August 2015 BLIAV Newsletter

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FGS Year 49, August 2015, Issue 50

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

全國教師佛學營 大師:真正的信仰是奉獻 “True Faith Is To Give.” – from Venerable Master Hsing Yun 【人間社記者 陳璿宇 三峽報導】 2015-07-14 Reporter: Chen, Ruiyu 國際佛光會中華總會7月14至17日在金光 明寺舉辦「2015全國教師佛學營~禪學與 淨土」,佛光山開山星雲大師循循善誘,勉勵 全國教師真正的信仰是愛、是奉獻、是慈悲, 慈悲能讓人擴大提升,能量用不完。研習營首 日,星雲大師的出現,讓全國教師感受到大師 對教師的器重,以及濃郁的關懷。

From July 14th to 17th, at Jin Guang Ming Temple, BLIA R.O.C hosted “2015 Buddhist Camp for Teachers Nationwide - Zen and Pure Land”. Venerable Master Hsing Yun, with the aim to encourage all teachers, expounded that true faith is love, devotion, compassion, since compassion can expand one’s heart and mind to constantly generate positive energy. The Master’s appearance on day one of the camp showed all teacher participants his great care and that teachers are highly regarded.

“For what are you here today? You are here for Dharma, for faith!”, said Master Hsing Yun, and he pointed out that Sakyamuni Buddha once said that everyone possesses the nature of Buddha, and hence everybody should believe that he or she is a Buddha, and everyone should cultivate a compassionate and rational path of life to willingly serve the society and spread joy to others. With examples from monarchical, theocratic, civil rights, Venerable Master Tsing Yun illustrated that belief 大師強調,佛教講因果,佛陀是覺悟的聖者, is the foundation of faith and religion.

「大眾為何而來?為法而來、為信仰而來!」 大師指出,釋迦牟尼佛說過,人人皆有佛性, 應相信自己就是佛,人人要長養慈悲、理性, 甘願為人服務,將歡喜傳留人間。大師並舉君 權、神權、民權的故事說明,你相信它,它就 是心中的信仰、心中的宗教。

第2頁繼續閱讀 >>

Continued on page 2 >>

佛光山 本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News

發現了世間生老病死、生住異滅的真理,為世間 解決痛苦。真正的宗教是慈悲、是奉獻、是愛, 能給人信心、歡喜、希望、方便。信仰不只是 燒香拜拜,更能解決自己的問題,開發自己的真 心,如此人生就會不一樣。

Master Tsing Yun stressed that the essence of Buddhism is cause and effect, and the Buddha, being an enlightened saint, observed the truth of suffering from birth, old age, sickness, and death of our physical body as well as the suffering from emergence, preservation, denial, and dissolution of our thoughts and therefore devoted to the relief of the suffering. True religion is about compassion, dedication, love, encouragement, joy, hope, and convenience. Faith is never merely about some offering of incense; in fact, it is the ultimate solution to our own problems and the ultimate realisation of our true nature. Therefore, such faith will make difference in one’s life.

開營典禮由全國教師聯誼會總召集人吳欽杉主 持。他表示,教師是非常崇高的志業,也有人 說,「教師是生命的工程師」。但是現在台灣的 教師,卻是最消耗心神元氣的工作,所以從事教 職的人,往往需要不斷充電加油、打氣。感謝國 際佛光會中華總會每年舉辦佛學夏令營、感謝金 光明寺住持覺培法師及大眾協助,提供大眾舒適 The opening ceremony of the camp was hosted by Mr. Wu, Chin Shan, Convenor of the National Teach的研習環境。 天下文化創辦人高希均教授暢談「經濟與教育」 ,他將人生分為奮鬥與分享兩階段,並效法星雲 大師「給」的人生,將40多年教書的退休金,全 捐給學校,獎勵碩、博士班的學生,因為他認為 無形的資產永遠存在腦子裡。

ers Association. He said that teacher is an honourable profession, also described as the engineer of life. However, teacher is also a profession that is most emotionally and physically demanding, and thus a recharge and some motivation every now and then is always in need. Thanks to BLIA R.O.C organising the Buddhist camp annually, and Ven. Master Jue Pei, Abbot of Jin Guang Ming Temple, and other people’s support providing a comfortable learning environment to the participants, the wish has been fulfilled.

