Tasmanian Independent Retailers
The Prestigious Sam Richardson Perpetual Award In 2006, the Sam Richardson Perpetual Award was established to recognise the highest commitment to the independent grocery sector, community, and of course, their customers. This award also acknowledges their longevity in the industry and reflects their contribution to the essential values of all independent grocers. The Sam Richardson Perpetual Award for 2022 was awarded to:
The Walker Family of IGA Xpress Flinders Island. When you have a main street and a scenic lookout named after your family’s name, you know that you are part of the fabric of that location… for the Walkers, this is Flinders Island.
The Early Days The Walker journey on Flinders Island dates all the way back to 1900’s, when Harold Jeff Walker took up the land immediately adjacent to the spot (the white mark) where people from the outlying areas came to cut wood and where Harold built the first store in conjunction with his house, selling everything from boots to mining suppliers to groceries. Around 1912-13, Harold Walker built a larger new general store on the corner of Robert and Walker Streets. He also became the Postmaster, and the Post Office was established in this building. During this period also, the morse code radio station was built at Settlement Point. It was for the transmission of morse code messages, and the people mga.asn.au | Aug 2022 | Edition 4
of Flinders Island were permitted to send telegrams for two shillings for 16 words and a penny halfpenny for each additional word. It was during this early period when Harold was Postmaster, the name White Mark was joined together to make Whitemark. When sending a telegram, the name and address of the sender had to be included, and by making Whitemark one word, it only cost a penny halfpenny instead of threepence. Harold died suddenly, aged 40, leaving his wife with six children under 17. The farm, shop and other businesses were sold.
Fast forward a Generation Harold’s eldest son, Leedham Charles Walker (Senior) saw a lot of changes in his 90 plus years. Early one morning as a youngster, Leedham Senior of North East River galloped into the yard at Whitemark on a large white horse. Leedham’s father, Harold Walker had just recently issued the first ever written accounts on Flinders, from his shop in Whitemark. Mr Smith was very angry and offended. Shaking the document, he said “Walker, I always know what I owed and don’t need to be told: especially on paper.” He would not dismount for a cup of tea and headed straight back to North East River.
Leedham Senior was originally a builder and when times were hard during the depression, he opened another shop, selling timber and building products, and eventually other items including groceries. This shop was located just outside the township. Leedham Senior was very progressive over his 90 years and was instrumental in establishing many services on the Island, from shipping to airlines to bus services. So much so, that in 1996, Leedham Senior was recognised in the Queens Australia Birthday honours roll and subsequently awarded an OAM for services to the community of Flinders Island, particularly in the establishment of a shipping service, and to local government, retailing and the building industry. Leedham Senior and his wife, Thelma brought up 4 children and after leaving the island for school and work, the two eldest, Kenneth and Leedham John came back to help out in the business in the early 1960’s. From here, the eldest sons helped build a new supermarket in the heart of the township of Whitemark with groceries on one side of the building and a garage and fuel services on the other side. In the 1980’s, Kenneth decided to exit the business and sold to Leedham and