October 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

October 2014, Issue 40

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun / 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

佛光夜探老維摩 大師開講維摩經 A Night with Vimalakirti – Ven. Master Hsing Yun discusses the Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra 【人間社記者陳昱臻高雄報導】 「人生最大幸福事,佛光夜探老維 摩。」《維摩經》與東亞文化學術研 討會9月1日晚間「維摩夜談」議程, 由佛光大學佛教學系教授謝大寧主 持,禮請佛光山開山宗長星雲大師暢 談《維摩經》,引領大眾重溫維摩居 士與佛弟子的一場盛會。 大師幽默地說,過去習稱維摩居士 為「老」維摩,可增加其人的趣味, 也增加其對人間佛教的意義和份量。 並說明在稱呼上,印度人少用「老」 字,如須達長者、雨舍大臣;中國人 卻喜用「老」字,代表對其人道德、 學問、做人成就的尊敬,如太虛老、 趙樸老。 大師笑談紀曉嵐有一回知亁隆黃帝 來,稱其「老頭子」來了,乾隆黃帝 大怒。紀曉嵐忙著解釋,萬歲代表「 老」、領導者是「頭」、「子」是對 聖賢的美稱,妙解「老頭子」一詞而 讓龍顏轉怒為笑。 學習人間佛教更要重視《維摩經》 ,大師解析《維摩經》的價值,認

(Reporter:Yu-Zhen Chen, Kaoshiung,Taiwan) ‘Life’s greatest joy is a night with the sage Vilamakirti.’ The discussion on the relationship between Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra and Eastern culture took place on the eve of September 1 at Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Taiwan. Chaired by the professor of Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University, Prof. Ta-Ning Hsieh invited the founder of Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Master Hsing Yun to share with devotees the life and teachings of Vimalakirti. Ven. Master Hsing Yun humorously explained that by tradition Vimalakirti is endearingly referred to as ‘Old’ Vimalakirti. In other cultures, the word ‘old’ is rarely used; however in Chinese it is common to refer to another as ‘old’ for it reflects the person’s level of knowledge, wisdom, ethics and morality. It is a way of expressing respect towards others, as per Old Taixu (a monk wellknown for Buddhist reform).

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佛光山 本山新聞 Fo Guang Shan News An emperor was infuriated by being referred to as ‘old man’ . The imperial officer quickly explained that ‘old’ meant longevity, ‘man’ meant leader and hence was a respectful way of addressing sages. In practicing Humanistic Buddhism, it is imperative that we apply the teachings of ‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’. Ven. Master Hsing Yun explained the value of this deeply meaningful sutra. Written in verse, it has been described as being the ‘longest poem’. It is deeply philosophical, being logical in its explanation of emptiness, embracing and amalgamating small and grand, and is both practical and theoretical. Of utmost significance, is that it improved the status of lay people, for it broke the traditional barriers which dictated that lay people were not qualified to spread the Dharma. Even Manjusri Bodhisattva was in awe of Vimalakirti’s wisdom and exclaimed ‘he is no commoner’. Though a lay person, Vimalakirti created momentum in the propagation of the Dharma to the masses. Ven. Master Hsing Yun relayed that in Buddhism there are various sects, with some monastics disliking the ‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’. However, this sutra is not only linguistically eloquent, literarily and morally rich; it also promotes the practice of Humanistic Buddhism, as well as advocates equality amongst all disciples (sangha or lay alike). Most importantly of all, upon study of the ‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’ one must keep in mind that ‘there is no teacher for the fundamental truth, instead follow the Buddhist teachings and not an individual’. ‘Vimalakirti is also a bodhisattva’, exclaimed Ven. Master Hsing Yun. His attitude is to see beyond trivial things like petty etiquettes, hence he was able to propagate the Dharma to every social level. Buddhism places emphasis on giving others convenience and service. In this regard, Vimalakirti practiced this extensively, demonstrating to Sariputra (with his supernatural powers) that even a room only a foot long can accommodate a group of bodhisattvas, arhats and celestial beings. In this manner, he showed the similarity of big and small, as well as the equality between male and female; for only equality can resolve issues in this world. As per Vimalakirti, we should be fair to others, be righteous, be able to speak freely without scruples; for the straight-forward mind is the Bodhisattva’s Pure Land of cultivation. The ‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’ has an inextricable relationship with both literature and philosophy. With reference to the ‘goddess showering flowers’ on the bodhisattvas as scribed in the sutra, Ven. Master Hsing Yun expressed it would be an immense wonder if modern technology is able to replicate that scene. Ven. Master Hsing Yun in a light-hearted manner explained that ‘the story of Vimalakirti adds colour to one’s life’. In the past, scholars have studied the sutra with in-depth analysis, though failed to understand its real meaning. He stressed that there are hardships in life, because people are treated differently. We are all sentient beings, having affinities with one another; hence we should harmoniously coexist in mutual prosperity. Should we be able to vigorously employ the teachings of Vimalakirti in our daily lives, we would then have applied ourselves in Humanistic Buddhism. In this way, we are able to deliver compassion, treat others with equality; hence promote the principles of ‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’. This is of paramount importance to Humanistic Buddhism. In attendance at the lecture were academics from Taisho University, Beijing University, Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts and Fo Guang University. Ven. Master Hsing Yun took this opportunity to strongly encourage all academics to promote and advocate Humanistic Buddhism in accordance to‘Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra’.


