能為社會做些什麼好事呢?我今天 能幫助弱勢者做些什麼呢?就把 今天當作「為人日」吧!為你、為 他、為大眾,心裡所想都是助人, 就不會為自己的一切患得患失,人 生自然會充滿希望。 希望是非常美好的,有希望就 有樂趣,有希望就有成就,有希望 就有未來。希望在那裡?希望原來 就在我們的心裡。


from calamities. It is because life is filled with hope, that our days can be happy and interesting. Hope is the driving force in life. A meaningful life is one that is filled with hope. So where does hope reside? 1. Hope lies in tomorrow: After a good night’s rest, our body and mind are refreshed. We can once again devote ourselves in our work with vigour and enjoyment. How can tomorrow not be filled with hope? 2. Hope lies ahead: A puppy once chased its own tail, running around in circles. A big dog asked, “Why are you running around in circles?” The puppy replied, “I heard that a dog’s happiness and hope lies in its tail. So, I want to catch it.” The big dog wisely said, “If you keep moving forwards, wouldn’t happiness and hope follow you wherever you go?” So where is hope? Hope lies ahead. 3. Hope lies in rising early: “The early bird catches the worm.” By rising early, we can enjoy the tranquil surroundings and fresh morning air. By getting up early, we can read a book or the newspaper and plan the day ahead. This allows us to sail through the day with more ease and leisure. How could we not be happy about that? 4. Hope lies in diligence: Success is the hope of every person. In order for our hopes to be realised, we must toil diligently. Hence, with diligence there is hope. 5. Hope lies in learning: Learn a language, learn a new skill, learn to be compassionate, learn to be generous, learn to be joyous, and learn to be passionate. Learning is a powerful driving force in life and is also where hope lies. 6. Hope lies in taking initiative: Hope is not in waiting for someone else to provide for us. Hope is taking the initiative to create something good for ourselves. We should take the initiative to clean the house, visit a friend, finish our assignments, and plan for the future. If we take initiative and be proactive with everything we do, then passion and hope will exist. 7. Hope lies in dedication: Hope lies within helping others perform good deeds, reading a good book to someone, volunteering at a hospital, and showing dedication in paying homage to the Buddha and chanting sutras at a temple. With dedication, there is motivation; with motivation, there is hope. 8. Hope lies in creating affinities: Every day we should think of how to create better relationships with our friends and what we can do for society. What can we do to help the disadvantaged? Let us make today and every other day ‘Helping hand Day’ - lending a helping hand to you, to them, and to the public! If we are focused on how to help others, we will not be concerned about our own personal losses and gains. Life will naturally be filled with hope.

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

墨爾本佛光山佛學會 全家大小一起來 【人間社記者余相玲墨爾本報導】 為推動佛學研究,充實生活內涵,墨爾本佛 光山與墨爾本佛光協會於10月26日假墨爾本佛光 山、佛光山尔有寺、墨爾本佛光緣美術館同步舉行 「2014墨爾本佛光山佛學會考」,藉以提升信仰層 次及培養信眾們正知正見。會考以中、英文初級、中 級、兒童和長青分組,三家道場近150人報到應試。 考前大家為最後努力衝刺,有的聚在圖書館、 走廊溫習或互相猜題,時而笑聲洋溢,紓解了不少 考試壓力。心培和尚也為大家加油打氣表示:「以 平常心來應付考試,不要有勝負之心。大家不是考 博士,考試若覺自己有不足之處,未來就要多加努 力。」隨即前往佛光緣美術館為考生勉勵。 最年長許金 石羨老菩薩勇氣可佳,雖已八十多 歲,但依然參加考試,並表示:「人要活到老,學到 老。考試不在乎分數,最重要是感謝常住給大家學 習機會。」 「以前不清楚的佛學,通過會考似乎理清不 少,更能體會佛法真意。」長青組李儀慧說道。黃 凱倫會長則分享近幾個星期,一家四口一吃完晚 餐後,大家就很有默契的各自認真讀書準備佛學會 考。 會考在嚴肅、安靜的氣氛中圓滿結束。會考 後,墨爾本協會預備檀講楊健督導長、黃凱倫會 長、張愛娟理事、曾雙權醫生分別在墨爾本佛光 山、佛光山尔有寺和墨爾本佛光緣美術館,以中、 英文發表 15 分鐘簡短「佛法分享」。

Buddhism Quiz – Let’s give it a go! (Reporter: Ling Tong, Melbourne)

To stimulate the learning muscles of devotees, FGS Melbourne and its associated temple branches concurrently ran the ‘Buddhism Quiz’ session on October 26, 2014. The aim of the event was to elevate and nurture correct Buddhist knowledge and right contemplation. Between the four quiz levels, and both English and Chinese language groups, approximately one hundred and fifty people participated in the quiz. Many participants congregated in the library or formed groups in the courtyard for some last minute revision just prior to the quiz. Ven. Hsin Pei wished everyone well: “Face the quiz with tranquility. There are no winners or losers. We are not taking a doctorate exam. If there are any shortcomings you are made aware of, just work harder at it in the future.” Ms. Hsu, now in her 80s was grateful for the opportunity to take part. In her words, “We must live and learn every day, even if we are old. The marks do not matter. What matters is the chance to learn.” Ms. Lee expressed “In the past, I’ve blindly followed Buddhism. Whereas now through taking the quiz I have gained much better understanding of the teachings.” Dr. Wong shared how his entire family spent the last week studying together after dinner in preparation for the quiz. The quiz concluded amidst solemn serenity. This was followed by 15 minute Dharma lecturer training sessions, held concurrently at all three temple branches.


