4th Council Annual Report 2014/2015

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Annual Report - 2014/15



I CM S I N 2014

Apr il

M ar ch

Febr uar y Pr esenting the 4th Council!

M ay




Septem ber


Novem ber

Decem ber

Januar y

Welcom e new Associates!

Rotation Pr ogr am m e (Associates)

Rotation Pr ogr am m e (Associates)

UK Roadshow s

Annual Report - 2014/15



Chief Executive Director

Deputy Chief Executive Director

Lee Jia Lok

Fan Ray Aun

London School of Economics and Political Science

University of Cambridge

Secretarial Director

Creative and I T Director

Jasmine Cheng Hong Mun

Lim Yi Ping

Queen Mary, University of London

University College London

Council Policy and Strategy Director

Finance Director

Lok Chen Yue (Pent)

Chung Hue Ching Alicia

University College London

University of Warwick

Annual Report - 2014/15



Corporate Relations Co-Director

Corporate Relations Co-Director

Andrea Lau Li Ling

Teh Khoon Kheng

University of Nottingham

University of Cambridge

External Outreach and Publicity Co-Director

External Outreach and Publicity Co-Director

Dakshan Krishnamurthy

Khor Ye Huan

London School of Economics and Political Science

University College London

I nternal Affairs and Performance Co-Director

I nternal Affairs and Performance Co-Director

Chan Yuan Sheng (John)

Chia Sue Theng

University College London

University College London

Annual Report - 2014/15


F OUNDER'S F OREWORD The ICM S under Jia Lok?s leader ship has done exceedingly w ell.

In the past year, w e have successfully expanded to Hong Kong, Singapor e, and Canada. The com m ittee has additionally r ecr uited a str ong associate base in M alaysia to suppor t our ongoing activities and cor por ate r elationships ther e. I had the pleasur e of visiting our Hong Kong associates and I am ver y encour aged by the deter m ination and for esight dem onstr ated by them . Their values and attitudes ar e indeed a tr ue r eflection of Council?s cor e values and is evidence that quality r em ains a hallm ar k of our inter national expansion. We w ill continue to invest heavily in br inging a global diver sity of people and ideas to Council, and I w ould like to thank the Inter nal Affair s and Per for m ance as w ell as the Exter nal Outr each and Publicity dir ector s for spear heading this effor t.

Secondly, 2014/15 has r ecor ded a tr em endous incr ease in financial and non-financial suppor t fr om our cor por ate par tner s, sponsor s and affiliates. I attr ibute this to the har d w or k of our Finance and Cor por ate Relations Dir ector s ? they have indeed per for m ed br illiantly, and set the benchm ar k for fund-r aising and cor por ate r elations for M alaysian-based student societies globally. Deliver ing value to our cor por ate par tner s and stakeholder s w ill continue to featur e in all futur e pr ojects.

Finally, the 4th Council has w or ked har d to pr ior itise cr oss-Council consultation as our m odus oper andi. The ICM S is an intelligent or ganisation that lear ns ? w e aim for seam less leader ship tr ansitions and w or k to pr eser ve institutional m em or y. This br oad str ategy of cr oss-council consultation w ith the Senate and Cour t of Gover nor s indeed sets us apar t as an or ganization, and its r eal benefits w ill show as it suppor ts our r apid inter national expansion. I tha nk the 4th Council for br oa dly a dopting a nd suppor ting this str ategy a nd I ur ge the 5th Council to do the sa me. Our cur r ent leader ship tr ansition m ar ks the cr eation of a 5th Council backed by four highly successful past Councils, each w ith tr em endous suppor t to lend.

All dir ector s of the 4th Council have w or ked ver y har d and their effor ts have br ought us far ? I thank them for this and am indeed pr oud of each of them .

I am pleased to r epor t that a 5th Council under Jien Yue's leader ship has since been duly appointed and I am confident that, w ith the suppor t of our key stakeholder s, the ICM S w ill yet again r ecor d exponential pr ogr ess in the next 12 m onths.

God Bless,

Louis Chuo

Annual Report - 2014/15


CHI EF EX ECUTI VE D I RECTOR'S STATEM ENT Dear associates and fr iends,

ICM S is, in essence, a cube.

At the top of this cube, w e have our cor por ate par tner s, sponsor s, and affiliates w ho have invested their tr ust, ener gy, and r esour ces on us. I cannot over em phasise my gr atitude to you ? w hether you have been w ith our council thr ough thick and thin since our ear lier days, or ar e new ly on boar d to suppor t us in our endeavour s and gr ow th. 2014/15 has been a gr eat year on the cor por ate fr ont, w ith old ties m aintained and new bonds for ged. We know w e ar e not per fect, but w e thank you ? for giving us the space to lear n, the tr ust to gr ow, and the chance to deliver.

On its four sides, w e have the gener al M alaysian population and other student or ganisations. To tr uly im pact, w e fir st need people to know about us. The 4th Council is pr oud to have established a str onger ICM S pr esence, as evident in the im pr essive pr ogr ess achieved in our social m edia outr each, r oadshow attendance, as w ell as volum e of events and associateship applications. On that note, I believe the 4th Council has done w ell in helping people to under stand w ho w e ar e, and w hy w e do w hat w e do.

Beneath the cube lie young aspir ing M alaysian students w hom w e aim to im pact and develop thr ough var ious events and initiatives. Thr ough the 4th council, ICM S has seen an incr ease in the num ber, quality and diver sity of events, setting new standar ds thr ough the 4th instalm ent of M alaysia Public Policy Com petition and the 2nd edition of Industr y Insights. In addition, w e also launched successful initiatives w ith the aim of connecting M alaysian students in their countr ies of studies ? including the Hong Kong Case Com petition, the UK Roundtable Ser ies, and Br eakfast w ith CEO ser ies held in M alaysia.

