Marketing Area MoF for Customer Focus OGX C2 Team Leader The Customer Focus OGX Cluster 2 Team Leader runs the outgoing exchange programs over the presales research of the market for our new clients in the youth market of the cluster 2 (Nacional - Distrital - UniMinuto - Colegio Mayor). & Develop and improve our relations with the costumers we have, especially with the universities. Our main strategy as LC is capitalize our universities market, that’s why we work in clusters. Our goal generates new extensions. As team leader of ogx cluster 2 you’ll lead the strategies over this cluster. We look for someone who want to learn from marketing strategies, research, and customer relationships. In the end what we will do is improve the way we reach our market advantages and really support our core.
Talent Profile: Leader for MKT People in Charge: 3 team members from MKT
This team is about our clients, youth market and organizational market. It will lead the strategies to ensure our sales and have the best relations with our clients improving upselling. As ogx c2 team leader you’ll have to supervise the right execution of our packs so we deliver the right support to these universities, so you’ll have direct contact with the core areas. Improve our relations with the universities, pre and post sales executions, and members to the outgoing exchange programs: EPs.
Creation and management of marketing strategy of cluster 2. Create and management of the packs for outgoing exchange programs. Lead and execute packs for member flow process of EPs. Become your team a market consultant team. Follow up of CRM strategies and client relations. Lead the upselling strategies for our stakeholders both EPs and Universities. Makes EPs enter and supervise the value proposition in the exchange programs.
Upselling realizations of cluster 2. Strong Customer relations with our cluster stakeholders. Effective presales that support our sales: sales growth. Relations with the universities must generate possible contracts and negotiations.
AIESEC way. AIESEC BHAG AIESEC 2015 EwA ELD programs and canvas models.
National and Local Compendium National and Local Strategies. AIESEC Brand Experience AIESEC Social Media Guidelines AIESEC Visual Guidelines
Team Management Assertiveness Training Skills Performance Management Listening Skills Decision Making Project Management Time Management Meeting Facilitation Conflict Management
Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Regular Evidence Strong Evidence Regular Evidence Regular Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence
Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning
Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Strong Evidence Regular Evidence Strong Evidence
Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Good Excellent Good Excellent
Microsoft Office Adobe Design Suite Google Apps / Google Chrome
Direct communication to the AIESEC Javeriana LCVP MKT during planning and execution. Activities should be reported weekly in the coordinator online meeting and in the area meeting also.
3 months February – April 2012
10 Hours
Approved by: Nicolás Cárdenas Reyes Position: LCVP MKT Reviewed by: Fabián Peraza Diosa Position: LCVP TM Reviewed by: Miguel González Position: LCP