他並傳授財務新概念,建議大眾將財產分成3 份,三分之一留給自己,以備生活所需;三分之 During the camp, Professor Gao, Xijun, the found一回饋學校社區,培育下一代人才;另外三分之 er of World Culture, shared his thoughts of “econo一,則用來幫助不認識的人,而且要在活著的時 my and education”. He sees one’s life as two stages, 候就要規劃,人生才能活得有尊嚴。

struggle and share. Furthermore, he followed Ven. Master Tsing Yun’s example of a life of giving, by donating his entire pension for teaching over 40 years to universities as rewards to postgraduate and doctoral students, for he believes that intangible assets stay in one’s mind permanently.

全國教師佛學營的精彩課程尚有「禪與現代人的 生活」、「靜坐參禪」、「禪淨雙修的要義」、 「淨土思想與現代生活」、「生命昇華的世界」 、「茶禪一味」、「禪淨共修」、「獻燈祈福」 、「學佛交流道」等多元課程,深入體驗佛教修 Furthermore, he introduced a new threefold con持的法門。 cept on wealth management which suggests that one-third of our wealth be maintained for living necessities, one-third for schools and communities to nurture the generations to come, and one-third for whom we do not even know. Such concept should be practiced as early as possible during our lifetime, so we can live with dignity.


The Buddhist camp also presented a variety of courses and activities - “Zen and Modern Life”, “Seated Zen Meditation”, “Pure Land and Modern Life”, “A World of Sublimated Life “, “Zen and Tea”, “Zen and Pure Land”, “Light Offering and Transfer of Merits”, “Discussion Sessions on Buddhist Practice” to name a few, all of which provided in-depth experience of Buddhist practice.


議 會 事 理 界 世 BLIA World 會 佛光 際 國 s e 201c5ular 8 Day Tour of o t t o r G t s i h d d u Specta B 天 e h t d n a 8 d a 華 o R 精 k l i S 佛教石窟 絲路 ou r ectors r i D f o d r a ers Bo Headquart

T g n a u H n u D 煌 敦

Date: 17 OCT – 22 OCT


BLIA World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting 詳情請參閱報名表 For more information please refer to the registration form.

Date: 23 OCT – 30 OCT

絲路佛教石窟精華 天Spectacular 8 Day Tour of

Silk Road and the Buddhist Grottoes Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria

墨爾本佛光山 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road Yarraville VIC 3013 TEL: (03)9314-5147


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

2015 Ullambana Filial Gratitude Repaying Assembly 孝親報恩﹣2015盂蘭盆地藏法會

Fo Guang Shan

墨爾本佛光山於7月11日啓建 一年一度「盂蘭盆孝親報恩地藏 法會」,共為期四個星期。墨爾 本佛光山覺住法師帶領眾法師及 150位信眾一同諷誦《地藏菩薩 本願經》及恭讀星雲大師〈為歷 代宗親祈願文〉。希望籍由對佛 菩薩感恩之情,齊聲諷誦、精進 修持,以此殊勝功德回向法界眾 生,消災祈福。 佛光山南天大學校長助理覺瑋 法師開示道:「《地藏經》在佛 教經典中占有重要地位,它深刻 揭示因果關係,讓佛教徒懂得什 麼是因果,並以地藏菩薩「地獄 未空,誓不成佛」精神鼓勵大眾 一同發大願,以願力改變業力。 」同時,也勸勉大眾以星雲大師 為榜樣,發心一輩子做和尚、度 眾生,讓更多人認識人間佛教。 覺瑋法師還認為,要建立更多佛 化家庭才能使佛教傳承生生不 息。 最後,法師勉勵大家要不斷精 進、提高修行境界,希望更多信 徒到南天大學進修,促進人間佛 教發展。法師的開示,讓信眾們 法喜充滿,受益匪淺。(陳秀敏 供稿)

Melbourne Ullambana Filial Piety

Dharma Function

Ullambana Filial

Gratitude Repaying Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra

12,19,26 July 2015 23,30 August 2015 Time: 10am Sunday

墨 爾 本 佛 光山 89 S omer vil l e Road Yarravil l eVI C 3013 Tel : 03 9314 5147 Fa x: 03 9314 2006

