We highlight how personalization can be a very pro table niche for expanding your business and boosting your bottom line. 16
Rewire Your Brain for Better Customer Service
By Kate Zabriskie
Companies invest millions of dollars in training each year. Yet, even a er extensive education and successful performance in controlled environments, many seasoned professionals struggle to implement new techniques in a live customer-facing setting. Why?
e answer lies not in a lack of knowledge but in the power of habit.
Customer service specialist Nate Colburn explains how targeted surveys can be a secret weapon for gaining important feedback . 20
Meet Lisa, a customer service manager with 15 years of experience. Despite her expertise, she nds herself stuck in a rut, unable to elevate her team’s performance.
“We attend workshops and get red up about new strategies, but within weeks, we fall back into our old routines. It’s so frustrating.” People like Lisa aren’t outliers. In fact, they are very o en the norm.
How to Set Your Promotional Marketing Business Apart
By Adriano Aldini, Imprint Canada
In the highly competitive world of promotional products, di erentiating your business from the pack can be a real challenge, especially when price o en takes centre stage for customers.
However, by focusing on adding value beyond price, quality, and service, promotional businesses can carve out a unique space in the market. is means going beyond the basics to o er additional bene ts that customers appreciate and are willing to pay for.
Standing Out with Market Knowledge
Di erentiation begins well before a purchase is made. Understanding your target market is crucial and requires two main considerations: First, is the market quali ed? is means your potential clients fully benet from what you o er and may require more services in the future. e second factor is whether they’re actively looking for a solution to their sourcing challenges. By starting to build relationships early - even before prospective clients are “in-market” - you can create lasting connections that turn into loyal partnerships.
U.S. Election Fallout
Canadian industries are bracing for challenging economic discussions, including tari s, as a result of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory. e anticipated “America First” approach coming down the pipeline (no pun intended) in Trump’s economic policies may pose a threat to the more than $156B worth of exports (2023).
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland emphasized that presenting a uni ed front on China would strengthen Canada’s position in upcoming trade talks. Following the rst meeting of the reestablished cabinet committee on Canada-U.S. relations, which she leads, Freeland likened the committee to the COVID-19 task force, stressing the urgency of maintaining robust cross-border ties.
Trump’s election win has stirred concern, especially among Canada’s steel and aluminum sectors, given his history of imposing steep tari s in 2018, which prompted Canadian countermeasures. However, Freeland noted that Canada gained valuable insights during those prior negotiations, ultimately proving the mutual bene ts of cooperation.
Freeland underscored recent collaborative tari s on Chinese imports as evidence of Canada’s alignment with the U.S., framing Canada as a steadfast partner capable of supporting shared economic and geopolitical goals. Echoing this, former ambassador David MacNaughton and auto industry leader Brian Kingston expressed the need for Canada to stay synchronized with U.S. strategies, suggesting that bolstering critical mineral production could help secure exemptions from potential new tari s. Freeland, who recently met with steel producers, acknowledged ongoing challenges in preventing tari evasion. She a rmed her readiness to face Trump’s new term, highlighting her strong working relationship with Robert Lighthizer, Trump’s former trade chief, and her resolve to defend Canada’s interests. “President Trump respects strength,” Freeland stated, “and that’s what I bring to the table.”
It would make sense for Ottawa to form a committee of top executives from a range of major industries set to be impacted the most from trade talks. Representatives from the energy sector, the auto industry, food and beverage, steel, dairy, and lumber who can withstand the expected hardline approach from the Americans have the best shot to negotiate a winning deal for Canada.
Politicians may not be the best trained to handle this task, despite how highly they may think of their negotiating abilities.
A softer take on your favorite tee.
Gildan’s soft cotton technology is revolutionizing the 2000 and 5000 collections, bringing you comfor t like never before.
Endorsed by Riley Green, these tees come in both heavy and midweight styles, with a palette of colors to choose from.
Enjoy enhanced printability that ensures your designs look as good as you feel.
“My shirts are more than a memento, they’re an experience.”
– Country music star Riley Green
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News {Business Development}
Building Trust Before the Sale
A key way to stand out is by positioning yourself as an industry expert, building trust and credibility before potential customers are ready to buy.
is can be achieved through educational content like blog posts and social media that address common client challenges in the promotional products industry. O ering guides or reports on the latest trends in branded goods, or showcasing innovative techniques in personalization, can attract potential clients while establishing you as a leader in your eld.
In today’s digital world, most buyers research extensively online before making a purchasing decision. By the time
they reach out to you, they may have already compared prices and researched suppliers and distributors. To capture their attention, it’s critical that you are out there anticipating their needs and providing unique insights they may not have considered.
Niche Down
Specializing in a niche is a powerful way to di erentiate your company. Focusing on a speci c area, industry or product category allows you to develop in-depth expertise and meet the unique demands of your target market.
Becoming the go-to expert in a niche - such as ecofriendly promotional goods, luxury corporate gi s, or techintegrated merchandise - can help set you apart from the
In today’s digital world, most buyers research extensively online before making a purchasing decision. By the time they reach out to you, they may have already compared prices and researched distributors.
one-stop generalized competitors, making you the rst choice for customers looking for specialized solutions.
Creating Value During the Sale
When clients are ready to purchase, di erentiate your business by o ering personalized, consultative service.
Rather than only ful lling the immediate request, consider presenting tiered options that allow clients to choose based on budget, quality, and service levels. For instance, you might o er a basic o ering, a mid-range o ering with faster turnaround, and a premium level with top-quality options and expedited turnaround.
is approach is valuable and useful for promotional apparel, where di erent tiers can re ect a brand’s quality. By linking the product quality and service level to the client’s brand values, you reinforce the importance of their brand perceptionsomething that low-cost providers o en overlook.
