Feb 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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48th Year of FGS

February 2014, Issue 32

Buddha’s Light Newsletter of Victoria

發行人/星雲大師 Published by Ven. Master Hsing Yun 發行所/國際佛光會墨爾本協會 Issued by BLIAV

Fo Guang Shan Kaohsiung City Lantern Festival Media Conference: 圖說:星雲大師

Grand Master’s Light-hearted Analysis of Life (Reporter: 陳德啟, Dashu, Taiwan)

“Such a grand undertaking, such creative designs, how was the idea even conceived?” the many reporters attending the 2014 Fo Guang Shan Kaohsiung City Lantern Festival Media Conference held on January 21 exclaimed in awe. Walking down the walkway to the Buddha Memorial Centre, they bore witness to the gigantic “Noble Horse” lantern, the Wall of Lanterns for Peace constructed with 10,000 lanterns, the feature “Where is Heaven?” amongst other displays. This was achieved with the unified efforts of all at Fo Guang Shan, highlighting the essence of this year’s theme of Faith, Succession, Creativity and Arts. “Cars need petrol, humans need encouragement. The beginning of a new year is a form of encouragement.” Addressing a group of reporters, Ven. Master Hsing Yun commented on how in the new year, communities and families are filled with joy and happiness, wishing for each year to be better than the last. “How do we improve and advance?” It is to start afresh. His belief is for politicians to focus on peace and prosperity for the people; for the youth to strive for advancement with vigour, understand and practice gratitude, as well as set personal goals; for people to be unified and work towards the common good of society and serve their country well; all these are good examples of ways

1月21日舉行新 春媒體餐敘時, 宣布星雲大師公 益信託教育基金 舉辦真善美新聞 傳播貢獻獎,今 年起獎勵記者, 獎勵不與政治起 舞,報導給人民 歡喜資訊的記 者,媒體救台 灣,台灣會更 好。 人間社記者 陳昱臻攝

to strive forward. Grand Master also announced the creation of the new Media Contribution Award by the “Master Hsing Yun Trust Fund”. This year a “Youth” category has been added to encourage inspirational reporting of news that brings joy to the audience, hence bringing forth a brighter society. Grand Master gifted to all attendees the book “Poetry of Life”, the “Positive Forecasts for Life” fortune sticks and “The Noble Steed Gallops into Bright Future” calligraphy scroll. Filled with curiosity, reporters at the scene began drawing out fortune sticks inscribed with Dharma Words by Ven. Master Hsing Yun. “To be busy is to be nourished, so be joyous in being occupied and be engaged in meaningful affairs.” “You are important, they are important; though I can be of no significance, because being at a disadvantage can be a blessing.” With wit Grand Master expressed that reporters and journalists are the busiest of all, busy bringing energy and spirit to others. Hence if everyone toils tirelessly, society can prosper. In conclusion, Grand Master warned all

not to possess the herd mentality, instead to be confident in oneself; to which the audience exclaimed “Spot on!”

佛光山本山新聞 FGS News

佛光山高雄市平安燈會記者會 大師默解讀人生 【人間社記者 陳德啟 大樹報導】 「這麼大的工程、這麼有創意的 燈會設計,是怎麼想出來的? 1月21日上午佛光山舉行「佛光 山2014年高雄市平安燈會記者 會」,記者群從麻竹園坐接駁車 或步行,經由佛光大道往佛陀紀 念館,沿路一行人看到主題燈 「駿程萬里」、萬顆燈籠組成的 平安燈牆、「天堂在哪裡」等景 點時,均發出驚訝與不可思議的 讚嘆聲。這是佛光山總動員集體 創作,營造出信仰、傳承、創 意、藝文等四大主題的燈會。 「汽車要加油,人也需要鼓 勵,過年是對人們的一種鼓勵」

,佛光山開山宗長星雲大師在禮 敬大廳2樓與記者談心,提及春 節期間,社會、家庭充滿喜氣洋 洋,希望大家都能一年比一年進 步。「要如何才能進步呢?」大 師篤定說,重新開始,所謂「一 年之計在於春」;他認為,政治 人物能以民眾幸福安樂為服務導 向,青年要發心發展,懂得回饋 與感恩,並為自己訂定新目標; 民眾要勤勞為國家社會奉獻服務 等面向都是進步的好方法。 大師特別分享,「星雲大師 信託基金」成立的真善美新聞傳 播貢獻獎,今年增加青年記者獎 項,鼓勵記者藉由好的資訊報

導,帶給大眾歡喜,讓台灣會更 好。大師並致贈每個人《詩歌人 間》著作、「人生卜事」籤筒、 墨寶「駿程萬里」。 現場記者好奇抽出法語,「忙 是營養,要忙得歡喜,忙得有意 義」;「你重要,他重要,我不 重要,因為吃虧是福」大師幽 默解說,記者最忙,忙能帶來能 量、帶來精神,只要大家忙起 來,社會就會更進步。建議大 家,不要隨著人情起舞,要自信 自主、自我肯定。聽了大師一番 解釋,人人都豎起大拇指讚嘆: 「超準啊!」

國慶日盛裝遊行 佛光會員展風采 【人間社記者馬韻涵墨爾本報導】 1月26日是澳洲國慶日,每年此 時全澳各地都會舉行各種慶祝活 動,盛裝遊行是墨爾本國慶重點 節目之一。來自不同族裔、不 同文化背景的各社團成員盛裝 出席,載歌載舞,沿著繁華的 Swanston Street 一路走向 Royal Botanic Gardens,充分體現墨爾 本的多元文化特色。