為此經文學意味濃,有如小說、詩歌般琅琅上 口,胡適也說:「維摩經是最長的白話詩。」此 外, 《維摩經》哲學意味豐富,談空有道理、大 小融合及事理融合,更重要的是其提高在家眾的 地位,打破佛教界「白衣不得上座、不得登壇說 法」的慣例,連文殊菩薩也讚其「彼上人者,不 簡單」。 維摩居士也帶動在家眾佛教的推展,大師說,在 佛教不偏頗哪些派系,過去有出家眾不喜讀《維摩 經》,但維摩經的經文優美,文學義理豐富,倡 導人間佛教,提倡四眾平等,要以「真理之前無老 師,佛法要依法不依人」之心,閱讀《維摩經》。 「維摩居士是居士,也是菩薩」,大師表示, 他的形式不拘小節,把佛法推動到各階層,佛 法講求方便,方便即是智慧與般若,維摩居士對 「方便」奉行很徹底,運用神通展現丈室能容菩 薩羅漢、天女戲弄舍利弗,示現大小無礙、男女 平等,能超過世間一切法的只有平等,對人間有 公平正義,則能像老維摩有正直、暢所欲言,似 無顧忌,直心是道場。 《維摩經》也與文學、哲學有著密不可分的關 係,大師以「天女散花」為例,這戲碼即是依據 《維摩經》而寫,希望能將天女散花以現代科技 呈現,這一定富有趣味性且美妙無比。 大師笑談「讀老維摩的故事,可以為人間趣談 增加菜色」,提及過去欣賞《維摩經》時,不像 學者們對於版本詳細考究,讀書也不求甚解。 並強調,人間有難就是因為有對待,大家都是眾 生、有緣人,彼此共存共榮、同體共生,若能把 《維摩經》熟讀,運用在生活中就是人間佛教, 做到慈悲、沒有對待與人我一如,發揚《維摩 經》的理論,對人間佛教很重要。 大正大學專任教授高橋尙夫、北京大學中國語 言文學系教授朱慶之、法鼓文學院校長惠敏法 師、佛光大學中國文學與應用學系教授蕭麗華也 表達聆聽大師闡釋維摩經與人間佛教的心聲,大 師也勉勵學者們的研究,協助推動人間佛教。

星雲法語 Dharma Words from Ven. Master Hsing Yun


The Four DON’Ts of Personal Conduct

In conducting ourselves, we have to be kind to others, act benevolently, 做人要與人為善,做人要從善如 practice generosity and create positive networks with others. We should do 流,做人要樂善好施,做人要廣結善 our best to perform any good, kind and beautiful act that benefits people. On 緣。凡是對人有益的好事、善事、美 the other hand, we should definitively reject anything that may harm others 事,我們都應該儘量去做;反之,如 and only benefit ourselves. This advice is fundamental to how we should con果於人有害的事,即使有利於己,我 duct ourselves in regard to our morals and conscience. We should not partake 們都應該斷然拒絕,這是做人應該有 in the following four acts. 的道德良知。做人有四不可,提供參 1. Do not attempt to profit from another’s misfortune. There are two sides 考: to human nature, the good side and the bad side. They are easiest to differen 第一、不可以趁火打劫:人性有善 tiate in times of tragedy and natural disasters. Some people put aside concern 惡的兩面,在面臨災難時最容易看得 for their own safety in order to rescue the victims of catastrophes, while oth出來。有的人見人危難,奮不顧身加 ers just sit back and watch from the sidelines with an uncaring attitude, think入搶救;有的人袖手旁觀,一副事不 關己的態度;有的人不僅做壁上觀, ing that it has nothing to do with them. Worse still, some people not only just 甚至趁火打劫,發災難財。試想,當 stand and watch, but also exploit the opportunity to profit at the expense of 別人發生困難,你還覬覦他的錢財; another’s suffering. Imagine when others are in trouble, some covet and loot 當別人發生不幸,你還落井下石;當 their property, adding to their woes. When others face misfortune, some kidk 別人跌倒,你又再踹他一腳。如此順 them when they are down. Such behaviour is truly deplorable! Therefore, we 勢欺人、趁火打劫的小人行徑,豈不 must never take advantage of another’s misfortune. 2. Do not make things worse for others. According to the saying, “in pro可恥?所以做人不可以趁火打劫。 viding relief, we should help people when they lack resources in a crisis.” If 第二、不可以雪上加霜:俗語說: 「濟人須濟急時無」,當一個人口渴 someone is thirsty, offering him/her with a glass of water is significantly more 時,送給他一杯白開水,勝於平時的 beneficial than providing a glass of fresh juice during good times. Although 一杯鮮果汁,所以做人能「雪中送 there are people in society these days who are willing to provide help in times 炭」,遠勝於「錦上添花」。但是現 of difficulty, there are also many who are ready to make life worse for those al在社會上肯「雪中送炭」的固然有, ready in trouble. For instance in Taiwan, the physically disabled people try to 「雪上加霜」的也不在少數,例如一 scrape by as vendors of lottery tickets and other small consumables, but they 些殘障人士靠著賣彩券,自力更生賺 have become the targets of extortion and deceit by thugs. They often end up 取微薄的生活費,卻被惡霸勒索、詐 losing their goods and earnings, hence are unable to make ends meet. Their 騙,致使血本無歸,家計無著,如此 already difficult plight is made much worse by the greed and cruelty of others. 豈非「雪上加霜」。所以,做人有能 While it is good for us to lend a helping hand in others’ time of need, if we are 力濟人燃眉之急固然好,不能的話, unable to help, the very least we can do is not make things worse. 至少不能「雪上加霜」,陷人於絕 3. Do not stop trying because of a little adversity. The chance of success 境。 or failure in what we do is often fifty-fifty. It all hinges on our wisdom and at 第三、不可以因噎廢食:人的成功 titude towards perseverance in overcoming setbacks. Some people will stop 與失敗,往往機率各半,就看各人有 and give up once they encounter a little problem. It is like refusing to eat for 無智慧與毅力去突破困難。有的人做 fear of choking or toddlers refusing to learn to walk upon their first fall. If tod事稍稍出了一點問題,他就停下不 dlers stop trying to take another step after falling down, they can only but 幹,這種人「因噎廢食」,就如小孩 crawl. Therefore, when faced with difficulties in what we do, we should look 子學走路,因為跌倒一次就停止,如 for the core of the problem and find a solution for it. As the saying goes, ‘Re此永遠只能在地上爬。所以做事碰到 困難,應該研究問題癥結所在,然後 fusing to eat in fear of choking, leads only to starvation.’ 4. Do not ignore advice because of personal biases. In their capacity to lead, 加以解決,而不是因噎廢食,否則只 leaders need to ‘listen extensively from a wide range of sources’, and ‘observe 有餓死一途。 第四、不可以因人廢言:「廣開言 and accept advice’. They should be open-minded in order to gather good 聽」、「察納雅言」,這是一個成功 counsel. However, some people only listen selectively. They will only accept 領導者不可以少的心量。但是有的人 the advice of experts, professionals, their superiors or close aides, but shut 聽話是有選擇性的,例如專家、權 off to words from their subordinates or anyone they consider ‘unimportant’. 威、長官,或是親信的話才能入耳, While the words of people in lower positions might carry less weight, they are 對於屬下或名不見經傳的人所作的建 not necessarily useless, because even ‘the foolish will have something to con言,總是充耳不聞。所謂「人微言 tribute after a thousand attempts’. Therefore, in listening, we should focus on 輕」,其實也不盡然,「愚者千慮也 whether what is said is constructive and inspiring. We cannot afford to ignore 有一得」,所以聽話應該著重於這句 advice because of our personal biases towards people, because we may later 話有無建設性,有無啟發性,千萬不 regret missing out on these words of wisdom. 能因人廢言,才不會有遺珠之憾。 Hence, in conducting ourselves, we need to have integrity and not take 做人要厚道,不可以乘人之危;做人 advantage of another’s suffering. We also need wisdom, have a clear mind 更要有智慧,不可以事理不明。 and conscience in our reasoning over matters.