Finally, the cube em bodies the council ? the Associates, Senate, and Cour t of Gover nor s. Under the 4th Council, I am pr oud that w e have expanded in both size and geogr aphical r each, establishing our pr esence in Hong Kong, Canada and Singapor e. To facilitate the council?s tr ansition into a tr uly inter national team , w e have also invested tr em endous am ounts of effor t into inter nal r estr uctur ing ? a pr oject w hich places em phasis on autonomy, efficiency, and unity, w hich r equir es the 5th Council?s r efinem ent and im plem entation.

In all of the above dim ensions, I believe it w ould be fair to say that the ICM S has gr ow n and achieved m uch thr ough the 4th Council.

Thr oughout my jour ney as the ICM S CED, my pr ior ity has alw ays been clear ? our people.

Annual Report - 2014/15


CHI EF EX ECUTI VE D I RECTOR'S STATEM ENT Just like a cube w hich exper iences pr essur e fr om all dir ections, it is inevitable that the Council faces pr essur e as w e str ive to deliver value to all our stakeholder s. This is even m or e so as w e expand and excel and set higher expectations for our selves.

In the face of pr essur e, w ill this cube have the tenacity to over com e w hatever com es our w ay? This is the tr ue test of the char acter and str ength of our people. And to m e, the answ er has alw ays been a r esounding yes.

As my council?s ter m dr aw s to an end, an associate of the 5th Council asked, ?Jia Lok , w hat is your expectation for the 5th Council??

The expectation is not m ine to set. But to say the least, I believe the 5th Council w ill take on this baton w ith pr ide and integr ity, and seek to exceed expectations in ever y single dir ection possible.

That?s because the only thing that w e ever hope fr om our successor s, is to have you sur pass us. And I believe you w ill. Being the CED of this council has been a pr ivilege. Thank you, for this jour ney.

Your s,

Lee Jia Lok

Annual Report - 2014/15


F I NANCI AL REVI EW ICM S has seen gr eat im pr ovem ents in its finances dur ing the 4th Council. In FY2014, ther e w as an over all incr ease in the expenditur e, along w ith the Council?s expansion in both size and geogr aphical r each. How ever, w e still m anaged to achieve a 110% incr ease in our r etained sur plus. This is contr ibuted by tw o factor s nam ely the incr ease in sponsor ship am ount and cost efficiency. Also, w e have r estr uctur ed our Financial Integr ity Plan (FIP) to ensur e r elevance to the cur r ent str uctur e of our Council and to incr ease efficiency in the r unning of our oper ations.

I ncr ease in Sponsor ship Amount The Finance Dir ector w or ks closely w ith the Cor por ate Relations Co-Dir ector s in secur ing sponsor ship to sustain the Council. This year, w e m anaged to obtain a 40.6% incr ease in total sponsor ship am ount, including all the m onetar y suppor t and in-kinds contr ibution. This am ounted to a gr oss incom e of RM 313,800. We ar e pr oud to announce our r enew ed Str ategic Par tner ship w ith the Institute of Char ter ed Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW ), r enew ed Par tner ships w ith TalentCor p and M aybank as w ell as r enew ed Sponsor ships w ith Sunw ay and Pw C. In 2014, the 4th Council m anaged to secur e a par tner ship w ith Er nst & Young. We ar e also glad to w elcom e our new sponsor s on boar d, nam ely Shell, Intel and NEST Consulting. We ar e tr uly gr ateful for all the suppor t and guidance r eceived as it pr opels the success of our Council.

Cost Efficiency In FY2014, the Council has added new pr oject initiatives, nam ely the Hong Kong Case Com petition, Br eakfast w ith CEO and The Link . In our por tfolio of events and pr ojects, w e continue to m aintain our Roundtable Ser ies and annual flagship events - the M alaysia Public Policy Com petition (M PPC) and Industr y Insights (I 2). W ith an incr ease in the num ber of new pr ojects and the scale of our flagship events, w e have a 22% incr ease in the expenditur e for Pr oject M aintenance and Developm ent. How ever, w hen w e r eview ed the incom e allocation as a w hole, the expenditur e on pr ojects has r educed fr om 82% to 71%. This year, w e or ganised 9 r oadshow s and accepted 131 new Associates in total. Ther e is a significant incr ease in the size of the Council but w e m anaged to oper ate w ithin the budget. In fact, the r ecr uitment expenses wer e 30% lower than what was budgeted. We w ill continue to m anage the sponsor ship funds efficiently and effectively in or der to accom plish the objectives of the Council.

Annual Report - 2014/15


F I NANCI AL REVI EW Restr uctur ing of Financial I ntegr ity Plan (FI P) To ensur e financial sustainability, the Council continues to enfor ce the FIP w hich includes the Inter nal Standar ds for Financial Pr ocesses (ISFP) and the Exter nal Financial Repor ting Standar ds (EFRS). Both m anuals ser ve as the financial decision-m aking and r epor ting fr am ew or k . In FY2014, w e have r estr uctur ed the FIP to enhance efficiency in the oper ation acr oss all six countr ies. These changes include but not lim ited to the r ecategor isation of expenses, im pr ovisation on the for m at of accounts, r eview on r eim bur sem ent policies as w ell as cr eate a system w hich str eam lines financial pr ocesses acr oss all countr ies. In ter m of incom e allocation, the 4th Council focused m or e on the developm ent and w elfar e of our m em ber s. This justifies the incr ease in the pr opor tion of incom e allocated for Adm inistr ation expenses fr om 4% in FY2013 to 9% in FY2014. Also, w e ar e allocating a bigger pr opor tion for Reser ves to suppor t the incr easing needs of the gr ow ing Council. M oving for w ar d, the Finance Division w ill w or k closely w ith the Council to ensur e ICM S is alw ays financially healthy.

