行前通知信 Prior Notification Booklet
全球青年領導力會前高峰會 議程一:第七屆 AIESEC 青年影響力論壇
時間 / 流程 0800-0900 開放入場 0910-0920 開幕致詞 一 0920-0930 開幕致詞 二 0930-1000 主題講座 自我實踐 x 創新整合 x 社會責任 鴻海集團 正一特殊材料股份有限公司 創辦人 │林知本
1000-1130 趨勢專題 人文科技的發展,如何鏈接未來生活 Linkedin x Evernote 專題主持人 國立政治大學財務管理學系所專任特聘教授│ 周行一 Evernote 亞太區駐美國總經理 │ Troy Malone LinkedIn 北亞區銷售經理│ Nick DeMarinis
1130-1300 午餐 & 交流時間 1300-1400 專題論壇一 │自我實踐│世代青年的未來想像,改變世界的力量 專題主持人:TEDx Taipei 策展人│許毓仁 與談人一:香港電影導演│陳可辛 與談人二: 台灣知名歌手│任家萱
1400-1530 專題論壇二: │創新整合│ 知識經濟時代的核心能量,附加價值的掌握與應用 專題主持人:30 學院執行長暨《30》雜誌總編輯│成章瑜 與談人一:臺北市政府文化局局長 / 2016 世界設計之都申辦人│劉維公 與談人二:聯合報系總管理處策略長 │劉永平 與談人三:Discovery 亞太電視網頻道品牌 北亞區 副總裁 │洪韻淇
1530-1700 專題論壇三: |社會責任|全球青年的公共參與,捍衛的世代價值與思辨 專題主持人:關鍵評論網創辦人兼執行長│鍾子偉 與談人一:Motherhouse 創辦人兼首席設計師│ 山口繪里子 與談人二:香港社會創投基金 創辦人及行政總裁│魏華星 與談人三:新加坡中華總商會董事│李秉萱
遠見天下文化事業群創辦人暨董事長 │高希均
# 講師更動 原先擬邀中的 鴻海集團董事長 郭台銘 先生,由於公務繁忙確定不克出席主辦 單位的的活動邀約。因此,原先於活動第一天擬由郭台銘先生主講之主題講 座將改由鴻海集團 正一特殊材料股份有限公司 創辦人 林知本 先生代理。
Global Youth Leadership Summit Day 1: The 7th AIESEC Youth Impact Forum
Time / Agenda 0800-0900 Open registration 0910-0920 Opening speech (1) 0920-0930 Opening speech (2) 0930-1000 Keynote Speech: Self-Fulfillment x Innovation & Intergration X Social Responsibiility Zhi-Ben Lin | Founder of Zheng-Yi Special Material Company in Foxconn Technology Group
Topic of Trending:
How to link your future life with the development of humanities science and technology Linkedin x Evernote Host of Panel Discussion Edward H. Chow | Professor of National Cheng Chi University Troy Malone | General Manager of Asia Pacific at EVERNOTE Nick DeMarinis | Enterprise Sales Manager, LinkedIn Talent Solutions
1130-1300 Lunch
1300-1400 Panel Discussion (1) Issue: Self fulfillment: Imagination of youth, the power to change the world Host of Panel Discussion (1) : Jason Hsu | Curator of TEDx Taipei Speaker : Peter Chan | Hong Kong Film Director Speaker : Selina Ren | Top Singer of Taiwan
1400-1530 Panel Discussion (2) Issue: Innovation & Integration The core energy of knowledge-based economy, the application of value added business Host of Panel Discussion (2) : Zhang-Yu Cheng | Chief Editor of 30 magazine Speaker : Wei-Gong Liou | 2016 WDC in Taipei/ Commissioner of Department of Cultural Affairs at Taipei City Government Speaker : Alvin Liu | Chief Strategy Officer of United Daily News Group Speaker : Gina Hung | Vice President of Channel at Discovery North Asia
1530-1700 Panel Discussion (3) Issue: Social Responsibility Public participation of global youth, a defence and critical thinking of the generational values Host of Panel Discussion (3) : Joey Chung | Founder of The News Lens Speaker : Erico Yamaguchi | Founder, CEO & Chief Designer of Motherhouse Speaker : Mr. Francis NGAI, Wah Sing | Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Social Ventures Hong Kong Speaker : Lee Peng Shu | Director of Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry
1700-1715 Closing Speech Charles H. C. Kao | Founder & Chairman of Commonwealth Publishing Company
1715-1730 Closing
Speaker Changing The previous speaker invitation to Terry Guo, the president of Foxconn Technology Group would be replaced by Zhi-Ben Lin, Founder of Zheng-Yi Special Material Company in Foxconn Technology Group as Mr. Guo could not attend due to the business in work.
