Renovation Combines Existing, Modern Design Architectural firm uses its own office to demonstrate the principles and possibilities of adaptive reuse.
n mid-2011, the leadership team at CSHQA, a full-ser-
Front Street, was only three blocks away from CSH-
and concrete block remained but, in keeping with the
vice architecture and engineering firm in Boise, ID,
QA’s then current location. The size and the footprint
new-technology showcase plan, the team considered sev-
met to plan, review, and make strategic decisions on
met the needs of the firm’s growth plan for the next 10
eral additional options to add contrast, including metal,
its leased space, up for renewal in July 2013. The firm
years, and it kept the firm within the boundaries of
wood, aluminum-composite panels, phenolic-resin pan-
had more space than it needed—two entire floors—in a
downtown and in a solid position as the city grew.
els, and fiber cement. In the end, fiber-cement panels
mid-rise building in the heart of downtown Boise.
The decision was made to renovate the warehouse.
and boards, manufactured by Nichiha, John’s Creek, GA, provided flexibility to work with different design
The firm used the full 18-month window to deter-
As it turns out, the decision included benefits be-
mine what they needed and wanted to do—new con-
yond providing an ideal office space. It allowed CSH-
struction, extend the lease, or renovate. An employee
QA to develop a demonstration piece to show exist-
Nichiha’s Illumination series architectural wall pan-
task force was formed to devise a list of options.
ing and potential clients how a building can be
els were used because they feature a clean, flawless look
During this time, the firm’s CEO, Kent Hanway, was
updated with new, innovative products while preserv-
that adds a modern edge to the exterior. The panels’
walking back from lunch one day and noticed a
ing its historical nature and respecting the surround-
ColorXpressions system allowed the designers to per-
non-descript building that everyone passed by and ig-
ing architecture.
fectly color-match the cool-white sheet-metal coping at
nored multiple times a week. The building had good
decisions, while upgrading the historical look.
the top of the new walls. Another selling point: a built-
bones with an open floor plan that had not been
in ventilated rainscreen system that eliminates the
carved up into Class B offices.
That mission began on the exterior. Despite the free-
threat of trapped moisture.
Located on the southeast side of Boise, the nearly
dom to transform the façade in any way they wished,
In addition to exterior walls, smooth NichiBoard pan-
20,000-sq.-ft. warehouse, erected in 1959 and original-
the firm’s diligence to honor and respect the bones of
els were used in the patio, which is beneath the building
ly used as storage for the rail lines that once ran along
the building was a philosophy of restraint. The brick
roof, yet open to the elements. The panels cover the walls