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

心培和尚指 導「禪修」 墨爾本佛光山 信眾坐禪行禪 【人間社記者梁雪梅墨爾本報導】

佛光山退居和尚心培和尚10月 26日蒞臨墨爾本佛光山為百位信眾 指導禪修,希望大家透過坐香、跑 香,以觀呼吸讓心平靜下來。 心培和尚指導說:「心散亂 時,以數息、觀呼吸出入,幫助 我們將心平靜下來。我們應每天用 點時間坐禪修持,心平清淨,可以 讓我們做事更專注。日常在家,可 以結合坐禪、行禪,以動靜調整我 們身心。」行禪時,大眾一個接著 一個,意念放在腳下,腳掌接觸地 面,意念了了分明,身心放輕鬆、 不緊張、無焦慮、無罣礙,因為行 香、坐香也是一支香。 「『禪』就是了了分明無所 住,即是《六祖壇經》中提到,『 外離相為禪,內不亂為定。』」培 和尚如是說。他還勉勵大家,要依 「四念處」習禪,即觀身不淨,觀 受是苦,觀心無常及觀法無我。 最後,心培和尚勉勵大家共同 護持墨爾本道場,不但自己來學 佛,能帶孩子來道場一起學習佛法 親近寺院,讓他們能潛移默化,受 到佛法的薰陶種下菩提種子。

藥師佛聖誕紀念日 農曆九月三十恰逢藥師佛聖誕紀 念日,墨爾本佛光山於 10 月 19日啟 建「藥師佛聖誕紀念法會」,共 150 餘位信眾共襄盛舉。 法會莊嚴殊勝,由墨爾本佛光 山監寺覺住法師,妙博法師等諸位 法師帶領信徒諷誦《慈悲藥師佛寶 懺》。信眾虔誠禮拜,以香花燈供 養,祈求藥師佛願力加被、增福延 壽、消災免難。 中午,永威法師為大眾開示, 《慈悲藥師佛寶懺》中對「身、口 丶意」懺悔,並分享玉林國師通過 禮拜藥師佛,修持藥師法門來世得 到琉璃身相典故,勉勵大眾在日常 生活中多持誦藥師佛名號。 法會結束,妙博法師與大眾分 享「2014國際佛光會世界會員代表 大會」中,第三屆星雲人文世界論 壇,星雲大師壓軸演說「信仰決定 未來」內容。星雲大師傳授人生贏 家的「十大心法」,即與自己開展 十場「戰爭」:與天爭高、與地爭 平、與氣爭清、與水爭通、與財爭 捨、與世爭緣、與人爭和、與情爭 淨、與時間爭長、與心爭大。在場 大眾聽聞後,萬分佩服大師的智 慧,歡喜讚歎。〈陳秀敏供稿〉


Ven. Hsin Pei – Chan in Daily Life: Guided Meditation (Reporter: Eve Liang, Melbourne) On October 26, 2014 former abbott of FGS monastery, Ven. Hsin Pei guided a hundred devotees in experiencing serenity through contemplating on the breath during sitting and walking meditation. Ven. Hsin Pei advised everyone: “When your mind wanders, count each breath, focus on breathing in and breathing out. This will help us to calm our minds. We should all spend a little bit of time each day meditating. A tranquil mind allows one to have more clear focus on our tasks at hand. With others at home we could do some sitting or walking meditation. With a balance between stillness and activity, we can better retune our minds and bodies.” Throughout the meditation sessions, participants displayed clear

focus of the mind, achieving relaxation, a sense of ease, and the state of being unencumbered and free of anxieties. The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch states ‘To be free from the attachment of external objects is Zen. To attain inner peace is samadhi.’ Hence, Ven. Hsin Pei encouraged everyone to abide by the practice of ‘The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (satipatthana): mindfulness of the body, mindfulness of feelings or sensations (vedanā), mindfulness of mind or consciousness (citta), and mindfulness of mental phenomena or mental objects (dhammā). Ven. Hsin Pei took the opportunity to encourage everyone to not only practise for oneself, but also to bring the children to the temple so that they too may learn from Buddhism and plant their Bodhi seeds.

