Jan 2014 BLIAV Newsletter

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The Noble Steed Gallops into a Bright Future. Venerable Master Hsing Yun, 2014, Year of the Horse

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ヾ౺ᮝ‫ل‬ໞ⿢᥸•ᓰ Happy Camp

Īˠมۤ੃۰!ӻ˧!ግႬώಡጱīግႬώ‫ܦ‬ѐ ௐˬဥࠎ‫ځ‬ѐ‫ܦ‬ѐϠ‫׻‬ј‫ܜ‬ᒉᚯഠдCpy!Ijmm! Dfouspཌྷ኱ĂѣဥࣶZvbooăBoobăSfyăZjoh! DifoăTifsszăKbtpoăFwfmzoăBoesfxඈ9ˠ Ă‫ٺ‬23͡8͟ѝ˯9ᕇಶฟؕວྻॸ̄‫׶‬ᅮࢋཌྷ ኱۞‫זݡۏ‬ᝊҜᕚనĂۡ‫̾˭ז‬5ᕇΗ̖ඕՁĄ ‫ܦ‬ѐͽ΁ࣇሤଐ̬௜Ă૟ॕ๒аֽ۞‫ݡۏ‬ཌྷ኱ ଀˛˛ˣˣĄдཌྷ኱༊̚࠻‫ז‬ѐ‫ܧౌ̓ڈܦ‬૱

᎕ໂ۞Ш΁ࣇ̬௜ҢЍ‫ܦ‬ѐĂᝌ‫ࣇ΁ܓ‬ΐ ˢĂ֭ͷ̬௜尔ѣъ‫׶‬ႍͪӪĂᝌ‫ࣇ΁ܓ‬ ѣ۩‫ז‬Ңૅણ៍ٕϡ৵ᕌĄཌྷ኱ົඕՁĂ ‫ܦ‬ѐа‫ז‬尔ѣъ໤౯୎ᐠĂϤ‫ܦ‬ѐKfooz૲ ᅳ‫ܦ‬ѐ໤౯ግҘ࣯ᐠĂरΈरؓ‫׶‬ཌྷ̍ࣇ ‫ܧ‬૱੼Ꮈֳϡᖳ஽۞୎ᐠĂ౵‫ܦࠎ˵ޢ‬ѐ Zjoh!DifoᇉৡϠ͟Ă̂छຏ‫ܧז‬૱໢ᛟĂ ԯҢૅ༊үҋ̎۞Ω˘छĄ

Chinese New Year

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