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April 5 – April 18, 2018 Feature

Canarian wines

Facing Summerland, just off the roundabout at the Language School



The brain

Poema del Mar

North American debut

Use it or lose it!

Pages 12 - 15

Page 19

Pages 28 & 29

Immigrants’ boat intercepted

“No one puts their child in a boat unless it is safer on the water than on land”, says Somali writer Warsan Shire, a truth that is the bottom line when it comes to questions on immigration. The ocean, whether the Mediterranean or, even more so, the Atlantic is dangerous, especially in the winter months and particularly for those who are not strong swimmers or who cannot swim at all. Yet many people continue to decide to take the risk of setting out to sea in the search of a better life, or simple safety, on the other side of the treacherous watery stretches. During the last weekend in March, Guardia Civil officers intercepted 16 refugees from the Sahara off the Mauritanian coast near Nouadhibou, who left for the Canary Islands in one of the traditional methods of transport in these cases, a ‘patera’

– a rickety wooden boat which is often loaded to capacity and beyond with people. Whether this latest group would have eventually arrived at their destination is questionable as the seas, high waves and currents are often difficult at this time of year. According to statistics from the Spanish Commission for Refugees (CEAR), 470 people, 244 men and 226 women applied for asylum in the Canary Islands last year, most of them from Venezuela. “They are generally well received by the Canary Islands people. Many locals have a connection to this South American country or have relatives who emigrated there in the last millennium”, says José María Santana, spokesperson for CEAR Canarias, in Las Palmas. This connection, coupled with the same language, of course, helps a lot

Photo: CEAR

Always the last resort

Nobody takes their child on such a dangerous journey if an alternative exists

in the integration of refugees. Other asylum seekers come from the Ukraine, Russia, Colombia, Morocco or Western Sahara.

In general, the situation is dramatic. More than 65 million people worldwide are currently fleeing war, violence and extreme human rights’ viola-

tions in their home countries. This is the biggest global wave of refugees since World War II. Currently, the majority of them are from Syria. For more than

five years a war has been raging there that has cost the lives of over 300,000 people. About five million Syrians have fled the country and another 6.6 million have moved to other regions within the country. Whilst the immigrant and refugee issue in Germany continues to make waves and their integration is increasingly in question, Spain is taking a tough line. Only about 35 per cent of all asylum applications were approved and a total of 8,675 applications were rejected last year. Another 39,000 applications are still pending. The European average for applications accepted is 45 per cent. The CEAR refugee commission speaks of a “collapse of the system”. Only one in three asylum seekers in Spain was granted asylum in 2017. Continued on page two



No safety in numbers


Fleeing the fear

Continued from front page

Turkey leads the way in the reception of Syrian refugees

sented around four per cent of all applications submitted throughout Europe, but were still twice as many as the previous year. Compared to 2016, a higher number of people from Palestine, Eritrea and Morocco were recognised as being in need of protection. Those from these latter countries seeking asylum in Spain usually do so because they are persecuted for being members of an LGBT community in their own country. About 38,880 applications are still sitting on the administrators’ desks and have yet to be decided. The number of Venezuelans has increased notice-

Photo: CEAR

No one should have to drown whilst fleeing. CEAR staged photos are designed for impact Rescue operation of capsized refugees on the high seas

trast, only nine per cent of Ukrainians and only one per cent of Venezuelans are recognised as in need of protection. The total of 31,120 asylum applications submitted in Spain last year repre-

Photo: CEAR

"Our country is failing on this issue in a way that makes heaven weep. Those responsible leave applicants waiting months or even years for an answer, people are left in a legal and social vacuum and then many are rejected", said CEAR Secretary General Estrella Galán. According to Eurostat data available at CEAR, a total of 13,350 applications were resolved during 2017. Only 595 refugees were actually granted asylum and another 4,080 were given subsidiary protection. No applications were approved at all for humanitarian reasons. Last year, Spain gave protection to only about half as many people as they did in 2016, mainly because there were fewer people came in from Syria. According to the statistics, Syrians have a very good chance of being recognised as refugees in Spain, with about 95 per cent receiving this protection. In con-

ably, tripling in recent times. Many refugees, especially from Palestine and Colombia, apply for asylum directly on arrival at Madrid-Barajas airport. "More than 40,000 people currently live in Spain with the uncertainty of whether they are going to be allowed to stay or have to return to the country from which they fled, with all the consequences that that means", criticises Galán. Of all applicants currently waiting for a reply in Spain, one third (13,425) are Venezuelans. Approximately 5,000 come from the Ukraine, 2,895 from Colombia and n 2,460 from Syria.

Seven common prejudices and the facts When refugees finally manage to stay, they are often confronted with racism and xenophobia. As if they had not already had enough impediments in their path in the form of persecution, poverty and the closed European borders. The following is an information campaign with seven points developed by CEAR:

sels and Barcelona, the assassins did not enter the country via immigrant routes, but were born there. Many people who fled Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or Nigeria are often identified in their host country with the very terrorists who were the reason why they left everything behind and fled.

1. Why don’t you take them in your own home?

3. Let them be taken care of by those of their own culture

The 1951 Refugee Convention, the Spanish Constitution and Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights guarantee the dignified reception of asylum seekers. They are entitled to care and support from social workers, lawyers, psychologists and translators.

2. Terrorists are infiltrating countries In the recent attacks in Paris, London, Nice, Berlin, Brus-



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That is already happening. Most of them flee from conflicts in their own country to the mostly Muslim, neighbouring countries. In Turkey, for example, there are over three million war refugees from Syria. A country like Lebanon, which itself has only just under six million inhabitants, has taken in over one million people. Uganda and Jordan are also working to receive refugees from neigh-

bouring areas. Only one country in Europe appears on the list of the ten main receiving countries for refugees - Germany. About 86 per cent of refugees end up in poor countries and often in areas where there is also conflict, for example in Yemen, where people from Somalia and Eritrea have been taken in, or in Libya, to where people fled from Nigeria and Mali. The closure of Europe’s external borders means that thousands are trapped in countries that do not guarantee either basic services or respect for human rights. Human rights organisations lament the miserable conditions and levels of mistreatment, which are equivalent to slavery.

cations for asylum in 2016, while the population is over 500 million. If the requests were all accepted, only one in 500 would be a refugee - provided they’re distributed properly. Moreover, in the last two years only about a quarter of the minimum commitments have been met, which were intended to alleviate the situation in Greece, Italy and other countries bordering the conflict areas. Spain has only fulfilled 15 per cent of its obligation to admit 17,337 refugees. If they had been spread across all provinces, this would result in one refugee per 2,680 inhabitants.

4. We cannot take in more people

If only that were true. Every day there are more motives to flee from countries where war, persecution and violence are the order of the day.

European countries received just over one million appli-

Foreign Language News Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6 E-38620 San Miguel de Abona Tel. +34 922 750 609 Print: Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A., Agüimes, Gran Canaria Circulation controlled by

There are endless conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Ukraine, Somalia, Eritrea, Congo, Nigeria, Southern Sudan, Colombia and the Central African Republic. For example, the alleged ethnic cleansing in Myanmar forced over one million Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh. People who disagree with the regime must flee Honduras, Venezuela, China or Turkey, among others. People are persecuted because of their sexual orientation or simply because they are women. Others flee from criminal gangs like looters, drug dealers or people traffickers.

6. Why are the European 5. No one is forcing them to countries to blame? risk their lives

Disclaimer: Island Connections Newspaper is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors

Exports of arms from the EU to conflict areas have never ceased. Germany, Italy, Great Britain and France supplied Syria with weapons before and during the war. Moreo-

or advertisers claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse to publish adverts, texts or advertising features. Advertisements once contracted cannot be cancelled and have to be paid in full. The publishers can not be held responsible for variation on colour printed in this newspaper. Advertising conditions are to be obtained in our offices. Office hours: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.00pm

ver, many Western countries put their own interests above human rights. They support dictatorships or certain opposition groups.

7. Let them come, but legally Nobody’s illegal. Not having a residence permit is an administrative irregularity, but not an offence. All European countries are obliged to accept asylum applications to regulate the situation. Unfortunately, there are no safe and legal options for people forced to leave their homes. They must risk their lives and cross borders illegally. With political will, the Western countries could create alternatives, for example, through humanitarian visas and access to asylum through embassies and consulates in their home countries or through permanent resetn tlement programmes.

Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Jamie Lee Armstrong Tel. 616 460 728 · Classifieds:

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




Parents from hell

When death is salvation... Two parents are currently on trial in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria over the death of their child aged three years and six months in 2013. Yurena S.A. and her husband Isidro Yeray S.R. must answer for murder of their son by omission. Jury members could hardly believe what they saw and one of them even suffered an anxiety attack when they were presented with photos of the little boy who died in the Tejeda Medical Centre in 2013. Death must have been his salvation. When he died, he weighed only nine kilos and was only 84 centimetres tall. This is usually the weight of a nine-month-old baby, but that's not all. He was severely malnourished and showed the typical symptoms such as a bloated abdomen and muscular atrophy. He was also very dehydrated. The actual cause of death was pneumonia. The paediatricians who performed the autopsy testified

in court that the child would still be alive today if he had been taken to the doctor in time and at least minimally cared for. Administering an antibiotic could have probably saved his life. But despite his fever, cough and respiratory deficiency, the parents did not see fit to take him to a medical centre. The child had never been taken to a doctor. The boy had a kind of harelip on his face, which forensic experts initially regarded as congenital due to the severity of the deformity. But at the age of about two years, it appears he had actually suffered an injury from a blow that caused this disfigurement. Even then, the parents never took him to see a doctor. As a result, food entered his trachea, causing malnutrition and also allegedly increasing his susceptibility to infection. The boy's last episode of bronchopneumonia was acute, and probably lasted for about five days, affecting five

No hand was ever stretched out to the little boy

lobes in his lungs. This led to bronchial aspiration and ultimately to respiratory insufficiency when the boy died. At that moment, his small body had a trauma just above the

right ear, numerous scratches, bruises and other wounds typical of maltreatment. In addition, he had bedsores and untreated ulcers, such as those found in bedridden

patients. This boy's short time on earth must have been a living hell. His parents, however, rejected all accusations. They said they would never have beaten

the child and that they cared for him as well as they had for his sister who was one year older. Their financial situation was very poor, but they said they fed their children in the best possible way. They never thought it necessary to visit the doctor because they had the impression that the child was well. This was also confirmed by the boy's paternal grandfather. For him, the child was normal, and being thin ran in the family. The grandmother on his mother's side and an uncle took advantage of their right to refuse to testify. Two Guardia Civil officers who had seen the child at the medical centre in Tejeda stated that they had noticed a strong smell on the child and that it was clear that the parents did not attach the slightest importance to hygiene. The trial against the parents is still ongoing. The prosecutor is demanding 15 n years in prison.




Juvenile detention centre

Loggerhead turtles released

Photo: Gobcan Fundación Ideo

Sub-standard conditions

In workshops, the young offenders are prepared for a good start after serving their sentence

Shockingly, the surprise results of inspections by the technical ombudsmen belonging to the national mechanism for the prevention of torture in Spain, are often needed to make checks and controls meaningful. At the beginning of March, National Police and Guardia Civil officers from Adeje visited

the juvenile detention centre at Valle Tabares, near La Laguna. The inspectors were appalled by the state of the detention centre. Even the Tenerife II prison is better in comparison. In their report, the inspectors announced an ex officio complaint regarding the conditions at the Valle Tabares centre. The

cells and common areas did not even meet the minimum of standards for habitability, especially in terms of heating and air conditioning. In view of the location of the centre, the inmates, who became delinquents at a young age, would freeze in the winter and suffer from high temperatures dur-

Five turtles - five different routes

ing the summer. This must be changed immediately. Moreover, even the location of the youth detention centre, far from urban settlements and without easy access, would not comply with the Stature 5/2000 of January 12 that regulates the criminal liability of minors. The Canary Islands Government, which is responsible for the centre, was informed of the dire shortcomings and immediately called upon to remedy them. From this point of view, it is not surprising that there are always disturbances at the institution. At the end of December last year, about a dozen young people beat up a supervisor and managed to take the key from him in order to escape. However, they did not leave the premises and were found and brought back under control by National and Local Police officers in their various hiding places a short time later. Eight insurgents filed charges. In June 2005 a 16-year-old even died of smoke poisoning and two others were injured to varying degrees after a mattress was n set on fire by inmates.

In mid-March, five young turtles between the ages of seven and eight were released into the ocean at Playa Cofete in the south of Fuerteventura, as part of a project to establish nesting sites for loggerhead sea turtles in Central Africa. They are equipped with transmitters that will follow their path via satellite over the next six months to around three years. For biologists such as Ana Liria Loza from the nonprofit organisation ADS Biosfera, the tracing of migration routes provides important information about the routes and possible habitats of reptiles. The supervising scientists also want to know whether the fact that they were born and raised under human supervision has a negative effect. The five have set off in very different ways. The biologist explained, “It’s quite normal that they follow ocean currents and food sources, and swim criss-crossing the oceans. This species has a wide range of movement from Portugal to the Cape Verde Islands. Our only wish is that they become sexually mature and that the females return to the Playa de Cofete in Fuerteventura for spawning. The first turtles released in 2007 are already doing so.” Three turtles, Martina, Tropi and Oasis Dream are still in Canarian waters. Tropi and Oasis Dream, which hatched in the laboratory of the University of Gran Canaria, are currently located between the southern tip of Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Martina, a female born in Cofete, stays even further off the west coast of the island. Apparently they have already found a rich food supply around the Canary Islands. Tomás and NT who were incubated at Cofete have already reached the African coast, where nutrient-rich currents seem to provide good food. Anyone who is interested in following the movements of the turtles and wishes to feel part of the project can do so via the website www.cabiln

The five loggerhead turtles have chosen different routes

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







Ruin in danger of collapse

Action over Añaza building After 45 years during which an abandoned building in the district of Acorán in Añaza, in the south west of Santa Cruz, has ruined the appearance of the area, the case for its demolition has finally started moving forward. Following an inspection, deputy mayor Zaida González explained "For months we have been working prudently to find a definitive solution in two directions. On the one hand, to ensure security as quickly as possible so that no one can enter the building and on the other hand, in the short or medium term, to make this building a thing of the past." Accompanied by the city planning councillor Carlos Tarife, and a few technicians, she recently got a first-hand impression. The construction of the building in question was started in 1973. At that time, a construction company had received a building permit for a hotel with 741 apartments on the basis of the laws in force at the time and as part of special plans of

Zaida González visited the site to get her own impression

The most important thing at the moment is a barrier to minimise the security risk

interest to tourism. However, two years after construction began, in 1975, the promoters abandoned the project and the Y-shaped 22-storey building was left in ruins on the 2,350 square metre site of which the building shell covers around 40,000 square metres. For 42 years now the

construction has been at a standstill and it has proved impossible to locate those responsible for the project. González stressed that "We can't sit with our arms folded and wait another 42 years for something to happen, above all because it has become an evident danger." The city plan-

ning councillor Carlos Tarife announced immediate measures that include installing a four-metre high fence that is to be raised around the edifice to prevent people from entering the building, which is at risk of collapsing. Warning boards are to be installed every ten metres around the

perimeter. He added "The cost of €109,450 for this measure will be borne by the city council and the work will take about a month." Moreover, in 1998 the Supreme Court declared that the future hotel was being built in an area that belongs to the maritime terrestrial public space and should therefore be demolished. Tarife explained "Last autumn we opened a procedure in which we cancelled the building permit." The city council then commissioned an expert opinion to calculate the costs of demolition and disposal of the rubble. He explained "According to the technical report, the demolition will cost around €1.8 million. We cannot bear

these costs alone. The city doesn't even own the land. The demolition will be carried out as part of an agreement with other administrations so that all the costs do not fall on the city council, until the owners can be found." For this reason, there have already been several meetings with representatives of the Coastal Authority and the Municipal Environmental Protection Agency to discuss a possible cost allocation. González concluded "We're making good progress. It is still too early to give exact figures. We have now waited 42 years, perhaps there will be two or three more. But I can safely say that the days of this building in Añaza are n numbered."



