Island Connections 855 FLN 122

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122 €1.80

September 19 – October 2, 2019 BYPASS FOR LA OROTAVA

Officially the largest foreign language newspaper in the Canary Islands





Protecting the town

Discovering natural pools

What‘s a real Guachinche?

Fundraiser in Playa de Las Américas

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Fewer students and no apartments for teachers The summer holidays are over and the new school year has begun. A large downward trend is striking, especially among children up to the age of six years. In September, 45,812 children in this age group were registered at public schools but in comparison, last year there were 58,757 children in infant classes. The reason for this has been put down to the declining birth rate in the archipelago, which is now making itself felt. Continued on page two

Young teachers in particular are designated all over Spain

Canary Islands not protected from flooding On August 30, eight years had passed since a tidal wave struck the fishing village of San Andrés. Five apartments were flooded and 15 cars sank in the water. In the meantime, a dam has been built off the coast costing more than three million euros to protect the inhabitants of the coastal road. The sea can become a problem, but so can the storms with heavy rainfall, which quickly bring huge masses of water from the mountains to the coast, transforming dry ravines into torrential currents. Santa Cruz is the location in Tenerife that is most threatened by flooding. The years 2011 and 2017 were particularly bad, followed by the coastal areas of El Rosario and Costa Adeje. “Floods are natural phenomena that cannot be prevented. But some human behaviour and climate change contribute to making them more likely and negative”

mission announced that it would denounce Spain to the Supreme European Court in Luxembourg. The complaint was filed on May 16 and accepted in mid-August.

Risk plan in stages

The risk of flooding is particularly high in Santa Cruz

says the EU Directorate for Flood Risk Management and Assessment. “It’s possible to minimise the risk of negative impacts, in particular on human health and life, the environment, cultural heritage and the economy and related buildings” it adds. For this reason, the EU requires all member states to draw

up a risk plan by means of Decree 2007/60/CE. The deadline for this expired on December 22, 2015. Spain has long exceeded this deadline, as no plans at all have yet been submitted to the EU for the Canary Islands. Two warnings were ignored, so in January of this year the European Com-

The Flood Directorate provides for three phases: The assessment of the risk, the production of a map and a coping concept. The first stage was fulfilled by the Canary Islands and covered areas with an increased flood potential (ARPSI). Accordingly, six endangered areas were identified in El Hierro, four in La Gomera, seven in La Palma and 35 in Lanzarote. In Fuerteventura, Tenerife and Gran Canaria, a distinction was made between floods caused by heavy rainfall and high waves. Continued on page two

Lucha contra el cáncer de mama Fight against breast cancer

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C/ Beneharo s/n. Escuela de Seguridad y Convivencia 2ªPl. Sala Rosa, Barrio Las Nieves. 38670 Adeje. S/C de Tenerife. España.





No plans in place The second phase is the preparation of a hazard map with a potential flood calculation and a risk assessment. These maps have been submitted and registered at the European Environmental Agency for all islands. However, they have not yet been publicly announced and posted in Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and La Palma, which is also mandatory.

The third instrument for risk minimisation is the preparation of a contingency plan so that, in an emergency, society and the public administration can be coordinated as efficiently as possible. This plan should have been drawn up long ago not only on the basis of EU regulations but also by Royal Decree 903/2010, but this has not yet happened. This is why the

The Supreme Court in Luxembourg is to rule against Spain

Continued from front page There are 26 points in Fuerteventura that are threatened by tides and seven by storms. In Tenerife there are a total of 33 danger points,

with eight threatened by heavy rainfall and 25 by the tides. Gran Canaria has the most risk points with 44, of which six refer to storms and 38 to wave movements.

Cleaning work should be carried out to clear the drainage channels

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Education fears Continued from front page According to the Canary Islands Statistical Office, it fell by only two per cent from 2016 to 2017, but has plummeted by around 23 per cent compared to the time before the crisis in 2008. “However, these figures are somewhat misleading, because there are communities in which we have falling figures, but also others in which they are rising” explained the new Canarian Education Minister María José Guerra Palmero. She wants to use the space that will become available above all to create more places for small children from zero to three years of age. This is because 70 per cent of the children in this age group are currently accommodated in private day care centres due to a lack of public services. In view of the high cost of living, for single mothers, the care of a small child is an important factor for young women who do not want to give up their job. According to a study by the Fundación General de la Universidad de La Laguna (FGULL), there has also been a significant decline in the number of vocational schools offering intermediate and higher courses. This downward trend in this two-year pre-vocational training is mainly attributed to poor communication between schools and potential employers. It’s also striking that only seven per cent of graduates actually work in the occupation they have studied. Although everyone has found a job after graduation and about half of them continue to work, most of them work in a field other than the one they have trained in.

Where to put the teachers?

The Barranco de Los Santos in Santa Cruz becomes a flooded monster after heavy rain

Heavy rain can cause severe flooding in Santa Cruz


Print: Artes Gráficas del Atlántico S.A., Agüimes, Gran Canaria Circulation controlled by

European Commission is taking the matter to the Supreme Court, and it is not clear how much a possible penalty would be. Considering the high number of danger points, especially on the three largest islands, the urgency of the settlement is quite obvious. The Canary Islands Government has now announced a kind of supervision to promote compliance. However, most islands, with the exception of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, do not even have the personnel needed to work out the plans. With the arrival of autumn, the probability of storms with heavy rain increases, even though the archipelago has been largely spared in the last two years. How well are the Canary Islands really prepared for this? Only the cleaning of canals and ravines, which should be carried out by the local councils in the summer months, is sufficient to cope with a real storm and how much of that necessary work has been done? n

Disclaimer: Island Connections Newspaper is published and printed fortnightly by ISLAND CONNECTIONS S.L. Adverts, texts, photos or other parts of this publication are property of the publishers. They may not be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or means without the prior written permission of the publishers. This newspaper cannot be held responsible for the contents of articles supplied by our contributors

On the other hand, teachers who are transferred to the Canary Islands at short notice do not get local housing at affordable prices. The situation in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura is particularly critical. Sometimes the allocation of the teaching positions takes place only a few days before the start of the school term. If the teacher has to change his or her place of residence, it will be difficult. It’s precisely on these two islands that most apartments are offered on the holiday market. Often, at least temporarily, the displaced people have no choice but to rent such an apartment at even more expensive prices. Their salary then shrinks faster than it is earned. Even more delicate is the situation for substitute teachers who only have to replace colleagues who are absent due to illness and also have to look for accommodation on the expensive rental market. “The teachers have to bear the costs for the family and housing. Although each case must be considered individually, there are some teachers who are pushed to the edge of affordability by high rents,” explains a spokesman for the Canary Islands Education Employees’ Union (Stec). Not everyone transferred to the archipelago for a year gives up everything at home, even less if he or she already has a family. The situation is so precarious that many educators have already indicated that they exclude Lanzarote and Fuerteventura from their choice of jobs on the distribution list. Unfortunately, this problem is not only limited just to the teaching profession and these two islands. The situation of workers from other categories and in the Balearic Islands is similarly precarious. n

Searching for accommodation in Lanzarote on a normal salary is tough

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Publishers: Tina Straub Schacher, Joe Schacher Designer: Javier Gómez Editor: Andrea Abrell · Editorial team: Xena Fox,Theresa Willson, Sheila Collis, Barbara Belt Contributors: Chris Todd, Katy Kennedy, Sabine Virgin Sales manager: Gillian Sibbald Tel. 660 026 849 · Classifieds:

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019








Giant pine - a splendid specimen The mayor of San Juan de la Rambla, Fidela Velázquez, has signed an agreement with the secondary school, the IES San Juan de la Rambla together with her local Councillor for Monument Protection Cayetano Silva. According to the agreement, the trainees on the course for forest work and nature conservation will embellish the surroundings of the giant pine tree at Molino del Viento and give it the status it deserves. After all, the Canarian pine

is an endemic tree and this splendid specimen is a proud 25 metres high with a trunk circumference of 512 centimetres. It stands directly on a path that connects the San José district with the neighbouring town of La Guancha and which is named after the pine tree. After some problems with the fortification were solved last year, it’s now visited daily by about a dozen passers-by. The course participants are being asked to develop a project that rec-

Discussion in the shade of the giant pine tree

ognises the tree as a monument of insular interest and

also makes it perceptible as a tourist attraction. n


Granadilla Artesanal Canarian arts and crafts have widespread facets

The summer break is over and therefore the successful project called Granadilla Artesanal will be revived on September 25. On the last Wednesday of every

month from 9am to 2pm, over a dozen artisans of different genres will be exhibiting their products. "It’s a beautiful project with which we value this handicraft

work and want to bring it closer to the residents and the visitors" said the local Councillor for Culture and Fiestas, Eudita Mendoza Navarro. Schools, hotels and residents will be encouraged to take an interest in the ancient crafts of the Canary Islands, which have many different facets. So far, the market

has taken place in the Historical Museum, but from now on it will take to the streets with the aim of making it even more visible and attractive. In the future it will enliven the Vía Arquitecto Marrero Regalado which is part of the pedestrian zone and is close to the Plaza González Mena and the Franciscan convent. n