Commemoration of the Birth of Medicine Buddha By Wendy Chen The Dharma Service in commemoration of the birth of the Medicine Buddha took place on October 19, 2014 at FGS Melbourne. This special service was attended by over one hundred and fifty devotees. Led by FGS Melbourne Superintendent, Ven. Jue Chu; Ven. Miao Bo together with other venerables and the congregation chanted ‘The Repentance Sutra of the Medicine Buddha’. With offering of incense and flowers, devotees prayed for protection from the Medicine Buddha to alleviate them from harm and bring them good fortunes. Ven. Yung Wei explained during the Dharma talk that this sutra is specifically aimed at repenting the sins of the ‘body, speech and mind’. She reminded the congregation of Ven. Yulin whom through prayers to the Medicine Buddha was able to be reborn with elegant attributes. Ven. Yung Wei encouraged everyone to chant the name of the the Medicine Buddha often during our daily lives.

The service concluded with Ven. Miao Bo sharing with the congregation the discussions that took place at the forum on ‘Faith determines the Future’ held at the ‘2014 BLIA World Congress’. Ven. Master Hsing Yun imparted to everyone his secret for success – ‘The Ten Great Mindsets’. These mindsets bring forth the challenges of: reaching for the sky, being as grounded as Earth, being fresh like air, being flexible like a meandering flow of water, letting go of monetary wealth, creating affinities with the world, fighting for unity and harmony amongst people, being pure in love, aiming to accomplish more in less time, and testing the grandness of your heart. The wisdom of Ven. Master Hsing Yun was admired by all present.

佛光山尔有寺 活動報導 FGS Er You Temple News

心培和尚墨爾本開講「人間佛教生活禪」 【人間社記者海娜墨爾本報導】10月25日,心培和尚應墨爾本佛光山邀請來到佛光山尔有寺為三百位信眾 開示「人間佛教生活禪」。培和尚以生活事例和禪宗公案分享對「禪」的領悟,還清唱幾首其作詞作曲的佛教歌 曲,法宴生動有趣,信眾掌聲不斷。 培和尚從「人間佛教」開始講說「人間佛教」起源。以佛陀修行於人間,成佛於人間,傳法也在人間經證, 證明佛法不是遙不可及,而是跟我們的生活息息相關,不可分離。如同星雲大師所說:「佛說的、人要的、淨化 的,善美的,就是人間佛教。」 何謂「生活禪」? 培和尚說道:「生活中的一切都與禪有關。千年前,佛陀拈花,不發一言,達摩尊者印心 微笑。禪宗由此由初祖傳至六祖---惠能大師,從而發揚光大。禪宗不立文字,直指人心是非常微妙的境界。心如 何印心?培和尚說法,大衆聽法,一念專心就是『禪』。吃飯,睡覺,每一念都能覺照,了了分明,就是『禪』 的智慧。」 接著,培和尚問「禪在哪裏?」禪在生命清淨裏;禪在你我真心裏;禪在智慧自在裏;禪在慈悲喜捨裏;只 要有清淨,禪就在你心裏。和尚分享「小狗追著尾巴來尋找幸福」故事。有人告訴小狗,幸福在尾巴上,於是小 狗天天追著自己尾巴團團轉,卻怎麽也「咬」不到幸福, 非常煩惱。大狗看到了,告訴它只要大膽往前走,幸福 就會跟在它後面。這如同「禪」,無需外求,就在我們自性裡本自具足。 最後,培和尚以清唱惠能大師偈語:「菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台。本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。」作爲結語。 結束後,大家紛紛請購心培和尚相關著作與CD作紀念,心培和尚亦為信眾在著作上簽名留念。

Ven. Hsin Pei - on the subject of ‘Chan in Daily Life’

(Reporter: Hai Na, Melbourne) By special invitation from FGS Melbourne, guest speaker Ven. Hsin Pei delivered a Dharma lecture on ‘Chan in Daily Life’ at FGS Er You Temple on October 25, 2014. An audience of over three hundred people were mesmerised by the koans relayed, as well as the sharing of the meaning of Chan through song. Ven. Hsin Pei introduced the subject matter through discussing the origins of ‘Humanistic Buddhism’. He reminded everyone that Buddha practiced self-cultivation, became enlightened and taught the Dharma amongst people in the human world. The Dharma is therefore intrinsically linked and relevant to our daily lives. Just as Ven. Master Hsing Yun said: “Humanistic Buddhism is: what Buddha taught, what mankind needs, what is cleansing and beautiful.” So what is ‘Chan in Daily Life’? As Ven. Hsin Pei explained: “Everything in life is intrinsically related to Chan. Thousands of years ago, without a spoken word, the message was exchanged between Buddha and Bodhidharma through a gentle smile. In this manner, the Buddhist sect of Chan evolved which significant growth and propagation during the time of Master Hui Neng. Chan cannot be decribed with words, it is simply a magical state of the mind. So how does the mind achieve this magical state? Ven. Hsin Pei suggested to the audience, that being fully present and concentrating fully on listening to the Dharma is in itself ‘Chan’. The wisdom of ‘Chan’ lies in being fully aware of everything one does, from eating to sleeping, to the forming and ceasing of every thought. So where is Chan? Chan is found in the serenity of life, in each one of our hearts and minds, in the wisdom of being at ease, in compassion and servitude. Chan exists within the calmness of the mind. A little dog once heard that happiness in found in his tail, hence he spent day and night chasing after it. However, he became rather anxious for no matter how hard he tried he could not catch up to it. A large dog upon witnessing this advised the little dog that he should instead forge ahead courageously, for only then will happiness follow him. Chan is much the same, it cannot be sought from external sources, for it intrinsically exists within each one of us. Ven. Hsin Pei’s parting words of wisdom were those from Master Hui Neng: “Bodhi is no tree, nor standing mirror bright; since all is originally empty, where does the dust alight?” The lecture concluded with the signing of CD memorabilia by Ven. Hsin Pei.