Terrible tourist tragedy

Holiday child killed in hit and run

Two British men have been arrested by the National Police for their supposed relation with the hit and run accident on the evening of March 29 at Fañabé in the south of Tenerife. During the incident, which took place close to the Gran Sur Commercial Centre, a 10-year-old Irish boy who was on holiday with his parents was seriously wounded. Unfortunately, the youngster received multiple injuries, and later died despite the specialised care of the staff at the University Hospital of Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria. Via social media many members of the public reached out to help find the driver of the red car which was caught on security cameras and described by several witnesses to the accident. Fortunately, the presumed authors were identified thanks to the many individuals who joined in the search, forwarding the information repeatedly. The red Alfa Romeo involved in the accident was positively identified and has now been recovered. Spain’s Minister for the Interior, Juan Ignacio Zoido commented on Twitter that “The collaboration of the public has, once again, been fundamental. Thank you to everyone for your help.” This dreadful accident has touched the hearts of people all over Tenerife and further afield, making headlines in all the major UK newspapers. The Arona court judge placed a gag order on the case for the media in Spain, but the British press has identified the lad as Carter Carson, from Newtownabbey near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Friends of the family started a crowd-funding page to help with the costs of repatriation to Ireland and the young man’s funeral. If anyone would like to contribute, they can do so via n


Family tragedy in Guaza

Murder most foul Photos: Ayuntamiento de Arona

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018

A minute’s silence for the death of an entire family

The borough of Arona and indeed the whole island was shaken by a three times parricide at the end of March. The alleged attacker Ricardo Ortega told the police "I found my parents and my grandfather dead in the house”. However after investigations and interrogations the man was caught with his own contradictions and ended up confessing to the crime. Guardia Civil officers found the grandfather, Luciano M.L. who was in his 80s, on the upper floor and Ricardo's adoptive parents Antonio O.R.

(68) and Carmen Martín (59) on the ground floor. An analysis of mobile phone data revealed that Ricardo Googled for ways to kill his parents as early as December last year, and the severity of the legal charges will be decided on the results of the police investigation and psychiatric reports. He is expected to remain in the Tenerife II prison until the trial. The 23-year-old is described by neighbours and acquaintances as quiet, introspective and inconspicuous. He apparently liked to walk, was interested in

A small card with contact addresses for domestic violence victims will hopefully help prevent major tragedies

nature and presented himself on social networks as somewhat of a romantic, describing mankind as a work of art and writing about true love, which he put above physical sex. However, on his dark side, he used drugs and in December last year, he wrote a message that could perhaps have been an indication of what was to come "Oh, my God, give me patience, because if you give me strength, I'll kill him".

Arona produces an educational card around the size of a business card giving details in several languages, including a link for deaf mutes, with advice on dealing with domestic violence and it is hoped this will help reduce such tragedies. You can find them at the citizens’ attention centres and later through the local police, health and youth centres and tourist n information offices.




Los Realejos

Repairs in the Ramblas Manuel Domínguez, Mayor of Los Realejos, is delighted by the announcement of the project to rehabilitate the Fortín de San Fernando fortress and the path to Playa del Castro in the Official Bulletin of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The project cost is estimated at €120,735.35. Both areas to be concentrated on are prominent points located in the Ramblas de Castro nature reserve and have been severely affected since the storms in 2009 and 2010. The plan was completed and submitted by the borough council back in 2015. Now it will finally be tackled. Domínguez explained "The roads have become worse and worse in recent years. More and more material has crumbled away. Although the particularly dangerous sections, including the access to the fortress, have been closed off with warning tapes, visitors to the protected area climb over them time and again and put themselves in danger. It's a wonder nothing serious has happened yet." The project

This fortress has defied pirates, but nature has weakened it

provides for the rehabilitation of the path that leads from Finca La Casona to Playa del Castro and which has been blocked for years by a landslide from the Barranco La Fajana. The Fortín de San Fernando is in danger of collapse due to natural erosion, which has also affected the foundation walls. Constructing retaining and protective walls as well as repairs and strengthening of the path are intended to remedy the situation. If everything goes according to plan, the repair work could be completed before the summer. The Rambla de Castro Nature

Two tourists on a dangerous climbing tour in a closed off area, May 2017

Reserve is the only designated palm grove in Tenerife and is also protected due to the rare pigeon species and other birds that live in the area. The small fortress, Fortín de San Fernando, was built in the middle of the 18th century, mainly for protection against

pirates. In 1808, a five-gun emplacement was installed and founded by the Bethencourt y Castro family. Three of the cannons are still preserved today. At the moment there is a small viewpoint and a gun emplacement. Due to its location on the direct steep coast, the foundations must be urgently supported to prevent a possible collapse. The island and the sailing ships were monitored from this point. The fully loaded ships which were on their way to the Peninsula were often intercepted and looted by pirates off the coast. According to legend, the pirate Cabeza de Perro (dog's head), who was born in Tenerife and known far beyond the island, was also said to have been at large. There are shocking stories of attacks by him and his men on important ships that crossed the Atlantic towards the New World. In addition, old movie classics have been filmed on this beautiful stretch of coast, including the first version of Moby Dick and part of n a James Bond film.

Bird and reptile watching

Ecoroute in Icod de los Vinos

The park surrounding the famous dragon tree in Icod de los Vinos has also become the scene of an ecological tour into the world of Canarian bird and reptile spotting. Drinking and feeding places for birds and lizards have been created and display boards set up. Visitors can watch robins and goldfinches or study the peculiarities of endemic reptiles. These include, for example, the Western Canaries lizard or the Iberian emerald lizard. A specialised biologist leads visitors through the fauna of the island world and points out the diversity of the ecosystem in the Dragon Tree Park. Five information boards are dedicated to the feathered inhabitants and another five to the reptiles. This offer is intended to provide an additional incentive for all those visiting Icod de los Vinos, to visit the legn endary dragon tree and the park surrounding it.

Canarian reptiles are fascinating creatures

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







On the ball!

Top three spot for Abama Golf Resort A natural paradise with views of the Atlantic and La Gomera

The Abama Golf Resort, consisting of a golf course and the Ritz-Carlton Abama Hotel, was recently voted among the top three of its kind in Spain by the renowned specialist website for golf holidays Only Finca Cortesín Hotel Golf & Spa, in Casares near Málaga, and the PGA Catalunya Resort in Girona were placed ahead of the Abama development in Guía de Isora, which scored an impressive 8.8 out of 10 points among sports fans. Spain is apparently considered the second best destination for demanding golfers, after only the UK. A total of 14 Spanish golf courses rank

among the top 100 in Europe, with Abama sitting at a comfortable 21st on that particular chart as well. The Abama Golf Course was created by Dave Thomas and is renowned as being one of the best in Spain. It offers both a sporting challenge for experienced players and a wide terrain for beginners. Five hectares with three par-3 holes, as well as chipping and putting greens, are available to new golfers. Experienced players will find their challenge at 18 holes, with 22 ponds, waterfalls and bunkers. With an average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius and over 4000 hours of sunshine per annum, the golf

Not only the course, but the resort as a whole was awarded

course can be played all year round. More than 300 subtropical plant species, including 20,000 palm trees, make the site a natural oasis, boast-

ing spectacular views of the Atlantic and the neighbouring island of La Gomera. The Ritz-Carlton Abama Hotel is without doubt one of the most prestigious and excellent resorts in the Canary Islands and Spain. It has upscale suites and rooms, seven pools, twelve restaurants, two of which have Michelin stars, and a luxurious spa area. For a family or private holiday, Las Terrazas de Abama offers a luxury holiday complex of apartments with pool and views of the golf course. This variant has proven to be a sought-after option for foreign investors, as various local and international brokers confirm. The apartments are sold fully equipped and the hotel management rents them out for the owner when he or she does not use them personally. Other alternatives are holiday homes planned according to your own designs, or detached or semi-detached holiday properties that are suitable as second homes. Guía de Isora is a renowned location on the golf scene and is already making an impact in the luxury and high-end n markets.

Canarian tour

Joaquín Sabina coming soon

The contemporary Spanish singer-songwriter, Joaquín Sabina who hails from Andalusia, is one of the most successful musicians in Spain and last year he was the artist who notched up the highest average audience numbers at his concerts. An average of 7,198 tickets were sold for 24 concerts. According to Promusicae, together with Pablo Alborán, he was also the musician who at the age of 69 years, sold the most albums. Now he’s coming to the Canary Islands as part of his tour to promote his latest album released last year, Lo niego todo (I deny everything). His community of fans can look forward to three concerts. Sabina will perform on April 28 in Tenerife, April 30 in La Palma and May 2 in Gran Canaria. The ticket prices range from €30 in the general area to €120 for the premium zone. Tickets for his Tenerife concerts are available from or the website for the venue In Gran Canaria and La Palma they are being sold via or at branches of the shoe shop chain Carolina Boix. n

Joaquín Sabina will play three gigs in the Canaries

Pickup Point

Typsy Terrace Tennis, Mini Golf C/ Hibisco, 4 Los Gigantes

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







A great excursion - Poema del Mar

Experience a fascinating underwater world

If you don‘t dive, you‘ll never get as close to this fascinating underwater world

By Sabine Virgin aquarium is divided into three dif- Atoll ecosystem and holds 400,000 are expecting the arrival of an olm, Life originally began in the water, the most abundant element on our beautiful blue planet. Still rich in an impressive range of species today, many strange and unusual creatures roam there even now. Some live in the ocean’s inhospitable depths, others are found near the coast, or in ponds, rivers and swamps. Nature has endowed some with special abilities and others have developed into the strangest shapes and colours thanks to evolution. The amazing underwater wonderworld is unknown to the majority of people, and it’s usually only divers who get a glimpse of this fascinating parallel existence on their descents. Thankfully, visitors to the new marine aquarium, Poema del Mar, which opened at the turn of 2017/18, can get a little closer to many of the water’s enchanting inhabitants. The theme park, which covers an area of approximately 12,500 square metres, is one massive tribute to the blue planet. Using approximately eight million litres of seawater, treated by 33 innovative filter systems, the

ferent zones: Marine ecosystems on the surface and in the deep sea, as well as freshwater populations. The installations imitate as far as possible the natural habitats of dozens of species that live in and out of the water. Visitors begin their tour in the first area, the jungle, which is a tribute to each of the five continents. The second part of the Poema del Mar journey is the reef, which invites one to take a tour around an enormous cylinder with a capacity of 400,000 litres of water, in which a large number of colourful corals and fish are exhibited. The tour finally ends in the fascinating depth of the ocean, the Deep Sea. The aquarium offers deep insights into the depths of the ocean and is arranged with great attention to detail. Particularly impressive is the world’s largest curved glass pane, 36 metres long and seven metres high, which was built in Livorna, Italy, in two sections. The pieces were shipped directly from Italy to Gran Canaria, and just unloading the 48-ton glass fronts was a logistical masterpiece. The same company also produced the cylinder that houses the

litres of water. Currently about 330 different species live in the aquarium. Alberto Castellanos Vizcaíno, the director of the biology department, explained that he and his staff “still have a lot of work ahead of us. New inhabitants are constantly being added. In a month’s time, for example, we

an amphibian that lives in caves in Slovenia and Croatia. It is blind, perfectly adapted to its environment and can survive for four years without food. Researching this creature, learning more about its reproduction and thus contributing to conservation of the species, is currently the focus of our scientific interest.”

Unusual inhabitants On land there are two Siamese crocodiles and a panther chameleon to admire, but most of the inhabitants in this park live in the water. Numerous creatures with fins, legs or tentacles animate the individual ecosystems in which the animals live together. Some are curious, others colourful or even transparent, and some are even dangerous. Among the fish species on site are the Siamese glass perch, the black piranha and the blind cave fish. The river dwellers are the alligator pike and Mississippi spoon sturgeon, fish which can grow to up to two metres long, and the electric eel, which can be found in northern and central South America, in the Amazon and in the Orinoco area. The eels, up to 2.8 metres long and weighing about 20 kilograms, live in low-oxygen, muddy waters. Their special feature is that they can generate electric shocks of up to 860 volts which they use to kill their prey. The eel’s own body is protected by a thick layer of fat and an insulating skin from its own impacts

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018



or those of other species. For larger animals or humans, the blows are usually not fatal. However, they can be dangerous because they can lead to temporary unconsciousness and hence drowning. Incidentally, electric eels even seek out their partners using light electric shocks, literally bowling them over - or is that a spark of attraction?

Sharks up close and personal Only separated by a glass pane, visitors can look sharks in the eye from a safe distance, offering the opportunity for a completely relaxed and unbiased experience. Although there are very few clashes between humans and sharks worldwide, they have been

stigmatised as a vicious monster by the film industry, like hardly any other animal and completely erroneously, as statistics show - only about two shark attacks per year are fatal for humans. Often the animals react only because they feel threatened by an intruder. Yet, around 100 million sharks are killed every year for making shark-fin soup or shark steaks, or they die, like

about 300,000 other marine mammals, as ‘uninteresting’ by-catches in trawler nets. These statistics mean that places such as Poema del Mar play an even more important role than simple entertainment, also educating the public to the dangers facing sea inhabitants. Several species of sharks can be observed in the installation,


including the black tip reef shark, which grows up to two metres long and prefers tropical waters. It can be found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, along the South African coast, and off the Seychelles, Madagascar and the Maldives, as well as in Thailand, Japan, off the Philippines and off the coast of Australia. It can even be found in the eastern

Poema del Mar - a marine world close to the sea



Mediterranean. This predatory fish has extraordinarily good sight and a sharp sense of smell. They develop social behaviour in the form of common hunting strategies and longterm ties. The species is currently listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as not endangered but under threat of being endangered. The sand tiger shark is also endangered. It is a calm shark species that can be found off the Canary Islands and is considered harmless. This species is classified as endangered because of targeted hunting and by-catches. In aquariums, they are apparently a pleasure to keep because of their placid nature, and they are certainly wonderful to watch at Poema del Mar. All the sharks there used to live at Siam Park or Loro Parque, where they were also fed directly by the keepers. In this way it is easy for trainers to precisely control which animals have eaten, when and how much they ate or, if necessary, for them to administer medicines and vitamin supplements.


