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48th Year of FGS

July 2014, Issue 37

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

2014太湖世界文化論壇「和諧共存的世界夢」高端對話 The 2014 Third Annual Conference of Taihu World Cultural Forum: ‘A World Dream of Harmonious Coexistence’ (Reporter: Wang Puyu, Shanghai)

The Third Annual ‘Taihu World Cultural Forum’ took place on June 18, 2014 at the Shanghai International Convention Centre. Ven. Master Hsing Yun along with Mr. Dominique de Villepin, Former Prime Minister of France; Mr. Ervin László, Founder and President of Club of Budapest; Mr. Yan Zhaozhu, Chairman of Taihu World Cultural Forum; Mr. Ye Xiaowen, Vice President of the Academy of Chinese Culture and other distinguished guests were invited guest speakers on the panel. The topic of discussion was ‘A World Dream of Harmonious Coexistence’. Approximately 200 people attended the forum. The organisers highlighted the Chinese dream of a world of harmonious coexistence. Hence, this year’s theme was ‘Strengthening Cultural Soft Pow因緣和合 成就道業 er Interaction, Promoting World Peace 星雲大師表示,要解決世界問 and Development’. Invited guest 題,「緣起性空」會有用,因為宇 speakers from political, cultural and 宙、人間沒有單獨存在,國家必定 social backgrounds shared their views on the subject matter.

「太湖世界文化論壇」第三屆年 會,6月18日在上海國際會議中心 開幕,佛光山開山宗長星雲大師應 邀擔任與談嘉賓,與法國前總理多 米尼克‧德維爾潘、布達佩斯俱樂 部創辦人歐文‧拉茲洛、太湖世界 文化論壇主席嚴昭柱、中華文化學 院第一副院長葉小文等人,針對「 和諧共存的世界夢」提出意見看 法,約200餘人與會。 主辦單位表示,中國人有一個 「和諧共存」的世界夢,因此今年 的主題是「加強文化軟實力互動, 促進世界和平與發展」,邀請中外 政要、文化學者、社會各界人士交 流與互動,並提出意見、貢獻力 量。

第2頁繼續閱讀 >>

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佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News 要和其他國家團結友好,只有一個團體也無法生存;即使是個人,也必須仰賴農夫種田、工人織布、司 機駕駛等。世界上是天地日月、空氣、陽光、水份、大地讓我們存在;我們由很多因緣組成,因此要感 謝因緣,感謝別人的幫助。儘管世界上,有些人好鬥,不過鬥到最後並沒有好處,得利的一定是和平、 善良的人。 至於「緣起」怎麼「性空」呢?大師指出,因為是緣起,它不能獨自存在,是「空」的。空並不是沒 有,空是建設有的。要空,才能有;不空,就沒有。好比茶杯不空,水放哪裡?沒有空間,怎麼開會 呢?鼻孔、腸胃空了才能健康,假如血管堵塞不空,就不能存在了。所以說虛空能容萬有。 緣起性空 包容萬有 大師指出,了解「緣起性空」,知道大家是共同存在、共同共有,明瞭我們每個人只是眾中的一個, 儘管什麼都不擁有、不佔有,但可以享有,如此,和平不是不可得。世間的一切,不必要人家都跟我一 樣,就是有些許不同,無爭就能共同的存在。

大師強調,在世界上存在很不容易,因此要讓人存在,不必殘殺。我們提倡慈悲,能讓世界和平,因 為慈悲沒有敵人。能夠無我、開放、不執著,還有什麼計較呢?所有的人都是尊貴的。大家都尊貴了, 還有什麼要鬥爭的?不要對立。把利益平衡到整個人權,大家共有,在思想上共同認識以後,從文化、 藝術、音樂、舞蹈、宗教上讓大家和平。達到和平,這個世界就是另外一個光天化日,大家會更美好, 每個人的生活心無罣礙,無有恐懼,無有顛倒夢想。 最後,大師用「五官爭大」故事指出,眉毛看似無用,其實是大用;和平,不是你大我小,和平是尊 重,肯包容、肯愛惜,就會和平。 和諧一體 共存共榮 法國前總理多米尼克‧德維爾潘表示,促進世界和平的問題,戰爭不能解決恐怖主義,要把強權改變成 軟實力,加強社會及國與國之間的協助合作。他提出,增加軟實力有幾個方法:一、和別人互動,理解 別人、認識別人;二、需要具有代表性的人物,例如偶像可以傳遞文化;三、要有自信,要有原則,尊 重別人;四、可以展示多元的文化。他並呼籲,每個人對世界都要有責任心。 布達佩斯俱樂部創始人主席歐文‧拉茲洛博士說,不要覺得「世界和平」問題太大做不到,所謂「蝴 蝶效應」,一點小小的改變,就足以影響世界。他說,這小小的改變,要從思想改變,先從願景改變。 我們是宇宙人,是自然而生,不能只關注物質,要善用智力、愛的權力,因為這個世界不是孤立,是和 諧、一體的,特別是多元文化的和諧,是一體,不是統一。好比身體也是要和諧,細胞的和諧合作,身 體才能健康。


佛光山本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News >> Continued from page 1

