El Chicano 12/15/22

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e eekkllyy

Si n c e t h e n e w s b r o k e

about Las Cuatro Milpas closing its doors, there has been a lot of chatter around San Bernardino and the Inland community regarding why the current owners are closing the business instead of handing it off to the next generation

Well, handing the business off is precisely what happened to t h e c u r r e n t o w n e r N o r m a Munios, who was gratefully given the business by her father, Enrique Mata, in 1988

Mata acquired the business (located on Sixth Street at the time) in February 1968 from its original owner Dona Conchita, w h o o w n e d t h e b u s i n e s s

between 1964 and 1967

Mata was said to have had a keen sense and understanding of how to operate a business At t h e s a m e t i m e , h i s m o t h e r, Concepsion, was the queen of cooking, with tons of original recipes, many of which are still being utilized by the beloved restaurant today

Fast forward to 2022, owners of Las Cuatro Milpas Norma (who began working at 15 maki n g f l o u r t o r t i l l a s ) a n d J o s e Munios are ready to retire and are fortunate enough that each of their four children has a career of their own

t o y d r i v e s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e a r e l o c a t e d i n Rialto, they are open to a l l a c r o s s t h e I n l a n d Empire

Never Stop Grinding

“ R e g i s t r a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d a n d c h i l d r e n m u s t b e p r e s e n t f o r N e v e r S t o p G r i n d i n g Impact’s Third Annual Toy Drive on December 2 1 s t I a l s o w a n t t o invite families who are in need to register and if you miss the NSG toy drive registration or if you’re still in need of more toys, I invite you t o I E To u r o f To y s , which will be held the v e r y n e x t d a y o n December 22nd, also in R i a l t o , ” s a i d N S G I m p a c t F o u n d e r a n d CEO Darious Harris

Vo l 6 0 , N O 0 2 E L C H I C A N o D e c e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 2 2 H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s Office: (909) 381-9898 Editorial : iecn1@mac com Adver tising: sa les@iecn com Leg als : iecnleg als @hotmail com
Sa n B e r n a r d i n o Va l l e y C o l l e g e (SBVC) students were in for a treat on Wednesday, November 3 0 t h , a s E i n a r a n d Jamex De La Torre performed a live exhibition at SBVC in front of a few dozen students
I m p a c t i s d o i n g j u s t that, grinding, networki n g a n d c o l l a b o r a t i n g with the community on i t s f o r t h c o m i n g T h i r d
December 21st and will also be participating in the IE Tour of Toys on December 22nd
Drive on
Although both of the
M t . V e r n o n ’ s i c o n i c L a s C u a t r o M i l p a s i s s e t t o c l o s e i t s d o o r s D e c e m b e r 3 1 s t , o w n e r s w i l l r e t i r e
Cuatro Milpas cont on next pg PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL
NSG Impact is set to bring
to the
December 21st and 22nd w w w i e c n c o m H O W T O R E A C H U S H O W T O R E A C H U S I n l a n d E m p i r e C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s Office: (909) 381-9898 E d i t o r i a l : i e c n 1 @ m a c c o m A d v e r t i s i n g : s a l e s @ i e c n c o m L e g a l s : i e c n l e g a l s @ h o t m a i l c o m T h e b e l o v e d D u n k i n ’ C o f f e e l a n d s i n t h e C i t y o f C o l t o n H a p p y h o l i d a y s t o a l l f r o m a c r o s s t h e I n l a n d E m p i r e P g 5
Las Cuatro Milpas Owner and Accountant Jose Munios, giving IECN a tour of the kitchen on December 13, 2022
Inland Empir e

Cuatro Milpas

“We don’t have anyone to hand down the business to Each of our four sons went off to college and are well into their own profession One of our sons is a professor at Cal State, San Bernardino, the other works in film, while the other two work for the government My wife and I are ready to retire and travel to each of the 50 states across the country,” said Jose Munios

Since Norma, 69 and Jose, 77, were given the restaurant 34 years ago, they’ve woken up at 3 AM, seven days a week, to prepare the corn, masa and other ingredients for their handmade tamales, tortillas, Menudo and more

“I think this business has thrived for over five decades be-

Toy Drive

At NSG Impact’s Third Annual Toy Drive 4,000 toys will be distributed, and San Bernardino Public Health will be distributing Covid-19 vaccinations to children five and up, booster shots, and monkeypox vaccinations to children ages six and up; and IEHP members who receive a vaccination will receive a $50 gift card

Harris, who says that as a child he remembers Christmas being his favorite time of the year, has always understood that was not the case for everyone

“As a kid, I always looked for-

cause we have continued to use the same recipes that my wife’s grandmother Concepsion used, which were made with love and dedication In addition, Las Cuatro Milpas has always used real corn, and not maseca, which some businesses use because it’s cheaper,” continued Jose Munios

While Jose Munios was standing in the parking lot talking to Inland Empire Community News on December 13th, one customer was driving off and stopped to say, “I’m so sad to see you guys are closing My wife stopped making tamales years ago; these are the best ones we’ve had across town But, congrats on the retirement; I know it is well deserved ”