國際佛光會墨爾本協會已連續 十餘年應邀參加大遊行,且是唯 一被邀參與的佛教團體,每次都 受到當地民眾的喜愛。此次遊行 由佛光山尔有寺妙力法師帶領, 佛光會員們身著協會特色會服、 中華傳統服飾和民族服裝。遊行 還未開始,身穿佛光人就高高舉 起菩薩像,精神抖擻,滿臉微 笑,引來其他參與社團和觀看民 眾的目光,大家爭相要求合影。

特別是穿著悉達多太子及彩色民 族服裝的佛光青年們,更是攝影 鏡頭聚焦的中心。遊行當中,佛 光人列隊有序,揮舞佛光會會 旗、 澳洲國旗,高唱「我們都是 佛光人」,徐徐走過世政大廳。 兩邊觀眾也紛紛搖旗招手表示回 應。整個遊行過程都體現了佛光 人與人為善,讓眾生歡喜的風 範,也是「人間佛教」理念融入 當地的成功實踐。

墨爾本佛光協會活動報導 BLIAV News

BLIAV Working Committee Seminar (Reporter: Jenny Chang, Melbourne)

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria(BLIAV) organised a seminar for its core committee member at FGS Er-You Temple on the 11th of January 2014, which was attended by about eighty participants. In his opening speech, the president Alan Wong urged everyone to heed Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s advice, “Be authentic and genuine in everything that you do. Don’t act by half-measures”. In the hope that BLIAV members can improve themselves in their various roles and advance the missions of the association. In her dharma talk, BLIA Oceania Deputy Secretary General, Ven. Man Ko revealed “how to be a BLIAV committee member” and encouraged everyone to nurture the mindset that “Buddhism depends on me”. She also emphasised that it is through bearing burdens, that people will improve. She further explained it is Fo Guang Shan, Ven. Master Hsing Yun and BLIA - the triple gems of Fo Guang Shan that has blessed nurtured our personal. The participants later enjoyed a news clip of Ven. Master Hsing Yun receiving the “Brilliance of China” Award for 2013. In the later part of her talk, Ven. Man Ko updated everyone on the construction progress of Nan Tien Institute. She likened the bridge linking Nan Tien temple to Nan Tien Institute as an umbilical cord from a mother to her child, symbolising the deep roots between the traditional monastic order of Nan Tien Temple and the modern layman’s world of Nan Tien Institute. In the second half of the seminar, the participants were divided into two groups to brainstorm on the topics of activity planning, member recruitment and activity organisation. These suggestions were later summarised to help guide the activities for this year. The seminar concluded on a merry mood with singing and movement session for all the participants.

Australia Day Parade – The Elegance of Buddha’s Light members (Reporter: Erica Ma, Melbourne)

Annually on January 26, Australia Day celebrations are held nationwide. In Melbourne, the Australia Day Parade is a highlight event for the city. Community groups from different ethnic and cultural backgroundsdressed in glorious costumes, parade down bustling Swanston Street, singing and dancing all the way to the Royal Botanic Gardens, magnificently reflecting the multicultural characteristic of Melbourne.

Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) has participated in this grand parade for over ten years. Popular amongst the crowd, BLIAV is honoured to be the sole Buddhist organisation to be invited to feature in the parade. Led by Ven. Miao Li of FoGuang Shan Er You Temple, this year BLIAV members donned the distinctive BLIA vest, traditional Chinese attire and native costumes. Though the parade had not begun, BLIAV members beaming with smiles and filled with vigour raised the Boddhisatva images high up in the air, attracting the attention of other participating community groups and the awaiting crowds, whom enthusiastically took advantage of the photo opportunity. The youths dressed as Prince Siddharta and modelling native costume proved to be crowd favourites, taking the limelight. Waving the Australian flag and BLIA flag, whilst singing “We are from Buddha’s Light”, they paraded past the Town Hall in exemplary fashion. The crowds responded by waving back with their flags. The BLIAV procession embodied the kind and friendly spirit of BLIA, the essence of giving joy to others; as well as demonstrating the successful assimilation of Humanistic Buddhism into local culture.

佛光人幹部講習會 【人間社記者張愛娟墨爾本報導】

國際佛光會墨爾本協會於2014 年1月11日下午假尔有寺舉行 「幹部講習會」,約80位與會 人。主席黃凱倫表示,「星雲大 師曾說『做什麼,就要像什麼; 不要做什麼,不像什麼。』」與 大家共勉,期望未來墨爾本佛光 人能說、能唱、能跳,讓墨爾本 佛光會活躍起來。 國際佛光會大洋洲副秘書長滿 可法師則以「怎樣做個佛光幹 部」為大家開示道:「佛光幹部 要以『佛教靠我』為己任。而佛 光山、星雲大師,佛光會則是讓 人成長、庇佑的三寶。」會中還 特別播放星雲大師於「2013中 華之光」受獎的新聞影片。 接著,總住持滿可法師為大家 介紹南天大學的工程進度。特別 是南天寺與南天大橋,乃如同一 個母子之間的臍帶,將傳統由出 家人主導的南天寺與代表現代由 在家人主導的南天大學連結在一 起。 下半場兩組討論,分別討論「 活動方向策劃、開發」及「如何 吸引新會員,如何舉辦活動?」 最後,兩組討論結果將提交新任 理事會決議,訂為未來工作方 針。幹部講習會在最後的帶動唱 節目中,歡喜落幕。