The Right Causes and Conditions Achieve the Right Outcomes Ven. Master Hsing Yun indicated that to solve the world’s problems, we need to look to dependent origination and sunyata, for in this universe nothing exists in isolation. Nations must relate to one other with unity and friendliness, for an individual entity cannot survive on its own. Even an individual person must rely on the farmers to harvest crops, textile workers to produce cloth, chauffeurs to transport people and so forth. This world comprises of heaven and earth, sun and moon, air, sunlight, water. Mother earth allows us to exist. Our human existence is possible from the amalgamation of many causes and conditions; therefore, we need to be grateful of the causes and conditions that are afforded to us; and appreciate the help others give. Though the world is filled with people that are eager for a fight, combats ultimately do not bring any benefits; true benefit lies in peace and harmony, and kind-hearted people. In relation to ‘dependent origination’, what is then ‘sunyata’ (emptiness)? Ven. Master Hsing Yun explained that precisely because it is dependent origination, it cannot exist on its own, hence its nature is that of emptiness. Emptiness does not infer that nothing exists; this emptiness is what allows for things to be present. This emptiness allows for things to exist, for if there is not emptiness (vessel) then nothing can exist. For example, how can a cup hold water if it was not empty (to begin with)? If there was no empty space to hold the attendees, how could we hold the conference? Clear sinuses and clear intestines allow for good health, whereas blocked arteries lead to people passing on (non-existence on this earth). Hence, the vast emptiness in reality accommodates a multitude of things. The Sunyata Nature of Dependent Origination Embraces the Universe Ven. Master Hsing Yun explicated that, to understand the sunyata nature of dependent origination is to realise that everyone coexists, jointly own and collaborate together, for we as individuals are only a part of the entire group. In this world, there is no need to expect others to be the same as oneself, realising that there are differences and that without disputes we can all coexist harmoniously. Ven. Master Hsing Yun emphasised that it is not an easy feat to exist in this world, hence we must also allow others to exist and know that there is no need to slaughter one another. We promote compassion so that there can be peace

in this world, for compassion yields no enemies. If everyone can be selfless, able to let go, not dwell on things, what is there to fuss about and be in dispute about? Everyone is precious in this world, so what is there to argue about? Don’t antagonise each other and be at odds with one another. We should practise equality, sharing the benefits amongst all and once we understand one another’s point of view point, peace and harmony amongst all is possible; facilitated through culture, art, music, dance and faith. When peace and harmony is achieved, this world will truly enjoy a different livelihood, making life better for everyone; without worry, fear or delusion. As way of example, Ven. Master Hsing Yun told the story of the five organs fighting to be boss, where the eyebrows were deemed useless when in fact they serve great purpose. So peace and harmony is not the self being grander than others, peace is actually mutual respect, magnanimity and love. Harmonious Coexistence as One Mr. Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France indicated that to work towards world peace, war is not the solution to resolving extremist and terrorist activities. Instead soft power needs to replace hard-line force, in order to strengthen ties and collaboration amongst international communities. Mr. de Villepin indicated a number of ways in which soft power can come into effect: 1. to collaborate with others, to understand and know others; 2. for influential people , such as role models to promote culture; 3. to have principles and confidence, and be respectful of others; 4. to exhibit multiculturalism and for everyone to be responsible for the wellbeing of the world. Mr. Ervin László, Founder and President of Club of Budapest indicated that people should not view “World Peace” as being too big an ambition that is not achievable. Such as the “Butterfly Effect”, a small change is sufficient to create a significant world impact. He expressed that this small change, foremost arises from a mental shift, to begin with the vision that drives the change. He expressed that we are people of the universe, we are born from nature; we must not focus on the materialistic, instead put our intelligence to good honourable uses, use the power of love; because we are not alone in this world, we are one, in harmony, especially in multicultural harmony and are not an unitary entity. This concept is no different to all the cells and parts of the body being in harmony, in order for one to enjoy good health.


星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun

四種教化 有一次,佛陀到一個地方教化, 當地有個惡人責怪佛陀是個不事生 產的人,每天只是到處行腳、雲 遊。佛陀告訴他:「我也有工作, 我也跟農夫一樣,自耕而食。」佛 陀所謂的「耕種」,就是對眾生的 教化,其中有「四種教化」如下: 第一、以信心為種子:《華嚴 經》說:「信為道源功德母,長養 一切諸善根。」人在世間上要有所 成就,一定要有堅決的信心,才有 傲人的成就;有信心,才有面對困 難的勇氣;有信心,才有承受挑戰 的力量;有信心,才能接受更多學 習的機會。佛陀教化眾生,到處散 播信仰的種子,讓信仰種植在眾生 心裏,一旦因緣成熟,就可以開花 結果,增加力量,成為面對困難時 的依託。 第二、以修行為時雨:佛陀教化 眾生,希望大家修習慈悲心,修習 忍辱行。乃至持戒、布施、念佛、 參禪等,讓眾生因為修行而身心 安樂、遠離煩惱,透過修行改造人 心、淨化社會。甚至佛陀也是以修 行來修正自己,進而感化整個社 會;以修行的功德,成就他人;以 修行的悲智,救度眾生;以修行為 及時雨,潤澤一切眾生。 第三、以智慧為陽光:佛陀運用 智慧,以契理契機的權巧方便,散 播他所覺悟的緣起、因果、業力、 空慧等真理,來引導眾生出離癡闇 無明、消弭刀兵劫火。例如他以所 證悟的空慧,打破慳貪的黑暗、消 滅瞋恨的陰霾;以智慧的心燈,點 亮出離生死之路、照見福慧之光, 讓眾生遠離憂愁貧困,趣向菩提大 道,就如陽光一樣,照破世間的幽 暗瘴氣,邁向光明溫暖之途。 第四、以慚愧為大地:《佛遺教 經》說:「有愧之人,則有善法; 若無愧者,與諸禽獸無相異也。」 慚愧是昇華道德、去惡向善的根 本,慚愧就像大地一樣,能讓萬物 生長、成熟。佛陀讓世間上的人, 時常慚愧自己的不足,慚愧自己對 父母的孝養不夠、對子女的教導不 力、對親朋的愛護不足、對社會 的付出不競。有了慚愧心,才能 遠離自大自滿的固蔽;有了慚愧