Potential road danger prevented A Guardia Civil patrol in Santa Cruz recently saved an apparently confused man from running onto the TF-1 motorway and endangering himself and others. During a patrol at 11.5 kilometres from the city, they discovered a person lying on the pavement on a motorway bridge. The officers stopped to help him. The man reported that he had quarrelled with a carer from the centre where he lived while they were out on an excursion, so he ran away. He had injured his hand and was disoriented at that moment and did not know where he was. Due to his excitement and injuries, the officers requested an ambulance and tried to find out which centre the man was living in. When the paramedics arrived, the man became even more nervous and even tried to run onto the road. Only by the quick reaction of the officers who stopped him, could the injured person be held back, for his safety and that of all other road users. He was taken to hospital. n


Drugs shutdown Following a two-month investigation, Guardia Civil officers at Tijarafe in La Palma, in cooperation with SEPRONA, the nature conservation unit responsible for protecting the Caldera de Taburiente, discovered a rudimentary greenhouse dedicated to the cultivation of marijuana plants near El Roque in the borough of Puntagorda. Various tools and 16 kilograms of the narcotic were confiscated. Previously, during an inspection of an area where rubbish had been disposed of at Las Manchas, Guardia Civil officers from El Paso had also discovered a greenhouse on a finca where marijuana plants were being cultivated. In this case, more than six kilograms of the drug were seized. In connection with these two investigations, two people were arrested for pubPlants and typical utensils were lic health violations. n seized

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019








Bypass for La Orotava La Orotava's mayor Francisco Linares will shortly meet with Canary Islands president Ángel Torres to discuss the bypass project that has been on hold for many years and is now finally to be revived. This is an ambitious project that will significantly slow down traffic in the town centre of La Orotava, and will act to protect it. The bypass initiative involves improving the TF-21 and constructing a road that will direct traffic to the Las Cañadas del Teide National Park so that it no longer has to pass through the town centre. The budget for the project is estimated at around €30 million. "This construction has absolute priority for us because it is the access to one of our most important tourist attractions, Mount Teide National Park. This national park is one of the most visited in Spain and receives more than three million visitors every year" argues

Linares. Many people use the access via the north and thus via La Orotava. In addition, the historic town centre as a whole is to be recognised as a world cultural heritage site. To achieve this, the centre would have to be better protected and partly declared a pedestrian zone. According to the mayor, this would only be possible, however, if the influx heading towards Las Cañadas was routed past the town. Narciso Pérez, the local Councillor for Heritage and Territorial Planning, explained the route of the bypass. It would run from the TF-5 motorway at Risco Caído parallel to the Barranco de La Arena. Then it would go north of La Charca past the Paseo de las Araucarias to the districts of Cruz de la Cebolla, Los Frontones and Las Dehesas until the bypass meets the TF-21 there again. That would be near the Santo Tomás de Aquino school in El Recodo.

A bypass would improve protection to the centre of La Orotava

The project for this bypass was already discussed at the end of the 20th century and included in the 2003 Spatial Plan. The plan was suspended in 2006

because of the steep gradient of over ten per cent. In the meantime, corrections have been made in cooperation with the Island Council to eliminate the

technical problems. Both administrations had at that time budgeted for partial financing. For various reasons, however, the project came to a standstill.

"It’s clear to us that the project as a whole is very complex, but it could be divided into sections that would make the bypass feasible and at least make it possible to avoid the town centre. The section between Paseo Las Araucarias and the TF-21 alone would significantly reduce the flow of traffic through the town centre. Equally important would be the section between the Colegio Santo Tomás de Aquino and the intersection at the San Antonio district. This would also remove the traffic pressure from the historic centre and the Villa de Arriba district" explains Pérez. The current Francisco Linares administration believes that a town like La Orotava, which has such an important historical heritage in its midst, which is attractive to tourists and works sustainably, deserves a bypass. This alternative would at the same time increase traffic safety and protect the town centre. n

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019




Puerto de La Cruz will rock! October begins in the northern metropolis of Puerto de La Cruz with plenty of rock music. The Peñón Rock Festival will take place at the El Peñón football stadium on October 5 from 5pm. Artists who are already well known and young talents from the rock scene will be on stage and showing what they have to offer musically. From the Canary Islands, the group Expresso Rock and Óscar Rocío y La Patafísica will be there to warm up the audience. Jaime Terrón, a former member of the group Melocos is also on the bill. Further highlights on stage will be Tequila (as part of their farewell tour), Amistades Peligrosas, Cómplices and La Banda del Capitán Inhumano. Over seven hours of music with shade tents and a chillout area, a gastronomic offer and lots of fun and games are on the programme. Over 18s only can attend. Tickets are available for €27 to €37. More information can be found at www. n


Melodie Mendoza, a member of the Canary Islands Parliamentary Assembly for the Agrupación Socialista Gomera (ASG), is promoting a citizen's income in the Canary Islands Parliament, similar to the national basic income. "If we had a citizen's income for needy families, it would help to reduce poverty over time. The aim is social inclusion and a return to the labour market for those affected. We are convinced that people will no longer need help once they have their own income" said the ASG representative. "We will thus create a future perspective for the families who have already lost hope" she added. The law would make the Canary Islands more supportive and socially just and guarantee that no Canarian person would feel forgotten by the government. As an argument, she cited other Spanish provinces that have already passed a law to this effect and that have been


A Canarian citizens’ guaranteed income? the worst off families" Mendoza said.

An idea for the future?

Melodie Mendoza claims to fight for better living conditions

able to reduce poverty levels. "Since the beginning of my political career, I have been

working to improve the living conditions of all Canarian people and especially those of

The idea of a guaranteed income requires some thought by leaders of future forms of society. Among other things, the loss of simple jobs is seen as a result of progressive digitalisation. Finland started a trial in 2017 and for two years paid 2,000 unemployed people between the ages of 25 and 58 years €560 per month unconditionally. The experiment was then discontinued. Although the respondents stated that they had suffered less stress, could concentrate better and had fewer health problems, there were no significant differences between the respondents and the unemployed who did not receive a basic income when they returned to the labour market. The exact analysis of the study is expected at the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020. n

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before the first autumn storms. If you like, you could round off your visit with a cup of coffee in the idyllic Plaza or take a guided walk through the historical town centre. The next guided tours will be in German on October 9 at 11am and in English on October 18 at 5pm. If you know some Spanish, we recommend the next tour in Spanish on September 29 at 11am, which will be staged theatrically.

A splash of autumnal bathing pleasure Charco Las Lajas

Buenavista del Norte

By Sabine Virgin Of course, autumn is a rather unusual term on the islands of eternal spring, nevertheless, there are also seasons in the Canary Islands, at least on the northern coasts.

One of the best bathing seasons on the archipelago is in the autumn, especially at this time of the year. Those who are not bound to school holidays will find optimal bathing conditions in September and October. The sun still shines

warmly, and although it is not quite so hot, the Atlantic waters have warmed up wonderfully during the summer and the best bathing spots are less overcrowded. Also for the Canarian residents, following the summer holidays, eve-

ryday life has already begun again and thus there is only time for a beach or bathing day during the weekends. However, although the Atlantic lures us with pleasant temperatures, it’s possible that during the first days of the season, there may be higher waves and strong undercurrents. That's why the red flags can be seen flying occasionally on the beaches, forbidding bathing fun. An alternative could be the wonderful natural pools that are formed between the volcanic rocks on the Canarian coasts, offering safety and a particularly picturesque backdrop. However, even there, if the waves get too high it can be dangerous, but in calmer seas they are a real alternative, and

can be great for older people who maybe can't tolerate the waves very well or are afraid of losing their balance. So, simply explore the island, find some of the natural pools and discover some new favourite spots.

A charming rocky coast at Buenavista In the very north west of Tenerife, in the Isla Baja, you will find Buenavista del Norte which is famous for the Teno nature reserve, the golf course and its beautiful rugged coastline. About 500 metres west of the Playa de La Arena beach, right next to Playa de las Mujeres, there is a wonderful natural stone basin that even has a sandy bottom if you visit

Charco Las Lajas Only about 20 kilometres further east, in San Juan de la Rambla, anyone who loves sunbathing will be able to find a secluded spot at Charco Las Lajas. There you can warm up in peace on the rocks, lizardlike, and enjoy the sun's rays. By the way, the animal counterparts cavort there in the same way and some proud specimens can be observed on the rocks. The Charco is located in the village and is well marked. Access is via some stone steps.

Natural pool in El Pris On the coast of Tacoronte, the beach of Mesa del Mar is especially known as a popular bathing spot. Those who visit it will

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019



El Pris

inevitably pass by the natural pool of Mesa del Mar. But less well-known is the counterpart in the fishing village El Pris that is right next to it. There, it is also possible to spend a wonderful day. By the way, at El Pris, one can also eat typically Canarian food and good fresh fish. El Pris has its own access road, but it is also enchanting to park one's car at Mesa del Mar and then take a half hour walk along the coast to El Pris. A little bathing, a little stop for a bite to eat, a walk back and a wonderful holiday day is already filled with beautiful memories.

