Incoming Global Community Development Program MoF for Project Manager (Project 2)
The project manager will be in charge of the preparation, development and control the social projects by the IGCDP area, working from the gestation of the idea for the project until such time in which practitioners are developing tasks within it. Talent Profile: Sales & Project Management People in Charge: 6 Team Members
As you can see, this year IGCDP will have two subareas. Each subarea is responsible of the gestation, planning, execution and closing of social development project. Each team will have 6 team members to support these projects. Also, there is a share team with IGIP, this team is responsible of the matching and delivery processes.
Performing with the members at least one project, which runs to the next peak of the year depending on established by the IGCDP area. Control the development of each member of the area in relation to his JD, coordinating tasks that are aligned to it and thus to the achievement of the project. Manage the achievement of resources and materials, both financial and human talent, to develop one or more projects of high quality. Support the respective tasks with the other areas to ensure an excellent development of the tasks inside the area and synergy within the processes between areas.
• Compliance with the tasks set by the MOF. • Compliance with the work of the members of the area according to their JDs. • Progress of the project as established for a certain time differential by different resources to develop it. • Compliance with the RA-MA-RE as required for IGCDP of the area goals.
AIESEC way / AIESEC 2015 TN Flow knowledge & Administrative procedures of ICX (Preferred) Exchange Management & Legal processes for trainees Virtual media management Team management Project management.
Team Management Assertiveness Training Skills Performance Management Listening Skills Decision Making Project Management Time Management Meeting Facilitation Conflict Management
Regular Evidence Regular Evidence Regular Evidence Regular Evidence Regular Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Regular Evidence Strong Evidence
Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning
Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Regular Evidence Regular Evidence
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Good Good Good Good
Microsoft Office Adobe Design Suite Google Apps / Google Chrome (preferred)
The coordinator shall provide a weekly report LCVP the area in which the advances are reflected of coordination in various aspects such as:
State and development of human talent in the coordination. Status and progress of activities in front of the project management. Planning for the next week. State of relations with the various stakeholders.
6 months January – July 2012
10 Hours
Approved by: Juan David Peraza Position: LCVP IGCDP Reviewed by: Fabián Peraza Diosa Position: LCVP TM Reviewed by: Miguel González Position: LCP