心,才有悔過向上的意願;有了 慚愧心,才能資養自他及世間的 和諧。 佛陀不但是一位善耕心田的農 夫,更是一位以眾生為田,期望 眾生皆獲菩提道果的農業專家。 佛教一直積極的從事眾生心田的 深耕工作,對於社會人心的淨 化,大有助益。佛陀的「四種教 化」是: 第一、以信心為種子。 第二、以修行為時雨。 第三、以智慧為陽光。 第四、以慚愧為大地。

Four methods of education Once, while the Buddha was travelling and teaching the Dharma, a hostile man scolded him for being unproductive since he only travelled from place to place every day speaking the Dharma. The Buddha told him, “I also work; and like a farmer, I cultivate for food.” The cultivation the Buddha referred to is the teaching to sentient beings. The methods the Buddha used to teach were as follows: 1. Faith is the seed: The Flower Adornment Sutra says, “Faith is the source of the Way and the mother of all merit, for it nurtures the root of all goodness.” In order for people to attain success in the world, they must have firm faith and confidence. With faith, we have the courage to face difficulties, and the strength to take on challenges. Accordingly, we will accept many more opportunities to learn. In teaching sentient beings, the Buddha spread the seeds of faith everywhere he went. As the seeds were planted in people’s mind, they sprouted to bloom and bear fruit when the conditions were right. They became the strength sentient beings relied on in dealing with adversity. 2. Cultivation is the seasonable rain: In teaching sentient beings, the Buddha hoped that we could

cultivate a compassionate mind and perform acts of forbearance. In addition, he taught that by upholding precepts, practicing charity, reciting the Buddha’s name or practicing Chan, we could gain peace in our body and mind, and distance ourselves from worry. Human minds can be improved and society purified through cultivation. Even the Buddha himself used cultivation to improve himself and further transform society. His merits of cultivation provide support for others to succeed. Furthermore, his compassion and wisdom help liberate all sentient beings, while the seasonable rain of his cultivation irrigates and nourishes everyone and everything. 3. Wisdom is sunshine: The Buddha employed wisdom and skillful means that were compatible with the mental disposition of sentient beings to spread the truths that he had realised. He used such means to teach truths regarding dependent origination, cause and effect, karma, and emptiness. These truths can guide us out of the darkness of ignorance and bring an end to the suffering resulting from natural and human-made disasters. For instance, the wisdom of emptiness can break through the darkness of greed and eradicate the gloom of anger and hate. The light of wisdom can brighten up the path that liberates us from the cycle of birth and death. Furthermore, the light of wisdom and merits enable sentient beings to leave behind sorrow and suffering and walk on the broad road of the bodhi path. Like sunshine shining through the darkness and a wind clearing away an unpleasant smell, wisdom allows us to progress toward brightness and clarity 4. A sense of shame is the good earth: The Bequeathed Teachings of the Buddha says, “People with a sense of shame have benevolence. Otherwise, they are no different from animals.” A sense of shame is

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News fundamental to improving morals, ridding one’s unwholesomeness, and moving toward kindness. It is like the good earth helping all things to grow and mature. The Buddha taught us to be ashamed of our inadequacies. We should be ashamed of not doing enough in supporting our parents, teaching our children, loving our friends and relatives, and contributing to society. With a sense of shame in our hearts, we will not close ourselves off from others with arrogance and self-righteousness, but have the desire and will to repent our transgressions and progress toward goodness. When we have a sense of shame, we can cultivate harmony and peace between self and others and the world.


墨爾本尔有寺佛學講座 Dharma lecture at Er You Temple, Melbourne

The Buddha was not only a farmer good at cultivating the field of the mind, but also an expert in regarding all sentient beings as fields with the potential to bear the fruit of the bodhi. As the ultimate teacher, the Buddha was always active in the deep cultivation of the mindfield of sentient beings and contributed immensely towards puri澳洲四家中文報社社長講座後採訪依空法師 Media interview following lecture fying society and the human heart. 擁有文學博士學位的佛光山依空法師,風塵僕僕的遠從臺灣前來大洋洲各地巡迴講座,墨爾本是澳洲 地區五場中的壓軸演講。難怪六月十一日晚上,佛光山爾有寺的最高層大雄寶殿、第二層禪堂及樓下滴 水坊,早已擠滿了五百餘位信眾、貴賓及仰慕依空法師的各界人士。 準七時半、由澳洲佛光山總住持滿可法師、從紐西蘭前來迎接依空法師的住持滿信法師與尔有寺滿晴 法師等引領下,在熱烈掌聲中依空法師大駕進入了大雄寶殿、左、右兩方高懸的大銀幕分以中英文照映 演講內容,並同步翻譯英文提供澳洲朋友一同聆聽法義。 兩年半前住院手術、渡過一場大病依空法師,從病中悟到了不少人生的真諦,妙語如珠的先介紹了演 講主題「維摩詰經」的故事,這位醉心佛學又不願出家的維摩詰想到一面修學佛法一面過家居生活,他 成了在家居士的典範,被中國歷代文人們所喜歡。 深奧的佛法在這位辯才無礙的法師口中娓娓道來,無非就是凡夫俗子們的日常生活而已,法是沒有名 字,法也沒有形象,佛法在人間,人間佛法真是無比簡易。 法師精神奕奕的時而舉起講檯前的鮮花解說地、火、水、風的關係,時而起立打手勢,提起蘇東坡與 佛印的交鋒典故,說明清淨心的重要;風趣的比喻,妙語如珠的說詞,讓整個爾有寺整晚盈溢著歡樂的 笑聲、熱烈的掌聲。二樓與樓下皆用大銀幕現場直播,效果極佳。 精彩的講座欲罷不能,至九時五十分比原定時間超過了廿分鐘,才圓滿打住。由兩位小朋友捧著大朿 鮮花上臺,獻花給笑容可掬的依空法師。 總住持滿可法師致謝詞,感謝貴賓們及信眾出席講座,並感謝依空法師大駕蒞臨,期望依空法師將來 再次蒞臨澳洲弘法。 詞畢、全場起立鼓掌歡送依空法師一行下樓,聽眾們皆獲邀到樓下大廳享用紅豆沙甜品禦寒。離去 時,寺門外佛光山的一眾師兄姐們列隊歡送,並贈給每人一小盒印有「佛光普照」的糕點;如此週到的 接待嘉賓真令人感動,大家盈溢著法喜高興的賦歸,莫不期待佛光山道場舉辦的各類活動。