Bathing in the Charco in Bajamar The town of Bajamar on the coast of La Laguna experienced its best times in the then booming 70s. Since then, it’s been a little sleepy, but some residents do believe in a revival of the dreamy little village at the foot of the Anaga Mountains. In any case, Bajamar is worth a visit and if you have your bathing costume with you, all the better. Just jump into the cool water. In this big Charco right in front of the coast you can even enjoy a good swim, in fact it offers perfect bathing fun for all ages.


Playa de Las Teresitas Strictly speaking, the beach at Las Teresitas with its wonderful desert sand is of course not a natural pool. But due to the breakwater in front of the coast that is supposed to protect the sand, a huge pool has been created where the waves are only rarely high. It only has one disadvantage, on windy days the fine sand blows quite uncomfortably around the face and ears of sunbathers. Otherwise, this beach is suitable for a bathing excursion almost all year round. n

Las Teresitas






Fusion of art and design Designer Isabel Torres Queveda’s line of bags, using highquality photographs to add a Canarian touch to the collection called Afortunadas Islas Canarias, has proved so popular that she has expanded her range. "Our brand continues to develop. We have been well received on the market and are as popular with residents as we are with holidaymakers. In response to demand, we have expanded our collection of bags in various sizes, which are our trademark, to include several other accessories such as purses, fans, shirts and computer sleeves. Now I think it's time to go one step further with the motifs. That's why I've decided to work with Gran Canaria artist Elena Ardanaz," states the designer. Ardanaz is known for her depiction of plants on wood. In this case, both women chose the agave to create their first bag in the new line. It is a plant that grows on all seven islands, which was probably brought

to cordon off territory as a living fence. Both artists appreciate each other’s skills and a creative and cooperative fusion has developed. More information about both can be found on their respective websites at and n

Two artists who found each other


Suspected motor thief The latest bag model with an agave leaf design by artist Elena Ardanaz

to the archipelago by the conquerors of Central America. It quickly adapted to the conditions of life in the Canaries and though, strictly speaking, it is an invasive plant, it’s nowadays considered by Canarians to be part of their heritage. The fibres of the

leaves were used to build ropes and fabrics, as well as various other useful items. The sap is used as a sweetener, processed into vinegar or into tequila. In naturopathy it is used as an antibiotic. The agave has now become part of the Canary Islands flora and is often used

A 24-year-old suspect from La Victoria seems to have a preference to stealing twowheeled vehicles, although he sometimes takes fourwheeled vehicles. This year, the young man has already been targeted four times by investigators. In addition to the theft offences, there are also charges for a traffic offence of hazardous driving and a violation of road safety by driving without a driving licence. On August 23, the suspect was caught in La Matanza with a car stolen from Los Baldios near La

Laguna. During his subsequent escape, he lost control of the vehicle and drove into the wall of a house. The investigation into the suspect began in May of this year, after numerous motorcycles had been stolen. He apparently hid them in the garage beneath his apartment in La Victoria or on a finca belonging to a family member in La Matanza where he it’s claimed he dismantled the vehicles and later sold the parts. Identifying numbers were supposedly made illegible. During a search, five dismantled and

three still functioning motorcycles were seized. At the end of June, the suspect was charged with stealing a motorcycle in Candelaria, which was found on the patio of the house in La Matanza. Two months later he is accused of stealing a quad in La Guancha, which it’s alleged he also took to the finca for dismantling. Despite his young age, the 24-year-old is already well known to the police. His previous record includes offences of theft, violent robberies, causing bodily injury and acts of domestic violence. n

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019

COCAINE AND ECSTASY LAB As part of Operation Poseidon TF, a local drugs ring has been dismantled and six people were arrested. It was a network that has apparently contributed significantly to the distribution of cocaine and the party drug ecstasy (MDMA) in Tenerife and La Palma. The band's alleged head, a 29-year-old Colombian, was one of those arrested. Police sources claim that the ring used so-called mules to bring cocaine from South America to Tenerife. Mostly they are believed to have been people in financial difficulties or people known to the police who were loyal to the organisation. Once on the island, the cocaine was supposedly cut and made ready for sale, so that the financial profit could be maximised. The designer drug MDMA was apparently produced in their own laboratory. The investigation began in February of this year when two people were arrested at Los Llanos de Aridane in La Palma, who were carrying two kilograms of cocaine and sus-




At the same time, a suspected confidante of the gang leader, a 47-year-old Canarian from El Paso, was arrested and the apartments of the two detained men in Santa Cruz de Tenerife were searched. One kilogram of ecstasy in lump form, 700 grams of cocaine, 600 grams of marijuana, over eleven kilograms of materials for cutting, €19,000 in cash, several vehicles, aids for processing and packaging the drugs, computers and

telephones as well as several scales were seized. A total of six people of different nationalities and four kilograms of cocaine were also seized as part of the operation. In addition, a laboratory where ecstasy was being produced was dismantled. According to the Guardia Civil investigators, the drugs ring that would presumably have put thousands of doses of synthetic drugs on the market has been taken down. n

Local drug ring busted

pected of acting as mules. In early March, another alleged gang member, a 32-yearold man from El Paso in La Palma was arrested at the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. He was carrying one kilogram of cocaine. In midJuly, a 30-year-old Cuban who lives in Los Llanos de Aridane, hid 300 grams of cocaine to take it to La Palma and was arrested during a check at the port of Los Cristianos. He is supposedly regarded as a close

It seems the gang concentrated mainly on the distribution of cocaine and ecstasy Drugs and other evidence were seized

confidante of the organisation's management. The knowledge gained from this detention served to intensify the investigation and finally led to the arrest of the gang's alleged head in mid-August. The Colombian was about to leave Tenerife on a flight to his homeland.

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Avocado heists continue The trade in stolen avocados continues to increase, despite the endless reports of thieves being arrested and charged. In fact, avocados seem to be popular items to steal: They can be sold quickly, fetch good prices and the evidence is quite literally eaten. In the latest cases in Gran Canaria, the Guardia Civil's Equipo Roca unit in Las Palmas recently arrested two peo-

ple accused of multiple burglaries from farms. Named as 55-year-old A.H.R. and 41-year-old A.R.C., they are said to have stolen and sold avocados, lemons and other fruit. The investigation began after three thefts from a Santa Brígida farm, which resulted in the disappearance of 300 kilos of avocados and damage to the farm's security system, were reported to the Guardia

Caught in flagrante in La Orotava

Confiscated avocados in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Civil in San Mateo. At least one other avocado, fruit and lemon theft was reported to the local police of Santa Brígida. Since this species of fruit are generally intended for resale, targeted checks were carried out in fruit and vegetable markets in cooperation with other police forces. In 25 cases a fine procedure was initiated against the owners because they could not prove the origin of their goods or because invoices did not match. A total


Listeria poisoning in the Canary Islands? The continuing listeria outbreak in Spain may have claimed some victims in the Canary Islands. At the time of going to press, over 200 people in the Peninsula had been affected by the bacteria, with two deaths

directly attributable to the outbreak, as well as one miscarriage and a further suspected one. The infection is thought to have originated at a Sevillian company called Magrudis, and in particular from three of their products sold under the

brand name La Mechá: Carne mechada (shredded meat), pork loin with sherry and pork loin with paprika. The first possible case of related poisoning abroad was confirmed by the Spanish Health Ministry as being a Briton who had trav-

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of 122 kilos of avocados and 140 kilos of other species of fruit were confiscated. In addition to possible health damage caused by phytosanitary treated varieties of fruit that were removed too early, the buyers of these products are guilty of receiving stolen goods and can be prosecuted. The Guardia Civil therefore expressly warns shop and restaurant owners against purchasing stolen goods or ones whose origin cannot be traced. elled to Andalusia, the centre of the outbreak. The Brit moved on to France and had to spend several days in hospital before being allowed to fly home. In addition, it became known at the end of August that seven family members in the Canaries had experienced mild symptoms after eating products from the company. However, the illness was so mild that none of them needed medical care. The meat was eaten by the family on August 10, before the health warning over listeria was issued. They had transported the food in their suitcases from Andalusia to the Islands, so it’s thought possible that the lack of chilling during the journey was the cause of the intestinal upsets. Further tests will confirm or refute this. The Canarian Health Authority is currently advising consumers to avoid products from the La Mechá brand until further notice. n

On the last Sunday in August, the owner of a finca in El Rincón in the borough of La Orotava apparently caught a thief in the act. According to reports, the suspect dropped a backpack containing about eight kilos of avocados, then grabbed the owner by jewellery he was wearing around his neck, almost cutting off his air

supply, before pushing him against a wall. The intruder then apparently grabbed the backpack with the avocados and escaped, having also damaged the entrance gate to the farm. The injured party filed a complaint and the investigation ended two days later with the arrest of a 43-year-old man. A 40-year-old woman, related to the suspect, is being investigated for being an accomplice as she apparently drove the getaway car. n


Yakitori skewers with rocket salad If you‘re looking to quickly conjure up a delicious dish with a mixture of meat and vegetables then Yakitori skewers made from beef and celery and a rocket salad are a perfect choice. In less than half an hour, there’s a meal on the table that tastes great and is very distinctive. To make a salad with dressing, take some rocket leaves, three peppermint stems, a tablespoon of oil, two tablespoons each of sesame and rice vinegar, and salt and pepper. This can also be decorated with tomatoes. For the skewers, use 400 grams of entrecote steak, four sticks of celery, two tablespoons of soy sauce, a portion of fresh ginger, three tablespoons of rice vinegar, a little oil and a teaspoon of brown sugar.