Munios said that come 5 PM on December 31st, the doors will close for good

ward to Christmas, it was my favorite time of the year But, I came from a two parent household and always had gifts under the tree For many of my cousins, friends, and classmates, I knew that wasn't the case,” continued Harris

Harris said that he remembers his parents buying gifts for his less fortunate family and friends, and that sense of giving stuck with him, even into adulthood

“As an adult, all that matters to me during Christmas is that I’m able to do my part and make sure that we can give as many kids as we can a good christmas;

“It’s going to be a happy day but tough as I approach the front door, close it and put a lock on it for good It will bring me memories of my father-in-law, Grandma Conchita, and I’m pretty sure I’ll shed some tears,” Jose Munios said

Norma and Jose Munios would like to thank the Mt Vernon community, San Bernardino, and all across the Inland Empire for supporting Las Cuatro Milpas over the past 54 years “I wish the best for our community and would like to wish everyone across the Inland Empire a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” concluded Munios

Las Cuatro Milpas is located at 856 N Mt Vernon Ave, San Bernardino

It opens at 6 AM every day of the week

especially during challenging economic times, like right now,” concluded Harris

Sponsors of Never Stop Grinding Impact’s Third Annual Toy Drive include IEHP, San Bernardino County Public Health, Never Stop Grinding Transportation, and Blue Shield California

To register for NSG’s Third Annual Toy Drive, located at the Rialto Farmers Market, visit nsgimpact eventbrite com

To register for Fentwood Hoops’ Tour of Toys - Rialto, visit https://forms gle/bbhZCfRmehwQQ86H8

Page A2 • December 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • El Chicano
S u b m i t yo u r p h o t o s f o r p u b l i c a t i o n - s p o r t s , b i r t h d a y s , a n n i v e rs a r i e s , e v e n t s , e t c . t o i e c n 1 @ m a c . c o m
PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Masa is spread pork meat added inside and rolled in a corn husk - all within 15 seconds PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Handmade flour tortillas are made fresh daily by staff that have been employed with the company for over three decades PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL Founder and CEO Darious Harris (pictured) is seeking volunteers for the toy drive on December 21st PHOTO MANNY SANDOVAL A sign regarding the closure of the iconic business is front and center at the entrance

Get out your gear and reel in that “BIG CATCH ” The much-anticipated Kids’ Fishing Derby will return to Ford Park with the support of the City of Redlands, Redlands Optimist Club and California Department of Fish and Wildlife

This free event, designed for youth 15 years old and younger, will be held from 6 to 11 a m Saturday Jan 14, 2023 Visit www cityofredlands org/post/fishing-derby-2023 to register Space is limited, and pre-registration is recommended

Both ponds at Ford Park, 955 Parkford Drive, will be stocked with more than 500 pounds of trout for the derby Attendees will have access to learning stations provided by California State Department of Fish and Game These stations will offer useful information on topics that in-

clude the biology of fish, fish species as well as safety measures when using fishing poles

Free bait and fishing poles will be available for use, and youth participants can look forward to an exciting day of raffle prizes Children must be accompanied by an adult The event will take place, rain or shine

Ford Park ponds will be closed to the public during the event and prior to the event Only registered youth will be able to fish and each child must bring a portable chair Children must also bring their own cooler if they want to take fish home

For more information about the Free Annual Fishing Derby, or any programs offered through the Redlands Recreation Division, please contact Recreation Division staff at (909) 798-7572 or email recreationstaff@cityofredlands org

C a r t e r H i g h S c h o o l T h a n k s g i v i n g d i n n e r g i v e a w a y


Community News

The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra will return to the California Theatre on December 17, 2022, for “Cirque de la Noel,” a holiday concert featuring the internationally-acclaimed Cirque de la Symphonie performing group

Shared Music Director and Conductor Anthony Parnther, "We decided to bring Cirque de la Symphonie back this season due to extraordinary popular demand," adding “We cannot be more grateful to our exceedingly generous presenting sponsors, the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians ”

The Symphony's artistic leader has recently been the recipient of significant notoriety for his role as conductor of the scores of several 2022 box office smashes, including the top-grossing movie in the world, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, the new Disney+ fantasy-adventure series Willow, and the Holiday Actioncomedy Violent Night, and epic war drama Devotion, all of which opened this past weekend

Cirque de la Symphonie will add an additional level of festive artistry through awe inspiring performances by their renowned aerialists, jugglers, hula hoop and cyr wheel experts and quick change artists all choreographed to a variety of music mindfully spanning the holiday orchestral repertoire Established by ballet and circus veteran Alexander Streltsov in 1998 for a special PBS production with the Cincinnati Pops, Cirque, troupe members originate from across the globe

“We are so pleased to once again collaborate with Cirque as they brought such joy to everyone in attendance when they last performed with us in February of 2020,” said Symphony Executive Director Dr Anne Viricel, adding, “I am certain this festive concert will inspire many happy family memories ”

The evening’s offerings will include traditional American holiday fare like Leroy Anderson’s “A Christmas Festival” (1950) and “Sleigh Ride” (1948), and Leon Jessell’s “Parade of the Wooden Soldiers” (1933), to new arrangements of old favorites like Carmen Dragon’s 2012 reimagining of “Deck the Halls,” to con-

temporary compositions like Jeff Tyzik’s 1994 Chanukah Suite

Beloved cinematic scores will also find their way into this celebratory evening, including

