Looking Back, Moving Forward
Employee Recognition Research
1,366 Panel
May 2023
First, there was the Great Resignation… Then there was Quiet Quitting…
But what does a post-pandemic workforce look like now? Our 2023 research on employee recognition sheds light on what some are calling “The Big Stay”.
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We surveyed over 1,300 employees across the U.S. to learn about their experiences in the workplace. From recognition programs to interaction trends, our data shows there’s been a noticeable shift toward more positive workplace environments. However, there’s a cultural disconnect between peers and management, with a growing gap in performance between companies with a positive culture and those with a negative culture. In the face of uncertainty, now is the time to invest in your people through tangible recognition.
3 Employee Recognition Research 2023
Don’t let that terminology fool you, though—what truly keeps employees boils down to how you treat them, which in turn influences company culture. So, if you find yourself Googling “how to boost employee retention,” read on!
The state of the (workplace) union
How did we get here?
The post-COVID world seems to have led leaders down a new path as more people are reporting a positive culture and having received more recognition than before. The next wave of workforce trends is here— great resignation, quiet quitting, and the
Do you work remotely or in an office?
19% 42% Remote In an office
39% Flexible; remote and in office
What are your work preferences?
32% Want to work remotely 21% Want to work in an office
47% I want to work flexibly; in office and remotely (hybrid)
newest buzzword “The Big Stay” is now being launched with unemployment at a record low. But we want to support “the great reinvigoration” to show support to employees over the long-haul.
of survey respondents think they have a positive company culture.
Key takeaway:
Even though more people report a positive culture, 27% do not have a positive company culture. Better company culture and appreciation rank in the top five reasons employees would leave.
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31% are either neutral or don’t feel valued at work
Why would you consider leaving your job?
Better pay
Better benefits
Better company culture
I want to work remotely
To feel appreciated
Competitors offer better recognition
To be more connected to team
5 Employee Recognition Research 2023 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
The Importance of Company Culture
Nearly everyone knows about the buzzword “company culture” but what does it mean when it comes to keeping employees loyal to your company and what results might come from additional support?
What makes a good company culture?
their hard work
6 InComm
2 | Recognizing employess for
1 | Work & life balance
Key takeaway:
Company culture is a top reason why employees leave.
What could be the results of a positive company culture?
What could be the results of a positive company culture?
Positive attitude at work
Having good work/life balance
Feeling inspired to work harder
Planning to stay at a company longer
More participation at work
Referring friends
7 Employee Recognition Research 2023
3 | Rewarding employees (cash, gift cards, bonuses)
4 | Investments in employees (education, training, promotions from within, etc.)
5 | Free snacks/drinks
6 | Promotes health & wellness campaigns (team workouts, free gym memberships)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
No Employee Left Behind
17% of surveyed employees:
Receive only negative comments at work, or no feedback at all. This includes a lack of recognition for doing a good job, and little to no interaction from their bosses.
Key takeaway:
How will employees go above and beyond if they do not know if they are doing well at baselevel? Nearly 1/5 of employees do not receive any type of feedback or recognition over an entire calendar year.
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How do you think your work success is measured most by your bosses?
Work output (hitting goals)
Professional growth (Increased workload, continued education, continued training)
Visually seeing you (I show up to work)
How do your bosses recognize you at work?
Non-monetary (thank you notes, acknowledgment of hard work one-on-one or during meetings)
Increased revenues (the company made more money)
How do your bosses recognize you at work?
Both monetary and non-monetary
17% My bosses do not recognize me
14% With monetary items (like bonuses, gifts, gift cards)
9 Employee Recognition Research 2023
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
35% 34% 17% 14%
The Disconnect
While peer-to-peer recognition is taking place, there seems to be a disconnect between executives and management recognizing their employees. That disconnect becomes more apparent as managers don’t have access to see how workers are recognizing each other for their hard work.
Another disconnect is shown when looking at communication trends: 13% of employees have bosses that interact most with them outside of working hours.
For doing a good job
61% Employee evaluations
46% Personal life events (birthdays, weddings, having a child)
41% During meetings
28% Holidays
Key takeaway:
Peers are recognizing each other more than managers are.
10 InComm InCentives
are you recognized?
If your company had a recognition platform to easily let coworkers know you appreciate them, how often would you use it?
The majority of employees are recognizing their peers at least once a month, while 55% recognize their colleagues at least once a week.
11 Employee Recognition Research 2023
Once a month 30% Once a week 30% More than once a week 22% Never 9% Once a year 9%
30% 30% 22% 9% 9%
How often would you use a recognition platform?
The Big Shift
Key takeaway: Visa® Gift Cards and other monetary recognition are the most-desired rewards.
Our employees are our best assets, and you want them in top working order. Create an employee recognition program to start recognizing and rewarding your employees to ensure everyone feels seen and supported.
How would you want to be recognized for your work?
Physical Gift Cards
Digital Gift Cards
A thank you (email, in meetings, etc.)
Most Wanted
If recognized with a gift card, which would you prefer?
61% Visa® Gift Card
28% Branded Gift Card (Starbucks, Walmart, Target, etc.)
11% American Express® Gift Card
Less Wanted
Gift Card Preferences 61%
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The Great Reinvigoration
Engage: Invest in your current workforce. 17% of workers receive only negative feedback or no feedback at all through an entire calendar year!
InComm InCentives offers different solutions to help your company create a culture of positivity. Through our Employee Recognition Platforms, you can reward team members with monetary and non-monetary rewards, which can lead to lower employee burnout, lower turnover rates, and help you lower costs by investing in your current workforce.
Recognize: Tell your employees you see the hard work and appreciate their contributions. 31% of employees don’t feel valued by employers because their work output goes unnoticed.
Reward: Start a rewards and recognition program. 80% of employees want to be recognized with a monetary reward, but 20% would be happy with a thank you note!
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The gap between positive and negative employee experiences is growing, and now is the time to reinvigorate your staff.
Survey conducted May 17, 2023 for adults ages 18-60, with an even 50/50 split between men and women. Survey respondents spanned full-time employees across the United States.
InComm InCentives
250 Williams St. NW | Atlanta, GA 30303
Learn more at: solutions.incommincentives.com