Preparation: Peel the ginger, grate finely with the soy sauce, vinegar and sugar and simmer for about one minute. Cut the meat into even pieces. The celery is cleaned and cut into four centimetre long pieces. The celery and meat are put on skewers and rubbed with salt, oil and pepper. In a grill pan they are roasted hot for about eight to ten minutes. Then drizzle with the prepared sauce and serve with the salad. n


La Guinguette carretera General Piedra hincada 42, Guía de isora opening hours: Mon to Sunday (Tuesday closed) open 12.30-16.00 & Thursday 19.00-22.30 & Friday / Saturday 19.00-23.00

& 922 857 327

d restauranteLa-Guinguette


Roca Negra Avenida Adeje 300 Playa Paraíso, Costa Adeje Opening hours: Sun-Thu 10:00 – 24:00 Fri+Sat 10:00 – 02:00

& 604 106 484

Roca Negra

The Hardrock Hotel has helped the Paraíso Floral area gain prestige, and now we have The Roca Negra, located in a stylish shopping street, directly by and above the sea. If you feel like it, take a blanket and enjoy your drink and the sunset on the rocks in front of the Roca Negra. It’s the perfect place to enjoy a glass of Spanish cava or one of the countless cocktails. Do you have a favourite drink? Ask the barman, he can help you. From Costa Adeje to Roca Negra is a few minutes by car, but the effort is well worth it.


Harry‘s Bar Avenida de Las Américas, 5 Playa Las Américas Opening hours: Everyday 12:00 – 01:00

Playa de Las Américas has developed enormously in recent years. The golden mile where the legendary Magic, Thai Botánico, Imperial Tai Pan, Bianco and others are at home has another pearl to offer: Harry‘s at Centro Comercial Safari is the place to get together with friends, or if they are late, wait whilst enjoying a drink. Every gin lover gets his money‘s worth, there is hardly a place with a greater choice. Many also enjoy the fountain spectacle with classical music at 9pm at the Centro Comercial Safari. Nowhere can you see this better than from Harry‘s terrace. Here you can meet old friends and find new ones.


La Guinguette is a French Restaurant where you can enjoy music, dancing, good food and wine. We have created a place where we combine Art, Food and Drink at La Guinguette in the South Tenerife. The food is based on traditional French cuisine, combined with fresh country-specific and local products. Musicians of all genres provide inspirational shows, theme nights Fridays and also perform during our Sunday BBQ or for private events. Our terrace with shady trees and breathtaking view invites you to relax. The 2 Petanque Courts are at your fully disposal. Have an unforgettable time with us.

French-Fusion cuisine restaurant & terrace


& 922 777 628



Harry‘s Bar


d harrystenerife

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019





What's a real Guachinche? the official bulletin on April 22 2019, which is now finally to be acted upon. The Agro-Food Quality Law stipulates that all non-Guachinche establishments must be renamed within one year.

What is a real Guachinche?

In a genuine Guachinche, typical Canarian dishes like Puchero are served

To date the term Guachinche has often been misused. The terminology was regulated by the legal decree 83/2013 of the first of August, which specified exactly what a Guachinche is and which establishments

are allowed to use that term. So far this decree has not worked very well. Numerous restaurants call themselves Guachinches in order to circumvent the stricter rules for gastronomy or to give them-

selves a more rustic appearance and thus appear more attractive. Guachinches can even be found in town centres. This is why the then Canarian President Fernando Clavijo published a Canarian law in

It's a rustic place, often in a simple garage or an annex, where the winegrower can sell his own wine and serve it with a meal. Only wine, water and soft drinks are offered as libation and a maximum of three different dishes can be offered, which are also mostly prepared from self-cultivated or at least local ingredients. For nibbling, pickled vegetables, dried fruits or fruits from the establishment's own cultivation may be served. The maximum opening time of a Guachinche may not exceed

A Guachinche is officially marked with a ‘V’

four months. A recognised Guachinche is marked by a 'V' in contrast to 'R' for restaurant or 'B' for bar and is easy to recognise. This type of gastronomy provides winegrowers with a significant extra income and a sales opportunity for their own wine. Thus they differ from normal restaurants which unjustifiably use the term Guachinche. n


Fundraiser at Bad Bob’s Bar

Bad Bob’s Bar in The Patch, Parque Santiago 2, Playa de Las Américas, will be hosting a coffee, tea and cakes morning with a difference, on Friday September 27 from 12pm to 7pm, so really it’s a coffee afternoon! Please go along and support this event, as all money raised will go to Macmillan Cancer Support which provides physical, financial and emotional support to help sufferers to live as fully as possible, and if more temptation to attend were needed, we understand that the cakes are wonderful! For more information about Macmillan Cancer Support, see macmillan. n


Festival of world beers

The borough of Arucas, in the north of Gran Canaria, celebrates World Tourism Day on September 21 in a special way. The Festival Cervezas del Mundo, a world beer festival, will be held in the Calle León y Castillo from 12pm. A total of 15 different types of beer from all over the world will be represented, and of course there will be a gastronomic area where you can try some Canarian specialities. Musical entertainment will be provided by the bands Ginsonics and Sonotone as well as the Banda Sinfónica Arucas. Don’t miss this day full of entertainment, a great atmosphere and the best beers. n


Open: Daily, except Tuesday 12 to 11 pm

& 822 108 923

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© GoogleMaps

Quo and The Edge Callao Salvaje Pearly Grey Ocean Club Opening hours: Quo 8:30-23:00 The Edge 12:00-19:00

& +34 922 743 900 Callao Salvaje, Spectacular Ocean Views

The Edge Tapas, Cocktails and stunning views. Perfect for a long lunch and fresh cocktails with one of the most stunning views on the Island. Quo Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A relaxed friendly international restaurant, perfect for all the family. Situated In the Pearly Grey Ocean Club in Callao Salvaje open to all. Quality and comfort is what we are about, live entertainment nightly.


Brunelli’s Steakhouse Calle Bencomo 42 Puerto de La Cruz


& 922 062 600 Every gourmet’s dream becomes a reality at Brunelli‘s, a steakhouse that is in the perfect location to inspire the palate. Selected meat of the very best quality, in a fantastic ambience right next to the sea, the culinary pleasure revolves around the Southbend: The only oven of its kind on the Canary Islands, it heats up to 800°C, sealing the juices and flavour inside the meat. Plus top quality wines from the island and Spain, and the restaurant’s crowning glory: an uninterrupted view of the Atlantic Ocean.

© Google


Opening hours: Daily from 1pm – 3.30pm and 6.30pm – 11pm


Tasteful, canarian kitchen, a rustic and authentic ambience and a breathtaking panoramic view characterise the Bodegón Las Vistas in Santa Úrsula. Also the very hospitable servicestaff and the favorable prices. This place welcomes everyone, from local Canarian or foreign residents who don‘t want to cook, to holidaymakers who find themselves in an extraordinary place in the middle of typical island life. A place you will never forget.


Calle Bencomo 58 Santa Úrsula

d bodegonlasvistas

Bodegón Las Vistas


d pearlygrey/ pearlygreyoceanclub



19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019

© GoogleMaps





Animal charities’ round up The poor little pup pictured here was found abandoned without its mum and we have been feeding her every four hours to try to save her. This again shows the unbelievable cruelty that humans are capable of. We constantly strive to help the dogs abandoned here in Tenerife and to find them new loving homes, so please do come and visit us if you are interested in adopting a dog and please never buy one when our refuge has over 200 gorgeous dogs, most of them failed by their owners in terribly cruel and barbaric ways. All they want is food and love and in return they will be your most loyal, loving friend unconditionally. We don’t charge for adoptions but donations are very welcome towards the vast running costs of the refuge. Every one of our dogs has a clean bill of health and is fully inoculated, microchipped, heartworm- and fleafree, has a passport and is sterilised, the last one being compulsory to try to reduce the large numbers of unwanted litters here on Tenerife. A gentle reminder We’d like to remind owners that the law requires you to register your dog with the local town hall where you live. In addition, it is important to micro-chip your pets, as well as ensure that the contact details are correct and updated when appropriate. We have a large number of dogs brought to the refuge off the streets by Protection Civil that are micro-chipped, but the information isn’t up to date. This causes unnecessary stress to the dog as it has to stay at the refuge until the owner is found. Also, please know that a single bite from an infected mosquito can give your dog heartworm, which can lead to a very slow and painful death. We can never overstate the importance of treating your dog to prevent

this occurrence. Over 60 per cent of dogs that arrive at the refuge test positive for heartworm. It’s a very costly treatment and very uncomfortable for the dog but one that is vital to prevent further pain and suffering.