盂蘭盆孝親報恩 地藏法會

Reported by Chen, Xiumin July 11th marked the commencement of the annual “Ullambana Filial Gratitude Repaying Assembly” organised by FGS Melbourne over a period of four weeks. Venerable Jue Chu, the superintendent of FGS Melbourne led other venerable masters and 150 followers in the group chanting of the “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra” and Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “Prayers for The Deceased”. With gratitude to Buddha and Bodhisattvas, all participants put in full effort and chanted with one voice, and later transferred the extraordinary merits to all beings in all realms for fortune and being rid of calamities. Venerable Dr. Jue Wei, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Lecturer at Nan Tien Institute, NSW, said, “ ‘Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra’ is considered important among Buddhist scriptures in that it profoundly reveals the cause and effect relationship and thus makes it understood to Buddhists, and furthermore exemplifies the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s spirit of ‘Only if hell is emptied would I become a Buddha’ to encourages Buddhists to make great vows so as to leverage the force of karma with the force of vows.” Ven. Dr. Jue Wei also exhorted the participants to follow the example of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, fully dedicated to the life as a monk preaching to beings and making Humanistic Buddhism known to more people. She also believes that the inheritance and thriving of Buddhism depends on growth of Buddhist families. Finally, Venerable Dr. Jue Wei encouraged everyone to endeavour to improve their spiritual practice, and hoped that more faithful followers would seek further studies and practice at Nan Tien Institute to join in the promotion of Humanistic Buddhism. The Dharma talk left the participants with spiritual happiness and benefits.

墨爾本佛光山 佛光山 活動報導 本山新聞 FGS Fo Guang Melbourne Shan News

歡迎助印($20/本) 5

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News


Challenge Yourself, Learn About Yourself – 2015 ANZBYC

澳紐佛光青年生命成長營 ANZBYC,7月4~7日於中天寺 舉行開營典禮,雪梨、柏斯、 墨爾本、紐西蘭、昆士蘭等澳 紐地區115位佛光青年參加。依 「未來與希望」為主題,設計 一系列大地遊戲、團康活動、 演講、佛學研討會等活動;目 的在於提供大洋洲各地佛光青 年互相交流的平台與深入瞭解 人間佛教的意義。 中天寺住持覺善法師專題溝演 大會主題「信仰與未來」,深 入淺出講說「信仰與未來」對 青年的重要意義,勉勵青年從 小學習佛法,將佛法智慧薪火 相傳。 本次還特邀南天大學教授兼校 長助理覺瑋法師為青年進行「 點亮生活」佛學講座。互動式 的教學讓所有青年紛紛各抒己 見,表達自己對社會及未來的 期許。 除靜態課程外,還有室外體能 挑戰活動,包括划獨木舟、攀 岩、射箭等,青年充分體現了 活力、團隊精神及堅持不懈的 毅力,落實行三好、四給、五 和。最後一晚營火晚會「無盡 夜晚」,由各州代表精心準備 節目供養大家。 溫馨的四天三夜生命成長營結 束後,2016年傳遞的火炬交由 雪梨青年團負責,期待明年南 天寺再會!〈Vincent 供稿〉


Reported by Vincent The Australian New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference is an annual event held by Fo Guang Shan Buddhist youths in the Australasian region. This year, it was hosted by the Buddhist Light International Association Youth Adult Division Queensland. During the 4-day event, 115 participants learnt about Buddhism, leadership skills, meditation, self-improvement and had the opportunity to enjoy outdoor activities, team building challenges and of course making friends with other inspiring young leaders across the Oceania region to assimilate Humanistic Buddhism. The “Faith & Future” session lead by Abbess Chueh Shan is derived from the theme of this year’s conference, Future and Hope. During the session, Abbess Chueh Shan stressed the significance of faith and future to youths, and encouraged them to learn and practice Buddhism in their youth so as to pass down Buddha’s knowledge and wisdom. Venerable Jue Wei, Professor and Assistant Principal from Nan Tien Institute, conducted an interactive session on ‘Lighting Up Our Lives’ where each group discussed what they valued in their community along with future hopes and dreams. In the end, the participants made their vision into paper planes symbolising the take-off in the future. The outdoor challenges, including canoeing, climbing, archery etc. highlighted each groups’ teamwork performance underpinned by the principle of three good deeds, four giving and five harmonies. Enthusiasm, teamwork, and perseverance were widely demonstrated by the participants throughout the activities. The last night of the 2015 ANZBYC was given the name of “Endless Night” during which all participants gathered around a bonfire for a spectacular show prepared by members from all state divisions. The 2016 ANZBYC will be hosted by Sydney YAD, and everybody is looking forward to the reunion next year!