John Williams’ “Flight to Neverland” from Hook, Alan Silvestri's “The Suite from Polar Express ” and Howard Blake’s “Walking in the Air” from the 1982 animated film, The Snowman based on Raymond Briggs' 1978 children's book of the same name

Classical masterpieces including “Waltz of the Flowers” and “Trepak” (Russian Dance) from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker will be performed, along with “Dance of the Buffoons” from Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Snow Maiden and Georges Bizet’s L”Arlesienne Suite No 2 from Alphonse Daudet’s drama of the same name

"Along with our Summer Patriotic and our Movies with the Maestro Series SBSO fans can expect an Annual Christmas Festival each year replete with all your holiday favorites and a few classical staples alongside them,” added Parnther In keeping with the festive theme, audience members are encouraged to attend dressed in their favorite holiday attire

"Everyone loves this magical season," said Symphony Board President and former City of San Bernardino Mayor Judith Valles "On December 17th, no matter what this past year has brought us, we can forget our troubles for a while and gather together as a community in the spirit of the holidays ”

Ticket Availability

Single tickets for all SBSO concerts are available online at www sanbernardinosymphony o rg or by calling the box office at (909) 381-5388 Box

Office hours are 10 a m to 2 p m , Monday through Friday Tickets are $30 - $100 with students and active military always just $15 The availability of tickets cannot be guaranteed on concert night

The California Theatre is located at 562 W Fourth Street in downtown San Bernardino Free, lighted parking is available directly across from the venue

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • December 15, 2022 • Page A3
F r e e f i s h i n g d e r b y a t F o r d P a r k i n R e d l a n d s Community News
Community News The Carter High School Softball team participated in its annual Thanksgiving Dinner giveaway at Fitzgerald Elementary School The players donated complete thanksgiving meals to 20 families from Fitzgerald Elementary
de la Noel” December 17
was a successful event where our local high school students were able to give back to those in our community during these challenging times,” said Head Softball Coach Omar Fernandez
SB Symphony to pr esent “Cirque

Senator Ochoa Bogh encoura ges college g raduates to appl y to Senate Fellows Pr og ram

Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) today announced the availability of applications for the 2023-2024 California Senate Fellows program

The program allows college graduates to become fulltime Senate staff members at the California State Capitol in Sacramento for 11 months beginning in October 2023 Fellows are assigned to a Senator's personal office or committee staff and participate in academic seminars with legislators, staff, journalists, and state government officials The California Senate and the Center for California Studies at California State University, Sacramento, jointly operate the fellowship program

Fellows are paid a monthly salary plus health, vision, and dental benefits They earn six units of graduate credit from California State University, Sacramento, for the program's academic portion

"Being a Senate Fellow provides an excellent opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of the legislative process," said Senator Ochoa Bogh "The experience and training are valuable assets whether your career goals are in the public or private sector I highly recommend this program to young adults looking to make a difference and interested in learning first-hand about the State Capitol "

Former Senate Fellows include current members of Congress, judges, former members of the Legislature, and numerous other elected officials and community leaders

Senate Fellows experience the broad range of activities conducted in Senate offices Responsibilities include researching public policy issues, helping develop legislative proposals, analyzing and staffing legislation, assisting with constituent inquiries and casework, participating in meetings as the Senator's representative, writing press releases and speeches, and performing

other delegated tasks A seven-week orientation at the beginning of the program provides background on state government, the legislative process, and significant policy issues

Anyone who will be at least 20 years of age and a graduate of a four-year college or university by September 1, 2023, is eligible to apply Individuals with advanced degrees and those in mid-career are also encouraged to apply There is no preferred major

For more information, brochures can be requested online, or to apply, visit the Capitol Fellows website at h t t p s : / / w w w c s u s e d u / c e n t e r / c e n t e r - c a l i f o r n i astudies/capital-fellows/

The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, February 6, 2023, by 5:00 p m PST Eighteen (18) Senate Fellows will be selected in May after an initial screening of applications and a subsequent panel interview of the finalists

@ I E C N We e k l y

The ROGO Foundation, in partnership with Sandals Church, raised over $790,000 on Giving Tuesday, November 29, 2022, from over 830 donors to help fund The Hill Teen Center

This new community center that will provide relief and services to Inland Empire teenagers who are at risk for homelessness, hunger, gang violence, drugs, alcohol, and poverty

One in ten youth in the City of San Bernardino are “homeless ” In the 2019/20 school year, 30,270 San Bernardino County K-12 students were identified as homeless or lacking secure housing, increasing 6 6 percent from the previous year, according to data provided by the San Bernardino County School Board

“We are very excited about what this money will mean for our community,” said Scot Camden, Advancement Director for the ROGO Foundation, “our community banded together around The Hill Teen Center project to show our teenagers that they matter to us ”

The Hill Teen Center will be a 10,000 square/foot facility that will deliver clinical counseling, tutoring, skill- and life-coaching, mentorship, laundry facilities, as

well as a safe and fun environment for teenagers to spend time with friends, all free of charge