Annual Report - 2014/15


F I NANCI AL REVI EW Balance Sheet for the Financial Year Ended 6 Febr uar y 2015


Par ticular s




1 2 3

Cash Cash - M alaysia Cash - United Kingdom Cash - Hong Kong

90,346.56 6,374.44 382.27 Subtotal


Total Assets


Liabilities and Retained Sur plus

4 5

Liabilities Cur r ent Liabilities Long Ter m Liabilities

0.00 0.00 Subtotal

6 7

Retained Sur plus Accum ulated Sur plus Sur plus of the FY2014

46,180.77 50,922.50 Subtotal

Total Liabilities and Retained Sur plus

Annual Report - 2014/15





F I NANCI AL REVI EW I ncome Statement as of 6 Febr uar y 2015


Par ticular s



I ncome 1

Sponsor s' Contr ibution (a) Discr etionar y Funding (b) In-Kinds Sponsor ship

178,848.95 135,000.00


313,848.95 313,848.95

Expenses 2

Pr oject M aintenance and Developm ent (a) M PPC 2014 (b) I² 2014 (c) Roundtable Ser ies (d) HKCC 2014 (e) The Link (f ) Bw C

158,724.78 42,801.10 1,341.84 7,840.88 12,410.26 13.30 Subtotal


Recr uitm ent (a) Info Session 2014 (b) Junior Associates Induction Day (c) M iscellaneous


4,335.94 8,087.00 47.69 Subtotal


Adm inistr ation (a) M eeting and Tr avel Expenses (b) Stationer y and Pr inting (c) Cor por ate Relations Expenses (d) M ar keting Expenses (e) M iscellaneous (f ) Senate

9,960.15 4,649.88 319.11 110.00 11,293.03 991.49 Subtotal

Annual Report - 2014/15








F I NANCI AL REVI EW Compar ison of Sponsor ship Amount (RM ) between FY2013 and FY2014

FY2013 (RM )

FY2014 (RM )

Discr etionar y Funding



57.6% I ncr ease

I n-Kinds Sponsor ship



20.3% I ncr ease

Total Sponsor ship



40.6% I ncr ease

Compar ison of I ncome Allocation (RM ) between FY2013 and FY2014

Annual Report - 2014/15



Upon star ting off our ter m as CR dir ector s, w e for esaw 3 pr oblem s or per haps m or e aptly phr ased, 3 challenges - Fir stly, the need to seek out incr eased levels of monetar y and non-monetar y suppor t to ensur e sustainability of our council in ter m s of its finances as w ell as Associates? developm ent; Secondly, the need to str engthen the existing r elationships with our cor por ate par tner s and sponsor s; Thir dly, in r etur n for the extr a suppor t w e w er e seeking, to consider what we could fur ther offer to our cor por ate par tner s and sponsor s on top of our existing value pr opositions, w hich involved the need to incr ease the over all council capacity and to im pr ove the functions of the council as a w hole.

We solved the fir st and thir d challenges in par allel since they w er e lar gely inter tw ined. It involved a 3-pr onged appr oach alongside the w hole com m ittee. It involved fir stly, r estr uctur ing the or ganisational str uctur e by w ay of decentr alising it and adding on a new Pr oject Developm ent and Initiatives (PDI) Division so that it could accom m odate a gr eater num ber of Associates. Secondly, in devising new value-adding activities (including but not lim ited to - Br eakfast w ith CEO, a Car eer Por tal pr oject, Industr y Sector Hubs, and Initiatives by PDI) w hich could benefit both our Associates and M alaysian students as a w hole, and lastly, by continuing to deliver all our existing obligations w ith excellence.

In ter m s of the second challenge, the CR Division car r ied out tw o initiatives. Fir stly, w e pr epar ed a solid analysis of the Retur n of I nvestment (ROI ) w hich w e w er e br inging to our cor por ate par tner s and sponsor s to ensur e that w e w er e m eeting their expectations - this w as com pleted in Novem ber 2014. We did so by gather ing all r elevant qualitative and quantitative data needed, fr om our Associates? inter nship placem ents to the r eceptivity and feedback of M alaysian students in gener al tow ar ds all our events. Secondly, w e kick-star ted the ?Cor por ate Quar ter ly?, a new sletter w hich pr ovides r egular updates to our sponsor s on our council?s key developm ents and new initiatives to ensur e that they ar e alw ays in the loop.

Annual Report - 2014/15


CORPORATE RELATI ONS REVI EW Our Goals We had 3 m ain goals. Fir stly, w e w anted to incr ease the amount of sponsor ship funding such that we could leave for the next council an amount at least 50% mor e than the pr evious year . We w or ked closely w ith the Finance Dir ector in w or king tow ar ds it, and have m anaged to achieve if not exceed it. Secondly, w e w anted to secur e at least 3 new par tner s or sponsor s fr om industr y sector s which we had yet to tap into for the council. We have m anaged to achieve and exceed this by having Er nst and Young, SHELL, Intel and NEST Consulting joining us as official par tner s/sponsor s this year, as w ell as developing a close w or king r elationship w ith Boston Consulting Gr oup. Thir dly, w e w anted to be able to obtain mor e tr aining and development oppor tunities for our Associates via our cor por ate par tner s and sponsor s. We have also m anaged to achieve this goal by having exclusive sessions w ith Leader onom ics and NEST Consulting, and w e look for w ar d to having m or e sessions w ith our other cor por ate par tner s and sponsor s in due tim e.

I nvolvement of Par tner s and Sponsor s In gener al, w e engage w ith 2 types of sponsor s. We have our m ain ICM S Over all Sponsor s w ho contr ibute to ICM S as a w hole, and ar e based in M alaysia. Also, w e have one-off ICM S Event Sponsor s w ho ar e based in r espective r egions besides M alaysia and UK. In ter m s of ICM S Over all Sponsor s, they ar e heavily involved in ICM S 3-tier ed activities (flagship events, fr inge events, social m edia publicity) depending on their level of collabor ation w ith ICM S. Our Str ategic Par tner, Par tner s and Sponsor s, nam ely I CAEW, M aybank , EY, TalentCor p, Sunway, SHELL, I ntel, NEST Consulting, and PwC contr ibute significantly to the success of our Tier 1 activities (M PPC and I²) and ar e also involved in our Tier 2 and 3 activities.

Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL Or ganisational Str uctur e Pr eviously

Restr uctur ed - I nter national Or ganisational Str uctur e

- Countr y - Level Or ganisational Str uctur e

Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL Recr uitment

Over all Timeline

Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL Recr uitment Philosophy We ar e selective, not elitist. We need capable people to cr eate a pr ofessional student netw or k w her e associates inspir e one another to aspir e tow ar ds gr eater things. How ever, this does not m ean that w e ar e only after students that have all the exper iences, cr edentials and achievem ents. ICM S str ives to pr ovide equal oppor tunities for all w ithout any biased judgem ent.

Selection cr iter ia For our selection cr iter ia, the Council cur r ently focuses on 4 m ain ar eas in w hich w e evaluate our applicants dur ing the inter view stage as w ell as for var ious NEXCO positions. - Gr ow th M ind-Set - Show tr aits of w illingness to lear n - Show tr aits of w illing to go contr ibute and develop oneself - Accountability and Responsibility - Sense of r esponsibility w hen a task is given to them - com m itm ent - Able to m anage one's tim e w hile still r em aining accountable - Show s signs of being able to bear r esponsibility and to lear n fr om past m istakes - Bias for Action - Able to m ake cr itical decision dur ing conflicting situations - Able to show good tr ain of thoughts w hen m aking judgem ents - Build Talent & Team s - Have good team w or k skills - Able to w or k collabor atively and help other s w hen needed

Tr aining and Development I nduction Junior Associates fr om all countr ies under w ent a one-w eek induction pr ogr am m e fr om the per iod of Septem ber to Novem ber 2014. The pr ogr am m e pr ovided an over view of ICM S as an or ganisation, and an intr oduction to the w or k of var ious divisions.

Rotation After Induction, 2 divisional r otations w er e held fr om the per iod of Novem ber to Febr uar y 2015 w ith the aim of giving a m or e in-depth look into each division?s r esponsibilities and the functioning of ICM S.

Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL Tr aining and Development

Photo Contest: To M eet Junior Associates 2014/15

Hong Kong I nduction Day

United Kingdom I nduction Day

M alaysia & Singapor e I nduction Day

Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL M ember ship Over view


4th Council

5th Council


United Kingdom (UK)




M alaysia (M Y)




United States (US)




Hong Kong (HK)




Singapor e (SG)




Canada (CA)








Countr y

Annual Report - 2014/15




Annual Report - 2014/15




Annual Report - 2014/15




Annual Report - 2014/15







Annual Report - 2014/15


H UM AN CAPI TAL Roadshow Str ategy 1. Tar get Setting Goal for infor m ation sessions: Univer sity

Tar get


JA Applications


Br istol










War w ick





Im per ial















Cam br idge





UCL + City + Queenm ar y










2. Retur n on I nvestment

Univer sity

Total Cost (£)

Cost per attendee (£)

Cost per JA app (£)

Cost per JA (£)

Br istol










War w ick





Im per ial















Cam br idge





UCL+ City + Queenm ar y





Fr om all 6 countr ies, w e r eceived a total of 261 applications, and appointed 148 as Junior Associates after r eview ing their w r itten application and having conducted an online inter view. Acceptance Rate: 58%. After pr obation, 131 w er e pr om oted to full Associate status (89%).

Annual Report - 2014/15


EX TERNAL OUTREACH I CM S Online Gr eat fan base on social m edia, w hich w as im por tant as m ost of our tar get audience ar e students w ho ar e active social m edia user s.

M aintaining high engagem ent w ith audience online by shar ing our sponsor s? events, infor m ative ar ticles and inspir ing stor ies of our Associates has str engthened the publicity of our events. We have achieved better r eputation and r eceived higher Associateship applications as w ell as gr eater par ticipation in the or ganisation's events.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS M alaysia Public Policy Competition

M PPC 2014 The event w as held at Sunw ay Univer sity fr om the 22nd to 24th of August. A r ecor d num ber of 250 applications w as r eceived fr om students studying in M alaysia, United Kingdom , United States, Austr alia, Ir eland and Singapor e, tr anslating into the m ost com petitive M PPC to be held to date.

Collabor ations Based ar ound the them e of ?Public Tr anspor tation?, M PPC 2014 collabor ated w ith thr ee gover nm ental agencies, nam ely the Land Public Tr anspor t Com m ission (SPAD), Pr asar ana and PEM ANDU. This tr anslated into higher judging standar ds and cr eated a channel for the policies for m ulated to be accor ded ser ious consider ation. Besides that, the suppor t r ender ed by ICM S?par tner s and sponsor s such as ICAEW, EY, M aybank , TalentCor p, Sunw ay Gr oup, Jeffr ey Cheah Foundation, Intel, NEST, M axis, Pw C, and Air Asia w as im m ensely valuable in m aking the com petition possible. The team w ould like to especially thank the Jeffr ey Cheah Foundation for sponsor ing the venue and pr oviding am azing logistical suppor t.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS M alaysia Public Policy Competition I mpr ovements Achieved Ther e w er e a few str ategic focuses that the team identified ear ly on and aim ed to r esolve. This included the lack of par ticipant inter action and the w eaknesses of the m odel stakeholder s?confer ence m odel.

In the fir st case, ther e w er e changes to the com petition for m at, culm inating in the intr oduction of a gr aded inter -team question and answ er slot w hich allow ed com peting team s to question each other ?s policies. This incentivised team s to cr itically analyse the policies of their com petitor s and incr eased the level of team par ticipation in the com petition, ultim ately im pr oving the com m unication and diffusion of ideas betw een the par ticipants in an other w ise insular pr essur e cooker envir onm ent of the com petition w her e ever yone just takes their tur n to speak and nobody listens thoughtfully to fellow com petitor s. The gr ading system w as also r e-calibr ated to place gr eater em phasis on the quality of ideas r ather than the quality of the pr esentations.