Strong account management can also add signi cant value during the buying process. O er dedicated account support and communication options that ensure a smooth experience. In addition, integrating automation tools for tracking orders and providing real-time noti cations can streamline the ordering process, making it easier for clients to stay informed and con dent in their orders.
Adding Lasting Value After the Sale
e customer journey doesn’t end when an order is fullled. To foster long-term relationships (aka repeat business), you need to deliver consistent value a er the sale. is can include real-time order tracking, proactive followup and gathering customer feedback in order to address any questions and to front-run any issues. Ensuring the customer feels supported a er the purchase can go a long way in building loyalty.
Additional services, like design consultations for future orders, storage solutions for high-demand items, or inventory management, can also help you set your business apart.
Implementing a loyalty program with exclusive bene ts, such as early access to new products or special discounts, reinforces the relationship and encourages repeat business. Collecting regular feedback can help identify areas for improvement, showing customers that you are dedicated to their satisfaction and business growth.
In an industry that o en competes on price, standing out requires a shi in approach. Building a reputation based on added value creates a unique position in the market that resonates with customers.
By di erentiating your company throughout the buyer’s journey, you can develop loyal client relationships and a sustainable competitive edge in the industry.
Becoming the go-to expert in a niche can help set you apart from the one-stop generalized competition.
Upload your artwork using our Freestyle Headwear builder and add “FREESPEC” to the comment box before check out. Our customer service team will decorate and ship your order at no charge! 24-hour art, 24-hour production. Applies to Flat and 3D embroidery front location and single-unit orders only.
Leather Patch
Embroidered Patch
Silicone Patch
Sublimated Patch
Flat Embroidery
News {Business Development}
Customer Service, continued from Page 1
e culprit is our brains. Neuroscience reveals that habits, both good and bad, are deeply ingrained neural pathways. ese mental shortcuts allow us to navigate daily tasks eciently, but they can also hinder growth and innovation. is phenomenon is not unique to customer service. Across industries, from health care to nance, professionals nd themselves trapped in di cult-to-break cycles of behaviour.
e brain’s preference for familiar patterns can be both a blessing and a curse. While it allows us to perform complex tasks without conscious e ort, it can also make us resistant to change, even when that change is bene cial. So, how can we break free from this cycle and leverage brain science to create lasting change?
Identify Habit Triggers
e initial step in rewiring neural pathways is recognizing the habits that hinder progress. Common pitfalls include:
• Reverting to outdated business practices
• Taking shortcuts under pressure
• Becoming overly comfortable with routine tasks
Dedicate time to observing behaviour. When do old habits emerge? What triggers them? Identifying these triggers is crucial to interrupting the habit loop. It’s important to note that triggers can be both external and internal. External triggers might include a ringing phone, a crowded queue, or a particularly challenging customer. Internal triggers could be feelings of stress, boredom, or even con dence that leads to complacency. By mapping out these triggers, you create a road map for intervention.
Disrupt Established Patterns
Once triggers are identi ed, it’s essential to introduce
Neuroscience reveals that habits, both good & bad, are deeply ingrained neural pathways. These mental shortcuts allow us to navigate daily tasks efficiently, but they can also hinder growth and innovation.
disruptions. is process is not about willpower but about creating new neural pathways. Consider these approaches:
• Engage in positive self-re ection: Regularly remind yourself of the habits you aim to cultivate.
• Practice mindful pauses: When faced with an urge to react, take a moment to breathe deeply. is simple act can interrupt automatic responses.
• Modify the environment: Rearrange workspaces or introduce visual cues that reinforce desired behaviours. e key here is consistency. Each time you successfully disrupt an old pattern, you’re laying the groundwork for a new, more bene cial habit. It’s like creating a new path through a eld – the more you walk it, the more de ned it becomes.
Cultivate Improved Habits
Eliminating undesirable habits is insu cient; they must be replaced with positive alternatives. Consider these strategies:
• Think about what should occur: Consider all options, not just the tried-and-true choice before responding.
• Embrace thoughtful pauses: Resist the urge to rush. Quality interactions o en require patience and consideration. is step is about actively choosing new behaviours that align with your customer service goals. It might involve implementing a new problem-solving approach, adopting a more empathetic communication style, or utilizing technology in innovative ways to enhance customer experiences.
Neuroscience demonstrates that repetition strengthens neural connections, making new behaviours feel more natural over time. ink about the actions you can take to carve new mental pathways.
• Engage in daily re ection: Allocate time each day to review customer interactions, identifying successes and areas for improvement.
• Acknowledge progress: Set achievable goals and recognize when they are met. Positive reinforcement can signicantly impact habit formation.
• Establish accountability partnerships: Share objectives with colleagues. Regular check-ins can enhance motivation and commitment.
Consider implementing a reward system that recognizes both individual and team e orts in adopting new habits. is could range from public acknowledgment in team meetings to more tangible rewards for consistent improvement.
Embrace the Journey
Rewiring your brain is a marathon, not a sprint. Neuroscientists suggest it takes about 66 days to form a new habit, so patience is necessary.
Remember, progress isn’t always linear. You might have setbacks, but each time you choose a new response, you’re strengthening those neural pathways. Viewing these setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities for learning and re nement is crucial.
“It was challenging at rst,” Lisa re ects, six months into her team’s transformation. “But now, our new approach feels second nature. Our customer satisfaction scores have never been higher.”
Understanding the science behind habits and implementing these strategies allows you to break free from old patterns and elevate your customer service to new heights. e result? Happier customers, more engaged employees, and a stronger bottom line.
