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Mosque As Religious Tourism Spot

As a part of religious tourism revitalization program, Jami’ Al Mansur Mosque facilities shall be developed to meet a certain standard. New programs were proposed to be added to, including museum, multipurpose room, library and classroom.


Community Mosque Development

Surrounded by housing area, this mosque has been a place where people gather not only to pray but also to meet each other and share religious knowledge. The mosque has become a community place within the neighborhood. It has become a part of local community. Therefore, future revitalization design shall accomodate the mosque function as community place.

Heritage Building Values


Propose to strengthen Jami’ Al Mansur Mosque’s potentials a community mosque while preserving its heritage elements.

Habluminannas and Habluminallah Values

Design Approach

Heritage Building Values

To revitalize Jami’ Al Mansur Mosque, Bagan attempted to emphasize heritage building’s values that the mosque already had, such as aesthetic and symbolism. The mosque has been rich with architectural elements from various culture, including Javanese, Chinese, Betawi, even Middle East. Each of elements are shown in below. A (Javanese); b (Middle East); c (Chinese); and d (Betawi).


As a community mosque, Jami’ Al Mansur Mosque shall be designed to accomodate not only praying activity, but also social activity as supported by classroom, multipurpose room, and open plaza. Therefore, the relationship between human and human (habluminannas) will always be nurtured as well as the relationship between Allah and human (habluminallah).

Design Approach Open Plaza

Based on the statement from mosque committee board, area beside the middle part where Soko Guru located was new parts of the bulding. Therefore, the place work at proposed to replace that area with an open plaza so that the main roof (tumpang tiga roof) would be more visible.

Soko Guru

Based on the statement from mosque committee board, the scale of Soko Guru area was taller dan grander back in the time. This revitalization shall bring back the grandeur of Soko Guru by digging up the soil back to its original level.

Entrance Concept

Referring to literature study, the mosque has a very similiar typology to traditional mosque from Central Java. The place work at proposed to relive the entrance from East side of Jami’ Al Mansur Mosque just like the mosques in Central Java area. New entrance shall also be located at the north side of the site to accomodate local residents near the mosque.

Second Floor To Accomodate New Programs

Since new programs shall need new spaces, the building part beside the main mosque bulding (Soko Guru area) was designed to be two-leveled building. New programs such as multipurpose room, museum, classes, library, and committee room shall be placed at the second floor.


The revitalization plan proposed to emphasize the position of sacred graveyard by making the graveyard area more open and designing an accesible pathway from the main street.

Concept Of Mosque Level

Based on local community’s experience, flood has happened in that area when rainy season. In order to prevent flood coming in to mosque area again, outdoor plaza with higher level than before was designed around the mosque, as can be seen from the section.

Beside the outdoor plaza, important leveling concept is the Soko Guru floor level. To bring back its greatness, the floor under Soko Guru was proposed to be dug up to its initial level.

Respect The Heritage Elements

that made in this project

Space Around The Heritage Element

We proposed to make space around the main heritage roof in order to make the main building easier to “breathe”. This act will also highlight the main heritage building value by separating it a little from the addition building parts.

New Building As Background

New building that will surround the tumpang tiga roof was designed to be a background. Consequently, the facade of new building which could be seen from the main street will only consist of simple geometry.

Emphasize The Historical Elements

The revitalization plan proposed to emphasize main elements, such as tumpang tiga roof, sacred graveyard, and the existing tower, by making them more visible from the main road. The using of glass as railing material was also part of the plan to make the graveyard area visible.

Historical elements such as doors and windows shall be kept and used for the new design. Some doors and windows that were already broken shall be remade exactly the same as the old ones.

3d Images

Some 3D images of exterior area (left images) and interior area (upper images)

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