This tiny puppy was found abandoned and has needed feeding every four hours

How you can help We are always in need of tinned dog food for our older dogs, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, and collars and leads. If you have any of the above to spare they would be very much appreciated. Besides obvious needs such as food, water and veterinary care, a little attention is all the dogs here want. They love going out for a walk so please do come and take one out if you have time, they really will appreciate it. We are also desperately looking for people travelling to Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Berlin or Frankfurt who would be prepared to escort a dog. All that’s needed is a little time at the airport: all necessary paperwork and handling of the dogs is done by AccionTier staff. Please do call us on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242 between the hours of 8am and 5pm if you can help in any way, or visit us on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2pm to 5pm, and Saturdays 1pm to 4pm. We’re situated directly under the wind turbines, from exit 52 on the TF1 north bound, just after the El Médano junction. Head for the windmills on the coast and we’re located in the buildings on the right hand side. Alternatively, email us on or visit our Facebook page at Action tier Acción del Sol.

Cats Welfare Adoptions Please consider adopting from us. All of our cats go on a week’s trial in your home so you can be sure you’ve made the right decision. If you adopt two kittens together then kitten injection, micro chip and neutering is free for the second kitten. Adopt a black kitten or two and both kittens receive the above treatments for free. Contact us via our website at or ring/whatsapp Sharon (English) on 662 524 006, seven days a week 9am to 6pm, or Sandra (Spanish and German) after 6pm on 671 282 773. Alternatively, message us on Facebook.

Photo: Buenosia/Carol Pexels

Acción del Sol

Don’t forget all the lovely kitties that are also waiting for new homes

Our shop Our shop is our main source of income and incredibly important to us for raising funds, so we always need good quality/condition items donated, as well as happy customers in the shop! Find it on San Blas in Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), open seven days a week, 10am until 6pm. If you don’t have transport or have large bulky items to donate you can ring Mark on 636 590 557 to arrange collection. Or maybe you would you like to help in the shop? It’s a great way to meet new friends and support the local community at the same time.


Super spritely!

Want to help but not sure how? We go through vast amounts of bedding each week so we always need towels, blankets, sheets etc. to keep the cats clean and warm. Food and litter is a large part of our expenditure each month as we feed 20 large colonies of cats and also have foster carers who need them for their charges. Any brand is always welcome. Also, do you have any spare pet carriers or dog training cages spare?

K9 Ways you can help We always appreciate any and all help. If you aren’t in a position to adopt, maybe you could consider becoming a volunteer dog walker or just come and spend some time with the dogs: they always need lots of cuddles and human interaction to get them ready for the world out there. Simply call us or pop by any day during our opening hours. Alternatively, you could sponsor one of our wonderful sponsor dogs via our website, donate money either via our website or in cash at the refuge, you could donate food and other items which help us look after our dogs and cats, and you can even buy our merchandise at the refuge. In addition, remember to keep an eye on our website or Facebook page (information below) for any fundraising events which you may like to attend. Also, why not come along to our charity shop in Alcalá? There are heaps of ways you can help, and we and the dogs and cats will all be immensely grateful! Shop till you drop Please note we are no longer holding car boot sales in Los Gigantes, but you can visit our shop in Alcalá Plaza, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm. Donations of quality household goods, clothes, books, shoes or other items are very welcome as well. Call 646 561 035 to arrange collection of larger items from all local areas. All proceeds go towards funding the animals’ care and are essential to ensuring our

Sprite is a very sweet, handsome and loving boy who has been at K9 a while now and is still looking for his forever home. Whatever happened to Sprite before he arrived has made him a little nervous of new people, so he does need some time to get to know you. Once he does, however, he’s very content either out walking, on- or off-lead, or in the kennels playing. He’s a very nice dog to walk, who loves to explore but also will stop for the occasional treat! At the moment, he is currently sharing with a male dog but previously shared with females as he’s best with female dogs. It would be wonderful for him to finally get out of the kennels and live a happy life with a new family. He’s quite obedient and will come when called and also sits for you before you feed him. He loves his food and always looks forward to meal time. He likes to play and grab whichever toy he can and run around with it and have fun. He loves attention and will jump up for a hug and a nice rub under his chin. He really shows you when he trusts you. It’s a lovely feeling. If you are interested in getting to know Sprite, it’s a good idea to call in a few times to walk him. Call K9 on 667 638 468 or email Alternatively, visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 10am and 2pm. K9 dogs and cats have everything they need to make their time at the refuge as comfortable as possible. UK online shop Good news for our UK supporters. We now have an online shop at Deliveries can only be made to the UK, so please spread the word to your family and friends there. Thank you very much! Adoptions We have many beautiful dogs, and even cats, wait-

ing for their forever homes. You can see them on our website at www.k9tenerife. com. Or visit the Refuge on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas, any day between 9.30am and 1.30pm. Alternatively, call us on 667 638 468 or email You will also find stories of our dogs’ antics on our Facebook page at Diary of a K9 Tenerife Dogwalker or K9 Tenerife. Also, to see daily photos of the walks that take place at K9, ‘like’ the facebook page Voluntarios del Refugio K9. n

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019




WHAT’S ON 2019




8.30pm: Cinema Morricone with Sara Andon on flute and Simone Pedroni on piano, concert in honour of the 90th birthday of Italian composer Ennio Morricone, compositions from his famous film sound tracks, including Love Story, The Hateful Eight, Guardians of the Clouds and Mission to Mars, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €15.

8.30pm: Fasur Rodríguez, Canarian folk/indie fusion, Teatro Guiniguada, LPGC, €10. www.

10pm: Aviador Dro celebrate 40 years in the music business, with support band Noiseed, electronic dance/pop/rock, The Paper Club, LPGC, from €5.

September 19 - 22

September 27

Totem, Cirque du Soleil, Canadian circus show with spectacular audio accompaniment, ExpoMeloneras grounds, Maspalomas, from €39.

9pm: Edwin Colón Zayas, Puerto Rican music, traditional/modern fusion with Canarian touches, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €10.

8.30pm: César Manrique, musical about the late Lanzarote artist, environmentalist and architect, Teatro Pérez Galdós, LPGC, from €20. September 20 9am: La Venecia de Gran Canaria Tour, Mogán, Amadores and Mirador de las Dunas, pick-ups from Maspalomas and Playa del Inglés, children from €15, adults from €30.

September 28 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. 5.30pm: Sum Festival, bands include Texas, Fangoria, Miss Caffeina, Carlos Sadness, Sidecars and Niños Mutantes, two stages, food stalls, chillout zone and more, Recinto Ferial Infecar, LPGC, from €35. 9pm: Vicente García, renowned composer, singer and musician from the Dominican Republic, The Paper Club, LPGC, from €15. www. September 29 6pm: Bella, musical based on the classic tale Beauty and the Beast (in Spanish), Teatro Víctor, Vecindario, €16. October 3 9pm: Marko, Latin pop, Paraninfo, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, LPGC, from €25. October 5

9pm: Gabriela Suárez, jazz, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €10. www.auditorioteatro September 20 - 22 Encuentro Veneguera, traditions, stalls, live music and more, Veneguera, Mogán, free event. September 21 9am: Historic Gran Canaria Tour, Jardín Canario, Vegueta, Santa Catalina Park, Cuevas de Guayadeque and Agüimes, leave from LPGC, children €19, adults €39. 8.15pm: Ana Belén, pop, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €32. www.auditorioteatro

9pm: Metamorfosis, jazz quartet with pianist Moisés P. Sánchez, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €35. www.auditorioteatrolas 9pm: Los Sabandeños and El Consorcio, top hits from the renowned Canarian and Spanish vocal groups, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €36. October 6 12pm: Visitas en Familia (Family Visits), guided museum tours (in Spanish) for adults and children, learn about the indigenous peoples of Gran Canaria, illustrated by a range of activities and dramatisations, El Museo Canario, LPGC, €5, children under 12 go free. www. 7pm: Los Sabandeños and El Consorcio, top hits from renowned Canarian and Spanish vocal

FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 122 groups, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus, LPGC, from €36. Until further notice 10.15am, 11.15am and 12.15pm: Guided tours around the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium, adults €5, groups of between four and 24 visitors €3 each, retired and unemployed etc. €1.80, LPGC. Thursday – Sunday: CamBuyon Market, art, second hand, vintage, Mercado del Puerto, LPGC, Thursdays and Fridays, 7pm – 11pm; Saturdays 6pm – 11pm; Sundays 12pm – 3pm.

EXHIBITIONS Until September 29 Universo Manrique (Manrique’s Universe), wideranging collection of works by Lanzarote artist, designer, architect and social activist César Manrique, drawings, paintings, sculptures, collages, documents and more, celebrating the 100th anniversary of his birth, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno Los Balcones, (CAAM), LPGC, free entry, Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 9pm; Sundays 10am – 2pm. Until further notice Cúpula de las Ondas (Dome of waves), exciting demonstration of how our body can perceive various wave lengths, Museo Elder de la Ciencia y Tecnología, Las Palmas, Saturdays and Sundays, 11.30am and 6.30pm, entrance from €2.