佛光山本山新聞 FGS News

10 metres high “Noble Horse” makes its debut at the 2014 Fo Guang Shan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Reporter: Chen Yu Zhen, Dashu, Taiwan)

stretches its wings, it can fly across thousands of miles. As we come to the Year of the Horse, a steed can also gallop across a great distance. Every person wishes to improve and progress. Therefore, in the Year of the Horse, may everyone succeed in their endeavours in life and career goals. May all be like the noble steed which gallops into a bright future.

one is greeted by a 10m tall lantern of a horse amongst garden settings. The twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac also feature in the lantern display, as well as the 200m lantern stage depicting the story of the Buddha. A 200m stretch of archways representing “Where is Heaven?”, depict the ‘heaven’ in the ocean world and rainforests. There is also a 200m long dragon unTo mark the New Year, a monthder the eaves, Buddha figures, an long Lantern Festival will be held As per tradition, Fo Guang Shan aquarium and the Wall of Lanterns at Fo Guang Shan and the Buddha welcomes all its visitors with a for Peace as the highlight. Memorial Centre as of January 31. display of lanterns. One may also take part in a range of Dharma serA range of special cultural and For the Year of the Horse, Master vices, prayers and pilgrimages on religious activities are on offer Hsing Yun as penned “The Noble offer, providing an opportunity for at the Buddha Memorial Centre Steed Gallops into a Bright Fuall to gain blessings and wisdom. during this celebratory period. We ture.” There is a saying, “Soar across welcome everyone to visit and the miles like a roc.” When a roc Walking down the main path, wish you all: “Abundant prosperity and wisdom, a carefree and peace佛光山2014年高雄市平安燈會 10米高「駿馬」搶鮮亮相 ful body and soul. May everyday be a good day, may every moment 【人間社記者陳昱臻大樹報導】 人心;十二生肖花燈以可愛造 一元復始,萬象更新,佛光山及 型迎賓;佛光大道的200米「花 be auspicious.” 佛陀紀念館於2014年新春期間, 特以「駿程萬里」為主題,將於1 月31日起舉辦為期一個月的春節 平安燈會。 時逢馬年,星雲大師特別撰寫 墨寶春聯「駿程萬里」,大師 說:過去常說「鵬程萬里」,大 鵬鳥展翅,一飛萬里。今年遇到 馬年,好的駿馬能夠萬里奔騰, 向前邁進;每一個人也都希望進 步、希望向前,祝福大家在馬年 的事業、生活發展順利,「駿程 萬里」。 佛光山以傳統平安燈的布置跟 來山大眾拜年,您可參與上燈法 會、禮千佛法會、大悲懺法會、 叩平安鐘、殿堂參拜、朝山禮 佛,讓自己福慧增長。 走一趟佛光大道,曼陀羅花 園聳立10公尺高的駿馬主燈, 還有平安燈、各式造型燈,溫暖


燈台」,訴說著動人的佛教故 事;200米長的「天堂在哪裡」 花燈隧道,展現海洋世界、熱帶 雨林,就能看見繽紛的天堂在哪 裡。並有盤踞在屋簷上200米長 的噴火巨龍,以及佛陀行化圖、 水族箱、平安燈牆更是這次燈會 的亮點。 佛陀紀念館的春節活動更是多 采多姿,「金佛殿」、「玉佛 殿」的法師帶領信眾禮佛祈福, 本館大覺堂有河南雜技及婺劇等 春節特演。同時,初一至十七將 施放煙火及舉辦提燈大會,2/4 (初五) 舉行「地宮珍寶入宮圓滿 法會」及「星雲大師佛法新解講 座」。 邀請大家新春期間大年初一 (1/31)起,來到佛光山佛陀紀念 館賞花燈,大家來佛光山歡慶春 節的同時,也可以把歡喜、幸 福、智慧帶回家。祝福大家: 「福慧增長,身心自在;日日好 日,時時吉祥。」

圖說:「天堂在哪裡?」天堂就 在佛光山的佛光大道上。今年佛 光山2014年高雄市平安燈會新推 出,200米長的「天堂在哪裡」 花燈隧道,運用環保材質與創意 造型,搭起幸福浪漫的燈火長 廊。人間社記者陳昱臻攝 “Where is Heaven?” Heaven is right here at Fo Guang Shan. This year’s Lantern Festival features a 200m long walkway constructed with all recycled materials and plenty of creativity titled “Where is Heaven?”

