Wedding Trader - issue 22

Page 20

Letter from America Peter Grimes, publisher of VOWS magazine, the key trade title in the US, believes it is vital that retailers have a carefully planned strategy and a process in place to inject positivity into the new chapter in the life of the bridal industry


n the US – as in the UK – retailers, their teams (and their brides) are worried, apprehensive and anxious about the health of their families and staff, and about their own short-term financial well-being as they struggle to meet the changing COVID-19 precautions, and adjust to fewer appointments and smaller bridal parties. Stores’ success through this period ranges from low traffic and disappointing sales to near 100% closing ratios and strong sales in a limited appointment environment.

Though there is rarely a single reason for this disparity, I do believe that how we rise to this challenge exhibited through all interactions with staff and customers may be the deciding factor. Essentially, the store owners we see succeeding here understand that they play a critical role in easing concerns and providing reassurance, comfort and confidence, and are very aware that what they say and do can bring positivity and balance into times rattled by widespread uncertainty and fear.

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The next issue of VOWS addresses this ‘new normal,’ and includes the following suggestions and encouragements: • Embrace your entrepreneurial spirit: Entrepreneurs are risk takers and doers. As a retailer, you’ve already confronted fear and unease. You’ve opened a store. You’ve dealt with challenging, tough customers. You’ve likely endured an economic downturn or two. You’ve stared at debt and confronted shifting market conditions. And being here, remaining open after the unexpected hit COVID-19 delivered, proves your resiliency. Lean on that for inspiration as you navigate these challenging times. Honor thy mission: Every business should hold some mission statement – or at least possess a guiding purpose behind its actions. Leaning heavily on that mission, letting it direct decision-making and communicating it often, pushes conversations away from fear or uncertainty and into

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