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News


Interfaith Visit 9月3日 Brimbank Maribyrnong Interfaith Network 帶領三十多位 來自不同年齡、對宗教有興趣的 民眾至墨爾本佛光山參訪。妙 博法師帶領著義工們負責道場導 覽及介紹,並讓大眾一起獻燈祈 福。其中,來自心理學系的學生 表示對佛教心理感興趣,希望未 來可以來向法師們請益相關的問 題以做學術研究。而來自馬來西 亞回教大學的8位穆斯林籍學生 們對佛教寺院非常好奇,不斷提 問問題以更了解佛教。 〈梁雪梅供稿〉 By Xuemei Liang Brimbank Maribyrnong Interfaith Network visited FGS Melbourne on September 3, 2014. The group of thirty of different ages and from diverse backgrounds, all shared a common interest in religion. Ven. Miao Bo guided the group on a tour of the temple grounds, as well as organised a light offering ritual for them. The psychology students amongst the group were particularly interested in Buddhist psychology, expressing the wish to have further contact with the venerables to assist with future queries in relation to psychology studies. The eight Muslim students from Malaysia were particularly intrigued by Buddhism, continuously asking questions to gain further understanding of Buddhism.


心培和尚 佛光山寺退居和尚

Ven. Hsin Pei Former Abbott, FGS Monastery

佛學講座:人間佛教生活禪 Dharma Lecture: Chan in Daily Life 日期/Date:25 October 2014 (六 Sat) 時間/Time:2:00pm~3:30pm 地點/Venue:佛光山尔有寺 FGS Er You Temple, Box Hill

禪修指導:人間佛教生活禪 Guided Meditation Session: Chan in Daily Life 日期/Date:26 October 2014 (日 Sun) 時間/Time:11:00am~12:30noon 地點/Venue:墨爾本佛光山 FGS Melbourne, Yarraville