總會長的話 Words from the BLIA Founder

A Day’s Life How do you live your life every day? Is there any planning? During the time of the Spring and Autumn Annals, the prime minster of the Qi Kingdom, Guan Zhong said, “Planning for a year is like digging a valley; planning for ten years is like planting trees and planning for a lifetime is like educating a person.” Therefore, each of us should make plans for one year, ten years, even a lifetime. Moreover, the most important thing is to plan every day, so that time will not be wasted. While there will inevitably be unforseen or unexpected incidents from day to day, we still need to make plans for our daily life and work. How do we plan for our everyday life? The following are four points for consideration: 1. Morning is for thinking: In “The Great Learning [Da Xue]”, it is said, “Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will bring one closer to living in a balanced way.” In the morning is when our mind is clearest. We can think or write in our notebook the things we have to complete that day and make plans to finish them. For instance, we may have to write letters to friends, fulfil what others ask us to do, or complete the jobs our supervisors want us to finish. Planning ahead, we will not forget responsibilities or make mistakes in our day’s work. 2. Act during the day: The ancients said, “Don’t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. Don’t pass on to others what you can do yourself.” The day starts after breakfast. It is when our work should begin. We need to actively make progress every day and diligently apply ourselves to complete all the things we plan to do within the day. 3. Reflect in the evening: When evening comes, we should cultivate the habit of self-reflection. “What are the merits I have achieved today? What are the faults?” Yuan Liao Fan, a dedicated practitioner from the Ming Dynasty, had the habit of recording his

merits and faults every day. Zengzi, a disciple of Confucius, reflected daily, “Am I loyal in working for others? Am I trustworthy in dealing with my friends? Do I put into practice what I teach others?” It is very important to perform this self-reflection every evening because by reviewing our daily actions and speech over time, we can be certain that our life will improve, our morals will increase and our character will reach a higher level. 4. Rest at night: Night is the time to rest and sleep. We should not be socialising, for if we exhaust our energy and spirit living such a topsy-turvy life, we will be worn-out in no time. Therefore, proper rest is necessary for going further on our path. We must know how to plan each day as we live in the hustle and bustle of today’s society. We need to follow these four points everyday in order to have a meaningful life.

一日的生活 你每一天的生活,是如何過的 呢?有計畫嗎?春秋時,齊國的 宰相管仲說:「一年之計,莫如 樹谷;十年之計,莫如樹木;終 年之計,莫如樹人。」所以每個 人,都應該做好一年、十年、乃 至終生的生涯規畫。除此之外, 最重要的是,每個人對於自己一 天的生活,尤其應該要有計畫, 才不會虛度光陰,如陶淵明說: 「盛年不重來,一日難再晨;及 時當勉勵,歲月不待人。」 雖然一天天的生活,難免會有 偶發的狀況,但是,在應付突發 事件之外,我們還是要做好每一 日的生活與工作計畫。每日的生 活要如何計畫呢?有四點提供參 考:

時候,你可以思考或在備忘簿裡 記下今日要完成的工作有那些, 並做好計畫如何去完成他。比方 說:寫幾封信給朋友、完成朋友 所託之事、完成主管交辦的事項 等,如此每日的工作就不會有差 錯或遺忘了。 第二、行動於白晝:古云:「 今日之事,勿俟明日,自己能為 之事,勿諉他人。」白天從用 過早餐之後,就是一天工作的開 始,在每一天的白晝,你應該要 積極進取,勤奮用心的把所有策 畫好的事情,在這一天之內完 成。 第三、反省於日暮:每天到了 日暮黃昏的時候,要養成自我反 省的習慣:「我這一天當中有 什麼功?有什麼過?」。如袁了 凡先生,每天的生活都有「功過 格」,記錄自己一天的功過得 失;又如,曾子每日反省「為人 謀,而不忠乎?與朋友交,而不 信乎?傳,不習乎?」每天晚上 如此反躬自問,是非常重要的, 因為長期檢討每日舉止之得失, 生活必能有所進步,道德必能 有所增長,人格也必定能有所昇 華。 第四、休息於夜晚:到了晚 上,是屬於休息睡覺的時間,不 應該再去交際應酬。一個人如果 過度消耗體力、精神,尤其是晨 昏顛倒的夜生活,會把人弄得精 疲力盡,讓自己第二天白晝的生 活,沒有精神與氣力。所以適當 的休息,是為了走更長遠的路。

人生活在紛擾的社會中,每天 要懂得安排自己的生活。所以對 於一日的生活,應該做到: 第一、思考於清晨。 第二、行動於白晝。 第一、思考於清晨:《大學》 第三、反省於日暮。 云:「物有本末,事有終始,知 第四、休息於夜晚。 所先後,則近道矣。」早上是 ~摘自 星雲大師著 ,《星雲法語》 一日之始,也是腦筋最清醒的


墨爾本協會活動報導 BLIAV News

墨爾本「大師與我」座談會 【人間社記者張愛娟、陳秀敏墨 南半球的生根、開花、結果。 爾本聯合報導】 墨爾本佛光山與 國際佛光會墨爾本協會於2014年 接著張麗施理事也娓娓道來自 1月11日,假佛光山尔有寺聯合 己多年「一師一道」,不跑道場 主辦「大師與我」座談會。由協 的信念。曾經不但一口氣看完大 會會長黃凱倫主持,澳洲佛光山 師的《傳燈》傳記,為大師提倡 總住持滿可法師、協會督導楊健 的男女平等觀念深受感動。而就 及佛光會世界總會理事張麗施等 任會長期間更能體悟到大師「做 一百餘名佛光人,共同暢談星雲 義工的義工」之真義。楊健督導 大師與墨爾本佛光人之因緣及弘 則非常讚嘆大師的「老二哲學」 法歷程。 、「心甘情願」生活智慧,並將 其落實於待人處事上及發願護持 首先,總住 持滿可法師回 Melbourne Forum: ‘Master and I’ 顧了星雲大師 (Reporters: Jenny Chang and Wendy Chen, Melbourne) 幾次親臨墨爾 本的弘法歷 程,並講述了 南天寺、墨爾 本佛光山、佛 光緣、尔有寺 以及南天大學 的建立與發 展,皆傾注了 大師的心血與 廣大信眾鼎力 相助,才有人 間佛教今天在