Global Youth Leadership Summit Day 2: Open Bussiness & Startup School
全球青年領導力會前高峰會 議程二:開放式創新學院 4
時間 / 流程 0800-0900 開放入場 0900-0915 開場 0915-0930 專題演說一 中華電信 南區分公司總經理 - 李銘淵 0930-0945 專題演說二 自行車新文化基金會執行長 - 劉麗珠 0945-1000 工作坊進行規則說明 1000-1100 企業介紹 + 個案簡介 企業代表一: BAND Taiwan 企業代表二: EF (Education First) 企業代表三: EZTABLE 1100-1230 1230-1630 1630-1730
午餐 - 茶緒時間 企業個案時間 簡報 & 閉幕
Time / Agenda 0800-0900 0900-0915 0915-0930 0930-0945 0945-1000
Registration Opening Ceremony Keynote Speech 1 Keynote Speech 2 Description for workshops rules
1000-1100 Companies Introduction of case study BAND Taiwan EF (Education First) EZTABLE 1100-1230 Lunch time 1230-1630 Case study time 1630-1730 Presentation & Closing
Global Youth Leadership Summit Day 3: Social Innovation Workshop
全球青年領導力會前高峰會 議程三:創新公益工作坊
時間 / 流程 0730-0830 開放入場 0830-0845 開場 主持人 : 陳聖凱 0845-0900 專題演說一 中國鋼鐵董事長│鄒若齊 0900-0915 專題演說二 聯合報系願景工作室策略長暨聯合晚報社長 │羅國俊 0915-0930 緩衝時間 0930-1230 創新公益工作坊 陳聖凱先生五人團隊帶領討論 1230-1300 閉幕 1300-1330 午餐時間 1330-1400 搭乘接駁車 搭乘地點:高雄展覽館 東門主入口 1400-1430 抵達「世界地球村博覽會」 地點 : 義大世界 第一停車場
Time / Agenda 0730-0830 Registration 0830-0845 Opening Ceremony Host: Kevin Chen │ The Founder of ELIV 0845-0900 Keynote Speech1 J. C Tsou │ Chairman of China Steel 0900-0915 Keynote Speech2 Jeffery Lo │ President of United Evening News and Chief Strategy Officer of Vision Project 0915-0930 Breaktime 0930-1230 Social Innovation Workshop Leading discussion by Kevin Chen's team 1230-1300 Closing Ceremony 1300-1330 Lunch time 1330-1400 Boarding Shuttle Bus Location: East Exit of Kaohsiung Exhibition Center 1400-1430 Arrive at Global Village Location: Kaohsiung E-DA World Outdoor Recreation First Parking Lot
|電子票券範例| Sample of E-ticket a. 城市通 City Talk
|感應電子票券入場| 活動第一天,主辦單位將以驗證電子票券上 QRcode 的方式進行入場,請您將電子票券單據列印 下來,或儲存於行動裝置 ( 如手機、平板電腦 ) 中, 並於活動當天出示給工作人員進行感應驗票的動 作。 特別提醒您,電子票券當日僅限一次有效, 請您妥善保管保管您的電子票券以維護自身權益。 ※ 若您是國外與會者,除感應電子票券外,還需 請您配合出示您的證件 ( 護照 ),以便主辦單位核 對您的身分。
|如何取得電子票券 ? | 由於主辦單位在 7/21 日報名截止後,改委由「活 動通」進行第三波的報名加開, 因此請您先以報名日期確定以下您所屬的報名系 統,再按說明取得您的電子票券。 a. 城市通 (7/21 截止前 ) 與會者完成付款後,請直接於「我的訂單」頁面 中下載列印 / 儲存您的電子票券。 城市通首頁 (http://www.citytalk.tw/) -> 登入會員 -> 會員中心 ( 登入後頁面右上角 ) -> 我的訂單 ( 點選訂單編號進入 ) -> 下載列印 / 儲存電子票券 b. 活動通 (7/22-7/31) 與會者完成繳費後,電子票券將分別以 E-mail 以及簡訊的方式寄至您於報名資料上所填寫的 E-mail 地址及手機號碼。 若未收到電子票券,或是不小心將之刪除, 請進入「活動通」系統網站,以您當初報名的帳 號登入後, 在右上角點選個人的下拉選單 ->「我的票券」下 載您的電子票券。
b. 活動通 Accupass
|請妥善保管入場識別證 ( 名牌 ) |
電子票卷僅作為活動第一天的入場識別,活動第 二天,第三天將以大會派發的名牌作為身份識別 憑據,因此請您於活動期間妥善保管您的識別證。 主辦單位將於第三天議程結束後將之回收,若識 別證於活動期間遺失;主辦單位將不再進行補發。
持公關票與會者請按照大會入場路線進行入場, 並前往服務台與工作人員以證件核對您的登記資 料後即可入場。
|團報入場叮嚀| 當您完成付款後,若您是購買的是雙人團體票, 系統即會產生附有兩組不同 QR-code 的電子票券, 請購買人在下載 / 儲存電子票券後,或統一收到 同行朋友的電子票券時,務必將之轉寄給同行的 朋友。 特別提醒,每組有效票券的 QR-code 皆不相同, 每日僅提供一位與會者入場,使用過即失效。
Ticket and Entrance Admission by Scanning the E-ticket The organizing committee would verify delegates' identity by scanning the QR-code on the E-ticket. Please print out the receipt of the E-ticket or save the picture in your mobile device(i.e. Mobile, I-pad) in advance. And show it to the staff to get entry into the venue. The E-ticket will only be able to identify once in a day. Please reserve your E-ticket carefully to protect your rights of participating. ※International delegates will be asked to show the ID(passport) to help the staff verifying your identity.