三皈依 .五戒.菩薩戒 戒會 Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem Five Precepts and Bodhisattva Precepts Retreat 12th - 14th / 12 五戒菩薩戒 Five Precepts and Bodhisattva Precepts 甘露灌頂三皈依典禮 14th /12 Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem

地點Venue : 佛光山南天寺 Nan Tien Temple 180 Berkeley Rd, Berkeley NSW 2506 Australia 報名 Registration: 佛光山澳紐各道場 All branches in Australia and New Zealand 聯繫 Contact: Nan Tien Temple PO Box 1336, Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia Tel: 02-4272 060


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

2014國際佛光會世界會員代表大會專題報導 來自世界各地參加「2014國際佛光會世界會員代表大 會」的佛光人,從10月3日下午開始,陸續抵台至高雄佛光 山報到。鼓號樂隊已在選佛場門口敲響鼓號迎賓,熱鬧非 凡。 Buddha’s Light members were greeted with enthusiastic fanfare by the marching band on arrival at Fo Guang Shan Monastery on the afternoon of October 3, 2014. Members from all over the world have gathered in Kaoshiung, Taiwan to take part in the ‘2014 Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters Congress’.

2014國際佛光會世界總會第五屆第四次理事會議登場 國 際佛光會世界總會會員大會10月3日來自 全 球 5 大 洲 近 百 國 家 地 區 、 百 餘 個 協 會 、 2 千 多 位 會 員 代 表 齊 聚 於佛光山,當晚召開「2014年國際佛 光 會 世 界 總 會 第 五 屆 第 四 次 理 事 會 議 」 , 心 定 和尚 、 心 培 和 尚 、 佛 光山別分院住持監院、佛光會各地區協會 理 事 、 監 事 、 檀 教 講 師 、 區 協 會 督 導 、 協 會 會長 與 會 。 理 事會議由國際佛光會世界總會副總會長余 聲 清 、 翁 詩 傑 、 秘 書 長 慈 容 法 師 、 財 務 長 陳 居、 慧 傳 法 師 聯 合 主持,妙西法師即席英文翻譯。討論的提 案 有 新 協 會 申 請 入 會 案 、 成 立 各 州 各 區 委 員 會成 立 案 、 新 任 協 會督導聘任案、本會第六屆理事選舉辦法 案 , 恭 聘 本 會 創 會 總 會 長 星 雲 大 師 為 終 身 榮 譽總 會 長 、 檀 講 師 新聘案、申請青年分團等議題,全數討論 通 過 。 其 中優秀協會選拔乙案,經過評鑑審核,計 有 中 華 總 會 等 2 3 協 會 , 將 分 別 獲 頒 : 卓 越 教 育獎 、 教 育 弘 傳 獎 、文化創意獎、慈善服務獎、會務成長獎 。 各 區 協 會 精 心 製 作 P P T報 告 當 地 弘 法 成 果 , 把 佛 光 山 教 育 、 文化、慈善、共修4大宗旨的精神,發揮 得 淋 漓 盡 致 , 獲 得 如 潮 掌 聲 。 國際佛光會2014世界會員代表大會-開幕典禮 ‘2014 Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters Congress’, Opening Ceremony.

世界五大洲佛光人齊聚 升旗典禮各國國旗飄揚 國際佛光會世界會員代表大會,10月4日在佛光山盛大登場,來自全球5大洲近百國家地區、百餘個 協會、2千多位會員代表,齊聚大雄寶殿前成佛大道參加升旗典禮,各國國旗與佛教教旗隨風飄揚,揭 示 佛 教 已遍布全球。 最有創意的莫過於佛 羅里達協會,眾人身穿 迪士尼公主裝與米老鼠 頭套,彷彿迪士尼主角 遊行現 The creative members from Florida came dressed as Minnie Mouse.

墨爾本「小企鵝」現身 佛光山。 FGS Melbourne ‘Penguins’ make an appearance at Fo Guang Shan.

南非地區協會帶著南非國 旗眼鏡,肩披豹紋披風,一 展南非大自然風情。 Full of national flair, the South African members donned puma patterned clothing and South African flag sunglasses.


剛果協會代表是2位從 剛果到台灣,目前在叢 林學院男眾學部就學的 法師。 Two venerables studying at the Buddhist College represented the Congo chapter.

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

2014 Buddha’s Light International Association World Congress 墨爾本佛光協會以 代表性動物「小企 鵝」佈置活動報告 區。 Representing FGS Melbourne Chapter are the gorgeous penguins at the annual report display.

墨爾本會代表參 加升旗典禮。

FGS Melbourne members join in the flag raising ceremony.