佛教。 佛光人何錦釗、李慧、張愛娟、 曾美蓮等人也紛紛分享了他們與 星雲大師的因緣,而成就他們給 人歡喜、給人方便、老二哲學 等人生哲學。尤其,何錦釗回憶 曾自認加入佛光會是無比榮耀的 事,可大師卻告訴他「不要看佛 光山有多大,不要看佛光會有多 少會員,要看佛光山有多團結。 」,讓他深深佩服大師的內涵與 智慧。

Fo Guang Shan Melbourne in association with Buddha’s Light International Association of Victoria (BLIAV) and Fo Guang Shan Er You Temple presented the forum titled “Master and I” on January 24, 2014. Chaired by Mr. Alan Wong, President of BLIAV together with Abbess Ven. Man Ko; Mr. James Yang, Advisor to BLIAV; Mrs. Dominique Yu, Committee member of the Buddha’s Light World Headquarters and over a hundred members and temple devotees reminisced on Master Hsing Yun’s links to Melbournians and the journey of dharma propagation in Melbourne.

others shared their personal stories of Ven. Master Hsing Yun, whom inspired them to practise in their daily lives the act of giving joy to others, providing others convenience, learning to be the “servant” and more. Mr. Ha vividly recalls the immense pride and honour he felt at becoming a BLIA member, to which Ven. Master Hsing Yun was quick to advise: “Do not focus on how grand Fo Guang Shan is, nor how many members BLIA has. Instead take note of how united Fo Guang Shan is.” He remains deeply in awe of Grand Master’s virtue and wisdom.

from devotees, Humanistic Buddhism would not exist and flourish in the Southern Hemisphere.

Mrs. Dominique Yu followed on to relay her tireless efforts year after year in upholding her personal conviction towards Grand Master of staying true to “One master, One path”. She finished “Handing Down the Light”, the autobiography of Ven. Master Hsing Yun in one sitting and was deeply touched by his advocacy of gender equality. She realised the true meaning of what it is to be “a volunteer’s volunteer” during her term as president of BLIAV. Mr. James Yang Firstly, Head Abbess Ven. Man Ko praised Grand Master’s philosophy on reviewed Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s “Servitude” and his wisdom on daily personal visits to Melbourne in the life depicted in “With my heart and efforts to propagate the dharma, soul”, so much that he has emulated recounting the origins of Nan Tien them in his daily dealings and vowed Temple, Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, Fo to protect and promote Buddhism. Guang Yuan, Er You Temple and Nan Tien Institute. Without Grand Master’s Mr. Cam Siu Ha, Ms. Huei Li, Ms. complete devotion and vast support Jenny Chang, Zeng Mei Lian and


現場也放映星 雲大師在墨爾 本的弘法記錄 影片,大家一 起憶當年。短 短1小時半的 座談話不盡大 家對大師的思 念與感動,但 大師的行誼與 話語卻深深烙 印在大家的內 心深處,並發 願實踐於生活 中。

A documentary segment on the history of dharma propagation in Melbourne was viewed by all, taking a trip down memory lane. Though only a brief forum lasting an hour and half, the fondness towards Grand Master was felt by all. More significantly, Grand Master’s demeanour and words became deeply ingrained, inspiring all to realise the teachings in one’s daily life.

墨爾本佛光山活動報導 FGS Melbourne News

House Blessing By Ven. Miaobo

新居灑淨 23/1/2014 佛光人張劍洋禮請墨爾本佛光山監寺覺住法師前往新居 灑淨祈福,並特別從常住請西方三聖供奉於佛堂。監寺覺住法師代 表常住贈送「駿程萬里」匾額,祝福大家馬年平安吉祥,也邀請其 大陸籍朋友常回寺共修、發心。〈妙博法師供稿〉

忙是營養 辛苦是教育 墨爾本佛光山圖書館自閉館盤 點書目後,法師和圖書館義工們 共同攜手重新規劃書架上的書 目。在妙博法師的帶領下,義工 們有條不紊地進行圖書館管理系 統安裝測試、書籍盤點、分類書 籍等工作。特別是以烈、韻涵等 青年已研究出適合圖書館使用的 電腦軟體。董又瑛等師姐們也把 蓋章、包書套、貼標籤等工作做 得井井有條。劉恭佑師兄身體力 行,不但幹勁大、點子多,在他 的帶領下圖書館僅用了一個半月 的時間整理,相信不久就能再次 開放了。工作的辛苦,大家沒有 怨言,只有法喜! 〈陳秀敏供稿〉

Devotee Mr. Jacky Zhang cordially requested Melbourne Fo Guang Shan Superintendent, Ven. Jue Chu to perform a house blessing at his new home on 25th January. He acquired from the temple statues of the “Three Saints of the West” for his Buddha Altar. Presenting him with the framed calligraphy scroll “The Noble Steed Gallops into a Bright Future”, Superintendent Ven. Jue Chu wished them all a peaceful and prosperous Year of the Horse. She invited the friends from mainland China to frequent the temple to join in dharma services and volunteering opportunities.