How to get my E-ticket? The ticket system has been changed into Accupass after July 21st, Please make sure your applying date and the ticket system you use. And get your E-ticket with the following description.
a. City Talk (Before July 21th) Log in City Talk (http://www.citytalk.tw/) → Click "Member Center" on the upper-right corner of the page → Click "My Order" (Click the order number to get into the order page) → Download to print out/ safe the E-ticket in your mobile device.
b. Accupass (July 22-31) The E-ticket would be sent to your email and mobile message once the payment is complete. The email address and the mobile number would be the information on your registration form. If you do not receive the E-ticket or delete it accidentally, please log in Accupass (http:// www.accupass.com/) with your sign-up account and click "My Ticket" in the pull-down menu (the upper-right corner of the page) to download your
online ticket.
Sample of E-ticket Please check the ticket sample in the previous page. a. City Talk b. Accupass
Please reserve the badge (name card) carefully The E-ticket will only be use on 8/14 to verify your identity.In the following days, the delegate's identity will be verified with the badge distributed in the first day.Please reserve your badge during the event as it would not be reissued and would be gather back by the staff on 8/16.
Notification for Group Register Notification for Delegate who holds Complimentary Tickets The system will automatically produce two E-ticket with different QR-Codes if you book the group ticket for two. Please sent the E-ticket to your friend after downloading or receiving it.
Delegate who holds Complimentary Tickets please receive to the complimentary ticket check-in center for entry admission.
As a reminder, every QR-code will be different in each group, one ticket only allow one delegate to use. The ticket will be expired automatically once it has been used on the same day.
入場平面圖指示 Site Plan
Delegate please follow the green route to get admissi
BAND 下載 及使用教學 說明用途 在三天的高峰會議程中,主辦單位將使用免費的 社群軟體 BAND 和與會者進行交流互動,不論是 議程進行中對於講者的提問,或是最即時在腦海 中閃過的想法和感動,都邀請各位與會者屆時以 BAND 這個平台和我們分享。 因此請您於活動開始前,參考以下說明將 BAND 應 用軟體下載至您的行動裝置,以方便您先行熟悉 介面操作方式,確保於活動期間使用之與會者權 益。
BAND Application Why BAND? During the 3-day summit, the organizing committee would use BAND, a free APP for the immediate communication, in which delegates are highly welcomed to put questions to the speakers or sharing the idea or thought that pop out in mind. Therefore, please download the APP of BAND into your mobile device before the summit not only to get familiar with the interface and function in advance but also protect your right of participation during the event.