2014 BLIA World Headquarters Board of Directors General Assembly - Fourth Session, Fifth Region The 2014 BLIA World HQ Board of Directors Assembly was held on the eve of October 3, 2014. Over two thousand members representing over one hundred different BLIA chapters from across five continents coming from nearly one hundred countries, gathered at Fo Guang Shan Monastery. Ven. Hsin Ting, Ven. Hsin Pei, superintendents of temple branches, Dharma lecturers, BLIA presidents, advisors and committee members from all the chapters were in attendance. The meeting was co-chaired by Mr. Yu Sheng Qing, Vice President of BLIA World HQ; Mr. Ong Tee Keat; Ven. Tzu Jung, Secretary-General of BLIA World HQ; Mr. Chen Ju, Chief Financial Officer; and Ven. Hui Chuan. Ven. Miao Xi interpreted the session into English. A range of new proposals were discussed, including the application for membership by new chapters, the establishment of state district committees, the appointment of new advisors, the electoral procedure for the sixth board of directors, the granting of life-time honorary presidency to Ven. Master Hsing Yun, the appointment of new Dharma lecturers, the growth of youth divisions amongst others; with all proposals discussed being adopted in full. Following an evaluation and review process, twenty-three distinguished BLIA chapters were honoured with awards in the areas of: excellence in education, dharma propagation through education, culture and creativity, charitable service and business growth. Each BLIA chapter prepared elaborate powerpoint presentations for their annual report; highlighting the efforts on spreading of the Dharma to the local communities, in accordance to the four principles of Fo Guang Shan which relate to education, culture, charity and cultivation. The efforts from everyone was met with grand applause.

Flag Raising Ceremony: Together we salute the Flags of the World The 2014 Buddha’s Light International Association World Congress took place on October 4, 2014 at Fo Guang Shan Monastery. Over two thousand members from approximately one hundred countries, across five continents gathered at the square in front of the Buddha Hall for the flag raising ceremony. All the flags from across the globe flew in unison, representing the presence and propagation of the Dharma to every corner of the world.

6 世界五大洲佛光人齊聚佛光山。 Buddha’s Light members from across the globe at Fo Guang Shan.


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News 澳洲昆士蘭州議員Mrs Freya Ostapovitch以極恭 敬的心向星雲大師傳達州長坎貝爾‧紐曼(Campbell Newman)的感謝函,感謝星雲大師在昆士蘭州成立中 天寺及佛光協會,舉辦浴佛節及各項社團活動,讓當地人 有因緣接觸與認識佛教。大師人間佛教的信念不但促進種 族融和,也帶來和平的氛圍,廣獲昆士蘭人民極大的回 響。因此特別表達感恩之心,無論是過去、現在或未來, 非常感恩大師的貢獻影響深遠。 On behalf of the Hon. Campbell Newman, Premier of Queensland; Queensland MP Mrs. Freya Ostapovitch with the utmost respect presented Ven. Master Hsing Yun with a Certificate of Appreciation. The State of Queensland wished to demonstrate their gratitude to Ven. Hsing Yun for establishing Chung Tian Temple, for the existence of BLIA Queensland, for holding the annual Buddha’s Day Celebrations and a host of other community service events. All this has provided the people of Queensland the opportunity to be exposed to Buddhism and better understand its teachings. The Humanistic Buddhism that Ven. Master Hsing Yun advocates has deeply resonated with the people of Queensland for it facilities racial harmony and peace. It is hence that the people of Queensland are grateful to Ven. Master Hsing Yun for what has been achieved in the past, the present and also for the future; for the dedication and contribution to Humanistic Buddhism has reached far and wide. 張麗施督導再度當選「國際佛光會世界總會 第六屆理事」。 Mrs. Dominique Yu is re-elected and shall serve in the BLIA World Headquarters 6th Board of Directors.

澳洲昆士蘭州長捎來感恩心 Premier of Queensland Shows Gratitude

澳洲昆士蘭州議員Mrs Freya Ostapovitch 10月3日代表州長坎 貝爾‧紐曼(Campbell Newman)在「國際佛光會2014世界會 員代表大會」開營典禮,頒發感謝狀給世界總會,由國際佛光會 創會總會長暨佛光山開山宗長星雲大師代表接受。 Mrs Freya Ostapovitch, Queensland MP representing the Premier of Queensland, Hon. Newman Campbell presents the Certificate of Appreciation to Ven. Master Hsing Yun, whom accepts it on behalf of BLIA World Headquarters on October 3, 2014.

黃凱倫會長從楊健督導手上接受「新任會 長」授證。 Dr. Alan Wong is sworn in as the new BLIAV president.

墨爾本佛光協會從200多個佛光協會中脫 穎而出,榮獲「會務成長奬」,由黃凱 倫會長上台領奬。

墨爾本佛光協會成立「督委員會」,由楊健督導接受雲大師授證「督導長」。 Mr. James Yang, BLIAV Advisor accepts the certification for the establishment of the BLIAV Advisor Committee.