To be busy is to be nourished – Labour is Education By Wendy Chen

Melbourne Fo Guang Shan Library has closed to conduct an inventory of its collections. Under the efficient guidance of Ven. Miao Bo, a dedicated team of volunteers have undertaken the tasks of cross-checking library holdings on shelves against catalogue records; re-designing and implementing the new cataloguing and security systems, classification of books and materials, as well as evaluating and improving the library procedures. In particular Steven Tong and Erica Ma have developed and implemented a new functional software for the library system. Dharma sister Mrs. Ana Liou and others have meticulously stamped every book, wrapped each item in protective covering, placed bar-

codes on them and more. Full of ideas, dharma brother Mr. Su Liou has toiled energetically. Under his leadership, in just a month and a half the re-vamping of the library is nearing completion and likely to re-open very soon. Despite the laborious work, there are no complaints, only joy in the dharma to be gained!


佛教故事 Buddhist Stories

臘八粥的由來 農曆十二月八日是佛陀成道日。在這一天,寺院都要舉行紀 念法會,稱為成道會、臘八會,並以「臘八粥」供佛饗眾。 佛陀成道日為何要供養臘八粥呢?其緣由要追溯到佛陀成道之 前的悉達多太子,他曾在苦行林苦修六年,日食一麻一麥,以 淡泊物質來砥礪求道的心願。漸漸地太子覺悟到:世間的人追 逐物欲,沈迷於聲色犬馬之中過份享樂固然不易達到解脫大 道,如果執著於苦行,徒使身心受苦,形同枯木死灰,也不能 證悟菩提,最好是捨棄苦樂二邊,過著不苦不樂的中道生活, 才能進趨解脫大道。 太子有了這一番體悟,了解苦行的不究竟,即刻從苦行的座 位上站起,走下尼連禪河,讓長年清淨的流水,洗去身上的垢 穢。但因太子的形體瘦弱,竟疲乏無力的倒在尼連禪河邊,過 了一會,太子手攀岸上垂下的樹枝方站起來,走不了幾步,又 癱倒在岸上。 這時,河邊有一個名叫難陀波羅的牧女,在河畔的草原上放 牧,她忽然看到一位瘦弱的青年沙門橫臥在河岸旁,好像毫無 氣力似的,她立時生起同情的心,手捧乳汁前來供養太子。 太子接受牧女的一杯乳汁,其中的美味實在無法譬喻。飲後, 五體通暢,漸漸的恢復了氣力。於是涉河過岸,走到伽耶山的 一棵繁茂的菩提樹下金剛座上,端坐思惟,終於在十二月初八 日夜睹明星而開悟證道,成就正等正覺。 由於牧羊女供養乳糜的典故,後來中國的佛教徒乃起而效 之,於每年農曆十二月八日當天,以五穀及諸果物煮粥供佛, 稱為「臘八粥」。相沿至今,此風氣漸漸廣傳至民間,一般人 也在這一天煮食臘八粥,成為民間風俗之一。

The Story of Laba Porridge In the lunar calendar, December 8th marks the day of the Buddha’s enlightenment. On this day, special dharma events celebrating the enlightenment of the Buddha take place in every temple. Laba Porridge (La means the 12th month, Ba means the 8th day) is presented as an offering and is also served to the participants. What is the origin of this tradition? This goes back to the time before the Buddha became enlightened, when he was still Prince Siddartha. At that time, he had been meditating as an ascetic in the forest for six years. As a part of his austere practice, he ate only one sesame seed and one grain of rice a day, living a tranquil and simple life without worldly desires, to strengthen his mind. Over time however, he realised that it was difficult for those addicted to material pleasure to become enlightened. It was also equally difficult for those engaging in self-mortification by extreme ascetic practices to become enlightened. He realised that the best course was to avoid the extremes. By living one’s life without indulging in pleasure or tormenting oneself needlessly, thereby following the Middle Way, one can then attain enlightenment. After this realisation, he got up from his seat, walked into the Nairanjana River and let the ever-pure


river water wash away the mud stains on his body. The prince’s body was so emaciated and weak, that he fell by the riverbank. After awhile, he used a tree branch to support himself to stand, but after walking a few steps, he fell again. At the time, there was a shepherd girl named Nandabala by the river. When she saw the weak young monk lying helplessly on the riverbank, she immediately felt pity for him and offered him a bowl of milk. When the prince accepted the milk from the shepherd girl, it tasted indescribably delicious to him. After he drank it, he slowly regained his strength. Then, he walked across the river, climbed up to Mount Gaya, sat down in the lotus position under a lush bodhi tree, and began his meditation. Finally, on the night of December 8th, under the bright star he attained enlightenment. Chinese Buddhists commemorate this episode in which the shepherd girl offered milk to the prince. Thus, every year on December 8th of the lunar calendar, they offer to the Buddha porridge cooked with eight different ingredients of rice, grain and fruits, called “Laba Porridge”. This has also become a tradition for non-Buddhists. Nowadays, it is customary for people for cook and eat Laba Porridge on December 8th.