如何下載 BAND
How to download BAND?
請您使用您的行動裝置 1. 前往 Google Play/ Apple Store 搜尋 BAND 2. 點選下載安裝 3. 以 LINE 帳號登入 4. 掃描此頁中的 QR-code 加入高峰會與會者專 屬的 BAND:「全球青年領導力高峰會」
Please use your mobile phone 1. Please search " BAND " on Google Play/ Apple Store with your mobile device. 2. Click the download bottom and log in with your LINE ID. 3. Scan the QR-code to get the specific BAND: Global Youth leadership Summit
BAND 介面及功能介紹 1. 初始介面|新增或選擇團體。 2. 團體社群|隨時查看朋友的最新消息,類似臉 書的動態時報。 3. 團體相簿|上傳屬於這團體的照片。 4. 團體聊天室|即時一對一或者團體群聊,透過 文字、表情符號、照片、語音訊息傳給好友們。 5. 團體投票|開啟簡單投票功能,迅速找到共識。
Introduction of BAND's interface and function 1. Initicial Interface | Add or choose a group. 2. Group Community | Check your friend's latest status anytime you want. 3. Group Album | Upload the profile photo for this group. 4. Group Chatroom | Talk with a person or a group instantaneously with words, sign, photo or
請掃描 全球青年領導力高峰會官方 BAND QR-Code Please scan the QR-Code of Global Youth Leadership Summit with your mobile device
步行路線圖 由高雄捷運三多商圈站步行前往高雄展覽館
交通方式說明 場地地點 : 高雄展覽館 場地位置 : 806 高雄市前鎮區成功二路 39 號 ( 近捷運三多商圈站 ) 方式一、高鐵 a. 搭乘高鐵 ( 台北 ) 至 左營高鐵站 ( 所需時間 : 1.5 小時 ) → 轉乘計程車 至 高雄展覽館 ( 所 需時間 : 20 分鐘 ) 即可抵達。 b. 搭乘高鐵 ( 台北 ) 至 左營高鐵站 ( 所需時間 : 1.5 小時 ) → 轉乘捷運 至 捷運三多商圈站 ( 所 需時間 : 15 分鐘 ) → 步行 10 分鐘即可抵達。
方式二、火車 搭乘台鐵至至 高雄火車站→轉乘捷運 至 三多商 圈站 ( 所需時間 5 分鐘 ) → 步行 10 分鐘即可抵 達。
方式三、高雄市區公車 a. 168 ( 環狀幹線 ) 至 高雄展覽館站。 b. 紅 21 ( 建軍站 -- 捷運三多商圈站 ) 至高雄 展覽館站下車。
Kaohsiung Rapid Transit course map (Chinese version)
方式五、停車資訊 方式四、自行開車 a. 北上 : 中山高國道一號 → 三多路出口下交流 道 → 沿三多路直行至成功二路左轉 → 抵達高 雄展覽館。 b. 南下 : 中山高國道一號 → 高雄端 / 中山路 出口下交流道 → 右轉中山四路直行至新光路左 轉 → 成功二路左轉 →抵達高雄展覽館。
a. 新光停車場 ( 位於復興三路、成功二路口 ), 請由成功二路進入,免費停車。 b. 高雄展覽館 B1 停車場:請由成功二路進入, 停車費 40 元 / 時。
附註提醒 : 活動第三天議程預計於中午結束,與會者將 於用餐過後,統一於高雄展覽館東門主入口搭乘接車前往 「世界地球村博覽會」之活動場地。
course map From Sanduo Shopping District Station (Kaohsiung Rapid Transit) to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.