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

Dharma lecture by Venerable Yi Kong fills Er You Temple in Melbourne with elation

Equipped with a doctorate in literatue, Venerable Yi Kong of Fo Guang Shan travelled from Taiwan by special invitation to give a series of lectures in this Ocenia Lecture Tour, with Melbourne being the final destination in Australia. On the evening of June 11, more than 500 devotees, distinguished guests and people from all walks of life whom admire Ven. Yi Kong attended the lecture. The audience completely filled the Main Hall, the Meditation Hall on level 1 and spilling over into the Water Drop Teahouse on the ground floor at FGS Er You Temple. At 7:30 p.m. sharp, guided by Chief Abbess of Fo Guang Shan Australia, Ven. Man Ko; Ven. Man Shin, Abbess of New Zealand who came from New Zealand to greet Ven. Yi Kong; Ven. Man Ching of Er You Temple and others; Ven. Yi Kong entered the Main Hall and was greeted with great applause from the audience. The large screens on both sides of the hall displayed the slide presentation of the dharma lecture in English and Chinese. Simultaneous English interpretation was also provided to enable those whom did not understand Chinese to also benefit from the dharma.


Live interview with Ven. Yi Kong at Austar Radio

依空法師接受墨爾本華夏週報、墨爾本日報、大華時代、看 中國等四家中文報社採訪 Ven. Yi Kong interviewed by China Times, Chinese Melbourne Daily, The Australian Chinese Age and Secret China.

Ven. Yi Kong underwent an operation two and half years ago, surviving a serious illness; which has profoundly reshaped her own understanding of the truth of life. Ven. Yi Kong first introduced the story of the main theme of the lecture, Vimalakirti Nidersa Sutra. UpasakaVimalakirti practised Buddhism whilst living a mundane life and was a widely admired by many Chinese poets and authors of all times for being a model layman. Ven. Yi Kong, being knowledgeable with Buddhist teachings and excellent speaking skills, vividly talked about the contents of the sutra through quoting famous ancient stories and clarified the relevance of the dharma to people’s daily life, making the profound dharma teachings easily comprehensible. True dharma does not have a name; neither does it pertain to any type of form. Humanistic Buddhism is in fact very simple and can be practised as part of everyday life. Ven. Yi Kong interacted beautifully with the audience throughout the lecture. For example, she utilised a fresh flower to explain the relationship amongst earth, fire, water and wind. She quoted the famous anecdote between Su Dong Po and Master Fo Yin to illustrate the importance of a pure mind. Thanks to the great sense of humor and intriguing talk by Ven. Yi Kong, the entire lecture was filled with bursts of laughter and continuous applause from the audience. To ensure an excellent experience for every enthusiastic audience member who could not be accommodated in the Main Hall, a live broadcast of the lecture was also provided on the first and ground floors, which was very well received and appreciated by the participants. The lecture was brought to a close twenty minutes later than originally planned. Two young children presented Venerable Yi Kong with a bunch of flowers as way of appreciation. Chief Abbess Man Ko also delivered the thank you speech expressing gratitude to all in attendance, with special thanks to Ven. Yi Kong and expressing the wish for Ven. Yi Kong to come again to Australia to teach the dharma in near future. The audience expressed their gratitude to Ven. Yi Kong with rounds of enthusiastic applause. Desserts were provided to everyone after the lecture. On departure, a group of BLIAV members sent off al attendees at the front entrance and gifted everyone a box of sweets with the words ‘Dharma light shines everywhere’. The thorough and considerate preparation from the organiser made everyone deeply moved and filled the atmosphere with dharma joy. It is sincerely hoped that more dharma lectures like this be hosted in near future to spread the dharma teachings.


