IC 2014 in Taiwan - Story of Foreign Travelers: Introduction of Tours

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This summer, there will be 1000 young leaders from 124 countries and territories gather in Taiwan to participate in the annual AIESEC International Congress. In order to bring the delegates more in-depth experience and understanding of Taiwan, the conference committee hopes to take this opportunity to show this beautiful place to the world through bringing international youths the best tour in Taiwan.

今年暑假,將有124個國家與地區1000名全球青年 領袖齊聚台灣,參與世界大會,是全球8萬多名會員的 關注焦點。

籌備團隊希望能藉此機會,帶著外國朋友們在會前與 會後在台灣旅行,更深入的體驗與認識台灣;

Through 10 different routes, we show Taiwan to the world. 讓「世界看見台灣,台灣走向世界」。 一共十條路線,以不同角度看這個美麗小島。

強調用「異地生活」的概念,讓外國朋友體驗台灣,因為 我們相信深入在地、用心體驗,瞭解歷史與聽傳說故事, 與居民做朋友,是最能夠認識台灣的方式,也才能從參 與、認同,逐漸成為宣傳台灣的大使。 關於旅行,第二個強調的點是青年「社會責任」的展現, 旅行當中外國人與在地人討論公共議題,旅行後舉辦分享 會、展出裝置藝術,都是希望這些外國人能為台灣留下些 什麼。

Exotic life Foreigners get to experience the true Taiwan as they go on to exploring the local, experiencing with heart, listening to first hand folklores. We believe this is the quickest and best way to get to know Taiwan, and through participation and understanding, participants can even impact the locals through global prospectives. Demonstrating of youth social responsibility Along the way, travelers will discuss about public issues, and through hosting the sharing event and exhibiting installation arts, we can share the experience with everybody.

Wanderlust in Ancient Capital


Taiwan was the former capital of Taiwan, which can best epitomize Taiwan, with its abundance in classical cultures and touching stories. Walk is the best down-to-earth way, as one gets to savor every bits of it. Foreigners can pay tribute to the history on this land through visiting various ancient sites, tasting Tainan foods, and experiencing the indigenous culture.

台南是台灣的舊首都,是最能呈現「臺灣」的城市, 擁有最豐富、經典的傳統文化與動人故事。 而步行是最接近土地的方式,且好的、老的東西需要 慢慢品嘗。藉由尋訪不同時期的台灣古蹟、品嚐台南 美食、體驗庶民文化,讓這些外國旅人們向台灣的每 段歷史致敬。

The rebirth of bamboo town


Every country houses different culture. Some may be old-time, old-fashioned, and even obsolete. What if it is an old town with historical industry? In Jhushan, we see a touching story, in which a group of young people endeavor perspire to revive this town. Through this trip, we want to tell both foreign and Taiwanese young people that even an impact as small can lead to a change. Step by step, we get to reconstruct the story behind this town once consigned into oblivion.

每一個國家都有不一樣的文化;從新潮到古雅,從科 技到手藝,時間的推進促使了很多古老文化的消失。 在竹山鎮,我們看見一群年輕人努力的在嘗試讓這個 古老又充滿歷史工藝的小鎮復活。在這次的旅程中, 我們希望可以讓外國和台灣的年輕人看見小小的改變 如何可以變成


Bunun tribe adventure


「分享」是這個路線的主軸,族人們對待 這些旅客就 像家人一樣,一起吃喝玩樂,不分彼此地;吃大鍋 麵、分享烤肉,肩並肩挨在小卡車上,看世界的角度 從「我」到「我們」,而後充滿了力量。 當獵人願意把生命中最重要的獵場分享給我們,那你 是否也願意將生命中最重要的事情拿出來分享呢?

Aboriginals are part of the nation, ingrained in its indigenous culture. Sharing is the pivot of the route. Tribespeople treat visitors just like their family members, reveling together. No you, no me, just us. Relishing noodles in the big pot and authentic tribe barbeque, we stand together with hands on shoulder, to see the world of “I” to the world of ”us.” As these hunters would like to share with us their trophy, would you like to share anything significant in the pocket of your life?

Westside rail tour

享受隨機的美好 Train is a very important means of transportation to the civilian culture. Thus we hope to let foreigners experience such train of Taiwanese way to tour around the island.

This is a trip with barely any plan. New partners, random places, just as how a story begins. You can hitchhike a driver on the way, or couchsurf a cabin on the road side. Nobody can predict what the next page would be like for the story. After reaching the end of the trip, there’s more motivation left to begin anew. 臺灣的鐵道是世界上唯一起點和終點在同一個地方, 火車也是庶民文化中重要的交通工具,所以我們希望 用火車環島旅行的方式,讓外國人體驗台式火車。 這是一個幾乎沒有計畫的旅行,新的夥伴,隨機的地 點,每個故事總是突然地發生,也許是搭便車的 司機,路邊的小屋,沒有人知道下一秒,會發生什麼 事,旅行結束後,留下的是滿滿的感動 與再次出發的勇氣。

Banana paradise


Taiwan used to enjoy its reputation as “Banana Kingdom”. Banana accounted for one of the most exported foods. But, to some point, we no longer remember those times. This is a trip to get us to know the past of Taiwan better. The trip is themed “Banana Paradise.” Having fun, working together, and trying to be creative, we will understand how a fruit had changed a region and its residents.

臺灣曾有「香蕉王國」的美譽,香蕉占糧食出口前幾 位,但曾幾何時,我們不再熟悉這個水果。 透過這場旅行,讓台灣人、外國人都更加認識台灣。 「香蕉樂園」是這趟旅行的定調,吃喝玩樂、工作、 搞創意都跟香蕉有關,在這個行程裡,我們將認識 一種水果如何影響一個地區與人民。

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