The ROGO Foundation estimated that this project will cost $1 3 million dollars to complete, and the $790,000 already raised will allow for much of the work to begin, as the organization continues to fundraise the remaining need

“The Hill Teen Center is very much aligned with my own vision for the broader community,” said Ken Ramirez, former Chairman of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, who has been an active member of the Inland Empire for many years and mobilized his network to get the word out about The Hill Teen Center and the Giving Tuesday crowdfunding campaign “It provides a road map to make a difference in the lives of our young adults ”

Ramirez shared that his own childhood motivated him to want to bring hope to teenagers that are struggling with adverse conditions “This new teen center will serve beacon of hope for our young people,” said Ramirez “It will show these teenagers that life has a lot to offer, once they are shown what’s possible ”

The ROGO Foundation will be breaking ground on The Hill Teen Center, to be located at 3701 N Sierra Way, in San Bernardino, in January of 2023

Page A4 • December 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers
Local organization raises near l y $800,000 in suppor t of Inland Empir e teena ger s
F o l l o w u s o n Fa c e b o o k , I n s t a g r a m , a n d Tw i t t e r

Dunkin’ Unveils Newest Next Generation Restaurant of the Futur e in Colton

Community News

On Wednesday, November 30, Dunkin’ opened its doors to its newest Next Generation restaurant in Colton, CA Now, people who live and work in Colton can run on Dunkin’ faster and more conveniently than ever before at this new Next Gen restaurant located at 1320 E Washington St , Colton, CA

The new Next Gen restaurant offers Colton a first-hand look at Dunkin’s store of the future experience, with a modern design that provides a fresh, friendly, vibrant, and engaging environment Complete with a new, warm interior color palette, the restaurant also offers atmospheric lighting, a convenient drive-thru, complimentary Wi-Fi, and an innovative tap system

Exciting elements of the new restaurant experience at the Colton location include:

A Modern Design: The openness, colors, and materials used in the design help create an approachable, positive, and energetic environment Just one example of the eyecatching design elements that guests can expect is a front-facing bakery case for an even closer look at our delicious baked goods

Premium Pours: Dunkin’s signature cold beverages are poured through an innovative tap system, serving a variety of consistently cold sips, such as iced coffee, iced tea, Cold Brew, and Nitro-Infused

Cold Brew (a Next Gen exclusive!) Crew members also use topquality, flavor-maximizing espresso machines to make handcrafted drinks to order

Dunkin’ on Demand: Dunkin’ has introduced an area dedicated to mobile pickups so that members of the Dunkin’® Rewards program who order ahead via Dunkin’s Mobile App can get in and out of the restaurant faster than ever before For all orders placed for pick up inside the restaurant, guests will be able to track the status of their order via a new digital order status board

Increased Energy Efficiency: Next Gen restaurants are designed to meet DD Green Achievement™ specifications Stores that achieve DD Green Achievement status are built with sustainable and efficient elements like LED lighting, highefficiency mechanical equipment, low-flow faucets, and more DD Green Achievement restaurants are performing better than designed On average, they are 33% more energy efficient compared to conventional Dunkin' restaurants

Faster than Ever Drive-thru Experience: An exclusive On-the-Go drive-thru lane lets Dunkin’® Rewards members who order ahead via Dunkin’s Mobile App bypass the ordering lane and head straight into the line for the pickup window

Dunkin’ is the first national restaurant brand to offer this type of drive-thru innovation and convenience to make guests’ Dunkin’ runs hassle-free

Community News

The Humane Society of San Bernardino Valley currently has funding available for Senior Citizens to assist with the cost of veterinary services for the care and treatment of their animals

These funds, made possible by a grant from The Albert and Anna Herdina Memorial Fund at The Inland Empire Commu-

nity Foundation, are open to residents of San Bernardino County, the High Dessert and Riverside County, who are 66 years of age and older, and who have a maximum income of $1,700 a month for one person

For more information on this program or to apply please visit hssbv org/Financial-Assistance

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • December 15, 2022 • Page A5
T he Humane Society of San Ber nardino Valley has available funding
or senior s


1 Purpose of the Procurement and Period of Performance VVTA is requesting proposals from qual fied contractors to provide labor and materia s for the renovat on of certain areas at the Victorv lle Transportation Center at 16838 D Street Victorv lle CA 92395 The resu t ng contract w ll be not to exceed 120 days

2 Obtaining the Request for Proposal (RFP) Document RFP documents may be obtained from VVTA in person at 17150 Smoke Tree Street Hesperia CA 92345-8305 e ectronical y at www vvta org/Procurement or v a w w w p u b i c p u r c h a s e c o m Documents are also available v a ema request to cplasting@vvta org RFPs requested by cour er or via USPS mai shall be packaged and sent only at the Proposers expense

3 Proposal Due Date and Submittal Requirements Proposals must be received before 3:00 PM (PST), Thursday, February 2, 2023

3 1 Sealed proposal packages wi l be accepted at the follow ng address:

Victor Va ley Transit Authority Attn: Christine Plasting Procurement Manager 17150 Smoke Tree Street Hesperia CA 92345-8305 (760) 995-3583