TENERIFE DIARY DATES September 19 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 7pm: Supercalifragilistico, family musical based on the 1964 Disney musical Mary Poppins (in Spanish), Paraninfo ULL, La Laguna, from €8. 8pm: Hofesh Shechter - Grand Finale, dance show with live music, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, €7.50 and €15. www. auditoriodetenerife September 20

8pm: Cinema Morricone: Sara Andon on flute and Simone Pedroni on piano, concert in honour of the 90th birthday of Italian composer Ennio Morricone, compositions from his famous film sound tracks, including Love Story, The Hateful Eight, Guardians of the Clouds and Mission to Mars, part of the Fimucité Festival, Teatro Leal, La Laguna, €15. 9pm: Café Quijano, renowned Spanish band, rock/pop, guitar ballads, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, from €20. www.tomaticket. es 10pm: Aviador Dro celebrate 40 years in the business, with support band Noiseed, electronic dance/pop/rock, Espacio Cultural Aguere, La Laguna, from €5. September 20 - 23 Boreal Festival, cultural and environmental festival, live music, workshops, children’s activities, arts and crafts fair, market, food stalls and more, town centre, Los Silos, free event. September 21 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 5pm: Clowneando, family humour and clown show (in Spanish), Zaladeteatro, La Laguna, from €6. 6pm: Bella, family musical based on the popular story Beauty and the Beast (in Spanish), Paraninfo, La Laguna University, from €16. 7pm & 10pm: Let’s Dance, film soundtrack favourites by the Pop Culture Band, including The Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing, Hot Stuff from the Full Monty, and Everybody Needs Somebody To Love from The Blues Brothers, part of the Fimucité Festival, audience participation encouraged, Teatro Guimerá, Santa Cruz, from €15. 8pm: Organ concert, Bach, Haydn, Liszt, Mozart and more, part of the Tenerife Antigua Música Festival, Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Merced, El Médano, free entry. www.guiade 8.30pm: The Primitals, a capela musical comedy (in Spanish), Teatro El Sauzal, El Sauzal, €15. 9pm: Café Quijano, renowned Spanish band, rock/pop, guitar ballads, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, from €20. www.tomaticket. es 10.45pm: Fiestón Salsero Canarias, various artists, salsa shows and workshops plus DJs, The Beer Trap, Golf del Sur, from €13, drinks included till stocks finish.

6pm: Miky Woodz, Puerto Rican trap artist, for under 18s only (concert for over 18s at 11pm), Achaman DiscoPub, Costa Adeje, €15. www.

September 21 & 22

6pm: Supercalifragilistico, family musical based on the 1964 Disney musical Mary Poppins (in Spanish), Auditorio Infanta Leonor, Los Cristianos, €12.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am.

8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019

WHAT’S ON 2019


8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. www.mercadillodelagricultor. com 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor. September 22 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 12pm: Don Periquito y la Hormiga Candelaria, family theatre show (in Spanish), Centro Cultural La Villa, Candelaria, from €6. www.

September 27 8pm: My Favourite Fears, soundtracks from some of the scariest movies around, such as Hellraiser, the Evil Dead and Psycho, part of the Fimucité Festival, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €25. www. 8.30pm: David Frankis, boleros, Cultural Centre, San Andrés, from €3. 9pm: Vicente García, renowned composer, singer and musician from the Dominican Republic, La Cascada, Santa Cruz, from €15. www. September 28 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 5pm: Guided tour around Puerto de La Cruz, highlighting some of the mysterious and intriguing aspects of the town’s history (in Spanish), start and finish at Casa Miranda, Plaza de Europa, €12. 7pm: Bram Stoker’s Dracula In Concert, soundtrack to Francis Ford Coppola’s version of the classic tale, part of the Fimucité Festival, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, from €20.

8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, C/ Cooperativa, Valle San Lorenzo, free bus both days from Playa de Las Américas 9am, 10am and 11am. 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. TF16, Km 3.5, Tacoronte. 8am-3pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General TF5, Km 49, La Guancha. 8am-4pm: Farmers’ market, Ctra. General, Km 7.8, La Esperanza. www.ayuntamientoel 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Camino Viejo de San Benito s/n, Casa del Llano, Realejo Alto. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza San Pedro, Vilaflor. September 29 8am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza de la Luz, Los Silos. 9am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Av. Villa de Arico, Porís de Abona. 9am-2pm: Food and crafts market, Plaza de la Libertad, Garachico. 1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette

1pm-4pm: BBQ and live music, Restaurante La Guinguette, Piedra Hincada. Tel: 922 857 327. Facebook/Restaurante.La.Guinguette September 23 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. September 24

7pm: Soundtracks from famous sports-based movies such as Rocky and Chariots of Fire, part of the Fimucité Festival, Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, Santa Cruz, €15. www.

10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. September 25

10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. 1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. September 26 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 8pm: Randy Edelman: A Close Relationship, famous soundtracks by the renowned Hollywood composer, part of the Fimucité Festival, Teatro Guimerá, Santa Cruz, €11.

1pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, P.I. Las Chafiras, San Miguel (next to the fire station). www.costa 3pm-7pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje. October 3 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. October 4 9pm: Marko, Latin pop, Paraninfo ULL, La Laguna, from €20. October 5 1pm: Lagoon Party, electronic dance and pool fiesta, Hard Rock Hotel, Playa Paraíso, from €30. 5pm: Peñón Rock, live music from various bands, including Tequila, Amistades Peligrosas, Jaime Terrón, and Expresso Rock, plus food stalls, activities, games zones and more, Campo de Fútbol El Peñón, Puerto de La Cruz, Over 18s only, from €27.

EXHIBITIONS Until September 29 The immortal King of Rock, collection of Elvis Presley memorabilia, albums and singles in various formats, films, photos, Elvis figures, key rings, replicas of his cars, posters etc., Calle San Sebastián 13, next to the Post Office, Icod de los Vinos, free entry. www. Canarias Until October 13

6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna.

8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan.


7.30pm: Pink & Green Summer Party, gastronomy event, meal, free bar, live music, Amarilla Golf hoyo 1, San Miguel, from €90. www. 8.30pm: Nuria Espert & La Tempestad, Vivaldi Natura: Las Cuatro Estaciones (Vivaldi Nature: The Four Seasons), classical music and poetry reading, Teatro Leal, La Laguna, from €10 www. 9pm: Miriam Rodríguez, pop, Auditorio Teobaldo Power, La Orotava, from €20. www. 10.30pm: Osvaldo Roman, Latin pop, La Cascada, Santa Cruz, from €20. September 28 & 29 8am-1.30pm: Farmers’ market, Calle Archajara, s/n, Las Torres, Adeje.

Pickup Point

Viajes LMX Miraverde

September 30 9am-2pm: Farm and general market, Plaza del Llano, Alcalá. October 1 6am-2pm: Farmers’ market, Plaza del Cristo, La Laguna. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www.

Crisis? What Crisis?, collective exhibition of 100 works from 20 young Canarian artists, final in a series of three annual collections in honour of the 40th anniversary of the death of Spanish dictator Franco, providing insight into the instability that present generations face, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, free entry. Until further notice Disponibilidad Limitada (Limited Availability), by David Ferrer, contemporary art exploring the relationship between the artists, visitors and venues where art is exhibited, TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz, Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 8pm, free entry. www.

October 2 8am-1pm: Farmers’ market, Paseo El Bufadero, Playa de San Juan. 10am, 12pm, 3pm and 5pm: Tour plus tasting, Dorada beer factory, Santa Cruz, €10. www. Therapies, Spiritual hypnosis, Past life regression Come, unleash your internal power and heal your mind, body and soul completely through energy healing, hypnosis and past life regression. Get Space Clearing carried out for more positivity at home and in your work place

Call 619 519 858

For regular church, charity and recreational events, please see:





International Basketball Tournament For the last 22 years, the town of La Orotava has been the international focus of young basketball players during the last week of September when the best players in the U-16 teams meet to compete against each other. This year, the International Basketball Tournament will be held from September 26 to 29. The Colegio Salesianos-San Isidro will be the venue for most of the matches, with the exception of two which will be held at the Pabellón Quiquirá. This year, Group A will feature the teams Real Madrid Baloncesto, the Zalgiris Kaunas School from Lithuania, Valencia Basket and Club Baloncesto San Isidro. Group B will include Stella Azzurra from the Basketball Academy in Rome, Canterbury Academy from Gran Canaria,

Presentation of the international U-16 tournament

Iberostar Canarias and Vilnius BS from Lithuania. Each of the two group winners will go on to the semi-finals which will take place on Saturday at 6pm and 8pm. On Sunday, the fight for places will take place, for the bronze at 4.30pm and the grand triples match at 6.15pm, culmi-

nating with the grand final at 7pm. During the presentation of the tournament, local Mayor Francisco Linares once again emphasised how important this event is for young sportsmen and women and what an international reputation the tournament has achieved. More than 3,000 players and around

5,000 visitors, as well as athletes who later played in international leagues, all testify to this. He was however, disappointed by the fact that representatives of the Canary Island Government, Island Council and the public Canarian television station failed to attend the presentation. n