The electric eel can produce electric shocks to kill its prey

Animal welfare in the water As at Loro Parque, which is also owned and operated by the Kiessling family, active animal protection plays an important role in the surroundings of the new marine aquarium.

Deep Sea - the world‘s largest curved disc transported into the deep sea Interesting optical effects result if you look into the water from above or in front

The Atoll: A world of colourful corals and species

This includes, for example, caring for injured sea turtles, which are nursed at rescue stations and can remain at the parks until they fully recover. Numerous sea turtles rescued in the Canary Islands have become

entangled in fishing nets or the plastic shells of six-packs. Some of them are so severely injured that their limbs have to be amputated. If reintroduction to the sea is no longer possible, they can have a safe home at Poema

del Mar. The first rescued sea creature moved into Poema del Mar in February 2018, a few weeks after the opening. The beautiful Teresita belongs to the stingray species Dasyatis centroura. She was delivered by a fisherman who

found her without a tail. Their tails are that has one of its last retreats in often cut off by fishermen when they the Canary Islands. Environmentalists catch them, to prevent themselves regularly provide information on the being injured by the poisonous sting. protection of this acutely endanThe sting of a ray can lead to gered shark species. pain, deep injuries and The oceans even death if it are a world affects the chest beyond or stomach norarea. The mal absence of the tail does not impair buoya n c y, but does reduce defensive ability. In the peraquarium, cepTeresita pretion, fers to hide The calm sand tiger shark often swims which is in dark caves. with its mouth open. The teeth are visible one of the reaOften, howand that makes it look more dangerous sons they’re so vulever, to the than it actually is nerable. The marine delight of visitors, she also gives a demonstration ecosystem is currently threatened of her idiosyncratic swimming style. by the ever-growing plastic waste Curiously, besides normal food, in the islands and the irreversible destrucform of fish, seafood or squid, Teresita tion of valuable coral reefs, which are home to hundreds of species. also likes garlic. According to an article published in Environmental protection projects the Science journal in 2015, about eight million tons of plastic waste In collaboration with various Canary reached the oceans in 2010, and Islands organisations, including Elas- the number of unreported cases is moCan, and scientific teams from uncertain. Ocean currents are forcaround the world, the Loro Parque ing them together to form gigantic Foundation supports conservation islands of rubbish, such as the Great projects for the hammerhead shark Pacific Garbage Patch in the North and the harmless angel shark, which Pacific. Microplastic particles also lives flat on the ground, buried in enter the food chain and reach the the sand in shallow, warm water, and human body, with unknown health

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




effects which are still under investigation. Poema del Mar attempts to raise visitors’ awareness of nature on all levels, with information boards sporting facts about dangers currently being faced, such as the overexploitation of forests worldwide around 13 million hectares disappear every year. At the same time, it is suggested that we consume less, and more consciously, dispose of waste separately, do without plastic bags in everyday life, and take part in reforestation activities. But the park’s goal is not only to educate but also to find constructive solutions.

An excursion to Poema del Mar The seawater aquarium Poema del Mar is definitely worth a visit. From Tenerife, this is even possible in the form of a day trip, starting in the morning with the fast ferry from Santa

More awareness for environmental protection - Poema del Mar wants to educate

Cruz to Agaete. From there, a free bus shuttle takes you to Las Palmas. The bus stops in the immediate vicinity of the port in the Parque Santa

Catalina. You just have to cross the street and the imposing building is right in front of you. The visit lasts about two hours and leaves enough

time for a stroll through the city or a visit to Playa de las Canteras in the afternoon. In the evening you return by bus and ferry. It makes an exciting

day trip during which everyone feels like a holidaymaker. Especially now, when the summer holidays are coming n up, it’s a great leisure idea.



Photo: Cabildo Fuerteventura

Wild donkeys’ rampage

The donkeys are safe at the experimental farm

Staff from the Pájara Council in Fuerteventura, the local wild donkey association and the Parque de La Lajita Zoo recently captured five wild donkeys. The animals had been crossing roads, invading tourist attractions and were posing a pos-

sible danger to themselves, people and traffic. The donkeys were taken to the island's Granja Experimental (experimental farm) at Pozo Negro where they were given veterinary care and cleared of parasites. They will be cared for at the finca until a place has

been found where they can live safely and undisturbed. The Fuerteventura donkey is a direct descendant of the African donkey and the species came to the island during the Spanish conquest. Over the course of time these donkeys have adapted to the desert climate,

the volcanic landscape and the lack of rain, and have evolved into their own breed. The Burro Majorero is regarded as an independent breed of Spanish livestock farming and has been classified as endangered since 1997. In former times, it was an important companion for humans as a cargo and draught animal, but today it is bred above all to preserve the species. However, donkeys that get out of control are a threat to the flora of this barren desert island. They eat anything edible in their path and that can include rare, endangered plant species. Catching reintroduced specimens is not only about the safety of donkeys, community life or road traffic, but nature must also be protected from animals which practice indiscriminate grazing. Many islanders, known as Majoreros, associate the donkey with nostalgic memories from the time of their n grandfathers.

European Cardiovascular Risk Day

Low cholesterol among Canarians

On the occasion of the European Cardiovascular Risk Day in mid-March, the Red Cross set up a stand at the Adeje town hall to check blood sugar levels and blood pressure free of charge. According to the Spanish Red Cross, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in Spain where almost 40 per cent die of heart or blood vessel failure. In the Canary Islands, 57 per cent of people have a cholesterol level which is too high and in many cases is blamed for heart attacks. In the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife this diagnosis is made even more frequently than in the eastern province of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The main factors associated with high cholesterol are smoking, an unhealthy diet, obesity, which is very common in the Canary Islands, little exercise, excessive alcohol consumption, high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood lipids. The Red Cross surveys show that acute myocardial infarction is the most common cardiac circulatory disorder. About 61 per cent of deaths are caused by this. Due to the increasing aging of the population, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, it’s estimated that the number of sufferers of heart attacks and angina pectoris disease is increasing by about one and a half per cent annually. To prevent the risk, it is recommended not to smoke, to exercise regularly for at least half an hour a day and to eat a healthy low-fat and low-salt diet, with at least 40 grams of fruit and vegetables a day. Being overweight should be avoided. In addition, cholesterol, triglyceride and glycaemia levels should be regularly checked by your family docn tor and maintained within the standard levels.

Free testing was offered to everyone

Tickets on sale

Tenerife LAN Party in July Tickets for this year’s TLP LAN Party, which takes place from July 17 to 22 at the Recinto Ferial in Santa Cruz, have been available since mid-March. Standard tickets cost €59, and Premium €120, and they can only be purchased online via The super party will be filled with innovations from the digital world with concerts, workshops and master classes for all lovers of new technologies. This event is one of the most important of its kind in Spain and attracts thousands of visitors every year. Due to the great demand, the tickets are mostly n sold out so it is important to book yours early. Photo: Cab. Tenerife


Photo: Ayto. Adeje


A unique date for fans of the technological world

PROMOTION Carretera TF-65, 13 (in the roundabout) Los Abrigos




Opening hours: Daily from 7pm

& 642 063 159 This wonderful new addition in Los Abrigos has all the residents talking. Italian Cuisine at its finest. Bistrot Fettuccina now opens on the round about in Los Abrigos, offering you the finest Florentine specialities. Freshly made pasta prepared daily on the premises. Fresh fish caught daily and brought in to the local port where it has a very shorty journey to the restaurant at the top of the road. The portions are generous and perfect for sharing in groups. An experience for you and quality that will have you returning time and time again. Please book to avoid disappointment.

Bistrot Fettuccina


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Brunelli’s Steakhouse Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz


& 922 062 600 Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.

© Google


Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm

© GoogleMaps

Bodegón Las Vistas Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923 ide urant in & outs Heated Resta

Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.


ot istr a

Bistrot Fettuccina



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d bodegonlasvistas

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




Lanzarote tip

Fish recipe from peru

Museum restaurant breast with boletus, foie gras and parmesan cheese? In the spoon-food section, you could try the cold strawberry soup, the mango and blanched king prawn or the ravioli filled with cheese, bacon and dates and served with cherry tomatoes and mushrooms. Perhaps you could be tempted by the Pan Bao with Canarian black pig cooked slowly at a low temperature? For the main courses, ribs with pineapple, mushrooms and foie gras provide a completely new taste to savour. Just like the lamb chop with Canarian creamed

Typical Canarian dishes with local ingredients take on a new form

The restaurant Qué MUAC, at the Castillo San José in Lanzarote's capital Arrecife, has prepared for spring with a light, fresh menu. Traditionally Canarian and yet different, it fuses the best local products with creative preparation. The museum director, Alberto Nieto explained "It was time to refine the gastronomic offer in the Castillo And as the icing on the cake, the atmosphere is perfect

Ceviche with tiger milk

with some surprising dishes. This refers to both the originality and the combination of ingredients." You are invited to taste some interesting starters such as grilled goat cheese roll with tomato preserve, fresh Teguise lettuce and pomegranate pearls, or shrimp carpaccio with ginger vinaigrette and bean sprouts. Or how about sea bass mari-

Ceviche is a Peruvian national dish, which even has its own national day of festivities, June 28, when for the last ten years National Ceviche Day has been celebrated. Basically, this dish consists of raw fish, such as pieces of grouper or sole, which are marinated in a mixture called tiger’s milk. An essential component of this marinade is lime juice. The acid triggers a breakdown of the fish protein, which is then cooked, so to speak. The marinating time depends on the type of fish. Sometimes pre-cooked prawns are also added. The mari-

nade takes its name from its white colour, but also because it has the reputation of being a perfect antidote to a hangover after a long night of drinking. It’s also said to be a good aphrodisiac.

Ingredients for the tiger’s milk: 1 red onion 1 celery stalk 6 coriander stalks 3 garlic cloves 1 piece of ginger Juice of 2 limes Chili Salt Pepper


Could this be a sweet temptation?

Cut all ingredients into small pieces or squeeze out the lime and mix with salt and pepper and use this mixture to marinate the chosen fish. If you like, you can add sliced palm hearts and sweetcorn to the fish before serving. nated in tiger milk sauce with corn from the island, or duck

potatoes and breaded chorizo and potatoes. From the sea the restaurant serves fresh fish from the island stuffed with fresh spinach, winkles, cherry tomatoes, walnuts and potatoes. For desserts, try a Mojito sorbet with gin and tonic foam, sweet potato pudding with goat cheese ice cream or a carrot brownie on orangelime syrup with mandarin ice cream. And if you just can't decide at all, you could always order the fortnightly tasting menu with five courses and a delicious dessert. If you live in Lanzarote or are visiting, you should not miss this fabulous n gourmet offer.

Fish in tigermilk – a cool choice for a hot day


Ceviche con leche de tigre El ceviche es un plato peruano, al que ha sido dedicado el 28 de junio como su día nacional desde hace diez años. Básicamente, este plato consiste en pescado crudo, como trozos de mero o lenguado, que se marinan en leche de tigre. Un componente esencial de este adobo es el jugo de lima. El ácido desencadena una desnaturalización de la proteína del pescado, que es similar a cocerlo. El tiempo de marinado depende del pescado. A veces también se añaden gambas precocidas. La marinada, conocida como leche de tigre, toma su nombre de su color blanco. Pero también porque tiene la reputación de ser un antídoto perfecto para la resaca

después de una noche de fiesta. Además, dicen que es un buen afrodisíaco.

Ingredientes para la leche de tigre: Una cebolla roja, un tallo de apio y seis tallos de cilantro, tres dientes de ajo, un trozo de jengibre, el jugo de dos limas, un poco de chili, sal y pimienta.

Preparación: Cortar todos los ingredientes en trozos pequeños o exprimir las limas y mezclar con sal y pimienta. Con este adobo se marina el pescado elegido. Si quieres, puedes añadir palmitos y maíz al pescado y servirlo.

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018



Sunday market in Garachico

Gastronomy and handicrafts

Following the first eight months since the introduction of the farmers’ market, Garachico’s councillor for agriculture and fisheries, Elvis de León, has drawn a positive balance. He explained “We are very satisfied. The market has been very well received by the public and is one more attraction for tourists.” The farmers’ market has given local farmers and artisans the opportunity to sell their products directly to the end consumer, without intermediaries. Preference is given to providers from Garachico, but enquiries from interested parties from other parts of the area are also taken into account. Currently 16 farmers and artisans offer their products every Sunday and on bank holidays, from 9am to 2pm. Initially, the stands were set up at the former port, but at the beginning of last December the market was moved to the central Plaza de la Libertad in the historic centre of the town. n

Have fun shopping in the Plaza de la Libertad on Sundays

Cheers! or Salud!

Canarian wines in North America At the end of March, the Canarian Wine Association embarked on a tour of the USA and Canada to present Canarian wines. Among other things, there will be a wine tasting in the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York, organised by the well-known wine connoisseur David Bowler. Portland, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Nashville and Miami are also on the itinerary of the Canary Islands wine representatives. In Toronto, Canada, they will invite professionals to a wine tasting. This event is organised by the renowned sommelier and journalist John Szabo MS, author of a very successful book on volcanic wines in North America. Wine growers from the Bodegas Viñatigo, Tajinaste and Monje in Tenerife, Bodega Bermejo in Lanzarote and Frontón de Oro in Gran Canaria will participate. Canarian wine is distinguished by its ancient grape varieties and the volcanic landscape on which they mature. The aim of the trip is to create interest in Canarian wines within the American culinary ambience and to open up new sales markets. Wine lovers can follow

the trip live on the social networks Facebook, Twitter

Pioneers from the world of Canarian wine





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C/ La Marina, 3. Los Abrigos (Caixa roundabout) T. +34 642 063 159 Call for reservations

PAMPERS BABY DRY 15kg - size 6


Authentic Florentine Italian restaurant Fresh pasta made daily Fresh fish from the local port

and Instagram at hashtag n #CanaryWineUSA.