Transportation Information: Location: Kaohsiung Exhibition Center (KEC) No.39, Cheng-gong 2nd Road, Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung 806, Taiwan, ROC
AIRPORT From Kaohsiung International Airport a. Take Kaohsiung Rapid Transit (MRT) from airport to Sanduo Shopping District station (Red line) b. Take a 10 minute walk from Sanduo Shopping District Station to KEC From Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport a. Take Taiwan High Speed Railway from Taoyuan to Zuoying station (1.5 hrs.) b. Take Kaohsiung Rapid Transit (MRT) from Zuoying station to Sanduo Shopping District station (Red line) c. Take a 10 minute walk from Sanduo Shopping District Station to KEC
Taiwan High Speed Railway Take THSR From Taipei stop to Zuoying station (1.5 hrs.) From Zuoying station to KEC a. Take taxi (20 min) b. Take MRT to Sanduo Shopping District Station (15min)
Take a 10 minute walk from Sanduo Shopping District Station to KEC
TRAIN Take Taiwan Railways From Taipei to Kaohsiung Main Station (5 hrs.) From Kaohsiung Main Station to KEC a. Take MRT to Sanduo Shopping station (15min) b. Take a 10 minute walk from Sanduo Shopping District Station to KEC
KAOHSIUNG CITY BUS Bus Number : 168 (Roundabout) to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center Station Bus Number : Red 21 to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center Station
DRIVING National Freeway No.1 (Northbound) a. Take off from the exit of Sanduo road b. Drive straight on Sanduo road c. Turn left upon seeing Cheng-gong 2nd Rd. d. Arrive at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center
National Freeway No.1 (Southbound) a. Take off from the exit of Sun Yat-sen road b. Turn right to Sun Yat-sen 4th road c. Drive straight and turn left upon seeing Sin-Guang Rd. d. Turn left at Cheng-gong Rd. e. Arrive at Kaohsiung Exhibition Center
Free Shuttle Bus to Global Village Free Shuttle Bus from KEC to Global Village would be provided for all the delegates after finishing Lunch on 8/16 and please receive to the east exit of KEC for boarding.
Airport Reception Service Airport reception service would be available for arrivals from Aug.12th to14th. Delegates who would arrive at Taiwan during this period could reiceive to our reception center, and our staff would help and give you directions. For delegate who would not arrive during this period, please check out the guideline of transportation on the Left page to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, and feel free to contact us if you have any inquiry about directions. Service Contact: +886 958-092-757 (Leslie Lian) +886 975-031-709 (Lucas Wang)
Kaohsiung Rapid Transit course map (English version)
住宿服務相關注意事項 Accommodation Service and Notification 會前住宿加購方案
義大天悅飯店代訂服務 ( 國內 )
| Just Sleep 捷絲旅| 高雄中正館
住宿時間 : 2014 年 8 月 13 日 (wed.) 當晚住宿 住宿地點 : 高雄市苓雅區中正一路 134 號 ( 捷運技擊館站 1 號出口步行約 3 分鐘 )
住宿時間 : 2014 年 8 月 14 日 -16 日(星期四 - 六 ) 住宿地點 : 840 高雄市大樹區三和里義大八街 100 號
1. 提醒您,此加購方案僅提供 8/13 當晚住宿, 若屆時有續住需求,請偕同主辦單位工作人員與 旅館方確認房間狀況, 但建議您先行確認 8/14-8/16 的住宿地點,以免 除屆時無法續住可能帶來的麻煩。
1. 若您是訂購此服務的與會者,主辦單位將於 8/14 第一天議程結束後,統一在 18:30 以接駁車 將訂購此服務的與會者接送至義大天悅飯店進行 check in,並告知您的房間分配及其他注意事項。
2. 若您是訂購此服務的與會者,請您於 8 月 13 日 ( 星期三 ) 中午過後自行抵達 捷絲旅 高雄中 正館, 屆時將有主辦單位工作人員協助您進行 Check In 並告知您的房間分配。 3. 退房時間為高峰會第一天 8/14 早上,所有住 宿與會者將統一於早上 7:30 搭乘主辦單位指定計 程車前往活動場地。 4. 若您是攜帶較多行李的與會者,屆時歡迎您多 加利用主辦單位於活動場地所提供的行李寄放服 務。
2. 提醒您,退房時間為高峰會第三天 8/16 早上, 屆時主辦單位工作人員將統一進行辦理。 3. 若您是攜帶較多行李的與會者,屆時歡迎您多 加利用主辦單位於活動場地所提供的行李寄放服 務。
Pre-stay Program 2014/08/13(Wed.)