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News 墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

修身進德 淨化身心 【人間社記者陳秀敏墨爾本報導】

六月八日,假墨爾本佛光山舉行 一日一夜八關齋戒,共有九十人參 加受戒。信眾一早穿搭海青搭上縵 衣,整個壇場充滿殊勝、莊嚴氣 氛。 戒會一開始,監寺覺住法師率眾 法師諷誦《八關齋戒文》經文。接 著,永威法師介紹佛門儀軌,示範 穿搭海青、縵衣,過堂規矩。午齋 過堂時,覺住法師開示:「體驗僧 團生活要關閉眼、耳、鼻、舌、 身、意六根,修身進德、淨化身 心。」 下午,妙博法師指導禪修,其表 示:「真正的禁語口不說,心也不 說,方是真禁語。」後續,滿晴法 師教授「八關齋戒」意義。滿晴法 師開示道:「皈依三寶佛弟子,要 定期回寺院修行。到寺院學習『 無』,把妄想、煩惱暫放一旁,以 一顆清靜心,觀察自己,讓生活更 自在、安心。最後,以《金剛經》 晚課做為結束。 覺住法師叮寧大家,回家後繼續 修持直至隔日早晨七點,那一日一 夜八關齋戒才算圓滿結束。 第一次參加戒會的秦曉蕾師姐感 觸說道:「第一次參加讓我了解修 行應如何運用於生活中。一日一夜 持戒,也讓自己發起清淨菩提心、 時刻關照內心念頭、法喜充滿。」 梁雪梅師姐侃侃而談:「在法師帶 領下,了解戒律或重溫戒律是一種 提醒,持戒更清淨精進,共修比自 修效果更顯著。」年僅十五歲梁欣 如和十歲弟弟梁景漢跟著祖父母參 與戒會,兩人表示:「參加一天一 日修持,能加強注意力、努力學 習。從小種下菩提種子,能增福增 慧。」

Purify the Body and Mind, Cultivate Virtues (Reporter: Wendy Chen)

On June 8, 2014 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne held its one day Eight Precepts Retreat. Ninety devotees participated in this event, taking the vow to uphold the Eight Precepts for one day and one night. From early in the morning, devotees donned their chanting robes and cassock, creating an air of solemn elegance. The retreat began with Ven. Jue Chu, Superintendent of FGS Melbourne and fellow venerables chanting the ‘Eight Precepts’ Sutra. This was followed by a lecture on Buddhist etiquettes by Ven. Yung Wei, which included demonstrations on how to put on a chanting robe, how to don a cassock, the rules and regulations on how to partake in a monastic meal. During lunch, Ven. Jue Chu instructed the participants: “To truly experience the monastic life, one must shut off the six roots of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind, in order to purify the body ad mind; and cultivate virtues.” In the afternoon, Ven. Miao Bo led the participants in meditation practice, expressing: “True noble silence is when the mouth does not speak and the mind does not relay it either.” This session was followed by Ven. Man Ching who lectured on the meaning of the ‘Eight Precepts’. Ven. Man Ching indicated that: “Devotees who have taken refuge in the Triple Gem are required to regularly attend the temple for further cultivation practice. One must attend the temple to learn what is ‘voidness’; to be rid of delusions, putting aside worries; and to self-reflect with complete clarity, in this way one’s life can be more at peace and carefree. Ven. Man Ching ended the session with references to the Diamond Sutra.

Ven. Jue Chu concluded the day by reminding all participants that they must abide by the eight Precepts until 7:00am the next morning, it is only then that they have truly completed the one day and one night retreat. First timer Jenny Qin expressed: “The is my first experience at this retreat and it has taught me how to apply self-cultivation in my daily life. This one day and one night of upholding the precepts has also allowed the bodhicitta to arise; and allows for inner reflection and awareness of every thought.” Ms Liang Xuemei conveyed: “Under the guidance of the venerables, I finally understand that the precepts are a form of reminder, upholding them provides for more diligent cultivation; and the benefits of group practice outweigh individual practice.” Fifteen year old Liang Xinru attended with her grandparents and ten year old brother. She relayed that: “Having taken part in this one day retreat, our ability to concentrate has improved and encourages us to study harder. Planting those good bodhi seeds from a young age can help accumulate merits and wisdom.”


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

2014「澳紐佛光青年生命成長營」活動基金籌款「飲茶會」 <秦曉雷供稿> 2014澳紐佛光青年生命成長營 (ANZBYC)活動籌募基金,由國際佛 光會墨爾本協會支持,墨爾本佛光青 年團主辦,於 6 月 9 日中午假墨爾本 佛光緣美術館舉行「飲茶會」。約80 多位佛光人共襄盛舉,以行動表達對 ANZBYC 大力支持。國際佛光會世界 總會理事張麗施、墨爾本協會督導楊 健也攜帶家眷響應參加。 在墨爾本佛光山監寺覺住法師及諸 位法師帶領下,青年團成員們將美術 館場地佈置得溫馨別致,以微笑迎接 每位來賓,為大家介紹佛光緣美術 館,讓每位來賓都感受到濃濃暖意。 茶會開始,督導楊健和理事張麗施 分別代表致詞,肯定青年團多年來努 力與成長,以並給予 ANZBYC 大力 支持,並預祝活動圓滿成功!監寺覺 住法師則希望青年朋友要把握難得因 緣,積極參與活動,並感謝現場大家 對青年成長的大力支持與愛護! 接著,由主持人 Hiking 帶領大家 做手指操、遊戲等進行活動暖身,配 合著現場音樂彈奏,營造出溫馨氛 圍,同時展現青年多才多藝。期間, 青年熱情招行,為大家奉茶、遞送 點心、整理餐盤。一道道色香味俱全 點心,讓每位來賓應接不暇,贊不絕 口。當大家得知大部分點心皆由青年 們親自準備烹飪,更是對青年們廚藝 贊嘆不已。活動結束前,覺住法師帶 著法師、佛光會理事演唱「四海都有 佛光人」、 「我的家鄉在佛光山」;青年團則演 唱了 ANZBYC 大會歌「菩薩心.青 年力」、「Harmonize」等耳熟能 詳佛教歌曲,歌聲響徹在現場每個角 落,溫暖著每個佛光人心。 飲茶會最後,青年團安排了激動人 心抽獎環節,將飲茶會掀起了另一高 潮。飲茶會在溫馨快樂氣氛中結束, 每一位來賓都享用了精美午餐,度過 了一個開心時光!預祝 ANZBYC 圓滿 成功! 2014 ANZBYC Fundraising Luncheon (By Jenny Qin)

