Multinational Romanian oil giant Rompetrol has worked hard to gain its reputation for being ‘dynamic and innovative’ in a challenging industry. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to commercial director for Rompetrol’s petrochemical division, Mrs Dana Viju to see how this has been achieved.
TO DEMAND 98 Industry Europe
he global frustrations of 2008 and 2009 were certainly felt by multinational Romanian oil company Rompetrol, but the company expects a positive experience during the following years due to its investment programme and improved products and services, alongside the support of Kazakhstan National Oil Company, the majority shareholder since 2007. With both downstream activities and upstream related services, the Rompetrol Group is truly a global company. Its headquarters are located in Amsterdam, operating in 12 countries and with the majority of its assets and operations based in Romania, France, Spain and south-east Europe. The group is active primarily in refining, marketing and trading, with addi-