Wedding Trader - issue 22

Page 57

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What The Trade Associations Are Doing For Members We asked the two key players – the RBA and BBSA – to talk us through what support measures they have had, and continue to have, in place during the pandemic and as shops slowly start to re-open THE RBA Nicola Garton, Chair The first half of 2020 has presented bridal shops with challenges they have never had to face before. It is a huge relief to be in the position to reopen our boutiques and welcome customers back through the doors, yet it is still an extremely tumultuous time as we adjust to the ‘new normal’, adapt our businesses to meet new guidelines and trade in a way we have never done before. As independent retailers, it can feel lonely and isolating at the best of times and feel that there is a lack of support; the COVID-19 crisis has only highlighted this. The RBA has always worked hard to build a supportive community for its members, a place to join together to combat issues and talk through difficult situations and this has never been so relevant as now. During the past few months, we have been offering advice on measures that may need to be enforced in our stores so that risk is minimised and all the necessary precautions are followed to ensure

the health, safety and wellbeing of employees and our customers. Every member has received a set of Health & Safety and Risk Assessment templates in relation to COVID-19 that they can tailor accordingly, as well as key information and guidelines on making redundancies – a sensitive decision for any bridal shop owner. We as an association recognise that the coming months will be rocky so we are putting plans in place to help our members further. We are planning more training seminars and videos with step-by-step guides on topics including health and safety, dealing with tricky customers who are not adhering to guidelines, dealing with negative reviews on social media, staff training and HR practices. Our Facebook closed group forum has always been a supportive network and the place to ask for advice and share concerns but has truly been a lifeline for many when our shops were shut for so long. Members have used this forum to share discount offers for PPE equipment, ask advice on furloughing staff members and how the ‘new look’

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