3 2 Envelopes boxes or electron c submissions v a publ cpurchase com containing proposals shall be sea ed and c early abeled w th VVTA’s RFP number and the solicitation tit e: VVTA RFP 2023-03 VICTORVILLE


3 3 Proposers are to submit to VVTA either one (1) hard copy of the proposa and one (1) electron c copy via thumb/flash drive OR v a www publicpurchase com A proposal is deemed to be ate f it is received by VVTA after the deadine stated above Proposals rece ved after the subm ssion deadline shall be returned unopened to the Proposer It is the Proposer s so e respons b lity to ensure that the proposals are received by the date and time stated above

4 Bonds A Performance Bond and Payment Bond may be required by the awarded contractor after the notice of ntent to award

5 Prevailing Wage Min mum wage rates for this project have been predeterm ned by the Secretary of Labor If there is a difference between the m nimum wage rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and the prevailing wage rates as determined by the State for s m lar class f cations of labor the Contractor and h s/her subcontractors shal pay not ess than the higher wage rate In accordance with provisions of Sect on 1773 2 (amended 1977) of the Californ a Labor Code copies of the prevail ng rate of per diem wages as determ ned by the State Director of Industr al Relations and are available at the Ca ifornia Department of Industr a Re at ons Internet web site at http://www d r ca gov/oprl/DPreW ageDeterm nation htm Future effective genera preva ling wage rates which have been predetermined and are on f le with the Ca ifornia Department of Industr al Relations are referenced but not printed Cop es of the preva ling wage rates are on f le w th VVTA and avai able upon request

This work fa ls under the Dav sBacon Act as amended (40 U S C 276a to a-7) and that contractor shall supply VVTA w th certified payroll documentation The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts wi l apply to contractors and subcontractors perform ng construction alteration or repair w th federal y funded or assisted contracts of $2 000 or more Under this Act contractors shall be requ red to pay wages spec f ed n a wage determinat on made by the Secretary of Labor In addit on contractors shall be required to pay wages not ess than once a week A current copy of the Davis Bacon Wage Determinat ons is available upon request Contractor shall attach a copy of the prevai ing wage to b d proposal The award of the contract sha l be conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage determination

If the State of Californ a preva lng Wage s h gher than Davis Bacon, contractor is required to pay the higher rate

6 Vendor Registration with the California Department of Industrial Relations Californ a SB 854 Compl anceVVTA wi l not accept a proposal from or enter the Contract with a Proposer, without proof that the

NOTICE INVITING BIDS Bid No NSB 2022/23-11 POS Terminals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received in the Nutrition Services Department of the San Bernardino C ty Un fied School D str ct, 1257 Northpark Boulevard San Bernard no, California, 92407, on or before 11:00 a m on January 5, 2023, for POS Termina s under B d No NSB 2022/23-11

Bid documents required for bidding may be secured at the above department Please call Nutrition Services Purchas ng Office at 909-8818008 for more information B d/addendum posts: h t t p s : / / s b c u s d n u t r i t i o n s e rvices org/?page BidsandPro posals

The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any or a l b ds and to waive any irregular ties or informalities in any bid or n the bidding process, and to accept or reject any items thereon

By: Latoya Smith, Buyer

Nutrition Services Department

San Bernardino C ty Un fied Schoo District

1st Pub ication: December 8, 2022

2nd Publ cation: December 15 2022

Virtua Bid Opening: January 5 2023 at 11:00 a m https://us02web zoom us/j/81 139740675?pwd d0VUbndzL zk0by9JVFhhd3RrTGxKZz09 CNS-3647401#

PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 12/8 12/15/22 E-8427

Welcome Resource Center –

Existing Structure Demolition

Owner: San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) Bid Documents Issued: December 8, 2022

Bid Date: January 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM

Bernards is request ng bids from qualified bidders for the We come Resource Center (Existing Structure Demo ition) – Project located at 736 N E Street San Bernard no, CA 92410 The proect cons sts of demolition of an existing structure approximately 7 000 SF with a mezzanine and basement storage bui d ng carport s te elements and landscaping We are interested in bids from all subcontractors/suppl ers

The bidders will be selected using the Best Va ue compettive procurement process under Ca ifornia Educat on Code section 17400 et seq Best va ue is a competitive procurement process whereby the selected bidder is selected on the basis of objective criter a for eva uating the qual f cations of b dders with the resu ting select on representing the best combination of price and qualificat ons

Pre-Qualification: In accordance w th Californ a Education Code 17250 and Pub ic Contract Code 6109 al mechanica , e ectr cal, plumbing ( MEP ) and sheet meta subcontractors (contractors that hold a C-4 C-7 C10 C-16 C-20 C-34 C-36 C38 C-42 C-43 or C-46 icense) must have submitted prequalifcation app ications ( ink be ow) at least ten (10) business days pr or to bid date and must be approved at east five (5) business days PRIOR to bid date Be sure to check approva and expirat on dates https://sbcusdfac lities com/trans forming-schoo s/b d-opportunities/