墨爾本佛光山/佛光協會活動預告 FGS/BLIAV Upcoming Activities

養生之道 - 福壽健康 ~「幸福與安樂」系列座談會

Health & Wellbeing - Longevity ~‘Peace & Happiness’ Forum Series

與談人Speakers: 滿可法師 Ven. Manko

(佛光山澳洲總住持 Head Abbess, FGS of Australia)

曾雙權 Dr. Shuang Quan, Chan

(西醫內科主任 Internal Medicine Registrar )

葉希芳Mrs. Diep Hy Phan

(101歲佛光人, age 101 of BLIA member)

日期 Date: 9 March 2014 (日 Sun) 時間 Time: 11am-12:30noon 地點 Venue: 墨爾本佛光山 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, Yarraville. 查詢電話 Enquiries: 03-9314 5147

* 主辦單位保有活動內容異動 之權利。 The organiser reserves the right to change the program. 主辦單位 Organisers: 墨爾本佛光山 FGS Melb、墨爾本佛光協會 BLIAV


墨爾本佛光緣美術館活動報導 FGY Art Gallery News

Lingnan Style Chinese Watercolour Painting Exhibition Nan Tien Institute Fundraising Exhibition by Cam Sieu Ha 25/01/2014~07/03/2014

Brushes, water, rice paper and paint - a simple blend of these ingredients renders the colourful natural world of Cam Sieu Ha. In the Buddhist view it is believed that there is beauty and truth in everything, which is perfectly depicted through small wonders of nature. Contemplation of a flower, a leaf or a blade of grass can lead to boundless truth, purity and beauty. A tiny, transient drop of morning dew, a gentle flower in a mud pond or a bird gazing “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” at a coveted piece of fruit - all these - Aristotle comprise the unspoken truth of life Eastern and Western art and culture come together, adding another facet portrayed in Cam’s work. to multiculturalism in Australia.This is the second time Mr. Ha is holding a fundraising exhibition in support of Nan Tien Institute. Mr. Ha’s accomplishments developed from a love of art at a young age, learning from masters in Exhibition times 展出時間: Vietnam, Australia and furthering his 25/1/2014 – 03/07/2014 (Mon~ Fri 週一~週五) 10am – 5pm formal studies in Fine Arts at Victoria 免費參觀 Free Admission University. His paintings have trav- Gallery venue 展出地點: FoGuang Yuan Art Gallery 佛光緣美術館 elled the world, having been show- 141 Queen Street, Melbourne (Cnr Bourke St & Queen St) cased in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Enquiries 查詢電話: (03) 9642 2388 All proceeds from paintings sold will be donated to Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, USA, Canada and surrounds. Many Nan Tien Institute in Wollongong. galleries have chosen to own Cam’s works as part of their collection. Currently, he teaches Chinese Paint- 嶺南派畫家何錦釗展覽義賣 - 贊助南天大學 ing at Fo Guang Chinese School, Er 嶺南畫派知名畫家何錦釗先生於2014年1月25日(星期六)至3月7日 You Temple, Rejoice Art School and (星期五)在佛光緣美術館展出其近期創作的40餘幅力作。 Brimbank City Council Community 何錦釗先生自幼深愛繪畫藝術,初隨越南著名畫家梁少航習畫,移 Centre. 居澳大利亞後,再隨嶺南畫派畫家林伯墀先生研習嶺南畫技法,同時 進入維多利亞大學油畫美術系深造。作品曾到中國、台灣、香港、澳 This exhibition showcases a 門、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、新加坡、美國、加拿大等地展出,並獲 mix of all his current collections, 多家藝術館收藏。現在墨爾本佛光山中華學校,博士山尓有寺才藝 including the latest ‘Drop of Benev- 班,歡欣才藝學校,以及 Brimbank City Council Community Centre olence’ collection where he skillfully 任教國畫。 captures the hope of nature in the 何錦釗先生的繪畫融匯東西方技法之長,注重意境的突破。最近研 essence of the morning dew. Relax 究出一种很特殊畫水珠的技巧,其透明跟立體感,就如真的水珠滴到 and immerse yourself in the soft and 紙的上面一樣,很多人看了不禁用手觸摸。將在佛學上的領悟融入到 vibrant world of Cam’s Lingnan Style 繪畫之中,表達出深遠的意境之美。本次展出的作品融書法、繪畫於 Chinese Watercolour Paintings. 一體,不僅有鳥語花香的自然之美,更融合了佛光山星雲大師人生法 語的智慧之光,實為不可多得的收藏佳作。 Mr. Ha is once again generously 何錦釗先生更發心將此次所賣出的作品悉數捐出,善款全部捐助 donating his paintings to fundraise 「南天大學建校基金」,希望為澳洲土地上第一所融通中西藝術文化 for the establishment of Nan Tien In- 的人文性社會大學貢獻一份心力,也為澳洲的多元文化添加色彩繽紛 stitute. His wish has been to contrib- 的一筆。這也是何錦釗先生第二次為籌建南天大學建校基金而舉行的 ute to Australia’s first facilitywhere 義展。


墨爾本佛光山活動預告 FGS Melb upcoming activities

2014 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Qing Ming Dharma Service & Nan Tien Institute Fundraiser: Emperor Liang’s Repentance Ceremony 一年一度的清明祭祖梁皇法會 又將來臨,表達孝親之意,發揚孝 親報恩,慎終追遠之美德,謹訂於 2014年3月20 ~ 23日在墨爾本佛 光山,啟建「清明祭祖超薦暨籌建 南天大學梁皇法會」。 以此功德迴向歷代宗親蓮品增 上,眾善信徒 福慧增長,普 願社會安康, 世界和平。所 募集之功徳善 款將全部作 為籌建南天大 學基金。歡迎 十方護法善信 踴躍參加,俾 使現世父母增 福延壽;先世 父母、歷代祖 先,並及冤親 債主離三塗 苦,往生淨 土。屆時歡迎 闔府蒞臨,拈 香禮佛,共霑 法益!