International Mind Sports Olympiad The five young thinkers Mario Hernández Concepción, Héctor Fonte Guerra, Víctor Espinosa, Noa Concepción and Víctor Hernández took part in the 23rd International Mind Sports Olympiad in London in August and returned to La Palma with great success. The quintet won a total of 40 medals, which is nine more than last year. Among them two first places in the categories Junior and Feminine as well as a second place in the general classification of abstract and modern games. All in all, the delegation from La Palma competed against players from all over the world. Representatives from 70 countries went to London to compete in the age groups of adults and juniors. The games were Duel Strategy, Classic Strategy, Domino 3&5, Catan, Blokus, Trench, Monopoly and Carcassonne among others. At home, the successful thinkers from La Palma were welcomed and congratulated by President Mariano H. Zapata, Vice-President Anselmo Pestana and Education Councillor Susana Machín. They were interested in hearing about the experiences they enjoyed in London, as well as in their way of training, their motivation and their plans for the future. The five are members of the Aprender Jugando collective (Learn by playing group), supported by the Island Council and the boroughs of Breña Baja, Breña Alta, Los Llanos de Aridane and Villa de Mazo, as well as private companies. n


La Laguna: European SubChampion Marisa is happy about her silver medal

Marísa Isabel Pérez Belloch from La Laguna became the European Sub-Champion at the XXI Master European Championships in Venice in the category 5,000 metres M40. She managed the course in a time of 25.32 minutes and only had to admit defeat to the local heroine Rosetta La Delfa. She fought hard until the end, because a Hungarian

colleague was following hard on her heels. "I had to keep the Hungarian under control. She was so close to me that she challenged me for second place. We fought to the end, but in the end I crossed the finish line seven seconds ahead of her" said the Canarian athlete happily. "I'm very happy. It’s one more medal for my collection and the first European

gong in a competition that was held at a very high level" she adds. Marisa has proved once again that she is in top form at the moment and is not easy to stop. The Tenerife athlete forms part of the 337-strong Spanish national team, which competes against 43 countries. With this victory Marisa's triumph in Venice was not yet over as a little later she climbed the podium again in Venice. This time she won the bronze medal for 10 kilometres with a time of 48.56 min-

utes. From the starting signal on, she held on to the third position, while before her the German Bianca Schenker and the Italian Rosetta La Delfa fought for the gold and silver medal. "It was a tough competition, mainly because of the heat and bad road conditions. There were a lot of bumps and cracks. But I am satisfied, I can pack my bags and go home and give my body the rest it needs now" explained the Tenerife athlete, who was proudly awaited on the island by friends and family. n

Five clever minds represented La Palma at the IMSO


Master in clay pigeon shooting On the second weekend of September, the Canarian clay pigeon shooting championship was held at the Ravelo shooting club. The representatives of the shooting club El Picacho at Barranco Hondo came home with two winning titles. Pedro Jiménez became Canarian Champion in the Olympic trap and his team mate Héctor González in the second category in the same group. Mayor María Concepción Brito and Sports Councillor Manuel González congratulated the two shooters on their successes. n Canarian master Pedro Jiménez

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019





Tenerife impress on away-day rout By Chris Todd At last we are seeing the real new look CD Tenerife! After a shaky start to the season the squad is now practically back to full strength and the results have improved greatly. Ten new signings were made in the summer but due to one thing or another only three of the new players were able to start matches. We basically had a new system but the old team on the pitch. Now manager López Garai can pick his preferred team with the only exception being English lad Sam Shashoua who has been injured. He should however make his debut on September 22 against the newly promoted Fuenlabrada in Santa Cruz at a 7pm kick off. After the last set of results hopes are quietly confident that we can have a good season. The fans have shown great loyalty once again with season ticket sales matching last season at around the 11,200 mark. Not bad considering that the team has not been able to win two consecutive games since March 2018! 07/09/2019 CD Tenerife 0:0 UD Las Palmas The Canarian Derby came a bit too early with both sides under full strength and not yet in form. Pre-match talk was all about Las Palmas wonderkid Pedri who had signed for FC Barcelona a few days before. The Catalan giants stumped up

€6 million for the services of the 16 year old and immediately loaned him back to Las Palmas for the season. Pedri in fact hails from Tacoronte in Tenerife and he really is one that slipped through the blanquiazul net. The Derby was a tad ‘lite’ compared to previous passionate affairs it has to be admitted. Having said that, the pre-match atmosphere in the streets surrounding the Heliodoro Stadium was very much Carnival-like. The recent huge forest fires on the island of Gran Canaria had created a sense of solidarity between all Canarians, so much so that the Las Palmas team entered the pitch with “Gracias Tenerife” written on their yellow shirts. The game itself was a story of two halves, Tenerife dominated the first half and the visitors the second. Despite the lack of goals it was an intense contest which could have gone either way. When Luis Milla received a deserved red card on 72 minutes it was a case for Tenerife of attempting to hold on for the point in the last part of the match. The blanquiazules defended resolutely and in fact almost nicked a win when an Isma López effort missed by inches in the last minute. But there was still time for more drama as Las Palmas were awarded a penalty only to have it overturned by VAR for a previous offside. That was a huge relief as to lose a Derby in the

Tenerife fans are really getting behind the new team this season

last minute is something all fans dread. At the final whistle the 0:0 result can be described as about right. The 1,000 or so yellow-clad away fans celebrated but really with the extra player they should have won. A lost chance by Las Palmas to win their first Derby in Tenerife in 19 years. 15/09/2019 Albacete 0:4 CD Tenerife A simply stunning away victory for Tenerife against an Albacete side who reached the playoffs last season. Seven years had passed since the blanquiazules had last scored four goals away from home and that was in the league below, so this victory was extra special. Only seconds were on the clock

when Alex Bermejo put Tenerife ahead after some fine work down the wing by Luis Pérez. Instead of resting on their laurels they went for the second and on thirteen minutes they were 0:2 thanks to a Róbert Mazáň volley from outside the box. There was only going to be one winner and when new striker Miérez scored the third on 72 minutes it was good as game over. The Argentinean striker made a good impression on his full debut with his tenacity and determination, he could be a key player this season. It was only a matter of time before Tenerife added to their total and a fourth goal was scored by Dani Gómez in the closing stages. From Albacete the squad travelled to Murcia where they

will hold a five day mini-stage before their match against Elche on September 19 at 6pm. They will then fly back

to the island the following day before preparing for the home game against Fuenlabrada on September 22. n

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Horoscope for period: September 19 to October 2 Aries 21.03 - 20.04 You have the ability to make a profound impression, so force yourself to be the life and soul of the party, even if you’re not in the mood. Mars will give you courage and confidence right now, just what you need to blaze an impressive trail. Taurus 21.04 - 20.05 Your goals and ambitions in life are in the forefront. Your future seems to be holding some gain for you in the matter of speculation and investments - be sure to get good advice. These investments could be connected to a foreign shore. Gemini 21.05 - 21.06 The sun is swinging its influence over your chart and you should have more than your share of opportunities to shimmy and shine. Much of this next period’s action takes place at the foundation of your chart, which means the roots of life. Cancer 22.06 - 22.07 Be philosophical Cancer! On the 30th, a whole new era comes in, heralded by the New Moon on the 28th. You will be called upon to teach or train others. Camaraderie with kindred souls is abundant and overwhelmingly personally satisfying. Leo 23.07 - 23.08 There is still a lot to be done to get you where you want to be onward and upward, Leo. You could have made a serious enemy, someone whom no amount of placating will charm, and being equally as tough is sadly the only way to go. Virgo 24.08 - 23.09 Confronting unpalatable truths could be one of September’s star features, whether you finally realise how you feel about someone or whether it is apparent that you cannot go any further in a particular direction. Pluto brings forth buried issues. Libra 24.09 - 23.10 The financial area of your solar chart is under heavy fire at the moment. Well, you know what life is like for the balancing extremist – feast or famine! You should eliminate the dead wood, thereby freeing up some aspect of your life to new influences.


Los Cristianos, Royal apartments building, two Russian girls, Diana, slim, blonde, blue eyes, expert, and Ana, tall. Kisses, natural French, natural Greek, excellent treatment. 20 minutes for €50, 30 minutes €60. WhatsApp or You will love our details. call: 626 712 090. Luxury erotic massages. Beautiful masseuses from Los Cristianos, Gaby, the East. We are near the brunette, beautiful and Hard Rock Hotel in the sexy. I am complete, I do Costa Adeje area. Tel: everything without limits. (+34) 662 960 065. www. I am available 24 hours in my apartment and can do outcalls. Tel: 610 609 086. Los Cristianos, Meliza, Venezuelan, blonde, large Los Cristianos, new, Latin breasts, all services, nat- girl. My services are comural French, positions, plete, French, positions, kisses, sado. I am in Calle kisses, vibrators, masRamón Pino, behind Ave- sages. Private apartment nida Suecia. I do outcalls. in the centre of Los Cristianos. Tel: 608 103 319. Tel: 602 629 191.