A luncheon was organised by BLIAV Melbourne YAD at Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery on June 9, with the aim of raising funds for 2014 ANZBYC. Established in 1997, ANZBYC is hosted annually in turn


by the BLIAV YAD from one of five cities across Australia and New Zealand. The 2014 ANZYBC will be held in Melbourne from July 4-7 with the theme of ‘iBodhisatta’. BLIA World Headquarter Executive Committee Member Mrs. Dominique Yu and BLIAV Advisor James Yang together with over 80 guests participated in the event to show their strong support for this year’s ANZBYC being hosted by Melbourne YAD. Led by Ven. Jue Chu, Superintendent of Fo Gunag Shan Melbourne; Ven. Miao Bo, Ven. Yung Wei and Ven. Miao Li along with YAD members, elegantly decorated the venue, happily greeted every guest and introduced Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery to each guest, making all those present at ease and warmly welcomed. Prior to the start of the lunch, Mr. James Yang, BLIAV Advisor and Mrs. Dominique Yu, BLIA World Headquarter Executive Committee Member delivered speeches respectively to the audience to express their acknowledgement for the efforts and development of the YAD, offering support and sincere best wishes for the great success with this year’s ANZBYC in Melbourne. Venerable Jue Chu invited more young people to seize the precious opportunity to sign up for this year’s ANZBYC and meanwhile acknowledged the constant care parents provided to the youth in their growth over the years. Following the speeches, the luncheon started to be served. The YAD leaders led the audience in doing simple finger exercises and games as way of warm up. Other YAD members played brackground music creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, which fully displayed the versatility of YAD. During the luncheon, YAD members continuously served tea, dim sum and collected plates for all the guests with courteous smiles, patience and care. Everyone present marvelled at the delicacy, aroma and taste of the dishes. When guests realised that all the dishes were prepared and cooked by YAD members themselves, the youths were complimented further on their excellent culinary skills. Led by Ven. Jue Chu, Ven. Miao Bo and Mrs. Dominique Yu, the audience joined in singing the songs ‘Fo Guang Members Worldwide’, ‘My hometown is in Fo Guang Shan’ and others. Members of YAD sang the ‘iBodhisatta’ theme song for this year’s ANZBYC and ‘Harmonize’ to name a few, which resonated with the happy atmosphere. Last but not least, the event ended with a special lucky draw, which led to another climax of laughter and celebrations at different tables. Ven. Miao Li delivered the final speech to express their gratitude to all the guests for coming and to the YAD members for their thorough preparation, which made this event a great success. The fundraising luncheon was greatly enjoyed by everyone, proving to be wonderful afternoon. We wish this year’s ANZBYC the very best of success!

墨爾本佛光緣美術館 展覽資訊 Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery Exhibition

Kakiemon in Australia Seventeenth century Kakiemon is significant both as the high point of Japanese porcelain production, as well as being the link, together with Dehua (blanc de chine) ware from Southern China, between the Oriental and European porcelain traditions. This exhibition focuses on work that we describe as Kakiemon. Its strict definition is contentious, but essentially it is marked by on-glaze polychrome decorated ware, under-glaze blue decorated wares and plain white wares usually all moulded forms of above average quality and somewhat sparsely painted leaving significant areas undecorated. As with all such wares there is a spectrum in the production and Kakiemon is no exception to that. Nonetheless its impact when it first arrived in Europe was highly significant and its beauty has retained its appeal to the present. ——————————————--————

紅柿衛門在澳洲 十七世紀紅柿衛門是日本瓷器生產的高 點,與來自中國南方德化縣的瓷器(白 瓷)一起,是東方與歐洲瓷器傳統之間的 一個鏈接。 本次展覽主要展出的是我們認為能體現 紅柿衛門的瓷器。其嚴格的定義是有爭議 的,但本質上它的特點是釉上彩裝飾的瓷 器,雖然形狀各異不同,稀疏的釉彩留出 了大片未妝點的空間,青花和純白色裝飾 的瓷器大多品質很高。與其它的瓷器一樣 紅柿衛門的生產也涉及到色澤變化。儘管 如此,它當年第一次到歐洲時的影響力是 非常顯著的,它的美麗保留至今。

Exhibition Dates:

19th June ~ 25th July 2014


Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery 141 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Phone: (03) 9642 2388