International Delegates Accommodation at E-DA Skylark Hotel
| Just Sleep Hotel |
Location:Kaohsiung Zhongzheng Address:No. 134, Zhongzheng 1st Rd, Lingya District, Kaohsiung (MRT Martial Arts Stadium Station
| Skylark Hotel |
Exit 1, a 3-minute walk away)
Location:E-DA Skylark Hotel
Notification: 1. This plan only provide the accomandation on 8/13; if you need to stay more than one night, please check with the staff and the hotel service. Please make sure your accomandation in the event duration(8/14-8/16) to safe your time in searching other place to stay.
Notification: 1. For international delegates, please receive to the counter of accomodation and left-luggage service for check-in first after getting admission into the venue on 8/14. Our staff would inform you some notification of boarding the shuttle bus to E-DA Skylark hotel and also the notification of accommodation.
2014/8/14-16 (Thurs.- Sat.)
2. Please arrive at Just Sleep Hotel on 8/13 (Wednesday) if you order this service, our staff you help you with the check-in and room allocation.
2. The check out time would be 8/16 in the morning before heading to KEC for the workshop in the last day of the summit.
3. The Check-out time would be 8/14 in the morniing(first day of Global Youth leadership Summit), All the delegates applying for this program would be provided with free transportation service by taxi on 7:30 a.m to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center(KEC).
3. Please feel free to leave your baggages at our service center in KEC if you need.
4. Please feel free to leave your baggages at our service center in KEC if you need.
住宿服務相關注意事項 Accommodation Service and Notification
參考住宿資訊 # 以下旅店資訊僅提供參考,訂房入住等事宜皆 需由與會者自行處理。另外,提醒您,部分旅 館在旺季時價位會有所調整,請以旅館的官方 資訊為準。
Accommodation Reference Information The following information provided by the operating commitee is only for reference, delegates would have to make their own reservation as the committee would not be responsible for any service with these following hotels.
| Single Inn |
網站參考 : http://www.singleinn.com.tw/ 地址 : 高雄市新興區林森一路 267 號地下一樓 [ 正門由三信銀行旁巷口進入 ] 電話 : 07-2363256 價位 : 單人房 900 元起 / 天 ( 下午 3 點後入住,隔日早上 10 點前退房 )
Website:http://www.singleinn.com.tw/ Address:B1F., No.267, Linsen 1st Rd., Xinxing Dist., Kaohsiung City 800, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Number:07-2363256 Price:990 NTD per day for singe room (check in 15 p.m./ check out by 10 a.m. on the day after 8/13)
|背包客 41 青年旅館| ( 近高雄展覽館 )
| Backpacker 41 |
網站參考 : http://www.kaobp41.com/bookrules.htm 地址 : 高雄市苓雅區四維三路 261 巷 39 號 ( 捷運三多商圈站 6 號出口步行約 3 分鐘 ) 電話 : 0952-612-212 (+886-952-612-212) 價位 : 分配床位, 每人 / 床 410 元
Website:http://www.kaobp41.com/bookrules.htm Address: No.39, Lane 261, Siwei 3rd Rd.,Kaohsiung City 802, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Number:+886-952-612-212 Price:Share bed, 410 NTD per person
議程期間注意事項 Notification during the Event
|活動第一天請配合穿著大會指定顏色| 活動第一天,為了展現青年活力以及高峰會「自 我實踐」、「創新整合」和「社會責任」等三大 主題元素,上衣請您配合穿著藍、橘、綠其中一 種大會指定顏色 ( 樣式不拘,T-shirt 為佳 )。 活動第二天及第三天的議程請穿著乾淨整齊即可, 並無指定顏色或樣式。 另外提醒您,為了保持對講師及其他與會者的尊 重,雖然高雄天氣炎熱,但還是請您勿於三天的 活動議程中穿著過於清涼的衣物,例如 : 背心、 短褲,以及露趾的鞋子等。
|採先到先入場,自由入座| 活動當天將按照排隊順序依序入場、除保留席以 外,其餘皆採自由入座。(# 提醒您,為了所有與 會者的公平權益,請您配合勿幫友人佔位並且盡 早抵達現場。)
|貴重物品請自行保管 | 短暫離席,貴重物品請自行保管,主辦單位不負 保管責任。
|會場內禁止錄音、錄影、拍照| 為避免產生侵犯講師肖像權及智慧財產權等爭議, 議程進行期間請勿於會場內錄音、錄影或拍照。
| Please wear the assigned dress-code on the first day of the event | In order to show the image of young spirit and the three elements of the summit: SelfFulfillment, Innovation & Intergration and Social Responsibiility; please wear blue, orange or green on 8/14. (Any form would be fine but T-shirt would be better)
| Seats are not numbered and are available on a first come, first served basis | Please be patient to wait in line and all the seats available except the reserved seat for VIP.(# And please do not save seats for your friend to insure the fair rights of other delegates.)