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne

墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

心燈亮盞盞.歡樂獻溫情 【人間社記者陳秀敏墨爾本報導】 春回大地,9月7日墨爾本佛光山 特舉辦「慶祝父親節感恩暨中秋慶 團圓平安祈福獻燈法會」,近一百三 十多人共襄盛舉。由墨爾本佛光山監 寺覺住法師領眾恭誦《父母恩重難報 經》及《為父母親友祈願文》。 「父親應該扮演什麼樣的角色?」 妙博法師開示一開始便拋出問題讓大 家思考。一般上,父親分為慈父、嚴 父。法師分享一位美國國家兒童健康 與人類發科學家的研究發現,「父親 終其一生都應給孩子足夠的愛與關 懷,但父職的角色內容應按照孩子的 年紀發展而變化。」父親應該在孩子 不同的年齡層中,承擔著養護者、規 範者、保護人、精神導師不同角色。 而父親也要隨著孩子的成長調整教養 方式。法師以佛陀教育兒子羅侯羅「 盆子洗腳」典故,說明教育孩子可以 運用小故事啟發孩子思考。最後,監 寺覺住法師頒發《世界佛教美術圖 典》乙套贈予墨爾本佛光山社教教師 們,以感謝這些教師們多年來無私付 出地推廣中華書畫藝術給社會大眾。 中午緊接著是「慶祝父親節和中秋 節」聯誼活動,由墨爾本佛光協會西 北分會、青年二團共同主辦。大家準 備了豐盛午齋、月餅、抽獎禮品、歌 舞表演及蛋糕,為父親們慶祝。節目 一開始,青年們為長者逐一奉茶,監 寺覺住法師贈送手工月餅給每位信 眾。黃凱倫協會會長致詞道:「金剛 護法們不僅在家家扮演父親角色,在 道場還要承擔金剛護法義工重擔。雖 辛苦,但金剛們心甘情願為大眾服 務。」最後,張愛娟理事以充滿活力 帶領活動推向高潮,由佛光媽媽們 齊唱《哥哥爸爸真偉大》:「哥哥 爸爸真偉大,光榮到我家。為佛法走 天下,當義工笑哈哈。金剛菩薩,哥 哥爸爸,我們不用您牽掛。只要有佛 法,就會有辦法。」在歡歌笑語中, 爸爸們樂得合不攏嘴,歡喜、圓滿氣 氛餘音繞梁,久久不散。

A Glow of Warmth (Reporter: Wendy Chen) Fo Guang Shan Melbourne celebrated the ‘Father’s Day Autumn Festival Dharma Service’ on September 7 with approximately one hundred and thirty devotees in attendance. Ven. Jue Chu, superintendent of FGS Melbourne led the congregation in the chanting of the ‘Filial Piety Sutra’ and the recitation of the ‘Prayer for Parents, Relatives and Friends’. Ven. Miao Bo began the dharma talk by asking: ‘What is the role of a father?’ Generally speaking, fathers are categorised into either being gentle or strict. According to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, a father should provide sufficient love and care to the child throughout their entire life, though specifics in the duties of fatherhood should be defined and adapted according to the child’s age and development. Throughout the life of the child, a father’s role will evolve and include that of provider, disciplinarian, protector and spiritual guide. As the child grows, fathers should adapt their discipline methods and mode of relating to the child. Ven. Miao Bo explained how in nurturing children one can use stories to stimulate their thought process. By way of example, the venerable touched on the story of Buddha teaching his son Rahula the precept of truth, by discussing the water in the washing pan. Ven. Jue Chu concluded the service by presentating a copy of the ‘Illustrated World Buddhist Arts’ to the teaching staff of FGS Melbourne in recognition of their efforts in promoting Chinese art to the public. The service was followed by the ‘Father’s Day Celebration’ co-organised by the North-west and YAD 2 sub-chapters. The celebrations featured a scrumptious luncheon, moon cakes, lucky draws, song and dance performances, as well as a grand celebratory cake. The celebration began with the offering of tea to each and every father by the youth group and the sharing of mini mooncakes to every individual by Ven. Jue Chu. BLIAV president, Dr. Alan Wong expressed: “The male custodians not only have to undertake the role of fathers at home, yet also take on the additional voluntary duties to support the temple. Though it is hard work, they serve others with complete and utter willingness.” For the grand finale, committee member Ms. Jenny Chang and other mothers dedicated the song ‘The greatest dad of all’. The revised lyrics were: ‘Dads are the greatest, bringing honour to us all. Toiling endlessly for Buddhism, are volunteers with a smile. Dads the bodhisattvas, do not worry for us. As long as there is Buddhism, there will surely be a way.’



墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

南天大學承包商交接南天大學鑰匙 開啟大學教育新里程碑 在2001年卧龍崗市政府捐獻,位於南天寺鄭對面的十五英畝土地,作為創建南天大學及設立美術館之 用,歷經十三年的籌備、設計、建設,9月28日於南天寺大雄寶殿,正式交接南天大學第一期主體建築工程。 由南天大學承包商 Richard Crookes Constructions 工地總監 John Sullivan 交接大學鑰匙給佛光山副住持 慧峰法師,隨即交由佛光山教育院院長永光法師,最後,交由南天大學校長林政義保管,為第一期建築 工程大樓正式落成,開啟澳洲教育界的里程碑。 「該建築具有重大的意義!」南天大學承包商 Richard Crookes Constructions 工地總監 John Sullivan 表 示,歷經13年來規劃與整地,不斷在工程計劃、籌劃、細節討論中往來,建設公司和佛教道場無形間, 建立起信任和友誼的基礎。 以大學為主要考量,John Sullivan 進一步指出,在各方面設計需具備有實用性、開放性的空間,在學習 空間、建材運用上,運用豐富的色彩變化,創造可以激發學生的熱情空間。 佛光山副住持慧峰法師表示,南天寺自20年前啟用,到南天大學建築落成,分別體現傳統和現代的代 表,亦是在澳洲的第一所高等學府由佛教背景所建的大學,代表將人間佛教分燈到澳洲,從教育方面, 亦能代表當地的發展。 「佛光山教育含蓋社會、僧伽、信眾,南天大學屬於社會教育的一環。」佛光山教育院院長永光法師 點出,透過佛教的力量,所創辦的學校,特別注重品格、生活教育,未來希望就讀南天大學的學子們, 能專心研究,對國家社會有所幫助。 南天大學校長林政義談起,現有招收應用佛教、健康與社會福祇兩所碩士班及英語語言中心課程外, 未來將陸續成立商學、科技等學院,提供獎學金吸引優秀人才前來就讀,並打造與其他大學不同之處, 建設成為快樂的工作環境。