PG TIPS 40 pyramid bags




Polígono industrial Los Olivos Cra. Gral. La Caleta s/n. Adeje Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9:00 – 21:30 Sun 9:00 – 21:00


Calle Camelia s/n C. C. La Cúpula Puerto de La Cruz Opening hours: Mon - Sun 9:00 – 21:00

LOS CRISTIANOS Avenida Juan Carlos I, s/n Los Cristianos Opening hours: Mon - Sat 9:00 – 21:30 Sun 9:00 – 21:00

Errors and omissions excepted · This offer is available whilst stocks last · This offer will be valid from April 5th to April 18th





Fettuccina - a Bistrot and Culinary School Fettuccina Bistrot in Los Abrigos is not only a delightful family-run restaurant specialising in Florentine cuisine, but is also a culinary school and that’s what makes it so unique. Spartaco, his wife Antonella and son Tomás opened the venue in early February, having been successful in the restaurant business in Italy for many years. It’s not surprising that it is already proving to be very popular both at lunchtimes and in the evenings. The restaurant has a large and ample interior with plenty of seating which is well spaced out, and also some exterior tables. It has a quaint Italian marine atmosphere with white and blue tables and chairs which have been restored and spongepainted. The large kitchen is visible from the dining area and there is a well-stocked bar. The menu is typically Italian in style, but is based on Florentine cuisine, delicious fresh home-made pasta and the wealth of fresh fish and seafood available daily in

food gratín with scallops, mussels, razor fish and oysters, an entrecôte with mushrooms, four cheeses or rocket and parmesan. There is also the succulent fresh fish of the day served Cartocchio style (en papillote in foil), or fried calamari, prawns and vegetables. In

beers, spirits and soft drinks. The Fettuccina Bistrot has a wonderful, relaxed and friendly atmosphere, the prices are very reasonable for such fabulous fresh food, children are catered for and service is always provided with a smile, and of course, that typical Floren-

A delicious Panzerotti with meat and meat sauce

this delightful fishing village. For example, for starters you could choose from gratinated fresh mussels, mixed Florentine-style brochettes with chicken paté, tomatoes and mushrooms, a typical Florentine soup with tomato, bread and basil, assorted cheeses, peppered mussels, fresh tartare made from the fish of the day with celery and cured fish roe, or a mixed seafood platter with garlic and wine sauce. Any of these are guaranteed to give your tastebuds a real treat.

There is also a list of pasta starters, which includes sardines with vegetable sauce, ravioli with a spinach and ricotta filling and topped with cheese sauce, a large tortellini filled with the fish of the day and fresh tomato sauce, Panzerotti (savoury turnover) with meat and meat sauce, Orecchiette with fresh clams and cured fish roe, or large Fettuccinas with Bolognese sauce and cream. The main courses on offer include a large mixed sea-

Fun for all the family learning to make fresh pasta

addition, there is a daily special menu which varies according to availability, Florentine rabbit, a delicious chunky soup with prawns, garlic, tomatoes and basil as well as special dishes for two people including Linguine and mixed seafood, and much more depending on the season. The restaurant also offers some of the more popular Italian dishes like lasagne, which is all the more delicious when it’s homemade with fresh pasta, in fact there's nothing quite like it! These dishes are not listed on the menu, but all you need to do is ask. You could finish off your meal with a delicious dessert if you have left enough space, and choose from the range of coffees. There is a good selection of Spanish and Canarian wines to complement your meal, and a range of Italian wines is coming very soon. The well stocked bar has bottled and draught

tine hospitality. Don't forget that not only can you enjoy a great meal at this restaurant,

but you can also visit the pasta factory on the premises or join one of the culinary classes and learn how to make fresh pasta and prepare a delicious dish at home. Later, once it is cooked, you will be able to sit down and enjoy it. Courses are available for individuals, small groups and families in the art of: making fresh pasta, tortelli and the Thai art of vegetable carving, which is Antonella's speciality. Owner Spartaco says that one of their greatest joys is to share their knowledge with their patrons of all ages, offering lessons for both children and adults. These practical cooking courses are designed to introduce people to the joy of preparing an excellent pasta dish, and much more. Find the Fettuccina Bistrot and Culinary School, which already has some excellent ratings on TripAdvisor, on the main roundn about in Los Abrigos.

Fettuccina Bistrot and Culinary School Calle La Marina 3, Los Abrigos · Tenerife Open: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday: 12pm to 3.30pm · Friday and Saturday: 6.30pm to 11pm Closed Mondays Tel: (+34) 642 063 159 email: Facebook: Fettuccina Bistrot


Mirador de Chirche La Guinguette

GC at GastroCanarias 2018

d miradordechirche

Mirador de Chircheisis situated in La Guinguette a French the most beautiful andcan peaceful restaurant where you enjoy spot, in dancing, the Municipality of Guia music, good food and de Isora, 300m up the main road wine. We have created a place “Carretera Boca Tauche”, where we combine art, food turand ning Chirche (uphill, drinkinto at La Guinguette in direcSouth At this year's fair 20 additional tion of Mount Tenerife. The Teide). food is Here basedyou on stands will be needed. A total can appreciate the most traditional French cuisine,speccom©Google of 195 exhibitors will be offer© GoggleMaps tacular views of La Gomera,and El bined with country-specific ing their products for tasting. Hierro & La Palma, besides the local products. Musicians of As an added attraction, cooking local coastline below, all the all genres provide inspiratioenjoying typical homecompetitions among the bestwhile of shows, nal theme nights, and Canarian food, as the young Canarian chefs made are also perform during oursuch Sunday rabbit Salmorejo & goat dishes, on offer, classic cocktail mixer BBQ. Our terrace with shady delicious and good local specialists, cocktail acrobatics trees anddesserts a breathtaking view Mirador is an ideal loca(á la Tom Cruise) and the artwines. of Elyou invites to relax. Our team tion for you a leisurely us awaits to offerlunch. you anVisit unforslicing the finest Iberian hams once and you are sure to return! © GoogleMaps gettable time. n will be demonstrated. The island presidents agree - the best delicacies should be available between islands for all Canarians © GoogleMaps

Marina MarinaBay Bay

Avenida AvenidaJuan JuanCarlos CarlosI I Los LosCristianos Cristianos(Arona) (Arona) Opening Openinghours: hours: daily daily10:00–22:00 10:00–22:00 market marketdays days9:00–22:00 9:00–22:00

&&922 922791 791371 371 A A new new sensation sensation has has hit hit Los Los Cristianos, Cristianos, and and that that is is the the Marina Marina Bay Bay Restaurant Restaurant and and Sunset Sunset Bar. Bar. Occupying Occupying an an elevated elevated position position next next to to the the Arona Arona Gran Gran Hotel, Hotel, just just behind behind the market site overlooking the market site overlooking the the sea, sea, Marina Marina Bay Bay is is the the place place to to switch switch off off and and enjoy enjoy food food and and drinks. drinks. A A daytime daytime snacks snacks menu menu and and aa full full international international menu menu provide provide for for all all tastes tastes and and ages. ages. Watch Watch amazing amazing sunsets, sunsets, enjoy enjoy live live music music in in the the evenings evenings and and maybe maybe even even dance dance too! too! The The priority priority at Marina Bay is good customer customer service and quality food food at reasonable prices.

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La Guinguette Mamma Mia

Carretera General Piedra Av de Las Américas 7 Hincada 42, Guía de Isora C.C. Américas Plaza Playa dehours: Las Américas Opening Tue – Sun hours: 12:30–16:00 Opening Wed – Sat 19:00–22.30 daily 11:30–23:30

922857 797327 082 &&922 La Guinguette a French Freshness andis tradition: restaurant where you can enjoy Mamma Mía is where you’ll find music, dancing, food excellent Italian good cuisine inand the wine. WeTenerife. have created a place south of Enjoy all its where weand combine art, and food with and aromas textures, drink La Guinguette in South a newatmenu at the beginning Tenerife. The food based of July, you will alsoisbe ableon to traditional French cuisine, comtry some typical dishes from the bined and north with and country-specific south of Italy. Only local products. Musicians of the best quality authentic ingreall genres dients are provide used, allinspiratioof Italian nal shows, themeMía nights, and origin. Mamma has won also during our Sunday the perform TripAdvisor Certificate of BBQ. Our terrace with confirshady Excellence for years, trees andquality a breathtaking view ming the of the cuisine, invites you to relax. Our and demonstrating thatteam the awaits youoftofine offerItalian you anfood unforessence is gettable time.with Mamma Mía. synonymous


Gran Canaria to take part in the upcoming great culinary fair V Gastro Canarias 2018, which will take place from May 22 to 24 at the Recinto Ferial in Santa Cruz. Gran Canaria is particularly known for its exquisite wines, coffees, olive oils, cheeses (especially the creamy Flor de Guía), as well as many other delicacies.

&&922 922850 857525 327 671 202 223 CANARIAN marina-bay-sunset-bar

Carlos Alonso and Antonio Morales, the Presidents of Tenerife and Gran Canaria respectively, agree that each island has unique and different delicacies to offer. They want to grow together and promote the exchange of products among themselves, so that new sales markets arise for both. That is why Alonso also expressly invited

Opening Openinghours: hours: Mon Tue––Sun Sun09:00–20:00 12:30–16:00 Closed Wed –Saturday Sat 19:00–22.30

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Together we stand

Calle Era Rompida Carretera General s/n Piedra Chirche, Isora HincadaGuía 42, de Guía de Isora




d RestauranteLa-Guinguette

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




Liberty Seguros

With Liberty Seguros, take more and you get more If you are an existing or new Liberty Seguros customer, now is the time to take out insurance cover on your car, home or life. You may ask, why? Well, up to June 25 2018, existing customers who take out a new policy on one or all of these types of covers can get €60 cashback on each one. That means, for example, if you contract a new car policy plus a home policy and a life policy you can get €180 back on all three. Alternatively if you take just one, you’ll get €60 cashback, or if you take two, €120 and so on. New clients will also benefit. They will get €30 cashback on the first policy they take out and for all subsequent new policies, €60 each. Again as an example,

Goya Lawyers Holiday rentals’ websites must provide information to the tax office. Websites such as Airbnb or HomeAway will now have to provide the Tax and Customs Administration with the details of the owners of the apartments, the customers who rent them from them and the full details of each operation. The Council of Ministers amended the General Regulations for tax management and inspection actions and for the development of common rules for tax application procedures (RD 1065/2007, July 27), which came into force on Janu-

the first could be a car policy providing €30 cashback and if a home and life policy are also contracted, that’s another €120 making a possible cashback total of €150. There is no limit on cashback whether you’re an existing or new customer! What better time could there be to switch to Liberty for even greater savings and tip-top cover for all types of insurances. Over 175,000 ex-pat clients have already chosen Liberty as their insurance provider and this figure grows almost every day because of the excellent service and quality of cover that we offer our clients. The main condition is that premiums are paid by direct debit and all cashback is credited to

that same bank account. For convenience, payments can be set up either in Spain or from a bank account in your country of origin, as long as it is within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) zone. Customers must be aware that these offers do not apply to renewals or replacements and only apply to new comprehensive car, home and life insurance. In some cases, minimum premiums will apply to be eligible for the cashback. And some other conditions may apply. Liberty Seguros will continue its commitment to reward loyalty to existing customers. We value our customers and will do our utmost to offer the best service and price possible. In order to achieve this and to

assist those who prefer a more personalised service, Liberty Seguros has an extensive network of 300 brokers that are dedicated to providing friendly, expert advice. Speaking your own language, these brokers are available to discuss, faceto-face, the cover that will be best for you. With insurance, not only for the car and home, but also life, pet, business, commercial, leisure, public liability and personal injury, today, Liberty Seguros is considered the ex-pats’ number one choice in Spain. To find out more or to receive a no obligation quote, visit www.libertyexpatriates. es. Or, to find out the location of your nearest broker, simply n call 913 422 549.

Holiday rentals and taxation

Online holiday let adverts are now being scrutinised by the tax office

ary 1, 2018, and which establish, "the obligation to transfer the information from their

advertisements to the specific Tax Administration about the properties offered and the con-

tracts made for the lease or assignment of use of dwellings for tourism via the intermediary collaborative platforms”. That is to say that from now, the websites that house holidaylets for owners have the obligation to keep the tax office informed about the identification of the owners, the letting agreements and the length of the contracts. If you have a holiday-let advertised in this way, how does this affect your tax situation? If you only offer a holiday let with no hotel-like services such as cleaning, restaurant service, laundry etc., you are not lia-

ble for the direct form of taxation (VAT in the UK, General Indirect Canary Islands Tax or IGIC here). With respect to Personal Income Tax (IRPF), the rent obtained by the tourist dwelling will be considered as a full return on the real estate capital value, that is to say, merely providing temporary use of the property, without the provision of services specific to the hotel industry, as mentioned above, and provided that they do not have business costs/resources, such as having hired a person for this purpose, the rental will be classified as income from

real estate capital for IRPF, and it will be up to the Treasury to check and decide whether the income obtained should be the subject of a tax return. With the changes in the law, it’s clear that there is a black economy generated by this type of tourism leases and that from now on the Administration will be focussing on the owners of tourist-rental properties. If you wish to clarify your legal position, or if you need any legal assistance for this or any other matters, you can contact us by calling 922 797 500, or sending us an email to n

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




Blevins Franks

Good news for UK nationals about Spanish succession tax By Paul Montague, Partner, Blevins Franks

How much Spanish succession and gift tax (SSGT) you or your heirs pay depends on whether the state or local autonomous community rules apply. Reforms made by many regional governments have significantly reduced this liability for spouses, descendants and ascendants, so that paying under the state rules can be significantly more expensive. Now, a Spanish Supreme Court Ruling is reassuring for nonEU/EEA residents. There is a strong chance the favourable regional rules will continue to apply after Brexit for UK residents, even if the UK ends up outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

rules. In 2011 the European Commission referred Spain to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) for discriminatory SSGT rules that required non-residents to pay higher taxes than residents, which went against EU principles. In 2014 the ECJ ruled that Spain was acting illegally. In 2015 new rules came into force so that beneficiaries living outside the autonomous community can benefit from the local rates and allowances... but only where they live in the EU or EEA.

2018 Spanish Supreme Judgement

On February 19, 2018, the Supreme Court reached a landmark judgement in the case of a Canadian resident beneficiary who inherited an estate from her Spanish-resident mother and had to pay tax under state Background rules. It ruled that Spain’s succession In the past, you had to be habit- and gift tax rules breach the EU ually resident in an autonomous Treaty’s free movement of capicommunity to benefit from its tal rules, and that the 2014 rul-

So if Spain changes its legislation to cover non-EU/EEA residents, the local rules will apply to them too, regardless of the final Brexit terms. Even if the rules don’t change, they may still be able to use the court judgement to claim the application of regional rules, in certain cases. Cross-border estate planning is complex, and Brexit has been adding further concerns. Take specialist, personalised advice to establish an effective estate plan and ensure the right money will go to the right people at the right time, with as little tax as Professional advice could help you reduce your succession and gift tax possible. ing should also apply to nonshould be able to apply Summarised tax information is EU/EEA residents. regional tax rules when A relief with Brexit on the based upon our understanding of receiving inheritances and way current laws and practices which How does this change the gifts. may change. Individuals should rules? 2) It is possible that Spain This is particularly relevant for seek personalised advice. will change its legislation UK nationals. As things stand, if Blevins Franks provides tailorThe SSGT rules themselves in future to extend regional the UK ends up outside both the made advice on investment strathave not changed, so currently benefits to non-EU/EEA EU and EEA after Brexit, anyegies, tax mitigation and estate the regional beneficial allowone living in Spain and receivresidents. planning. It has decades of expeances do not apply to non-EU/ 3) It opens the door for non- ing an inheritance from the UK, rience advising British expatriates EEA residents. However: EEA resident taxpayers or any UK resident receiving an in Spain. Contact Paul Montague on 922 716 079 or paul.mon1) The judgement gives nonto claim back refunds for inheritance/gift from Spain, EU/EEA residents a strong SSGT paid under the dis- would not be able to apply the argument as to why they favourable regional rules. criminate rules.