| Please reserve your personal valuable | Please reserve your personal valuable as leaving the seat, The organizing committee would not be responsible for the safekeeping.
| All the recording, filming is Forbidden in the venue | In order to avoid violating the controversy of portraiture right and intellectual property rights of the speakers, please do not film, record or take picture during the event.
| Please turn your mobile into mute mode during the event | To assure the event's quality for every delegate, please turn your mobile into mute mode during the event.
議程期間注意事項 Notification during the Event |會場內請將手機轉為靜音模式| 為維護議程進行以及與會者的聽講品質,進入會 場後,請您將手機調整為靜音模式,以免影響議 程內容進行。
|會場內請務必關閉行動網路分享基地台 ( 熱點 ) | 本次主辦單位將以社群軟體 BAND 和與會者進行即 時互動,因此在您進入會場後,請務必確認您的 行動網路分享基地台 ( 熱點 ) 已關閉,以免干擾 場方所提供的無線網路或進而影響會場網路品質。
|請配合場館規定,與主辦單位共同維持 場地整潔| 在用餐場地享用餐點或飲料時,請務必小心勿將 之打翻,並請於享用完後依循工作人員指示進行 垃圾處理,與主辦單位共同維護場地清潔。
|若有開立收據需求,請相關資料 E-mail 至官方客服信箱|
In order to maintain the quality of immediate interaction with the delegate through BAND, please turn off you wi-fi hot spot service once you enter the venue.
| Please help to keep the venue immaculate | Please be careful when you having drink and food in the venue. And follow the guidence from the staff to help the organizing team keep the the venue immaculate.
| Please turn your mobile into mute mode during the event. | To assure the event's quality for every delegate, please turn your mobile into mute mode during the event.
| If you need receipt and uniform invoice issuance, please e-mail the relative information to official service email | If you need receipt and uniform invoice issuance to prove your attendance, please email the following information to our official service mailbox, and receive to the service center for your receipt during the event.
若您有需要開立收據以茲證明,請您將以下資料 E-mail 至高峰會客服信箱, 並於活動當天前往服務台領取 : 1. 開立收據抬頭 : 2. 統一編號 :
The information would required: 1. The Title of the receipt and uniform invoice issuance 2. Value Added Tax(Uniform Serial Number)
The Chinese to English translation service would only be provide on 8/14. As a reminder, the event would be conducted in English on 8/15-16, in which the organizing commitee would not provide any extra translation service.
主辦單位僅於活動第一天提供「中翻英」之口譯 服務,並提醒您活動第二、第三天之議程內容都 將以英文進行,主辦單位不會另外提供翻譯服務。
| Please turn off you wi-fi hot spot service |
| The Chinese-English translation service will be provide on the 8/14 |
聯絡主辦單位 若您對於此行前信的內容有任何問題,歡迎您來信至客服信箱, 或撥打以下電話,由高峰會客服人員為您服務。
電話洽詢 0958-092-757 連小姐 0975-031-709 王小姐
官方客服信箱 : GYLS@ic2014taiwan.org.tw 活動官網 : http://ic2014taiwan.org.tw/zh/global-youth-leadership-summit/ 活動粉絲專頁 : https://www.facebook.com/AIESECYIF
Contact Information If you have any question during this period before the upcoming summit, please feel free to contact our customer service through our service mailbox or service number. "
Phone(mobile) : 0958-092-757 Leslie Lian 0975-031-709 Lucas Wang
Official customer service email GYLS@ic2014taiwan.org.tw Official Website http://ic2014taiwan.org.tw/zh/global-youth-leadership-summit/ Official Facebook Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/AIESECYIF