More important than ever The UK’s biggest and longest-running industry event opens its doors 12-14 September for that long-awaited time when suppliers and retailers meet face-to-face, collection-to-collection, for the first time in recent years. We asked organiser Wendy Adams for the lowdown
“The Bridal Team is delighted to once again host the Harrogate Bridal Show,” says Wendy. “As we emerge from a very difficult 18 months we are thrilled to reintroduce key industry brands and unite them with bridal retailers from across the UK to enjoy the experience that only takes place at ‘The Home of Bridal’.”
What nationalities of visitors are you expecting this year? We think that the majority of buyers attending will be UK based, or from Southern Ireland. Although now that quarantine restrictions have been lifted, we hope to have more retailers from mainland Europe. Our pre-registration is exceptionally high compared to 2019, which is when the last show was held, so all things considered, we are expecting a good turnout. Are there many new features at this year’s event? The show shouldn’t look any different, but behind the scenes there will be lots more cleaning and sanitising,
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and during the night the halls will be ‘misted’ to avoid infection. I’m sure some people will choose to wear face coverings and that’s fine – people must do whatever they feel comfortable with. We will also have hand sanitising stations throughout the venue. What about accommodation in Harrogate, what’s been arranged? We are working with MICE Concierge to help and reserve accommodation for all visitors to the show. Special rates have been negotiated in all the major hotels and all are within walking distance. MICE has allocations held and can be contacted via our website. It is important to get your rooms