WHAT’S ON 2018




Until further notice Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second-hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm, Saturdays 6pm – 11pm, Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

April 6 8pm: Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Debussy, Albéniz and Ravel, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15. April 6 - 15 Monopol Music Festival, LPGC.


EXHIBITION Until May 4 Nómadas (Nomads), photography of African tribes by Samuel Aranda (winner of the World Press Photo 2011 award) and narration by Martín Caparrós, Casa África, LPGC, free entry, Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm, (closed May 1).

April 7 9pm: Alberto Cortéz, top Argentinean singersongwriter, Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €30. 10.30pm: Fito & Fitipaldis, Spanish indie pop, Estadio de Gran Canaria, LPGC, from €35. April 13 8pm: Gran Canaria Philharmonic Orchestra, Poulenc, Ravel and Prokofiev, Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15.

cio Cultural Aguere, La Laguna, €10. www. April 8 2pm - 5pm: Open day at the Gernot Huber Foundation sculpture park, Finca de Los Cardones, San Isidro, free entry. 8pm: Alberto Cortez, top Argentinean singersongwriter, Teatro Guimerá, Santa Cruz, from €30. April 12 7.30pm: Zíngaros, Quantum Ensemble, chamber music, Bartok, Brahms and Liszt, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €8.50. April 13



9pm: Alma de Bolero, Déjate Querer (Allow yourself to Love), covers of modern Spanish bolero ballads and love songs by Julio Iglesias, Luis Miguel and more, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €12.

6pm: Drakaina Draco y las 7 semillas mágicas (Drakaina Draco and the seven magic seeds), contemporary dance theatre aimed at families, 40 minute show, €6.

April 13 & 14

April 7

8.30pm: Spanish National Ballet Company, Farruca, Bolero and Seville Suite, Teatro Cuyás, LPGC, from €15.

11am: La Ruta de los Castillos, guided tour (in Spanish) around Santa Cruz’s early fortifications, Castillo de San Juan, Casa de la Pólvora, Castillo San Cristóbal, Torre de San Andrés and Castillo de Paso Alto, €9.

April 14 8.30pm: Gran Canaria Big Band – Jazzethnic, jazz fused with Canarian and world music, CICCA, LPGC, €15. 9pm: Tony Momrelle, jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15. April 15 12.30pm: The Queen Symphony, orchestral tribute to this great British band, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €15.

9.30pm: Alba Gil, singer, 2017 winner of Spanish television talent programme La Voz, Paraninfo, La Laguna University, €12. www. 10pm: Fran Baraja, Tenerife musician, blues, rock and roll fused with Canarian folk music, premiere of sixth album Mago (Wise man), Espa-

8.45pm: Trio Atlántico, Canarian music, guitar and harp, Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, El Médano, €10. 922 176 120 / April 20 8.30pm: II Festival de Fado de Canarias, traditional Portuguese music, Ricardo Ribeiro, nominated for second time in 2017 for Best Artist of the Year by British magazine Songlines, Teatro Leal, La Laguna, €12 - €18.

Until further notice Open air cinema at the Magma Centre, Adeje, from €4 for residents, many films in the original language. 10pm: Rufus T. Firefly, Spanish alternative rock, Aguere Sala2, La Laguna, €12. www. April 14

Every Saturday morning Events for specific groups, families, seniors, women, etc. Activate Sports Club.

EXHIBITIONS April 6 - 16 Bahá`u´lláh, vida y obra (Bahá`u´lláh, life and works), exhibition of various materials celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of the 19th-century nobleman, prophet, author and religious leader, Adeje Cultural Centre, free entry, Monday to Friday 8am - 10pm. www.

6pm: Children of the 80’s, retro concert, Dr. Alban, Hard Rock Hotel, Costa Adeje, from €22.50. 9pm: Mr. Kilombo, singer-songwriter from Madrid, indie, samba, reggae, ska and rock, Búho Club, La Laguna, €10.

April 18

9pm: Fran Fernández, Spanish pop and folk, Búho Club, La Laguna, €10 in advance, €12 on the day.

7.30pm: Mística Sonora (Mysterious Resonance), Gian Carlo Menotti -Two Spanish visions, and Gabriel Fauré - Requiem, choral music, Ensemble Vocal de Tenerife, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €16.

Jazz Roja Festival, 30 free open-air concerts, Los Cristianos, inauguration and closing concerts in the Plaza de La Pescadora.

8.45pm: Piano and cello concert, Helena Lima and Mirjana, Hotel Playa Sur Tenerife, El Médano, €12. 922 176 120 /

8.30pm: II Encuentro de Poesía y Música Arona (2nd Poetry and Music Convention), various performers, in Spanish, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, no under five year olds, €10.

April 6

8.30pm: Miki Delgado Trío + Mosco Project, jazz, pop and Brazilian, plus Canarian musicians, CICCA, LPGC, €15.

April 17

April 21

9pm: Diego El Cigala, top flamenco singer from Seville, plus Cuban fusion, first two concerts of his world tour are here and Gran Canaria, Pabellón Santiago Martín, La Laguna, from €25.

April 6 - 21

11pm: Efecto Pasillo, Canarian rock, reggae, pop and funk band, Plaza de San Marcos, Tegueste, free event.

10pm: Piezas & Jayder, duo from Murcia, hip hop and rap, also Jaro Desperdizio & Sin H with J Higgz, Espacio Cultural Aguere, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, €12 in advance, €15 on the day.

April 5

8.30pm: Dulces Bestias (Sweet Beasts), introspective contemporary dance show, Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €5. www.arona. org

and Mickey Virtue, Pabellón Deportes de Tenerife Santiago Martín, La Laguna, from €42.

Until April 20

1pm: Acción del Sol doggie get-together, take one of the refuge’s dogs for a walk then join in the socialising, with cakes and drinks provided for all volunteers, exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, find the refuge by the windmills on the coast, free event. 922 778 630 - facebook/aktiontier.accion 9pm: UB40, British top reggae/pop blues band, original members Ali Campbell, Astro

Exhibition of 30 paintings and montages by Gran Canaria artist Chano Grimón, abstract, poster pop, geometric designs and labyrinthlike landscapes, Museo del Pescador, Puerto de Santiago, free entry 10am – 1pm Monday to Friday, and 10am – 1pm on Saturdays. www.

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018



Free concert

Passage to fusion Headlining Canarian band Efecto Pasillo will give a free performance in Tegueste on April 14. Efecto Pasillo is one of the most successful bands to have originated in the archipelago. The group’s cheery mix of Latin beats with rock, reggae, pop and funk has seen them gain national and international recognition. Their big break came shortly after their formation in 2007, when they won a competition and were given the opportunity to record a single. Once aired on radio stations, the debut caught the ear of award winning producer Tato Latorre, who signed the band immediately after hearing them play live. Since then they have achieved high positions in the Spanish pop charts, regularly appeared on national TV, and have spread their popularity across the Spanish speaking world. The members of the group are Iván Torres on vocals, Javier Moreno on drums, Nau Barreto playing guitar and Arturo Sosa on bass. Catch them from 11pm onwards in the Plaza de San Marcos in Tegueste town centre. The concert is part of a programme of events being held in honour of the San Marcos Evangelista fiestas. Dj Ruymán will entertain the crowd before the concert starts. See for more information on this and n other activities during the celebrations.

A piece of the action

Murcia’s finest For a hip hop and rap treat, head to La Laguna on April 20 to catch Piezas & Jayder in action. The Spanish duo started out in 2005 giving informal concerts around Murcia’s pubs and clubs. However, their high-energy show, insightful lyrics and finely worked rhythms soon ensured that the pair came to the notice of those in the know. With several albums under their belts and a number of self-produced music videos, nowadays Piezas and Jayder are also two of the most active members of the Murcia Finest collective, a group of artistes that aims to promote performing arts of all kinds. Melancholia, the duo’s last album release, in December

2015, was nominated for Best Hip Hop Album at the International Independent Music Awards. Their current project, Asimetría, is set to hit the streets soon but lucky concert goers in the Canary Islands will be able to enjoy sneak previews during the shows. Along with guest artist J Higgz, Piezas & Jayder will play the Espacio Cultural Aguere in La Laguna starting at 10pm, with tickets costing €12 if bought in advance or €15 on the door. Snap them up at www.ticketea. com. The band will also give a concert in Gran Canaria the following evening, April 21, as part of the free Festival Mogán Joven event, which will take place in the Plaza Pérez Galdós, Arguin neguín, starting 9pm.

Guided by Guía

Lovin’ Latino style

Bolero in the soul Head to Los Cristianos on April 13 to be romanced by the sound of Spanish bolero music. Alma de Bolero (Bolero Soul) has been delighting audiences since the trio formed just over 16 years ago. With seven albums already released, their latest project, called Déjate Querer (Allow yourself to love), offers an evening of “ballads and love songs from the bolero tradition, with a focus on new sounds”. Hits from the likes of Julio Iglesias, Luis Miguel, Luz Casal, Raphael, José Luis Perales and many more will be enthusiastically performed, with the audience invited to “sing along with each and every one of them”. Catch it at the Infanta Leonor auditorium, starting 9pm. Tickets cost €12 and can be purchased from the town’s cultural centre between the hours of 9am and 2pm, Monday to Friday; from the auditorium’s box office two hours before the show (up until 15 minutes before it starts); or online via n

Take a hike Guia de Isora council is currently offering several opportunities to join guided walks. Three different routes are available and open to all members of the public, though places are limited and must be booked in advance. The next one coming up will take place on April 22 and will see a lucky group of hikers visit the Anaga Mountains in the north-east of the island, on a walk which has a medium to high difficulty level. Anaga is one of the greenest parts of Tenerife, with impressive forests and a mountain spur that offers incredible views down to the coasts on either shore. The following month, on May 27, the excursion will be to see the beautiful tajinaste flowers

in the El Teide National Park (medium difficulty). One of Tenerife’s most iconic plants, the tajinaste is endemic to the Islands and is at its most abundant in the Las Cañadas area. A striking red plant that blooms only once a year, with a single cone-like spur that can reach up to three metres in height, their emergence draws crowds from far afield, who flock to catch the sight of them at their most glorious, usually around the last two weeks of May. The last event of the series will be on June 30, with an exciting medium to high difficulty night-time walk under the light of a full moon, in a location to be revealed later. See for information on prices etc. n





Stripes: the all-rounder among patterns

A casual variant of the trouser suit. From Primark

The striped design of the romantic skirt is composed of small flowers. From M & Co Stripes and checks make a trendy pattern mix. By Hobbs

Fresh: A wrap dress with wide stripes in white and light blue. From Marks & Spencer

The cream dress with black stripes can be styled for business as well as casual wear. From Evans

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




Soft flowing trousers with different stripes. From Monsoon

If it is a little cooler, a striped sweater does a great job. From Next

The flounces on the sleeves of the blouse attract attention. From New Look

Ideal for hot days: This brightly coloured stripe dress is particularly airy. From Matalan

CarmenB blouses are back in - and go just as well with jeans as with narrow skirts

A real classic returns this summer: Stripes. The bold and jaunty patterns adorn trousers, tops, dresses and skirts like never before, and it’s no wonder. Depending on the styling, stripes can look casual or elegant, and always have a fresh appearance which fits perfectly with summer. Also new this season is the combination of stripes with other patterns such as dots or checks. Alternatively, stripes can even result from clever positioning of individual dots or flowers. Those who prefer simplicity can combine them with a plain item, while the more fashionably daring can wear several different stripes together. As a rule of thumb, always combine narrow with wide stripes, but not too wide. One point to remember is that jewellery should be discreet when wearing a striped outfit - otherwise the whole effect can look slightly overloaded. n

Casually combined: A man’s-style shirt blouse and slim trousers. From Marks & Spencer




The best of the brain

The ultimate computer By Xena Fox Despite only weighing around 1.4 kilos, having a texture similar to firm jelly, and looking suspiciously like a well-boiled cauliflower, the human brain regulates every facet of our lives, from autonomic functions including heart rate and breathing, through voluntary responses like movement and speech, to higher processes such as thinking and reasoning. Each and every moment, the brain is interpreting the flood of information coming in from your body and, via the five senses, the rest of the world, and making endless tweaks to your system and split-second decisions about action. Capable of around 1,016 processes per second, the human brain is far more powerful than any existing computer, and has a memory capacity of, some scientists believe, over one million gigabytes - one petabyte. So, how does this tiny, but potent body part do it? First, we’ll have a look at some of its components and the different tasks they perform.

An elaborate network There are three main areas of the brain, which work in conjunction with each other in a highly intricate relationship. By far the largest is the cerebrum, the outer layer of the brain which is the main organisational centre. Sitting under the cerebrum, at the back and base of the head, is the cerebellum (Latin for ‘small brain’), which organises position, movement and balance.

nation, precision and accurate timing, as it receives, sorts and prioritises sensory and motor input from the spinal cord and other areas of the brain. Its duties include coordinating language, via

The third and smallest component, the brain stem, is an elongated structure that sits under the cerebrum in front of the cerebellum.

The brain stem Structurally, the brainstem unites the spinal cord and brain, in one seamless flow that allows messages to pass between the two. In the human brain it comprises three distinct areas: the midbrain at the top, pons in the middle, and the medulla oblongata (an enlarged portion of the upper spinal cord) at the bottom. The brainstem helps control basic activities such as breathing, digestion, heart rate and

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Our brains generate electricity as they work away busily – enough to run a small light bulb

blood pressure, as well as respiratory function, pain sensitivity, taste, consciousness, swallowing and the sleep cycle, in addition to providing the main motor and sensory input to the face and neck.

