Now hear this
Emma Meek of Miss Bush Bridal has a powerful voice and speaks with passion and without fear of reprimand. She is fast to criticise, but not without thinking. And she demands what she herself delivers
he only way that anyone in the UK bridal industry has survived Covid is on the strength, ingenuity, selfsacrifice and tenacity of the few. In an industry that conspires to prevent retailers from making a profit, that encourages a retail base that is too big to be sustainable, that cashes in 38 ♌ W E D D I N G T R A D E R ♌ J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
on impossible dreams of the majority, a minority of inspirational and indefatigable women have held their ground in the most remarkable way. The non-furloughed director, social media star and probable home educator, who has been putting in a full working week while fighting banks, insurance companies and