The conundr um of w hat happens to team s that fail to clear the quar ter finals stage has been one that has plagued M PPC since its inception. In fact, it m ay be r easonably ar gued that such a situation is a necessar y consequence of any r esidential challenge. So over the year s, differ ent side com petition for m ats have been attem pted, r anging fr om a debate com petition to the m odel stakeholder s confer ence w hich is based off the M UN (M odel United Nations) for m at. We believe that the pur pose of these sessions is at least thr eefold. Fir stly, as is the natur e of alm ost all com petitions, a consider able am ount of chance and cir cum stances ar e in play. Ther efor e, the additional side com petition w ould pr ovide an avenue for the elim inated, but nonetheless good team s to shine. Secondly, it w ould also set an educational envir onm ent differ ent fr om the m ainstr eam com petition to enr ich the exper ience of the par ticipants. Finally, the side com petition can cr eate a space for the differ ent team s to inter act and fur ther netw or k w ith fellow passionate peer s.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS M alaysia Public Policy Competition In M PPC 2014, the cor e idea of a stakeholder s? confer ence being a for um w her e stakeholder s in a par ticular policy-m aking exer cise discuss together is r etained, but som e changes w er e m ade to the details and str uctur e. Instead of im pr oving on an alr eady w r itten policy akin to an M UN, this session sought to for m ulate solutions to r eal-w or ld pr oblem s set by SPAD that ar e infor m ed and w ell-consider ed w ith r espect to the needs and dem ands of all the stakeholder s at hand. To be sur e, the judging panel consisted of policy ar ea exper ts fr om both the public and pr ivate ensur ing the quality and r elevance of the discussion to r eal pr oblem s faced by the public tr anspor t sector. M or eover, based on this exper ience, of note and of par ticular pr actical im por tance for futur e M PPC or ganiser s w as the essential r ole of a good m oder ator for such a com petition, w hich w e w er e pr ivileged to have in M PPC 2014

In ter m s of m edia exposur e, M PPC 2014 w as cover ed in sever al m ajor m edia outlets. Notably, Sin Chew Daily r an a five page ser ies on M PPC and ICM S, and BFM conducted tw o separ ate inter view s.

Futur e I mpr ovements and Concluding Remar ks As an ever evolving com petition, M PPC has to constantly innovate and im pr ove to deliver the best lear ning exper ience possible. M PPC 2014 evinced sever al ar eas of im pr ovem ent in ter m s of the pr e-com petition m ater ials as w ell as the intensiveness of the com petitions, and it is up to the futur e com m ittees to act decisively on r esolving these issues.

On this note, w e w ish the incom ing com m ittee for M PPC 2015 all the best. At the sam e tim e, w e w ould like to thank our pr edecessor s: W inson, Jian Hao, Car lm ann, Celine, Jon and m any m or e unnam ed individuals for the advice and guidance that they have pr offer ed. Finally, thank you to the M PPC 2014 team for the countless sleepless nights that w er e put in in or der to tr ansm ute a nebulous set of ideas and aspir ations into tangible r esults and im pacts. Ther e w ill alw ays be special place for all of you in our hear ts.

Signing off for one last tim e, Hui Yee, Yong En and David Yong Pr oject Dir ector s of M alaysia Public Policy Com petition 2014

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Pr oject Account - M alaysia Public Policy Competition 2014


Par ticular s



M ar keting 1 2 3

Website Adver tisem ent Ar tw or k , Videogr aphy and Photogr aphy

224.09 122.79 5,300.40 Subtotal


Logistics 4 5 6 7 8

Pr izes Token of Appr eciation Pr inting Cater ing ICM S Appr eciation Dinner

22,801.60 5,769.20 6,143.30 20,418.30 7,688.95 Subtotal


Par ticipants' Welfar e 9 10 11

Accom m odation for 3 Nights Event Site / Facility Rental for 3 Days Inter net

51,206.40 30,000.00 6,000.00 Subtotal


Gener al 12 13 14

Adm in Expenses Em er gency (M edical Fees) Tr avel Reim bur sem ent

185.70 1,578.90 1,285.16 Subtotal


Annual Report - 2014/15




EVENTS Compar ison of Allocation of Funds acr oss M PPC Depar tments (RM ) between FY2013 and FY2014

FY2013 (RM )

FY2014 (RM )

M ar keting



66.2% Decr ease




5.6% Decr ease

Par ticipants' Welfar e



18.1% I ncr ease

Gener al



9.6% Decr ease




1.1% Decr ease

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS I ndustr y I nsights

Over view I² being one of the flagship events, w as in its second year r unning in 2014. It w as held at an even lar ger scale as m or e com panies w er e invited to par ticipate com par ed to 2013. For those w ho ar e unfam iliar w ith the event, I² is an event w her e com panies and students com e together for the latter to gain insights into industr ies fr om its leader s, and for com panies to pick out potential em ployees and m ar ket them selves as a gr eat place to kick-star t a car eer.

In-line w ith the M alaysian gover nm ent?s effor ts to cur b ?br ain dr ain?and incr ease em ployability am ong the M alaysian gr aduates to fully utilise the available local exper tise, I² aim s to develop and host an event w hich w ill allow par ticipants to be exposed to their industr y of choice and also to r eally exper ience w hat it feels like to be in that industr y. Unlike the nor m al car eer fair s and sem inar s nor m ally found in M alaysia, I² br ings together leading com panies of var ious industr ies and capable M alaysian youth in an infor m ative and inter active event. Staying tr ue to its nam e, I² also enhances the students? know ledge and under standing on the essential w or k skills, expectation of fir m s, cur r ent tr ends and developm ents of the var ious sector s in M alaysia.