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The characteristic wrinkled surface of our brains is a specialised outer layer of the cerebrum called the cerebral cortex, which plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, cognition, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. The cerebral cortex has a huge surface area which is folded endlessly, giving it its distinctive appearance and forming various sections: the frontal, parietal, occipital, and tem-

ing the upside-down images of the world that are projected onto the retina by the lens of the eye. Located within the temporal lobe, the basal ganglia helps coordinate fine motor movements such as wiggling the fingertips, whilst the hippocampus, amongst other aspects, plays a large role in short-term memory, and the amygdala keeps an eye on social, sexual and emotional behaviour. The cerebrum is also divided into two halves, joined by the corpus callosum, a bundle of neural fibres. Though no one is quite sure of the true nature of their interaction, we do know that that the left side of the brain controls the right side of body and vice versa, and that, just like every other division in the brain, it is one that is only useful for classification’s sake. The brain is one big, happy team, working together to keep your place in the world safe and successful. And that’s not all…

It was once believed that the brain recorded memories like a film. However, it’s since been learned that memories are dismantled and stored in different parts of the brain. When recalled, they are reconstructed from individual fragments. Hence, memories are terribly unreliable, as emotions, prompts, motives, context and frequency of use can all affect how accurately something is remembered

The cerebellum plays an important role in fine-tuning motor control. It does not initiate movement, but makes a major contribution to coordi-

Pilates trainer ä Physiotherapist

poral lobes, each with their own duties. For instance, the occipital lobe receives and processes visual information from the eyes, sending its version on to other areas of the brain. Its tasks include revers-

The human brain is way more powerful than the biggest computer

The cerebellum


you do in your daily life. Here, all thoughts, learning, memory, emotions, plans, daydreams, reasoning, bodily sensations, experiences, and input from the outside world are processed and acted upon.

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the control of the fine muscle movements of the lips and larynx. Its possible involvement in cognitive functions such as attention, as well as in regulating fear and pleasure responses, is currently being investigated.

The cerebrum With the assistance of the cerebellum, the cerebrum controls all voluntary actions and holds the instructions for everything

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018



For instance, taxi drivers in London have a larger and more developed ‘memory centre’ in the brain, due to the mental workout they have while navigating the almost 60,000 streets in central London which they are need to know by heart. The requirement to learn what is known as The

Knowledge was introduced in 1865 and students will typically take three to four years to achieve the task. The things we do, think and feel change our brain, as we meet new people, have new experiences and acquire new abilities. However, when we constantly repeat actions and reflect on the same thoughts over and over again, we reinforce only existing pathways and create very few new connections. This leads to repetitive behaviour and a lowered ability to deal with new or unusual situations. Connections will also diminish in strength, or even cease, if left idle, via a process known as synaptic pruning. For example, relying on GPS to find our way around may have a negative impact on navigation skills, as unused neural pathways fade away due to lack of use. However, get the map out after not using it for a while, and your brain will go into an electric frenzy, as it happily takes on board the new information and reboots or builds necessary skills. There’s a lot to be said for the maxim ‘Use it or lose it’. There was never a better time to exern cise your brain.


Photo: Ramzi Hashisho /

We like to think that we are in control of our lives, but up to 95 per cent of decisions take place in our subconscious minds

the central nervous system can understand and resend. Very basically, sensory neurons pass information to the interneurons. The interneurons that are in the brain work out a plan, then they tell the motor neurons what to do. The body contains an unimaginable amount of these clever little nerve cells. Just in

cells. Each neuron can transmit 1,000 nerve impulses per second and has the potential to make tens of thousands of contacts with other neurons.

Stuck in a rut? Neuroplasticity is the term given to the brain's ability

Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep and exercise will help boost your brain power Incredibly, a brain trauma can trigger ‘acquired savant syndrome’ where ordinary people suddenly develop genius-level abilities, often in music, art or mathematics It was previously believed that we only used around 10 per cent of our brains. However, that myth has long since been disproven: You actually use most of your brain, most of the time. Even when you are asleep

Necessary neurons Encased within the vertebrae of the backbone is the spinal cord, which could be viewed as a downward extension of the brain stem. It’s like an electrical wire, containing all the sensory and motor pathways from the brain to the body and back again. The spinal cord, brain and outlying peripheral nerves form a complex processing and control structure known as the central nervous system, along which messages are sent in a constant and unending conversation. The work-horses of this complex system of communication are the neurons, or nerve cells. Neurons are made up of a main cell body, or soma, but also have a whip-like projection, called an axon, that transmits the electrochemical messages (or nerve impulses), as well as dendrites (nerve endings), which are tiny, branch-

like protuberances, on one or both ends of a cell, which are responsible for making connections with other cells. Interneurons make connections within the brain and spinal cord. Motor neurons carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to the outer parts of your body such as the muscles and skin, and sensory neurons convert external stimuli (from touch etc.) into signals

our brains there are roughly 86 billion, sending out seemingly infinitesimal branches that connect at over 100 trillion gaps, called synapses. As memories, thoughts and feelings are formed, they travel through these individual nerve cells in the form of tiny electrical charges that, thanks to chemicals called neurotransmitters, are carried across the synapse and on to other


to change and reorganise its complicated web of hardware and connections throughout its life. Over time, our experiences create new neurons, pathways, patterns of movement, and variations in signal type and strength. These mirror our thoughts, memories, interests, encounters and skills, and sometimes this ‘map’ of who we are is clearly readable.

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Animal charities’ round up

Acción del Sol We recently had a very sad time at the refuge when the two gorgeous dogs pictured here arrived, having witnessed the worst thing possible in their home - A triple murder in Guaza. We send our sincere condolences to the family concerned. Both of the dogs are in severe shock. If no relatives take them we will do our hardest to find them a special home together, where they can learn to forget their horrendous ordeal and to be loved again. Walk on the beach Our next event at the refuge is on April 14 at 1pm. Again our focus is on the dogs in our care so we would like to ask our friends and supporters to help us make a dog’s day by joining us in a walk down to the beach. The dogs love the very rare outing and attention that they crave, so please make a dog’s day and join us. Maybe a packet of treats would be appreciated as well. Cakes and drinks will be on offer on the return to the refuge. With more than 220 dogs looking for new loving homes please do come and visit us to see if maybe one is the dog for you. Every one of them has a full clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, micro chipped, passported and castrated, which is compulsory to

Tierhotel Lilly We look after your pet while you are away

(short or long term)

Tel: 697 826 738 (D/E), 659 131 382 (SP, Trainer)

try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife. There are no adoption fees but donations are welcomed towards the rising upkeep and running costs of the refuge. How you can help Many times we are asked how people can help. We need many things for the animals and refuge, such as products for our clinic (e.g. hydrogen peroxide, betadine, alcohol, towels, blankets and sheets), cleaning products and utensils, building materials, dog toys, leads, collars, tinned food for our elderly dogs, puppy milk, beds, and dog jackets for when our dogs travel by flight to Germany, as well as materials to help with our educational programme (pens, paper, glue, play-doh and crayons). Every donation is greatly appreciated. In addition, we are desperately looking for people who are travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. We are also always looking for afternoon dog walkers as well. Please do call: 922 778 630 if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on teneriffa@ or visit our Facebook page: Action tier Acción del Sol.

K9 Ways you can help If you wish to support the K9 animal refuge, we would be very appreciative. There are several ways to help: you can buy our merchandise (T-shirts, vests, key rings, wristbands and more), you can sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs, you can donate either money via our website or in cash at our refuge, or food and other items which help us look after the animals. Also, you can become a volunteer dog walker. Remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page for any fund raising events which you may like to attend. K9 are often looking for people travelling to Germany and other locations to accompany dogs which have found new homes outside of Tenerife. We are currently looking for flights to Munich or Stuttgart. If you are able to accompany our dogs during their flights, please contact us asap. Sponsor a pooch We have many dogs waiting for their forever homes. You can see them on our website: www. Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on Facebook at: Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Shop till you drop Visit our shop at Alcalá Plaza, every day from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very

welcome as well. Call: 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. Proceeds from our shop are essential to ensuring our K9 dogs have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible. There are always lots of bargains to be had and our volunteers will make you very welcome.

Cats Welfare

Adoptions Please consider adopting from us. All of our cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then kitten injection, micro chip and neutering is free for the second kitten. Adopt a black kitten or two and both kittens receive the above treatments for free. Contact us via our website: or ring/whatsapp Sharon (English) on: 662 524 006, seven days a week 9am to 6pm, or Sandra (Spanish and German) after 6pm on: 671 282 773. Alternatively, message us on Facebook. Our shop Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on: 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in n the shop?


Success story!

It’s always great to hear about another successful adoption. Here are RJ and Linda who recently left K9 to travel to the UK to live with their new families. Linda had already met her new family when they were volunteers at K9, and RJ was lucky enough to go to his sister Ruby, who was homed a year earlier - the reunion was amazing! Both had great fun exploring their new surroundings and are extremely happy. Could you change a dog’s life? Call K9 on 667 638 468, email info@ or see n

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018

For daily news, updates and event information








Farmer’s Markets

Island support!

Farmer’s Markets Adeje Calle Archajara, s/n, in front of Makro Saturday/Sunday 8am – 2pm / Wednesday 3pm – 7pm Telephone: 922 775 200

El Sauzal Hoya de la Vida, next to the church, Ravelo Friday/Saturday/Sunday 7.30am- 2pm Telephone: 922 584 657

Alcalá Plaza de Llano Monday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 850 100

Güímar Plaza del Ayuntamiento Sunday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 526 105

Arafo Plaza San Juan Degollado Thursday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 511 711 Arico Porís de Abona Sunday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 676 159 034 Arona Valle San Lorenzo C/ Cooperativa, 2 Saturday/Sun 8am - 2 pm Buenavista del Norte Plaza de San Sebastián Opening times: Saturday 8.30am – 2pm Telephone: 922 129 030 Candelaria Wednesday 8am - 2pm Next to council offices Saturday 8am – 2pm. Plaza del Centro Comercial de Punta Larga Telephone: 922 505 014

We at Island Connections are sure in the knowledge that one of the best ways to help yourself, and the economy, is to buy locally – even if you are just visiting for a short time. Canarian farmers harvest an extensive range of crops, which can be seen growing in the typical stepped-terrain farms around the Islands. Products range from tropical fruits, such as mangoes, to worldwide staples like lentils, potatoes and onions. According to the agricultural group COAG-Canarias, prices of fresh fruits and vegetables differ greatly between the amount the farmers receive and the sale

price in the supermarkets. For instance, towards the end of last year, small marrows, which the farmers were paid just €0.07/kilo for, retailed at €0.84, and leeks sold at €0.36 were passed onto the consumer for around €2.23 a kilo. Many of the prices don’t even seem to cover the cost of production - and this is when subsidies became necessary to keep farms from disappearing, which, like the hiked prices, also come out of our pockets. Enter the farmers markets, where the grower can sell directly to the customer without an intermediary. They are dotted all over the Islands,

with at least one in almost every town. They allow customers to purchase fresher, higher quality produce at cheaper prices, and the farmers receive a fair payment for their efforts. This enables them to maintain or raise the standard of their crops and uphold productivity levels – it’s a win-win situation. In these markets you will be sure to see a variety of seasonal products, as well as some local home-made delicacies such as preserves, honeys and Canarian goat’s cheese. A selection of meats and fish can also be found among the stalls, along with an assortment of cakes, pastries and biscuits. Buy locally, eat healthily, pay fairly – this is one way we can all help each other. So, to show our support of local farmers we are taking this timely opportunity to publish the details of the many farmers’ markets around the island n of Tenerife. Enjoy.

El Médano Plaza Principal Wednesday 8am – 2pm Telephone: 922 759 966/62 El Rosario Carretera General del Norte, la Esperanza Saturday/Sunday/festivals 8am – 4pm Telephone: 922 010 160

Premier Money Exchange Los Cristianos

Icod de Los Vinos Calle Key Muñoz 5 Monday/Friday 8am – 2pm Telephone: 922 815 700 / 922 447 938 La Guancha Carretera General TFS km 49 Saturday/Sunday 8am – 3pm Telephone: 922 360 788 La Laguna Plaza del Cristo Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday 6am – 2pm Telephone: 922 601 100 / 922 253 903 La Matanza de Acentejo Ctra. General del Norte Saturday 8am – 3pm, Sunday 8am – 2pm Telephone: 922 577 120 La Orotava Calle Educadora Lucía Mesa Saturday 8am – 1.30pm Telephone: 922 336 804 / 681 277 633 Los Realejos Camino Viejo de San Benito, Finca el Llano, Realejo Alto Saturday/Sunday 9am – 2pm Telephone: 922 346 234 Los Silos Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos Sunday 9am – 2pm Telephone: 922 840 004

Playa de San Juan Paseo El Bufadero Wednesday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 850 100 Puerto de la Cruz Avenida Blas Pérez González, 4 Wednesday to Saturday 8am – 2pm Telephone: 922 386 158 San Isidro Mercado del Agricultor de Granadilla Off the roundabout leading to El Médano Saturday/Sunday 8am – 2pm Telephone: 922 759 966 San Miguel de Abona P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel de Abona, next to the fire station Saturday/Sunday 8am – 2pm Wednesday 2pm – 7.30pm Telephone: 922 735 386 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Avenida José Manuel Guimerá Sunday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 606 000 Santa Úrsula Carretera General, near the town hall Saturday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 301 640 Tegueste Calle de Asuncionistas, 6 Saturday/Sunday 8.00am – 2pm Telephone: 922 316 100 Vilaflor Plaza de Vilaflor Monday to Thursday 8am – 1pm Telephone: 922 709 002

BEST RATES GUARANTEED Rates posted daily on facebook® Click and like us @

Premier Money Exchange Los Cristianos Facing Summerland, just off the roundabout at the Language School

Tel. 629 152 296



5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018

A look back over our founding years We’re proud to say our Nomads Football Club has come a long way in just three years since it was formed. We started with just one player - Fergus, profiled below. Since then, hundreds of young players of all nationalities and ages have enjoyed the training and facilities of our club. Unlike most local clubs, enjoying football is the priority at Nomads F.C. That’s not to say we’re not competitive. For us, winning is important, but only if done in the right spirit, which is why we’ve repeatedly been voted ‘Most Sporting Team of the Year’, which means more to us than any League or Cup victory. Having said that, we’ve not done badly in that department either! This is how our trophy cabinet looks at the moment: 2015 – Under 12s – League champions; Southern Island Cup finalists; winners of the Most Sporting Team of the Year, as voted by the league referees 2016 – Under 8s – League champions; Cup champions 2016 – Under 10s - winners of the Most Sporting Team of the Year 2017 – Under 8s - League runners-up 2017 – Under 10s - Most Sporting Team of the Year 2017 – Under 12s - League champions; Cup champions 2017 – Under 14s – League runners-up UK Summer Football Tour We still have a few places left on our 2018 UK Academy Tour in June for play-

ers aged from nine to 16. As well as stadium tours, training sessions with expros and plenty of fun activities, we participate in a competition against professional academy teams. More information can be found at or via the contact details below. Can you believe it? At just three years old, Nomads F.C. are mere embryos when it comes to historic football clubs. Notts County F.C. hold the record for being the oldest professional club in the UK. Formed in 1862, they went on to become part of the original eight-team Football League in 1888. The title of oldest team in the world is held by German club, TSV 1860 München. The more astute amongst you will have guessed from their name that they were founded in 1860, pipping Notts County by two years. Conversely, the newest professional team in the UK is the MK Dons, who were formed in 2004 following Wimbledon F.C.’s relocation to Milton Keynes and their subsequent slide into administration. How to contact us If any children or adults want to start playing football at our home pitch in Los Cristianos please contact us. Further details on local football can be found at: www.nomadsfc. com. Each team has its own webpage. Alternatively, email: info@ or call/message: +34 654 200 470. Also visit our international website: www.socexp. com. n

Nomads F.C. Player Profiles Name: Fergus Tierney Age: 14 Team: Cadete Shirt #: 9 Position: Attacking Midfielder Born: Glasgow, Scotland School: Wingate Favourite subject at school: P.E. Most hated subject at school:


CD Tenerife

Nomads FC

By Nomads FC



Physics Favourite professional football team: Celtic F.C. Favourite player and why? Messi,

because he’s the best of all time Favourite thing about Nomads FC: Everything Favourite food: Fajitas If your house was burning down, what would be the one thing you would save: My family and my football boots.