The much anticipated annual Emperor Liang’s Repentance Ceremony is near. The ceremony represents filial piety, gratitude towards our relatives and loved ones that have passed on in life and will be held on the 20th -23rd March 2014 at Fo Guang Shan Melbourne, Yarraville. The spiritual merits from this ceremony will be transferred to our ancestors to help them reincarnate into good realms and to end their suffering, to improve our wisdom, as well as to bring peace and happiness to all living beings in this society and world. All monies raised from this Emperor Liang’s Repentance ceremony will go towards Nan Tien Institute Building Fund. Hence, we sincerely invite all devotees and friends to join us in this auspicious dharma chanting ceremony, as well as to pray for good health and wealth for your current parents, your past relatives and ancestors, or any karmic debtors that you may have, in the hope that they can be reborn into the Pureland. 地點 / Venue: Fo Guang Shan Melbourne 89 Somerville Road, Yarraville VIC 3013 Date: 20-23 March 2014 Tel: (03) 9314-5147 Fax: (03) 9314-2006

日期Date 時間Time


20 /3 (四) Thu 21/3 (五) Fri

薰壇灑淨、梁皇寶懺卷一 Purification, Ch. 1 of Emperor Liang Repentance Sutra 梁皇寶懺卷二、上供 Ch.2, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷三 Ch.3 梁皇寶懺卷四 Ch.4 梁皇寶懺卷五、上供 Ch.5, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷六 Ch.6 梁皇寶懺卷七 Ch.7 梁皇寶懺卷八、上供 Ch.8, Offering 梁皇寶懺卷九 Ch.9 梁皇寶懺卷十 Ch.10

22 /3 (六) Sat 23 /3 (日) Sun

7pm-9pm 10am 1:30pm 3:00pm 10am 1:30pm 3:00pm 10am 1:30pm 3pm

香供養 Incense Offering 花供養 Flower Offering 燈供養 Light Offering 塗供養 Fragrance Offering 果供養 Fruit Offering 茶供養 Tea Offering 食供養 Food Offering 珠供養 Jewel Offering 寶供養 Treasure Offering 衣供養 Clothes Offering


墨爾本佛光山行事曆 Fo Guang Shan Melbourne Event Calendar 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 10:30am2 Feb 日Sun 日Sun

9 Feb

16 Feb

五Fri 六Sat 日Sun 日Sun

新春禮千佛祈福法會 (正月初三 Lunar 3 Jan)


Chinese New Year Pray - Thousand Buddha’s Dharma Service


元宵 上燈法會


14 Feb 15,16Feb

活動內容 Activity

(農曆1月10日) Light Offering Transfer of Merits Dharma Service ( Lunar 10 Jan) Temple Open Day


光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆1月15日) Light Offering 佛光青年二日精進修持


YAD 2 Day Temple Retreat



11 am

Avatamsaka Sutra of Pure Conduct Dharma Service

23 Feb 1,15 Mar

日Sun 六Sat

10am-4:30pm 11am 8am

2 Mar

日Sun 10:30am

精進念佛一永日 1 Day Chanting Amitabha Buddha Retreat 光明燈法會 - 普門品、佛供 (農曆2月1、15日) Light Offering 澳洲清潔日 Clean Up Australia Day – 三好環保運動 墨爾本佛光協會主辦 organised by BLIAV 報恩法會(恭誦佛說父母恩重難報經) Gratitude Repaying Dharma Service (Chanting Filial Piety Sutra )

9 Mar



金剛經共修會 Diamond Sutra Dharma Service & Transfer the merits to the Deceased

16 Mar



18 Mar



20 Mar ~ 23 Mar

四Thu~ 日Sun


大悲懺法會(觀世音菩薩聖誕記念日) 農曆2月16日 地點:墨爾本佛光山 Great Compassionate Repentance 觀世音菩薩聖誕記念日-觀音法會 佛供 (農曆2月19日 Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s Birthday Day (Lunar 19th Feb)

清明祭祖超薦暨籌建南天大學梁皇法會-卷一 ~ 卷十 Qing Ming Dharma Service - Emperor Liang Repentance – Ch. 1-10

墨爾本佛光山 社教課程 2014 年第一學期 FGS Melb. Communities Studies Term 1 日期 Date 星期 Day 時間 Time 6/2~27/3 四Thu 10:00am~ 11:30noon (8 weeks) 1/2~5/4 六Sat (10 weeks)





課程內容 Classes 松鶴班(佛學課、太極、禪修、遊學等) Matured Age Learning (Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan, study tours)


佛光中華學校第一學期 Fo Guang Chinese School (Term 1 )


兒童創意繪畫班(學前~3年級)Kid’s Creative Painting (Prep–Yr. 3)


兒童佛學班(4~8年級)Children’s Buddhism Class (Yr. 4 – 8)


佛法概論(初級)& 禪修 Basic Buddhism & Meditation


Fundamental of Buddhism, Tai Chi Chan & Meditation (English)


兒童佛學班 Children’s Buddhism Class 兒童創意繪畫班 Kid’s Creative Painting


國畫班(嶺南畫派)Chinese Painting (Lingnan style)

贊助墨爾本《佛光世紀》功德芳名 “Buddha’s Light Newsletter” Sponsors








免費索閱 ‧ 歡迎助印 Free distribution and welcome for sponsor



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