Featuring Our Valued IBA Partners Companies to help you increase your bottom line and exceed your goals Did you know that the Illinois Bankers Association works with dozens of businesses that offer a wide range of products and services that benefit banks like yours? A select number of these companies are our valued “Partners” and offer unique, best in class programs for your bank to help position it for success. In many cases, this includes a discount or special offer for their services. They, in turn, provide a modest revenue stream to the IBA, allowing us to continue providing complimentary services — like our Compliance Connection® and online compliance training — and a variety of education and other programs at large discounts for our members.
Partner Snapshot BANKWORK$ together with the ASSOCIATION HOUSE OF CHICAGO trains young adults from low income and minority communities for lasting careers in the financial services industry. CRA PARTNERS guarantees CRA credit for ensuring safe living environments for low- to moderateincome seniors in qualified nursing homes. BANZAI creates captivating and motivating online financial literacy products for kids and adults. REGULATORY UNIVERSITY, powered by FIS, provides our bank members with a complimentary training program to more than 100 interactive training courses in key regulatory areas. HR SOURCE offers a full complement of HR services. IBA members receive a discount on their annual HR Source dues.
MACHA supports organizations in the payments industry with education, information, support services, consulting and advocacy. MACHA members receive 50% off ACH audits and risk assessments in addition to an extensive list of other benefits. S&P GLOBAL MARKET INTELLIGENCE provides news, analysis and valuable commentary on regulatory developments and more. IBA member banks that are new subscribers to the unlimited package receive preferential pricing.
Connect with the IBA’s Julie Winterbauer at jwinterbauer@ilbanker.com or 217-789-9340 for more information about the IBA or to hear more about our Partners.
The SUB S ASSOCIATION represents the unique interests of Sub S banks. IBA members who join the Association receive discounts on their Sub S Association dues.
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