法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia

三十二相 佛陀涅槃已經二千多年了, 生在末法时代的衆生無緣親自 瞻禮佛陀的金容相好。所謂「 相好」,是指佛陀的金容,可 以一目了然的微妙形狀,叫做 相;不易覺察而一見能使人生 起愛樂之心的,叫做好。根據 經典記載,佛陀具有三十二 相,八十種好。三十二相分別 是: 1. 足下平滿,沒有凹處; 2. 足下輪形,千輻輪狀; 3. 手指細長,白淨如雪; 4. 手足柔軟,毫不粗硬; 5. 指間縵網,交互連絡; 6. 足踵圓滿,無凸凹處; 7. 足背高起,前後均平; 8. 股肉纖圓,有如鹿王; 9. 手長過膝,端嚴如山; 10. 男子之根,密藏體內; 11. 頭足之高,如兩手長; 12. 一一毛孔,生青色毛; 13. 身毛上靡,向上偃伏; 14. 身體之色,有如黃金; 15. 身放光明,四方一丈; 16. 皮膚細滑,柔軟如油; 17. 足掌肩頂,平滿無缺; 18. 兩腋充滿,無有凹陷; 19. 身體平正,威儀嚴肅; 20. 身形端直,毫不傴曲; 21. 兩肩平滿,豐腴異常; 22. 口中牙齒,計有四十; 23. 齒白緊密,潔淨而堅; 24. 牙齒平整,毫不參差; 25. 兩頰隆滿,如獅子頰; 26. 咽中津液,潤食美味; 27. 舌廣而長,柔軟細薄; 28. 口中音聲,遠能聽聞; 29. 眼以紺青,澄如大海; 30. 眼睫之毛,殊勝非凡; 31. 兩眉之間,白毫放光; 32. 頂成肉髻,無能見頂。 經云:「百劫修相好,三祗 修福慧。」佛陀的三十二相並 非天生如此,而是經過了九 十一大劫的修行所成就。根據 《百福莊嚴經》說,每修一百 福,才莊嚴一相,甚至一個廣 長舌相,便需積聚無量無邊億 百千倍的不妄語才能成就,可 見學佛必須廣修福慧,才能功 果圓滿。


The Thirty-Two Marks of Excellence It has been more than two thousand years since Buddha passed into final nirvana, and sentient beings living in this Age of Declining Dharma are unable to personally venerate and look upon the major and minor marks of the Buddha’s glorious appearance. The ‘major and minor marks’ refer to the Buddha’s bodily appearance. Those characteristics that can be observed in a glance are known as ‘major marks’, while those that are not directly perceived but produce a feeling of pleasantness are known as the Buddha’s ‘notable characteristics’. As recorded in the sutras, the Buddha was endowed with thirty-two marks or excellence and eighty notable characteristics. The thirty-two major marks are as follows: 1. Feet that are planted flat on the ground without hollow spots. 2. Dharma wheels on the soles of the feet like with a thousand spokes. 3. Long, slender fingers that are as white as snow. 4. Flexible limbs that are neither coarse nor stiff. 5. Webbed fingers and toes that have connecting tissue. 6. Perfectly rounded heels without hollow or protruding spots. 7. Arched insteps that are perfectly formed front and back. 8. Thighs that are fine and round like those of a royal stag. 9. Arms reaching below the knee as stately as a mountain. 10. Retracted male organ that is concealed within the body. 11. The height of the body and the span of the arms being equal. 12. Each and every hair being dark in colour. 13. Body hair is fine and curls up. 14. A golden complexion. 15. Light that radiates from the body in all directions for ten feet. 16. Fine lustrous skin that is as soft as oil.

17. Feet, palms, shoulders and crown that are perfectly formed and proportioned. 18. Both armpits are full without hollow or protruding spots. 19. Perfectly balanced body of solemn appearance. 20. Firm and erect stature without bends or humps. 21. Full and proportioned shoulders that are extraordinarily well-developed. 22. Mouth containing fourty teeth. 23. Teeth that are white, close together, clean and firm. 24. Teeth that are perfectly aligned with nothing out of place. 25. Full cheeks like those of a lion. 26. Saliva that can make food taste delicious. 27. Broad and long tongue that is soft and thin. 28. Voice that can be heard from afar. 29. Eyes that are dark blue and as clear as the great ocean. 30. Eyelashes that are uniquely special and extraordinary. 31. White tuft of hair between the eyes that emits light. 32. Fleshy protuberance on the head. In the sutras it is said that “It takes one hundred kalpas to perfect the primary and secondary marks of the Buddha, and the three incalculable kalpas to perfect the merit and wisdom of the Buddha.” The Buddha’s thirty-two marks did not simply appear, rather they were achieved after ninety-one kalpas of practice. As stated in the Sutra on the Adornments of the Hundredfold Merits, a single mark adorned the Buddha’s body only after the practice of each of a hundred types of merit. Even the Buddha’s broad and long tongue was only achieved after over hundreds and thousands of lifetimes of practicing the precept against lying. Clearly, becoming a Buddha requires the extensive cultivation of merit and wisdom before one can attain the perfect results.

佛光山尔尔有寺 行事曆 FGS Er You Temple Events Calendar 日期 Date 5/7 11/7 12/7 15/7 19/7 26/7 27/7

星期 Day 時間 Time 10:00am 六 Sat 11:00am 五 Fri 10:00am 六 Sat 11:00am 二 Tue 9:30am 六 Sat 9:30am 六 Sat 11:00am 日Sun

活動內容 Activity 共修法會 Dharma Service 光明燈消災法會- 農曆五月十五 Light Offering Dharma Service 南天大學興學大悲懺法會 Fundraising Service for Nan Tien Institute 觀音菩薩成道紀念日 Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day 盂蘭盆孝親報恩-地藏法會 Ullambana Dharma Function (Ksitigarbha Sutra) 盂蘭盆孝親報恩-地藏法會 Ullambana Dharma Function (Ksitigarbha Sutra) 光明燈消災法會 (農曆六月初一) Light Offering Dharma Service

佛光山尔有寺 社教課程 FGS Er You Temple Courses 日期 Date

星期 Day

5/4 - 26/7 12/7-26/7 20/7-24/8 6/7-10/8 19/6 - 24/7 13/6 - 18/7

六 Sat 六 Sat 日Sun 日Sun 四Thu 五Fri


時間 Time 1:30-3:00pm 2:00-3:30pm 2:00-3:30pm 10:00-11:30am 10:30-12:00pm 10:30-12:00pm