墨爾本佛光山 活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

Nan Tien Institute Key Handover Ceremony ~ A new milestone for tertiary education In 2001 Wollongong City Council for one dollar, donated to Nan Tien Temple the 15 hectare parcel of land opposite the temple, for the creation of a community-enhancing tertiary educational facility, along with an art gallery and cultural centre. The opening of Nan Tien Institute’s (NTI) landmark building comes after ten years of fundraising, preparation, design and construction conducted by Nan Tien Temple; which included a multi-million dollar site clean-up for the previously council operated rubbish tip. The key handover ceremony on September 28, 2014 marked a new milestone for tertiary education in Australia, with the completion of Stage 1. Mr. John Sullivan, Project Manager of Richard Crookes Constructions handed over the key to Ven. Huifeng, Deputy Abbot of Fo Guang Shan (FGS) monastic order. He in turn passed the key down to Ven. Yung Guang, Director of FGS Education Department; who in turn entrusted the key to Prof. Grier Lin, Chancellor of Nan Tien Institute. “The building is of great significance!” expressed John Sullivan, Project Manager of Richard Crookes Constructions. After thirteen years of project planning and preparation, with endless detailed discussions between them and the temple; mutual trust and friendship have naturally developed. Keeping in mind the main consideration of the needs of a tertiary facility, John Sullivan pointed out how the designs had to incorporate practical open spaces. In relation to the learning areas, one had to offer vibrant colour schemes in their use of construction materials, to create spaces that would stimulate students’ enthusiasm for learning. Ven. Huifeng, Deputy Abbot of FGS expressed that the establishment of Nan Tien Temple twenty years ago to the completion of Nan Tien Institute today, clearly represents both the traditional and the modern. NTI marks the very first tertiary institute founded on Buddhist values in Australia. It is testament to Humanistic Buddhist having reached Australia and signals local development. “Fo Guang Shan Education incorporates the aspects of society, sangha community, lay devotees; and Nan Tien Institute belongs to the sector of social education.” explained Ven. Yung Guang, Director of FGS Education Department. The educational facilities established through the strength of Buddhism, place particular emphasis on the nurturing of proper character and life education. It is hoped that students of NTI can immerse themselves in diligent study and be an asset to society at large. Currently, NTI offers postgraduate Masters, Diploma and Certificate in Applied Buddhist Studies, Health and Social Wellbeing, as well as special interest and professional development subjects. Its tertiary education program commenced in 2011, and NTI already has graduates from its Masters, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate in Applied Buddhist Studies courses. NTI’s most recent expansions have included the opening of the NTI Sydney Campus and NTI English Language Centre in the Sydney CBD, and the recent development of a Faculty of Health. Prof. Grier Lin, Chancellor of NTI discussed NTI’s vision of becoming the second university in the Illawarra region and will move towards offering a comprehensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate education programs in Humanities, Health, and Business and Leadership studies – all grounded in Buddhist values. NTI looks forward to attracting high-caliber students to create a uniquely different tertiary experience within a blissful environment.


墨爾本佛光緣美術館 活動報導 Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery News

「牡丹與龍」中國影響下的印尼藝術 開幕茶會 墨爾本佛光緣美術館在九月二十日的下午舉辦了印尼藝術展「牡丹與龍」開幕茶會。出席開幕茶會有 印尼藝術博物館主席Halina Nowicka女士、印尼經濟學者Han Koen Lee先生以及眾多對印尼文化藝術感 興趣的愛好者和藝術家們,共有80餘人出席。 中國和印尼之間的共生關係已存在了幾個世紀。中國元素無時無刻不在影響著印尼文化。過去由於經 濟和政治的影響,中國和印尼之間互相通婚的關係,建立了文化間互相溝通的平台。中國人,和其他國 家的人一樣,對当地一些特色物品極爲喜愛,所以中国的艺术也呈現在印尼的瓷器、絲綢、棉布、金屬 幣、茶、麵條和豆製品等生活用品中。本次展覽以生活用品为主,展品包括舞蹈、音樂、陶瓷、食品、 文學和歷史文物。 Charles Coppel博士用詼諧的言辭與大家研討了關於「圖案的編排」為話題,并在致辭中感謝大家來 訪參展並祝展覽成功。此次展覽還專門設置了具有中國特色的舞龍環節,在歡聲笑語的氣氛中圓滿。