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News


Warmth In Winter: Love & Care Group Visited The Elderly

7月15日,國際佛光會墨爾本協會西北友愛服務隊,在妙博法 師和副隊長余相玲帶領下,前往西區兩所老人院進行友愛關懷,約 70位長者和工作人員參與。 妙博法師首先為長者們誦經祝禱及開示,長者們聚精會神聆 聽。接著,友愛服務隊義工們為長者們帶來非常流行的〈小蘋果〉 舞蹈、健身操及歌曲演唱。5位義工活力四射的舞姿,帶動了全場 氣氛,平均年齡55歲的長者們也隨著工作人員跟著動起來。節奏明 快的〈小蘋果〉舞蹈把關懷活動推向高潮,長者們笑著、唱著、高 興的笑臉,仿佛象紅蘋果一樣可愛。義工杜敏師姐激動地說:「看 到長者們開心的笑容,心裡暖洋洋的,發願今後一定要排練更多更 好節目,供養長者。」 活動結束後,長者們依依不捨,希望佛光山法師和義工常來探 望他們。西北友愛服務隊關懷活動就象冬天裡的溫情,照耀、溫暖 著長者們的心。〈陳秀敏供稿〉



Reported by Chen Xiumin On July 15th the Love & Care Group of BLIAV Northwest Division under the leadership of Venerable Miao Bo and Vice Caption Xiangling Yu, visited two homes for the elderly in the western suburbs to show love and care to the residents. About 70 elderly people and BLIAV members were involved in this heart-warming visit. First and foremost, Ven. Miao Bo led the elders in chanting Buddhist sutra and prayers, followed a Dharma during which the guests were listening attentively. Then, the Love & Care group members presented to the elders a very popular dance by the name of “A Little Apple”, aerobics, and singing. Their energetic moves vitalized the atmosphere and the elders to follow. The rhythmic dance pushed the care activities to a climax, and the elders were laughing and singing with happily smiling faces like good red apples. Du Min sister, one of the Love & Care Group members, said excitedly, “It is absolutely heart-warming to see the smile on their faces, and I sincerely hope to bring better activities for them in the future.” After the event, the elderly expressed their reluctant farewell and their hope for more gatherings. Unlike the cold of winter, the Love & Care Group of BLIAV brings heart-warming care to the elderly through its loving services.



藥師法會-藥師經 Chanting Service

7 NOV 2015 11月7日 SAT 10am-12:30pm

藥師法會-藥師寶懺 Repentance Dharma Function 8 NOV 2015 11月8日 SUN 10am-4pm (農曆9月27日Lunar 27 Sep)

Venue地點: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne墨爾本佛光山


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

「正念生活:理論與實踐」 講座 滿堂彩

“Life of Right Mindfulness: The Theory and Practice”, A Much Applauded Seminar

7月12日,墨爾本佛光協會東南分 會與西北分會於墨爾本佛光山合辦 健康講座,禮請謝友樂醫療師講解 「人體筋骨結構及自我保蘐方式」 ,計70位人士踴躍報名參與。 東南分會會長黎耀祥致歡迎詞,感 謝謝醫療師在百忙之中前來演講, 讓大家對人體筋骨有正確認識。 謝醫療師將人體分二部份演講。第 一、人體筋骨結構乃由骨頭、肌 肉和筋絡三大部分組成。第二、自 我保健,主要以(1) 避免外傷和勞 損,在行、住、坐、臥、搬運重物 等工作時都要注意保持正確身體姿 態。(2) 多做運動,以強健筋骨,增 進身體協調性。尤其,常活動腰、 肩、頭、頸、手、腳等部位。

7月9日,墨爾本佛光山、國際佛光會墨爾本協會主辦,城一分會承 辦,榮幸邀請到南天大學教授兼校長助理覺瑋法師為墨爾本市民眾講 演「正念生活:理論與實踐---從禪宗歷史源流至人間佛教談起」英文 佛學講座,約70餘人參加。 覺瑋法師以佛陀時代禪修打坐修行生活作息,後傳至中國漸發展出禪 宗佛教,從菩提達摩「二入四行」開始,後各禪宗祖師再衍生出「公 案、參話頭」等修行方法。最後,接著道出佛光山開山宗長星雲大師 乃臨濟宗第四十八代,弘揚「人間佛教生活禪」,重視「自我教育」 ,強調「行住坐臥」皆是生活修行,更符合現代人的修行方式。

