“The wedding that wasn’t was to be my second and I am just so thankful that I finally found the right partner with whom I can share so much, that the size of the Big Day or, in fact, when it is, is unimportant to me. I made an appointment at a local bridal boutique early on and when I have a clear picture of what is possible I will certainly head straight back there. The staff were lovely, so kind and helpful and knowledgable and didn’t push me to make a decision. The consultant has phoned me several times just to see how things are going and I really appreciate that attention.”
“We had been saving for a couple of years to ensure that
“We have a plan
our Big Day was big in every respect and we have agreed
that I think will work
that we will still go ahead with those plans whether we have to wait a year or more. No one is going to take my
perfectly. The money
dream away, and that includes a designer gown that
we had put aside to
makes me feel like a princess. We’re lucky, we have
cover the cost of a
a home and two very young children, so that special
wedding for 100+ here
wedding day is very much the icing on the cake.”
is now earmarked for a wedding abroad, next summer, on a beach, and we’ll be paying the fares and expenses WILDMEADOWPHOTOGRAPHY.CO.UK
“I can’t talk about this. I am close to tears most of the time. I just feel if I knew how things stood I could face up to them. I have my dress and my accessories and it seems that I try them on a good few times a week. I love them, and I want to wear them for my wedding day, not just in front of my bedroom mirror.”
for a small group to join us, provided travel plans can be made. We’re talking to English planners based in Portugal and are confident we’ll get there and have a brilliant time.”
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