‘PEONIES and DRAGONS’ ~ Chinese Influences in Indonesian Art The ‘Peonies and Dragons’ art exhibition was officially opened by Mr. Han Koen Lee on September 20, 2014 at Fo Guang Yuan (FGY) Art Gallery in Melbourne CBD. The opening ceremony was attended by approximately eighty people, including Ms Halina Nowicka, President of the Museum of Indonesian Arts Inc. and Ven. Yung Wei of FGY Art Gallery. The symbiotic relationship between China and Indonesia has existed for centuries, and its influence has been ubiquitous. Whether due to the vagaries of the winds, by choice or because of economic or political reasons, the Chinese at times stayed on in the Spice Islands permanently. Inevitably, many of these migrants married into Indonesian society and brought with them their heritage. The Chinese, interested in the spices the Archipelago produced, paid for these goods with marketable items, which included ‘trade’ ceramics, silk, cotton, metal coins or food (tea, noodles and soya products, for instance) to name a few. This exhibition showcases dance and music, as well as food, literature, entertainment and all that pertains to daily life. Dr. Charles Coppel gave a lecture on ‘Setting the Picture’ and wished the exhibition the greatest of success. The opening ceremony featured a traditional dragon dance, further adding Chinese influence on the Indonesian exhibition. Guests were left inspired to attend the various upcoming workshops on offer over the coming weeks.

展覽日期:2014年9月22日~10月31日 Exhibition dates: 22 September ~ 31 October 2014 FREE admission. Donations welcome. 研討會 / Workshops: 1. 20th September – Dr Charles Coppel – Setting the Picture; 2. 27th September – Ms Nani Hardjo Pollard – Pesisir Batik; 3. 4th October – Ms Dewi Anggreani, Indonesian writer – Chinese Women in Indonesia. Dewi’s latest book on Chinese women will be launched and available during this workshop; 4. 11th October – Ibu Diana, Chef and Caterer- Nyonya Food; 5. 18th October – Ms Marjorie Ho – Trade Ceramics; 6. 25th October – Professor Margaret Kartomi – Chinese inspirations in the Performing Arts of Indonesia, accompanied by a dance.


墨爾本佛光緣美術館 活動報導 Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery News

Academic Visit to FGY Art Gallery Teachers involved in religious leadership development visited Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery on September 3, 2014. Ven. Yung Wei, Ven. Miao Bo and Cape Verde artist Mito Elias co-organised the series of tailored activities, which included a Buddhist lecture, sitting meditation, tea meditation, calligraphy demonstration and a guided tour. Every section of the program was overwhelming well received, so much so that in response the enthusiastic requests from the teachers, the program was extended by an hour.


2014年9月3日有18名教師參訪佛光緣美術舘。永威法師、妙博法師和藝術家 Mito Elias 一同為他們安排了 佛學講座、坐禪、茶禪、書法和展覽導覽活動。每一項活動都深深的吸引了老師們,以至於活動時間在他們 的要求下一再延長。

A 70th Celebration Immersed in Art


On September 11, 2014 FGY Art Gallery welcome a party of nine to celebrate a very special 70th birthday. They were spoilt with a personal exhibition tour by Cape Verde artist Mito Elias, whom gave a tour on the day, which added a touch of culture and art to the birthday celebration. Mito explained how the works seek to explore the effect of immigration on language and how its form has adapted through cross-cultural journeys and through his own experience across diasporas.

2014年9月11日上午11時45分,一位女士與8個要好的朋友在墨爾本舘慶祝了她70歲的生日。藝術家 Mito Elias 也熱心為她們導覽,講述他散居各地的生活,為生日慶祝會增添了一層淡淡的世界觀和藝術氣息。

銷售長紅 英文版《釋迦牟尼佛傳》榮獲「活在當下」書籍獎

‘The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha’ wins the prestigious Living Now Book Awards. 【人間社記者章曉陽美國洛杉磯報導】 英譯版《釋迦牟尼傳》榮獲2014年度「活在 當下」書籍獎「精神領袖類」銅獎。由美國佛 光出版社出版的《釋迦牟尼佛傳》英文版一出 版便受到英語國家讀者們的青睞,一年不到, 銷售量已達一萬兩千本之多。 本次在「活在當下」書籍獎的參 選中,書中描述的佛教領袖—釋 迦牟尼佛的一生給評委們留下深刻 的印象,認為這本書非常符合「活 在當下」書籍獎的精神。它給讀者 提供了一個成就的典範,這個典範 既因他心靈的完美而令人不得不折 服,又因他的真實存在令讀者對自 我的成就充滿信心,對讀者的心靈 而言,是一劑意義深遠的良方。 由「詹金斯團隊」打造的「活在 當下」書籍獎,致力於通過書籍、 文化倡導健康生活、淨化心靈。從 2008年開始,詹金斯團隊每年為 千千萬萬讀者,從上萬本參選作 品中,精選美化生活、提高生活品 質、昇華生命意義的書籍推薦給讀 者。 美國佛光出版社藉此機會向所有支持該書的大 眾表示感謝,並自我期勉,今後將繼續致力打造 高品質的作品,為佛法西來提供充足的文化推 廣,也為所有英語國家的讀者提供優質的精神食 糧。

(Reporter: Xiaoyang Zhang, LA, USA) Jenkins Group has proudly announced ‘The Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha’ (English version) by Ven. Master Hsing Yun as the Bronze winner in the Spiritual Leadership category of the 2014 Living Now Book Awards. Since its release by Buddha’s Light Publishing a year ago, it has sold over 12,000 copies earning critical acclaim amongst the English speaking nations. This award winning book recounts the life of Sakyamuni Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. It highlights the spirit of creating a healthier, fulfilling and productive life. It discusses the role model for achieving fulfilment and success, through spiritual perfection, in an honest manner that brings hope and confidence to others. Buddha’s Light Publishing in USA thanks its readership for their ongoing support. It vows to continue to publish works of high caliber, promoting culture and Buddhism, as well as continue to strive to provide the English speaking community nourishment for the soul. Launched in 2008 by the Jenkins Group, the awards are designed to honour the year’s best books that help readers attain healthier, more fulfilling and productive lives.