Great Compassionate Repentance Dharma Function

講座結束後,聽眾紛紛表示未來希望有因緣多接觸佛教與禪修。〈蔣 茜供稿〉


Date 10月25日 Sunday 25 Oct 2015 Lunar 13 Sep 農曆9月13日



地點Venue 墨爾本佛光山

F.G.S.Yarraville Temple


Reported by Elva Jiang On July 9th, Fo Guang Shan Melbourne and BLIAV invited Venerable Dr. Jue Wei, Executive Assistant to the Dean and Lecturer at Nan Tien Institute, NSW, to deliver a public English seminar on Buddhism by the topic of “Life of Right Mindfulness: The Theory and Practice - from the history of Zen Buddhism to Humanly Buddhism”. The over 70 participants attended the seminar. Ven. Dr. Jue Wei revealed a chronicle of Zen practice, from the original life practice during Buddha’s times, the rise of the School of Zen Buddhism in China, the method of “two and four” from Bodhidharma, to a variety of methods from Chinese Zen Patriarchs such as “case studies” and “riddled conversations”. Afterwards, she claimed that Master Hsing Yun, the founder of Fo Guang Shan Monastery, is 48th generation of Linji School (one of the Zen Schools), who is dedicated in promoting the method of “Zen Buddhism in Life”, emphasising “self-education”, stressing practice as a way of life, which is more adoptable in modern life. How to live a “life of right mindfulness”? “One way is to learn Zen Buddhism in life via work, sports, music, art, flower arrangement, tea ceremony etc.; another way, time-wise, is to make better use of spare time, to focus on every moment of now, so as to realise the truth that a simple life can reach eternity.” Shared Ven. Dr. Jue Wei. After the seminar, the audience expressed their hope to have more exposure to Buddhism and meditation in the future.


如何過著「正念的生活」?「一者,可以從生活中透過作務、運動、 音樂、藝術、插花、茶道等種種方式學習生活禪;二者,從時間角 度:只要每天善用零碎時間、把握當下、了悟簡單的生活可達到永 恆。」法師最後與大家如是分享。

最後,墨爾本佛光協會會長黃凱 倫代表致謝,並向謝醫療師贈送紀 念品以示謝意,亦慶祝講座圓滿完 成。〈劉鍾節供稿〉

墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

認識「人體筋骨結構及自我保蘐方式」- 健康講座

A Health Lecture that Helps You Understand Human Musculoskeletal Structure and Self-Care

Reported by Liu, Zhongjie On July 12th, BLIAV South-East and North-West Divisions jointly organised a health lecture, hosted by Mr. Youle Xie, a physiotherapist, who explained human musculoskeletal structure and self-care. A total of 70 people attended the lecture. Mr. Yaoxiang Lai, Director of South East Division expressed his welcome and gratitude to Mr. Xie for taking the time and effort to host the lecture in his busy schedule, helping the audience better understand their musculoskeletal structure. The lecture was comprised of two parts. The first half illustrated the human musculoskeletal structure consisted of bones, muscle, and tendon. The second half focused on self-care, mainly about avoiding injuries when walking, sitting, lying, and carrying heavy loads by maintaining the correct body posture, and about exercise, particularly on the lumbar, shoulders, head, neck, hands, feet etc., in order to strengthen the bones and tendon and to improve body coordination. At last, Mr. Kailun Huang, President of BLIAV presented Mr. Xie a souvenir to show their gratitude, and to also celebrate the successful completion of the lecture.

家庭普照 Bless One, Bless All: Buddhist Home Blessing 7月26日,妙博法師、張麗施督導及東南分會會 長黎耀祥、副會長劉鍾節、幹部王燕玲等一同到陳 妙洪師姐家庭普照。 普照活動開始,妙博法師帶領大家誦藥師咒,為妙 洪師姐與家人祈福。之後,陳妙洪師姐向諸位會員 講述她學佛的過程。她在佛光山有23年了,從未缺 席過供修法會,對道場也貢献許多。妙洪師姐是位 讓人尊敬的長者,會員們都紛紛發表感言,認為她 講述的學佛過程,對在場的信眾是一堂難得的佛學 課。 今天参加活動的總共有31位東南分會和西北分會的 會員,甚是難得。妙洪師姐的女兒準備了美味的越 南食品,大家一邊吃一邊稱讚,感謝她們的熱情招 待。〈劉鍾節供稿〉

July 26th saw another Buddhist home blessing at one of the senior member’s home. Chen Miaohong, a senior member at FGS Melbourne for 23 years, was visited and greeted at her own home by Venerable Miao Bo, Supervisor Zhang Lishi, Lai Yaoxiang (President of BLIAV Southeast Division), Liu Zhongjie (Vice President of BLIAV Southeast Division), Wang Yanling (a skeleton member of BLIAV Southeast Division) etc. for a joyful home blessing. At the beginning, Venerable Miao Bo led the chanting of Medicine Buddha Mantra and prayers for fortune to Sister Chen’s family. Afterwards, Sister Chen shared her journey of practice and spiritual growth. She has been a member at BLIAV for 23 years during which she has not missed any assembly and contributed greatly to FGS Melbourne. Sister Chen is a respectable elder, and the participants expressed that her spiritual journey is a like a Dharma talk that is rare to come across. It was rather gratifying that a total of 31 members attended the home blessing, including members from BLIAV Southeast and Northwest Divisions. What was even more pleasing was that Ms. Chen’s daughter prepared delicious Vietnamese cuisines for everybody, which was highly appreciated.