LAKE MOUNTAIN 雪山一日游 Lake Mountain Day Tour

課程內容 Classes 經典導讀 - 妙法蓮華經 Sutra Reading - Lotus Sutra 英文讀書會 Sutra Study Group (English) 佛光兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 中英文禪修班 Fundamental Meditation 國畫班 Chinese Painting Class 手工藝工作坊 Handicraft Workshop

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

墨 爾 本 協 會 西 北 分 會

2014 年 8 月 9日 Sat, 9 AUGUST 2014

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria


Venerable Dr. Huifeng

PhD (University of Hong Kong, HKSAR), MBS (Master of Buddhist Studies) (University of Hong Kong, HKSAR), BE (Mechanical) (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

參加費用/Participation Fees: (含巴士+入門票+午餐/Inc. Bus, Entrance, Lunch) (滑雪用品自備/Ski Gear etc.. own responsibility) Registration closes 1 AUG 2014*

$50* $20*

每人/Adult: 5歲以下/5yrs & under: 旅程時間/Itinerary: 上車時間/Pick Up Time: 7:30am - Yarraville Temple 結束時間/Return Time: Approx 6 pm - Yarraville Temple

Dharma Talk

About the Speaker: Ven. Dr. Huifeng is originally from New Zealand. Having been introduced to Buddhism at a young age, he committed himself to full time Buddhist practice in the late 1990s, studying at several of Fo Guang Shan Monastery’s Buddhist Colleges and Universities, receiving full ordination in 2004. From 2006 to 2011 he studied first a Masters and then a PhD degree at the University of Hong Kong, with his PhD dissertation entitled “Chiasmus in the Early Prajñāpāramitā: Literary Parallelism Connecting Criticism & Hermeneutics in an Early Mahāyāna Sūtra”. Presently he is an Assistant Professor at Fo Guang University, Ilan, Taiwan, teaching at the Department of Buddhist Studies. His areas of academic focus include Indian Buddhism, in particular early Mahāyāna sūtra and śāstra, translation and hermeneutics, and practices of contemporary Taiwanese Buddhism. Current Roles • 2013-present Vice-Abbot (Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Taiwan) • 2011-present Assistant Professor (Fo Guang University, Taiwan)

3 August 2014 (Sunday)

Don't forget to breathe! Date: 3 August 2014 (Sunday) Time: 1:00pm~3:00pm Venue: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road, Yarraville, VIC 3013.

Enquiries: (03) 9314 5147

Full Payment needs to be recieved upon registration. If for some reason, you need to cancel the booking. Only 50% can be refunded*.

or Contact Victor Lu (呂景泰)

Organisers: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria

墨爾本佛光山 行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date

星期 Day


日 Sun

時間 Time 10:30am


日 Sun


大悲懺法會(觀世音菩薩成道紀念日) 農曆6月17日 Great Compassionate Repentance Dharma Function


二 Tue


觀世音菩薩成道紀念日 (農曆 6 月 19 日) Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Enlightenment Day


日 Sun


盂蘭盆孝親報恩- 地藏法會 (恭誦地藏經一部) Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra(農曆 6 月 24 日 Lunar 24 June)


佛供,隨堂超薦 Grand Offering, Transfer of merits to the Deceased


日 Sun


日 Sun


日 Sun

活動內容 Activity 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Gratitude Repaying Chanting Service (Filial Piety Sutra )

10:00am-4:00pm 盂蘭盆孝親報恩慈悲三昧水懺法會 - 祭祖感恩追思 10:00am-12:15pm Ullambana Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Dharma Function 佛供 Grand Offering、佛光山道糧齋僧法會暨 (農曆 7 月 8 日 Lunar 8 July) 1:00-5:00pm 盂蘭盆孝親報恩三時繫念總回向法會 Thrice Yearning Dharma Function & Transfer of Merits

10:00am 12:30am

盂蘭盆孝親報恩- 地藏法會 (恭誦地藏經一部) Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra (農曆 7 月 15 日)

佛供 、 隨堂超薦 Grand Offering, Transfer the merits to the Deceased

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第三學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 3 課程內容 Classes

星期 Day 日期 Date 時間 Time 六 Sat


19/7~13/9 9:15am-12:15pm

佛光中華學校第三學期 Fo Guang Chinese School, Term 3 2:00-4:00pm Meditation Class (includes Buddhism, Taiji Chan) (English) 10:30am-12:00pm 兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting 2:00pm-4:00pm 經典導讀:佛說八大人覺經、四十二章經、佛遺教經 Introduction to Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, Forty-two 20/7~14/9 Chapters Sutra, Buddha’s Bequeathed Teaching Sutra 10:30am-12:00pm 國畫班(嶺南畫派) Chinese Painting (Lingnan Style) 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy 29/6~3/8 2:00pm-3:30pm 20/7~14/9 1:30pm-2:30pm

青年英文佛學讀書會 Young Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd week)

萬緣法會.佛陀聖地朝山團 India Pilgrimage Tour

追隨佛陀足跡、禮懺清淨身心 To follow in the footsteps of the Buddha, seeking purification of the body and mind.

由心定和尚帶團 日期Dates: 14-15/12/2014 (2天,馬來西亞2 days in Malaysia) 16-28/12/2014 (13天,印 度 13 days in India)

墨爾本佛光山 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road,Yarraville,VIC 3013 Tel: 03 9314 5147

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors






Visual Q Eyecare

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