Wedding Trader -issue 25

Page 92

“In the past month or so, all the horrors of the previous 18 seem to have faded into the background. The damage they created was very real indeed, but now things have changed for the better and there is much to look forward to. Harrogate is going to have the biggest impact, of course. I am just as keen to see old colleagues as I

“I am moving old stock now, and moving it fairly fast. Better to offer big reductions and make the space for all the gorgeous new gowns and accessories I am looking to invest in. These pop-up shows of recent months have really whetted my appetite to focus on buying for the new season.”

am the new collections!”

“I would like to thank you suppliers – you know who you are – who have gone that extra mile, or rather ten miles, to be supportive during recent, trying months. I have often thought that now is the time to throw in the towel and move into a different field, but you have kept me going with your offers of help, and, importantly, you staying in regular touch. Bridal is where I always wanted to be and now I couldn’t think of being anywhere else, despite the challenges we have all faced. Much of that is thanks to you guys, and I will be forever grateful.”


“Wedding Trader – so happy you are back, and feeding me with information and advice that will help me in this new chapter.”

“When brides come in smiling behind their masks, and leave equally happy, you know life is on the up once again. It’s been a long, bumpy ride, but I can finally see smooth roads ahead. ”

And Finally We knew this one would be full of positivity!

“You know something? Because of Covid I reckon I have made more friends in our industry than ever before. We have shared our concerns, jollied each other up, and exchanged ideas. I have arranged to meet some of my new contacts face to face at the Harrogate show and I am so looking forward to that.”

“New collections? You bet. I can’t wait to shop. And I will be sensible – sort of. Having sales agents visit me in my boutique has been brilliant and that one-to-one attention makes the decision process so much easier.”

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