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

家庭普照及讀書會 House Blessing And Study Group Gathering

2015年7月11日,國際佛光 會墨爾本協會西北分會於會員 劉怡伶家舉辦「家庭普照和讀 書會」。墨爾本佛光山監寺覺 住法師帶領分會會長蔡定洪、 副會長余相玲等24位會員參 與。 覺住法師首先引領大眾諷誦 「藥師咒」和灑淨。接著,梁 雪梅師姐負責帶領導讀星雲大 師《佛光菜根譚》,針對大 師提出的學佛三步曲:「聞、 思、修」進行討論。新進會員 吳師兄感言說一般的讀書會與 佛學讀書會截然不同,前者追 求業績蒸蒸日上;後者鼓勵精 神上的解脫。最後,大家一致 認為「讀書最重要是把佛學理 論落實在生活中,提高自己修 行,而非紙上談兵。」 覺住法師勉力大家:「要勤讀 書,持之以恆,提升修行」。 佛學讀書會形式可自由、輕 鬆、多樣化,拉近會員感情, 并指出家庭普照對下一代影響 深遠,佛化家庭對佛教傳承更 具意義,潛移默化影響著下一 代。〈陳秀敏供稿〉

Reported by Chen, Xiumin

On July 11th, 2015, the Northwest Division of Buddha’s Light International Association Victoria (BLIAV) had a house blessing and study group gathering at Ms. Yiling Liu’s (BLIAV member) home. Venerable Jue Chu (the superintendent of FGS Melbourne), Mr. Hongding Cai (President of Northwest Division, BLIAV), Ms. Xiangling Yu (Vice President of Northwest Division, BLIAV) etc., a total of 24 members participated in the gathering. At first, Venerable Jue Chu led the group in chanting “Medicine Buddha Mantra” and performed the house cleansing ritual. Afterwards, senior member Xuemei Liang took the lead in reading Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “Buddha’s Light: Tending The Roots of Wisdom”, and discussed about his proposed threefold method: “study, think, and practice”. Mr. Wu, a new member, shared his finding of distinctive difference between his study group gathering at work and the one at FGS Melbourne. The former seeks increase in business performance while the latter in spiritual liberation. In the end, all agreed that the most important aspect of reading is to implement theory in life so as to improve practice, rather than to leave the words on paper.” Venerable Jue Chu encouraged the participants to develop a habit of reading to enhance their practice. The gathering can be organised in a diverse, flexible and relaxing manner to improve relationship between members. Meanwhile, Buddhist home blessings have far-reaching impact on the generations to come.

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors

蔡定洪、陳奕、符月麗、黃鳳鑾、黃凱倫、梁雪梅、林頌貞、劉克孝、 劉恭佑、聶亦成、蘇凡淇、王桂鶯、文運輝、徐松貞、墨爾本佛光協會、 東二分會、東南分會、西北分會 免費索閱 Free distribution ‧ 歡迎助印 Sponsorships welcomed BLIAV Newsletter Team, Issue 50: Ven. Jue Chu (Superintendent), Ven. Miao Bo (Guiding Venerable), Viviana Liou (Editor-in-Chief), Shuky Lau & Grant Shi (Translator)


