commARCH - November December 2014

Page 18


hvac The Hardesty Arts Center building is home to the Arts & Humanities Council of Tulsa, OK, including the organization’s administrative offices and its exhibition space, classrooms, woodshop, darkroom, event space, and rooftop artist studios.

Tulsa Arts Complex Showcases Sustainability Geothermal heating and cooling system is Guthrie Green’s greenest component.


uthrie Green, an urban re-use project in

the overall site demand for electricity, and water run-

tower that serve as the main mechanical systems for the

downtown Tulsa, OK, has been trans-

off on the site is diverted to bio-swales, which help ir-

Tulsa Paper Co. and Hardesty Arts Center buildings.

formed into a public green space and arts

rigate the landscape and clean the water before it en-

The Tulsa Paper Co. building houses several region-

complex. It also serves as a testament to sustainabil-

ters the storm sewer. Also, solar panels on the roof of

al-arts organizations, including the Tulsa Symphony’s

ity, with numerous green and renewable elements

The Dock pavilion contribute to the overall energy

chamber hall and administrative offices, the Woody

incorporated into its design. According to the proj-

demands of the park’s amenities.”

Guthrie Center museum and event space, and 108

ect’s CSE firm, Flynt & Kallenberger Consulting

Roush additionally shared that the greenest compo-

Contemporary (formerly known as the Brady Craft

Engineers, Broken Arrow, OK, Guthrie Green is a

nent of Guthrie Green’s sustainable building plan lies

Alliance), a non-profit community arts organization

showcase of what can be achieved in green construc-

below the grass, benches, and stage. This is where 120

that supports Oklahoma’s contemporary fine-craft art-

tion, employing the latest and most environmentally

500-ft. geothermal boreholes were drilled prior to the

ists by showcasing their work in a wide range of media.

responsible technologies available.

above-ground construction. The boreholes tie into a hy-

Additionally, the adjacent Hardesty Arts Center build-

Flynt & Kallenberger project manager Justin Roush

brid system of geothermal heat pumps from Climate-

ing is home to the Arts & Humanities Council of Tul-

explained: “All lighting on the site is LED, reducing

Master, Oklahoma City, and a ground-mounted cooling

sa, including the organization’s administrative offices



NOV/DEC 2014

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