The brain’s preference for familiar patterns can be both a blessing and a curse. Professionals often feel trapped in difficult-to-break cycles of behaviour.
Introducing JERZEES
Ultimate and Rugged Fleece Collection
News {Business Development}
How Personalization Can Boost Value Your for Customers & Your Bottom Line
By Adriano Aldini, Imprint Canada
Personalized apparel and promotional accessories is a growing trend that isn’t going away.
Personalization o ers immense potential, particularly as it aligns with sustainability goals and enhances the consumer experience; it’s about cra ing unique designs that provide added value, while creating end-products that resonate personally and emotionally with customers.
Connecting Through Customization
Customization has a unique ability to forge emotional connections, especially in the form of personalized items.
Whether it’s a custom T-shirt, hoodie, or accessory, these products help customers express themselves and capture memories. Personalized items tend to stay in use longer because people are more likely to form attachments to them, which means they’re less likely to discard these cherished pieces. is extended life cycle directly supports sustainable consumption.
With the staggering volume of clothing produced each year- over 100 billion garments worldwide - and a notable percentage going unsold, personalized apparel o ers a solution. By creating garments that customers genuinely love and want to hold onto, distributors and decorators can contribute to a sustainable model that focuses on quality and emotional connection over quantity.
The Gift of Personalization
When it comes to gi ing, personalized garments have a unique impact. Imagine receiving a scarf, beautifully mono-
items tend to stay in use longer because people form attachments to them, which means they’re less likely to discard them. This extended life cycle directly supports sustainable consumption.
grammed for you in a design and colour palette that feels unique to you. is kind of thoughtful customization stands out far more than an o -the-shelf item. e gi resonates on a personal level, making it memorable and valuable.
For businesses, this means a chance to distinguish themselves from mass-market options and appeal to consumers seeking unique, meaningful gi s.
Moreover, personalization can empower smaller businesses and designers to carve out a pro table niche in an industry traditionally dominated by big players. As consumers continue to seek out meaningful products over fast fashion, personalized products o er smaller brands the chance to build collections that speak directly to customers’ tastes and needs.
Standing Out from Fast Fashion
One of the biggest challenges in this eld is the price
competition with fast fashion. e lower prices of mass-produced items are di cult to compete with due to the scale and e ciency of large supply chains. But while personalization may not match fast fashion prices, it brings distinct advantages, particularly around sustainability and quality.
Consumers increasingly value the stories behind products. Personalized items are a direct response to this trend, o ering customers the chance to support products that prioritize quality and responsibility in the supply chain; these items cater to individual tastes, making them adaptable and desirable.
Di erentiating Between Personalized and Customized Products
In the promotional products world, “personalized” and “customized” are sometimes used interchangeably.
While both processes involve tailoring products to suit individual or corporate preferences, they vary signi cantly in terms of uniqueness and how much the customer is involved in the process.
Personalization typically involves adding individual details, such as a name or initials to a product that already exists. is approach allows businesses to create a meaningful connection with the end-user without requiring complex modi cations.
In the context of promotional products, personalization can make standard items, like mugs, T-shirts, notebooks, drinkware, or headwear explicitly personal, unique and memorable. is is particularly popular in print-ondemand scenarios, where items are produced in response to speci c orders with unique characteristics.
Customization, on the other hand, o en allows for a higher degree of involvement, where the customer can in uence broader aspects of the product’s design or function. With customization, the client has a more hands-on role in de ning the product’s nal look and feel, making it ideal for situations where brand identity needs to shine, such as corporate gi ing.
Personalization, Continued on Page 20
Personalization can make standard items, like mugs, T-shirts, notebooks, drinkware, or headwear very personal, unique and memorable.
To determine the best t for your promotional products business, consider these factors:
Understand Your Target Audience’s Preferences: Knowing your market is crucial. Who are your end users, and what types of products do they nd appealing? Conducting market research can provide insight into whether your audience values a more personal touch or seeks more control over product design.
Assess Product Types: Di erent products lend themselves to di erent degrees of modi cation. For example, promotional apparel might be well-suited to both personalization and customization.
On the other hand, items like notebooks or mugs may be more straightforward to personalize rather than customize due to their simpler structure.
Consider Business Goals and Resources: O ering customization can require greater investment in production equipment, technology, and materials. If your business is equipped with advanced tools or printing techniques, customization might be a feasible option that aligns with your goals.
Personalization on the other hand stills o er an pro table ways to create valued, meaningful products while keeping costs manageable.
Although personalization and customization are sometimes confused, the two serve di erent needs in the promotional products industry. Understanding when and how to leverage each option can help you better serve your customers, meet your business goals, and di erentiate yourself in a competitive market.
Looking Ahead: The Growth of Personalization
e future of personalized items is full of opportunity, with customization adding consumer value and encouraging sustainable practices.
Personalized products o er a path for distributors and decorators to cater to customers who require individuality. By focusing on intentional production and considering the garment’s life cycle, businesses can address issues of overproduction and waste while still maintaining a healthy profit margin.
As personalization demand continues to grow, companies that embrace this niche can promote strong customer loyalty and a unique position in our competitive landscape.
Why Surveys are a Secret Weapon in Guiding Clients Towards Impactful Choices
By Nate Colburn, Imprint Canada
Guiding your clients to the right promotional products can be challenging but it’s the critical way to strengthen your client relationships and enhance the value of their marketing e orts.
When you help a client choose products that resonate well with their target audience, it can feel like a seamless connection that communicates, “We understand you.” However, getting it wrong can mean wasted marketing budgets, lost opportunities for your clients’ engagement, and it could mean a loss of future business.