法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia


Three Thousandfold World System

The Diamond Sutra says that if someone were to make an offering of the seven 《金剛經》說:若人滿三千大千世界七寶 以用布施,其福德不如受持一句四句偈, treasures so great that it could fill the three thousandfold world system, they would generate less merit than one who has faith in the Diamond Sutra’s four-line verse 並為他人解說。三千大千世界就是宇宙。 and explained its meaning to others. In this instance, the term “three thousandfold 佛教的宇宙觀主張,宇宙是由無數個小世 world system” refers to the entire universe. 界所構成,合一千個小世界稱為一小千世 According to Buddhist cosmology, there are many, many worlds. A group of one 界,一千個小千世界成為一中千世界(一 thousand such worlds is called a “small world system.” One thousand small world 百萬個小世界),一千個中千世界稱為一 systems equals a “medium world system.” One thousand medium world systems 大千世界(十億個小世界),合小千、中 is called a “large world system.” A “three thousandfold world system” is a combina千 、 大 千 總 稱 為 三 千 大 千 世 界 。 也 就 是 tion of these three types of world systems; the term does not literally refer to 3,000 說,一大千世界因為是有小千、中千、大 large world systems. One “three thousandfold world system” is the area in which a 千等三個千數重疊而成,因此稱「三千大 Buddha teaches the Dharma, and as such is also referred to as one“Buddha land.” 千世界」,而非「三千」個「大千世界」 Every minor world in a three thousandfold world system is made up of a Mount 之意。三千大千世界相當於一佛所教化的 Sumeru at its center which is surrounded by nine mountains, eight oceans, four 領域,故又稱一佛國。 continents, sun, moon, and stars. When taken together, they are similar in scale to 構成三千大千世界的每一個小世界,是以 a “solar system.” At the lowest level of each world is a layer of air, called the wind 須彌山為中心,周圍環繞著九山八海、四 wheel; above the wind wheel is a layer of water known as the water wheel; and 大洲及日月星辰,合為一單位,稱為一世 above the water wheel is a layer of metal known as the metal wheel; and above the metal wheel is the great earth itself made up of mountains, oceans, the four 界,相當於一個太陽系。每一世界最下 continents, and so forth. 層是一層氣,稱為風輪;風輪之上為一層 Within each world are the six realms of existence, including the hell realm, the 水,稱為水輪;水輪之上為一層金,稱為 hungry ghost realm, the animal realm, the asura realm, the human realm, and the 金輪;金輪之上就是山、海洋、四大洲等 heavenly realm. The first five realms make up what is known as the “desire realm,” 所構成的大地;而須彌山就位在此世界的 while the heavenly realm can be differentiated between the “form realm” and the 中央。 “formless realm.” We can see that the Saha world in which we live is but a small part 住在一世界中的有情眾生,可分類為地 獄、餓鬼、畜生、阿修羅、人、天等六道 之別。其中,前五道所住的世界,稱為欲 界;天道之中又有色界、無色界之別。由 此可知,我們所居住的娑婆世界只是一個 小世界中的一小部份而已,而宇宙之中存 在著無數無量的三千大千世界,佛經稱為 「十方恆沙世界」、「十方微塵世界」, 可見宇宙之至大至廣,人生存其中,實在 是渺小無比。

總之,在佛教裏,大的空間叫佛剎、虛 空,小的叫微塵,名稱雖然不同,卻都稱 為「三千大千世界」。所以,從佛法上 說,三千大千世界就是泛指宇宙。宇宙至 大無外,至小無內,無量無邊,無垠無涯。 根據《阿彌陀經》說:極樂世界距離我們 有十萬億佛土,一佛土是三千大千世界, 也就是說娑婆世界與極樂淨土之間遙隔十 萬億三千大千世界。這是個巨大的天文 數字,幾乎令人望而生嘆。經中又告訴我 們,於一念頃即可往生極樂世界。甚至《 華嚴經》講:「於一微塵中現三千大千世 界,三千大千世界盡攝於一微塵裏。」所 以,對於一個悟道的人來講,所謂「一花 一世界,一葉一如來。」從一沙一石中, 便可看出三千大千世界,三千大千世界也 盡在自己的方寸之間。佛教這種超越時 空、「一即一切,一切即一」圓融無礙的 一真法界思想,讓人的心胸自然為之寬廣 擴大起來。因此,在大陸的中國佛教協會 會長趙朴初老居士曾經讚歎星雲大師「貴 為天人師,富有三千界。」其實,只要我 們每個人都能把心胸開闊起來,都能「量 周沙界,心包太虛。」則人人雖未必皆能 貴為天人師,至少都能富有三千界了。