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria excels above two hundred other chapters and wins the award for the most improved chapter for 2014.


唯有融和 才能佛光普照 唯有融和 才能法水流長 感謝全球佛光人這次的參與 相約2015年理事會議見


With unity, Buddha’s Light shines far beyond, With unity, Dharma spreads afar, To Buddha’s Light members from near and far, Thank you for coming to be with us, May we meet again in 2015!

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

「佛光之夜」 國際佛光會2014世界會員代表 大會壓軸重頭戲「佛光之夜」,10 月7日晚間在佛館大覺堂登場,眾星 雲集,佛光山住持心保和尚、泰華寺 住持心定和尚、佛光山退居和尚心培 和尚、佛光山法子明光法師,及佛光 山法師、全球信眾2000人齊聚欣賞 各協會帶來繽紛的演出。 節目開始前,世界總會秘書長 慈容法師捎來好消息,向大眾布達 「下一任世界總會長心保和尚、秘書 長慧傳法師」,這時「哇!」一聲四 起,全場歡聲、掌聲雷動。慈容法師 表示,大師一直想退下來,這次, 世界總會選出37位理事,3位副總會 長,大師與吳伯雄同時成為榮譽總會 長。佛光會20多年來,節目越來越 精彩,從各位的掌聲中知道,大眾回 到佛光山滿腔歡喜。

墨爾本穿上企鵝裝,全場觀眾high翻一起跳。 BLIA Victoria lead the audience in a penguin dance!

中華總會高新三區佛光啦啦隊,整齊劃一的 步伐,雙手舞動棋桿宛如是訓練有素軍團。 BLIA Chunghua gave a stellar and professional performance.

榮獲詩歌人間朗誦全國總冠軍隊伍─南屏別院 阿囉哈,朗誦著星雲大師〈殘缺也是一種美 麗〉,它們以和音,對誦、讀誦、輪誦的方 式,高低起伏,字正腔圓的音聲感動每個人。 National poetry champions from FGS Nanping Temple recited ‘Imperfection is beauty’ by Ven. Master Hsing Yun.

Night of the Buddha’s Light The highlight event of the ‘2014 BLIA World Congress’ was the ‘Night of the Buddha’s Light’, which took place on the evening of October 7, 2014. Over two thousand people attended the highly anticipated evening of song and dance, including Ven. Hsin Bao, Abbott of FGS; Ven. Hsin Ting, Ven. Hsin Pei, Ven. Ming Kuang amongst other distinguished monastics. The night opened with the highly anticpated announcement by Ven. Tzu Jung, Secretary-General of BLIA World Headquarters, “The incoming CEO of BLIA World Headquarters is Ven. Hsin Bao and the Secretary-General shall be Ven. Hui Chuan.” Cheers of jubilation erupted throughout. Ven. Tzu Jung explained that Ven. Master Hsing Yun had wanted to step down from the role for many years. This term sees the appointment of thirtyseven members to the board of directors, three Deputy CEOs, along with Ven. Master Hsing Yun and Mr. Wu Po-hsiung as honorary CEOs. In over twenty years, BLIA has gained more and more talent displaying an exceptional level of entertainment for the evening.

雪梨協會精心手工製造環保火車,從高雄到 台北,在舞台上展出尋根之旅,創意獲得不 少的掌聲。 BLIA Sydney journeyed from Kaoshiung to Taipei in search of home.

菲律賓以輕快旋律,跳著鄉村舞蹈。 Peasant dance by members from Philippines.

佛光山大慈育幼院的院童表演〈族曲曼舞〉時,苗族水袖,農村採茶,桃花過渡,男女逗趣 的微妙舞姿畫面,各個舞者展露超群的技藝,讓觀眾驚奇連連。 Orphans raised at FGS Tatzu Children’s Home displayed wonderful artistic flair in their performances of traditional indigenous dances.

「我的家在佛光山」最後壓軸,由馬來西亞佛光青年吉他演唱〈四海都有佛光人〉,心保和 尚帶著全體法師、所有佛光人手牽手,在大舞台上大合唱圓滿。 ‘Buddha’s Light members are everywhere’, hand in hand, monastics and laymen, together we sing, ‘Our home is Fo Guang Shan’.


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

捐血可救人ㄧ命 佛光會城一分會於10月19日星 期日10:00am在南岸(Southbank)的 澳大利亞紅十字會捐血中心集合, 共有16位信徒與青年參加。由城一 分會副會長邱鼎維帶領,其中有五 位是首次捐血,他們都非常興奮, 臉上沒絲毫害怕反而很開心,也完 成捐血的願望。 捐血中心準備了豐富的餅乾和 飲料,讓捐血者補充營養和休息, 並叮嚀在15分鐘內坐著休息。於 1:30pm 圓滿結束了城一分會舉辦的 捐血運動。〈符月麗供稿〉

Give Blood, Save Lives

By Fairly Foo BLIAV City 1 Sub-chapter organised a group of sixteen youths on a blood donating trip to the Blood Bank run by the Red Cross in Southbank. Five of them being first time donors were not only unafraid, instead elated to be able to take part. The blood bank service provides biscuits and beverages to the donors and ensures the wellbeing of donors by advising they rest for fifteen minutes before leaving.