墨爾本佛光協會 活動報導 BLIAV News

中秋慶團圓聯誼會 Mid-Autumn Festival 佛光會城一分會於9月6日在墨爾 本佛光緣美術館舉辦中秋慶團圓活 動,近50多青年朋友及攜眷參加。 永威法師開心見到許多昔日青年團的 會員帶著孩子回到來美術館。城一分 會幹部很用心安排豐富節目,並準備 了美味的點心予大家分享。此活動在 法師帶領獻燈祈福法會中圓滿。 BLIAV City 1 sub-chapter hosted a Mid-Autumn Celebration at FGY Art Gallery on September 6, 2014. Approximately fifty people joined in the event, with many former members and their families making an appearance. Filled with wonderful entertainment and mouth-watering delicacies, the event concluded with a light offering ritual.

抄經班 Sutra Calligraphy @ FGY Art Gallery 佛光會城一分會於9月6日在佛光緣美術 館舉辦九月份的抄經修持,供有21位信徒 與青年參加。永威法師教導大家如何專注 抄經,不必擔憂書寫得快或漂亮,因為抄 經修持是向內觀照的修行功課。 The monthly sutra calligraphy session held on September 6, 2014 at FGY Art Gallery was attended by 21 youths. Ven. Yung Wei reminded everyone that the merit in the exercise is not being focussed on how beautiful one’s calligraphy is, instead how aware one is of their inner thoughts.




Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem Five Precepts and Bodhisattva Precepts Retreat


修 2014 Nan Tien Temple Short - Term 道 Monastic Retreat 會

短 期 出 家

佛 光 山 南 天 寺

法相 Fa Xiang - A Buddhist Practitioner’s Encyclopedia

三業 人生,同住在一個地方,同樣的學識和能力,但是所遭遇的幸與不幸,就大不相同了,這是什麼原因 呢?這是由於過去所造的業力不同的緣故。 眾生同樣的生命,同樣的本性,有的在天上逍遙,有的在惡道輪迴,這是什麼原因呢?這就是由於眾生 各自所造的業力不同的緣故。 業,是身體、語言、內心所發起的動作,有身業、口業、意業等的不同。 1 身業:從惡的方面說,用刀槍、毒藥殺生,杖棍刀石傷害,用手段盜竊搶奪,計謀吞沒騙取,用財色 勾引男女,違背人倫道德,凡是想把自己的幸福建在他人的痛苦上,都是犯了身業的惡行;從善的方面 說,助人解決困難,放生使其歡喜,布施各項財務,給人種種便利,尊重人倫,不犯邪行等,凡是有利 于人的行為,都是身業的善行。 2 口業:從惡的方面說,習於惡口兩舌,慣於妄言綺語,專揭人之短,專道人之過,花言巧語,中傷毀 謗;用語言害人、騙人,使人難堪,都是犯口業的惡行。從善的方面說,給人鼓勵、給人讚揚,護人之 短,揚人之善,發表有用的言論,講說誠實的語言,用語言讚人、助人,給予別人有益的言語,都是口 業的善行。 3 意業:從惡的方面說,妄想紛飛的食欲,損人利己的希求,怒目猙獰的瞋恚,怨天尤人的私恨,謬執 迷妄的愚痴,撥無因果的邪見,凡是心生貪瞋邪見,就是意業的惡行。從善的方面說,用平等心待人, 把歡喜心給人,不起怨毒的恨念,不發無謂的瞋恚,有合理的正見,有浄善的智慧,心離妄求瞋恚邪 見,就是意業的善行。 佛教的業力論,是合情合理的妙法,人生的幸與不幸,都由自己的身口意創造,沒有誰能夠主宰我 們,而能主宰我們的,還是我自己。「萬般帶不去,唯有業隨身。」我們的身口意還是多造些善業吧!