In a landscape lled with endless product options and ever-evolving trends, helping clients make the best selection can seem overwhelming. Surveys and direct feedback from the target audience o er a clear solution. Surprisingly, this direct approach is o en overlooked, though it provides insights that can signi cantly in uence purchasing decisions.
Why Choosing the Right Products Matters
As a distributor, educating clients on the impact of choosing the right promotional product helps ensure they see the return on their investment. Here’s why:
First Impressions Count: e right product enhances initial brand perception.
Brand Alignment: Ensures products align with the client’s brand identity and values.
Increased Engagement: Higher engagement rates lead
to more signi cant touchpoints with customers.
Improved ROI: Products that connect with the audience can boost conversion rates.
Competitive Advantage: Standing out with relevant, unique products.
Long-term Loyalty: Well-chosen items help foster lasting connections with recipients.
Steps for Creating E ective Surveys and Collecting Feedback
When advising clients on which promotional products will resonate most with their audience, surveys o er invaluable guidance.
Here’s a step-by-step approach on how to e ectively utilize surveys for feedback purposes:
1. Set an Objective: De ne what your client wants to learn - recipient preferences, brand alignment, or functionality.
2. Choose the Right Platform: Options like Google Forms, Survey Monkey, or even simple printed surveys make the feedback process accessible.
Surveys, continued on Page 22
Surveys help deliver clear communication and feedback which is critical for distributors to be able to guide clients to the right products.
3. Ask the Right Questions: Encourage concise, speci c questions to ensure clarity.
4. Test the Survey: Run a test to ensure it’s understandable and gathers the intended data.
5. Distribute Thoughtfully: Help clients choose distribution methods that maximize response rates, such as email campaigns or direct outreach at events.
6. Analyze and Act on Feedback: Look for actionable insights, such as recurring preferences or concerns.
Sample Questions to Guide Your Clients
Here are some tailored questions you can recommend to clients for gathering actionable feedback on promotional products:
• Preferred Product Types: “Which types of promotional products do you enjoy receiving most?” (i.e. Bags, bottles, tech accessories)”
• Interest in Themed Merchandise: “Would you like to see items that re ect speci c themes? If so, what themes?”
• Improvement Suggestions: “What improvements would you suggest for our promotional products?”
• Satisfaction Level: “How satis ed were you with the promotional products you’ve received in the past?”
• Brand Perception: “Did the products your received in uence your perception of your brand?”
• Priorities in Promotional Products: “What factors are most important to you?” (i.e. Appearance, practicality, ecofriendly, et cetra.)”
Tips and Best Practices for Client Surveys
Share these best practices with clients to help them maximize the e ectiveness of their surveys:
• Brevity is Key: Keep questions short and to the point to respect the recipient’s time.
• Visuals Add Value: Images can help illustrate options (e.g., colour choices, styles) and improve engagement.
• Clarity is Critical: Speci city ensures the client gets useful feedback.
• O er Incentives: A small reward, such as a discount or entry in a ra e, can encourage participation.
Using Surveys to Shape O erings
Lego recently utilized a survey to plan their upcoming merchandise range. e survey included questions like design preferences for shirts, how much they were willing to spend on products and what types of products they would like to see in the range.
For distributors, this is a valuable example of how gathering feedback not only helps make informed decisions but also builds excitement and anticipation around new product launches.
Encourage your clients to view surveys as a powerful tool in shaping their promotional product strategy. When they understand their audience’s preferences, they’re better positioned to make choices that resonate, boosting engagement, and maximizing ROI.
Surveys provide a unique competitive advantage by unlocking insights that elevate a promotional product strategy from good to great. Guide your clients to success in their next campaign, ensuring every promotional product choice is an impactful one.
Five Tips When Customer Interactions Wear You Down
By Jeff Mowatt
Sooner or later, unavoidable delays, errors and interruptions can make for challenging client and co-worker interactions. Here are several strategies I share in my seminars for making your job easier and your mood better. e bonus is your customers will love you for them. Fix rather than foist
If you view internal and external customers as interruptions, you’re going to be constantly frustrated. Ultimately, the purpose of everyone’s job is to serve customers and co-workers. at means when customers ask for something that’s not technically in your job description, instead of focusing on what you can’t do, focus on what you can.
Contrast saying to a customer, “You need to call another department,” versus, “I’ll call that department and see what I can nd out for you.” With the second approach, customers will be easier to deal with and you’ll likely have a better day. Ironically, trying to avoid customer requests, foisting them on to others makes your day harder and more draining that just nding a way to solve the problem.
Open as a Trouble-Shooter
Imagine you’re about to talk with a customer who is obviously unhappy. Starting the conversation by asking, “How are you?” invites the customer to start a rant, which sends the conversation in a downward spiral.
If it’s evident the customer is unhappy, asking them how they are indicates that we are blind to the obvious. at doesn’t exactly build trust.
When you suspect a customer may be frustrated, try asking, “What can I do to make your day a little easier?” at opening shows that you’re aware, and positions you as problem solver, paving the way to a better interaction.
Instead of: “I’ll deal with it.” Try: “I’ll take care of it.”
Instead of: “Bear with me.” Say: “I appreciate your patience.”
Instead of: “It won’t be here until Tuesday.” Try: “It will be here as soon as Tuesday.”
Get moving
You know that great feeling you have a er you workout? It’s more than a temporary endorphin high; it’s also the sense of well being and self esteem you generate by doing something that you know is good for you. So if your job involves a lot of stress and potential con icts, then I encourage you to exercise before you go to work.