Industr y Insights 2014 m ainly focused on these industr ies, Accounting, Finance and Banking, Engineer ing, Consultancy, and Retail M ar keting. In coher ence w ith ICM S? goals, I² also cham pioned diver sity fr om all sector s of economy, thus w elcom ing the par ticipation of com panies that eager ly w ant to pr ovide students w ith their insights and var ious industr y exper iences.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS I ndustr y I nsights Highlights of I² 2014 In 2014, w e adopted a M oder ately Advanced level in I², w hich m eans that par ticipants w ho ar e not studying a degr ee r elated to the industr y w ould still be able to actively par ticipate and contr ibute thr ough r eading M oder ately Advanced m ater ial that had been pr epar ed for the event. It included backgr ound know ledge on the factor s affecting the industr y, differ ent ar eas w ithin it, case studies, ?tools of the tr ade? and links to m or e advanced r eading.

A ser ies of talks had been given by our invited guest speaker s fr om diver se industr ies. Not only did this pr ovide a better under standing of the industr y, it also r aised inter ests and oppor tunities for students w ho w ould not have been inter ested in the fir st place. Besides, w e also had activities such as team exer cises and case studies w ith sim ulations w hich aim ed to pr ovide par ticipants an insight into the challenges faced by these industr ies and the pr ocess of finding a solution to those pr oblem s thr ough cr itical analysis and cr eativity.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS I ndustr y I nsights Dir ector ?s Statement I w ould like to star t by thanking ever y single m em ber of the I² team , the EXCO and all the Associates; w ithout you, I² w ould not be the success it is. I w ant to single out my par tner, Quan Xin, for exceptional effor t and sacr ifice; she pr oved a steadying for ce and executional m aestr o dow n the str etch.

To the sponsor s of ICM S and the par ticipating com panies of I², ICM S and I ow e you our gr atitude for your continuing suppor t.

I² is r eally a one-of-a-kind event held in M alaysia; w e a. aim to offer a diver sified line-up of subjects, b. w ant to have inter action am ong par ticipants and com pany r epr esentatives as m uch as possible, c.

pr ovide an avenue for par ticipants to discuss the latest happenings w ith industr y leader s and

d. staying tr ue to our nam esake, w e give a taste of w or king in the sector s on offer.

I² 2014, in my opinion, checked all of the above as par ticipants w er e tr eated to sessions r anging fr om Retail, Inter net of Things (IoT), M ar keting, Finance and Consulting. Thr oughout, w e had var ious case studies and pr esentation w hich w as best exem plified by having Intel lead the session on IoT, w ith heavyw eights Sunw ay Gr oup, Google's Head of M ar keting M alaysia, BCG, EY and M aybank leading the r est.

The end r esult w as that m any par ticipants w ent back happy that they lear nt a lot at the end of the day.

W ith I² just in its second year r unning, I can?t w ait to see the I² 2015 com m ittee take the event to even gr eater heights.

Chr istopher Tay Pr oject Dir ector of Industr y Insights 2014

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Pr oject Account - I ndustr y I nsights 2014


Par ticular s



M ar keting 1 2

Website Ar tw or k , Videogr aphy and Photogr aphy

230.43 2,100.20 Subtotal


Logistics 3 4 5 6

Token of Appr eciation Pr inting Venue and Cater ing Pr izes

390.10 3,142.10 33,000.00 3,590.00 Subtotal


Gener al 7 8

Adm in Expenses Tr avel Reim bur sem ent

161.95 186.33 Subtotal


Annual Report - 2014/15

348.28 42,801.11


EVENTS Compar ison of Allocation of Funds acr oss I ² Depar tments (RM ) between FY2013 and FY2014

FY2013 (RM )

FY2014 (RM )

M ar keting



318.2% I ncr ease




101.3% I ncr ease

Gener al



56.5% Decr ease




101.0% I ncr ease

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Hong Kong Case Competition

Over view Hong Kong Case Com petition (HKCC) 2014 w as the fir st flagship event or ganised by ICM S Hong Kong that allow ed M alaysian students pur suing differ ent m ajor s in Hong Kong univer sities to exper ience the challenges and com plexities associated w ith cor por ations in var ious industr ies.

HKCC aim ed to pr ovide a platfor m for par ticipants to develop a global m indset and explor e the global m ar ketplace fr om a diver se per spective, w hile enhancing their analytical com petences, pr oblem solving abilities and pr esentation skills. Eight team s fr om thr ee differ ent Hong Kong univer sities w er e selected to par ticipate in the com petition after car eful scr eening.

Par ticipants for m ed team s of thr ee and w ent thr ough a scr eening stage w her e tw o open-ended questions w er e given. The answ er s w er e assessed and judged based on the or iginality, innovation, content and com plexity. Once they pr ogr essed to the sem i-finals, the qualified team s w ill r eceive a business case study 24 hour s pr ior to the pr esentation day. The sem i-final w as conducted in an elim ination for m at w her e team s w er e split into tw o gr oups and w er e r equir ed to car r y out separ ate pr esentations. We then selected tw o team s fr om each gr oup that w ould advance into the finals after they fur ther im pr oved their pr oposal.

The case being used w as pur chased fr om Asia Case Resear ch Centr e, The Univer sity of Hong Kong. The case is set in 2011 on Pr octer & Gam ble (P&G). The case allow ed for a detailed discussion of how P&G has built up its business system in China, the challenges it faced in expanding its position in China, and its str ategy to focus m or e on em er ging m ar kets ar ound the w or ld. The case can be used as a com pr ehensive countr y str ategy case.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Hong Kong Case Competition Pr oject Dir ector ?s Statement HKCC w as the fir st flagship ICM S HK event that w as held on 12 Apr il 2014. Eight team s consisting of students fr om Univer sity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Univer sity of Science & Technology, and City Univer sity of Hong Kong par ticipated, and the event w as a successful one.

In r etr ospect, our team r eceived tr em endous suppor t fr om all our sponsor s, judges, as w ell as the EXCO m em ber s of ICM S. Also, I w ould like to expr ess my gr eatest gr atitude to Athena Choo, Belle Lim , M indy Low and Hanna Lee w ho have w or ked r eally har d in m aking this event happen.