of the universe which contains countless three thousandfold world systems. The sutras say that “the worlds of the ten directions are as numerous as sands along the Ganges River,” and that “the worlds of the ten directions are as numerous as particles of dust.” Considering the vast expanse of the universe, our existence is infinitesimally small in comparison. In short, Buddhism refers to a large expanse of space as a “Buddha land,” or simply as “the vastness of space,” while the smallest unit of space is often referred to as a “particle of dust.” These units of space are distinguished by different names, but each of them can be a three thousandfold world system. In Buddhism, the “three thousandfold world system” is a general reference to the universe, which can be so large that nothing exists outside of it, or so small that nothing exists within it. In Buddhism, the universe is seen as infinite and limitless, without border or boundary. The Amitabha Sutra says that the distance between our world and the Western Pure Land is ten trillion Buddha lands. Since one Buddha land is the equivalent of one three thousandfold world system, that means that there are ten trillion three thousandfold world systems separating this Saha world from the Western Pure Land. This is an immensely large astronomical number, upon which we would seemingly look with regret. But the sutra also says that we can be reborn in the Western Pure Land with a single thought. Even the Flower Adornment Sutra says, “A single particle of dust can manifest a three thousandfold world system, and a three thousandfold world system can be completely contained within a single particle of dust.” For an awakened person, each flower is a world and each leaf is a Buddha. One can see a three thousandfold world system within a rock or a single grain of sand. In the same way, a three thousandfold world system can be contained within one’s heart. Buddhism’s perspective on the perfect integration of the dharma realm that transcends time and space without obstruction is contained within the phrase, “from one, many; and from many, one.” The former chair of the Buddhist Association of China, the layman Zhao Puchu (1907-2000), once said of Master Hsing Yun, “He is as noble as a teacher of heavenly and human beings, and is enriched by containing the three thousandfold world system.” Each of us can expand and broaden the mind to encompass the vastness of the universe, with its worlds as numerous as grains of sand. Not everyone will be as noble as a teacher of human and heavenly beings, but each of us can be enriched by containing within us the three thousandfold world system.


墨爾本佛光山 行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 23/8, 30/8 日 Sun

活動內容 Activity


盂蘭盆孝親報恩- 地藏法會 (恭誦地藏經一部) 佛供,隨堂超薦


Ullambana Filial Gratitude Repaying –Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra ; Grand Offering, Transfer the merits to the Deceased


日 Sun


報恩法會(恭誦藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經) (The Medicine Buddha Sutra )


六 Sat


地藏菩薩聖誕紀念日(農曆7月30日Lunar 30 July) Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Birthday


日 Sun


光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆8月1,15日) Light Offering (Lunar 1,15thAugust)


日 Sun


金剛經共修會The Diamond Sutra Dharma Service


日 Sun


報恩法會(恭誦藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經) (The Medicine Buddha Sutra )

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2015 年第一學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 1 日期 Date

星期 Day 時間 Time

18/07 - 12/09 25/07 - 12/09 19/07 - 06/09 每週日 19/07 - 06/09 19/07 - 06/09

六 Sat 六 Sat 日Sun 日Sun 日Sun 日Sun

9:15am - 12:15noon 2:00pm -3:30pm 10:30am -12:00noon 10:30am -12:00noon 10:30am -12:00noon 1:30pm - 3:00pm

課程內容 Classes 佛光中華學校第三學期 Fo Guang Chinese School (Term 3 ) Meditation 兒童創意繪畫班 Kids’ Creative Painting 國畫班(嶺南畫派)Chinese Painting (Lingnan Style) 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy 青年英文佛學讀書會 Young Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd week)

佛光山尔尔有寺 行事曆 FGS Er You Temple Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 六 Sat 26/9,24/10, 六 Sat 28/11,9/12 1/8,15/8, 二 Tues 22/8,29/8 28/8 六 Sat 27/09 日 Sun

10:00am 9:30am 9:30am 11:00am 11:00am

活動內容 Activity 共修法會 -阿彌陀經 Dharma Service - Amitabha Sutra 南天大學興學大悲懺法會 Great Repentance Dharma Service for Nan Tien Institute Construction Fund 盂蘭盆孝親報恩-地藏法會 Ullambana Dharma Service-Di Zang Sutra Chanting 光明燈消災法會- 農曆七月十五 Light Offering Dharma Service 光明燈消災法會- 農曆八月十五

佛光山尔有寺 社教課程 FGS Er You Temple Courses 日期 Date

星期 Day 時間 Time

2:00pm~3:30pm 22/8,29/8,26/9,24/10,31/10 2:00pm~3:30pm 2:00pm~3:30pm 9/8,23/8,13/9,27/9,11/10 2:00pm~3:30pm 6/9,4/10,1/11,6/12 12/7,19/7,26/7,2/8,9/8,23/8 10:00am~11:30am 7:30pm~9:00pm 16/9 每星期六Every Sat


Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road Yarraville VIC 3013 Australia T: 61-3-9314 5147 F: 61-3-9314 2006

課程內容 Classes

經典導讀 - 妙法蓮花經 Guided Sutra Study - Lotus Sutra 英文佛學班 English Buddhism Class 中文讀書會 Chinese Study Group 慈愛英文讀書會 Loving Kindness English Study Group 中英文禪修班 Fundamental Meditation 英文佛學讀書會 English Buddhism Study Group


Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery 141 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia T: 61-3-9642 2388 F: 61-3-9642 3288


Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple 42 Rutland Road Box Hill VIC 3128 Australia T: 61-3-9890 3996 F: 61-3-9890 5831

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