Engineering thermoplastics compounder Teknor Apex is bringing its solutions-based broad material offerings to worldwide customers. Emma-Jane Batey spoke to Strategic Marketing Director Automotive, Ger Vroomen, to find out more.
rivately held, family-owned engineering thermoplastics compounder of advanced polymer materials Teknor Apex was founded in Rhode Island, USA in 1924. With eight production sites across America as well as facilities in the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, Singapore and China, the company has steadily built its reputation as a solutionsfocused custom compounder for a wide range of international customers.
160 Industry Europe
Respected as a diversified material science company that offers complementary techniques to serve a common market, Teknor Apex’s family-owned status ensures that it is able to work closely with customers on their long term goals. Strategic Marketing Director Automotive, Ger Vroomen, told Industry Europe, “Anyone can sell compounded products. What we do is listen to our customers’ specific needs and develop solutions that
are backed up by our extensive application development. The support we provide starts right from the initial development of the product up to the point of commercialisation, which means we build up a mutually-reliable, trusting relationship that benefits us all.” The family-owned status also allowed Teknor Apex to continue to perform well throughout the global recession, thanks to not needing to please shareholders and being