Bernards is an Equal Opportun ty Employer comm tted to; and encourages the participat on of MBEs WBEs DBEs SBEs DVBEs and OBEs and requires subm tta w th their bid the certification form from the authoriz ng agency Partic pation in Bernards Prequalification process mproves our abil ty to col aborate with Subcontractors wh le prov d ng them with the benef t of inc usion in potential se ect pro ect l sts P ease contact SubcontractorPrequalificat on@b ernards com for Prequa ification documents or vis t our website https://www bernards com/industry-partners/ for more information

Subcontractors must comply with general preva ling wage rates (PCC 1720 et seq ) Under new Ca ifornia aw al subcontractors and sub-tier subcontractors w shing to conduct bus ness with any public entity must be registered and ma ntain good stand ng with the Department of Industrial Re at ons (DIR) prior to subm tting a bid and dur ng performance of the work (Labor Code 1725 5) Only reg stered contractors and subcontractors can be awarded public works projects Please visit w w w d r c a g o v / P u b l cWorks/PublicWorks html for more informat on and to reg ster

Subcontractors must also meet the minimum requirements for


more information

Textura Construction Payment Management System: Subcontractors wi l be required to e ectronical y sign and submit their pay app ications – including invoices sworn statements conditional l en waivers and unconditiona ien waivers Bernards pays for the major ty of the cost for the Textura system However there is a smal fee paid direct y by each Subcontractor or Ma or Supp ier to Textura which must be included in any bid to Bernards For additional information and associated fees please v sit www texturacorp com

Plans & Specifications: Plans and spec fications w ll be available on or short y after December 8 2022 You may v ew or purchase plans through our reprographics company at www Bidma l com

By submitting a b d subcontractor confirms they have reviewed Bernards Subcontract Agreement a ong w th Attachments A B C D and w ll execute sa d Agreement w thout modificat ons Please review all Bernards Standard Subcontract documents and forms at www B dmail com Bids that do not conform to these bid instructions wi l not rece ve the maximum number of subcontractor quality po nts in a Best Value award process The Attachments wil be issued via an addendum during the bid per od

Al subcontractors awarded work on this project must be prepared to furnish 100% fa thful performance and 100% payment bonds issued by a icensed adm tted corporate surety with a m n mum A M Best rating of A-VI that s authorized to ssue bonds by the State of Ca ifornia and is acceptab e to Bernards (current Treasury List ng is acceptab e) in the fu l amount of their subcontracts

Requests for Information: Due by January 6, 2023 by 2:00 PM to nchavez@bernards com Non-Mandatory Job Walks: Meet at the parking lot beh nd the Church located at 736 N E Street San Bernardino CA 92410

* Thursday December 15 2022 at 8:00 AM Wednesday January 4 2023 at 8:00 AM

If you have any questions about this project please contact us at: Bernards 555 First Street San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 898-1521 (818) 898-4909 Fax Contacts: Nick Chavez nchavez@bernards com and Jose Cruz cruz@bernards com *Please do not contact San Bernardino City Unified School Distr ct regarding this pro ect Published E Chicano December 15 22 2022 E-8435

NOTICE INVITING PROPOSAL RFP No 22-21 PROPOSITION 39 FINANCIAL AND PERFORMANCE AUDIT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS (MEASURE T AND MEASURE N) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino City Unif ed School D strict of San Bernardino County State of California acting through its Governing Board, hereafter referred to as the “D str ct” is sol c ting electronic proposal submittals through its OpenGov e-Procurement web porta in response to RFP No 22-21 PROPOSITION 39 FINANCIAL AND PERFORMANCE AUDIT OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Vendors who are desirous of securing a copy of the RFP documents may do so by logg ng nto the District's website at: https://procurement opengov com/portal/sbcusd RFP responses must conform and be responsive in accordance with the RFP Documents posted through the District s OpenGov website portal Proposals must be submitted electronically up to but not later than Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at 3:00 p m at https://procurement opengov c om/portal/sbcusd Contract award s contingent upon availability of funds Local M nority and Disabled Veterans Businesses are specifica y encouraged to respond The D str ct reserves

the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept or reject any item to withdraw a line item or entire RFP and to waive any irregularities or nformalities in the B d document(s) The Distr ct may award any a l or none of this RFP

By: Gloria Vega Contract

Analyst Publication: December 15, 2022

Request for Clarification: December 29 2022 at 1:00 p m

Virtual Public Proposal Opening: Tuesday January 17 2023 at 3:00 p m https://www google com/url?q https://sbcusd zoom us/ /890 69943131?pwd%3DdXFhWTI 2SUJ

kOVF ZjNtdjNJQXhUUT09&sa =D&source=calendar&ust=16 70690429811823&usg AOvV aw 0QIgyxE u8x6XYDHsuQTa CNS-3651162# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 12/15/22 E-8430





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the San Bernardino C ty Unified School District of San Bernardino County State of California, acting through ts Governing Board hereafter referred to as the District is so icit ng electronic proposal subm ttals through its OpenGov e-Procurement web portal in response to RFP No 22-20 DISTRICT WIDE FINANCIAL & STUDENT ACTIVITY FUNDS AUDITS