And now you’d better believe us! By Chris Todd What an amazing transformation CD Tenerife have experienced under new manager Joseba Etxeberría. The chance of snatching a place in the top six and therefore qualifying for the playoffs for promotion to La Liga is well and truly on. The numbers speak for themselves; the team has won the last five out of six matches and under the new boss has secured 79 per cent of all points available. With nine matches left to play CD Tenerife will need 63 or 64 points so 15 more will be required to make the cut. With five out of the remaining nine matches at home hopes are high but manager Etxeberría will have no talk regarding statistics, points and run-ins. For him it is all about the next game and nothing else matters. On paper the blanquiazules will be clear favourites to beat Sevilla B in the Heliodoro (kick off 7pm) but any relaxation could cost the team greatly and this is something the management will have to drill into the players. Sevilla B will almost certainly be relegated come June but they have just won two games on the trot and beat Zaragoza on the last outing.

One very happy changing room after Tenerife’s impressive win against Osasuna

25/03/2018 CD Tenerife 2:0 Lorca FC A solid if not spectacular victory for Tenerife in front of the biggest crowd of the season so far 15,131. With key players Aitor Sanz and Juan Villa missing it was down to Bryan Acosta and Suso to fill their shoes and fill them they did! Suso opened the scoring after just five minutes, after bulldozing his way through the visiting defence. The ex-Heart of Midlothian man was tripped in the penalty area but the referee correctly waved play on to let Suso score mid stumble. It was his first goal since August for Tenerife and his joy was clear to see. He really is a club man who wears his heart on his sleeve. As the game went on perhaps you expected to see the floodgates open against lowly Lorca but in a way the early goal resulted in Tenerife

taking their foot off the pedal. We had to wait until the second half for the clinching second goal and what a well worked goal it was. Honduran Bryan Acosta robbed the ball close to the halfway line and after a quick onetwo with Alex Mula blasted the ball underneath the Lorca keeper to give him little chance. A crucial goal and the game at 2-0 was as good as over. The rest of the match was just a case of seeing out time and perhaps snatching a breakaway goal to entertain the crowd, the hard work was done. Top players yet again for the blanquiazules were Alberto and Luis Milla in midfield and the pocket dynamo who is Bryan Acosta. 01/04/2018 Osasuna 0: 1 CD Tenerife Tenerife knew that they needed to win at least one of their remaining away games if they

were going to make up ground on the play-off challengers. The town of Pamplona is famous for its running of the bulls every summer but on this occasion the blanquiazules had Osasuna chasing shadows as they produced their best away display with perfect timing. A superb strike by Bryan Acosta from a full 25 yards out shocked the local crowd just after the break. The Honduran International just missed out with his country on playing in this year’s World Cup but that may be a godsend for Tenerife as the play-offs are scheduled during the start of the tournament. After the goal the home side plugged away but they came up against a resolute blanquiazul defence, which has not conceded now in two matches, a previous concern. Once again, apart from Acosta, the best player on the pitch was Luis Milla. The young lad is a class act and well done to the CD Tenerife board for stumping up the €500,000 in the January transfer window to boost the much needed creative area of the team. In the closing minutes Osasuna pressed but Tenerife professionally ‘saw the game out’ to record their most important n victory of the season.




Track and field in La Gomera

III San Marcos Trail This year’s San Marcos Trail will be held at Agulo in La Gomera in the second half of April as part of the celebrations in honour of the patron saint of San Marcos. On April 21 at 4.30pm, the starting shot will be fired in Plaza Leoncio Bento. The first 2.2 kilometres are a steep uphill run, with a total of 592 vertical metres to be conquered up to the Mirador de Abrante. Afterwards, the trail goes via La Palmita and various paths around Agulo back to the starting point. On the day before, at 6.30pm, the starting shot for the Kilometro Vertical race will be fired for the first time. From the off-line at Pescante de Agulo the vertical competition track leads to the finish at

Mirador de Abrante. Competitors are welcome to join both challenges. Registrations can be made online at http://agulo. es/calendar/ for a fee of €10. Regional traditions are cultivated around the sporting competition and a varied supporting programme is offered. Mayor Rosa Chinea commented that "We continue to focus on mountain sports and want to promote our community as an authentic reference for the island, offering all-round quality and spectacular scenery. Embedded in the customs and emotions of the Fiesta de San Marcos, a visit to the festival is a unique experience for residents and visitors that is attracting more and n more people."

Jorge Gutiérrez, shooting coach and officer in the Santa Cruz Local Police force, recently won the national combined competition, III Copa Glock IPSC, which was held in the grounds of the Olympic Shooting Club at Punta Camello in Gran Canaria. The IPSC, International Practica Shooting Conference, is a variant of the sport that measures the targeted use of weapons in motion and a range of situations. The discipline was invented in California in the 1950s and was specifically aimed at training policemen and soldiers who are obliged to shoot under real-life circumstances for selfdefence or the protection of others. Among 60 competitors, Jorge Gutiérrez prevailed in the safe handling of the Glock during five tests in which precision and speed were the key. The competition conditions are made more difficult by changing the magazine after two shots. One test was to control the weapon safely even if the hands had previously been held in iced water for 30 seconds. Gutiérrez is now preparing for upcoming competitions in Tenerife and Granada. His goal for the coming n season is to climb the European rankings.

Tip top Tenerife dancers

Dancing duo Raquel Fernández and Fidel González from Club ProDance Tenerife are at the top of their field on the Spanish competitive dance scene. The pair from Candelaria has enjoyed a number of successes recently, including earning the top Trofeo Marina D´Or in the Standard and Latin American Dances categories, and coming sixth in Standard Dances at the Spanish Sport Dance Championships held in late February. In addition, they recently participated in a choreography competition, in which 186 couples flowed through their moves to the sounds of the slow or Viennese waltz, Slow Foxtrot, Quickstep and Tango to select the Spanish master. Raquel and Fidel obviously impressed the judges, as they danced off with the title spot in the Senior I category. n

Juanma Suárez in World Belt fight

Ojeda (centre) with the continuing World Champion in welterweight, Juanma Suárez (left)

World Champion of the Ansgar Fighting League in Welterweight after five rounds. The sports councillor from his hometown, Diejo Ojeda, congratulated him on his success. Juanma Suárez is one of the most appreciated

Local police officer wins Glock Cup

Ballroom boogies

Boxing champions

Juanma Suárez from Telde recently defended his world championship title at the Gran Canaria Arena in Las Palmas. After an exciting fight against his opponent, Mexican Perry Montaño, the judges declared Suárez

Shooting competition

boxers in Spain. Boxing has a long tradition in his small home town on the north-east coast of the island, where outstanding martial arts schools in particular bring successful young talents into the ring.

Ojeda also congratulated youngsters from the Club de Luchas Olímpicas Cubarias, who won seven medals at the Spanish School and Youth Championships in Pontevedra. In addition, Virginia Gellbert became Spanish Champion in the Cadete 65-kilo category and Karima Sánche became School Champion in the 62-kilo section. Members of the Centro de Tecnificación Akari-Las Nieves won five bronze medals at the Judo Children and Youth Championships held in Puerto de La Cruz in Tenerife. José Antonio Ramos also became Canarian Champion and Airam Rodríguez vice champion among children up to 60 kilos in weight. Ojeda praised them all, saying "We congratulate all our athletes, who have once again successfully represented the name of Telde at regional, national and internan tional level."

Successful dancing duo Raquel Fernández and Fidel González from Club ProDance Tenerife

Indoor football

Spanish Champion from the Islands

La Gomera resident Imanol Chávez Darias was recently congratulated by Council president Casimiro Curbelo for snapping up the 2018 Spanish Indoor Football Champion title with his team Jaén Paraíso in March. Imanol is the side’s goalkeeper and was born in San Sebastián de La Gomera in 1993. He began playing indoor football seriously as a boy, and his professional career started in 2014/15 when he began playing for Gran Canaria Colegios Arenas. He went on to join the Romanian KSE Targu Mures league a year later and then returned home to play for Gomera FS. From there he moved to FS Zamora in the Peninsula, and finally to his current team in Andalusia, with whom he took the title with a score of 4:3 in a gripping final against Movistar Inter. The successful competitor still maintains a close relationn ship with his home town in La Gomera.

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







Horoscope for period: April 5 to April 18 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 Fun is your number one priority on April 8 and 9, so throwing a party on these days would be the perfect way to spend your free time. Scrutinise the guest list first though, as recent squabbles between friends could blow up in your face.


Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 You’re having too much fun to worry about arguing over every little thing. Seeking out the truth is what you’re good at, but be careful not to tread on too many toes. Time can make big issues out of small slights and you can’t afford that.

Cockney girl, Ana. Just what you need to get pampered. Stunning hot brunette. Let my pleasure be your pleasure. Owo, French kissing. Los Cristianos, opposite the bus station. Tel: (+34) 631 827 264. Busty and curvy.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 You are very efficient when it comes to your professional and personal lives, but your passion takes over on April 15 and 16 and injects all of your activities with the fire that they’ve been lacking up to this point. Family matters will be hot! Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 You become much more lenient and understanding from April 5 through to April 9, and if you have to mull over any important issues with friends or family, these are the best days of the month to do so. Your inner balance is in good shape. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 Your recent attention to someone close to you has resulted in an open invitation for a shoulder to cry on whenever you need it. You’re in your element no matter where you find yourself. Your zest for life shines through on April 8 and 9. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Your unpredictability will last through to April 9, but that’s part of what makes you so much fun to be around. Anyone looking for stability probably won’t find it with you right now, but if they’re looking to have fun, you aim to satisfy. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 You’re great at communicating your feelings on these days, but your actions - like giving someone a meaningful gift or helping out one of your family members - speak louder than your words. Try for more hands-on involvement. Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 You’re much more forgiving and willing to let the little things slide at the moment. You might be tempted to call an ex, perhaps looking for, or avoiding, closure? Speak to a close friend for an unbiased view before committing yourself. Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 Work-related lunches, dinners and other events allow you to socialise with people in your ambience to whom you wouldn’t normally have access, and forming alliances with some of these people may very well pay off from April 12 onwards. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 You struggle to find a balance between being clingy and detached at the beginning of the month, but Goats in relationships should begin to find the kind of equilibrium you’re looking for and the stability you desire sometime around April 10 or 11. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 A date or partner impress you with an extravagance such as dinner at an expensive restaurant, jewellery or an exotic trip early on in the month, and the person who can give you these things is likely to find themselves on the receiving end of your affections. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 Your job may involve doing a lot of reading and research on April 14, but you enjoy these kinds of tasks because they allow you to learn more about a topic that you’ve always been interested in. Make the most of your private time for investigation.

You’ll love the details. Luxury erotic massages. Beautiful masseuses from the East. We are in Playa Paraiso, near the Hard Rock Hotel, in the Costa Adeje area. Tel: (+34) 662 960 065. www.edentenerife. com. Los Cristianos, Alejandra, Venezuelan, beautiful, blonde, large breasts, great body. French natural, kisses, positions, sado, golden rain, fetishism, vibrators. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos, or I can do outcalls. Tel: 603 375 934.

Qualified masseuse. Hello gentlemen, my name is Sophie. I am the masseuse who you’ve always wanted to spend some time alone with. Relaxing massages with a good ending. Tel: 642 615 094. €60 an hour, Carolina, tall, fair skinned, 90cm breasts, slim, affectionate, fun, all-body massage on a table with oils, no rush, happy ending. Los Cristianos, Calle Monaco, Edificio Marte. For an appointment, call 610 620 089. Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large breasts, all services, natural French, positions, kisses, sado. I have a private apartment in Calle Ramón Pino, near to Playa Las Vistas. I do outcalls. Tel: 602 629 191. Only for generous ladies: Excursions, escorts, massages and more. Marc (German) speaks English and Spanish, has an apartment and car and also does visits. We can meet in a café before. Tel: (+34) 630 759 974.

Los Cristianos, new, Latin girl. My services are complete, French, positions, kisses, vibrators, massages. Private apartment in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 604 117 090. Los Cristianos, new, Aracely, Spanish blonde. All services. I can do hotel visits or I will welcome you in my private apartment. Tel: 664 099 043. Pamela, Afro-Brazilian, Las Chafiras. Massage service available for gentlemen only. Private apartment. HH Franciscano Street, beside the large park, Las Chafiras. Tel: 608 285 035.

To advertise your services with us, please call

922 75 06 09

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018

Island connections media group s.l.

Island Connections Online:

Classifieds Deadline Next Edition The deadline for edition 819, which is published on 19th March, is 17th March. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 Office Hours: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: * Lineage classifieds: From €16 * Small & Long Term: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. * Further Options: color / boxed adverts. To Place your advert call: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.



General Services Massage and more. Offer: 60 minutes body massage €36. Couples, four hands, lava stones, tantric massages, etc. Playa de Las Américas, Ernesto Sarti no.8, across from Iberostar Hotel Torviscas Playa. Tel. 602 608 626 For sale. Home-produced ecological vegetables, Tenerife south. Interested businesses, call 650 323 751 (Spanish only), send WhatsApp or email to: Website for our massages, dedicated to bringing the benefits of therapeutic massage to your home or hotel, no charge for travel. Do you want a massage? Tel. 663 190 727

After school classes, help or activities in English, German or Spanish, please contact Mrs. Garus. Tel. 602 506 793. We are 5 minutes away from Wingate School in Cabo Blanco. Qualified specialist from Germany helps you with back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches


Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: Are you looking for an opportunity with financial independence and personal fulfillment? Become an Independent Beauty Consultant!!! More Info: 642 601 553.