佛光青年保齡球友誼球賽 10月2日下午,墨爾本佛光青年二團於Highpoint AMF Bowling Club 舉行「2014 佛光青年保齡球友誼球賽」 活動,由輔導法師妙博法師、青年團長 Vincent 領隊, 近三十位佛光青年分成四組比賽,毎人打兩回合。經 過兩個小時競賽,各個團友發揮技能,勇於挑戰,最 後,由社青組以850多分奪得冠軍,妙博法師代表常 住頒發「佛光盃」以表鼓勵。大家玩得非常盡興,以 友誼第一、比賽第二的精神參加,並相約明年再接再 厲。〈Vincent Giuliani 供稿〉

YAD Bowling Tournament

By Joseph Wilczer With the generous support from FGS venerables and other BLIA members, the YAD 2 committee organised the 2014 YAD Bowling Tournament on November 2, 2014. It was a rare opportunity for all YAD members to spend time together. Fun, food and friends are often taken for granted. YAD bowling at Highpoint AMF brought together these three elements to the twenty-five participants. As well as memories of awkwardly falling over, there were the ‘Ooooh’s and Ahhhh’s’ that came with every ‘gutter ball’ and the applause that accompanied strikes and spares. Despite the fun, healthy competition saw Yin Chin’s team being pronounced winners with a score of 850 points over two rounds. For the rest, the joy of the event itself gave everyone the winning spirit.



法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia

三慧 佛教是著重智慧的宗教,有了智慧才有分辨善惡是非的能力,才能斷除煩惱,才能證悟成 佛;沒有智慧的人,福報再大,還是不能究竟解脫,所以學佛除了要培福以外,更要具足智慧。 佛法中的智慧,與一般人所講的智慧不同,一般的智慧,是世智辯聰,有時反而會助人為 惡。佛法中的智慧,是般若,是通達諸法真理、指向人生正途的法炬,要得到這種智慧,需要從 佛法中精勤修學,由淺至深,循序前進。依其方式有:由聞法而來的智慧,稱作聞慧;由思考而 來的智慧,稱做思慧;由修行而來的智慧,稱為修慧。 1.聞慧:由三藏十二分教或善知識處聞知,也就是從聽經聞法,或閱讀佛典,由文義而引入悟 境,進而對佛法生起甚深的信解,從而得到無漏智慧。這是依聽聞所成的智慧,故稱「聞慧」。 2.思慧:以聞慧為基礎,進一步加以思維、考辨諸法的甚深法性,以及因緣果報等事相,而有更 深的體驗、更親切的了悟。這是由思維所聞所見的道理而生之無漏聖慧,故稱「思慧」。 3.修慧:依據聞、思所成的智慧而對佛法有所悟解,進而與定心相應,觀察抉擇諸法實相,以及 因果緣起等真理,也就是經過止觀雙運後所引發的深慧。由於此乃依修習而生的無漏聖慧,故稱 「修慧」。 佛教講「多聞薰習」,就是說學佛要經常聽經聞法,並思維經義,尤其要如理實踐,如此聞 思修三慧具足,方能找回本自具足的佛性,見到自己的本來面目。

Thre e Ki nds o f Wi sd o m B uddhism is a rel i gi o n t h at p l a ces emp h as i s o n wi s d o m. O n ly wi t h wi s d o m are we able to d isti ng u ish g oo d f ro m b a d, a n d r i ght fro m wro n g. Wi s d o m i s wh at allows us to e liminate a f f lic tio ns and at t a i n B u d d h a h o o d. Wi t h o ut wi s d o m, o n e c an n o t attai n ulti mate li be ration, no m atter h ow b l e sse d o n e m ay b e. Th erefo re, i n ad d i ti o n to c ulti vati n g mer i t, o n e mu st de ve lop w isd om . ‘ Wisdom’ as des c r i b ed i n t h e B u d d h i s t teac h i n g s i s d i fferent fro m o rd i n ar y wi s d o m . Ordinar y w isd om is sim p l y k n ow l ed ge a n d c l ever n es s, wh i c h at ti mes c an be us ed fo r unw hole some p u r poses. Bu ddh i s t w i s d o m i s c a l l ed pra jna -wi s d o m. Pra jna -wi s d o m i s th e abilit y to co mpreh e nd t he t r u t h o f a l l p h en o m en a ; i t i s t h e g ui d i n g li g ht o f th e D h ar ma th at indicate s t he co r re c t p at h. To at t a i n t h i s k i n d o f wi s d o m, o n e mus t be d i li g ent i n lear n i n g an d prac ticing t he B uddh ist te a c h i n g s, a n d p ro gres s t h ro ug h th ei r s t ag es fro m s i mple to pro fo un d. The re are t hre e me t hods for d evel o p i n g B u d d h i s t wi s d o m.