Vendors who are desirous of securing a copy of the RFP documents may do so by logging into the District s website at: https://procurement opengov com/portal/sbcusd RFP responses must conform and be responsive in accordance with the RFP Documents posted through the D str ct s “OpenGov” website portal Proposals must be submitted electron cally up to but not later than Tuesday January 17, 2023 at 1:00 p m , at https://procurement opengov com/portal/sbcusd Contract award is contingent upon availability of funds Loca Minority and Disabled Veterans Businesses are specifically encouraged to respond The District reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept or reject any item, to withdraw a line item or entire RFP and to wa ve any irregularit es or informalities in the B d document(s) The Distr ct may award any, a l, or none of this RFP

By: Glor a Vega Contract Analyst Publication: December 15 2022 Request for Clarif cation: December 29 2022 at 1:00 p m Virtual Public Proposal Open ng: Tuesday January 17, 2023 at 1:00 p m https://www google com/url?q =https://sbcusd zoom us/j/812 42622717?pwd%3DZ ZRUk1 E N W R5NjRCL0RaaWZ4bWZ4dz0 9&sa=D&source=calendar&us t 1670690166803136&usg A OvV aw072qyoKtAj00uQzf0O2IP CNS-3651156# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 12/15/22 E-8432


Notice is hereby given pursuant to sections 3071 and 3072 of the Civ l Code of the State of California the undersigned wil se l the following vehicles at lien sa e at said address(s) at said time(s) on: Monday, December 26, 2022 to wit:

YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 10 CHEV 2 G 1 F S 1 E W 6 A 9 1 6 0 2 6 2 8ZIC603 CA To be sold by: V ctor Valley Tow ng, 17099 Gas ine Rd, Victorville San Bernardino County, CA 92394 (10:00 AM)

YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 05 DODG 1 D 7 H A 1 8 D 7 5 J 5 0 5 7 4 7 7J34336 CA

To be sold by: A-Action Towing & Recovery 11399 Santa Fe Avenue East, Hesperia San Bernardino County CA 92344 (10:00 AM)

YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 17 CADI 1 G 6 A D 5 S S 5 H 0 1 4 4 4 1 9 8XYE448 CA

To be sold by: Desert Valley Tow ng 17177 Eureka Street Victorville, San Bernardino County CA 92395 (10:00 AM)

YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 16 FORD 3 F A 6 P 0 H 9 9 G R 1 2 6 7 6 8 7LKE642 CA

To be sold by: Wilson Towing 2310 E 3rd Street, San Bernardino San Bernardino County, CA 92410 (10:00 AM) Said sale is for the purpose of satisfying lien of the above signed for tow ng, storage labor materials and lien charges together w th costs of advertis ng and expenses of sale L enTek Solutions Inc , P O Box 443, Bonita, CA 91908 CNS-3650492#


Pet t oner or Attorney: Jocelyn Denise Rivera 29345 Belle Villa Court, Highland, CA 92346

Superior Court of Cal forn a County of San Bernard no, Civil 247 W 3rd Street San Bernardino CA 92415


TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: has filed a pet tion w th this court for a decree chang ng names as follows: Present name: Jocelyn Denise Rivera to Proposed name: Joce yn Den se Sa dana THE COURT ORDERS that a l persons interested n this matter appear before this court at the hearing nd cated below to show cause f any why the pet tion for change of name should not be granted Any person objecting to the name changes described above must f le a wr tten ob ection that inc udes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted If no written object on is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing

NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 1/13/2023 T me: 8:30 am Dept: S16

The address of the court is: same as noted above

A copy of th s Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the pet tion in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county: El Chicano Newspaper (IECN) INLAND EMPIRE COMMUNITY NEWS Dated: DEC 09 2022

JOHN M PACHECO Judge of the Superior Court Publ shed El Chicano 12/15 12/22 12/29/22 1/5/23 E-8434