Spanish and English Lawyers

Conveyancing • Inheritance & Wills Family Law • Criminal Law Civil Litigation & Personal Injury Timeshare • Tax & Commercial law and insomnia. Tel. 0034 699 15 61 47 (ask for Eugene). Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings starting in October 2017 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John

Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304

T: E:

922 719 520

Av. de Los Pueblos, Residencial Villaflor B-20, San Eugenio

Santiago del Teide Lions Club Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Second Hand Sale LAS CHAFIRAS

Everything for your house, holiday home, apartment. We buy and sell high quality, good condition furniture, household appliances, TVs, jewellery.... Household clearances Free on-site assessment! Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 10am - 2pm & 4pm - 7pm • Sat, 10am – 2pm Calle Tilena, 19 n/r Ferretería Las Chafiras Tel. 922 749 664 Whatsapp 649 574 851 Facebook: Las Chafiras Second Hand www.second-hand-tenerife. com



General Services You are invited to


English/Spanish word to word translator Resident for 15 years. Reasonable price, South & North. Transport available if required. Contact: 662 539 209

NEED HELP? With car ITV, NIE or residencia and other services. Mature British (Spanish speaking) ex-pat can help. Ring Paul for a price on

628 893 266.

Email: paulanthonythorpe841

You’re invited!!! FREE BEAUTY SESSION. This is your time to relax with friends or on your own, share the excitement of trying new products, learn about the latest techniques and trends and of course, earn fabulous rewards. More info: 642 601 553 Maggie.

LOCKSMITH Instant response, 7 days a week call out

Call 647 92 82 23 Sunday 10am and Wednesday 7pm

Shopping Center Salytien Av. Rafael Puig Lluvina 37 Pastor Mark 637 321 453

MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or

We sell furniture suitable for bar/restaurant (tables, chairs, kitchen accessories, decoration etc.) in excellent condition. Price negotiable. Tel: 922 717 613 or 671 912 301


Boiler King

All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repairs and maintenance. Call Rory 680 278 579 or Tom 642 771 035

Frank from Germany invites you on private, individual car excursions, max. 4 persons (also handicapped), hiking tours (also Pico del Teide), Night Life tours, live music, snorkelling, photo shoots, (also underwater). Other islands, cruise ships. Tel: +34 664 085 154.

Teacher (English and Spanish) and interpreter gives Spanish lessons. I would also like to work as a secretary. Tel: 747 790 001 or email: k.arim555@ Body, foot reflexology, Breuss massage, manual lymph drainage. Let yourself be pampered by Simone’s hands. Economic price. Tel: 611 277 578. www. Professional massage therapy, available at the client’s home/ apartment. Certified and experienced masseur for remedial, deep tissue, Swedish, sports and relaxing massage. Mobile/ WhatsApp: (+34) 683 141 129

Basic relaxing massages. An ideal massage for those who suffer from contractures, muscular pain, tension and/or occasional stress, with a positive effect on the circulation and mood. Tel: 667 346 633.

Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101. Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149 Looking to swap my house in Tenerife for a house in Dublin or surroundings. If agreed, the time could be arranged. From a month to a year time gap. Call Carmen 693 727 683 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191. Garage to rent, double width. Victoria Court 1, Los Cristianos. Close to Sunday market. Very secure lock-up. Tel: 679 919 623





Wanted urgently: an apartment to rent in El Médano with 2 bedrooms and a garage. Tel: 676 243 558.

Apartment Tabaiba Alta For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms,

2 bathrooms, kitchen, living ro om, utilit y ro om, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ gmail.c o m Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426. For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 8 0 0m 2 lands caped with various plants and lots of fruit-trees. Private sale contact: info@ Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018




(For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 36)

Situations Vacant / wanted

Come and join our Dynamic Team! Te l e m a r k e t i n g company on the coast surrounding Marbella / Fuengirola is looking for Brokers /Qualifiers. High revenue. English, German, Dutch and Scandinavian. Send your CV to: telesalestenerife@

Vehicles To advertise please call 922 75 06 09

Volkswagen Golf VI R Convertible Black, 269 hp, 2013, 38,000 km, 1st hand, automatic, navigation system, full equipment, petrol, Spanish registration, price negotiable. Tel. 604 384 044 Across

Volkswagen Golf I GTi Convertible

1 - spread out (8) 6 - burn (4) 8 - allows (6) 9 - sufficient (6) 10 - net (anag) (3) 11 - graph line (4) 12 - savours (6) 13 - assessments (6) 15 - put in (6) 17 - duplicator (6) 20 - test version (4) 21 - soft-finned fish (3) 22 - clothing (6) 23 - experience (6) 24 - linger (4) 25 - disbelieves (8)

In very good condition in the south of Tenerife. VB €5000. If interested Tel. +49 151 10101006

Down 2 - records (7) 3 - gatherings (5) 4 - female siblings (7) 5 - passed (5) 6 - domestic partners (7) 7 - standpoint (5) 14 - make sour (7) 15 - flow (7) 16 - wince (7) 18 - group of eight (5) 19 - rocks beneath the water (5) 20 - identification (5)

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618

Pickup Point

Paul Ruane

Tenerife Property Sales C/ Flor de Pascua 43, Los Gigantes

Mercedes AMG Tiptronic

Sept. 2015, 30,000km, perfect condition, car registered in Spain, no import, full AMG Kit, from 177bhp tuned to 277 bhp or 376 horse power.

Tel: 626 171 399



Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

629 244 958



902 886 226

aecc Join us and combat cancer




5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018






Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries


Spring freshness for your bed and home Even on the island of eternal spring, when spring arrives, those fresh seasonal feelings are automatically aroused. When nature renews itself, people feel that it is time for something new. Your senses become more attuned to gentle colours, flowers and the fresh breeze. A pretty new tablecloth or runner, colourful cushions, cuddly

Bettenhaus Hammerer North Calle El Toscal 7 (On the main road) Los Realejos / La Longuera Tel: 922 362 408 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10am - 6.30pm, Saturday: 10am - 1pm

Bettenhaus Hammerer South Las Chafiras Industrial Estate Avda. Claudio Delgado Díaz 23 Tel: 922 703 522 Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 10am - 1.30pm and 3pm - 6.30pm, Saturday: 10am - 1.30pm www.

soft towels in a modern design or with a floral decoration will give your home a completely new ambience. Or how about a nice new set of bed linen in bright colours or with exotic flowers or jungle patterns? The Mako Satin range, for example, nestles softly against your skin to pamper all your senses. A new bedspread brings fresh momentum and helps you automatically start the day in a good mood. For this to be the case however you need a restful night’s sleep and it’s particularly important that your mattress is perfectly adapted to your own body’s needs. Almost everyone is aware of the fact that the first requirement for a healthy and restful sleep is a good mattress. As a rule, bed accessories receive far less attention, although they contribute considerably towards your feeling of well-being in bed. For example, the pillow should be chosen so that it supports your neck and spine perfectly. If you cover up, you perspire - this could be a key factor with regard to a suitable cover, especially in the summer months when the nights are warm. Standard duvets are

Snuggle up in these fragrant summer blankets Fresh green and floral designs bring spring freshness

A stylish home creates ambience

far too warm and people toss and turn, perspiring instead of sleeping well. To remedy this, some simply leave off a blanket-type covering and just use a sheet, but this is anything but ideal. If it cools down during the night, so does your body. The consequence is that you wake up because

You could even try a jungle design

you feel cold or you could even catch a chill. That doesn't have to be the case because ideal bedding for summer is also available, allowing you to snuggle in comfortably and still enjoy an airy and light feeling. These include for example a feather-light summer-down duvet, which

has only about half as many feathers as the average winter duvets. Special quilting provides cooling zones that exchange air and prevent the heat from accumulating under the cover. Or a light, fragrant summer blanket made of natural raw materials, which, thanks to a worldwide patented

design is created to suit different climatic zones and provides particularly restful sleep. Studies have confirmed that sleep movements under this blanket are reduced and the important deep sleep phase is extended by up to half. This means that the body regenerates particularly well at night, people wake up relaxed and your day begins with light-hearted ease. Good sleep depends to a large extent on the right bed. This is why it’s particularly important to seek advice from a specialist when it comes to beds. Try lying down on one, feeling and holding with all your senses - these are the factors that should be decisive when buying. Speak to the specialists and drop in to Hammerer Bettenhaus in Los Realejos or Las Chafiras where customers are inspired by the wide range of products and at the same time can receive competent, professional advice. And by the way: Bettenhaus Hammerer can even help you with your larger spring cleaning chores. Using industrial machines, mattress covers, duvets, bed covers, blankets and pillows are professionally washed, dried, and made really n fresh for the spring.




Southwest Tenerife

Property of the month lovingly tended subtropical garden. Here you will also find the property’s impressive private swimming pool. Located just a five minute walk from the village of Los Gigantes and its extensive amenities, the villa is set in an extremely tranquil location whilst offering everything one could need within easy reach. One further advantage of the property is that running costs are very rean sonable. Price: £735,000

Los Gigantes Properties S.L. has a wide range of homes for sale in the south of Tenerife. For anyone who is thinking of buying a property, be it a family home, winter retreat or holiday haven, there are plenty of opportunities to suit all budgets and tastes, and the staff at Los Gigantes Properties are always happy to answer any enquiries at any time.

Exclusive villa This is a fabulous opportunity to purchase an extremely well presented villa situated in the prestigious and highly sought-after area of Crab Island in Los Gigantes. The villa is constructed on one level, making it perfect for families, couples or as a retirement property, and

is wonderfully light and airy, benefiting from an open-plan design for the attractive lounge, dining and kitchen areas. In fine decorative condition and tastefully furnished, there are three wellproportioned double bedrooms and three bathrooms. Air conditioning is installed in the dining area and main bedroom. A good-sized garage offers access into the grounds, opening onto extensive terraces and exclusive walled gardens. Lovely grassed areas to the front, and terraced areas to the back, offer allday sunshine and beautiful views of the cliffs and ocean, as well as a

Exclusive interview: Paul Ruane Part NINE

Best of all worlds

Paul Ruane has been a leading figure in the property market in southwest Tenerife for the last 38 years. We had the privilege of speaking with him in an exclusive interview, which is being published over consecutive editions. Originating from the UK, Paul first came to Tenerife to take up a temporary position. However, then working with a prominent local developer for 15 years, he gained immense insight into the business and went on to open his own estate agency, in 1994: the first in Los Gigantes. As mentioned before, you’ve led a very full life. What’s helped make that possible? I think one of the most important aspects of running a successful business is having the right staff. Thankfully, I’m blessed with a really good team.

If you would like more information on this or other opportunities in the area, please contact

Los Gigantes Properties S.L. by calling: 922 861 313 607 371 666 647 943 721 Alternatively, see their website at: Or call into the office at: Calle Flor de Pascua, 43 Los Gigantes 38683 Santiago del Teide

Tell us a little about whom you have working with you in the Los Gigantes office… Head of the team is Nicky Wragg, who’s been with me for 17 years. Born in Sheffield in the UK, Nicky spent 12 years working her way up the corporate ladder in a lawyer’s office before working in a private hospital and moving to Tenerife in 1999. She’s married to a local Canarian, with whom she has two children. She’s brought a wealth of experience to the business, both from a personal and legal aspect. With the buoyancy in the current housing market and two new developments starting this year, we’re both looking forward to going from strength to strength. n More next edition…

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







Townhouse in Residencial El Galeón

& + 34 822 144 541 The triplex consists of 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, 3 terraces (one with ocean views), 74 metres, 200 metre floor area, furnished, no community payment, pre-installed solar powered hot water as well as air conditioning and terrace Jacuzzi, fully renovated, exterior, bright.

€ 365,000 Calle Ramona Martín Artista | C.C. Mencey | local 27 | El Camisón | Los Cristianos |

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018







Playa Honda Las Américas One bedroom apartment, tiled throughout, American-style kitchen, separate bedroom and terrace. Located in the centre of Las Américas within 3 minutes walk from the beach. €122,000 Alan: 634 098 838

5.4.2018 – 18.4.2018






PaulRuane losgigantesproperties s.l.


Calle Flor de Pascua 43 | Los Gigantes | Tenerife

& +34 922 861 313 | +34 607 371 666 | +34 647 943 721

Contact us for a full selection of re-sale properties | Who is selling your property?



Fully refurbished villa with magnificent views. Corner position this beautiful property offers ample internal and external living. Comprising of four bedrooms, three bathrooms, open plan kitchen with dining area and lounge. Extensive terraces surround the property with panoramic views, a private swimming pool and benefits from all day sunshine. Car port. Close to all local amenities. Ref: TPS4347

Extremely well presented Villa situated in the prestigious area of Crab Island, Los Gigantes, within easy walk to the village and its amenities. Based within its own private walled gardens. The property comprises of three double bedrooms, three bathrooms. The villa is open plan having lounge, dining, kitchen. In good decorative condition and tastefully furnished. Extensive terraces and gardens surround the property with all day sunshine, sea views and private swimming pool. Good size garage on site. Extremely tranquil location. Reasonable running costs. Ref: TPS4360



Beautifully furnished and presented detached villa in the quiet residential urbanisation of San Francisco just outside Los Gigantes. The property boasts large lounge-dining room, separate well fitted kitchen, three double bedrooms and three en suite bathrooms. Fully fitted with air-conditioning, electric shutters and fly screens throughout. Extensive terraces and lovely gardens with swimming pool, outside kitchen, BBQ and eating area. Garage with direct access to the property. Magnificent sea views. Tranquil location. Ref: TPS4338

A superb villa in a corner position. Built over two levels this property offers spacious living accommodation with four double bedrooms two with en suites. The lower level with the largest bedroom is currently being used as a TV lounge and gymnasium. All four bedrooms have access to their outside terraces and all accommodation throughout the villa is beautifully furnished. The extensive terraces and gardens host a secluded private swimming pool with totally panoramic views. Complete with large garage. Situated in a quiet residential area just outside Los Gigantes. Ref: TPS4327



Spectacular three bedroom home situated in the elite area of Crab Island in Los Gigantes. This property was completely renovated and modernized by a team of interior designers using quality materials and furniture. A spacious and modern living area with panoramic views from every angle. The property has many features including extensive mirrored windows, satellite TV, air conditioning, lift access and garage. The vast terrace boasts breathtaking views. This property must be seen to be fully appreciated.

Front line apartment with panoramic views of the harbour, sea and cliffs situated in the complex of Cornisa in central Los Gigantes. Fully refurbished and pleasantly furnished this apartment is also fantastically positioned. Comprising of two double bedrooms, one shower room, lounge and open plan kitchen this property also offers easy access to the communal swimming pool. Great size terrace with magnificent front line views. Garage available. Must be seen.



Extremely well presented apartment situated in the complex of Drago in Los Gigantes. Based on the third level this property comprises of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge with dining area and kitchen with breakfast bar. The apartment has been fully refurbished and is also pleasantly furnished. An additional room from the master bedroom also offers additonal living space. Boasting two seperate terraces both of which receieve all afternoon sunshine until the sun sets and offer magnificent views. Well maintained community with heated communal swimming pools and gardens.

Top floor apartment situated in the popular complex of Santa Barbara. Extremely well presented, this property comprises of two double bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge and open plan kitchen. Large terrace accessible from the lounge offering wonderful views out to sea and benefiting from all day sunshine. Well maintained tranquil community. Garage included. Ref: TPS2017

Ref: TPS4270

Ref: TPS2013

Ref: TPS2011

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