Iceni Magazine Norfolk Issue 86

Page 44


Issue 86 2020

A Career Is... A career is something I never spent much time brainstorming or planning for during my youth. I didn’t obsess about achieving goals, strive to fulfil my potential, or even fully recognise my strengths and capabilities. I attribute much of this reluctance to my general dislike of school, and subsequent disengagement from academia. Hence the total acceptance of my daughter’s seemingly natural aversion to mainstream schooling. When I hastily left school, I decided to qualify in Hairdressing and Cosmetology, having witnessed my mother’s hairdressing career and thereby possessing insight and knowledge of the industry. It wasn’t until I had secured a practical skill that I began contemplating my genuine interests, and made the decision to study alongside work. English Literature, Creative Writing, Art and Psychology were my studies of choice, and I still hold a firm interest in all of these subjects whilst practising Beauty Therapy as my line of work. I continue to enjoy my job, but I don’t feel I have finished evolving my career. There are many areas both within and outside the beauty industry I would like to delve into, however I

feel no sense of urgency or pressure. I tend to value happiness in the present moment above all other factors of life, and similarly I believe happiness within a career should be valued above status or income. With two young children and home education in the spotlight, I know where my personal priorities lie for the foreseeable future. One day, when the time comes to reassess priorities, I hope to further develop my skills. This fairly relaxed attitude also contributes to my home education ethos. I hope that over time, with plenty of freedom, support and encouragement, my children can realise their true passions and feel content with their chosen careers. Of course, I do make constant suggestions concerning activities and classes, subjects to discuss or study, and skills to practise. Some are embraced and some are rebuffed, which is totally acceptable to a homeschooler who considers and respects the individuality of their children. Perhaps this is the key advantage of home education. I often wonder how different my career choices might have been, given the opportunity from a young age to simply explore and place focus on the things I am naturally



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