Looking for w ar d, HKCC w ill continue to r un, bigger and better. I am confident that the upcom ing council w ill be able to br ing HKCC to a w hole new level, and w e w ill alw ays be her e to give guidance and suppor t should you need any in the w hole pr ocess.

Chang Te Sheng Pr oject Dir ector of Hong Kong Case Com petition 2014

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Roundtable Ser ies

Over view The Roundtable Ser ies plays host to inclusive conver sations betw een the par ticipants and our cor por ate par tner s. Thr ough this initiative, w e hope to br idge the gap betw een univer sity students and the com panies and also encour age a m utual lear ning pr ocess w her e the cor por ate cultur e and business values of r espective com panies can be better under stood.

This ser ies br ings together like-m inded students fr om differ ent univer sities and specialization to w or k in gr oups on a case study. Our Roundtable Ser ies ar e also exclusive in that w e have a high m entor to par ticipant r atio. It is alw ays an integr al par t of the Ser ies? str ategy to intr oduce a high quality of conver sation and high level of attention to ever y par ticipant. The inputs fr om judges w ith acknow ledged exper tise instill fur ther dynam ics and technical r igor into the final pr esentation w hich usually concludes the r oundtable.

In this event, m any issues that ar e global and applicable to M alaysia?s envir onm ent ar e included to add r elevance to our discussions. To accom m odate both the students fr om ar ts and sciences, w e have added an engineer ing-them ed r oundtable w ith the Sunw ay Gr oup besides tw o finance-focused r oundtable w ith Pw C and M aybank .

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Roundtable Ser ies

I CM S-PwC Reth!nk on Your Feet Date: M ar ch 28, 2014 Venue: ICAEW Char ter ed Accountants?Hall, One M oor gate Place, London Objective: To pr ovide a platfor m for students to have intellectually-stim ulating discussions.

The Pw C Roundtable is a com petition-based sym posium . Students w er e assigned into gr oups of four to exchange view s on contr over sial them es r elated to the cor por ate w or ld. This year, the them es discussed include the im pact of social m edia on business, quotas for w om en in the boar dr oom , incom e inequality as w ell as GST (Goods and Ser vices Taxes) and its im pacts on M alaysia.

Guest speaker s and judges of the event w er e Hilar y Lindsay, the VP of ICAEW and M r Am an Ali, the Business Developm ent M anager of ICAEW, Dato? M oham m ad Faiz Azm i, Executive Chair m an of Pw C M alaysia and Patr ick Ng, Hum an Capital Par tner of Pw C M alaysia.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Roundtable Ser ies

I CM S-Sunway Roundta ble Date: Apr il 2, 2014 Venue: Im per ial College London Objective: To pr ovide an avenue for the engineer ing students to im plem ent their know ledge in tackling r eal life pr oblem s and r aise aw ar eness tow ar ds the pr oblem s faced by r ur al com m unities.

The r oundtable appr oached the them e of "Enr iching Rur al Lives". Discussions touched on issues affecting the quality of life in r ur al ar eas, and potential solutions to these issues. In this r oundtable, 20 par ticipants shadow ed a gr oup of engineer s w ith an aim of im pr oving the village r ur al life and had to pr esent solutions to the judges at the end of the event.

The 4 judges fr om Sunw ay Gr oup w er e M s Foo Shiang Wyne, Senior Gener al M anager - Talent Acquisition & Lear ning; M r Dar yl Wong, Assistant Gener al M anager - Talent Acquisition & Lear ning; M r Clayton Tan, Head of Hum an Resour ces, Sunw ay Constr uction and M s Tai Yee Wai, Pr oject M anager, Sunw ay Constr uction.

Annual Report - 2014/15


EVENTS Roundtable Ser ies

I CM S-M ayba nk Roundta ble Date: Apr il 4, 2014 Venue: Clem ent House, London School of Econom ics (LSE) Objective: To enable the shar ing of M aybank?s w ealth of know ledge and exper ience to stim ulate discussion of key topics am ongst M alaysia?s futur e leader s.

The M aybank-ICM S Roundtable ser ved as an inter active platfor m for the students and high-pr ofile per sonnel fr om M aybank to discuss the in-tr end topics of cur r ent finance w or ld. This year, the focus w as on Islam ic finance, a ver y global yet unexplor ed ter r itor y of m oder n finance, and pr ivate w ealth m anagem ent, w hich had been gr ow ing m or e pr om inent as incr easing w ealth is being gener ated in Asia.

ICM S selected 25 par ticipants accor ding to str ict cr iter ia set for this r oundtable. They then engaged in a com pr ehensive conver sation w ith the per sonnel befor e pr esenting their conclusion. Repr esentatives fr om M aybank w er e Hisham uddin Salleh, Head of Talent Acquisition; Chen Fong Tuan, Head of Gr oup Talent Sour cing & Developm ent; Alvin Lee, Head of Regional Pr ivate Wealth; Alvin Goh, Head of Business Hum an Capital in Inter national Division and Renuka Chandr an, Head of Inter national M obility.

Annual Report - 2014/15



Livia Chan Lih Wen, Lim Li Ann, Loo Han Rong, Yeoh Chin Ver n M alaysia Public Policy Competition 2014 Champion Team I?m still not sur e if the 22nd to the 24th of August w er e r eally thr ee separ ate days. W ith the late night br ainstor m ing sessions, m or ning policy pr esentations, m idday lectur es, it felt as if one day flow ed into the next. Looking back on the M PPC, it all seem s a little sur r eal? going fr om zer o to the CEO?s office of the Land Public Tr anspor t Depar tm ent. We finished our pr esentation w ithout any m ajor glitches, but the har dest par t w as far fr om over ? w e had the judges? questions to answ er. Dr. Ahm ad Far han, Dr. Jam es Chin, Dr. Elizabeth and YB Tony Pua took tur ns to gr ill us w ith har d-hitting questions. At tim es, w e had our gr ounds cover ed; at other s, w e didn?t. But in hindsight, their cr iticism s and suggestions for ced us to think , ?w hat can str engthen this policy??