Get up earlier and go to bed earlier. Being kind to customers and coworkers starts with being kind to yourself. You’ll not only have better outlook, you’ll also have the energy to face life’s daily challenges.
Bottom line: you may not have control over every foul-up or frustration that happens when you deal with customers and co-workers. Fortunately, you do have several tools to make work more pleasant for everyone, including yourself!.
The CHTM Essential Water Resistant Windbreaker
Built to tackle the elements without compromising on style, the J7700 delivers ultimate versatility. Made from 100% polyester with a PFAS-free water repellent finish, it’s perfect for indoor, outdoor, all-day wear. Breathable and customizable with a tear-away label and private branding location, this lightweight jacket offers creative functionality—all at an entry-level price point.
For more information, please visit www.sanmarcanada.com
Adult Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt
Canada Sportswear is showcasing its Adult Pullover Hooded Sweatshirt in intense colours (L00552). Made from 65% polyester, 35% cotton fleece, this style features 3-ply fleece, a self fabric lined hood with drawcord, rib knit cuff and hem with spandex, a kangaroo pocket and a tear away label. Available Colours include Intense Orange, Intense Pink, Intense Yellow, Intense Lime. For more information, please visit www.CanadaSportswear.com or contact 1-800-659-5174
Traditional Custom Ribbed Cuff Toque with Pom
DML Creation is introducing its stylish and on trend Custom Ribbed Cuff Toque with Knit-in design as part of its custom overseas program. Style DK71-OS is perfect for the coming Winter season. For more information, please visit www.dmlcreation.com
Pre-Decorated Elk Neon Wildlife Cap
KC Caps' new Pre-Decorated Elk Neon Wildlife Cap (Style #HT24) is designed for the modern outdoor enthusiast. This vibrant neon orange cap features stunning elk embroidery on the right side and a convenient velcro closure on the back for a secure fit. Crafted from 100% polyester, this cap offers a durable design including a sleek black under-brim detail that reduces glare from reflected light. Other wildlife animal themes are available in camo and mesh-back styles!
For more information, please visit www.kccaps.ca This
Jerzees Ultimate Fleece Collection
Experience unbeatable comfort and performance with JERZEES Ultimate™ Fleece. Crafted from 12.7 oz cotton-rich ring spun fleece, it offers warmth, breathability, and Dri-Power moisture-wicking technology to keep you dry. With high-stitch density, it's perfect for custom designs, blending style and functionality for everyday wear. For more information contact canadacustomerservice@fotlinc.com
Mid-Profile Cap With Flexfit technology!
Discover DML Creation's new I8533 cap featuring Flexfit technology. This mid-profile six panel structured cap features a shapeable precurved visor with contrasting silver undervisor. Detailing includes Poly/sport blend fabric with perforated sides & back, and a 110 Technology sweatband with adjustable plastic snap back. This cap delivers a stylish look, UV protection and moisture wicking properties. For more information, please visit www.dmlcreation.com
Classic Quarter Zip Sweatshirt
Made from a premium blend of 80% ring spun cotton and 20% polyester, this classic-fit sweatshirt from Gildan offers both warmth and durability. The 1/4 zip design adds a touch of versatility, making it perfect for any occasion. Whether you're lounging at home or out on a casual outing, the SF008 is your go-to choice for effortless style and comfortable wear.
For more details, please visit www.gildan.com/ca
Sofia Heavyweight Knit Tuque
Stay warm with the Sofia (FP636), an oval crown heavyweight knit tuque with cuff that provides a great fit and warmth while being suitable for a wide variety of decoration techniques. Made of 100% Acrylic, the inside FW woven label indicates the back of the style with the longer seam running from front to back and the shorter seams running from side to side. Available in four colours and one size fits most.
Contact Fersten Worldwide (800) 565-7462 or visit www.fersten.com
New Cutter & Buck Eco-Fleece Recycled Family
The iconic Peshastin Eco Fleece series is engineered for exceptional versatility, designed to be your favourite for your active life: golf, hiking, skiing, travel, workouts, work, recharging, or a night out. Innovative soft grid-back recycled fleece offers enhanced thermo-regulation and superior moisture wicking breathability. Versatile, soft grid, year-round performance fleece blended from high quality certified ecofriendly recycled polyester with spandex for stretch and warmth against the skin so you can do well for yourself and the planet.
For more details, please visit www.cbcoporate.ca
Mittens for Everyone
AJM is adding a new winter accessory. 0G500 is a traditional mitten, made in an acrylic rib knit. It has a turned down cuff which allows room for decoration / finishings, such as embroidery. From the popularity of the glove version in 0G001, AJM now offers 2 options to protect your hands and fingers from the cold. Both are available in black.
For more information, please contact AJM International at 1-800361-6256 or visit www.ajmintl.com
V-Street Full Zip Jacket
Introducing the V-Street Full Zip Jacket from Augusta Sportswear, a versatile and stylish addition to your wardrobe made with 100% polyester double-knit fabric for exceptional comfort and resilience. The V-Street Full Zip Jacket comes equipped with a convenient front zipper, ensuring a secure and adjustable fit for all your adventures. Set-in sleeves provide a sleek and polished look, while the functional front pockets offer space for your everyday essentials. Available in Adult, Youth & Ladies (Styles 223547/223647/223747). For details visit www.augustasportswear.ca your
Performance T-Shirt in New Intense Colours
Canada Sportswear introduces new intense colours for its Adult Performance Crewneck T-Shirt (S05935). Constructed from 100% polyester carbon peached interlock, this style features wicking, anti-bacterial and quick dry finishes. Made with unique cationic yarn and dye for easy printing. Detailing includes flat locked seams and taped back neck seam for added comfort, and a tear away label for total customization. Available in Intense Orange, Intense Pink, Intense Yellow, Intense Lime
For more information, please visit www.CanadaSportswear.com or contact 1-800659-5174
Graz Knit Mittens
Fersten Worldwide is offering the Olympic knit mittens with 2 X 2 rib cuff! The Graz (FP580) is made of 100% Acrylic Knit, offering warmth and comfort while being ideal for custom embroidery and knitted logos. Available in five colours and one size fits most.