Three Types of Karma As human beings, we all live in one world together and possess similar learning and abilities, yet there is a wide disparity over the amount of fortune or misfortune we experience. Why is this? This is because of the differences in our past karma. All sentient beings are endowed with the same life force and inherent nature, yet some enjoy all the freedoms of the heavenly realms while others suffer through cyclical existence in the lower realms. Why is this? It is because each and every sentient being has created their own karma. Karma is the action produced by one’s body, speech and mind. Thus, karma is often separated into the ‘three kinds of karma’: physical karma, verbal karma and mental karma. 1. Physical Karma Any act in which your own happiness is built upon the suffering of others, constitutes an unwholesome act of physical karma. Examples include: using knives, guns or poison to kill living beings; using sticks, clubs and rocks to injure and wound; using trickery to rob or steal from others; swindling and embezzling; using money or good looks to seduce men and women, and violating ethics and morality. Any act that is of benefit to others constitutes a wholesome act of physical karma. Examples include: helping others out of difficulty; letting others off the hook so they can be happy; donating financial resources; giving others any kind of advantage; respecting ethical standards; and refraining from committing any wrongdoing. 2. Verbal Karma Examples of unwholesome acts of verbal karma include: habitually employing harsh words and sowing discord; regularly spouting falsehoods and worthless chatter; harping solely on the shortcomings of others; reporting solely on the mistakes of others; uttering artful deceptions; harming others through rumors and innuendo; and harming, deceiving, or embarrassing others. Examples of wholesome acts of verbal karma include: encouraging others; commending others; overlooking the faults of others; making known the good that others do; expressing useful opinions, speaking with honest words; and praising, helping, or benefiting others. 3. Mental Karma Any mental state that involves greed, anger, or wrong views constitutes an unwholesome act of mental karma. Examples include: scattered and fanciful desires, wishes that benefit oneself by harming others, angry and vicious hatred, personal resentment that blames heaven or other people, wrongheaded and dangerous delusions, and wrong views that deny cause and effect. Examples of wholesome acts of mental karma include: treating others equally; expressing joy to others; refraining from venomous thoughts of resentment; curbing meaningless rage; holding reasonable and correct views; having pure and good wisdom; and keeping one’s mind away from greed, hatred, and wrong views. Buddhism’s doctrine of karma is a wondrous teaching that is both sensible and reasonable. The fortunes and misfortunes of life are all generated by one’s own body, speech, and mind. No one else can control our fate; the only one who can control that is ourselves. There is a saying in Buddhism, “You can take nothing with you except your karma”. So let us create more wholesome karma through our body, speech and mind.


墨爾本佛光山 行事曆 FGS Melbourne Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day

時間 Time


日 Sun





24/10 & 7/11 26/10 2/11



日 Sun


日 Sun



日 Sun


活動內容 Activity 藥師法會-藥師寶懺 Medicine Buddha Repentance Dharma Function 藥師如來聖誕紀念日Medicine Buddha’s Birthday 藥師經,佛供(農曆9月29日Lunar 29 September) 光明燈祈福法會(恭誦普門品、佛供) Light Offering Dharma Service (Lunar 1 & 15 October) 金剛經共修會 Buddhist Chanting Service (Diamond Sutra) 報恩法會 (恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Repaying Debt of Gratitude Dharma Service ( Filial Piety Sutra ) 金剛經共修會 Buddhist Chanting Service (Diamond Sutra)

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第四學期 FGS Melbourne Courses Term 4 課程內容 Classes

星期 Day 日期 Date 時間 Time 六 Sat


11/10~13/12 9:15am-12:15pm 佛光中華學校第四學期 Fo Guang Chinese School, Term 4 25/10~13/12 2:00-3:30pm Meditation & Taiji Chan (English) 12/10~14/12 10:30am-12:00pm 兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting 12/10~30/11 10:30am-12:00pm 國畫班(嶺南畫派) Chinese Painting (Lingnan Style) 2/11~7/12 生命終極關懷 - 生死自在 (一) End of Life Care (NO CLASS 26/11) 2:00-3:30pm 12/10~16/11 11:00am-12:30pm 書法班 Chinese Calligraphy 12/10~14/12 1:30pm-2:30pm 青年英文佛學讀書會 Young Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd week) 1:30pm-3:00pm 成人英文佛學讀書會Adult English Reading Group (Every 2nd & 3rd week )

佛光山尔尔有寺 行事曆 FGS Er You Temple Events Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time

活動內容 Activity

11/10 12/10 18/10 23/10 24/10 25/10 1/11 7/11 8/11

藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service 觀世音菩薩出家紀年日 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Renunciation Day 藥師法會 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service 藥師佛聖誕 Medicine Buddha’s Birthday Celebration 光明燈消災法會(農曆十月初一)Light Offering Dharma Service (Lunar 1 Oct) 共修法會 Dharma Service 共修法會 Dharma Service 光明燈消災法會(農曆十月十五 )Light Offering Dharma Service (Lunar 15 Oct) 共修法會 Dharma Service

六 Sat 六 Sat 六 Sat 四Thu 五Fri 六 Sat 六 Sat 五Fri 六 Sat

10:00am 11:00am 9:30am 11:00am 11:00am 10:00am 10:00am 11:00am 10:00am

佛光山尔有寺 社教課程 FGS Er You Temple Courses 日期 Date

星期 Day 時間 Time

6/7 - 12/10 2/10 - 6/11 5/9 - 3/10 23/9 -28/10 18/10 19/10 - 23/11

日Sun 四Thu 五Fri 二Tues 六 Sat 日Sun

10:00am -11:30am 10:30am -12:00pm 10:00am -11:30am 10:00am-11:30pm 10:00am-11:30pm 2:00pm-3:30pm

課程內容 Classes

中英文禪修班 Fundamental Meditation 國畫班 Chinese Painting Class 手工藝工作坊 Handicraft Workshop 編織班 Knitting Class 英文讀書會 Sutra Study Group (English) 佛光兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 ‘Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria’ Sponsors

劉恭佑 董又瑛 陳燕敏 劉鳳嬋 李澤棠 張妹 陳秀敏 黃冠誠 曹桂華 莊佳樺 郭麗華 周紹安 陳妙洪 劉鳳珊 陳惠明 Douglas Hewitt合家 蔡定洪 黃超鵬 張劍洋 徐松貞 黃暹香 張明華 劉怡君 劉怡伶 免費索閱 Free distribution ‧ 歡迎助印 Sponsorships welcomed

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