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922 75 06 09

Crossword and Sudoku solution

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11 All through this year the planets have been endeavouring to set you on the right path, although in the process it may have seemed to be a case of mixed upheaval, fun and trauma one after another. This is certainly not the time to poke the tiger in the cage! Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12 This is your time to focus on the inner-you, to pay more attention to your dreams and to take care of your physical and mental health. It’s one of the great periods of your year for socialising, schmoozing and other life-enhancing, success-making activities. Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01 The New Moon (28th) brings opportunities to have fun bringing new endeavours and associations into being with some great results. Hopefully, those solar waves will be working their revitalising magic on your body and soul now. Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02 There is much promise coming your way and many good opportunities will be knocking at your door very soon. Changes, although sometimes painful, are ultimately liberating and certainly therapeutic. Be open to new ideas and suggestions. Pisces 21.02 - 20.03 Events and other people shape your life – so, in a way, maybe you’ll have to become even more accepting and non-resistant. The key to success will be in letting go of the stubbornness and the ego and operating through the heart and the senses.

Pickup Point Pickup Point 2nd Home Tenerife C.C. Plaza del Duque

Paul Ruane

Tenerife Property Sales C/ Flor de Pascua 43, Los Gigantes

Pickup Point El Gomero Petrol Station Oroteanda roundabout

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019


Island Connections Online:

CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE NEXT EDITION The deadline for edition 856, which is published on 3rd October, is 1st October. No classifieds will be taken after this date.

Head Office: Calle Francisco Feo Rodríguez 6º- first floor. Pol. Industrial Las Chafiras 38620 - San Miguel de Abona. Tel.: 922 75 06 09 Fax: 922 795 810 OFFICE HOURS: Mon-Frid 9:30 -16:30 hours

Classified Info Adverts for our Classifieds Section must be sent by email or hand delivered to the office. If you would like to advertise, please send your classified text to: classifieds@ Alternatively, place your classified advert with one of our four agents: Now in Golf del Sur, Redhound Bookshop in Los Cristianos, The Bookswop in Las Américas, Petras Deutscher Bücherstand in Puerto de La Cruz.

Rates: • LINEAGE CLASSIFIEDS: From €25 • SMALL & LONG TERM: Ask for long term advertising (3, 6, 12 months) and our special discounts. • FURTHER OPTIONS: color / boxed adverts. TO PLACE YOUR ADVERT CALL: 922 75 06 09 You are welcome to come to our offices in Las Chafiras to place small ads. Card payment facilities are available.




Santiago del Teide Lions Club

General Services

Bargains galore From clothes and children’s toys to kitchenware and books – there are plenty of great deals on second-hand goods. They even have sets of golf clubs! Don’t miss out – visit their shop below the plaza in Puerto Santiago (Behind Vigilia Park). Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am – 1pm and Wednesdays 2pm to 8pm.

Mobile welder for hire anywhere on the island Contact Jason:

683 422 304 MASONIC MEETINGS Logia Ave Fenix Nº 73 Edificio Simón, Los Cristianos. New meetings start in October, on the fourth Tuesday All Visitors welcome Contact John Donaldson (Secretary):

(+34) 922 178 091 or


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General Services

CLASSIFIEDS | PASTIMES Viagra, kamagra, jellies, cialis, best products, discounts on large orders. Delivery available or mail order. Tel or Whatsapp: 672 883 025. viagra4you19@

Rental Holiday home service Tenerife south Keyholding, meet and Greet, cleaning, refurbishing, gardening, paint jobs, Running errands, etc...


FOREIGN LANGUAGE NEWS 122 APARTMENT TABAIBA ALTA For sale, only five mins away from the German school, roughly 102m2, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, utility room, garden, big terrace. Spectacular views of the sea and mountain, big garage with 2 spaces, 2 closed store rooms, price €180,000, mob. 686 798 367, email e optene rife @ m

Apartment for rent, 1 bedroom, fully equipped, near Playa Martiánez, in Puerto de La Cruz, €470 /month + electricity. Tel: Theresa on 606 105 101 Apartment and Villa for rent in Tenerife south. Tel: (0034) 662 507 191

Contact Jensen +34 697 892 120

Winter letting Puerto de La Cruz Studio apartment, 24 hour concierge, pool, sea views. Minimum three month contract. €500 per month. 669 652 149

You are invited to

Semi-detached house, with garden, private pool and Jacuzzi in Guargacho available for rent from October 1. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms and guest toilet. Living space approx. 98m², plot approx. 300m², terrace and balcony, air conditioning, wifi, furniture and high quality fully equipped kitchen, marble floor and tiles. Supermarkets, restaurants, cafés a short walk away, next to the beach, approx. 3.5km. Rental price per month €1,200 plus running costs (water, electricity and wifi). Tel: (+34) 671 044 530 or (+49) 1787 901519.

For sale, Bungalow 160m2 Costa Sauzal, situated front row with guaranteed spectacular sea-views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room with panoramic windows, modern kitchen, dining room connected to the terrace, including a heated 4 x 8 m pool, all on same level, garage and a marvellous tropical garden with 800m2 landscaped with various plants and lots of fruit trees. Private sale contact: info Tel.: 00 34 699 444 879

Car needed for long-term rental 676 378 618

Calle Atbitocazpe, Edif. Tamaide II, L4, Adeje Pastor Baz 608 724 369 Masonic Lodge - Ave Fenix No.73. New meetings started in October 2018 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. If interested, all visitors are welcome to come down. For further information, lodge secretary John Donaldson is available to contact on Tel: (+34) 922 178 091 or Email: ave.fenix73@ Llona Massage. Do you want more? A life of lust and love of energy? Therapeutic massages and individual combinations for women, men and couples. Av. Ernesto Sarti 8, in front of Hotel Iberostar Sabila. Tel. +34 602 608 626 every day from 10am to 8pm or by appointment.

m 629 244 958

Vehicles Crossword

Beige leather upholstery, Multifunction leather steering wheel, Navigator, Power-adjustable seats with heating and lumbar adjustment, Rear headrests, Air conditioning, CD player, Integrated telephone, Rear parking sensor, electric windows and retractable mirrors. Fog lamps, Central locking with remote control. MOT OK! All new tyres, brake pads, suspension arms, discs, battery (2 year guarantee) and starter motor. Gear box and general service undertaken. Very good condition, always kept in a garage. 250,000km, €6,200

Beautiful seafront apartment for private sale. One bedroom, garage, sea views and in a sunny position. Price: €120,000. No agents. Tel: 922 752 759. Mobile: 608 425 426

This luxury Villa in Torviscas Alto with spectacular views of the surrounding areas and out to sea. The property comes completely furnished to a high standard and benefits from a private heated pool. Property offers 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a garage, which is currently a GYM as there is street parking in front of the property. Built to High Standards. €850,000 IÑAKY AZURZA

Qualified horse riding instructor (Swedish equestrian federation) available for individual and group classes in CHS Buzanada and La Caldera del Rey (San Eugenio Alto) or privately in the south of Tenerife. All ages and levels are welcomed. Schooling and management of private horses by appointment. Ulrike Fagerlund has competed successfully to a high level in dressage and show jumping in the Canary Islands and Europe. Swedish/ English/Spanish/German speaking. IGEQ equestrian passport holder. Tel: 660 761 270, e-mail: ulrika.fagerlund18@




Vacant / wanted


Sales Sunday 11am and Wednesday TBA


Sudokus (For Crossword and Sudoku solution see pag 30)


629 244 958 Decor

· Completely Equipped Kitchen · Fitted Cupboards · Fitted Wardrobes · Fully Furnished in a modern style


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Across 1 - dictators (7) 4 - first appearance (5) 7 - make available (5) 8 - first light (7) 9 - not odd (4) 10 - make a mistake (3) 11 - poem (4) 15 - stewed (9) 17 - spiciness (4) 19 - cheek (slang) (3) 20 - was (4) 24 - standing (7) 25 - rips (5) 26 - bed cover (5) 27 - winds (7)

Down 1 - metaphor (5) 2 - beams (7) 3 - geek (4) 4 - college teachers (4) 5 - airship (5) 6 - syrup (7) 8 - decreasing (9) 12 - spur (3) 13 - consumed (3) 14 - experts (7) 16 - pertaining to food (7) 18 - perceive (5) 21 - habitations (5) 22 - clue (4) 23 - end (4)

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019











Homes and properties for sale in the Canaries



All photos: Wikimedia Commons

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019




Villa in San Eugenio Fotos: D. D’Elisio

Villa with wonderful panoramic views in the residential complex La Tagora, San Eugenio Alto. 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, fully equipped kitchen, storage room, garden with the possibility to build a private pool, terrace, 3 bathrooms (2 en suite), independent studio apartment on the ground floor, Jacuzzi, garage, community pool. Excellent location with the best view in Costa Adeje

€ 780,000

Tenerife Property Partners Calle El Sauce 5 | Residencial Los Castaños | Local 3 | El Madroñal | Tenerife Tel. 922 707 205 + 679 154 297 + 649 469 282 | Email:

19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019







19.9.2019 – 2.10.2019




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Pickup Point

Viajes LMX Miraverde

Pickup Point

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Advert Placement If you would like to advertise your services on this page, please contact 922 75 06 09

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