Contact Fersten Worldwide (800) 565-7462 or visit www.fersten.com
Super Lux Plush Blanket
Strip Rib Knit / Flat Seam Toque
AJM introduces a new winter toque to its extensive line of winter headwear. 9H267M is a cuff toque made from an acrylic and sports an 8cm pom pom. Great features include a subtle 2-tone vertical colour contrast stripe rib knit, and sleek flat seams that provides a smooth, snug & comfortable fit. Available in 3 colourways: black/dark grey, charcoal/slate, navy/ dark grey.
For more information, please contact AJM International at 1-800-361-6256 or visit www.ajmintl.com
The ATCTM Earth WashTM Collection
Offers soft, vintage vibes with its 60/40 cotton/polyester blend. Made with zero product and water waste and OEKOTEX® Standard 100 certification, these eco-friendly tees feature nature-inspired colours. ClearPoly™ keeps the polyester undyed for effortless printing—no extra steps required. Stay tuned for more styles—the collection is growing! For more details, please visit www.sanmarcanada.com
Softstyle® Sweatpants
Gildan's Softstyle ® Sweatpants - Style SF100 - are made from a soft and supple 80% ring spun cotton / 20% polyester blend. These sweatpants feature a relaxed fit and convenient pockets for all-day ease. Available in a full size range and in a variety of great colours to suit any promotional campaign.
For more information, please visit www.gildan.com/ca
KC Caps’ Super-Lux Plush Blanket (Style #K2000) is the ultimate gift for the holiday season. Measuring at 50" x 60", this blanket is perfect for snuggling up on chilly nights or adding a cozy touch to any space. With seven stunning colours to choose from and each wrapped with a decorative ribbon, get your irresistibly soft touch blanket today. For more information, please visit www.kccaps.ca
Acrylic Knit Beanie
The Acrylic Knit Beanie from KC Caps (style #W1700C) is a versatile and stylish accessory perfect for any occasion. Available in 16 colours, this beanie adds a pop of personality to your wardrobe while keeping you warm and cozy. Measuring approximately 8.5" long, it offers a comfortable fit for all head sizes. Elevate your winter look with this must-have beanie that combines fashion and function effortlessly. For more information, please visit www.kccaps.ca
Stargard V-Neck Sweater
The Stargard (FW3008 Men’s / FW3005 Women’s) is a modern classic, sure to make a great impression. This fine gauge V-neck sweater is constructed from a blend of 60% Cotton and 40% Acrylic. Available in 4 colours in sizes XS-3XL for both men and women, this sweater is suitable for a wide variety of decoration techniques. Contact Fersten Worldwide (800) 565-7462 or visit www.fersten.com
New Toques For The Winter Season
Men's Elkridge Parka
Winter is coming! Get ready for the coming season with DML Creation's new line of toques. Style DK51 feature a 50% Viscose, 28% Nylon, 22% Polyester blended construction with 6 Seams for a comfortable and stylish fit. These toques are a length of 11.5" uncuffed. For more information, please visit www.dmlcreation.com
Jerzees Rugged Fleece
Discover exceptional durability and comfort with JERZEES Rugged™ Fleece. Made from 20 oz. cotton-rich heavyweight fabric, this fleece is built to endure tough conditions while providing warmth and breathability. Its smooth cotton-facing yarn makes it perfect for embroidery and customization. Embrace rugged versatility for any adventure or workday. For more information contact canadacustomerservice@fotlinc.com
The Elkridge Parka from Stormtech delivers the highest level of protection from the elements without the weight. Style TXO-1M features a Thermolex™ high loft synthetic down fill, PFC-Free DWR water repellent technology, and a fully insulated storm hood with a zip-off insulated face shield for extreme conditions. The Elkridge Parka is also built with 100% Recycled Polyester ripstop for a reduced environmental footprint. Available in Black, Midnight or Cypress, this Parka is available in a Ladies' version (TXO-1W)
For more de-tails, visit www.stormtechperformance. com
Adult Unisex Mid-Weight Crewneck Sweatshirt
Milltex is showcasing the comfortable and versatile Adult Unisex Mid-Weight Crewneck Sweatshirt. Style #903 is constructed from supple 3-END Brush Fleece and features double needle cover stitching, 1x1 rib with Spandex, and twill tape at neck for a clean finish. Available in sizes XS-3XL in a range of colours.
Visit www.milltex.ca for more information
Garment-Dyed Hooded Sweatshirt
The Comfort Colours Garment-Dyed Hooded Sweatshirt, style #1567 is constructed from a comfortable 80/20 ring-spun cotton / polyester blend. This stylish hoodie delivers lived-in feel, offering a relaxed fit with a jersey lined hood and colour matched flat drawcord, this garment is made with OEKO-TEX certified low-impact dyes. Detailing includes a back neck patch for easy customization, 1x1 rib cuffs and waistband, and a pouch pocket. Available in six great colours. For more details, please visit www.en-ca.ssactivewear.com
TM Essential Water Repellent Soft Shell
SanMar Canada is showcasing its CHTM Essential Water Repellent Soft Shell Jacket. Style# J7610 is the perfect to-and-from companion, effortlessly blending comfort and performance. Made from 100% polyester with mechanical stretch, it features a 20,000mm waterproof rating, keeping you dry, yet light and breathable to take you indoors. With a PFAS-free DWR treatment, great breathability, and inside-branding opportunity, this jacket is designed for the modern professional.