O f f i c e ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 1 - 9 8 9 8 • E L C H I C A N O L E G A L A D V E R T I S I N G • F a
9 0 9 ) 3 8 4 -
4 0 6 Page A6 December 15, 2022 EC IECN
x (
Proposer and its Subcontractors are registered with the Californ a Department of Industr al Relations (DIR) to perform pub ic work under Labor Code Sect on 1725 5 subject to limited egal exceptions The Proposer shall enter DIR Reg stration Number on the proposa 7 Validity of Proposals Proposa s and subsequent offers sha l be va id for a period of ninety (90) days An award may be made without further discussion VVTA reserves the right to withdraw or cancel this RFP at any time without prior notice and VVTA makes no representat on that any contract w ll be awarded to a Proposer respond ng to this RFP 8 Pre-Proposal Conference/ Job Walk There wil be a non-mandatory Pre-proposal Conference/Job Wa k on Thursday January 5 2022 at 8:30 AM PST ocated at 16838 D Street Victorville CA 92395 The dead ine for quest ons s at 5:00 PM (PST) Friday January 20 2022 Prospective Proposers are requested to submit quest ons in writing to the Procurement Manager at cp ast ng@vvta org Responses sha l be shared w th all known prospect ve proposers by written addenda on y The successful Proposer shal be requ red to comp y with al app icable Equal Opportunity Laws and Regu at ons Publ shed El Chicano December 15 2022 E-8429
REQUEST FOR BIDS TO PERFORM SUBCONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Ti den-Coil Constructors is the awarded Lease-Leaseback General Contractor for the fol owng project: San Bernardino City Unified School District San Bernardino High School –Athletic Improvements Bid Submissions: B ds must be subm tted on or before 2:00 pm on January 19 2023 P ease submit your proposa to Tilden-Coil Constructors using the SmartBid subm t proposal feature through your secure project l nk To become a plan ho der and obtain a secure project l nk please contact Melan e Lopez mlopez@t lden-coil com or 951684-5901 x231 Subcontractor / Trade Descriptions: B ds are being requested for the fol owing trades: Demo Earthwork & Paving Concrete: S te E ectrica Landscaping Chain Link Fence & Sports Netting Pre-Bid Conference: A non-mandatory pre-bid conference wi l be he d at 10:00 am on Monday December 19 2022 at: 1850 N “E” Street, San Bernard no, CA 92405 Requests for Information (RFI s): Requests for nformation for this project is due by 4:00 pm January 6 2023 Bidders are requ red to nd cate the project name in the tit e of your request submission Submit a l requests for nformation to Mathew Sh eh mshieh@t lden-coil com Pre-Qualification: The San Bernard no City Unif ed School District (“District ) has determined that contractors on future projects ( Contractor(s) or F rm(s) ) must be prequal f ed prior to submitting a b d or proposal on a project Th s form must be comp eted by: Contractors that intend to bid or propose to perform work under a C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C34 C-36 C-38 C-42 C-43 and/or C-46 icense (s) and that ntend to b d or submit a proposa Pre-qua f cation appl cation packages are ava lable on the District s website - https://sbcusd f a c i i t i e s c o m / t r a n s f o r m i n gschoo s/bid-opportunities/ and must be submitted by 4:00pm fourteen (14) ca endar days prior to the bid due date Notices to pre-prequalificat on applicants wi l be provided no later than seven (7) calendar days prior to the bid due date a complete list of prequalified contractors to be published on the D str ct s website by the following day Skilled and Trained Workforce: Respondents are adv sed that this pro ect must conform to the rev sions of the Californ a Education Code Section 17407 5 mandated by AB 418 As such a l subcontractors are requ red to prov de a Sk lled and Tra ned Workforce Publ shed El Chicano December 8 15 2022 E-8428
Ski led and Tra ned Workforce
2600 –
et seq ) Also refer to Cal fornia Educat on
visit h t t p s : / / w w w d r c a g o v / P u b l i c -
Code Sections 81703(c)(2)(F) and 17407 5; Labor Code 1777 5; and CCR Title 8 Section 230 1 Please
NOTICE OF PUBLIC LIEN SALE OF VEHICLE(S) / AUTOMOBILE(S) AT PUBLIC AUCTION Notice s hereby given pursuant to sect ons 3071 and 3072 of the C v l Code of the State of Ca ifornia, the undersigned wi l sel the fo lowing vehicles at lien sale at said address(s) at said time(s) on: Tuesday December 27 2022 to wit: YEAR MAKE VIN LICENSE STATE 17 RAM 3 C 6 J R 6 A G X H G 6 7 1 9 2 6 007ZME KY To be sold by: CERTIFIED TOWING 1135 E STATE STREET ONTARIO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CA 91761 (10:00 AM) Sa d sale s for the purpose of satisfying lien of the abovesigned for towing storage, labor, materials and lien charges together w th costs of advertising and expenses of sa e Clear Choice Lien Service Inc P
San Diego,
O Box 159009,
CA 92175 CNS-3650225# PUBLISHED EL CHICANO 12/15/22 E-8433
Publish your Fictitious Business Name Statement for only $45! Fee includes 4-week publication and filing of proof with county at the end of publication Call Inland Empire Community Newspapers at: (909) 381-9898 or E-Mail your FBN form (with your phone number) to: iecnlegals@hotmail com

S u p e r v i s o r J o e B a c a , J r . h o s t s h i s S e c o n d A n n u a l O p e n

H o u s e H o l i d a y To y D r i v e

Community News

Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr successfully hosts his second annual Open House Holiday Toy Drive

This year ’s open house had an incredible turnout and an overflow of toys that will be gifted to underserved children in the Fifth District, including Crestmore Elementary School in Bloomington, California

Not only were children’s toys donated, but toys for animals will donated to San Bernardino County’s Animal Care Centers as well

The event was to celebrate Supervisor Baca Jr ’s second year in office and invite the public to see the current accomplishments and future growth in the years to come

“Over the past two years in office, I have provided residents of my district with the re-

vitalization of several parks, infrastructure improvements, a brand-new animal care center in Bloomington currently in the works and keeping our community safe by introducing three new deputies specifically assigned to be in Rosena Ranch These are just a few of the many accomplishments we were able to achieve together this year and yesterday at our Open House we were able to come together and celebrate these positive changes in our Fifth District

Last night was truly so special and I appreciate all the groups and members of our County who came out to support the aspirations we have for our community We couldn’t do it without all your love and support Thank you all ” -Supervisor Joe Baca, Jr

Page A8 • December 15, 2022 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

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