1 . Wisdom from L i s te ni ng This is l e ar nin g a b o u t B u d d h i s m f ro m t h e t welve d i vi s i o n s o f t h e s utras o r f rom good Dhar ma fr ie nds. O n e i s i nt ro d u ced to awaken i n g th ro ug h wh at i s read o r h eard, whe the r that i s listen ing to t h e tea c h i n g s o r rea d i n g th e s utras. Th i s g en erates a pro fo un d faith in and und e rsta n ding of t h e D h a r m a , t h u s g en erati n g un d efi led, n o b le wi s d o m.

2 . Wisdom from T hi nk i ng Wit h t h e w isdo m f ro m l i s ten i n g a s a fo un d ati o n , t h e n ex t s tep i s to d eep ly co ntem plate the m e anin g of t h e Dh a r m a a n d to i nves t i gate th e n ature o f all ph en o men a alo n g wi t h the cause s a nd con dit ions so t h at o n e h a s a n even mo re d i rec t an d i mmed i ate exp er i en ce o f re alisation. This is t h e u n de filed w i s d o m t h at co mes fro m th e p ro ces s o f co ntemplati n g t h e “ how ’s” and “ why ’s” of w h at h a s b een h ea rd a n d rea d.

3 . Wisdom from Prac ti ce Wit h t he re al is at i o n f ro m t h e w i s d o m g ai n ed fro m h ear i n g an d th i n k i n g, o n e proce e ds to de velo p m e dit at ive co n cent rat i o n to reali s e t h e tr ue n at ure o f all p h en o men a an d the truth of de pe nde nt or iginat i o n . Th i s w i s d o m comes fro m th e med i tat i ve prac t i ce k n own as ‘stopping t he illu sor y m ind a n d s eei n g t h e t r u t h’. I n Bu ddhism t h ere i s t h e s ayi n g, ‘ to per meate t h ro ug h li s ten i n g mo re’. Th i s m e ans that, to le ar n Bu ddhism , o n e mu s t a l ways l i s ten to th e teac h i n g s an d read t h e s ut ras, conte mplate t heir m e anin g, a n d mo s t i mp o r t a nt l y, prac t i ce acco rd i n g to t h ei r pr i n c i ples. B y de ve loping t he wisdom from h ea r i n g, t h i n k i n g, a n d prac ti ce, o n e c an percei ve o n e’s i ntr i n s i c nature, the Bud d ha nat u re w h i c h we a l l i n h erent l y h ave.


墨爾本佛光山 行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day

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活動內容 Activity


六 Sat


光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 Light Offering Chanting Service (Lunar 15 Oct)


日 Sun


報恩法會 (恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debts of Gratitude Dharma Service (Filial Piety Sutra)


日 Sun


金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Chanting Service (Transference of merits to the deceased)


日 Sun


念佛共修會 Buddhist Chanting Service (Chanting Heart Sutra) (Transference of merits to the deceased)


日 Sun


普賢行願品 共修會 Buddhist Chanting Service (‘The Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva’, Transference of merits to the deceased)

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第四學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 4 課程內容 Classes

星期 Day 日期 Date 時間 Time 六 Sat


11/10~13/12 9:15am-12:15pm 佛光中華學校第四學期 Fo Guang Chinese School, Term 4 25/10~13/12 2:00-3:30pm Meditation & Taiji Chan (English) 12/10~14/12 10:30am-12:00pm 兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting 12/10~30/11 10:30am-12:00pm 國畫班(嶺南畫派) Chinese Painting (Lingnan Style) 2/11~7/12 生命終極關懷 - 生死自在 (一) End of Life Care (NO CLASS 26/11) 2:00-3:30pm 12/10~16/11 11:00am-12:30pm 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy 12/10~14/12 1:30pm-2:30pm 青年英文佛學讀書會 Young Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd week) 1:30pm-3:00pm 成人英文佛學讀書會Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd & 3rd week )

佛光山尔尔有寺 行事曆 FGS Er You Temple Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time

活動內容 Activity


六 Sat


共修法會 Dharma Service


六 Sat


共修法會 Dharma Service


六 Sat


共修法會 Dharma Service


六 Sat


南天大學興學大悲懺法會 Great Repentance Dharma Service for Nan Tien Institute Construction Fund

佛光山尔有寺 社教課程 FGS Er You Temple Courses 日期 Date

星期 Day 時間 Time

課程內容 Classes

2/11 - 7/12


10:00am -11:30am

中英文禪修班 Fundamental Meditation

3/11 - 18/12


10:30am -12:00pm

國畫班 Chinese Painting Class

24/10 - 28/11


10:00am -11:30am

手工藝工作坊 Handicraft Workshop

18/11- 23/12



編織班 Knitting Class




佛光兒童快樂營 Children’s Happy Camp

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors

劉恭佑 董又瑛 劉鳳嬋 李澤棠 陳秀敏 黃冠誠 曹桂華 黃超鵬 莊佳樺 郭麗華 劉鳳珊 陳惠明 蔡定洪 徐松貞 黃暹香 張明華 劉怡君 劉怡伶 梁蓮葉 劉克孝 黃鶯 張妹 免費索閱 Free distribution ‧ 歡迎助印 Sponsorships welcomed

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