For more details, please visit www.sanmarcanada.com
Knit Cuff Toques, Now in Intense Colours
Canada Sportswear's Knit Cuff Toque in Intense Colours (#H08002) features a 100% Acrylic Roll Cuff Design with a 3" adjustable cuff. The stretchy premium weight construction delivers superior shape retention, and the tear away label allows for total customization. Available in Intense Orange, Intense Pink, Intense Yellow, Intense Lime
For more information, please visit www.CanadaSportswear.com or contact 1-800659-5174
Frisco Winter Jacket
The Frisco (FW3226 Men’s / FW3228 Women’s) is an Ultra Heavyweight performance jacket that will protect you from the most extreme weather. Made of 100% Polyester Oxford Twill with matching shearling lining with diamond quilted lining and 100% Polyester fill, this jacket features a tear away hood with hook and loop, a shearling mock neck, upper body lining and multiple pockets (including anti-RFID and media pockets). Available in Black and Graphite in sizes XS-4XL (men’s) and XS-3XL (women’s). The built-in embroidery system makes it perfect for a variety of decoration techniques. Contact Fersten Worldwide (800) 565-7462 or visit www.fersten.com
Men's Highland Plaid Shacket
The Highland Plaid Shacket (CSH-1M) offers a refreshing take on the traditional outdoor plaid shirt. This urban outdoor staple features a subtle blend of colours that work with every wardrobe, with button-down chest and hand warmer pockets. Made from responsibly sourced Cotton and Recycled Polyester certified by the Global Recycling Standard. Available in a coordinating Ladies' Style (CSH-1W).
For details, please visit www.stormtechperformance.com
Bishop 17 oz. Insulated Tumbler
Stay warm and cozy this winter with the sleek ‘Bishop’ 17oz Insulated Tumbler from DezineCorp (style PW06WHBK) in classic white with a black lid. Whether at home or on the go, this double-wall insulated tumbler ensures your favourite beverages stay hot or cold longer, while preventing condensation. The screw-on lid with a slide-close feature offers spill-resistant travel, making it the perfect companion for your winter commutes or cozy nights in. Made with BPA-free materials and crafted in North America, the Bishop tumbler is your winter hydration solution.
For more information, please contact DezineCorp at (866) 625-7820 or visit www.dezinecorp.com
Hydro Flask® Travel Bottle
The 32 oz. Hydro Flask ® Travel Bottle with Flex Straw Cap (style 1601-82) features Hydro Flask’s leakproof Flex Straw Cap and a cup holder-friendly design. Drinks stay cold for 24 hours, and the Flex Straw Cap makes it easy to sip while keeping your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. Designed for seamless cup holder cohabitation, it’s right at home on the open road. Flex Straw Cap not intended for use with hot liquids. Hand wash only. For more details, please visit www.pcna.com
Road Warrior Computer Pack
The digital age demands dynamic solutions, and the Road Warrior Computer Pack (CMT-3) is precisely that. Clean lines combine with versatility to deliver a design that allows you to effortlessly transform from an over-the-shoulder-attaché to a backpack as you move through city centres and deal-cutting business lounges. All the while, your laptop is held securely in a suspended sleeve. Adaptability is the name of the game. Visit www.stormtechperformance.com for more details
Big Swig Sr.
Spector & Co. is showcasing the Big Swig Sr., a 1240 mL / 42 oz double wall vacuum insulated stainless steel bottle made with pro-grade stainless steel. Style DW325 features a durable powder coated finish, providing a modern look and extra grip. With a generous capacity and carry handle, this bottle is ideal for long hikes, days at the office, or staying hydrated at the gym. The leak-proof, screw-on cap with spout keeps drinks contained.
For more information, please visit www.spectorandco.com
New Jumbo Tumbler
DezineCorp is thrilled to introduce the Jumbo Tumbler 20oz (style T6700CL) - your new holiday must-have! Made from the nearly indestructible Tritan® by Eastman material, this tumbler looks like glass but can handle all the holiday chaos without a scratch. Whether you’re sipping eggnog by the fireplace or rocking around the Christmas tree, it’s built to last through every clink and cheer. BPA-free, FDA-approved, and still crystal-clear after hundreds of washes, this tumbler is ready to bring some cheer to your holiday season—break-free and full of spirit!
For more information, please contact DezineCorp at (866) 6257820 or visit www.dezinecorp.com.
Eco-Friendly Sustainable Mug
Ditch the disposable cups and switch to this eco-friendly mug from ADG Promo Canada. This sustainable mug can help you reduce your carbon footprint. It’s the perfect gift for your eco-conscious friends: a ceramic mug with a cork bottom and removable lid. Great for Earth Day events, special giveaways and client meetings. The removable cork bottom protects surfaces from heat and scratches. Details include a black push-on, splash proof lid with a silicone gasket and a slide action closure, Interior and exterior matching colour, and a comfortable Grip Handle. For details, visit www.adgpromo.ca
Soft PVC Key Chain
DML Creation is offering its Soft PVC Key Chains (SK-C). With a Standard thickness of 4mm, these Key Chains are a great promo option for any campaign and include a 25mm split ring and feature a 2D design on 1 side.
For more information, please visit dmlcreation.com
Ballpoint Pen / Stylus
Spector&Co is showcasing the Lindsay Ballpoint Pen /Stylus. Style I153 features a rubberized aluminum barrel which offers the option of a clean laser engraved surface, or a colourful backdrop for your message in four colour print. With the low lead refill and rubber stylus, this pen is sure to be a favourite.