Despite the cr azy pr essur e-cooker envir onm ent and lack of easily accessible inter net (w hich just for ced us to level up our offline cr eativity), the M PPC outdid itself as a netw or king platfor m , connecting us not just to our peer s but also to industr y exper ts and pr ofessionals. The sm or gasbor d of ideas pr esented by the team s, m entor s and judges ser ved to br oaden our per spectives, and com peting ideas such as bicycle lanes and r ur al w ater tr anspor t system s r em ain fr esh in our m em or ies. And w ho w ould have thought that our par ticipation in the M PPC w ould extend beyond the conclusion of the com petition? We w er e given the oppor tunity to pr esent our pr oposals to the m anagem ent of Pr asar ana, and also to be inter view ed on national r adio by BFM . This sor t of exposur e sets M PPC apar t? not just for us, the com petitor s, but also for M alaysia in gener al, as w e hope that the policies discussed in this platfor m w ill pr ove beneficial to the countr y in the long ter m .

We w ould also like to acknow ledge and thank in no par ticular or der Andr ea, David, Khoon Kheng, and Ray Aun for their help, advice and patience thr oughout the entir e dur ation of the event, and especially dur ing our cor r espondence w ith Pr asar ana and Air Asia. Im m ense and hear tfelt thanks to Lau Zheng Zhou fr om CPPS and Ang Jian Wei fr om BNM , our lifesaving m entor s, w ithout w hom our pr oposal w ould not be possible. Thank you, ICM S, for or ganising the M PPC. We couldn?t have asked for a better w ay to end my sum m er holidays.

Annual Report - 2014/15


PARTI CI PANTS' SHARI NG Ong Shin Yin, I ndustr y I nsights As a fr esh pr e-univer sity gr aduate, I exper ienced a steep lear ning cur ve w hile joining Industr y Insights due to the var iety and depth of

know ledge



industr ies

cover ed

w hich


consultancy, technology, banking and finance and etc. Regar dless of your degr ee subject, you ar e guar anteed to lear n som ething new at the end of the day. It pr oved to be a day w ell spent as I w as able to inter act w ith br ight young m inds fr om univer sities spanning acr oss m ultiple countr ies and com pany r epr esentatives to gain valuable insights into differ ent fields. I am ver y gr ateful that I w as involved in stim ulating intellectual discussions w ith par ticipants as w ell as com pany r epr esentatives and at the sam e tim e I w as able to hone my public speaking skills thr ough case study pr esentations and the feedback pr ovided by senior executives w er e im m ensely useful.

Liew Zi Qing, I CM S-Sunway Roundtable I believe the ICM S-Sunw ay Roundtable pr ovides a valuable platfor m for M alaysian students studying in UK to inter act and exchange ideas. Dur ing the r oundtable, I w as r equir ed to figur e out a cr eative solution w ith my fellow fr iends to solve the issue of w ater scar city in Sar aw ak inland, a r elevant issue that concer ns M alaysians for a long tim e. I enjoyed the pr ocess of discussions as I got the oppor tunity to under stand other s' point of view on this topic. Also, I lear nt to be m or e em pathetic in pr oposing solutions after the panel of judges fr om Sunw ay pointed out the key flaw s in our idea. It is ther efor e an inter esting and m eaningful r oundtable and I hope that it w ill be or ganised annually.

Annual Report - 2014/15



I an Tan, I CM S-M aybank Roundtable The ICM S-M aybank Roundtable achieves one thing that m akes it stand out, nam ely the connection it m anages to cr eate betw een students and cor por ate leader s in the financial industr y. M y exper ience in the Roundtable w as a gr eat m ix of being able to inter act w ith M aybank's people, being able to put my pr esentation and team w or k skills to pr actice, and being able to have a view of how actual oper ations go in por tfolio m anagem ent. If ther e ar e any

r easons w hy


w ould

r ecom m end

the ICM S-M aybank

Roundtable, it is that it offer s a r eal-w or ld scenar io for students to lear n fr om and that it offer s a gr eat oppor tunity to explor e car eer pr ospects in M aybank and the w ider financial w or ld.

Kar Joon Fan, I CM S-PwC Reth!nk on Your Feet As a par ticipant of Pw C Roundtable, per sonally it w as a w onder ful exper ience for tw o r easons; fir stly for oppor tunity of m eaningful inter action and insight w ith Pw C and secondly the discover y of how cor por ates play an im por tant r ole in r esolving issues of M alaysia. The syner gy of Pw C?s unconventional lenses and ICM S?s ability to or ganise the sym posium style event cr eates an open platfor m for the next gener ation youth like myself to gain exposur e tow ar ds


concer ning

M alaysia?s

com m unity.



par ticipants ar e br ight and young futur e leader s of M alaysia. This is undeniably a gr eat platfor m for all students acr oss the UK.

Annual Report - 2014/15


PARTI CI PANTS' SHARI NG Alvin Chai W in Lock , Hong Kong Case Competition ICM S Hong Kong Case Com petition has definitely left an indelible m ar k



lear ning jour ney.

The case com petition

w as

exceptionally or ganised and w ell r un. As a fir st-tim er, our team felt that the P&G case w as challenging due to its com plexity but w e thor oughly enjoyed the r ich and com plex analysis that the case r equir ed. We lear ned how cr ucial integr ating cr eativity and sustainability concepts into business m odels in or der to advance the business can be. Our goal as a team w as to deliver the absolute best pr esentation w e could ? and w e did it! The m om ent w e finished pr esenting, w e knew that w e nailed it and w e had achieved our ultim ate goal. W hen our team ?s nam e w as called out as the Cham pion, w e w er e astounded. That w as a m om ent I w ill never for get.

Annual Report - 2014/15


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I ssued by The I nt ernat ional Council of M alaysian Scholars and Associat es (I CM S)

Š Copyright I CM S 2014. All Right s Reserved.

Designed by L e L ynn Ng

Annual Report - 2014/15

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