For more information, please visit www.spectorandco.com
Mini Non-Woven Cooler / Lunch Bag
Magnus Pen is showcasing its Mini NonWoven Cooler/Lunch Bag (#BG-021). This 3-sided top zipper cooler/lunch bag features a white handle and thermal lining. This bag holds 6 x 355 ml cans and offers an overall dimension of: 7 3/4” W x 6 1/2” H x 5 1/2” D.
For more information please visit www.magnuspen.com
Sublimated Polyester Phone Loops
DML Creation is showcasing its Sublimated Ninja Phone Loop. Item #NS-C is made from 100% Polyester and features dimensions of 300mm L x 12mm W. Customize these unique Phone Loops with your brand or logo.
For more details, please visit www.dmlcreation.com
Natural Cotton Lightweight Apron
Magnus Pen is showcasing its Natural Cotton Chef’s Style Apron (CA-002). This washable apron is constructed from lightweight cotton with a self-material waist, spice pocket and neck ties.
For more details please visit www.magnuspen.com
Transfers Designed Specifically For
All Types of Caps & Hats
Emblemtek introduces UltraTranz™ Headwear Transfers, designed for caps and hats using eco-friendly, waterbased inks and adhesives. These transfers prevent cracking or warping over seams, lying flat on various materials such as cotton, poly-cotton, polyester, and mesh. Engineered with direct-tofilm (DTF) and screen-print techniques, they deliver vibrant, high-resolution designs with photo-realistic, vintage, and embroidered-look elements. The transfers apply in under 15 seconds, providing durable, flexible, and long-lasting designs without cracking or peeling, making them ideal for all types of headwear. For more details, please visit www.emblemtek.com
Print Your Legacy
The 24-inch Epson SureColor ® P7000 and 44-inch SureColor P9000 printers are designed for proofing and photographic applications, they incorporate the latest imaging technologies – including an exotic Epson PrecisionCore TFP ® print head, along with the unique Epson UltraChrome ® HDX ten-colour pigmented ink set. With advanced media handling options from cut sheet to roll, from plain papers to photographic, fine art, and even 1.5 mm thick poster boards, the new Epson SureColor P-Series continues to redefine the state of the art in wide format photographic imaging applications. For details, please visit www.gospicers.ca
xTool Desktop Laser Engravers and Cutters
xTool laser engravers and cutters are a cuttingedge premium desktop solution designed for precision and versatility. With multiple models available at RB Digital, they offer dual 16MP smart cameras, allowing flawless engraving on curved surfaces and batch engraving on multiple objects. Also, with a powerful 55W laser and advanced safety features, xTool efficiently handles a wide range of materials, providing creators with exceptional detail and convenience. Visit www.rbdigital.ca for more information
Sulky Rayon Embroidery Thread
Sulky thread is one of the most well known, premium rayon embroidery threads. 100% of the fibres, production and winding come directly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Get durability, brilliant lustre and high tensile strength, which makes this an ideal choice for high-speed embroidery machines.
For more information, please visit www.gunold.ca
Reliable Two-Head Embroidery Machine
The BEKT-S1502CII is a 2-head machine designed with a smaller footprint. The KT 2-head features an open, bridge-style chassis, the 17.5" x 14.75" sewing area provides an efficient use of space in a sturdy, compact multi-head frame. The KT 2-head will deliver superior stitch quality, productivity, and reliability. Visit www.barudanamerica.com for details
Durkee EZ Frames
Durable DTF Transfer Film
Versatrans is showcasing its Full Colour Fusion transfers which will last the life of the garment. Back it with Versatrans' specially formulated plastisol ink, the transparent polyester film features a matte release coating and the art is backed with white plastisol ink, eliminating bleed-through from the garment and increasing durability.
For more details visit www.versatranz.com
New Premium Embroidery Backing / Stabilizer
Try RB Digital’s NEW premium embroidery backing/ stabilizer. Now available in precut sheets, rolls, cutaway and tearaway, it is specifically designed to deliver superior support and stability for all your embroidery projects. This high-quality backing ensures clean, precise stitching while preventing fabric puckering and distortion, making it an essential addition to your embroidery toolkit.
Visit www.rbdigital.ca for more information
Gunold is showcasing its Durkee EZ Frames, available for Multi Needle Commercial Embroidery Machines. These frames have great stability due to their thickness and strength, you can easily embroider at 1,000 stitches per minute. The frames are constructed with 3/16" anodized aluminum to provide years of consistent, uninterrupted performance. For use with all EZ Frames, Filmoplast™, Gunold's self adhesive, non-woven backing available in Rolls and Die Cuts.
For more information, please visit www.gunold.ca
Direct To FIlm Printer & Shaker
The new 18” DTF printer and shaker makes for easy transition from DTG printing. If shop floor space is limited, the foot print of the 18” DTF printer and shaker requires less area than our larger 24” model. Plus you can print 16”x20” DTF transfers to match your DTG output. All Value-Rite industrial DTF printers and shakers come with 1 full year warranty with onsite service across Canada.
For details, contact Valuerite.com 1-800-242-8069, info@valuerite.com
Rite-Media Laminator
Spicers Canada is showcasing the RiteMedia Heat Assist Laminator, now available in both 55 inch and 65 inch widths. With cutting edge features such as lightning speed, high-grade rollers, rear remote and slitters, these laminators feature high-grade silicone roller for consistent lamination, rear slitters for inline print separation, integrated rear material rewinder, and much more! These laminators come fully assembled, just roll and go!